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'-" MEETING HELD August 3, 1993
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to
order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner Woodson led in the prayer
and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum
declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and Woodson.
Also present were Acting City Manager Beamer, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Behrens, Building and
Zoning Official Flippen, Public Works Director Brenner, and City Clerk Grafton.
ABSENT: City Manager Shapiro
There were no scheduled presentations or proclamations. However, Mayor Vandergrift read into
the record a letter from United Arts Workplace Giving Volunteer Chairman Dianna Morgan
expressing appreciation for his efforts for United Arts, and a letter from West Orange Chamber
of Commerce President Dan Petro, thanking him for a contribution to their expansion and
renovation project. (See attached).
\.... Chief Boyd reported that Philip Chandler's condition is slightly improved.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if item D should have been put out to bid. Acting City Manager
Beamer advised that going to bid would have been more costly and that items of over $10,000
were required to go out to bid, over $3,000 and up to $10,000 required a written quote, and
items up to $3,000, a verbal quote.
Commissioner Foster. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to approve the consent
agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Rel:ular Commission Meetin~ of July
20. 1993.
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Contract with
Oran~e County School Board for School Resource Officers for 1993-94 School
C. Approval and Acceptance of Florida Department of Corrections and the City
of Ocoee Community Labor A~reement for Lake Correctional Institution to
Provide Prison Labor.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ August 3, 1993
D. Approval and Authorization to Purchase a 1988 Chevrolet from DJ's Auto Sales
to serve as City Pool Car Using $2.000 from Contin~ency Fund and $3.066
from the Insurance Claim on City Manal:er's Burned Vehicle.
E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Albertson's
Shoppin~ Center Ri~ht-of-Way Transfer.
F. Approval and Acceptance of Lot Split Aa:reement: West Oran~e Industrial
Park (Arthur).
G. Approval of Extension of Time for Preliminary Subdivision Plans for
Plantation Grove PUD (Sin~le Family - Pizzuti).
H. Approval and Authorization for Three Temporary Full Time Laborers in the
Parks. Parkways. Trees and Draina~e Department with Expenditure of
$1.900.00 from accounts #001-541-1200 and #001-541-2100.
Mr. Jim Gleason, 856 Hammocks Drive, reported on the July 28 meeting of the Citizens
Advisory Committee of the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study, advising that the $7. 5M
which was designated for the Western Beltway has been re-designated with $1.9M to cover a
contract to accommodate the purchase of 16 acres for the Central Connector to the airport and
$5.6M to Seminole County to complete a six mile stretch of the Beltway. Mr. Gleason strongly
urged that a letter be sent to Governor Chiles requesting that the whole process surrounding the
1990 hardship purchase of the 16 acres by PDB Corporation be investigated, and he indicated
further that stronger representation is needed for West Orange County to hold onto future
allocations. Commissioner Combs reported that this subject was discussed at the July 22nd
West Orange Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting with area legislators and they are looking
into it. He suggested sending a letter from the Commission expressing concern. Mayor
Vandergrift and Commissioner Woodson reported that they had attended an MPO meeting
where members discussed moving money from the Central Connector to Seminole County.
Acting City Manager Beamer said that before the MPO meeting occurred the Commission had
discussed this issue at its last meeting and City Manager Shapiro had already sent a letter. After
further discussion, Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to send
the MPO a letter from the Mayor and Commissioners asking them to return the money to the
Western Beltway as opposed to sending it to Seminole County and to send the Governor a letter
asking for an investigation into the land purchase done by FDOT. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked about seeking federal funds for the
Western Beltway. He said other major cities have interstate roads around them while Orlando
has toll roads. Mayor Vandergrift responded that no federal or state road funds were available
for roads according to a deputy under-secretary in the Clinton administration and the Executive
Director of the E- W Expressway. Commissioner Combs said any available money was for
design only.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
-..... August 3, 1993
Mr. Mohnacky questioned the need for an Economic Coordinator to promote the City and
expressed concern about "deals being cut" which might jeopardize the tax base. Commissioner
Combs advised that impact fees are in place to make new growth pay its way.
