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Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners to order at
7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. The opening prayer was led by Commissioner Foster. Mrs.
Frances Watts, Senior Citizens President, led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a
quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present
were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director
Beamer, Recreation Director Beech, Building Official Flippen, Personnel Director
Psaledakis, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Wagner, City Clerk
Grafton, and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
Paul Lewis, Chairman of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce, presented brochures about the
Chamber. He said there has been tremendous growth in the West Orange area and in order to meet the
liophisticated challenges that lie ahead, the Chamber will require a full time executive director to provide
.......(,..or continuity of leadership. Mr. Lewis asked the City to assist in a start-up fund for the director's
position in the City's 1995, '96, and '97 budgets. The Chamber believes it will be self-funded after
three years. City Manager Shapiro explained the budget year for the City begins October 1 and this
item could be included in budget preparation for 1995 if requested by Commission. Whether the
Commission continues the funding will be based upon a public hearing. Commissioner Combs.
seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to place as a high reouirement in the budget the reouest
to assist the West Orange Chamber of Commerce with a start -up funding on a three year declining
commitment at $10.000 (1995 budget): $5.000 (1996 budget): and $2.500 (1997 budget) as presented.
Motion carried 5-0.
George Barley gave a slide presentation on the peril of the Everglades. The Save Our Everglades
Committee (SOE) has collected over 200,000 signatures in support of a Constitutional Amendment that
would tax the sugar industry to pay for the cleanup of the Everglades. He said the algae covered water
in the Everglades was destroying coral reefs and lobster in Florida Bay. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1825
Prairie Lake Boulevard, agreed with Mr. Barley and asked why the sugar industries could not pay a
percentage toward the restoration. Commissioner Foster asked what the average individual could do
to endorse SOE. Mr. Barley said citizens could sign the petition or call 872-8558 to work as a
volunteer. He asked the City to join with other Florida Cities in adopting a Resolution endorsing The
Save Our Everglades Initiative. Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Gleason asked that the next
agenda include the Resolution.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~vlay 17, 1994
Captain Mills Sears, Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI) of the Orange County Sheriff's
Department and Acting Police Chief Wilson, Ocoee Police Department, each presented Chief Boyd
with a plaque in appreciation and recognition of leadership and service to the citizens of Central Florida.
Chief Boyd said serving on the MBI Board of Directors had been a highlight of his career. It had been
his privilege to supervise some of the finest police officers in Orange County, and they had made the
City one of the safest cities in the State of Florida. Mayor Vandergrift read a proclamation in honor
of Chief Boyd's public service to the community.
Commissioner Combs said Commissioner Foster had contacted him about a problem that Bonnie
Bailey had with a broken water line under her home. She needed financial help for the expensive
repairs. He and the Kiwanis Club had made contributions but had been stymied until Building Official
Flippen had arranged for donated repairs. Commissioner Combs presented plaques to Bryan Giesebel
of U. S. Homes Corporation, Dave Kimmons of Classic Plumbing, Inc., Steve Peeper of Peeper
Drywall, Inc., and Dave Manning of Barry Neal Carpets, Inc. to recognize the companies for their
generosity. Ms. Bailey thanked all who had come to her aid and said this showed that Ocoee, while
it has grown, still has a small town heart.
~vfayor Vandergrift said he had met with Fred Hagan, Management Consultant of the Florida
Department of Transportation (PDOT) regarding a community Traffic Safety Program to reduce traffic
accidents causing deaths and injuries in Orange County. The City will report several bad intersections
to the PDOT for study. A committee would be formed within the County to determine solutions for
some of the problems which have been causing accidents. Rather than delaying for Commission action
on a Resolution, Mayor Vandergrift read a proclamation in support of the Orange County Community
Traffic Safety Program. He directed that a resolution about the program be prepared for the next
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C. Mayor Vandergrift corrected item A on page
one, Presentation and Proclamations, to read "Commissioner Gleason.. . and he presented the 2nd place
plaque to the City of Ocoee which was accepted by Mayor Vandergrift." and also corrected on page
10, Comments Prom Commissioners, "Commissioner Johnson, 1) Asked about the turn signal on
Silver Star Road..." On item C, Commissioner Gleason asked if the proposed amount not to exceed
$81,715 included the $10,000 set aside for Starke Lake, and if it would include drainage ditches in the
area. City Mana~er Shapiro said it was an engineering study only and would not include money to
do the work. The drainage ditches have nothing to do with this. The $10.000 is for the planting and
that work would begin soon. On item B, Mayor Vandergrift asked if the amount was $40,674 and
Administrative Services Director Beamer confirmed that was correct. In response to Mayor
Vandergrift's questions on the City's basins, City Engineer Shira said the first study was not yet
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~_\1ay 17, 1994
complete, and staff does not have cost estimates, capital improvement or construction plans. The next
study will take 90 days. City Mana2er Shapiro said the first studies had included several things to be
done and the Commission had prioritized them. Drainage had been a constant problem. especially in
the area of the two trailer parks. The largest drainage problem would be addressed first.
Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to aoorove and acceot the consent
agenda as oresented. subiect to the corrections in item A. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Special Session held May 2.1994 and the Rel!Ular
Commission Meetin2 of May 3. 1994.
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Addendum No. 94-03 with
PEC for Master Water Plan Update.
k Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Work Order No.8 with PEC
for Storm Water Master Plan-Starke Lake/Lake Olympia Draina2e Basin Study.
Recreation Director Beech reported the Eleventh Big Orange Games held at Ocoee Middle School track
field on May 7, 1994 had been a fantastic success. There were 134 participants representing Miami,
St. Petersburg, Jacksonville, and the local area. He predicted 200 participants in future events. Sixty-
three volunteers had worked in the hot Florida sun from early morning until late afternoon. Donations
had come from various individuals, businesses, civic groups, and governmental agencies. As a result
~)f the Games, a young participant who needed a canine companion had received one from a citizen in
RECESS 8:35 - 8:50 P.M.
Second Reading of Ordinances
Ordinance No. 94-13 was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing. City
Manager Shapiro said the Commission had directed creation of the ordinance as a means to change
City policy. In the past the City had not provided service to nonresidents.
The public hearing was opened and no one wished to speak. The public hearing was closed.
Mayor Vandergrift said this was a common practice for other utilities. Money earned from
nonresidents would benefit City residents. The decision to serve nonresidents would be made on a
site by site basis. Commissioner Combs. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to adoot
Ordinance No. 94-13. Revising Utility Service Policy. as oresented. On roll call Commissioner Combs
voted "aye." Commissioner Foster "aye." Commissioner Gleason "ave." Commissioner Johnson
"ave." and Mavor Vandenrrift "aye." Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
,--,.vlay 17, 1994
asked if anyone who was interested in Ordinance No. 94-15 objected to the change and there were no
Planning Director Wagner summarized the staff report covering background of the plan. The Lake
Olympia Square was 20.78 acre Commercial Shopping Center development located at the southwest
corner of Silver Star Road and Clarke Road. The entire site has been zoned C-2 Community
Commercial District, although the developer is voluntarily processing the project as a PUD within an
Activity Center. The development has been platted and incorporated Lot 1, the main parcel, and outlots
3, 4 and 5 of Lake Olympia Square. Lot 2 has been retained as an undeveloped parcel for the purposes
of this application, and Lot 4 had previously been sold to Exxon Corporation for a gas station. As part
of the proposed project, the developer intended to create a new Lot 6, which would be an additional
outlot on Silver Star Road, and also split the original Lot 1 into two parcels to create a Lot 7.
The project as proposed would be developed in three phases. Phase I would entail a Winn Dixie store
and two adjoining retail uses for a total of 57,718 s.f. of space. Phase II and III would add 39,526 s.f.
and 46,250 s.f. of space respectively for a total of 151,894 s.f. including a future expansion to Winn
~ixie. Staff has concluded the first phase of the project will meet the concurrency requirement.
Staff has done a very detailed review of the project with a number of project iterations. The DRC had
focused on traffic, stormwater, and buffering issues as part of the review process. Three waivers had
been requested as part of the PUD review. One was for reduced maintenance berm widths around
portions of the stormwater retention ponds. The second was for a zero setback w~r between Lots
1 and 7 to permit the development of Phase III shops in a coordinated manner. The third was for
reduced parking space lengths down to 18' spaces where spaces adjoin landscape areas. Staff had no
problems with any of those waivers and they are part of the development plan.
As originally planned, the developer proposed to add two additional outlots to the development along
Silver Star Road. One of those lots has been deleted to provide additional stormwater capacity. The
other parcel, Lot 6, was proposed to share the right-inlright-out access point with Lot 4 as specified in
the original plat. This additional outparcel was not consistent with the original plat and added to
potential traffic volumes and conflicts near the intersection of Silver Star Road and Clarke Road. Also,
the Olympia Square project was already over twice the size of the neighboring Albertsons Shopping
Center. The addition of a high traffic generating outlot coupled with a potential strip commercial
character of development was inconsistent with the high quality urban pattern envisioned for this area
within the Comprehensive Plan. As part of the DRC recommendation the staff suggested approval of
this project as submitted with the deletion of that outlot. The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z)
held a public hearing on the project on May 10. There were a number of residents who expressed
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~Vlay 17, 1994
concern with adequate screening around the parameter of the shopping center, high intensity uses on
the outparcels within the development, and about cut -thru traffic through the residential subdivision
adjoining the project. The P&Z voted 6-1 to recommend approval of the project with Lot 6 remaining
in the project under the condition that the developer would not permit direct access to Lot 6 off Silver
Star Road. Additionally, the P&Z recommended the stipulation that no truck traffic would be permitted
on Olympus Drive.
Commissioner Gleason asked if the developer had agreed that the outparcels would not include fast
food facilities. He also asked if elimination of the access road on Olympus Drive at Hawthorne Cove
would affect the feasibility or the viability of the project. He asked if there were enough trips available
on Silver Star Road to permit the development to go forward without the access road as he saw potential
problems in using Lake Olympia as a thoroughfare. Director Wagner said enough trips were available
now, and that the developer had voluntarily restricted restaurant uses of the outlots to "sit down
restaurants" only to help minimize traffic. From the concurrency standpoint, the main bottleneck on
Silver Star was at the section from Clarke Road to Apopka Vineland Road. Traffic analysis by
Consulting Engineer Ken Hooper, PEC, had shown approximately a third of the trips would access
the shopping center from the west Olympus Drive and two-thirds would enter from the main entrance
at Silver Star Road. Following the P&Z meeting, it was determined that cut-through traffic already
existed and that it included speeders.
........:ommissioner Combs asked why put the road in at all during Phase I when studies on Silver Star Road
found the it could handle the traffic. Planning Director Wagner said there were two primary reasons.
First, the roadway was actually developed as an access for this development and the plat specified
access to that roadway. It had always been planned as a secondary means to the shopping center.
Second, it would provide access for the actual residents in that area going onto Silver Star Road or
Clarke Road. From a concurrency standpoint, it would alleviate traffic on those major roads. Adding
a third reason, he said the shopping center is two and one-half times larger than the Albertsons
Shopping Center, and adding another shopping center's traffic at that point would be a problem.
Although the intersection will probably handle the traffic for the first phase, Commission should concern
itself with future needs.
Commissioner Johnson said that the Albertsons Shopping Center has a right in/right out only and
proposed matching the two entrances. Director Wagner said the proposed Lake Olympia Shopping
Center was more than twice the size of Albertsons center and the access points would probably be
sufficient for a first phase. It is the later phases where these access points start to relieve the traffic that
would build up at this point.
Mayor Vandergrift said it was not part of the P&Z 's recommendation for the right in/right out. He
asked if there would be out access on the one feeding the service station and if it would feed only the
service station. Planning Director Wagner said the developer volunteered to limit access only to the
service station, and there would be no direct access to the outlot from Silver Star Road. Mayor
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~\1ay 17, 1994
Vandergrift said if the Commission chose to not act on P&Z recommendation, then it would take some
of the pressure off the other road to serve parcel 6. Director Wagner said it would be desirable to
keep as much traffic as possible away from the intersection.
Commissioner Gleason said he understood the director's point in wanting to relieve the problem at the
intersection and felt if the Commission erred, he would rather sit in traffic on Silver Star Road than to
know that the City has dramatically affected two neighborhoods. He was concerned with setting a
precedent by diverting traffic off the City's main road through residential areas. Director Wagner said
there will be some cut through problems which will need to be monitored regardless of the action taken
during the meeting. There may be other measures that can be taken to alleviate the condition that may
or may not be related to the shopping center.
Commissioner Foster asked why the P&Z objected to the entrance from Silver Star Road to Lot 6 as
it had been their recommendation that there be no access from Silver Star to those two lots.
Commissioner Combs asked if this was the gas station. Mr. Wagner said P&Z objected only to the
access to Lot 6. Lot 4 had been purchased by Exxon for the gas station and already had a platted
access. The P&Z recommended approval of the plan with Lot 6, but with the condition that no direct
access be permitted from Silver Star. Commissioner Gleason asked if Lot 6 was not there, could that
be an access into the shopping center and Director Wagner said the original plans included an access.
