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HELD JULY 7,1998
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Pastor Luis Pluguez, New Life Christian Church, led in the prayer and Todd Davis
led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Director of Community
Relations/Projects Shira, City Engineer/Uti1ities Director Shira, Director of Planning Wagner,
Recreation Director Nordquist, Senior Planner Horne, Senior Planner Lewis, Public Works
Director Smith, Finance Supervisor Carter, Consultant Hooper and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Vandergrift displayed pictures, using the overhead projector, of the Skip Davis family
collecting water and other essentials desperately needed by the firefighters in the recent fire
disaster areas. Mayor Vandergrift presented "Volunteer Beyond Excellence Award" certificates
to each family member. Mr. Davis thanked the manager of Albertsons, Stewart Pride, Front
End Manager Hector and the employees of Albertsons who pitched in.
West Orange YMCA Scholarship Campaign - Isabel Freeman
Ms. Freeman requested a $1,000 donation on behalf of the West Orange YMCA Scholarship
Fund for the summer program. The fund is to help families who need financial assistance to
allow their children to attend the summer camp. Commissioner Glass. seconded by
Commissioner Anderson. moved to grant $1.000 to the West Orange YMCA Scholarship Fund.
Motion carried 5-0.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K. Commissioner
Anderson pulled items H and I for discussion and directed that in item A, the Regular Session
Minutes of June 16 reflect the following concerning acquisitions of Base Operations
Management Services, Inc. Properties east of Bluford Avenue between McKey Street and
Oakland Avenue: The City, in connection with the purchase of the property, is using the
appraisal provided by the Seller, Base Operations Management Services, Inc.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve items A. B. C.
D. E. F. G. J and K of the consent agenda as presented. with the correction as noted to the June
16. minutes in item A. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7, 1998
A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of City Commission Re~ular Meetin&: of June
16. 1998. Special Session of June 25. 1998 and Work Session of June 30. 1998.
(Commissioner Anderson directed that the June 16 minutes reflect on page 6: The City, in
connection with the purchase of the property, is using the appraisal proyided by the seller,
Base Operations Management Services, Inc.).
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Chan~e Order #1 with
Golden Hammer re~ardin&: Partial Payment Request.
. This change order incorporates provision number 5 (Progress Payments) of AlA
Standard Form Agreement and will allow payment for all work on the Police
Department Building at this time rather than waiting until contract completion.
C. Approval and Authorization for Award of Bid #98-06 for Traffic Si&:n Computer.
. This item was included in the FY97/98 Budget and, in response to advertising, bids
were received and opened on June 18, 1998. Staff recommends approval of Advanced
Digital Cutting Systems bid for $15,900 and requests authorization to proceed with the
acquisition of the equipment.
D. Approval and Authorization to Purchase Pot Hole Patchin&: Truck.
. This item was included in the FY97/98 Budget and Staff recommends piggybacking on
the City of North Miami Bid #20-97-98 for this purchase. Staff also requests (1)
approval of the Lease/Purchase Agreement with Ford Motor Company, and (2)
authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to
consummate the transaction contemplated by the Agreement.
E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Lease Aweement
Contract #OCOE-61-138 with Florida Central Railroad for Draina~e Purposes.
. This Agreement permits City crews to construct a pipe under the railroad track
adjacent to Sawmill Subdiyision in order to alleviate the flooding during periods of
heavy rain. The annual Lease Agreement cost is $300 and the estimated construction
cost is $3,800.
F. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Disaster Relief
Fundin~ A~reement with the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs for
Financial Assistance in Repairs as a Result of the Declaration of a Disaster Emer~ency
by the Governor in Executive Orders number 98-37 and 98-57.
. The two problem areas identified that qualified for funding assistance are: (1) debris
and sediment intrusion into the two drain wells for Starke Lake; and (2) the flooding of
Lakeshore Drive north of the boat ramp.
G. Approval of the Scope of Services with TransCore/SAIC for the Ocoee Transportation
Impact Fee Update and Authorization to Pay $24.746 for Said Study from the
Transportation Impact Fee Fund.
. This study is in preparation to updating the Road Impact Fee Ordinance, and was in the
FY97/98 budget.
H. Pulled
I. Pulled
J. Approval and Authorization to Have an Employee Survey Conducted by a Professional
Group and to Form an RFP Selection Committee to Include Commissioner Parker.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7,1998
Human Resources Director Psaledakis. Community Relations Director Shira. and
Finance Director Horton.
. This is according to Commission direction during the Special Session of June 30.
K. Approval and Authorization to Lease/Purchase (12) Yard Dump Truck.
. Staff recommends piggybacking on the City of Panama City Bid of April 3, 1998 for
this purchase and requests approval of Lease/Purchase Agreement with Ford Motor
Credit Company and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all
documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the Agreement.
Items H. and 1. of the consent agenda were discussed at this point.
H. Approval and Authorization to Place Appropriate Funds in the Budget and Form a
Committee to Promulgate the Rules and Regulations for a Police Car Take Home
. This is according to Commission direction during the Special Session of June 30.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to add the Chairman or a
representative of the Police Advisory Council to the Committee for the Police Car Take Home
Plan and to approve this item. Motion carried 5-0.
I. Approval and Authorization to Form a Committee to Discuss a Plan for the Taking
Home of Public Works, Utility and Building and Zoning Vehicles, with the
Committee to be made up of the Director and Two Employees from Each Mentioned
. This is according to Commission direction during the Special Session of June 30.
Commissioner Anderson proposed delaying this item until the Police Car Take Home Policy
was completed. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve
the item as presented. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting No.
Former Commissioner Betty Hager, 511 Orange Ave., asked who would be organizing the
Founders' Day Celebration scheduled for October 17, 1998. City Manager Shapiro said
Director of Community Relations/Projects Janet Shira had prepared a letter to the Commission
suggesting they select a chairperson or have Staff act as the chairperson this year. The letter also
suggests scheduling the fireworks not used for the July 4th Celebration for Founders' Day.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to have Staff chair the
Founders' Day Celebration and use the fireworks from the July 4th Celebration for Founders'
Day. Motion carried 5-0.
Mrs. Hager said she still had a problem with speeders on Orange Avenue, and that, even though
she had offered her lot for the police to park on, she had seen no evidence of its being used for
that purpose. Mr. Shapiro said he would contact Chief Mark and get a list of scheduled
occurrences on that street. Mrs. Hager asked also that the berm be replaced that was removed
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7, 1998
from the right-of-way when the water lines were installed, as its removal has caused her property
to wash away. Mr. Shapiro said he would take care of the problem.
Commissioner Parker:
1) Thanked the Fire Department and firefighters from all over the world who came to help in the
recent disaster, especially the firefighters from Ocoee.
Commissioner Glass:
1) Echoed Commissioner Parker's sentiments on the firefighters.
2) Extended condolences to the Mayor and his wife Beth on the loss of her mother.
Commissioner Anderson:
1) Announced that there is a rash of signs, "Buy home for Cash", showing up at corners. He
asked Mr. Shapiro if there is a policy for employees, other than Protective Inspection
employees, to remove the signs. Mr. Shapiro said that if it is absolutely guaranteed the sign
is against the law any employee should pick it up. or report it.
Commissioner Howell:
1) Expressed his appreciation to the firefighters. He said that they give a lot and then they give
Mavor Vandere:rift:
1) Announced that the RSVP line is for compliments as well as complaints. He relayed a
message received complimenting the Ocoee Fire Department for their quick response to a
brush fire on June 1, 1998. Job well done.
2) Thanked the community and staff for their kindness and sympathy upon the recent loss of
Mrs. Vandergrift's mother.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only. Planning Director Wagner said this is the first of
the required two public hearings for any change to the Land Use Plan. Mr. Wagner noted that
they have responded to the Commission about the questions raised at the public workshop, and
will continue that process. He reviewed the questions in the packet and introduced Whitt
Blanton, of TransCore Planning Consultants, who gave a brief presentation and reviewed the
information presented at the June 18, 1998 workshop. Mr. Blanton emphasized that their goal
was to get the best use of Highway 50 and reduce the number of accidents.
The public hearing was opened.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7, 1998
Lisa Keating, owner of a parcel of land on Highway 50 east of the hospital, expressed concern
that there would be no egress/ingress to her property. She said she did not want to be at the
mercy of the hospital.
Mr. Blanton said they try to provide access for each property owner; they would look at a shared
access first.
Mr. Rosenthal said that it would depend on who developed their property first as to who would
build the shared access; however, the city review would guarantee that her property would not
be land locked. Mr. Wagner added that they could move the access to the common property
line, and the changes would be shown on the final package at the next public hearing.
Richard Irwin, Executive Director of Health Central, said he was not aware that the hospital
wanted access at this location but had no objection to cooperating with Ms. Keating.
Sam Walker, First Baptist Church of Central Florida, stated that an exit has been allowed for a
new apartment complex next to the access for Old Cemetery Road/Hwy. 50. He wondered how
this would work with two driveways right next to each other.
Mr. Wagner said Old Cemetery Road is part of Orange County right-of-way, it is already a
dangerous situation, and it would probably need to have some type of shared access through the
commercial property.
John McLain, co-owner of Extra Attic Self Storage, asked how the straightening of Marshall
Farms Road would affect the on-ramp of the Turnpike, and whether that interchange would
continue to exist.
Mr. Wagner explained that these road alignments are totally conceptual at this time, and final
alignment would depend on other state roads which would be built in the meantime.
The public hearing was closed.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that no action was needed by the Commission at this time, and
that the second reading and public hearing are set for July 21, 1998. He said, however, that he
had received a request to postpone till August. Mr. Rosenthal explained that the Commission
could either set the public hearing for the August Commission Meeting or they could go ahead
with the public hearing at the July 21 meeting and determine, at that time, whether to take final
action or continue the public hearing to another date without taking action. Without objection,
Commission agreed to do the latter.
City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. Planning Director Wagner noted
that this plan had been presented in detail at the June 18, 1998 joint workshop, immediately
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7, 1998
followed by the Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing, and that Commission
recommended approval. He stated this is the first of two advertised public hearings and gave a
brief presentation with an overhead display. He talked about overlay areas, where higher
standards of development involving landscaping, signage, parking, pedestrian facilities,
stormwater management, and improvements along public facilities will be set along the Highway
50 corridor.
The public hearing was opened.
Jay Worsham, 266 Mileham Drive, stated that he owns property in the City limits and was glad
to hear that the vestings on Clarke Road would be honored, but was concerned with what to tell
prospective buyers concerning future requirements by the City. He said he was also concerned at
some of the nebulous terminology used. For example, who will make determination as to what is
better, and whether it will it be voluntary or mandatory. He said the restrictions put the property
owner at a disadvantage if they are in the overlay area because of the added expense for potential
owners or developers.
Planning Director Wagner said Staff would get to middle ground with the developers; and if
there were a dispute then it would be brought before the Commission for a decision.
City Attorney Rosenthal clarified that the property owner or developer has the opportunity to
appeal the decision of the planning director to the City Commission.
Mrs. Hager expressed concern about the extension of Maine Street. Mr. Shapiro invited her to
attend the public hearing July 15, 1998 as there would be a discussion ofa bond issue which will
include a plan for Maine Street as well as a park.
The public hearing was closed.
Mayor Vandergrift said that no action was needed at this time and announced the second reading
and public hearing would be held July 21, 1998.
RECESS: 9:04-9:10 p.m.
CITY ATTORNEY ROSENTHAL read by title only. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second
reading and public hearing July 21, 1998.
DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: EFFLUENT DISPOSAL - (1) Ocoee/Winter Garden Interlocal
Agreement, and (2) Addendum No. 98-3 to Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services
between Ocoee and PEC to be paid by the City of Winter Garden.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7, 1998
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to authorize Professional
Design Associates. Inc. to proceed with design of the Additional Improvements and widening:
of the existing section of Hackney-Prairie Road in accordance with their proposal dated June
25. 1998 for a not-to-exceed fee of $6.000. Motion carried 5-0.
ApPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS: Planning and Zoning Commission; Citizen Advisory Council
for Ocoee Police Department.
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Glass moved that James Golden be
appointed to serve as alternate member to complete Robert Williams' term. which expires
February 1999 on the Planning and Zoning Commission. and Cecil Sammons be appointed to the
Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department for a three year term to expire July 2001.
Motion carried 5-0.
Finance Supervisor Carter reported that the lowest bid received for the current plans for the
public restrooms was $55,700. His recommendation included the following options:
A. Reject any and all bids for this project and continue the use of the portable restrooms, with
consideration to legal time limits.
B. Authorize Bob Smith, Public Works Director, and Fred Gardner, Construction Administrator, to review
the approved plans in order to reduce the scope of work for the project. Afterwards, negotiate with the
apparent low bidder, Bruns, Inc. for an adjusted price on the revised scope of work and authorize
execution of the agreement between the City and Bruns, Inc. by the Mayor and City Clerk and further
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction
contemplated by the agreement.
C. Authorize staff to look into the alternative of manufactured restrooms.
D. Award Bid #98-05, as is, to Bruns, Inc. and authorize execution of the agreement between the City and
Bruns, Inc. by the Mayor and City Clerk and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all
documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the agreement.
Mayor Vandergrift moved to accept items Band C of Staff report. There was no second, and
the motion died.
Commissioner Howell suggested choosing a restroom plan like they use on the golf courses.
Mr. Shapiro said that the City could probably build something like that for about $25,000.
Commissioner Glass asked Mr. Smith what he could do for less money. Mr. Smith said they
could easily do a simple in-house plan for a cinder block building with a pitched roof that was
easy to maintain.
After collaboration with Commissioner Glass, Commissioner Anderson. seconded by
Commissioner Glass. moved to accept item A and amend item C to include manufactured
restrooms or an in-house out-house design. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7, 1998
City Engineer Shira explained that this Agreement will allow Ocoee and Winter Garden to
work together on the reclaimed water system, with each city using the other city's facilities as
conditions warrant. Because of PEC's history with Ocoee on this project, Winter Garden will
use PEC's design services. The bills will come to Ocoee and will be paid by Winter Garden.
Mayor Vandergrift commended the Utilities Department for this creative procedure and said he
would like to see cooperation with potable water soon. He also suggested that Staff look for
grants that may be available.
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt the Ocoee/Winter
Garden Interlocal Agreement and Addendum 98-3 to Agreement for Consulting Engineering
Services between Ocoee and PEC as presented by Staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Howell asked when District 1 would have reclaimed water available for
sprinklers. Mr. Shira said that the reclaimed water will be limited until the City grows.
Public Works Director Smith presented the staff report recommending contracting with
Cassidy Construction and Management, Inc.(CCMI) to manage the construction of Beech
Recreation Center. He said that the figures in the Staff report are just estimates and they could
go lower. He explained that Mr. Cassidy would be a Field Superintendent or Clerk of the Works.
Mr. Shapiro stated that Mr. Cassidy can not speak on behalf of the City, he would report
progress or problems to Building/Zoning Official Flippen, Construction Administrator Gardner
or Public Works Director Smith. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker.
moved to accept Staff recommendation to contract with CCMI according to the proposal dated
June 4. 1998. Motion carried 5-0.
City Engineer Shira reviewed the history of the Hackney-Prairie Road improvements,
beginning with the agreement with Silvestri Investments to build a two lane portion of Hackney
Prairie Road east of Clarke Road. His presentation included the revisions referred to as
"Additional Improvements" to Remington Oaks plans in order to provide a more efficient
infrastructure network. These included the elimination of a portion of a proposed retention
pond to provide an area for a neighborhood park, a deep gravity sewer line, and construction
of a reclaimed water main along Hackney-Prairie Road. In addition, the section of Hackney-
Prairie Road to be built with Remington Oaks would be three lanes to allow for turn lanes into
the proposed neighborhood park. This would also require the widening to three lanes of the
existing section of Hackney-Prairie Road. In anticipation of an agreement between the City,
Imperial Partnership, and U.S. Homes which would enable the City and U.S. Homes to use
the construction services of the Remington Oaks contractor, Mr. Shira recommended
authorization for Professional Design Associates, Inc. to proceed with design of the Additional
Improvements and widening of the existing section of Hackney-Prairie Road in accordance
with their proposal dated June 25, 1998 for a not-to-exceed fee of $6,000.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7,1998
Commissioner Glass:
1) Reported recent staff research, done in conjunction with the Historical Society, has identified
a heavily used and somewhat under-appreciated City asset that is eligible for designation as
an Historic Landmark. Accordingly, he moved that Public Works Director Robert Smith be
officially recognized as an Honorably Appointed Historic Asset, also known as a "HA HA",
said recognition to become effective Thursday, July 9, 1998 on the 50th anniversary of his
delivery. He noted for the record that he was delivered on time and under budget.
Commission is, however, still seeking some change orders at this time. The Ocoee Rent a
Choir then gave a rendition of Happy Birthday.
2) Complimented Director of Community Relations/Projects Janet Shira and the staff that
participated in the July 4th Celebration, very nice event and excellent bands.
Commissioner Parker:
1) Received a call from a resident of Silver Glen concerning the repair of the roads and park.
Commissioner Parker and City Staff have been working with the Homeowners' Association
on these issues. She has asked Staff for answers in writing to present at the next
Homeowners' Association Meeting July 14, 1998, and will report back to the Commission
Commissioner Anderson:
1) Mentioned picking up signs earlier in the meeting.
2) Said, that at a recent CACOPD meeting it was brought up the stop sign at
McKey/Cumberland was too far back and was a hazard. Mr. Shapiro said that Chief Mark.
City Engineer Shira and Public Works Director Smith are a committee and will deal with this
3) Would like some answers on the progress of Silver Star/Bluford problems. Mr. Shapiro said
there is radar being run at present along Silver Star Road and Bluford Avenue.
4) Thanked Janet Shira and Staff also, for a job well done on the July 4th Celebration.
5) Stated that if you live in the older section of Ocoee your water does not taste as good as the
City water distributed at the July 4th Celebration. He would greatly appreciate the good
water in his neighborhood. Will arrive at meeting on Thursday, June 18, 1998 a few minutes
late due to a CACOPD meeting at 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Howell:
1) Said he was happy to see that they are working on the roads at Spring Lake Elementary
2) Talked to "King Cobra" about closing Melva Street at the Security/Mobile Home Street end.
Mayor Vandergrift said there should be a public hearing on the closing and should also
include Christine Street. Commissioner Howell asked for a temporary closing while Staff
researches the closing. Mr. Shapiro suggested to put it on the July 21 agenda.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
July 7, 1998
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Showed pictures of his "daughter" Prairie, a bald eagle, adopted through the Audubon Adopt
a Bird Program at the Center for Birds of Prey in Maitland. He would like to make Ocoee a
bird sanctuary some day.
Mr. Shapiro announced the July 15,1998, Special Bond Issue Meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift thanked Bumble Bee for the flowers.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m.
$SA uLQ.ri
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor