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HELD AUGUST 18, 1998
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge
of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City EngineerlUtilities Director
Shira, Police Chief Mark, Director of Personnel & Employee Relations Psaledakis, Assistant
City Engineer Wheeler, Acting Planning Director Home, Public Works Director Smith,
Recreation Director Nordquist, Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel, City Clerk Grafton,
and Consultant Hooper (PEC).
Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel introduced Diana Almodovar of Orange
County Public Works and Nathan Silva of Glatting/Jackson. Mr. Silva presented an update on
the Old Winter Garden Roadway widening, from SR 50 to Apopka Vineland Road, at the request
of the Commission. Mr. Silva said the purpose of the presentation was (1) for information only,
and (2) to update the Commission on what would be displayed at the Public Meeting at Frangus
Elementary School, August 27, 1998, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Mr. Silva said they had been working
closely with the City Staff for the past few months and wanted to give the Commission the
opportunity to speak directly to them. He presented a brief update of the activities along the
entire road project on the overhead projector and then presented the study Orange County had
done on the segment pertaining to the City of Ocoee. He spoke about working in conjunction
with the SR 50 Activity Center and other community projects in the development of the road
plan for this area. He listed all the steps and public hearings that would be necessary for final
approval of this road segment. Ms. Almodovar gave the telephone numbers for more
information or questions, 836-7976 or 843-6552.
Mr. Ken Hooper, of Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC), presented on the overhead
projector an alternate plan from the one shown by Mr. Silva concerning the intersection of Old
Winter Garden Road and Professional Parkway. In this plan the Old Winter Garden Road
continued straight through that intersection over to Maguire Road (soon to be four-laned) and, in
the future, it would tie into the Western Beltway interchange section. Mr. Hooper advised that
he had prepared a letter recommending to the City a position paper requesting such a change to
give to the county consultants. He spoke of the City of Ocoee and Orange County working
closely together on this project to save money for both agencies.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1998
Commissioner Glass asked what the timing on these two projects would be. Mr. Hooper
explained the construction of Maguire Road would be completed before Professional Parkway
was begun, and that after the County and the City agree on an intersection the City would
proceed with their plans but the county's plans would not be finished for a few years.
Commissioner Glass invited the Orange County group to join the next "Road Show" Thursday,
September 24, 1998 (tentative date) at Lake Whitney Elementary School. City Manager
Shapiro said a booth would be set up for Orange County Public Works.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Mayor Vandergrift asked on item
F what the size of the lots would be after the division and would there be a septic tank on each
lot. This item was pulled for discussion. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by
Commissioner Glass. moved to approve consent agenda items A. B. C. D. and E. Motion
carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of
August 4. 1998.
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Agreement with Orange
County School Board for School Resource Officers for the 1998-99 School Year.
. Since 1985 the Police Department has provided a School Resource Officer at Ocoee
Middle School to teach classes related to the criminal justice system. In addition, since
1989 an officer has taught the D.A.R.E. curriculum at Spring Lake Elementary and
Ocoee Elementary. This Agreement provides that Orange County will fund this
service up to $40,000.
C. Approval and Authorization to Award Customer Service Supervisor Sills $550 for
Innovative Idea.
. The cost saving idea submitted by Ms. Sills will save the City approximately $5,500.
D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Municipal/County Local
Mitie:ation Strategy Subcontract.
. This agreement provides for the City's Participation with Orange County in the
development of a single unified mitigation strategy for the impacts of disasters.
E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Prairie Lake Village
Phase 3 Final Plat.
. This is a 36 lot addition to the Prairie Lake Subdivision being developed off Clarke Road
north of A. D. Mims Road.
An addendum to the Staff Report included the Recommendation for (1) Authorization for the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Termination of Easement Agreement by Silvestri
Investments of Florida, Inc., the City of Ocoee, and Prairie Lake Joint Venture, (2) approval of
the Plat of Prairie Lake Village Phase 3, subject to execution of a Utility Easement acceptable to
the City and approval, execution, and recording of the Termination of Easement Agreement.
Item F was considered later in the meeting.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1998
Former Commissioner Vern Combs, 321 Sabinal St., expressed concern about the four laning
of Maguire Road and how it would reduce to two lanes as it enters the Town of Windermere. He
said the proposed four laning of Old Winter Garden Road would bring additional traffic to
Maguire Road, and thought that Windermere's two lane road would be unable to handle the
traffic. He suggested the City of Ocoee should communicate with Windermere.
Mr. Shapiro said Windermere objected to the four laning of any road and that is the reason the
Maguire four laning stops at Roberson Road and gradually tapers down. Mr. Shapiro said
Orange County is not interested in widening their portion of Maguire Road either.
Commissioner Glass said he had also tried to speak with Windermere about roads but they were
not interested.
Mrs. Beth Vandergrift expressed appreciation to all who had sent cards, flowers, etc., through
their recent illnesses and the death of her parents. She asked everyone to keep them in their
Mayor Vandergrift had these few comments:
1) Thanked everyone for their support during his recent illness.
2) Commented on the new report on water consumption and proposed a rebate. Mr. Shapiro
suggested to average it out a little longer and then have the Commission establish a policy.
Mr. Shapiro also stated they are truly not trying to raise revenue but trying to cut down
consumption. Commissioner Anderson talked about new water conservation methods
displayed at the Florida League of Cities Conference and would like the City of Ocoee to
look at some of these ideas. Mr. Shapiro said we should be looking at that.
3) Thanked Bumble Bee for the flowers on the dais and suggested getting a stand for the
4) Thanked the volunteers who helped build the pavilions at Central Park on Saturday.
Mayor Vandergrift excused himself from the meeting and turned the gavel over to Mayor Pro
Tern Glass.
Recess 8:06 - 8:13 p.m.
Mayor ProTem Glass brought back item F of the Consent Agendafor discussion at this point.
F. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute John T. Minor Replat
Final Plat.
. This divides an existing .8 acre lot located on Bluford Avenue into two lots.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, in answer to Mayor Vandergrift's earlier questions on
item F, said that these lots met the size requirements for the zoning with a septic tank for each lot
and there are existing homes on each lot at present.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Mavor Pro Tem Glass. moved to approve Item F as
presented. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1998
Keith Ussrey, 869 Marlene Dr., asked for permission to use Bob Sorenson Field on Sunday
afternoons this fall for the AAU team. He said they had been given permission this spring and
would just like to get an extension on that. He also asked for a key to the restrooms, as the locks
had been changed. Public Works Director Smith explained that the fields would not be
maintained on the weekends, but he saw no problem with their use. Mr. Ussrey said he would
take care of the fields, and they would not need the lights due to these being afternoon games.
The General Consensus of the Commission was to approve the use of Bob Sorenson Field by the
AAU for the fall and spring season. Mr. Ussrey thanked the Commission.
Commissioner Howell said he objected to teams that use the fields for practice particularly in
the evening with the lights. He said they should be responsible to pay for the lighting. Mayor
Pro Tem Glass asked for a Staff Report on the cost of the lighting in order to make a decision.
Commissioner Parker
I) Thanked all of the volunteers who worked on the Central Park Pavilions on Saturday and
named them: Joe Moy, Steve Ellis, Tony Daum, James Kelley, Ted Moore, John Vogt, Jim
Shira, Bruce Nordquist, and professional workers Denver Music, Keith Keller, Eddie
Hornsby, David Spears, and Ferron Young. She said the Fire Department would continue
working in the evenings until the pavilions were completed.
Commissioner Anderson: None.
Commissioner Howell:
I) Announced that the roads at Spring Lake Elementary School would be finished in the next
week and they should be contacting citizens about re-routing traffic in the area. He thanked
the City for supporting this project and making it safer for the children.
Commissioner Glass: None.
PUBLIC HEARINGS None scheduled.
Ordinance No. 98-17, Blankenship #1 Annexation, Case #AR-98-06-05.
Ordinance No. 98-18, Blankenship #1 Zoning, Case #AR-98-06-05.
Ordinance No. 98-19, Blankenship #2 Annexation, Case # AR-98-06-06.
Ordinance No. 98-20, Blankenship #2 Zoning, Case # AR-98-06-06.
City Attorney Rosenthal read each of the four Ordinances by title only and Mayor Pro Tem
Glass announced that the Second Readings/Public Hearings for these Ordinances were scheduled
for September 1, 1998 at 7: 15 p.m.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1998
Director of Personnel and Employee Relations Psaledakis said she worked on the job
descriptions with the department heads for several months. Commissioner Anderson recalled
that they had talked about standardizing some of the language, such as having a drivers license or
having/maintaining a drivers license. Commissioner Anderson questioned the language re:
high school or AA degree preferred. He asked that the language be cleaned up.
Commissioner Howell asked if any new jobs were being created. Ms. Psaledakis said yes, the
Principal Planner. Mr. Shapiro said adopting the job descriptions does not automatically fill the
position, it must be budgeted first.
When Commissioner Anderson asked that the words be cleaned up, Mr. Rosenthal said any
changes made must be spelled out in the motion or their work would have to be brought back
before the Commission. Mr. Shapiro said he did not want Staff put in that position and would
like Commissioner Anderson to work with Ms. Psaledakis and work out the changes.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to adopt Resolution No.
98-09 relating to iob descriptions. and with a correction to the Customer Service Supervisor iob
description. Minimum Training and Experience. to delete the word "or" following High School
Graduate. and replace it with a period. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present.
Assistant City Engineer Wheeler introduced David Hamstra, of PEC. Mr. Hamstra said there
were three main topics for discussion, (1) The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Annual Report (Permit Year 2), (2) Capital Improvement Program (CIP), (3) Pioneer
Key II Retrofit Alternatives. He said the NPDES 2nd Annual Report is due September 30, 1998,
and would be good for 5 years. He explained briefly each of the topics. Mr. Hamstra asked for
any input or changes to prepare the final report for Mayor Vandergrift's signature at the next
Commission Meeting. Mr. Hooper of PEC talked about Pioneer Key II and presented options,
(1) proceed to upgrade the existing conveyance system, (2) construct new mobile home park and
relocate the residents, or (3) just purchase the lots/homes. He spoke about different ways of
funding the different options. Commissioner Anderson stated he would rather relocate the
residents. Mayor Pro Tem Glass asked if Staff had worked on a cost estimate for the purchase
ofthese homes. Mr. Shapiro responded they were looking at this. Mr. Hooper suggested they
could research this and present a list of pros and cons for a group buyout with a total cost for
that buyout compared with the cost to fix the problems. Mayor Pro Tem Glass said to go ahead
with this idea and bring photographs of each of these properties, as he is not interested in
enriching some people and impoverishing others in the relocation; also he would like to find out
the probability of getting some grant money.
No action was taken on this item at this time.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1998
Assistant City Engineer Wheeler said this was included in the previous presentation and asked
for any comments, questions or changes.
No action was taken on this item at this time.
James Blackwelder, 2009 Nancy Ann Terrace, said there are suppliers who would donate
materials to build the concession stand at the Senior League Field. Mr. Shapiro said that the
concession stand had been eliminated from this year's budget. Commissioner Howell said if
these companies were offering to donate the materials there should be some way the City could
get the concession stand built. Mr. Shapiro suggested that this be included in the next budget
workshop on August 19 for discussion, and he would need to speak to someone about the
liability issues on the designing of the stand. Mayor Pro Tem Glass advised Mr. Blackwelder
that it would be looked at in the budget workshop to get a better cost estimate with the donated
materials to see if they can move forward with the project.
Recreation Director Nordquist reviewed the Staff Report asking for acoustical ceiling panels at
the Vignetti Recreation Center, and explained that, while the wall covering authorized at the
August 4 meeting had reduced the noise considerably, the decibel level was still uncomfortably
high. As delaying installation of acoustical ceiling panels would put a burden on the staff and
children at the center, he requested authorization to waive the bid process. He said he had asked
Golden Hammer Contractors, Inc. to submit a proposal, as they were currently working on City
Hall and were mobilized at a location near the Recreation Department. The submitted proposals
were for $12,500 using Eckoustic Functional Panels and $14,368 using S.T.O.P. Acoustical
Foam. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to (1) waive the
competitive bidding requirements for the installation of acoustical wall (sic) covering for the
reasons set forth in the staff report. (2) authorize the issuance of a purchase order and other
documentation in order to hire Golden Hammer Contractor. Inc. to install acoustical panels at the
Vignetti Recreation Center at a price of$12.500. and (3) authorize $12.500 from the contingency
fund for this purpose. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present.
Mayor Pro Tem Glass left the table.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the resolution by title only.
Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel gave a brief description of the staff report and
asked the Commission to adopt Resolution No. 98-10 as presented. Commissioner Howell
asked if the Melva Street Closing would be under this new resolution. Mr. Friel said they had
already started the process for Melva Street and it is already beyond what this form would
accomplish for it. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to
approve Resolution No. 98-10. adopting the Traffic Calming and Street Closing Application
Form. Motion carried 3-0. Mayor Vandergrift and Mayor Pro Tern Glass were not present.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1998
City Attorney Rosenthal read this resolution by title only.
Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel said, in conjunction with Resolution No. 98-10,
this would set the fee for processing the application to initiate the study. Commissioner Howell.
seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt Resolution No. 98-11. amending the Fee
Schedule to include the Traffic Calming and Street Closing Application Fee. Motion carried 3-0.
Mayor Vandergrift and Mayor Pro Tern Glass were not present.
Code Enforcement Board - Randy Chancey's Term Expires September, 1998.
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to reappoint Randy
Chancey to the Code Enforcement Board for another 3 year term. Motion carried 3-0. Mayor
Vandergrift and Mayor Pro Tern were not present.
Mayor Pro Tern Glass returned to the table.
General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund - Dan Murphy's 2 Year Term Expires
September 30,1998.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to reappoint Dan
Murphy to the General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board for another 2 year term.
Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present.
PoliceIFire Retirement Trust Fund - Nora Gledich's 2 Year Term Expires September 30,
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to reappoint Nora
Gledich to the Police/Fire Trust Fund Board for another 2 year term. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor
Vandergrift was not present.
City Manager Shapiro said that a report by City Engineer Shira was distributed before the
meeting about a lift station failure in Silver Glen on Saturday, August 15, 1998, due to a power
failure. Mr. Shira briefly explained how the system worked and asked for approval to transfer
$30,000 from the Water/Wastewater Reserve for Contingency account to the Wastewater Capital
Improvements account to purchase a generator/automatic transfer switch system to prevent future
Mayor Pro Tem Glass declared this an Emergency Item. Commissioner Parker. seconded
.bY- Commissioner Howell. moved to approve the transfer of $30.000 from the
Water/Wastewater Reserve for Contingency account to the Wastewater Capital Improvements
account to purchase a generator/automatic transfer switch system. as requested by Staff. Motion
carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 18, 1998
Commissioner Howell:
I) Suggested speed bumps or some other device to slow the traffic on Marlene Drive.
2) Asked about the progress on Wurst Road and Melva A venue. Mr. Shira said that they have
the names of the property owners and are trying to contact them.
3) Would like to see the City trucks marked with the City Seal, department name and phone
number. Mr. Shapiro said at the next staff meeting they would discuss a plan that would
work citywide and get approval of the Commission.
Commissioner Anderson:
I) Wanted new home construction to require use of water restriction/conservation equipment.
Mr. Shapiro said City Attorney Rosenthal would put it on his agenda to look at existing
requirements and check the legal aspects of new restrictions.
2) Said on the drive to the Florida League of Cities Conference he noticed something he liked, a
waterway recreation area, and thought that it could be incorporated into the City of Ocoee
with the new Beltway system planned. Mr. Shapiro said he was not sure at this point that the
Expressway Authority would want to cooperate. but would ask. Stated that the Wurst road
right-of-way was a disaster and in great need of repair. Mr. Shapiro said he would take a
look at it.
Commissioner Parker:
I) Added Janet Shira to the list of workers on the pavilion, as she was in charge of the project.
2) She said she was ready to discuss the Request for Proposal ( RFP ) for the employee survey.
3) Said there was a memo from the Employee Committee to request adding 2 of their members
to the Survey Committee. Commissioner Parker said she was unsure that she would be in
favor of that. Commissioner Glass said he had no objection as he felt they were concerned
that it would be a useful survey. Mr. Shapiro expected that the Committee would give
guidance on the scope of services that need to be defined and not on the actual questions.
Commissioner Parker. seconded bv Commissioner HowelL moved to include 2 members
of the Employee Committee on the RFP and Selection Committee and meet as soon as
possible. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present.
4) Announced the RSVP # 656-2218.
Mayor Pro Tem Glass: "Turn the T.V. off Scotty, we're done."
The meeting was adjourned at 10:26 p.m.
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s. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor ' V