Commissioner Combs said he had wanted all the in and out traffic at the main entrance and was in
'-'lgreement with the P&Z on Lot 6 as it blocked out the gas station.
Mayor Vandergrift placed his copy of the plan on the entrance table for public perusal.
Mayor Vandergrift said someone had brought it to their attention in the P&Z meeting that there were
speeders already in the neighborhood. He had spoken with Acting Police Chief Wilson who will look
into the problem.
Ron Hinson, representing the Glenn Miller Group, announced that Mr. Miller and Don Huber, Huber
Design and Construction, were present. They had worked with the staff to bring something the City
can appreciate that will be a good part of the community. They were flexible in some areas and
understood the staff's concern regarding traffic. He requested keeping in place Lot 6 as it is a very
important issue as an economic liability of the project. There is a platted easement that splits this
boundary and they have agreed to limit the access to utilize the existing Lot 4. They will be able to
build the driveway on the split of the Lot line but will not use it if the Commission feels it is an
important part. Then it could be left in, restrict the access down to some point at the southerly portion
of the Lot rather than allowing the cut as shown on the plan. Mr. Hinson listed a number of agreed
upon stipulations. He said it was important to have access to Olympus Drive at some point in time and
suggested it being deleted until Phase III which will establish the primary means of egress and ingress
to the shopping center. The first two phases will occur over a five year period.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~\1ay 17, 1994
Mr. Hinson explained the phases of the screening wall. Comments had been received about a living
wall with vines and they were complying with the request. They have voluntarily agreed to lower the
commercial sign from 25' to 20'. Phase I improvements will provide water, sewer, and stormwater
services to these lots which will deal with the parking, building, and landscaping that requires no
retention. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has given conceptual approval for the
access on Silver Star Road in the original plan which included two cuts. He did not think there would
be a problem with going back to the FDOT saying they were not going to use that access if that is the
desire of the Commission. The group wanted to work with the Commission.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about the cuts and entrances off Silver Star and Clarke Roads. Mr. Hinson
said there would be two entrances off Clarke Road for Phase I, with one entrance off Silver Star Road
as presented. The P&Z Board agreed to stipulate against using the entrance. Mayor Vandergrift asked
how many lanes will be at the point of the second access on Silver Star Road. Director Wagner said
one and a turn lane.
City Manager Shapiro said Ken Hooper, Professional Engineering Consultants, was available to
answer questions concerning traffic. Commissioner Foster asked if the developer could access Lot 6
with a right in/right out and Mr. Hinson confirmed the developer would like that.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to delete that road entrance and
-""2"0 to the right in/right out in the entrance off Silver Star Road. Mayor Vandergrift said he did not
think the Commission was prepared for a motion at this point as the public hearing had not been
opened. The chair did not recognize the motion for procedural reasons.
The public hearing was opened.
Dan Coleman, 112 Hercules Court, expressed a renewed faith in government and said he was proud
of the Commissioners who will set the correct precedent in Ocoee. He preferred a tasteful architectural
flavor to include a weathered look, making up-scale shops. He did not want another strip center row.
Mr. Coleman asked that the developer build all of the wall at once. Other items requested were
special decorative lighting that would shield the residents from the subdivision, a bicycle path, and
landscaping with tall, thick trees. He said the residents did not want any unsightly signs, fast food
places or tire stores where motorists will hang out.
June Kleier, 1365 Hawthorne Cove Drive, said there was no need for another grocery store. The
residents would like a vine covered brick wall. She presented a petition, with approximately 156
signatures, listing the concerns of the citizens.
Lewis Dundas, 103 Olympus Drive, said many of his concerns had already been addressed. He did
not want traffic coming through the subdivision.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
.........\fay 17, 1994
Ed Toperzer, 163 Hercules Court, thanked the developer for taking the remarks of the citizens
seriously. He expressed concern with Lot 5 and did not want any two-story buildings in the center.
Nick Pagano, 201 Olympus Drive, and President ofthe Lake Olympia Homeowners Association, asked
why the brick wall must be built in three phases. He also wanted to know the store hours of the Winn
Dixie store, and requested a limit.
Steven R. Martyniuk, 153 Hercules Court, thanked the developer for getting rid of the entrance and
asked about the final approval of the center. City Attorney Rosenthal said the final engineering and
site approval would still have to be approved. Mr. Martyniuk asked why the wall cannot be built all
the way around in case the project isn't completed. He wanted lower signs.
Karen (?) said she had been informed by the Winter Park branch of the FDOT that no widening of
Silver Star Road is scheduled.
Pamela Burke, 109 Olympus Drive, said "Amen" to everything the neighbors and the City
Commissioners had to say about the buffer. She saw no need to build the wall in three phases.
Mary D. Barber, 1355 Olympia Park Circle, presented a petition and asked for clarification on the
motion. She did not want the road built at all.
Michael Leif, 1505 Acropolis Circle, said the City should have some responsibility to existing
merchants. He objected to the City allowing a gas station.
Louis Geys, 238 N. Westmonte Boulevard, Suite 280, Altamonte Springs, 32714, the property owner,
said he had gone through much planning to get to this point. He explained how they arrived at the plan
they had and thanked the Commission.
Sylvia Salazar, 1513 Acropolis Circle, asked for detailed landscaping and a buffer zone between the
grocery store and the community.
Mr. Martyniuk asked if PUD will be responsible for maintaining undeveloped areas. Commissioner
Gleason said a new ordinance covered this category.
Mr. Miller, Glenn Miller Group, was a developer of 13 shopping centers in the State, including Naples
and Marco Island. He agreed to extend the screening wall but in phases as he can afford it.
Commissioner Gleason asked what phase Lot 6 will go in and when advised it would be Phase I, he
gave a convincing argument to build the entire wall with the first phase.
The public hearing was closed.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~day 17, 1994
Mr. Hinson proposed to return to the original proposal and use the right in and right out at the
shopping center. Mayor Vandergrift recapped and said no fast food restaurants, no tire stores, lights
shielded and decorative, sodded and kept up, and wild flowers. He said there were no trees showing
on the plan and asked if the developer could make them a part of it. City Manager Shapiro said in
recapping it probably can be mandatory and cautioned the Mayor on the risks. City Attorney
Rosenthal said the landscaping ordinance, if stricter, cannot amend the ordinance against only one
Ms. Salazar asked what will happen to the trees that are removed and suggested making them available
to the citizens. Commissioner Gleason said he had already spoken with Director Wagner about the
excess trees. Ms. Salazar also asked who will be responsible for removing existing wooden fences as
the brick wall is built. Commissioner Gleason said it was the responsbility of the homeowner.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Gleason. moved to avvrove the Lake Olymvia
Sauare-Land Use/Preliminarv Subdivision Plans as recommended bv the P&Z without the deletion of
Lot 6. with the following additional reauirements: that the ingress and egress showing on the Plan to
Lot 6 be extended to connect to the shovving center: that the road access from the vroiect to Olvmvus
Drive be eliminated: and that the access from the vroiect to Olvmvus Drive be vrohibited: and that the
Phase II and Phase III brick walls as shown on the Preliminarv Plan be constructed at the same time
as the Phase I brick wall: with apvrovriate revisions being made bv the develover to the record vlans
~o as to be consistent with the Citv Commission action as vresented. On roll call Commissioner
Combs voted "ave." Commissioner Foster "ave." Commissioner Gleason "ave." Commissioner
Johnson "ave." and Mavor Vandere:rift "ave." Motion carried 5-0.
RECESS 10:45 - 10:50 P.M.
Ordinance No. 94-15 was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing. City
Manager Shapiro said this is a public hearing and staff was available to answer questions.
Administrative Services Director Beamer pointed out the pay grade and title change listing which had
been ommitted from the budget booklet. The reclassification of the current finance supervisor position
to budget analyst had not been included. Also, the expanded services for personnel services in solid
waste for summer help beginning a month earlier, and for additional workers hired for Thursday and
Friday collection of yard waste were not included.
The public hearing was open and no one wished to speak. The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Gleason asked about page B-38, Account #4900, and if the decrease of $143,432 under
contingency reserve is being moved somewhere else. Director Beamer said staff had to account for
a loss last year in that fund having to do with the Bond. Commissioner Gleason asked about a couple
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-'..fay 17, 1994
of items totaling $68,000 that were omitted from the original budget: a sludge truck for $16,500; a
$20,000 garbage truck lease; and $31,500 from original budget. Were they omitted because staff did
not have pricing on them, or they were still going through in pricing, or just an oversight? Director
Beamer said that was correct as the staff did not, at that point, have as good an accountin~ of the leases
as the staff now has. When the Commission adopted the budget it was adopted withb1it ~Hfie-g506
flS , ,
$20,000, and $31,500 paymeflts noted above.
Commissioner Gleason asked about the $10,000 for Starke Lake improvements. City Mana~er
Shapiro confirmed that was correct. The State recommended the City do the proiect. bringing in
residents around the lake to see the proiect in hopes they will go ahead and follow through with their
own private property. The public property will be done by City crews. He was sure there would be
a lot of people on their own property that might want to take the lead and do some themselves.
Administrative Services Director Beamer said it was strictly for the revegetation around the City Hall
from Oakland to the culvert. She also said the City will have the permit on Friday, May 20. Mayor
Vandergrift said if the City got the permit there was at least one resident who has volunteered who will
do something with it. He also wanted to call a volunteer work day. Commissioner Gleason asked if
the citizens would be covered under the City permit and if the City will be contacting homeowner
associations about the permitting. Director Beamer said there would be a permit for the whole lake
but citizens will have to go through the same process each time. The group will take a census of
noxious plants, inform the State what plants are being taking out of the lake, and the exact areas being
~;overed. City Manal:er Shapiro said it is the City's intent to work with the State. After the City has
the permit. residents may observe City employees cleaning the shore line. and get a permit to continue
with own their private property. The City did want to have its permit first to begin the project so these
people could view a completed area. Mayor Vandergrift said he really would like to get some
volunteers involved so staff could be released to do other work.
Mayor Vandergrift said, under the Recreation Department, he would like portable bleachers that could
be moved to the ball fields or utilized for special services at the gazebo. They should be small enough
to put on a pickup truck and could be broken down. He asked when the City would begin using the
"hobo" garbage cart pick up. Administrative Services Director Beamer said staff will be showing
exactly what the costs are for the fiscal 1995 budget. Mayor Vandergrift said he had received
complaints out of the mobile home park about people not taking in their garbage cans and suggested
beginning in that area. City Mana~er Shapiro said staff will have it in the next budget year. that staff
wanted to get the trucks first. and then the next capital improvement will include the carts, if that is the
desire of the Commission. The portable bleachers were not accounted for in the budget and can be
in the next budget. It will be placed on one of the list of things that staff will price for the
Mayor Vandergrift said $13,000 was placed in the budget last year for park benches. He suggested
they take a trip down to Windermere and look at the park benches they have along the main street of
Windermere. They are all wood, stationed in the ground on 4x4's. They are not the concrete ones.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
\...,vlay 17, 1994
Recreational Director Beech said the currently budgeted park benches are being made in-house with
less expense but are just as nice as the bought ones, with the City getting more benches this way.
Mayor Vandergrift also is still looking for a camcorder for the police car which can improve the police
work. City Manal:er Shapiro said this has already been discussed and it will be in the next budget.
Mayor Vandergrift said there was to be a report on the upgrading of the street lights. Administrative
Services Director Beamer said it had been given to the Commission right after the report was
completed. City Manal:er Shapiro said the upgrading report was given to everyone. what was
recommended and a portion was funded. including the trailer park. with a portion of the areas to be
done immediately. Then staff was going to come back to the Commission at the beginning of the vear
to talk about it at budget time again regarding what the City was going to do about the main roads and
other developments. Also, staff has an ordinance that it is proposing that the developers do the lighting
immediately rather than waiting until they are 50 % . He explained to the Mayor that the initial things
talked about that all of them had a problem with regarding the trailer parks and other pieces of property
are already in this budget. Mayor Vandergrift said he had seen the lights going up in the park and
thought they should be on a motion (sensor) as the lights are normally off in the parks. Citv Mana~er
Shapiro said the only problem is that a lot of people in the neighborhood do not go to the parks right
now because they are dark. They would probably like to walk into the park with the lights on. Mayor
Vandergrift asked for a copy of the upgrading report. Then he can say the trailer parks are going to
lJe lit ~jft year. City Manl:er Shapiro said it was in the budget along with some other areas. The
~aior issues regarding the main traffic ways and whether the City needs to change the lighting system
have not been done. Staff has given the report but it has not been discussed. Staff felt that needed to
be done at a budget workshop. It is hundreds of thousands of dollars to upgrade the street that the
County. State. or City isn't doing. Mayor Vandergrift asked for year-round lights on the trees by the
Mavor Vander!!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Combs. moved to adoot Ordinance No. 94-15.
amending Fiscal Year 93/94 Budget as oresented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "ave. "
Commissioner Foster "ave," Commissioner Gleason "ave." Commissioner Johnson "ave." and
Mavor Vander!!rift "ave." Motion carried 5-0.
Ordinance No. 94-16 was presented by title only for the first reading. City Manager Shapiro said
the City did not have a reuse policy and he had concerns for reuse in the future. Mayor Vandergrift
announced the date and time of the second reading and public hearing.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' v.lay 17, 1994
Commissioner Gleason said he had been notified by Planning Director Wagner who had been
contacted by the Orange County Zoning Board that Bell South had asked for a variance to put a 193
ft. tower off Apopka Vineland Road and south of Hackney Prairie Road. He had attended a hearing
and had spoken in opposition of this tower. While this is a piece of land that is not in Ocoee' s
jurisdiction, he found it wasn't consistent with the agreement that the City had signed with Orange
County wanting to maintain the rural integrity of the Clarcona area. The tower was approved by the
County Zoning Board of Adjustments and the City has until May 20 to file a protest before the Orange
County Commissioners. The filing cost is $137. The City would have an opportunity to make a public
statement that they had signed an agreement with the County to maintain the integrity of the Clarcona
area, and the tower isn't consistent with the agreement that the City signed. Commissioner Foster
asked if a resolution, saving the City $137, would have the same effect as filing an appeal. Attorney
Rosenthal said the way the County procedures work, the action of the Zoning Board of Adjustment may
be final action and unless an appeal is filed the matter does not come before the County Commission.
If an appeal is filed then it takes a vote of the County Commission. Commissioner Gleason. seconded
by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the $137.00 for filing: an appeal with Orang:e County
in opposition of the construction of a 193 ft. hig:h Bell South Mobility cellular communication tower on
a site west of Apopka- Vineland Road and south of Hackney Prairie Road as presented. Motion carried
Commissioner Foster. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to authorize Commissioner
~leason to represent the City of Ocoee at the Orang:e County Commission hearing: concerning: the
construction of the Bell South Mobility cellular communication tower. Motion carried 5-0.
Resolution No. 94-10 was presented by title only. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by
Commissioner Combs. moved to adopt Resolution No. 94-10. relating: to City Sewer and Water Service
per Ordinance No. 94-13. as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if this water main installation will solve the water pressure problem.
Commissioner Gleason said staff had asked for $175,000, and asked if the balance will be needed or
if the $107,000 will complete it. City Engineer Shira said this will go a long way toward solving the
water pressure problem. The $175,000 had been a rough estimate. Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded
by Commissioner Gleason. moved to approve the ag:reement with Linco Co. for water main installation
as presented and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the ag:reement with Linco in an amount
not-to-exceed $107.000 upon receipt of F.D.E.P. permits. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
,-\tIay 17, 1994
Administrative Services Director Beamer said additional telephones will be needed for the new City
Hall building, and this should not be confused with the Police Department that has already been before
the Commission. Staff is requesting an award to Orlando Business Telephone Systems for the current
ADIX 96 System to incorporate the 56 telephones, 17 jack and wire locations, needed either for growth
or movement in moving to the new building including relocation of phones found to be in the wrong
place in relationship to desks. The request is in relation to the recent competitive bids that have been
awarded to this company and also to the bid awarded to them several years ago. The same system, if
rented, would cost the City around $10,000 a year annually. Wiring, while on rental, will cost $5,000.
The City will receive a one time credit for all of the rent paid on the system since staff has been
relocated, amounting to $6,964. Director Beamer said it is to the City's advantage to pay the full cost
for the system instead of incurring carrying charges based upon the amount of money currently budgeted
for furniture, fixtures, and equipment. Commissioner Gleason asked if the rental of $5,093 is for a
year or a one time cost. Commissioner Combs asked if this will be coming from the Contingency fund.
Administrative Services Director Beamer said it is a one time cost and will come from Furniture,
Fixtures, and Equipment where there are monies and not from Contingency. Commissioner Gleason.
seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to (1) approve the purchase of the telephone system for
City Hall from Orlando Business Telephone SYstems. Inc. in the amount of $25.404.24 from bond
proceeds and (2) authorize Staff to process the necessary purchase agreement as presented. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift wanted two, a north and south, polling places. He suggested the Ocoee Womans'
Club for the south location. City Manager Shapiro suggested the fire station for the north location
and said it would be better to use the Community Center rather than the Womans' Club. Mayor
Vanderl!rift. seconded by Commissioner Combs. moved to approve two polling places. the fire station
and Community Center.
After a discussion regarding which districts would use which polling places Commissioner Combs
withdrew his second. Mayor Vanderl!rift. seconded by Commissioner Foster. moved to amend the
motion to one pollinl! place. the Community Center. Motion to amend carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift
restated his motion to approve one polling place for City elections and with that one place beinl! the
Community Center. Commissioner Foster seconded and motion carried 5-0.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Asked about the Franklin Street repairs where the pipelines were put in, as the grass has not
been replaced. He said Mr. Brenner was not here tonight but he keeps saying that the City is
going to go back and fix it. City Manaeer Shapiro said. with confirmation from
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~vlay 17, 1994
Administrative Services Director Beamer. that the proiect has not been finished. The problem
is due to the time it has taken to get the approval from the shopping center's ownership, and
there have been no tests.
2) Asked City Engineer Shira when the right-of-way would be repaired where the meters were
repositioned, as he had fallen in the hole off the side of the right-of-way where they dug the line
under the road. City Eniineer Shira asked if it was in the road or off the side and said he
would take care of it.
3) Asked what the status is on the truck cleaning the parking lot at Albertsons after 9:00 o'clock,
as, although he has had no calls on it, he has seen the truck there after 9:00 o'clock just about
every night. Commissioner Gleason asked if the ordinance had gone into effect yet and City
Manal!er Shapiro said it was in effect upon passing. Mayor V ander~rift suggested he call the
Police Department and have the operator ticketed and he will not come back then. Attorney
Rosenthal said it was a code enforcement issue.
4) Reported that last Saturday, May 14, the postal service had collected 1500 lbs. of food, canned
goods, etc. and the City had picked it up on Monday and delivered it to the Christian Service
Center. He had picked up additional canned goods that day as the citizens were still leaving it
in the mailbox.
Commissioner Foster:
1) Said one of his pet peeves had been public transportation, and when he read that Paul Skoutelas,
~ the director of Lynx, was authorizing 40 buses to go to Atlanta to transport the Olympic
attendees, he thought it was rather ironic that the City could not get him to send one bus to
Ocoee to transport the elderly and the senior citizens, and the poor people of our City.
Commissioner Combs:
1) Concurred with Commissioner Foster that the City needed public transportation.
2) Said the Founders' Day event had gone well. The committee had learned a lot of things that
they should and should not do in future events.
3) Proposed purchasing land to expand the cemetery if the City plans to continue keeping it. He
recalled that it had been discussed years ago when the land had been offered to the City but no
action was taken at that time.
4) Asked if the families were responsible for the vault top cracks and broken slabs, and noted that
there is some cleanup to be done. He asked staff to look into what can be done about the
cemetery . City Mana~er Shaoiro said repairing the cracks was the responsibility of the
families. He asked if it is vault tops or concrete slabs. Staff will look into the problem.
5) Commended the staff for speedily correcting the problem on the south water well on Saturday.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Had been in conversation with Mr. Paul Skoutelas, asking for a meeting to discuss bus lines,
as he was aware that Mr. Skoutelas had gotten about 7M dollars from the Federal Government.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'--.rl:ay 17, 1994
Mayor Vandergrift asked if there any comments from the citizens. There were none. In oversight
he had forgotten to ask Commissioner Gleason for comments and apologized.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Congratulated Recreation Director Beech and his staff for the Big Orange Games.
COmmissioner Gleason also noticed that Director Beech had returned some money in his
budget and suggested he not do that too often in the future.
2) Thanked and commended Betty Hager, Commissioner Combs, and the volunteers for putting
together the Founders' Day event.
3) Expressed concern over Woodsmere signs appearing at the City Limits lines involving Good
Homes Road and White Road. He was curious if this was a new incorporation as some of those
signs seem to be within the City's JP A lines. People in Rose Hill wondered if they were part
of W oodsmere or unincorporated Orange County. City Mana2'er Shapiro said the signs were
not within our right-of-way but rather on the state road right-of-wav which the City does not
have iurisdiction over.
4) Pointed out a problem with visibility when making a left turn from Clarke Road turning east on
White Road, understanding that the count is not yet sufficient to justify turn signals. City
Manaier Sha{liro said he was sure that if the mall comes in the count would make it. Mayor
Vandergrift said FDOT sometimes allows a turn signal in the case of a potential hazard and this
location should qualify.
~) Said if the mall is approved it would be good to make the trees that cannot be left in place
available for relocation.
6) Congratulated Exel Homes of Silver Bend for the award winning home in the Parade of Homes.
7) Thanked the City Clerks Department for helping him get out of jail with the American Cancer
Society today.
8) Wished happy birthday to Janet Resnik.
The meeting adjourned at 11:36 p.m.
City of Ocoee
.3 SJK"~
S. Scott Vandergrift,