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MEETING HELD December 7, 1993
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to
order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. The opening prayer was led by Pastor Richard
Johnston of the Harvest Church of God. Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance.
The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Gleason, and Johnson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning
Director Wagner, City Clerk Grafton, and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
Mayor Vandergrift presented former Commissioner Sam Woodson with a plaque expressing
appreciation for his dedication to the citizens and community of Ocoee. Commissioner Combs
asked Mr. Woodson to accept a seat on the Citizens Advisory Committee of the Orlando Area
Transportation Study. Mr. Woodson responded that he might consider it after Christmas.
Keirsten Andrews, 1005 Featherstone Circle addressed the commission requesting funds for the
nine West Orange High School Cheerleaders from Ocoee who have been invited to participate
in the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans this year. Jennifer Clark, 1013 Arizona Court, came to the
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podIUm WIth the same request. ommlSSlOner eason. secon e v ommlSSloner g~tir1\ Lt.DRUC:7e-!)
moved to contribute $900 which would cover their meals. Commissioner Foster voiced IN ",",,/91
disapproval. Commissioner Combs. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to amend jA4t;t;T1~.)
the motion giving each cheerleader $300 with a total of $2700 to be taken from Community
Promotion with balance to be taken from Contingencv. if necessary. Motion to amend carried
4-1 with Commissioner Foster voting nav. Amended motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner
Foster voting nav. Commissioner Foster said he did not mean to imply that it was not a
worthy cause but he wanted to see more involvement of civic groups. Commissioner Johnson
said the youth are citizens of our city and will represent our town. Ms. Andrews expressed her
appreciation for the commission support and said the cheerleaders would be available for
community service to evidence that appreciation.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Administrative Services
Director Beamer clarified items In -Band C with additional information and requested that the
motion include "Subject to the receipt of consent and executed enjoinder from the mortgagee"
as it has been determined that Silvestri Properties is under a mortgage. Commissioner Johnson
\.....- asked for confirmation that a previous Developers Agreement calling for four-laning Clarke
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 7, 1993
Road 1500' and two laning the rest of the way to Clarcona Road was still in effect. City
Attorney Rosenthal described the agreed upon procedure and said that nothing in these
agreements modifies that particular agreement or the schedule contained therein. Mayor
Vandergrift asked if anyone knew if construction had commenced. City Manager Shapiro said
construction had not begun but a clearing permit had been given only for the purpose of
clearing. A meeting has been held regarding Clarke Road plans but there is no formal approval
at this point and the City has the right to approve plans as part of the agreement. Mayor
Vandergrift asked if the developer knew that the 1500' is four (4) laned with median. Attorney
Rosenthal stated for the record it was for whatever the commission approved with
Commissioner Johnson verifying the 1500' and stating that it will go to Clarcona Road before
they receive a permit. City Manager Shapiro said they have the right to a permit but cannot
sell anything or get a CO until the road is completed.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about III - E and if retention ponds were shallow taking into
consideration the runoff from more roads, whether additional roads were being paved with a
right-of-way coming out on to Maguire Road, and expressing a desire for cypress trees to be
planted around the retention ponds. Planning Director Wagner said the retention ponds are
five (5) to one (1) and subject to Code. City Manager Shapiro said the Developer Agreement
stated that, dependent upon whether Pizzuti is doing their phase first, or if Westridge is under
construction with their section, the first one completing it will be reimbursed by the other for
their part and that the shopping center is also included, making three different parties. Mr.
Rosenthal said that the City has physical possession of the deed but because the property is
encumbered by unpaid taxes the City has declined to accept the deed until the taxes are paid.
The details have been taken into consideration as part of the agreement which will occur at the
Mayor Vandergrift asked about III -G regarding the Award to Mitchell Builders for Wood
Roof Tile Installation at Withers-Maguire House. Administrative Services Director Beamer
advised that the wood roof tile would be placed over existing roof.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about item III-H and said it is time to save our brick streets,
indicating that he was not suggesting it must be done right away but he was opposed to patching
and paving over them again. Public Works Director Brenner said there is a source, method,
and means of removing asphalt from the brick, however, it is a very expensive proposition.
There are no local firms doing this type of work but there is one in Texas. Commissioner
Combs questioned the costs difference between III-Hand I. City Manager Shapiro verified
that one is a resurfacing/repair and the other is road construction.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ December 7, 1993
Mavor Vanderf!l'ift pulled item III-H and moved to table until January 21. Commissioner
Johnson seconded and motion carried 5-0. City Manager Shapiro advised that staff will
report with additional information.
