HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-20-93 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR ~ MEETING HELD July 20, 1993 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers and led in the prayer. Mrs. Hilda Ems led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, Planning Director Behrens, Building and Zoning Official Flippen, Public Works Director Brenner and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Vandergrift presented a Certificate of Appreciation to James Mobley for donating seven gallons of blood to the Central Florida Blood Bank. His contributions have helped to maintain a high level of available units in the City's Blood Bank account for employees and their families to use when the need arises. \..r CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and D. Item D had been pulled at the request of the applicant and Commissioner Woodson pulled item C for discussion to confirm for the record that the developer (for Silver Glen, Phase II, Village I) would include a fence and wall on the north end of the property. Planning Director Behrens said the developer has agreed to provide a wall, a fence and a "T" turn around. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the City could buy a lot to increase access to the park. He said the adjacent homeowner was unhappy with the current access. Commissioner Johnson said the dissatisfied homeowner bought the lot with the park already there. City Manager Shapiro said that staff could get a price for the lot should Commission wish to discuss this during the budget workshops. The Mayor asked that it be included in the budget workshop agenda. Mayor Vandergrift pointed out an error in the Minutes relating to the Community Development Block Grant Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Orange County in the amount of $25,000. City Manger Shapiro responded that the agreement and resolution were correct, but that his memo had been wrong. The grant was for housing rather than a park. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve and accept the consent agenda as presented less item D. Motion carried 5-0. B. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission Meetin~ of July 6. 1993. Approval and Authorization to transfer $1.400 each from both Water and Wastewater Reserve for Contin~ency Accounts to Water and Wastewater Computer A. ~ Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-' July 20, 1993 Equipment/Software Account to Fund the Purchase of a Replacement Desktop Computer for the GIS Operator. C. Approval and Acceptance of Silver Glen. Phase II. Villal:e I - Final Subdivision Plans. D. Approval and Acceptance of Plantation Grove P.U.D. (Single Family Portion - Cross Creek) Final Subdivision Plans (Pizzuti). THIS ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE AGENDA BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE MEETING. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mayor Vandergrift announced that the Police Department has set up a Philip Clayton Chandler Trust Account for the son of Detective Jim Chandler. Philip was abducted and is in critical condition in a local hospital. Donations may be made to any Central Florida Barnett Bank. ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS HUDSON COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN Planning Director Behrens read the staff report and advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff recommended approval. He referred to the staff report submitted by Janet Resnik, Development Administrator, Concurrency Management and stated that there are no concurrency issues at this time. Mr. Hudson said he now has a two lot subdivision with a "T" type turn around. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan of the Hudson Commercial Subdivision. Motion carried 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 93-13, RELATING TO DESIGNATION OF DISTRICTS FOR RECENT ANNEXATIONS (1992 and 1993 to date). This ordinance was presented by title for the second reading and public hearing. The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 93-13. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aYe." Commissioner Foster "aye." Commissioner Johnson "aYe." Commissioner Woodson "aye." and Mayor Vandergrift "aye." Motion carried 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 93-14, RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF CITY ELECTIONS. City Attorney Rosenthal presented this Ordinance by title and explained that in previous years the Commission had annually adopted an ordinance setting forth certain election procedures and that this Ordinance codifies those procedures and also includes any applicable provisions of state law. The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Ordinance No. '-' 2 ~ Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 20, 1993 93-14. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aYe." Commissioner Foster "aye'" Commissioner Johnson "aYe." Commissioner Woodson "aye." and Mayor Vandergrift "aye. " Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS BID AWARD - CITY HALL/POLICE DEPARTMENT. Administrative Services Director Beamer directed attention toward the documents distributed just prior to the meeting which summarized the status of the bid award materials, and advised that the water/wastewater distribution permits are in hand. Ms. Beamer said also that FDOT had reviewed the City's applications but then misplaced them and that replacements were en route to them. As stated in the staff report the three apparent low bidders were: 1) Huber Design & Construction Company, Inc., 2) RHS Construction Company Inc., and 3) A.D. Arnold Construction Company. Ms. Beamer advised that an estimate had been made on the amount of grout that was used to repair a fracture of the old city hall in the middle 1980's and bidders had been requested to include a per unit amount for any grout removed over the estimated amount. ~ Ms. Beamer said that C.T. Hsu reviewed the bids and the architect's recommendation to award bid to Huber Design Construction Company, Inc. is included in the packet provided along with Huber's references. Ms. Beamer said also for the record that she has no substantial problems with Huber's bid; and, based upon their correspondence with her, that Huber has included the items specified in the bid in their schedule of values. It was recommended that Add-Alternates Nos. 2 (Cupola) and 3(Rooms P129 and P130) (totaling an additional $6,815) be included in the original orders. Ms. Beamer added that capital charges for the ERU's to connect to the sewer system would have to be paid as well in order to satisfy the requirements of the City's bond covenants. Staff recommends the award to Huber Design & Construction Company, Inc. for $1,677,266 plus Add Alternates 2 ($3,725) and 3 ($3,082) for completion of work within 180 calendar days after the Notice to Proceed. Commissioner Foster asked about Alternate 1 (Dormers) as he feels it is necessary to add something to break up the monotony in the roof and City Manager Shapiro advised that the majority wished to add the cupola, but that the dormers could be added later if funds were available. \.. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-" July 20, 1993 Commissioner Combs asked who PEC appointed as the soils engineer and why they could not give a more complete answer regarding the amount of muck to be removed. Ms. Beamer advised that L.J. Nodarse & Associates had been appointed and Leila Nodarse was present to answer questions. Ms. Nodarse said that they have given a conservative estimate of the amount of muck and that to do any other way would be a disservice to the City. Ms. Nodarse said they would be present full time to inspect the excavation work and survey the final elevation of the excavation to determine the base starting point and monitor the fill placement. Mayor Vandergrift asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak either for or against the award and there was no response from the audience. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to award the construction bid for the City of Ocoee Municipal Complex as recommended by staff to Huber Design & Construction Company. Inc. for $1.677.266 plus Add Alternates 2 ($3.725) and 3 ($3.082) for completion of work within 180 calendar days after the Notice to Proceed and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all necessarv documents as included in bid package. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Combs commended Ms. Beamer and staff for a fine job. Following a discussion regarding the palette, Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to accept the palette as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0. '-" APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SOILS ANALYSIS CONTRACT DURING CONSTRUCTION. Mayor Vandergrift asked if there were other bids for this item and he was advised that PEC had used L.J. Nodarse & Associates to give the soils analysis and it was wise for liability purposes to stay with the same company. Commissioner Combs asked why it would take 16 hours to inspect the steel. As there was no satisfactory answer given, City Manager Shapiro suggested that the motion include a provision for a review of the number of hours for steel inspection. Commissioner Foster. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to approve the Construction Materials Testing Services for City Hall/Police Department with L.J. Nodarse & Associates. Inc. in the amount of $11.343 subiect to review and possible correction to the number of hours required for steel inspection and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. Motion carried 5-0. RECESS 8:40 - 8:50 P.M. FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM - FISCAL YEARS 1994-1998. City Manager Shapiro explained that the 5 Year Capital Improvements Program is just a plan reflecting the department head's projection of the needs for his/her department noting the priorities and this list has been reviewed by the City Manager and the Planning and Zoning '-" 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting '-" July 20, 1993 Commission. As this is a grading exercise, this review does not automatically place the items in the budget. The review was completed with few comments and the only change was on page 53 to change White Road Extension to Orlando A venue Extension. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to approve the 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 1994-1998 as presented with the one change noted above. Motion carried 5-0. QUARTERLY REPORT - THIRD QUARTER 1993. Administrative Services Director Beamer advised that all the explanation regarding revenues vs expenditures was in the staff report and has been presented for discussion. Commissioner Woodson asked for the rest of the report on the garage and confirmed that the striping at Sawmill is scheduled for next week. There was no further discussion in this item. FY 1993-94 BUDGET. SET TENTATIVE MILLAGE. City Manager Shapiro advised that the balanced budget is very close to completion and that it will be possible to provide good service with 4 mills. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to approve staff recommendation of 4 mills for the proposed millage rate for Fiscal Year 1993-94 for the purpose of advising the Property Appraiser. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no. '-" SET BUDGET HEARING DATES. Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to set the following dates for the reouired budget public hearings: September 13. 1993 for Tentative Millage and Budget Hearing and September 27. 1993 for the Final Millage and Budget Hearing with both meetings to begin at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT AWARD AGREEMENT FOR WITHERS- MAGUIRE HOUSE RESTORATION PROJECT GRANT TO REMOVE EXISTING ROOF AND RE-ROOF WITH WOOD SHINGLES, REPAIR ELECTRICAL SERVICE, AND INSTALL SECURITY SYSTEM. Administrative Services Director Beamer presented the staff report and recommended approval of the Historic Preservation Grant Award Agreement as well as authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents. Mavor Vanden!rift. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to approve staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift suggested finding donors to donate for the rooms as he would like to speed up the process and have the building ready for use. ~ 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting ~ July 20, 1993 APPROVAL OF EMPLOYEE CONTRACT - RUSS WAGNER; AND AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER $12,500 FROM CONTINGENCY TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-515-3128, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - OTHER. City Manager Shapiro explained that there are two major jobs in the Planning Department which must be finished in the next 90 days and that Mr. Wagner is available to work on a temporary basis to complete the project. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to approve the employee contract with Mr. Russ Wagner and authorize the transfer of $12.500 from Contingency to the Planning Department Account Number 001-515- 3128. Professional Services-Other. Motion carried 5-0. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - Mark Slaby was moved to regular seat - Need someone to complete his term as alternate which expires 1995. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to table this item until the next meeting. Motion carried 5-0. \w- PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - Gerald Weeks: 3 year term expires August 1993. As Mr. Weeks had requested that he not be reappointed, Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to appoint Louis Landefeld to fill Mr. Weeks' position on this Commission. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A TWO-YEAR EXTENSION FOR THE EXISTING COMMERCIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH IWS, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 16, 1993. City Manager Shapiro explained that there is a provision in the contract with IWS that the contract may be extended for an additional two years commencing with the expiration of the initial three year term, but that should either party wish to not extend the contract they shall provide written notice of such intent to the other party no later than ninety days before the termination date of the franchise. Public Works Director Brenner has been pleased with the service provided by IWS and recommends the extension. City Attorney Rosenthal explained the details of such extension, noting that this was designed to save the cost of going out for RFP's if the service has proved to be satisfactory. Mr. George Geletko, 399 Cypress Points Drive, Melbourne, spoke representing Waste Management, and after distributing a comparison sheet showing their rates vs other companies he asked for an opportunity to RFP for this service. Mr. Doug Wilson, 1704 Ison Lane, spoke in favor of not renewing the contract with IWS and he compared the price provided for Maitland with the price here. ~ 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting ~ July 20, 1993 Public Works Director Brenner advised that in Mr. Geletko' s comparison sheet there are differences in several areas that cause the comparison to be not valid, as the factors used are not equal. City Manager Shapiro said that every city has differences, and he requested time to review the material presented and see what the market area offers. Mr. Charles Wilson, General Manager, IWS, said that Mr. Doug Wilson is comparing apples with oranges when he compares the Maitland service area with Ocoee, as Maitland is compact, and the City pays him with one check so he has no billing or bad debts, nor does he have any of the costs associated with those things. City Attorney Rosenthal advised the proper wording of the motion so that the contract will not be violated. '-" Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to give IWS. Inc. a notice of intent to terminate its contract for commercial garbage collection pursuant to the provisions of such contract and agenda the matter for further consideration at the August 3. 1993 City Commission Meeting specifically reserving the right to revoke the notice of intent to terminate and to grant the two year extension of the contract pursuant to the terms thereof. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro expressed his appreciation to Commission, staff and neighbors for the instant concern and help extended to himself and his family during the recent burning of his vehicle and garage. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Each member of the commission expressed concern and requested prayers for Jim Chandler's family in this time of distress. Commissioner Woodson: Sidewalks on Bluford Av. and Orlando Av. need to be edged. Commissioner Combs: Noted that Mayor Vandergrift did not make the top 10 in Radio Station 105.7' s Famous Person contest. Commissioner Foster: No comment at this time. Commissioner Johnson: Pointed out that he has been trying for three years to get some help for the drainage problem on Kimball. '-' 7 Ocoee City Commission Regular l\1eeting '-" July 20, 1993 Mayor Vander~ift: In light of the recent headlines, he reminded all citizens to be careful, ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee ?:co~~gg~J '-" ~ 8