Mr. Rob McKey, 110 Wineberry Court, asked if Ocoee City Commissioners attended County
Commission meetings, and if not, urged them to attend. He asked what is being done to keep
our City abreast and aware of all that is happening. Commissioner Johnson responded that he
was unable to attend daytime meetings and would never agree to daytime meetings for the Ocoee
Commission because it would be difficult for citizens to attend them. In further discussion
Commissioners assured Mr. McKey that they communicate with Commissioner Freeman and
other elected officials both individually and in various organizations and meetings. Planning
Director Behrens explained that he has been representing Ocoee on the Transportation Technical
Advisory Committee to the MPO for five years. This year in that committee our representatives
have won in a clash with Orlando by a 12-8 vote to extend the urban area out to Ocoee, enabling
Ocoee to be eligible for federal funding. Mr. Behrens assured Mr. McKey that Ocoee does
have a vote and a voice and it is relayed through the Commission, City Manager Shapiro,
Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer Shira, and through Mr. Behrens to the
Advisory Committee. In addition, Mr. Gleason serves on the Citizens' Advisory Committee and
Commissioner Foster serves on the Planning Council (East Central Florida Regional Planning
Mr. David Bishins, 628 North Lakeview Avenue, Winter Garden, said that he was trying to
open a laundromat in the Food Lion shopping center at the corner of Bluford and Silver Star
Road. He said that when he had first called City Hall several weeks ago he was led to believe
that all impact fees had been paid by the developer of the shopping center, but in the last week
he was quoted impact fees ranging up to $249,000, down to $10,000 and back up to $214,000.
He said his plans call for a first class, clean, well-attended, air-conditioned operation, using
equipment that is up to date and environmentally friendly. Mr. Bishins said that the use of this
equipment will save water (using 31.5 gallons per cycle instead of 50 to 60 gallons per cycle as
in some older equipment). He asked for reduced impact fees as he will not be increasing the
usage of water, just redirecting it, as he believes that most of his business will be from Ocoee
residents rather than out of town citizens. He distributed a laundromat survey and asked the
Commission to work with him.
Acting City Manager Beamer explained that water and sewer capital charges were established
by City ordinance. For a commercial establishment such as a laundromat, the capital charge
(i.e. impact fee) is a set amount per fixture. Ms. Beamer noted that other ways to determine
usage would be:
1) to provide evidence of prior experience (as in the case of the residents added to sewer
who were formerly served by M & M Utility, where the records were readily available).
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ August 3, 1993
2) to provide evidence from a similar establishment (as in the case of Albertson's, where
stores of the same size with the same fixtures could show actual consumption).
A way to modify what is charged has been provided, but, absent data showing true consumption,
the calculation must be based upon fixtures.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if there are any calculations available on current laundromats in town
that would be close in proximity to what we are talking about. Ms. Beamer said those accounts
have been reviewed and they are very high users.
In response to Mayor Vandergrift's question about the basis for the impact fee, City Engineer
Shira said that Ocoee's impact fee for a laundromat is essentially the same (within a thousandth
of a point) as Orange County and Seminole County and probably several other communities in
this general area. The fee is based on historical usage and studies that have been done on
fixtures. The laundromat is 1.3333 ERU's per machine and that is because, while Mr. Bishins
is correct that his machines are water efficient, a home unit is used about 10 times per week and
he found the two laundromats with whom he checked were doing upwards of 10 and 12 loads
per day per machine. The dramatic difference in usage between a laundromat machine and
home machine is the reason the commercial impact fee is set at 1.3 times the home rate. Mr.
Shira said the key issue is that the ordinance provides a method by which the total impact fee
can be changed upward or downward, and he cited two ways to go about it: (1) The impact
fee (capital charge) can be paid and after a year (or some period of time certain) the actual
operating data can be reviewed and an adjustment made, if warranted, based on that information.
Or (2) Information from a similar establishment can be provided as Ms. Beamer alluded in the
Albertson's example. Mr. Shira noted that another establishment, a tire store, provided 12
months worth of water bills from a similar establishment in another part of the county. The
bills, floor sizes, etc. were compared and the conclusion was that Ocoee's fee in that instance
was higher than what it should be and an adjustment was made. However, the ordinance does
not give the latitude to assume the future and adjust the fee today based on that assumption.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if information from water usage by the local laundromats could be
used to calculate a rate at this point so that he could open and charge him down the road if it
doesn't work out that way. Mr. Shira responded that the problem he saw with that was that
if it doesn't work out down the road then perhaps his business has not worked out. If he is not
there it is going to be hard to collect the extra that we should have collected up front. Ms.
Beamer added that the burden of proof in this type of situation must be on the applicant not on
the City. In terms of consumption, it should not be assumed that the figures used for the City's
two existing establishments would be anywhere comparable to what he is saying because that in
effect creates an argument. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the water use record of the other
laundromats would be open to Mr. Bishins, and Ms. Beamer replied that it would be necessary
to get a release from the customers. Commissioner Foster asked if the City should enter into
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
-.... August 3, 1993
an agreement pertammg to other laundromats and some kind of agreement with the
understanding that at the end of a one year trial period water meter records will be reviewed and
an adjustment made on that basis. Ms. Beamer said that it would have to be an agreement
whereby monies were paid up front for the full amount because the figures were based on ERU's
which were drawn from both water and sewer and include calculation for improvement. Rate
payers do not pay that improvement. In response to Commissioner Foster's question, Ms.
Beamer and Mr. Shira confirmed that if at the end of one year the meter readings indicate that
his consumption is less than we have calculated there is a provision for reimbursement of these
impact fees. Mayor Vandergrift advised Mr. Bishins to check with someone he knows in the
business to research their records on water usage to obtain valid data. Commissioner Woodson
said that the other laundromats in the City had paid impact fees and Ms. Beamer confirmed that
one of the other laundromats had paid this impact fee just last year because it had been an
M & M Utility customer.
City Attorney Rosenthal stated that the City Code is very clear, and if Commission desires to
do anything that deviates from the Code, the Code would have to be amended. He was not
certain that City Code would allow taking into account basically shifting businesses or shifting
uses. To calculate impact fees on a basis of another business losing business would be to risk
opening a pandora's box. Mr. Rosenthal said that the Code provides that the applicant submits
the proposal to the City Engineer, the City Engineer makes evaluations, if the applicant
disagrees with the decision of the City Engineer, then there are various appeal procedures and
the Code does provide the option of paying up front and then making an adjustment up or down
after one year if the applicant chooses. Mayor Vandergrift said that the Commission could not
do much about the problem without adopting an ordinance. And Commissioner Foster said that
Commission does not have much flexibility as the Code is very specific as there is a provision
for reimbursement at the end of a year. He said, as staff has indicated, up front money must
be paid up front and technically there is nothing the Commission can do. Commissioner
Woodson said that the City's ERU's were set up in order to pay the bond issue. Mayor
Vandergrift disagreed with Mr. Bishins' contention that his business would not increase usage
to our system, and in concluding the discussion asked Mr. Bishins to come back and talk to the
City Engineer.
Mr. Larry Matheny, 20 Cedar Key Court, Pioneer Key Park I, reported that Cedar Key Lane
is flooded every time it rains and the water comes up to his front door. The street in front of
his house has a hole 16 inches across and 7 inches deep and the street has sunk 8 inches.
Mr. Matheny said that asphalt repairs by the City last about a month. He asked if there were
some way to solve the sewer system problem in the Trailer Park. Ms. Beamer explained that,
although there was a time when it was truly a sewer problem, this is a storm water drainage
issue, as it is now connected now to the wastewater treatment facility. Mr. Matheny mentioned
the $3.00 monthly storm water charge, and Commissioner Johnson said that many citizens had
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' August 3, 1993
the misconception that the $3.00 fees could rectify a million dollar drainage problem.
Commissioner Johnson asked staff to check on Mr. Matheny's problem and especially the
drainage ditch behind the park. Ms. Beamer said that David Hamstra of PEC had reviewed the
northwest ditch. He had walked it, had taken aerials, and could see where conveyances had
been built in and sheds had been put over some of them so it is impossible to carry the water
out. Some possible improvements have been put together and the search is on for funds to
implement them. The drainage problem exists throughout the entire park, and improvements
must be made for the entire system, not just one area. Ms. Beamer said that the entire area
will be reviewed again and Mr. Matheny will be contacted. Mr. Matheny said that he had
offered before and would again offer to lay the pipe if the City would provide the pipe, parts,
and manhole cover.
RECESS 8:45 P.M. - 8:55 P.M.
Acting City Manager Beamer reviewed Public Works Director Brenner's staff report dated July
29, 1993 clarifying the issues raised at the July 20th meeting. In the last meeting Mayor
Vandergrift had asked about the cost of going out for bid and Ms. Beamer gave a rough
estimate of between $4000 and $5000 for this franchise, as the cost of an RFP depends upon its
complexity. Public Works Director Brenner again recommended extension of the IWS contract
as they are performing according to the contract and are providing quality service.
Following Commissioner Johnson's statement that his brother works for IWS in Daytona
Beach, City Attorney Rosenthal commented that a brother is not considered a relative under
Florida statutes for purposes of determining voting conflict and therefore Commissioner Johnson
is required to vote under Florida law.
In response to Mayor Vandergrift's questions about revenue from the franchise, Ms. Beamer
responded that the monthly payments varied and had been as low as $3,976.28 and confirmed
that the recent rate increase would increase revenues by 20%. In response to the Mayor's
questions about including recyclables in the agreement, Ms. Beamer explained that, based upon
the new state law, only multi-family could be included in the agreement, as it does not permit
including recyclables in the franchise agreement. Attorney Rosenthal explained that later in the
year some amendments to the Code to incorporate some of these new revisions would probably
be presented to the City Commission, but basically recyclables for property zoned commercial
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ August 3, 1993
and industrial within the City are not subject to municipal franchises under the new legislation.
The legislation does allow the City to require that commercial businesses separate at the source
recyclable and non-recyclable materials. Ms. Beamer said that the representatives of all the
cities and counties with whom she had spoken are trying to determine, based upon the March,
1993 adoption of this legislation, just what the impact will be.
Acting City Manager Beamer added that the DRC review process for a large commercial site
plan now includes questions about plans for recycling and placement of the special container.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the City audits service complaints. Public Works Director
Brenner read into the record a July 23, 1993 letter from Mr. Nathan Dykgraff, of Orange Tree
Plaza, Dykgraff Inc., Orange Tree Cinema, and said letter is on file in the IWS file in the City
Clerk's office: "I, the undersigned presently doing business in the City of Ocoee, would like
to see the City exercise its option to put up the commercial waste removal service contract for
bid at this time. It would be in my best interest to see what savings are being offered presently
as price is very important to these times." (Mr. Brenner said he understood that this is a form
type letter circulated by Mr. Doug Wilson with the Jennings Environmental Group.) The letter
mentioned no problem with service. Mr. Brenner said he had not heard the complaints of poor
service which have been alleged. In response to a question from the Mayor regarding whether
random calls are made to determine customer satisfaction, and also whether financial audits were
conducted, Mr. Brenner responded that the few complaints that had been received had been
handled satisfactorily and Ms. Beamer confirmed that a financial audit was conducted at the end
of last year.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the floor to comments from the audience and announced that citizens
who wished to speak would be allowed 5 minutes each with a 1 minute rebuttal time.
Mr. Doug Wilson, 1704 Ison Lane, representing Jennings Environmental Services, Inc.,
distributed some papers to Commission, and said that he had heard staff say that the City of
Ocoee should not be compared to the City of Maitland as that would be comparing apples to
oranges as the City of Maitland absorbs the cost of the billing (along with some other
differences). Mr. Wilson noted that when a company is asking for a rate change, they will cite
increased land fill rates and labor costs and the difference between the rate offered Ocoee and
Maitland is between 100% and 265% difference. Mr. Wilson called attention to the fact that
the agreement between the City and IWS includes a 90 day clause for giving notice of non-
renewal of the agreement and it appeared on the agenda 89 days from the expiration date.
Mr. Wilson objected to the manner in which the choice was made for staff recommendation and
said that he had conducted a survey of his own asking if the customer believed that there would
be a better chance for a better rate if the matter went out to bid and he was pleased with the
response. Mayor Vandergrift advised Mr. Wilson that his time was up and Mr. Wilson
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' August 3, 1993
closed his remarks saying that today's market offers better rates, along with equal and
competitive service, and that this issue should go out to bid.
Commissioner Combs said he had met with Mr. Wilson for lunch and had looked at the
documents used in Mr. Wilson's survey, and he found that the signatures on Mr. Wilson's
survey were also listed as satisfied customers with IWS. Mr. Wilson said that the point he was
making was that there is a better rate available than the one provided by IWS.
Commissioner Woodson said that he had gone to lunch with Mr. Wilson also but had cautioned
him in the beginning that he could not discuss garbage service at all.
Ms. Beamer advised that the list provided does not include the actual rates to be charged the
City of Maitland as the rates for commercial customers have not yet been determined.
Mayor Vandergrift, saying he was confused by all the references to cubic yards, tons, and
recycling, asked if a standardized bid with specifications had been put out originally, and he
was advised that it had been done.
Mr. Doug Wilson was given one more minute and he spoke about recycling.
City Attorney Rosenthal said that the City can only franchise for solid waste, not recycling.
Commissioner Foster. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to approve the two year
extension of the existing commercial garbage collection franchise agreement with IWS per staff
recommendation. revoking the Notice of Intent to Terminate authorized at the July 20 City
Commission meeting. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aYe." Commissioner Foster
"aYe." Commissioner Johnson "no." Commissioner Woodson "aye." and Mayor Vandergrift
"no." Motion carried 3-2.
RECESS 9:50 P.M. TO 9:55 P.M.
Acting City Manager Beamer read the Budget Message into the record (see attached) and said
that comments will be reserved for the budget workshops already scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on
August 18, 19 and 25 (if needed). Ms. Beamer noted two corrections: 1) the title should
be corrected to read Fiscal Year 93\94 instead of Fiscal Year 92\93; and 2) on page 2 the City
Clerk's additional person should be listed as a clerk-steno rather than secretary. Ms. Beamer
advised that the budget packet had been delivered to Commission on July 26, in compliance with
the Charter requirement for the City Manager to deliver the Budget Message by August 1.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-" August 3, 1993
CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD -(A citizen is needed to complete Mark Slaby's term as
alternate which expires October 1995 as Mr. Slaby was moved to regular seat.)
Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to table this item as
Commission had determined previously not to appoint one person to more than one board.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mickey Shiver and Harold Switzer's 3 year terms expire September 1993.
Commissioner Woodson. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to reappoint Mr. Harold
Switzer to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission for a new three year term. Motion
carried 5-0.
Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Woodson. moved to appoint Mr. Ralph
Jones to serve a three year term on the Planning and Zoning Commission to replace Mr. Mickey
Shiver. who had asked not to be reappointed. Motion carried 5-0.
A citizen is needed to complete Mr. Lou Landefeld's term as alternate which expires February
1996 on the Planning and Zoning Commission as he was moved to regular seat.
Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to table this item until a later
date. Motion carried 5-0.
This Ordinance was presented by title for the first reading, and the date\time for the second
reading and public hearing were announced. Mayor Vandergrift raised a question regarding
control over the use of the easement and Acting City Manager Beamer said that, given some
more information, she would research the issue.
This Ordinance was presented by title for the first reading, and the date\time for the second
reading and public hearing were announced.
STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Johnson: No comments at this time.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ August 3, 1993
Commissioner Foster:
1) Said he was told the difference in the cost of power lines above ground vs below ground
was $IM vs $330,000 and he wants underground if possible.
2) Noted that PEC Profiles features articles re: Ocoee sewer system and Clarke Road.
Commissioner Combs: No comments at this time.
Commissioner Woodson: Said the marks made on Orlando Avenue anticipating repair are
gone but the broken sidewalks are still there.
Mayor Vander~ift:
1) Noted that speed humps are being installed in Winter Park as speed control devices and
he asked that this be considered for the City of Ocoee.
2) Noted that the striping has been completed in Sawmill and suggested that speed humps
be considered for this area also. Chief Strosnider voiced strong obiections because of
the hazards of driving rescue vehicles into areas with speed humps.
3) Asked for the master plan of the municipal complex park.
4) Asked if the bids have gone out on the resurfacing of the roads. Acting City Manager
Beamer advised that bids will be opened August 9.
5) Reported a series of large culverts (graduated in size) that present a hazard at Lake
Olympia Park and advised that Pulte will do whatever the City requires for safety
measures. Following a discussion regarding whose responsibility it was to follow
through on this, City Attorney Rosenthal suggested it should be turned over to the City
Engineer to check his records, and Ms. Beamer said the plans and the DRC records
should be reviewed to be certain everything was completed.
6) Advised that the Hispanic volleyball team called the "Mexican Wetbacks" has challenged
the Police or Fire Departments to a game at the City recreation park.
7) Asked Recreation Director Beech for a report on the lights at Vignetti Park. Mr. Beech
reported that he will check to determine which ones are out and replace them. the
basketball backstops will be replaced again. this time with heavy duty fiberglass spring
away. breakaway goals.
8) Pointed out that the sidewalks on N. Lakewood Avenue need to be completed. Public
Works Director Brenner responded that Florida Power is relocating poles and sidewalks
cannot be completed until they have finished.
9) Said that Mrs. Kathryn Salmons, a Prima Vista resident, reported undrinkable brown
water. Mrs. Salmons had called the Fire Department and had been told that there was
a problem with that fire hydrant and they would not be back in to drain it again. Mayor
Vandergrift suggested that all fire hydrants be placed on a flushing schedule. Ms.
Beamer said that the situation would be checked out.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ August 3, 1993
The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
City of Ocoee
C-\ U1,
.~~. ~jL.
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
~~~ ~/lI13 ~
y (e)ALl"~fSlll~p World Co.
Dianna i\lorgan
Sellinr Vil'C Pn.:"idcIlI
Human RL'..;,nurccs 8: c;\)\'l'nlllh..'llt/C(\!lllllllllity Rl'I:!IHl1h
July 15, 1993
The Honorable Scott Vandergrift
City of Ocoee
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 32761
Dear Mayor Vandergrift,
Thank you for the effort you put into the 1993 united Arts
Workplace Giving Campaign! Your hard work certainly is
appreciated and, as the United Arts Workplace Giving
Volunteer Chairman, I would like to invite you to a very
special luncheon in your honor. Please join us on Thursday,
July 29, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at Disney's Grand
Floridian Convention Center, St. Augustine A & B.
We are pleased to have with us Mr. Fred Lawrence, President
and CEO of United Telephone of Florida. Fred is a Trustee of
United Arts, and will speak to us about the importance of
cultural programs to the future of our community.
Please call Eileen at 425-0277, by July 22, to confirm your
Support of United Arts and its funded organizations has
continued to grow in Central Florida, thanks to you and
other vjsiOTIRry corporate leaders.
I look forward to seeing you on July 29!
t.OlQ.JlilCu /Yl~
Dianna Morgan
P.O. Box 10,000/ J 375 Buena Vista Drive / Team Disney -\ North / Lake Buena Vista. Florida 32X30.1000 /407-'1.1-\-710 I
Part of the Magic of The ~~fSNE1" Company cg
Danniel J. Petro
Amber Electric, Inc.
President Elect
Florida Power Corporation
Pat Ahrendt
Orange Bank
Andrew Bailey
The West Orange Times
Jeny Baker
First Union National Bank of Florida
Bob Barber
Weslside Vocational Technical Center
Derek Blakeslee
Sines, Girvin & Blakeslee
John M. Cappleman, M.D.
Larry E. Cappleman
Cappleman Insurance
Walt Cobb, Jr.
Westside Vocational Technical Center
(Immediate Past President)
, Duckwiler
~,t Winter Garden
City at Ceoee
Tom Garrison
Walt Disney World Company
Richard M. liwin, Jr
Health Central
James Alton Juhan
DeRae Builders, Ine
Terry MeCorvie
Health Central
Joyce M. Oliver
First Federal at Osceola
Ken Shipley
United Telephone 01 Florida
Gene Spears
Town 01 Windermere
Bert Valdes
Valbro Business Forms, Ine
Gerald Watson
ConmJnily FWst Bank 01 eentraJ Flonw
T. Milton West
Century 21 West Properties. Inc
Murray Wilton
Partyland U_S.A
Lynn Walker Wright
Asma & Wright. P_A
Henry W. Sines
Sines, Girvin & Blakeslee
Blair M. Johnson
Wilham A. Breeze
Sherry L. DeWeese
J__ ~~~
1993 MIN~
tjJj?3 ~1'1~
July 29, 1993
Mayor Scott Vandergridt
City Of Ocoee
2625 Cedar Bluff Lane
Orlando, Florida 32818
Dear Mayor Vandergrift:
On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and the membership of the West
Orange Chamber of Commerce thank you so very much for your most generous
contribution to our expansion and renovation project.
A project of this magnitude could not be accomplished without the
support of a vast number of businesses and individuals working together as a
team for the benefit of our West Orange Community. The completion of this
project enables the staff to work in a pleasant atmosphere in which they can work
more efficiently to represent our community in a positive and professional light.
Again, thank you so very much for responding to our needs.
Membership Representative
Carole Petro
P.O. BOX 770522/WINTER GARDEN, FLA. 34777/407-656-1304
AGENDA 8-3-93
Item VI B
(407) 656-2322
The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners
Ellis Shapiro, City Manager
July 31, 1993
The review of building activity for the first nine months of FY 93 as compared to the same
period in FY 92 shows 317 and 252 residential pennits respectively. For further
comparison, the number of water customers increased by 389 from July, 1992 to July,
1993 while sewer added 325 customers. This activity presumably coupled with the
annexations in December, 1992 changed the total taxable value from $375,807,867
(December, 1991) to $425,427,832 (December, 1992).
As you are aware, during FY 93, the City spent its resources beginning the process of
upgrading its aging fleet. Where possible, the latest technology has been purchased to insure
efficient yet cost effective service delivery. Ever mindful of the demands of a rapidly growing
city, staffwas added to Fire, Police, and PPTD October 1, as well as Solid Waste, Personnel,
Protective Inspections, and Administrative Services at Mid-year to help maintain adopted
and/or adequate levels of service. We have (1) opened Clarke Road; (2) commenced
construction on the wastewater treatment plant expansion to 3 MGD; (3) finalized pre-
construction phase of the Ground lease Agreement for the Forest lake Golf Club of Ocoee;
(4) completed the first phase of renovation to the Withers-Maguire House; (5) relocated City
Hall functions and awarded construction contract; (6) leased/purchased 2 new side-load
refuse trucks and awarded 1 new recycling truck; (7) initiated design for expansion of Youth
Recreation Center; (8) designed intersection improvements for Kissimmee/Story and
Maguire/Marshall Fanns intersections; (9) sold water and sewer bonds in the amount of
$8,555,000 for 25 years, thus retiring higher Interest rate from the Bond Anticipation Note
and beginning new phase for expansion; (10) leased eight new vehicles, seven being for law
Enforcement; (11) awarded bid for new 1250 pumper with financing.
To continue efforts to maintain service levels, cost effective and efficient service delivery and
capital improvements added during FY 93, the proposed FY 93/94 Budget includes:
General Fund 8,234,100 14
Stonnwater 361,500 10
Water 1,502,750 -14.67
Solid Waste 978,500 6.7
Wastewater 1,826,100 -22.5
The major changes consistent to all funds may be summarized as follows:
(1) Award 3% cost of living effective October I, 1993;
(2) Reinstate merit system in conjunction with employee evaluations;
(3) Continue 75% of Health Insurance payments for employees with family coverage;
(4) Account for necessary matching funds for grants to be awarded October, 1993;
(5) Include many of the capital items appearing in the Capital Improvement Program with
a rating of 1.
~ If I may, I would like to provide a brief overview of each fund:
GENERAL FUND. Revenues were calculated based upon this year's growth pattern. The
millage rate as proposed Is 4 mills and is estimated to be received at the 95% level; 95%
Is the percentage currently being shown as FY 93's actual receipt. Franchise fees and Utility
taxes track the various connection history by the respective companies; cable franchise fees
were, however, held low since the outcome of current regulation is unknown.
The administrative charges to the other funds were calculated at 12% for water, solid waste,
and wastewater and at 8% for stormwater. 11 % of the City Hall portion of the capital
improvement bond debt service will be paid by Utilities also.
In order to increase service delivery, personnel additions and changes include:
Law Enforcement - 4 new Pollee Officers
Fire Control - 3 new firefighters in October, 3 additional firefighters in April and
upgrades for 3 Firefighters to Engineers and 3 Engineers to Lieutenants.
Parks, Parkways, Trees and Drainage - 3 new Laborers
Recreation - 1 year round Part-time worker
City Clerk - 1 secretary
Changes in reporting are as follows:
\.,..t Transfer Planner to Administrative Services as Concurrency Analyst
Transfer Senior Planner to Protective Inspections as Zoning Code Technician
Transfer Planning Director to City Manager's department as Economic Development
Coordinator while retaining Planning Director position
Increased costs for health Insurance (26.5%), dental (10%), life (5%), disability (8%), and
multi-peril (10%) were budgeted as Indicated. Workers' Compensation rates were adjusted
to reflect the State rates effective January 1, 1993. The non-recurring expenditures for the
move to City Hall have been captured as originally detailed In April, 1993. Continued costs
for upkeep to the current City Hall facilities have also been included. A scheduling program
will be established in Public Works for all on-going or recurring activities.
STORMWATER FUND. Assessment is currently being made as to the full requirements
for ditches and culverts for maintenance at 1 0 year storm event; this will allow the City not
only to ascertain the extent of maintenance problems but also to develop priorities In the
drainage work program. Until this analysis has been completed, the monies in this fund will
be appropriated to contingency. The basin studies and analyses will also continue.
WATER FUND. The Renewal and Replacement Fund will grow by 5% of gross receipts
from the utility payments. Scheduled R&R tasks as well as those done on emergency basis
insure continued viability for an aging system.
~ The only addition to personnel occurs 50% in water administration and 50% in wastewater
administration. This Is the GIS operator whose function, until recently, has been handled by
a contract employee.
SOLID WASTE. A third side loader Is to be added. The lease/purchase on the existing
rear-loaders was paid off In FY 93; one of these trucks will be converted to a brush truck.
WASTEWATER FUND. Additional personnel Include one (1) Plant "C" Operator and one
(1) Laborer. Increased operating costs reflect the larger plant being operational by January,
In conclusion, we have prepared a budget that is conservative in its revenue estimates but
progressive in Its expenditures. Increased service delivery in a cost-effective and efficient
manner while maintaining levels of service standards Is the ultimate goal for FY 93-94. I
would like to commend Montye Beamer, Ivan Poston, Wanda Horton and Peggy Psaledakis
for their efforts in completing this budget.
Respectfully Submitted,