HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-93 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR ~ MEETING HELD July 6, 1993 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers and invited Pastor Larry Roberts, Ocoee Church of Christ to lead in the prayer and Commander Tommie Sanders, American Legion Post Number 109 to lead in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Recreation Director Beech, Police Chief Boyd, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Vandergrift read a Proclamation proclaiming Water and Pollution Control Operators Week-August 16-20 in the City of Ocoee. '-' March of Dimes Walkathon Report and Awards. City Clerk Jean Grafton, Chairman ofthe West Orange March of Dimes for 1992-93, reported a total of $8,670 in contributions to the Walkathon held in April. In lieu of matching funds for Team Ocoee, Mrs. Grafton had requested the Commissioners to challenge each other and the top challengers in the competition between the Commission districts resulted in Commissioner Woodson's District 4 edging out Commissioner Combs' District 3 by a very narrow margin of $5.84. District 4 collected $1,220.50 and District 3 $1,214.66. The penalty: The loser, (Kiwanian Combs) must wear the winner's, (Lion Woodson) Lions Club Vest to his next Kiwanis meeting. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Mayor Vandergrift read a letter of appreciation to Mrs. Grafton for her service as a special ambassador for the City of Ocoee in her capacity as chairman for the West Orange March of Dimes and other endeavors. Mayor Vandergrift noted that he had received a report on the status of the settlement negotiations between Ocoee and Orange County from City Attorney Rosenthal advising that the Orange County Commission had voted to extend an additional sixty (60) day abatement to the annexation and zoning litigation. Mayor Vandergrift announced that St. Johns River Water Management District has placed Phase I moderate water restrictions for this area. "-" Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-" July 6, 1993 Mayor Vandergrift read a letter of appreciation for Recreation Director Jim Beech for his service to the City and entire area for his accomplishments in putting together the Big Orange Games. Mayor Vandergrift read a memorandum from City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira noting that Robert Holland, Utilities Superintendent, and Chuck Shultz, PEC, are responsible for the article in the Florida Specifier featuring the City of Ocoee's wastewater treatment plant expansion. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. Commissioner Combs asked for further information on item C. City Manager Shapiro explained that, upon review of the Hackney- Prairie Road plans, the County had determined that sidewalks and closed drainage should be added. The resulting redesign directed by the City and the need to consider the inclusion of the construction of Hackney-Prairie Road to the Silvestri development brought about a delay that Burnden Park had no control over and for that reason he felt the extension should be granted. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the City has any sewer/water capacity tied up in this and the response was negative. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to approve and accept the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. '-" A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Re~lar Commission Meetin~ of June 15. 1993. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Addendum No. 3 to the Contract with Professional Ena:ineerin~ Consultants to prepare the Master Reuse Plan for a not-to-exceed fee of $13.856.30. Acceptance and Approval of Additional 1 year Extension of Burnden Park Subdivision. B. C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Tommie Sanders, 96 Deer Key Court, Commander American Legion Post 109, said his post has been trying to find a meeting place for thirty years and has been unsuccessful for various reasons, and he listed the houses they have used that are no longer available to them. Mr. Sanders said he had asked several Commissioners about having one of the old City buildings moved for their meetings. Mr. Sanders said they need someone to donate property or a house for them to use. Commissioner Woodson advised that the City is required to put the building up for bid and the purchaser must guarantee that they will move it and must also have a place to put it. Commissioner Johnson said that Junior Crawford has a building available but that the American Legion needs to find a lot to put it on, and he suggested that the organization hold fund raisers to get the money to accomplish this. ~ 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-' July 6, 1993 PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE NO. 93-11, RELATING TO CASE NO.I-4AR-93:HOLZWORTH, ANNEXATION. This Ordinance was presented by title for second reading and public hearing. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the revised legal descriptions in Exhibit A presented to replace the legal descriptions already attached to both the annexation and the zoning ordinances were necessary because of a debate over the location of Silver Star Road. The issue was resolved and the Ordinance was readvertised. Mayor Vandergrift pointed out that in the survey of the property there appeared to be a gap between the parcel and the road. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Foster. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 93-11 with the substituted Exhibit A as proposed by the attorney. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye. " Commissioner Foster "aYe." Commissioner Johnson "aye." Commissioner Woodson "aye." and Mayor Vandergrift "aYe." Motion carried 5-0. '-" ORDINANCE NO. 93-12, RELATING TO CASE NO. 1-4AR-93:HOLZWORTH, REZONING TO C-1. This Ordinance was presented by title for the second reading and public hearing. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that the same explanation for Exhibit A to be substituted in the previous Ordinance affects this Ordinance as well. The public hearing was opened. Mayor Vandergrift asked if this parcel was to be used for a doctor's office. Mrs. Pat Bond said that is not germane and should not be discussed at this time as there is a contract pending on the parcel. City Manager Shapiro explained that this is a request to zone C-l, Neighborhood Commercial District which would allow professional offices as well as convenience stores without gas pumps. As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Foster. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 93-12 with the substituted Exhibit A as proposed by the attorney. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye. " Commissioner Foster "aYe." Commissioner Johnson "aye." Commissioner Woodson "aYe." and Mayor Vandergrift "aYe." Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 93-05, RELATING TO LEASE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE 1250 FIRE PUMPER. The Resolution was presented by title and City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that this item was previously approved by Commission and that this Resolution is necessary to qualify for the tax exempt status for the Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement from Liberty National Bank. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to adopt Resolution No. 93-05 as presented. Motion carried 5-0. '-' 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting ~ July 6, 1993 LEASING CAR FOR CITY MANAGER. Administrative Services Director Beamer explained that the paperwork has been completed on this purchase which was approved at mid-year and requested approval of the purchase through Bid 92-001 at cost of $12,783 from Don Reid Ford. Mayor Vandergrift asked if it was necessary to purchase a police interceptor for the City Manager. City Manager Shapiro advised that this vehicle is purchased at state contract without special equipment and it is cheaper to make the purchase in this manner. The Resolution was presented by title. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Resolution No. 93-06. approving a suuulemental amendment to Eauiument Lease/Purchase A!!reement with Ford Motor Credit Comuanv and to authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute necessary documents from Ford Motor Credit Comuanv. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no. \...r RESOLUTION NO. 93-07 , RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH ORANGE COUNTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000. City Manager Shapiro explained that this $25,000 has been awarded to begin the park at Pioneer Key Park I. Commissioner Foster congratulated City Manager and Staff for their effort toward this end. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to adopt Resolution No. 93-07. relating to the Community Development Block Grant Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Orange County in the amount of $25.000 and to authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute necessary documents. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE DRAINAGE EASEMENT AT AUTO AUCTION. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira explained that Florida Auto Auction had purchased a parcel and needed to relocate a major drainage ditch on the parcel in order to move vehicles about easily. The relocation has been completed and they have applied for a vacation of the easement within which the original ditch lay. The vacation petition was being held by staff until the Auto Auction provided an easement over the relocated ditch. Staff recommended acceptance of the Drainage Easement and requested authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute in the name of the City. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to approve staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES. SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD JULY 20,1993 AT 7:30 P.M. Ordinance No. 93-13, relating to Designation of Districts for Recent Annexations (1992 and 1993 to date). This Ordinance was presented by title for the first reading and the time and place for the second reading/public hearing were announced. Mayor Vandergrift asked if these annexations were at risk due to the litigation. City Attorney Rosenthal responded that if any of these parcels are ~ 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-' July 6, 1993 subsequently removed from the City as part of the settlement, it would necessitate a deannexation ordinance, but that at this time they are in the City and it is necessary that the parcels be designated as in a district prior to the election. Mayor Vandergrift asked that a map be provided before the next meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 93-14, RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF CITY ELECTIONS. This Ordinance was presented by title for the first reading. The time and place for the second reading/public hearing were announced. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS. Code Enforcement Board - David Rich's 3 year term expires August 1993. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to appoint Mark Slaby to serve a 3 year term to the Code Enforcement Board. Motion carried 5-0. The appointment of a citizen to serve the remainder of Mr. Slaby's unexpired term as alternate member will be considered at the July 20 meeting. '--' DISCUSSION AND SCHEDULING OF BUDGET WORKSHOPS. City Manager Shapiro asked that a proposed schedule be approved for the budget workshops on August 18, 19 and 25,1993. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to accept the proposed schedule of August 18. 19 and 25 for the budget workshops. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift asked if Commission wished to have TV coverage for the workshops and consensus was not to have TV coverage. STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports at this time. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Johnson: 1) Referring to item on the agenda regarding Effluent Reuse Master Plan, said that he wants reusable water used around town first before it is made available to anyone else. 2) Said that the Code Enforcement process does not seem to be working as well as it should as there are many violations around town that continue to exist. Mayor Vandergrift asked for a report on the effectiveness of the new code. 3) Noted that one developer, Arvida, has started putting Ocoee on their ads and he encouraged others to do the same. He expressed disappointment with Health Central as they seem to avoid the use of Ocoee in their advertising. '-" 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-' July 6, 1993 Commissioner Foster: 1) Congratulated Staff on the $25,000 grant application. 2) Moved. seconded bv Commissioner Combs. to authorize staff to issue a strongly worded letter to members of Metropolitan Planning Organization in opposition to the Central Connector. Motion carried 5-0. 3) Listed his qualifications for re-election as Commissioner for District 2. Commissioner Combs: 1) Said that he had been advised by City Manager that Clarke Road will be cleaned up Wednesday, July 7. 2) Said that he will provide City Manager with a list of needs for Pioneer Key Park II on Wednesday. 3) In response to City Manager's statement regarding the backlog of work for Code Enforcement, said that he was sure that the volunteer boards would meet more often if needed to get the job done. 4) Talked about the freedom celebrated on July 4 and said he had asked the Public Works Department to be sure the lakefront was cleaned up for the holiday. 5) Announced the Kiwanis regular breakfast meeting at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday at Colony Plaza and he invited Commissioner Woodson to attend. (And bring his Lions Club vest). ~ Commissioner Woodson: 1) Directed that flowers or other suitable memorial be sent to The Honorable Charlie Scott, Mayor of Belle Isle, at the loss of his wife. 2) Asked when the change over would be accomplished tying in older homes with backyard meters to the water lines in front of the homes instead. 3) Talked about the drainage problem where homes are next to the lakes, and mentioned 404 E. Lakeshore Drive specifically. Said he wants a task force to clean up Starke Lake. 5) Commissioner Johnson said there should be a neighborhood task force to keep each other from putting yard clippings, etc. into the lake and to practice other good habits for lakeside homes without retention ponds. Suggested that the Sleepy Harbour Homeowners' Association put out a newsletter to inform their membership. City Mana~er Shapiro noted that the maior portion of the pollution is coming from the homes up on the hill and that there is a need to form a retention process or underground drain process. Said that the improved drainage on Kimball is good but needs to go on a little further. City Manaa:er Shapiro said this is a public works proiect rather than engineering. Asked for status report on the Sawmill striping. Administrative Services Director Beamer advised that 2 quotes are in and she will review them on Wednesday. 4) '-'" 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-" July 6, 1993 6) Asked for status report on the Sawmill dumpster. Citv Manaa:er Shapiro advised that to date the homeowners have not agreed to man the dumpster. 7) Announced free compost is available Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at the County landfills and he advised citizens to call ahead to verify availability. '-' Mayor V ander~rift: 1) Asked when the sidewalks/roads bids will go in. Sidewalks on Wednesday and Road bids will be opened this month. 2) Asked when the City salvage auction will be held. Soon. 3) Asked when the Police Department guns will be delivered. Administrative Services Director Beamer advised they are on order but delivery date is uncertain. 4) Said that on July 4th several citizens met with him at Starke Lake dock area and helped with his cleanup project, and he distributed pictures of swimmers bringing up objects that had been thrown into the lake. He explained that the purpose of the Mayor's Lakefront Task Force was to incorporate the thinking of many people to figure out how to increase the quality of the water and the condition of the lake in general. City Mana~er Shapiro pointed out that the no swimming sign was placed at the lake for a reason and that all employees and officials should make every effort to enforce it. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see a sign put up asking users to leave the lake cleaner than they found it, and he advised that there are state grants available for projects to improve the quality of the lake and permits are available to remove the undesirable plants. He said he would schedule some work days for such projects. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. A APPROVED City of Ocoee , r-- - .4 [){Ucfi s. Scott Vandergrift, M 0 '-" 7