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Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission
chambers. Commissioner Foster led in the prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge
of allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Foster, Glass, Gleason and Johnson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning
Director Wagner, Recreation Director Beech, Fire Chief Strosnider, and City
Clerk Grafton.
The consent agenda consisted of items A and B. Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv
Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Re~lar Meetin~ held
November 15. 1994. and Work Session held November 15. 1994.
Approval and Authorization to reimburse Titan APS. Inc. $19.000 from the
proceeds of the 1993 Series A bond issue for water line oversizinl: from 8" to
12" for Shoal Creek Subdivision.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked about the ditching along Prairie
Lake Boulevard following the heavy rains. City Mana~er Shapiro advised that there had been
more water in the pipes than they could contain and the pressure blew out the railroad tracks.
Public Works is replacing the grass. the railroad is replacing the tracks. and there will be a
report in writing available in a few weeks. Mr. Mohnacky also asked that research be done
about the water still running under Sherwood Oaks. Mr. Shapiro advised that this would have
low priority compared to the other problems around town.
Commissioner Vern Combs, 310 Sabinal Street, thanked Commissioners and staff with whom
he had worked during the last six years, as well as his supporters in the recent campaign.
Commissioner Combs addressed a few remarks to the Mayor. He also said that a young man
had made some strong statements to him regarding a charter change and Commissioner Combs
stated for the record that as long as he lives there will not be a charter change to do away with
the City Manager position.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'--' December 6, 1994
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that item VI C, a resolution abandoning and vacating a portion
of Lake Lotta right-of-way, had been advertised as a public hearing, but was inadvertantly
placed under Other Business on the agenda. That item was moved to this position in the
This resolution was presented by title only. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished
to speak, the hearing was closed.
Mr. Harold Scherer, representing the land owners, said that the southerly portion of the strip
had not been annexed into the City and so was not included in the request to vacate, but that the
northerly portion goes down to the water line of the lake and that is the portion to be vacated.
The question was raised whether by abandoning this right-of-way this portion would be a used
as an access road from the proposed multi-family area of the Lake Lotta P.U.D. City Manager
Shapiro responded no for the record, as there will be no out-road at all for the Mall or multi-
family area to Good Homes Road.
Mavor Vanderl!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Foster. moved to adopt Resolution No. 94-
34. abandoning and vacating that certain fifteen foot unnamed road right-of-way abutting the
eastern propertv line of Tract 17. Orlando Groves Association Lake Lotta Groves Subdivision.
as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Planning Director Wagner presented the staff report, explaining that it had been the City's
custom to waive fees for church sponsored rezonings and special exceptions, but that due to the
need for a prompt review of their request to build a modular classroom building on their site,
St. Paul's Presbyterian had paid the fees rather than wait several weeks to request a waiver.
Commissioner Foster. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to refund all fees related
to the St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Special Exceotion amendment as reauested. Motion
carried 5-0.
This resolution was presented by title only. Fire Chief Strosnider gave the staff report and
explained that this resolution would modify the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement by providing
that each county or municipality would be exclusively responsible for its own workers'
compensation claims when responding to another entity's emergency/disaster call.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-' December 6, 1994
Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt Resolution No. 94-
33. amending the State-Wide Mutual Aid Agreement. as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Shapiro explained that it has become the policy to invite non-profit organizations
to submit their requests for funds at the same meeting rather than submitting them individually
throughout the year. He pointed out that $7,500 had been budgeted for this item and the total
amount requested by those who responded to the invitation was $15,555.
After individually reviewing the list and making suggestions for donations, consensus was
reached to allocate the funds in the following manner:
Christian Service Center
We Care Crisis Center
Ocoee Middle School-
Student Achievement Program
Ocoee Elementary School-
Button Assembly Program
Toys for Tots
Citrus Council of Girl Scouts, Inc.
Boy Scouts (all boy scouts)
Ocoee Kids, Inc.
American Legion #109
Seniors First
West Orange Girls Club
West Orange High School Band
$ 500.
