HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-01-94
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to
order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. After a moment of silent meditation, Mrs.
Frances Watts, Senior Citizens President, led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called
and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present
were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities
Director Shira, Planning Director Wagner, City Clerk Grafton, and
Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
ABSENT: Commissioner Foster and Administrative Services Director Beamer.
Commissioner Johnson said last fall the Commission had approved funds supporting a trip to
the Sugar Bowl for the West Orange High School cheerleaders. He introduced and expressed
appreciation to Coordinator Karen Whiddon and Keirsten Andrews who had worked very
hard on the fund raising drive. Cheerleaders Kellie Kilpatrick, Brandy Rose, Angela Tudor,
Christi Boone, Mandie Whiddon, Jennifer Clark, and Jeann Rainer presented a Warrior
Pride A ward and a plaque in appreciation to the City and the Commission for their support.
Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed the month of March, 1994 to be Violence Free Community
Month in the City of Ocoee and invited citizens to join him, along with Mayor Glenda Hood
of Orlando, and hundreds of Florida's local elected officials in the Florida League of Cities,
in a March for Safe Cities in Tallahassee on March 23, 1994. A petition for signatures
supporting the Proclamation was available in City Hall and will be taken to Tallahassee. Police
Chief Boyd pinned a white ribbon on Mayor Vandergrift and asked the Commissioners and
residents to wear a white ribbon during the month of March. Mrs. Hilda Ems, Chairperson
of the Seniors and Law Enforcement Agents Together (SALT), placed a ribbon on each
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, and E. There were three corrections to the
minutes of the Febuary 15 meeting: Commissioner Combs corrected item A on page one (1),
Comments From Citizens/Public to read "... especially the new $250.000 fire engine in case of
a mishap." Mayor Vandergrift corrected page eight (8), Comments From Commissioners,
number three (3), to read "How does the City do a traffic count on A.D. Mims Road that
supported the turn signal?" instead of "How the City gets a traffic count." Citv Mana~er
Shapiro said it is not a State road. It is a County or City road. therefore. the City does not
need a warrant from the State. Mayor Vandergrift also said that page 10, number five (5),
should read "Korean American Lunar New Year Celebration" instead of the Pillsbury Academy.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-" March 1, 1994
Mayor Vandergrift asked for an explanation of item B, Action regarding Electric Service for
Ocoee Municipal Complex (Florida Power COl:poration). City Manager Shapiro said the
existing line is overhead and will be placed underground. City Engineer/Utilities Director
Shira said Florida Power could not get to the planned pole mounted transformer. Mayor
Vandergrift asked if the costs were $10,000 extra to move all of it around in the building.
Director Shira said the extra cost incurred covers the transformer and is more expensive
because of the underground wiring.
Mayor Vandergrift asked for clarification on item C and also if there was adequate ingress and
egress without this easement. Citv Mana~er Shapiro said it is part of the drainage pond for
Twin Lake Forest Subdivision which the City will own and maintain and the easement platted
in Twin Lake Woods provides adequate access.
Commissioner Combs. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to aoorove and acceot the
consent agenda as oresented. subiect to the corrections in item A. Motion carried 4-0.
Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Re~lar Commission Meetin~ of February 15.
Action regarding Electric Service for Ocoee Municipal Complex (Florida Power
Corporation) (1) Acceptance of the Pad Mount Confi~ration as designed by Florida
Power Corporation: (2) Authorization for the Expenditure of $2.418 from the City
Hall/Police Department Construction Fund as the difference between the overhead and
underground distribution: (3) Approval of the Aereements cited above including the
Distribution Easement: and (4) Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute the
necessary documents.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Release of Easement
for Twin Lake Forest Subdivision.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Interlocal Mutual Aid
A2reement for Fire Department Service with City of Orlando.
Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Developer's
A~reement - Johio Meadows Limited Partnership for Weston Park upon receipt of
a signed Joinder and Consent.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked if a traffic light at the corner of
A.D. Mims and Clarke Road would cost less than a third lane. City Manager Shapiro said the
light would cost less unless there are rights-of-way problems. Mr. Mohnacky, in response to
Mayor Vandergrift's requests, said he would make an inquiry to the County as to the
intersection status on their system. Mr. Mohnacky asked if the new 800 MHz radio is
compatible or adaptable with the existing equipment. Fire Chief Strosnider said the systems
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ March 1,1994
are not compatible. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the old system could be sold. City Manager
Shapiro said the City will keep some of the radios to be used within the City system. Mr.
Mohnacky asked why the City leases, rather than purchases these items, as it would be better
planning to save up the funds in a "kitty" and then purchase outright. He said citizens were
paying taxes and it made little sense to pay interest. Mayor Vandergrift said the City's rapid
growth makes keeping a "kitty" very difficult, but through the wisdom of the staff and under
advice of the Commission, lease options or straight financing can be worked out. City
Manager Shapiro said the City pays less interest than the citizens and receives a better interest
rate on the money banked than on the lease payments.
Mrs. Betty J. Goble, 1118 Caballero Road and coordinator of the Twin Lakes Neighborhood
Watch, invited the Commissioners to a "block party" Saturday, March 12, 1994, 10:00 A.M. -
2:00 P.M. at the ball field on Little Spring Hill Road. Philip Chandler and his parents will be
special guests. Ms. Goble presented a handbook and bumper sticker to each of the
Commissioners saying these are available at the Ocoee Police Department. Mayor Vandergrift
expressed appreciation for Mrs. Goble's work on this project.
Ordinance No. 94-02, Repealing Ordinance No. 90-80, was presented by title only for the
second reading and public hearing. Fire Chief Strosnider said this Safety Manual reflected
the updates in regulations since the last adoption and these changes are necessary to refine, index
and codify the forms.
The public hearing was opened.
Mayor Vandergrift asked why it is necessary to have an Ordinance rather than a policy. City
Manager Shapiro explained he preferred the strength of an Ordinance and the support of the
Commission behind it if an employee violates it. He also pointed out that in a workers
compensation situation he wanted the insurance companies to know that it has been passed by
the highest possible legal authority. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the primary
difference between an Ordinance and a Resolution is the Ordinance requires a first reading,
advertising, and a public hearing at the second reading, whereas a Resolution does not require
advertising and can simply be placed on the agenda and adopted at any meeting by the City
Commission. Mayor Vandergrift said he was questioning policy as opposed to Resolution as
he was concerned over the amount of money spent to make the changes. City Attorney
Rosenthal said the Resolution is the method by which the City would adopt a policy such as the
Personnel Policy, if the City wanted to do it by a method other than an Ordinance. City
Manager Shapiro said a policy would be too easy to change by a City Commission without any
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ March 1, 1994
input of the citizenry or other employees any time it wanted. Mayor Vandergrift complimented
Fire Chief Strosnider on the basic function of the safety committee and asked about a safety
The public hearing was closed.
Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to adoot Ordinance No. 94-02.
reoealing Ordinance No. 90-80 and adooting the new Safety Manual as oresented. On roll call
Commissioner Combs voted "ave." Commissioner Gleason voted "aye." Commissioner
Johnson voted "ave." and Mavor Vanderl!l'ift voted "aYe." Motion carried 4-0.
RECESS 8:10 - 8:20 P.M.
City Attorney Rosenthal said there were three Comprehensive Plan Amendments to be
considered and he recommended holding a public hearing on each Comprehensive Plan
Amendment separately. There was some discussion about postponing this item until the end of
the meeting and he suggested that, if it should be the desire of the Commission, it would be
possible to open the public hearings, hear the staff presentation and accept comments from the
citizens on each element and then continue the public hearings until later in the evening. Mayor
Vandergrift decided to hold the public hearings as scheduled without postponing until later in
the evening.
CASE NO. CPA-94-1-1
Modification of the Recreation and Open Space Element, the Future Land Use Element,
the Capital Improvements Element and Figure 30 in the Appendices.
Planning Director Wagner explained that the proposed Plan Amendment for the Recreation and
Open Space Element reflects a modification in the way the City sets standards for the
Concurrency Management System by changing the existing standards to guidelines. In the
adopted Comprehensive Plan many facilities, including ball fields, basketball courts, picnic
tables, etc., were specifically listed in detail. Most communities have used a much simpler
approach. Staff recommends leaving those in the Plan to be used as guidelines as opposed to
standards. In the adopted Plan a standard of 25 acres of open space and recreation land per
1,000 in population is in effect. Staff proposes adoption of the Department of Natural Resources
standard of four (4) acres of actual park land per 1,000 in population. Corrections have been
made on some of the tables to include the golf course in the standards and also in Figure 30
Facilities Map to reflect the addition of the Community Center area as one of the recreational
park land facilities. This will enable easier administration of the Recreation and Open Space
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' March 1, 1994
Concurrency standards within the Plan and allow changes in the Land Development Code
without substantially affecting any of the criteria originally adopted.
The public hearing was opened.
City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, acting as the Local Planning Agency, had considered Case No. CPA-94-1-1 at
their meeting on February 24, 1994. On a 5-0 vote the LPA found adoption of this
Comprehensive Plan Amendment to be in the best interest of the City and recommended
approval and transmittal of the Amendment to the Department of Community Affairs.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked why this was coming up again if
it had gone before the Board, been discussed and voted on. City Manager Shapiro said when
it had been brought up initially, the Department of Community Affairs suggested that the City
was being too specific and should not do it. The City was now trying to avoid being too specific
in the future as it could become a Concurrency problem. Mr. Mohnacky expressed concerns
about PUD requirements and impact fees which are paid in lieu of recreation from a developer.
City Manager Shapiro said there are local, regional, neighborhood, and special event type
parks and a portion of certain impact fees will go for each type of park. An internal formula
is used to determine which monies go toward remodeling of the Youth Center and the junior
and little league fields.
Mayor Vandergrift said the City's Comprehensive Plan had passed the first time and asked if
removing many of the details would affect passing the Plan this time. City Manager Shapiro
said a state acreage was preferred.
Commissioner Gleason asked why 25 % of the Forest Lake Golf Course of Ocoee was being
allocated toward the City's inventory of park space. He said he understood the recreation value
it brings to the community but he had a hard time justifying it as park space when one must pay
to play on it. City Manager Shapiro said this was a normal process for most cities and added
that discounts were being given to City residents. He explained that some cities with swimming
pools charge fees and still count the space as recreation. Mayor Vandergrift commended the
staff in putting the Comprehensive Plan together. He asked why the date in the Plan was not
current with 1994 instead of 1990. City Attorney Rosenthal said if data in the Comprehensive
Plan is not being updated then the original information would remain intact. The only reason
to provide updated information would be if a specific amendment being requested by the City
necessitates updated information so this is not an attempt to update and totally rewrite all the
recreation elements but only to update those portions necessary to support the specific
Comprehensive Plan Amendment being recommended by Staff and the Planning and Zoning
Commission. City Manager Shapiro said a rewrite of the entire element and an update of the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' March 1, 1994
information will come in 1996, but there were certain operational problems that required some
kind of change to the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Director Wagner said it is a State
requirement to submit the entire element, as a change in one element might affect another
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved to aoorove Comorehensive
Plan Amendment CPA-94-1-1. to include the changes set forth in the Errata Sheet. for
transmittal to the Florida Deoartment of Community Affairs for their review and comment.
oursuant to the orovisions of Chaoter 163 Florida Statutes. On roll call Commissioner Combs
voted "ave." Commissioner Gleason voted "ave." Commissioner Johnson voted "aYe." and
Mavor Vandere:rift voted "nav." Motion carried 3-1.
CASE NO. CPA-94-1-2
Modification of the Traffic Circulation Element, the Future Land Use Element and the
Capital Improvements Element.
PEC Consultant Hooper said the Comprehensive Plan had originally been adopted in 1991 and
sent to the Department of Community Affairs. PEC had recommended, and the City had
adopted, level service "D" on all categories of roads in the City. FDOT had commented that
the City was in the urbanized, not urban area, and it would not authorize or set above a level
of service "D" on arterial roads and freeways, such as SR50, Silver Star Road and the East-West
Expressway. The Comprehensive Plan was then modified to a level of service "C" for the
arterial/freeway roads, and established a level service "D" for all other roads. This was
approved by DCA. Consultant Hooper explained page 14, Table 1 Evaluation of Roadway
Capacity whereby the City proposes to lower the Level of Service from "C" to "D" on only
seven roads (Apopka Vineland, Clarcona-Ocoee, Maguire, Ocoee-Apopka, SR50, Silver Star
Road, and Kissimmee Avenue). The level of service on all the other roads will remain the
same. In response to an application made last year, the City of Ocoee was adopted into the
Orlando Urban Area and qualifies for a level of service "D" on the major roads. Consultant
Hooper pointed out the changes on page 50, sub-section 6.4 which adopts the minor arterial and
collector roadway - LOS Standard D; arterial roadways - LOS Standard D; freeway facilities -
LOS Standard D. Commissioner Combs expressed his appreciation to Consultant Hooper for
his presentation.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked what will happen to Clarke Road
if the shopping mall materializes. He said the level of service would have to change to include
adequate turn lanes. He also questioned whether the decision is made by the City or the State.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-" March 1, 1994
City Manager Shapiro said the developer of the mall is required to do a traffic study, and that
study will be reviewed by the City, the State, the County, and the Regional Planning Council.
The Development of Regional Impact not only studies the roads within the City but also
approximately a six (6) mile radius of roads considered to be major transportation routes. There
will be public hearings and the comments of the other agencies will be available at those
hearings. Mr. Mohnacky asked who will pay for all the road improvements when the mall
comes into the area and whether it will come through taxes. City Manager Shapiro said it
depended upon what improvements must be made but the City will collect money from traffic
impact fees which can be utilized to deal with the local streets.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the Local Planning Agency had met on February 24, 1994 and
considered the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Case No. CPA-94-1-2 and
recommended approval for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs for their review
and comment. The LP A also recommended examination of proposed levels of service for each
segment individually. This information and examination was included in Consultant Hooper's
Mayor Vandergrift said the City was lowering its expectations for the traffic on the roads in
moving down to the "D" service. He would like to see the level of service "C" maintained and
continue to work on improvement of the roads, making the City a better place to live. He
pointed out for the record that, in the material provided by Staff, there may be errors and
omissions that were not included in the strike-outs/highlights. He said he hoped the Plan would
not be returned from the State of Florida with those errors and omissions in it.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Gleason said he understood the concern of Mayor Vandergrift in trying to adhere
to level "C," but that growth is here. On one hand if the City stays at level "C" it may be
able to say it has controlled or stopped growth but actually the City will have been held hostage
because the growth will continue around it and the cars will continue going through the City.
He said unless the City is willing to go to a level "D" funds will not be forthcoming for key
Mayor Vandergrift said he thought the changes in the Comprehensive Plan were being made
for the developers as opposed to the City of Ocoee. If the level of service "C," instead of the
"D," is adopted and a development needed more space then the Commission could negotiate a
settlement. With the current standing of "C," the staff has an opportunity to negotiate, with the
knowledge of the Commission. He said he would like to see the Commission say it will do
everything in its power to keep the roads at current standard.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 1, 1994
Commissioner Combs. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to aoprove the orooosed
Comorehensive Plan Amendment CPA 94-1-2. with the revisions set forth in the Errata Sheet
distributed to the Commissioners. such aooroval being for transmittal to the Florida Deoartment
of Community Affairs for their review and comment. oursuant to orovisions of Chaoter 163
Florida Statutes. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aYe." Commissioner Gleason voted
"ave." Commissioner Johnson voted "ave." and Mavor Vandere:rift voted "nav." Motion
carried 3-1.
CASE NO. CPA-94-1-3
Modification of the Capital Improvements Element.
PEC Consultant Hooper explained modifications to the Capital Improvements Element reflect
the changes in the Recreational Element to include the change of four (4) acres per 1,000
population as the concurrency standard for park land within the City and the transportation
changes of CPA 94-1-2. Various roads had been added. The rest of the changes included Water
and Wastewater in the 1993 Bond Issue showing that when the Ordinance of the Bond Issue had
been adopted that the Plan had been modified making sure that the Capital Projects were listed
under the official statement. He explained the table of Capital Improvement Elements for
1991-1996 on page 20 of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Consultant Hooper
said page 23 had been updated to include the local sources of property and utility taxes showing
the estimate of the current 1993 budget. City Manager Shapiro said there was nothing in the
Capital Improvements Element that the Commission had not addressed or staff had not covered
in each budget session when reviewing the Capital Improvement Plan. Mayor Vandergrift
expressed concern over errors and City Manager Shapiro pointed out an Errata Sheet covering
such errors had been distributed for this purpose.
The public hearing was opened and no one wished to speak. The public hearing was closed.
City Attorney Rosenthal said on February 24, 1994 the Planning and Zoning Commission,
serving as the Local Planning Agency, met to consider the proposed Comprehensive Plan
Amendment CPA 94-1-3. The LPA recommended approval of the Comprehensive Plan
Amendment for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for their review
and comment.
Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to aoorove the orooosed
Comorehensive Plan Amendment CPA 94-1-3. with revisions set forth in the Errata Sheet. for
transmittal to the Florida Deoartment of Community Affairs for their review and comment.
oursuant to provisions of Chaoter 163 Florida Statutes. On roll call Commissioner Combs
voted "ave." Commissioner Gleason voted "ave." Commissioner Johnson voted "aye." and
Mavor Vandere:rift voted "naY." Motion carried 3-1.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' March 1, 1994
and would be four feet (4') and an eight feet (8') width is required for a bicycle path. Mayor
Vandergrift asked that the originally designed swales be given attention. Mavor Vanderl!l'ift.
seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to acceot the staff recommendation and award Bid
B94-004 to Planted Earth Contracting Inc. for a total of $27.700. Motion carried 4-0.
GENERAL PENSION BOARD - Paul Lewis resigned.
Commissioner Combs said it was sad that Mr. Paul Lewis can no longer serve on this board.
Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to nominate Mr. Mickev
Shiver to comolete Mr. Lewis' two year term on the General Pension Board. Motion carried
Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to reactivate the Districting
Commission: Bill Breeze. Cathv Doss Starn. Ann Dunnawav. and PhiliD Pauline and to
nominate Mr. Frank Carlson to reo lace Bill Stebbins. Motion carried 4-0.
Commissioner Combs wanted to appoint two members of the current Planning and Zoning
~ Commission to serve on the Joint City/County Planning Advisory Council. Mayor Vandergrift
suggested that a City Commissioner could serve, but City Attorney Rosenthal said the JPA
Agreement stated it could not be an elected official. He also said the Committee will not meet
until sometime in April. For the first meeting Assistant County Attorney Alison Yurko and City
Attorney Rosenthal will coordinate the logistics in terms of getting the Council together and
making sure the proper noticing requirements are met, going through proper procedures in
appointing the fifth person. After the Council is initially formed, it will meet on an as called
or needed basis which will likely be a joint effort between the City and County legal departments
and the City/County Planning Departments, depending upon the particular issue. The purpose
of the first meeting is organizational. There is not a task assigned to the Council that will
require staffmg. If there is an issue requiring action by the Planning Advisory Council then an
agenda packet will be put together. The staffing will depend upon whether it is the City or the
County that is calling for a meeting of the Council. For example, if it is the City with a dispute
with the County, it is likely the City will call for the Coucil meeting and the City would be the
group presenting a packet or presentation to the Council. Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by
Commissioner Gleason. moved to table this item until the March 15 meeting and request the
Planning and Zoning Commission to seek nominations from the grouo. Motion carried 4-0.
PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - Terms of Pat Bond and Darlene Rhodus
expire April 1994.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ March 1,1994
RECESS 9:18 - 9:28 p.m.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira explained in mid-1992, the City of Ocoee started doing
tap water sampling in response to requirements imposed upon all water systems by the Federal
Government. The State Department of Environmental Protection has generated a rule called the
"Lead and Copper Rule" which tracks closely the Federal rule. Tests of drawn water samples
showed that the City exceeds the allowable amount of copper in the water samples and, as a
result of this, it must now prepare an Optimal Corrosion Plan. In none of the samples did the
City exceed the allowable level of lead. Several weeks ago staff had requested companies
propose how each would complete such a plan, and the costs to the City. Three proposals were
received along with one "No Bid." Of the three received, one was not responsive in substance.
The two responsive bids, Malcolm Pirnie and Hartman & Associates, were within $600 of each
other. City Engineer Shira said it was staff recommendation to select Malcolm Pirnie who had
a team on staff that had helped the EPA write the Lead and Copper Rule. He felt that the team
could better interpret the rule and have a greater experience in this type of work. Rick
Johnson, Senior Project Engineer of Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., introduced David Barr, Professional
Engineer with Sverdrup Corporation, and thanked the staff for the vote of confidence. Engineer
Johnson explained that Malcolm Pirnie had been under contract with the USEP A (U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency) for the development of the Lead and Copper Rule guideline
manual. He said Mr. Barr had personal knowledge of some problems with corrosive water in
the City system. He said the City was on a very short time frame and the firm can begin
immediately to work with this deadline. Commissioner Gleason asked if there were health risks
involved in a higher level of copper. Engineer Shira said of the 60 samples taken, only 20 had
an excess of copper and it was not a terrible problem. Commissioner Combs. seconded by
Commissioner Johnson. moved to acceot staff recommendation and award the contract for
oreoaration of an Ootimal Corrosion Control Treatment Plan to Malcolm Pirnie. Inc. in an
amount not-to-exceed $9.500. and authorize the Mavor and City Clerk to execute the contract
documents. Motion carried 4-0.
City Manager Shapiro explained that before the awarding of a bid, Staff looks at the experience
of contractors to find out whether they can perform the appropriate service. Two of the bidders
on this item were having problems. Staff recommended the third low bid, Planted Earth
Contracting, Inc., who had met all of the specifications and had a good record. He stated for
the record, that staff had contacted the neighborhoods about whether sidewalks were warranted,
as the Commission had requested, prior to putting it in the budget. Mayor Vandergrift asked
if the sidewalks were four feet (4'). He also asked what the Federal guidelines were before a
sidewalk also becomes a bicycle path. City Engineer Shira said all were in a residential area
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ March 1,1994
Mayor Vandergrift said Ms. Bond and Ms. Rhodus have indicated a willingness to serve again.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to aoooint Pat Bond and
Darlene Rhodus to a term to exoire Aoril. 1997. Motion carried 4-0.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Asked about the status of the generic ordinance. City Mana~er Shapiro said it will be
discussed Thursday and he will have a report for the next City Commission meeting.
Commissioner Combs:
1) Said he did not want the trucks with heavy loads or the traffic on Clarke Road to be
2) Asked about the Election issue which should have been on the agenda. City Mana~er
Shapiro said the City had not yet had a response from Betty Carter's office. Ms. Carter
was scheduled to hold a meeting with her staff last Friday and he is exoecting: to hear
from her regarding the number of options.
3) Said that he had sat very quietly while others had challenged the Mayor. He added his
telephone will not be ringing off the hook tomorrow accusing him of politicking.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Asked if the mulcher would be in operation soon to take care of the tree limbs citizens
are beginning to place curbside. He asked that this be done without additional charge
to the citizens as that was the purpose of purchasing the mulcher. He noted also that any
mulch not needed for City parks was to be made available to citizens. City Mana2er
Shapiro said that was correct.
2) Asked if the street sign light bulbs that were out at A. D. Mims/Clarke Road could be
replaced. City Mana~er Shapiro said staff would look into it immediatelv.
3) Announced the Little League Parade on Saturday, March 5. He will be attending his
son's baseball game in Boca Raton but had always supported the little league.
4) Asked that the City look into the Arbor Ordinance of Plantation, Florida. He and his
wife, Marilyn, had visited there and she had been impressed with the beauty of the trees
and landscaping. City Manae:er Shapiro said the staff would request a copy of the
Arbor Ordinances from both Sun Rise and Plantation.
Commissioner Foster: Not present, as he was lobbying for funds for the Withers-Maguire
House in Tallahassee.
Comments From Commissioners
March 1, 1994
Mavor V ander~ift:
1) Said he had visited Tiger Minor Park and had the following items to report:
a) A broken water meter lid about 40' NW of the basketball/tennis courts.
b) The wire around the parking area is down. City Mana~er Shapiro said the
City's insurance company would not allow wire fencing: due to an accident
involving such wire. He said staff is looking: into a method which would be both
safe and cost effective to the City.
2) Asked if the Milton property could be used for practice fields. No.
3) Expressed concern about the trash and banana trees that are being dumped near Prima
Vista. City Manae:er Shapiro said someone would look into it.
4) Reported the bathroom doors are missing at Tiger Minor Park and requested Port-a-Iets.
Commissioner Combs said that vandalism had been a constant problem in that area and
the Prima Vista homeowners association had personally cleaned those bathrooms of
human waste as well as toilet paper from the basketball hoops. City Mana~er Shapiro
said the Chief of Police had more policemen in the area now.
5) Suggested a ranger program for the ball fields. City Mana~er Shapiro said it had been
discussed for 4-5 years and the Ordinance prohibits a mobile home being placed in these
6) Suggested a one-way sign for the road in the Cemetery. City Manaeer Shapiro said he
would have Staff look into this problem.
7) Asked about the depressions on Geneva Street. City Manager Shapiro explained that the
road was lust lavered over rather than reconstructed.
8) Asked for bathrooms or port-a-Iets for the rookie field and football field.
Mayor Vandergrift invited everyone to get up at 4:30 A.M. and go with him to Tallahassee in
support of the Withers-Maguire House funding. City Manaeer Shapiro said that he had been
informed that the money will be a part of the State budget. if it survived the cuts.
The meeting adjourned at 10: 10 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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