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'-' REGULAR MEETING HELD March 15, 1994
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to
order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. The opening prayer was led by Commissioner
Foster. Mrs. Hilda Ems, Orange County Chairperson for the Seniors and Law Enforcement
Agents Together, led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Gleason, and Johnson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, Public Works Director Brenner, Building and Zoning
Official Flippen, Concurrency Analyst Resnik, City Engineer/Utilities Director
Shira, Planning Director Wagner, City Clerk Grafton, and Clerk/Stenographer
Mayor Vandergrift read a Proclamation proclaiming Days of Remembrance - Yom Hashoah
for April 10, 1994 in the City of Ocoee.
~ Sam Woodson, representing the Ocoee Lions Club, presented the 1 st Place ribbon and the
President's Trophy won for the Ocoee booth at the Central Florida Fair. He introduced long
standing Lions Hartle Bowness, Edwin Pounds, Ben Griffin, and Commissioner Rusty
Johnson and expressed appreciation for their years of service with the Lions. Mayor
Vandergrift thanked the Lions for the many volunteer hours that had gone into the project and
thanked them for once again bringing home the first place trophy.
Mayor Vandergrift introduced Bill Nice and Nick Jones and said they deserved special
recognition for their honesty in turning in a lost wallet with the money and credit cards
untouched. He also introduced Bill's mother, Karen Nice.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, F, G., and H. (Item E was omitted from
the agenda.) Commissioner Gleason asked who the Chairman and Vice Chairman were on the
Planning and Zoning Commission referred to in item G and Planning Director Wagner advised
that Mr. Harold Switzer and Mrs. Pat Bond hold those positions. Mavor Vanderl!l'ift. seconded
by Commissioner Gleason. moved to aoorove and acceot the consent agenda as oresented.
Motion carried 5-0.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Ree:ular Commission Meetine of March 1.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ March 15, 1994
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute the necessary
documents for a One-Year Extension of the Auditin~ Services Contract with
McDirmitt. Davis. Lauteria and Companv. P .A.
C. Approval and Consent to Modification of Leasehold Morte:a2e of Forest Lake Golf
Club. Ltd. ("Forest Lake") to First Union.
D. Approval and Acceptance of Ocoee Industrial Park - Final En~neerin~ Plan.
E. This space left blank intentionally.
F. Approval of the Dates Established for Public Hearines for DRI for Lake Lotta Mall
and Lake Lotta Center.
G. Appointment of Plannin2 and Zonin~ Chairman and Vice Chairman to serve on
Plannin2 Advisory Council.
H. Approval and Authorization for Transfers Amountin~ to $5046. from Wastewater
Contin2ency re: M&M Property Park and Wastewater Plant No.1 Site.
Todd D. Whitlock, 2706 Estep Court, Orlando 32818, representing parents in the Richfield,
Carriage Oaks, Coventry, Parkside, Hidden Glen, and Johio Bay subdivisions, said the Orange
County School Board was considering school boundary changes which would require busing their
students out of Ocoee to attend school. The homeowners and parents were petitioning the
School Board to keep Ocoee students in Ocoee schools and asked Commission to adopt a
resolution supporting the community school concept.
Beverly Alcorn, 1415 Carriage Oaks Court, said, with the change proposed by the School
Board, middle school students from their neighborhood would be assigned to a school in Pine
Hills while school buses would travel through their neighborhood to transport children from
Sawmill to Ocoee Middle School. The progression of students from school to school together,
a "feeder-pattern," has been found to be socially less stressful for students entering the difficult
middle school years. The parents want their children to grow up with a sense of belonging and
pride in their growing community.
Mayor Vandergrift said a statement of support should be sent to the Orange County School
Board to address the "feeder-pattern" system in the community school concept. Commissioner
Gleason agreed with Mayor Vandergrift and pointed out that the Violence Free Month of
March is an effort for the City to bring attention to our children, our community, and what is
going wrong with the values of society today. Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Mavor
Vandere:rift. moved to send a request to the County School Board to consider the oarent's
request for reconsideration to maintain community schools on Aoril 12. No action was taken
on this motion.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
"-' March 15, 1994
City Manager Shapiro suggested that a resolution would be appropriate. Mavor Vandere:rift.
seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to direct Attornev Rosenthal to draft a resolution
in support of maintaining the community school conceot. Motion carried 5-0. The resolution
was drafted as directed and presented to Commission immediately following the recess taken at
8:30 p.m., but appears here for the sake of clarity.
Resolution 94-06, A Resolution to the Orange County School Board regarding Community
Schools was presented by City Attorney Rosenthal in its entirety. Commissioner Gleason.
seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved to adoot Resolution 94-06 in suooort of the citizens
of Ocoee olea to Orange County School Board to maintain community schools. Motion carried
5-0. City Clerk was directed to provide a copy for each Commissioner and to send an original
to Orange County School Board.
Ordinance No. 94-03, Repealing Chapter IX, Concurrency Management and Adopting New
Chapter IX, Concurrency Management For Land Development Code, was presented by title
only for the first reading and public hearing. Attorney Rosenthal said this is an amendment
to the Land Development Code for which the Florida Statute requires two public hearings.
Concurrency Analyst Resnik explained that the changes were for clarification purposes, as the
Ordinance was assembled two years ago from a model code and Staff has proposed changes for
the concurrency management system in order to operate more efficiently and effectively. Four
major changes to the initial concurrency legislation at the State level should be incorporated in
the City system, as follows:
1) Allow for greater flexibility on timing of parks and transportation improvements. Parks
may be dedicated up to one (1) year from the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Transportation facilities may be in place or under construction up to three (3) years from
the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. These future improvements will be either a
part of the Capital Improvements Plan of the City or guaranteed through Developer's
2) Allow for a more realistic picture of existing roadway conditions by counting only
existing traffic and traffic from projects that have been issued a Final Certificate of
Concurrency on building permit. This would mean that vested developments would not
be counted for concurrency purposes until they are issued permits.
3) Provide developers the option of obtaining Final Certificates of Concurrency and
Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificates once preliminary plans have been
approved. This would reduce the up front risks for the developers and enable them to
secure the necessary approvals to obtain financing for their projects. It would enable the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' March 15, 1994
City to receive funds for capacity at an earlier time period, which would help in the
planning for infrastructure improvements.
4) Close a loophole in the current Article IX which permits developers to continuously
renew transportation reservations for 90-day periods simply by applying for new Final
Certificates of Concurrency at $100 per certificate. The proposed change would allow
only one 90-day renewal, after which a developer would have to lock in the reservation
by obtaining a transportation capacity reservation certificate. This would force the
payment of a certain portion of road impact fees up front.
City Manager Shapiro said the amendments are the result of the ELMS Commission that had
met because of IX-J-5 and the Concurrency Statute. The State felt there had been errors that
Cities must address and initiate the changes to balance the economic responsibility.
The public hearing was opened and no one wished to speak. The public hearing was closed.
No action was taken. Mayor Vandergrift announced the date and time of the second public
hearing for this item.
Resolution No. 94-04, vacating portions of Jackson Street and Geneva Street, was presented
by title only. Planning Director Wagner explained that this was the vacation of two abandoned
and unimproved road rights-of-way that the Commission had already reviewed under the Shoal
Creek Subdivision, and that this step was part of the already approved agreement with the
developer. Mr. Wagner advised that the required mailed notices to the property owners within
300 feet of the project were late going out and he asked that the public hearing be opened as
scheduled and then continued after comments from those who wished to speak had been heard.
The public hearing was opened. Mayor Vandergrift asked if this affected the long range plans
for California and Chicago A venues which lie between two subdivisions in the County.
Planning Director Wagner said the subdivision had come to the City to look in depth at which
roads to keep or improve and it had been determined that this subdivision provides adequate
east-west traffic network and east-west access across the subdivision. There were no citizen
comments made at this time. Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved
to continue the oublic hearing to the Aoril 5. 1994 at 7:30 O.m. in the commission chambers.
Motion carried 5-0.
Administrative Services Director Beamer said this was consideration of Change Order No.8,
relating to construction, instead of Change Order No.9 as listed on the agenda. This includes
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~, March 15,1994
the addendum for the surveying done and the amount of muck that had been found underneath
the area location of the new city hall. When controversy between the contractor and staff
reached an impasse following the determination that sample boring and analysis had been
incorrect, Professional Engineering Consultants were brought in for additional surveying, boring
and analysis as a reasonable compromise as opposed to litigation. Ms. Beamer pointed out that
in the final document to be signed there was a difference in the wording which shows a more
specific location than the quadrant language used in the copy distributed to Commission in the
packet. That portion was changed to "the northeast and the east half" of the City Hall project
to encompass all of the muck removed.
Ms. Beamer advised that the second issue of the reconciliation occurred after awarding the
contract. It was agreed that Huber would get the contractor and the City would pay for all
surveying services. The contractor wanted Professional Engineering Consultants to continue as
it had been involved and best knew the land. There had been excessive "down time" due to the
process of the removal by the survey crews. Follow-up substantiation on the survey points
created time-consuming correspondences. The contractor and architect have executed the
Change Order which releases all other claims for consideration of muck removal. Ms. Beamer
pointed out that the March 11, 1994 memorandum lists all the various changes that have
occurred to date. There followed a discussion of the expenditures, during which Commissioner
Johnson expressed concerns over the communication conduit and dumpster fees and
Commissioner Gleason commended Ms. Beamer on doing a good job and for saving the City
funds. Commissioner Foster. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to (1) accept the
negotiated settlement with Huber Design and Construction. Inc. for all additional costs associated
with muck removal of $50.000 and 28 day time extension to May 20. 1994. (2) authorize the
Mayor to execute change order number 8(Huber Design and Construction. Inc.). (3) aoorove the
settlement with Professional Engineering Consultants. Inc. for $22.500. for surveying and
analysis. (4) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum 94-01 (Professional
Engineering Consultants. Inc.). and (5) confirm all other exoenditures as listed in the staff
reoort. Motion carried 5-0.
( 26.872.00)
( 3,715.00)
( 2.418.00)
( 3.978.00)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' March 15, 1994
RECESS 8:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.
It was at this point in the meeting that Resolution No. 94-06, in support of the citizens' request
to Orange County to consider maintaining the community school concept, was presented and
approved. See page 3 of these minutes.
Administrative Services Director Beamer explained that in reviewing the general design of
the new chambers the Commission had requested a system where everyone could see and hear.
Ms. Beamer introduced Mr. Ron Suttle, General Projection System, who explained the
communication system designed for Ocoee was equal in quality to the Pentagon but it was on
a smaller scale with expansion design as the City grows.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, expressed concern over cost of the
communication system. Mayor Vandergrift said it was important to be able to take the
information to the citizens. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Gleason.
moved to aoorove the award of the audio visual/video oresentation system for Commission
Chambers to General Proiect Systems in the amount of $57.675 with the terms and conditions
'-" as outlined in their letter dated March 10. 1994 attached to the staff report. Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal said pursuant to the Commission request he had met with City
Manager Shapiro and Building and Zoning Official Flippen to review the situation of siding.
He said it is their opinion at this time that the City is not in a position to lawfully adopt a
generic ordinance which bans specific types of siding materials without also prohibiting materials
they would prefer to have used. Attorney Rosenthal said Mr. Flippen is doing an inquiry as
this may be a wide spread problem throughout the State. Building and Zoning Official Flippen
said he had sent the inquiries but to date had received no responses. Commissioner Gleason
said this was one issue that was very frustrating. While the law protects the product, the
evidence seems to dictate otherwise and he felt confined and restrained. Commissioner Foster.
seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved to table the item and direct Buildine: and Zonine:
Official Fliooen to continue activelv seeking a solution to this oroblem. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution No. 94-05, relating to Maintenance Agreement with F.D.O.T., was presented by
title only. Commissioner Foster asked the location of the mileage increase of 1.034 miles.
Public Works Director Brenner said this was lane miles and the amount of the passing lanes,
turn lanes, etc. Mayor Vandergrift asked if there is any consideration to trading Bowness Road
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-" March 15, 1994
for Bluford Avenue. City Manager Shapiro said there had been discussion on this. He and
City Engineer Shira had been to the F. D .0. T. in Deland to discuss this along with a schedule
on the Kissimmee intersection improvements. Citizen R. P. Mohnacky asked if the State is
paying for this. City Manager Shapiro said the State had a certain standard and to make the
citizens happy with the sides of the roads the City maintains them. The plus side is that the
City receives the money the State would spend as if the State maintained it but that is all the
City gets. Mavor Vanderl!l'ift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to adoot
Resolution 94-05. aooroving the one (1) year maintenance agreement with the Florida
Deoartment of Transoortation. and authorize the Mayor and Citv Clerk to execute the same.
Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the City Charter requires that the regular municipal elections be
held on November 8 and November 22. While this is a Charter provision, State Statute 101.75
provides cities some flexibility in that cities may move their elections either before or after the
established dates up to 30 days if the voting equipment is not available to them. Notwithstanding
the Charter provision, the Orange County Supervisor of Elections has told cities they can no
longer combine their elections with state or county elections. Another state statute requires that,
in a County with over 260,000 population, which includes Ocoee, municipalities must use the
voting machines and devices used in the County in all elections; however, there is no statute
requiring the Supervisor of Elections to make her equipment available. He said there are
negotiations underway toward a solution. Attorney Rosenthal explained several options and
suggested that the City could make plans to conduct municipal elections this year on November
29 with a runoff if necessary on December 13. The City would not have to change the Charter
since the new dates are less than 30 days apart from the old dates. Commissioner Gleason.
seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to direct City Attornev to draw uo the aoorooriate
ordinance to set the election date for 1994 on November 29 with a runoff on December 13 if
necessarv. in order to receive assistance from the Suoervisor of Elections. such ordinance to
address Qualifying dates and the terms of office of incumbent elected officials. Motion carried
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira explained two bids received by the City had a cost
difference of only $3.00 per location. The low bidder, Lake Sumter, had not completed the Bid
Bond and should be rejected as non-compliant. Commissioner Combs. seconded by
Commissioner Johnson. moved to accent the bid submitted by Morris Contract Services. Inc.
in the amount of $298.00 oer location. not to exceed $16.390.00. and authorize the Mayor and
Citv Clerk to execute the agreement. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' March 15, 1994
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Referring to the results of the recent poll taken by the Post Office regarding the change
in mailing addresses for those areas recently annexed into the City of Ocoee but still
required to have a mailing address other than Ocoee, Commissioner Gleason said the
City had received some complaints from citizens who had preferred to not make the
change. He pointed out that each of those neighborhoods had been given an opportunity
to vote and the Post Office had taken the decision of the majority. He also wished that
the majority of the residents in Saw Mill Subdivision had been interested in making the
2) Thanked Public Works Director Ray Brenner for Ocoee Elementary Principal Nora
Gledich and Assistant Principal Mary Hopper for the immediate response to their request
for crossing stripes for the school children on Orlando A venue, and he asked if the grass
and weeds on the property fence lines could be trimmed on the property owned by Mr.
3) Pointed out concerns involving Park Side:
(a) The basketball hoop is gone. It appears a plastic backboard had been broken by
someone attempting to hang on to the rim.
(b) The water spigot is gone. He asked if the water was potable. City Manaa:er
Shapiro and Public Works Director Brenner said there was no irrigation and
it is City water.
4) Thanked City Engineer Shira for cleaning the site at the wastewater plant off Jackson
5) Congratulated Sam Woodson and the Lions Club for the prize winning booth at the
Commissioner Combs:
1) Thanked the staff in their assistance with a neighbor's problem with a cable in their yard.
2) Congratulated Betty Goble for the successful neighborhood watch "block party"
Saturday, March 12, 1994, 10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. at the ball field on Little Spring Hill
3) Announced the Founders Day Meeting at 7:00 p.m., March 17, 1994 to be held at the
Ocoee Woman's Club. City Mana~er Shapiro pointed out that there are meeting
conflicts on this date. He said Dr Terry . Florida State University. has been scheduled
for the Districting Commission meeting the same evening at 7: 30 p. m. and the testimony
of the Commissioners might be important. especially to those wanting the District lines
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' March 15, 1994
4) Expressed his appreciation to Public Works Director Brenner for the storm drainage
work on White Road.
5) Announced there will be a good cook-out on Friday, March 18, honoring Finance
Director Ivan Poston who is retiring.
Commissioner Foster:
1) Said on March 1, 1994 a committee representing the Historical Commission consisting
of Alice Bass, Ruth Grafton, Betty Ervine (Chairman), Harold and Elizabeth
Maguire, Administrative Services Director Beamer and himself, had traveled to
Tallahassee in hopes of obtaining additional funding for the Withers-Maguire House.
Commissioner Foster introduced Ms. Ruth Grafton and asked if she would express the
activities of the committee. Ms. Grafton said it had been a very successful trip.
Commissioner Foster said Mayor Vandergrift had joined the Committee on March 2.
He had not received the results but was optimistic of the outcome.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Said he had received complaints about the paving project off of Ridgefield Avenue and
it looked as if someone had driven over wet tar and left marks in the paving. He said
Simpson had asked him about it and he had said it would be looked into. He also said
this would not be allowed to happen on the south side of town. Public Works Director
Brenner said he will meet with the person who was responsible for the paving proiect
the next morning.
2) He had met with the homeowners of Amber Ridge with concerns of mildew and mold
coming through the wall and asked if the same thing could be done about mold as had
been done with the siding issue. City Mana~er Shapiro said this problem has a
relationship with the use of air conditioning. Commissioner Johnson asked that the
problem is looked into before he goes up on March 30th to meet with those citizens.
3) Announced the Local Citizens Police Advisory Board will meet at 7:30 p.m., Thursday,
March 17.
4) Said that Mr. Stearns had resigned from the Citizens Police Advisory Board and the
Commission will need to select someone to serve in his place at the next Commission
5) Thanked the staff for doing a great job.
Mayor Vandererift:
1) Said the City was seeing a busy season in sports with the Girls softball tournament (150
teams over the U.S. and foreign countries) from 8:30 a.m. to early evening, six to seven
days a week and Little League everywhere.
2) Thanked Commissioner Foster for his representation and support on behalf of the Ocoee
Historical Society.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
\.... March 15, 1994
3) Asked if there was something wrong with the construction at the S curve intersection
on Silver Star and Temple Grove.
4) Announced an Easter Egg Hunt on April 2 with different hunts scheduled for different
age groups. Contact Recreation Director Beech at 656-3103 for additional information
or to answer any questions.
5) Asked how long before the polling of Saw Mill Subdivision could be done again.
Concurrency Analyst Resnik said one year and someone from Saw Mill must initiate
the request.
City Clerk Grafton announced that the Ocoee Rent-A-Choir was present to sing "Happy
Birthday" to Mayor Vandergrift and that there was birthday cake for everyone.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
City of Ocoee