1,500. (all girl scouts)
There was discussion about granting the schools money for projects, as both Ocoee Elementary
and Ocoee Middle School had made requests. Commissioner Gleason asked why Spring Lake
Elementary was not included. City Manager Shapiro advised that they had not responded to
the letter that was sent out to those who had requested funds in the past, while Ocoee
Elementary and Ocoee Middle School had. Commissioner Glass noted that it was possible that
the elementary schools in Windermere, Clarcona, Tildenville and Maxey in Winter Garden
should be included as they serve Ocoee children as well and were not on the list because they
had not asked for funds previously. Commissioner Johnson said that the funds should go to
Ocoee students in whatever school they are enrolled. City Manager Shapiro said that he could
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 6, 1994
poll the schools and determine the number of Ocoee students served in each school and distribute
whatever amount commission decides upon per capita.
Mr. Ray Cooper, 46 Coral Key Drive, Mr. Bart Rostiser, 90 Circle Key Drive, and Mr.
Harold Switzer, 609 E. Lakeshore Drive, each addressed Commission regarding the grants.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded bv Mavor Vanderl!rift. moved to approve the amount agreed
upon above with the supplemental amount suggested by City Manager Shapiro to be prorated
amongst the schools based on the pooulation of Ocoee students in the schools with the total not
to exceed $9.500. and with the additional $2.000 not already budgeted to come from General
Fund Contingencv. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Foster voting "No. "
Commissioner Glass. seconded bv Mavor Vandergrift. moved to amend the above motion to
read that. at the discretion of the Commission after the information has been provided by Staff.
the matter of the amount granted to each school may be readdressed. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Foster. nominated Commissioner Johnson
to serve as Mavor oro tem for the next year. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to appoint Mrs. Linda
Santo to serve as an alternate on the Code Enforcement Board to complete Mr. Eric Barnett's
unexpired term which will expire Seotember. 1995. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Foster. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to appoint Mr. John
Linebarier to serve as an alternate on the Code Enforcement Board to complete Mr. Scott
Glass's unexpired term which will expire October. 1995. Motion carried 5-0.
There were no staff reports at this time.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented a staff report giving the background regarding
the City's responsibility to construct the part of Hackney Prairie Road from Clarke Road east
to the eastern boundary of Prairie Lake P. U. D. He explained further that Silvestri has proposed
to build this part of the road, with funding provided by the City. The feasibility of extending
a sanitary sewer eastward from Clarke Road along Hackney Prairie Road to the eastern boundary
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 6, 1994
of Prairie Lake P.D.D. to serve projects proposed to be built to the east of the Prairie Lake
P. U . D. is also under consideration. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the reason this issue
has emergency status is that the current contractor is working in the area and needs a decision
before the next regular meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift declared this to be an emergency item.
In response to Mr. Shira's request, Commissioner Foster. seconded by Commissioner
Johnson. moved (1) to authorize the Mayor and Citv Clerk to execute the First Amendment to
Development Agreement with Silvestri Investments of Florida. Inc. as prepared bv the City
Attornev: (2) to authorize exoenditures from the Road Impact Fee fund in an amount not-to-
exceed $233.264.75 for the construction of that portion of Hacknev Prairie Road: (3) to
reimburse Imperial Partnership. Ltd. $35.218.66 for costs incurred with REPS for the design
of that portion of the road: and (4) to authorize staff to contract with REPS for the design of
a sanitarv sewer extension along Hackney Prairie Road in an amount not-to-exceed $10.000.
subiect to an agreement for reimbursement of this cost to the City bv one or more benefited
developers. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Thanked both family members and citizens who supported his campaign.
2) Asked that animal control be addressed and that citizens be provided with the County
number to call when needed. City Manager Shapiro explained that for the City to have
its own animal control would cost upwards of $200.000 annually.
3) Asked that mosquito control be addressed. City Manager Shapiro advised that even if
the County agent sprayed daily. the mosquitoes would still be a problem and the County
has provided some material to be distributed which citizens could obtain by calling 877-
4) Said that during his campaign he had heard rumors and he wanted citizens to call him
for clarification of some misconceptions.
5) Noted that someone had asked for regular citizens meetings and he pointed out that there
are already two citizens meetings scheduled each month, on the first and third Tuesdays.
6) Asked that an appreciation dinner be scheduled during the season for the volunteer
boards. Mr. Shapiro said that it is not in the budget for this vear but should plan for it
next year. and possibly it could be done in the spring with a mid-year budget adiustment.
7) Suggested establishing an appreciation/recognition dinner or reception for the
incoming/outgoing Commissioners as well.
8) Remembered that Commissioner Combs owes him a dinner for a bet made a year and
a half ago on the Tennessee/Florida game. Commissioner Glass made it clear that the
debt does not transfer with the district seat.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 6, 1994
Commissioner Foster: No comments at this time.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Said that the Christmas parade last weekend was truly American, and thanked the Lions
Club, Police Department, Fran Gosnell, Jim and Cathy Sills, Jim Beech and Bruce
Nordquist for their efforts to make it a success.
2) Announced Toys for Tots December 16 and invited citizens to donate toys and dollars
through the Police Department to this worthy cause.
3) Coventry Lane and Prairie Lake Boulevard are out for bid and having them finished will
be a great relief for those residents.
4) Has been asked again to bring up the unfenced retention pond in the Hammocks which
does not drain and stays covered with algae. Has contacted the attorney for the
developer as the homeowners association does not yet have control and they said they
would look into it. Asked that City look over their shoulder and be sure something is
done. Mr. Shapiro said he thought it had been taken care of. but would give official
5) Congratulated the candidates who won and said he expects to have a good working
relationship for the betterment of the community.
Commissioner Glass:
1) Thanked his campaign workers, especially wife Kathie and daughter Megan, and
expressed appreciation for those friends and neighbors who voted for him.
2) Mega ditto to Commissioner Gleason's remarks about the Christmas parade.
3) Asked that in the future those asking for charitable contributions give a breakdown on
how funds were used in the past, how many Ocoee citizens are benefitted by the funds
received and the percent of overhead cost, as those facts would help in making a decision
regarding donations.
4) Asked the Christmas light judges to contact him for access to Wesmere.
5) Advised constituents that they could call Commissioners either at home or at City Hall
and leave a message on voice mail for them.
6) Noted that Commissioner Johnson did not move to honor volunteer board members until
after he was off the Code Enforcement Board, and he promised to remember.
7) Asked to be kept informed regarding the drainage issues. Was very impressed with the
presentation prior to the last Commission meeting.
Mayor V ander~rift:
1) Asked for a work session/town meeting in January, possibly on a Saturday morning, to
hear citizens and get them involved in a plan.
2) Wants a work session each month as there is a need to consider, among other things,
improvements to the downtown area.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ December 6, 1994
3) Thanked supporters in his campaign and repeated his statement from his acceptance
speech that he has opened his door to all.
4) Asked for an early report on the storm damage. Mr. Shapiro advised that this County
was not declared an emergency by FEMA.
5) Announced Florida Jubilee Celebration on January 3 in Tallahassee.
6) Christmas parade will be broadcast December 13 at 5:00 p.m. and then again after the
Commission meeting broadcast.
7) West Orange High School Band will have an ensemble playing Christmas music
immediately prior to the meeting December 20 and also at a break during the meeting.
8) Asked if a school crossing guard for Spring Lake Elementary could/should be supplied
before the mid-year as proposed. Mr. Shapiro said that the guard would be for 6
students crossing. After a brief discussion about the options, Commissioner Gleason
was charged with the duty of contacting the School Board about permitting the buses to
transport the children, possibly from a pickup site in Coventry if they could not pick
them up within the two mile range from school.
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
City of Ocoee
S, ~~~Jd-
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor