HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-98 Budget WS MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP HELD AUGUST 17, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tern Glass called the Budget Workshop to order at 7:07 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tern Glass, Commissioners Howell and Parker. Commissioner Anderson arrived at 7:12 p.m. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter, Budget Specialist Strickland, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Personnel Director Psaledakis, Building Official Flippen, City EngineerlUtilities Director Shira, Public Works Director Smith, Police Chief Mark, Police Captain Tony Wilson, Fire Chief Strosnider, Recreation Director Nordquist, Acting Planning Director Horne, and Deputy City Clerk Gosnell. ABSENT: Mayor Vandergrift. Consensus was reached not to end the workshop until mutually agreed upon later in the evening. Mayor Pro Tern Glass asked City Manager Shapiro to present his opening statements. Mr. Shapiro reported that the budget represents changes that are necessary and take into consideration certain items that will be instated around mid-year rather than requesting them at mid-year time. He further explained that it was an equipment-orientated budget that included personnel upgrades, and no change in insurance benefits. Mayor Pro Tern Glass asked the Commission if there were any questions of a general nature they wished to ask. Commissioner Anderson responded that he had several questions to ask during the Workshop on behalf of Mayor Vandergrift, who was absent due to illness. City Manager stated that Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson and Budget Specialist Strickland had met today to go over the Budget. REVIEW/DISCUSSION: BUDGET FY 1998-99 The Budget Workbook was reviewed page by page and line by line; and the Finance Team, City Manager Shapiro, and Department Directors responded to questions raised by Commission. There were no changes made to the line items during this session; however, several requests were made that required action. Those are listed below: Capital Outlay - Page 2 521-00 Law Enforcement -- 6401lVehicles - Commissioner Anderson asked if the 10 year leasing of vehicles could be reduced to 4 years, and asked why some leases were 4 years and some were 3 years. City Manager Shapiro responded that the lower number of years leased was better. Finance Director Horton reported that Police Department vehicles were leased for 3 years due to high maintenance. The standard policy for all other vehicles is 4 years. Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop August 17, 1998 Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Parker asked questions concerning the Police vehicles to be implemented in the Indiannapolis Plan. Consensus was reached that the Commission would wait for the Committee's recommendation. Capital Outlay - Page 4 572-00 Recreation -- 6400/Equipment - Commissioner Anderson requested that staff look into purchasing cellular phones (example: Nextel) in place of portable radios. City Manager Shapiro responded that staff can check into it, but did not feel technology was advanced enough to use the cellular phones over portable radios. RECESS 8:25 P.M. - 8:35 P.M. Personnel Additions/Reclassifications - Page 1 Commissioner Anderson requested that in future salary surveys, figures received that did not fall into the categories of Minimum/Maximum Grade could be reviewed by staff to determine if they should be calculated in a different manner. Personnel Additions/Reclassifications - Page 3 Recreation - Commissioner Anderson requested information on how much it costs the City to run the after school care program to see if the City is making or losing money. City Manager Shapiro stated that Staff would prepare a report. Section Three - General Fund Page 3-4 Revenues - 335190/0ther Government Revenue - Mayor Pro Tern Glass requested that the Fire Protection Contract be removed from this line item and made a separate line item. RECESS 10:05 P.M. - 10:10 P.M. Page 3-24 Expenditures - 4903/4905/4906/4907 - Senior Program - As a result of discussion, City Manager Shapiro stated he would remove the Senior Program from the budget, putting the funds in Contingency until the budget could be adopted. Page 3-51 Fire Control - Proposed Personnel Changes - Mayor Pro Tern Glass reported that Firefighters was misspelled. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. APPROVED City of Ocoee ~ Scott Glass, Mayor Pro Tern 2