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~ MEETING HELD December 20, 1994
Preceding the meeting a clarinet ensemble from the West Orange High School Band, under the
direction of Band Director Harold Cooper, played Christmas music.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commISSIon
chambers. Commissioner Foster led in prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of
allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Foster, Glass, Gleason, and Johnson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative
Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Public Works
Director Brenner, Solid Waste/Fleet Maintenance Supervisor Dees, and City
Clerk Grafton.
The consent agenda consisted of items A and B. After a brief discussion to expand on the
~ information in the staff report of item B, Mavor Vandenrrift. seconded bv Commissioner
Johnson. moved to approve and accept the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of the Re~lar Meetinl: held
December 6. 1994. and Canvassinl: Board Meetinl: held November 30. 1994.
B. Acceptance and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Owners
A~eement for Sewer Service with Colony Plaza.
Mayor Vandergrift spoke briefly regarding the West Orange High School Band and their need
for funds to buy uniforms. Mr. Mike McEvers, Ocoee Lions Club, presented Band Director
Cooper a donation of $250 to buy one uniform and challenged other organizations to do the
same. Mr. Cooper expressed appreciation for the donation and explained that the uniforms
presently in use are 8 years old and the Band is trying to raise the difference between the amount
the County will provide toward replacement of the uniforms and the actual cost. He said that
citizens/organizations should contact him at 656-2424+209 for more information.
Mr. Tommy Sanders, Past Commander of American Legion Post #109, expressed appreciation
for the donation from the City and explained the functions of the organization.
Mr. Rick Glass, 2088 Hedgerow Circle, representing the Amber Ridge Homeowners
Association, asked for the status of their problem in Amber Ridge. City Manal:er Shapiro
'-" advised that scheduling conflicts had prevented a meeting with the attorneys. but that. for the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ December 20,1994
record. he will have a report in final context by the first of the year from Foley & Lardner and
PEC explaining where we see the liabilities. He is calling a meeting for January 5 with the
City Manager Shapiro pointed out the advantages in the design of the sample molded refuse
containers on display and advised that the containers would be provided free to City residents.
He recommended awarding the bid to Otto Industries as theirs was the most responsive and
responsible bid submitted. He pointed out for the record that "after the bid was opened one
company advised that they had found a better bid that we could go on from a city somewhere
in Florida which did not meet our specifications and we do not want to accept. And another
company had placed a letter but not in the bid form that suggested a bottom line price that
would be 10 or 20 cents difference. But based upon the specifications we asked for and
demanded, we recommend that the only company that was low bid and did not have any
exceptions was Otto." There was some discussion regarding the size being a problem,
particularly in homes with limited storage space and those areas where there are neighborhood
restrictions. Mavor Vanderl!rift. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to award Bid
Number B95-03. Plastic Molded Refuse Containers. to Otto Industries. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrative Services Director Beamer explained the need for one member of the Commission
to be named to serve on this committee. Commissioner Foster. seconded bv Commissioner
Gleason. nominated Commissioner Johnson to serve on the Financial Services Selection
Committee. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrative Services Director Beamer presented the staff report and requested that only
Mitchell Builders be deemed qualified to bid on the Withers-Maguire Phase 3 Restoration.
Commissioner Foster. seconded bv Commissioner Glass. moved to orequalifv Mitchell
Building Contractors. Inc. and to authorize staff to negotiate an acceotable bid with same.
Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift asked if anyone in the audience wished to comment
and no one came forward.
RECESS 8:35 P.M. TO 8:43 P.M.
The West Orange High School Flute Ensemble played Christmas music during the recess.
Commissioner Gleason announced that his firm, Compression Therapy, will donate $250 to the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ December 20, 1994
West Orange High School Band for their uniform drive and he challenged all West Orange
Chamber of Commerce members to do the same or better.
Commissioner Gleason advised that he had talked with Commissioner Combs and he had
decided to withdraw his application for appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission at
this time. Commissioner Glass. seconded bv Commissioner Foster. moved to appoint Glenda
F. Hopkins to comolete Mr. Dan Draia's unexpired term on the Planning and Zoning
Commission. which term will exoire February 1996. Motion carried 5-0.
City Manager Shapiro advised that the Lake Lotta Mall/Center will meet with staff Thursday to
finalize the major issues and will be before Commission mid-January.
After their announcements each Conunissioner in turn wished Happy Holidays to all.
Commissioner Foster:
1) Announced that there will be no disruption of garbage services for the Christmas and
New Year holidays. He also cautioned citizens to include the Christmas wrapping paper
in the regular garbage rather than in the recycling box.
2) Citizens are also requested to place Christmas trees curbside in the early morning any
Wednesday or Thursday in January.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Asked about the progress on Sullivan Street ditch. City Mana~er Shapiro advised that
a title search is being done to determine the ownership of the ditch so that the
responsibility for maintenance can be ascertained.
2) Cautioned staff to be sure the landscaping is done as agreed while the Winn Dixie center
is being built.
3) Noted that a developer near the lake has bulldozed down all the trees preparing for
building and he thought that the arbor ordinance prevented that. Mr. Shapiro said that
the City Planner was also the tree person and that he had been tied up with the
Mall/Center. Mr. Shapiro pointed out for the record. "You can only do so much to
determine what you are allowing: them. If. for instance. YOU have a big: tree and you
can build a road around a tree by going a foot or two over. vou have a lawful right to
suggest that they do that. You also have a right to make them protect as they move fill
around bv doing certain things to the tree base so that it does not rot. But if you take
away the use of the land with an arbor ordinance you begin getting to the point where
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'--' December 20, 1994
you have a problem with the value of the land and its use." Commissioner Johnson
asked specifically that projects that are on-line not be ignored while new and larger
projects are being considered.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Said he talked to the principal at Spring Lake Elementary School and it was clarified that
she did not receive the invitation to request funds during this budget year.
Commissioner Glass: No comments other than wishing Happy Holidays to all.
Mayor V ander~rift:
1) Reported that he had met with Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst Janet Resnik and
representatives from Lynx and the tentative opening of the Lynx bus routes serving
Ocoee will be February 6.
2) Talked about the drainage problem at Amber Ridge and Essex Drive and advised that a
resident at 2558 Dovetail had been told that the high water was a County problem rather
than a City problem. Mr. Shapiro said that he will call the citizen as Dovetail is
definitely in the City.
3) Requested again that Lakeshore Drive be opened as soon as possible and that swales be
put along the side to contain the water.
4) Recommended that citizens use small live trees for Christmas decorations next year and
then either plant them or donate them to the City to be planted.
5) Announced that the park being built at Pioneer Key Park II will not be open before
Christmas and asked that citizens keep their children out of the park until it is completed
as there are presently some unsafe areas.
6) Thanked Mr. Cooper for bringing the flute and clarinet ensembles from West Orange
High School Band to perform at the meeting and asked that citizens be aware of the need
for financial support so that uniforms can be purchased for the band members.
The meeting adjourned at 9: 10 p.m.
City of Ocoee
~~~ J~~
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor