HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-01-98 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 1, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. There was a moment of silent prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City EngineerlUtilities Director Shira, Police Chief Mark, Finance Director Horton, Public Works Director Smith, Planning Director Wagner, Recreation Director Nordquist, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Senior Planner Horne, and City Clerk Grafton, ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS MAYOR V ANDERGRIFT presented a Certificate of Recognition and check to Customer Service Supervisor Cathy Sills for her Outstanding Innovative Idea. AWARDS FOR YEARS OF SERVICE - . 5 YEARS - MIKE MCCALL Mayor Pro Tem Glass read Mike's history with the City. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira spoke and presented a plaque, $50 Gift Certificate and a city watch to Mike. . 10 YEARS - FRAN GOSNELL, JERRY BASS AND SERGEANT ROBERT RIVERA were not present. . 10 YEARS - SERGEANT SANDY MORRIS - Mayor Pro Tem Glass read a brief history of Sandy's career with the City. Police Chief Mark spoke and presented Sandy with a plaque and $100 gift certificate. . 10 YEARS - STEVE EDMUNDSON Mayor Pro Tem Glass read a brief history of Steve's career. Public Works Director Smith talked about the over 300 irrigation systems maintained citywide. Mr. Smith said Steve had recently received his High School Diploma and presented him with a plaque and $100 gift certificate. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Vandergrift declared September 15, 1998, INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE. and the week of September 17- 23, 1998 as CONSTITUTION WEEK. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Commissioner Anderson questioned several items, and proposed that, in item E, a Commissioner be appointed to serve on the West Orange Health Alliance Board. Mr. Shapiro responded that the request for a representative had not been for an elected official. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 1, 1998 Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve consent agenda items A. B. C. D. E. and F as presented. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of City Commission Ree:ular Meeting of Aue:ust 18. 1998. Budget Workshops of Aue:ust 17 and 19. 1998. and Summary Reports of Vandere:rift/Anderson Meetine:s of Aue:ust 17 and 19. 1998. B. Approval and Authorization to Award $100 to John Bostic. Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator C. for Innovative Idea. . The cost saving idea submitted by John Bostic will save the City approximately $360 per year. C. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor to execute the Certification Statement and Approval of NPDES Annual Report Permit Year 2 Florida MS4 Permit No. Fls0000011. . The draft of this report was presented for your additional input at the August 18 meeting. D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute SunTrust Overnie:ht Sweep Ae:reement for Special Pooled Checking Account. . This allows funds earmarked for debt service payments to be invested overnight, and returned to the account the next morning with interest earned. E. Approval to Appoint Janet Shira to serve on West Orane:e Health Alliance Board. . The West Orange Health Alliance is being formed to establish a health clinic for the indigent and needy within the West Orange area, and City Manager Shapiro recommends this appointment, citing Mrs. Shira's experience with planning and grants. F. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Contracts for Continuine: Professional Consultine: Agreements for Civil Ene:ineering Services. . The three firms selected earlier in the year are: Glace and Radcliffe, Inc., Hartman & Associates, Inc., and Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc. Negotiations are now complete and each firm has executed an agreement. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mrs. Martha Lopez Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, reported that Sergeant Fisher had advised the Neighborhood Watch Coordinators that he did not have enough handbooks and supplies for everyone and that Orange County would not supply them for the City of Ocoee Volunteers. As several of the Volunteers had expressed concern about the cost, Mrs. Lopez-Anderson asked the Commission to extend the Police Department Budget to include such supplies for the Neighborhood Watch Group. Mr. Shapiro said he would see that the funds were transferred for the books. Mrs. Lopez-Anderson thanked the Commission. Mr. Jonathon Kudrick, 2114 New Victor Road, expressed concern about the level of the water in Lake Johio. He said since he made the commitment to purchase this lot, the level of water has risen 2 1/2 feet, and his shade trees are now under water. City Manager Shapiro said that this item is under litigation and discussion with the County about it had been through City Attorney Rosenthal. Mr. Shapiro added that this Commission had met earlier this evening in a Client- Attorney session, as allowed under the Sunshine Law, and action would be taken to try to resolve 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 1,1998 the problem as soon as possible. Mr. Shapiro asked Mr. Kudrick as well as Mr. Brown to keep in touch with him so he could keep them posted on the progress. Mayor Vandergrift said that staff would expedite the matter. Mr. Kudrick thanked the Commission. Mr. Henry Klint, 2104 New Victor Road, reported that he had five oak trees in his yard and 2 of them are underwater and slowly dying. Mr. Klint asked who would pay for the cutting down of the trees when they die. Mr. Shapiro said he could not give him an answer right now due to pending litigation, but as soon as this is settled he would have a public meeting with the neighborhood. Commissioner Parker said she would like to be included in any meeting with the homeowners on this subject. Mayor Vandergrift moved Agenda Item VII B for consideration at this time. TERMS OF OFFICE OF MEMBERS OF THE EDUCATION COMMISSION. Chairman Lester Dabbs asked that the Commission assign term lengths for the Education Commission members appointed at the last meeting, as the adopting Resolution for the Education Commission called for one-half of the members to serve two year terms and one-half one year terms for the initial appointments. Discussion ensued and consensus was reached that, as the applications had been date stamped as they were received, the two year terms would go to the first 7 applicants and the one year terms to the second 7 applicants. As the enabling Resolution allowed 15 members, and more than 15 applications had been received, Commission agreed that those remaining would be considered alternate members, with two year terms for the first 3 of that list and one year terms for the remaining two applicants. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved that the first 7 names from the list of members: Mr. Thomas Greene. Ms. Sherrall Applegate. Mr. Jim Gleason. Ms. Tamela Vercamen. Mr. Berwyn L. Oltman. Ms. Karen Drolet Snowman. and Ms. Nancy A. Reilly. be appointed for 2 years: and the next 7: Ms. Liza Crunk Holland. Ms. Rosemary Davis. Reverend Johan Bergh. Mr. Clifford Koch. Ms. Lin Lindsay. Ms. Carol Lindenauer. and Ms. Margaret MacDonald be appointed for 1 year: and from the list of alternate members the first 3: Mr. Jeffrey Morin. Ms. Lavon S. Banks. and Ms. Rosemary Wilsen be appointed for 2 years and the next 2: Ms. Beth Petersen. and Ms. Kathie Glass be appointed for 1 year. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Dabbs said that Ms. Rosemary Wilsen may take a position on the Recreation Advisory Board. It was the consensus of the Commission that because she was an alternate it would be no problem for her to be on both boards. Mr. Dabbs announced that the first meeting of the Education Commission would be Thursday, September 3, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. He said the meeting would be for introductions and bringing the members up to date with District and City planning. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 1, 1998 Mayor Vandergrift talked about a daytime curfew in practice in a California School System which had reduced truancy in the schools, and he asked that the Commission study this idea and possibly draft a proposal for the City Commission to consider. COMMISIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Howell: None. Commissioner Anderson: None. Commissioner Glass: None. Commissioner Parker: Announced the RSVP Line 656-2218. PUBLIC HEARINGS SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE No. 98-17, BLANKENSHIP #1 ANNEXATION, CASE #AR-98-06-05. City Attorney Rosenthal read the Ordinance by title only. Senior Planner Horne described the subject property as a +/- 6.5 acre parcel located on the east side of Lauren Beth Avenue approximately 1,000 feet north of the intersection of Lauren Beth Avenue and Nicole Avenue, containing a single family house and several accessory buildings. She added that the property owners are simultaneously requesting annexation and rezoning for an adjacent parcel that is currently used as a horse pasture, and that the owners have stated that the property will not be redeveloped if the requested annexation and A-I rezoning are approved. Mrs. Horne displayed a map on the overhead projector showing the location of the property and gave a brief description of the annexation process. She advised that Staff, DRC and Planning and Zoning Commission recommended adoption of Ordinance No. 98-17, pending the execution of the attached Annexation Agreement. Mayor Vandergrift left the table at 8:00 p.m. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 98-17. subiect to the execution of the attached Annexation Agreement. Motion carried 4-0, Mayor Vandergrift was not present. ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT WITH BLANKENSHIP Mr. Rosenthal gave a brief description of the Annexation Agreement. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the Annexation Agreement. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present. Mayor Vandergrift returned to the table at 8:05 p.m. ORDINANCE No. 98-18, BLANKENSHIP #1 ZONING, CASE #AR-98-06-05. Mr. Rosenthal read the Ordinance by title only. Senior Planner Horne said this change in zoning from Orange County A-I to City of Ocoee A-I, General Agricultural District, was requested in conjunction with the annexation. She added that the Planning and Zoning 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 1, 1998 Commission recommended adoption of Ordinance No. 98-18 and that Staff recommends adoption upon finding that the application is consistent with: (1) the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, (2) the Future Land Use Map, (3) the Ocoee Land Development Code, and (4) the requirements of the JP A Agreement. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved (1) to find the application consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. the Future Land Use Map. the Ocoee Land Development Code. and the requirements of the JP A Agreement and (2) to adopt Ordinance No. 98-18 as presented. Motion carried 5-0. ORDINANCE No. 98-19, BLANKENSHIP #2 ANNEXATION, CASE # AR-98-06-06. Mr. Rosenthal read the Ordinance by title only. Ms. Horne said the statements made during the presentation for Ordinance No. 98-17 applied to this Ordinance as well, and that DRC, Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff all recommended adoption of Ordinance No. 98-19, pending the execution of the attached Annexation Agreement. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker moved to adopt Ordinance No. 98- 19 per staff recommendation. subiect to execution of the attached Annexation Agreement. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the attached Annexation Agreement as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. ORDINANCE No. 98-20, BLANKENSHIP #2 ZONING, CASE # AR-98-06-06. Mr. Rosenthal read the Ordinance by title only. Ms. Horne said both the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff recommended adoption of Ordinance No. 98-20, upon finding the application consistent with: (1) the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, (2) the Future Land Use Map, (3) the Ocoee Land Development Code, and (4) the requirements of the JPA Agreement. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Glass seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved (1) to find the application consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. the Future Land Use Map. the Ocoee Land Development Code. and the requirements of the JPA Agreement. and (2) to adopt Ordinance No. 98-20 as presented. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS RESOLUTION No. 98-12 RELATING TO JOB DESCRIPTIONS. Mr. Rosenthal read the Resolution by title only. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson moved to adopt Resolution No. 98-12. relating to the iob description 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 1,1998 for Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee. Motion carried 5-0. Both Commissioner Howell and Commissioner Parker expressed concern that the minimum qualifications were not being followed in considering applicants for positions, as several employees had approached them about being passed over for a position. That position had been given to another person whom the applicants considered to be less qualified. Commissioner Parker urged that Personnel pass on to Department Heads only those applications that qualify. Commissioner Glass concurred. ME LV A STREET CLOSING City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira reviewed the information in his staff report on providing a turnaround at the end of Melva Street, and explained the three sketches for changing the road. He said the owner of the property at the northeast end of Melva Street had been contacted to see if he would donate the property to the City to make the requested closure possible. The owner was not interested in a donation but may consider selling if the price is acceptable. An appraisal would cost approximately $2,500 and Mr. Shira asked for direction from the Commission to proceed. Commissioner Howell moved to proceed with the appraisal, then had second thoughts. Commissioner Glass said the cost of the appraisal may exceed the value of the property. Mr. Shapiro said they could make an offer before an appraisal and see if the owner would accept. Commissioner Howell asked to table this item till the next meeting. Mr. Rosenthal suggested checking the tax assessed value and do a "guestimate" based on that value. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT (CACOPD): Ms. Myrtle Vaughn's term expires October, 1998. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to reappoint Ms. Myrtle Vaughn to the CACOPD for another 3 year term. Motion carried 5-0. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD: Mr. Alfred Luck resigned - term expires June, 1999. Alternate Roy Ellison's term expires October, 1998. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to appoint Alternate. Randy Chancey to complete Mr. Luck's term and reappoint Alternate Roy Ellison for another 3 year term. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see more volunteers for the boards. Commissioner Glass invited the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen to attend the road show in District 3 on September 24, 1998. RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Terms of Mr. Gordon Applegate, Ms. Mary Barber, Mr. William Chambers, and Ms. Nancy Reilly to expire October, 1998. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to reappoint Mr. Gordon Applegate. Ms. Mary Barber. Mr. William Chambers. and Ms. Nancy Reilly to additional 2 year terms. Motion carried 5-0. 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 1, 1998 Chris Caldwell resigned - term expires October 1998. Commissioner Parker asked that this be tabled until the next meeting to give her an opportunity to contact someone in District 4 to apply for the Recreation Advisory Board. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to expand the Recreation Advisory Board. Commissioner Glass agreed and would like to direct Staff to prepare a resolution to enlarge the board with a recommendation from the board as to how many members to add. Consensus of the Commission was to so direct Staff. STAFF REPORT None. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Howell: 1) Inquired regarding the status of the sound levels at the Vignetti Recreation Center. Mr. Shapiro said that he would give them a written report. Commissioner Anderson: None Commissioner Glass: 1) Announced the District 3 Road Show would be Thursday, September 24, 1998, 6:00-8:00 p.m., at Lake Whitney Elementary School and encouraged citizens to learn what services the City provides and meet the people who provide those services. 2) Commended all the citizens who voted for being involved in their government and chastised those who did not. Commissioner Parker: None Mayor Vandere:rift: 1) Asked whether the street paving included in last year's budget would be done soon, such as Foxfire Drive. Public Works Director Smith said it would be started by October. Mr. Smith said he had asked Finance Director Horton to do a Budget Carryover from the 1997-98 budget to the 1998-99 budget for street paving due to no one bidding on the road proiects this year. 2) Announced the first Education Commission meeting Thursday, September 3, 1998 and encouraged attendance. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Attest: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 7