Mavor Vanderf!l'ift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve consent items A.
B. C. D. E. F. G. and I. Motion carried unanimously 5-0.
~ G.
Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Reeular Commission Meetin~ of
November 16. 1993.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Developer
Al:reement for Water Service - Silvestri Investments of Florida. Inc.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Developer
Al:reement for Sewer Service - Silvestri Investments of Florida. Inc.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Third
Developer Af!I'eement -Plantation Grove PUD - Cross Creek (Pizzuti).
Approval and Acceptance of Cross Creek. Phase I. Final Subdivision Plans
(Pizzuti) (Sim!le Familv Portion of Plantation Grove PUD- East).
Approval and Affirmation of Declarations in City Manal:er's Letter dated
November 4. 1993 to Mr. Edward O'Connor. Pan Pacific Development
Company. rel:ardin~ Sanitary Sewer Easement - Ocoee Plaza.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Award to
Mitchell Builders for Wood Roof Tile Installation at Withers-Mal:uire House.
This approval and authorization includes (1) reduction in scope of the proiect to
exclude the electrical service and the security system: (2) transmittal of the
amendment to the State Division of Historic Preservation: (3) the transfer of
funds from Maguire House Maintenance (001-511-4620) and Maguire House
Architectural Services (001-511-4626) into the Maguire House Grant Fund 607
as reflected in the proiect budget (Ocoee Historical Commission will give an
additional $2.000 to be added to the $7.600 already committed): (4) change order
#4 with Mitchell Building Contractors. Inc. and (5) execution by Mayor and City
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Award to
Allstate Pavinl:. Inc. of Bid B94-001. for Roadway Entrance Construction
(Sorenson Field) in the Amount of $21.735.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Award to
Orlando Paving for Budget Street Resurfacing in the Amount of $22,802.04.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
\r..r December 7, 1993
There were no citizen comments at this time.
Mayor Vandergrift recognized Jeffery Moore, Scout Master, Boys Scout Troop 53, Pine Hills,
and thanked him for bringing the troop to see government in action.
Ordinance No. 93-20, adopting a City of Ocoee Travel Policy.
Ordinance No. 93-20 was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing.
Mr. Rosenthal pointed out that, like the Personnel Policies, this particular ordinance does not
provide for codification as it is more of an internal operating policy as opposed to an ordinance
of general application to the public. The public hearing was opened.
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked if this included the commission. City
Manager Shapiro said it was for the commission and officers of the City, as other employees
are covered under the Personnel Rules and Regulations Travel Policy. Mr. Mohnacky
expressed his disapproval, saying that upon returning from travel the travelers do not report to
the public what they have learned, that most of the information received could be acquired with
the use of tapes, and he felt there was a lot of money spent attending meetings.
The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Commissioner Combs,
moved to adopt Ordinance No. 93-20 as presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted
"ave, " Commissioner Foster" ave. " Commissioner Gleason" ave. " Commissioner Johnson" ave, "
and Mavor Vandergrift "ave." Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 93-21, relating to the Management and Collection of Solid Waste and
Recyclable Materials, Amending Chapter 143 of the Code of Ordinances.
Ordinance No. 93-21 was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing.
City Manager Shapiro said that after a review of the information the following changes were
recommended before adoption:
Removal from the title of the phrase:
Elimination from Section 7, A(3) of the phrase:
Until such time as collection by the City franchise is provided as set forth in
~ 143-7B(2).
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 7, 1993
3) Deletion of Section 7, B(3);
4) Elimination from Section 12, A of the sentence which states:
Effective October 1, 1995 the franchise agreement may also include all
construction and demolition debris from residential building, roofing and
The public hearing was opened. Administrative Services Director Beamer pointed out that,
due to the changes of Chapter 403 of the Florida Statutes and also of Orange County policies
that by February 1, 1994 there must be commercial source separation, and all commercial
establishments will be required to begin recycling by that date. The difference is that versus
residential recycling, of which single family and multi-family are both a component, with
commercial source separation the recyclers do not have to be a part of the franchise. They can
be independent haulers, will be required to register with fee with the City and will be certified
according to the State, before pick up, confirming the dump location.
Ms. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, asked if this concerned home pick up, expressing
distress with the garbage cans without lids, and the mixing of the recyclables. City Manager
Shapiro said that it had only to do with building materials from construction and commercial
recyclables. Mr. Shapiro said that the residents of our community had done a decent job with
recycling, that Ocoee is one of the first communities to expand the service. The public hearing
was closed. Commissioner Foster. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to amend the
ordinance bv deleting the language of Ordinance No. 93-21 as cited in the staff report. On roll
call Commissioner Combs voted "ave." Commissioner Foster "ave." Commissioner Gleason
"ave." Commissioner Johnson "ave." and Mavor Vandergrift "ave." Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Foster. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to adopt Ordinance No.
93-21 as amended and authorize the Mavor and City Clerk to execute. On roll call
Commissioner Combs voted "ave." Commissioner Foster "ave." Commissioner Gleason "ave. "
Commissioner Johnson "ave." and Mavor Vandergrift "ave." Motion carried 5-0.
RECESS 8:20 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift invited Zack Reener of Boys Scout Troop 53 in Pine Hills to call the
meeting back to order.
Denise Hall, P. O. Box 391, Windermere, of the Christian Service Center, a non-profit
organization, informed the commission that she was representing three service programs: the
Family Emergency Services, the Ocoee Daily Bread Program, and Mothers Helping Mothers
and was doing a site search for a facility (12.000 sq.ft.) that would house all three services
under one roof. Mayor Vandergrift suggested the old Publix/Piggly Wiggly building near
Maguire Road or a site in the Industrial Park.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 7, 1993
Mrs. Carol McGowin, 908 Hawaii Drive, presented cookies on behalf of the Girls Scouts and
thanked the commission, the City of Ocoee, and the people for their support over the years,
adding there are about 24 troops in the area.
1) Universal Engineering Services, 2) Professional Services Industries, Inc.!Jammal &
Associates Division, and 3) LJ Nordarse & Associates, Inc.
Administrative Services Director Beamer presented the staff report confirming that the
Selection Committee had met on November 16, 1993 to evaluate the geotechnical engineering
and testing services proposals based upon the RFP criteria. The top three (3) ranked firms made
oral presentations to the Selection Committee on November 30, 1993 and the Committee had
evaluated the three (3) based upon written proposals, financials submitted, oral presentations,
in house abilities and testing capabilities, and reference investigations. During the November 30
meeting, the Committee also discussed the possibility of contracting with two firms, thus
allowing the scope of services and cost to be on a competitive basis, providing an alternate for
any project, and expanding resources to the fullest. Ms. Beamer explained that two firms on
continuing services contracts are optimum without creating major administrative problems;
geotechnical engineering and testing services are usually well-defined and short-lived with
tracking much simpler when dealing with only two firms. The committee respectfully requested
that the Mayor and Board of City Commissioners (1) hear the three firms' presentations, (2)
rank the firms, (3) allow for two continuing services contracts, and (4) authorize the Selection
Committee to proceed with negotiations with the two top-ranked firms. Rick Gibbs,
professional engineer, presented for Universal Engineering Sciences; Doug Hearn, Senior
Hydrologist, presented for Professional Services Industries, Inc./Jammal & Associates
Division; and Leila J. Nodarse presented for LJ Nordarse & Associates, Inc.
Commissioner Johnson proposed using all three companies. Administrative Services Director
Beamer explained that, on the administrative side, the amount of time spent with three firms
resolving a problem will be expanded before completing the project.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved to select all three firms
rather than two and authorize the Selection Committee to negotiate with all three. and to require
that Universal furnish a financial report. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "ave. "
Commissioner Foster "nav." Commissioner Gleason "nav." Commissioner Johnson "ave." and
Mavor Vandergrift "nav." Motion denied 3-2. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira said
some jobs need a quicker response time than might be possible in having to go to all three firms.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 7, 1993
Commissioner Gleason moved to accept the ranking of firms one (1) and two (2) and allow
Selection Committee to negotiate service contracts as per staff recommendation. Motion died
for lack of a second.
Commissioner Foster. seconded bv Mavor Vander!ffift. moved to accept recommendation of
staff in ranking order 1. 2. 3. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "ave." Commissioner
Foster "ave." Commissioner Gleason "ave." Commissioner Johnson "nav." and Mavor
Vandergrift "ave." Motion carried 4-1.
City Attorney Rosenthal said that commissioners could voice the ranking with their vote being
announced as part of the record.
Commissioners voiced the following rankings:
Commissioner Combs
Commissioner Foster
Commissioner Gleason
Commissioner Johnson
Mayor Vandergrift
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to oroceed with
negotiations with all three fIrms. authorizing the Mavor and the City Clerk to execute. On roll
call Commissioner Combs voted "ave." Commissioner Foster "ave." Commissioner Gleason
"ave." Commissioner Johnson "ave.' and Mavor Vandergrift "nav." Motion carried 4-1.
Mayor Vandergrift said that he was not against this but was on selection committee.
RECESS 9:52 P.M. TO 10:05 P.M.
City Manager Shapiro explained that each non-profit group that has requested funds or received
funds in the recent past had been sent a letter advising them to give written funding requests.
After reviewing the list, Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved
to allocate the funds with the following disbursements with a total for the record of $7.500.00.
On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "ave." Commissioner Foster "nav." Commissioner
Gleason "ave." Commissioner Johnson "ave." and Mavor Vandergrift "ave." Motion carried
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ December 7, 1993
1. Cub Scout Pack 198 $1,875.
For Insignias, Patches, Awards, (To be distributed equally between all
Ribbons, Camping Equipment, Uniforms. Boy/Cub Scout Units in Ocoee.)
2. American Legion Post 109 $500.
For BBQ Grill, Air Conditioner,
3. Citrus Council of Girl Scouts $1,875.
For "Discover Your World" Intersession (To be distributed equally between all
Events - Salaries, Program Supplies, Girl/Brownie Scout Units in Ocoee.)
Insurance, Snacks, Participation
Patches, Janitorial
Membership for Ocoee Girls - Ethnic
4. Central Florida Council Boy Scouts (See #1)
10% of Cost to Support Program, Local
Camp, Training for Leaders and Manpower
5. We Care Crisis Center $500.
Education & Prevention, Intervention
And Post Crisis Care
'-" 6. Boy Scout Troop 198 (See #1)
Week Long Summer Camp
7. Coalition For The Homeless -0-
Matching Funds
8. Ocoee Kids, Inc. $250.
Open Thrift Store
9. Seniors First $1,000.
Services to Elderly - Transportation,
Lunch Program, H.E.A.R.T. Program
10. Central Florida YMCA $500.
(West Orange Branch) Training
11. Daily Bread Program $500.
Feeding Needy in West Orange
12. Christian Service Center -0-
Provide Food, Shelter, and New Program
Offering Young Mothers to be Self-Sufficient
13. Toys For Tots $500.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 7, 1993
PURCHASE OF NINE (9) PURSUIT VEHICLES (5 Patrol Cars; 3 Unmarked Cars; 1 Fire
Chief Car) from Ford with Leasing through Ford Motor Credit Company.
Resolution 93-16, relating to the Purchase of Nine Pursuit Vehicles.
Administrative Services Director Beamer explained the need for the pursuit vehicles. The
approval of FY94 Budget included the purchase of nine new vehicles - five (5) Patrol Cars, three
(3) Unmarked Cars and one (1) Fire Chief Car. During FY93, bid number 92-001 which
opened November 4, 1992 and awarded January 5, 1993 was utilized to lease seven (7) 1993
Ford Crown Victorias. Don Reid Ford and Ford Motor Credit have agreed to hold the original
bid price, specifications, terms and conditions for the lease of nine (9) 1994 Ford Crown
Victorias which means 1994 Crown Victorias for the 1993 price of $12,946.00. There will be
six (6) semi-annual payments in advance in the amount of $20,729.12 at an annual percentage
rate of 5.35 % . The terms and conditions are attached to the original lease agreement; any non-
appropriation affects all vehicles. Ms. Beamer further stated these prices were compared to a
recent statewide competitive bid for Patrol Vehicles held by the Sheriff's Association. For the
Central Zone of which the City of Ocoee is a part, the base unit price is $13,333.00. Balancing
the few variations in features, the Don Reid Ford bid is still a hundred dollars lower and
includes an extended warranty (5 years) package.
Resolution No. 93-16, relating to the Purchase of Nine Pursuit Vehicles, was presented by title
Commissioner Combs. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to approve the ourchase
of nine new vehicles- five (5) Patrol Cars. three (3) Unmarked Cars and one (1) Fire Chief Car -
through Bid 92-001 at the cost of $12.946.00 (Don Reid Ford) with financing for six (6)
payments (semi-annuallv for three years) at $20.729.12 per payment with an initial
documentation fee of $150.00 (Ford Motor Credit Comoanv). (2) adopt Resolution 93-16. and
(3) authorize the Mavor and City clerk to execute necessarv documents from Ford Motor Credit
Companv. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift turned the gavel over to Mayor Pro Tern Johnson while he left the table
(John Babb and Robert Chedwick have resigned from the Council but have not submitted
letters of resignation. Their three year terms expire December, 1993 and April, 1995,
respectively.) Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved to apooint
John J. Casisa for a three-year term (exoiring December. 1996), Motion carried 4-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 7, 1993
Mavor Pro Tem Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to appoint Hilda Elms
for a term expiring April. 1995. Motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Vandergrift returned to the table and retrieved the gavel from Mayor Pro Tern Johnson.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Tabled from November 16)
An alternate member is needed to replace Commissioner Gleason for a three year term to
expire May, 1996.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to appoint Daniel J.
Birnstihl as an alternate member with the term to exoire Mav. 1996. Motion carried 5-0.
RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (Tabled from November 16)
Catherine Hunt Resigned - 2 Year Term Expires October 1994.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved to appoint Nancv Reillv
to complete this term which expires October. 1994. Motion carried 5-0.
(Tabled from November 16) Jim Gleason Resigned.
Mavor Vanderl!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved to table this apoointment to
January 18. 1994 meeting, Motion carried 5-0.
(To replace Commissioner Sam Woodson)
Mavor Vanderl!rift. seconded bv Commission Johnson. moved to appoint Commissioner
Gleason to this committee. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Gleason said he would accept
but could not vote.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Combs:
1) Commended Brenner/Public Works for Christmas lights and banners.
2) Commended Brenner/Public Works for quick clean-up of load of concrete blocks and dirt
that had been dumped at Bluford/Hwy 50 Intersection.
3) Announced Albertson's opening at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday, December 8.
4) Reported Jim Beech had a heart attack on Saturday, December 4 and is in ORMC.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 7, 1993
Commissioner Foster:
1) Expressed his feelings re: the passing of the Minimum Standards Code and the continued
bad condition of trailer parks which are still an embarrassment and directed that Code
Enforcement crack down on the owners and make them do what it takes to make the
trailers fit for habitation.
2) Reported complaints of junk and auto parts at residence on Center/Cardinal streets. Mr.
Shapiro advised that they have been written up by Code Enforcement.
3) Commended Beech/Recreation Department for decorating the Gazebo for the season.
4) Announced Sysco/City sponsored Christmas dinner for the needy Wednesday,
December 22, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
5) Commended staff for banners on Clarke Road.
6) Announced no changes in garbage service during the holidays.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Reinforced Commissioner Foster's comments re: condition of the trailer parks, as he
thought also that the Minimum Code was going to take care of the problem. Mr.
Shapiro advised that the state statutes require that time be given to comply to the
occupants who are still in residence. but that it is working on those rental properties
when tenants move out.
2) Reported that Johio Shores Road in front of the subdivision needs mowing.
3) Thanked his wife, Marilyn, for riding in the Christmas parade in his place since he had
to work.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Commended Sysco for the 600 Thanksgiving dinners they provided for the needy.
2) Commended Randy Conyers for his success with the DARE program in Ocoee Middle
School and noted that it is a pilot program that will be incorporated into other middle
schools and high schools as well.
3) Announced that the Police Department is still collecting for Toys for Tots.
4) Advised that Mrs. Gledich, Principal of Ocoee Elementary School has requested traffic
guard help at the Bluford/Delaware intersection both in the mornings and afternoons.
5) Reported a different car for sale each day at B.C. Terry Road.
6) Announced Christmas caroling program at the Gazebo Tuesday, December 14, at 7:00
Mavor Vander~ift:
1) Wants to save the police building for a meeting place for seniors rather than level it.
2) Suggested putting Christmas lights on the 3 oaks by Starke Lake.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 7, 1993
Commissioner Johnson said he wants to put a City Christmas tree up as there used to be one.
Mr. Shapiro advised that the cedar tree raised for that pU1J>ose has been transplanted to the
Recreation Center and he will report on it this week.
3) Commended staff for the banners on Clarke Road.
4) Wants a suggestion box to be placed at City Hall. Mr. Shapiro advised he has more
advanced plans such as data info center.
5) Thanked Beech for putting together the participation for this area in the Disney
celebration which involved 73 of our children.
6) Lions Club parade was good.
7) Wants to put a City float in the Orlando parade.
8) Asked if the City will remove the dead hyacinths if he hauls them out of the lake. Mr.
Shapiro advised that a plan needs to be put together.
The meeting adjourned at 11: 10 p.m.
City of Ocoee
5 Si,~~ L{,Jc,~iL-
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor \ .