HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-98 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 15,1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in the prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell (arrived at 7:25 p.m.) and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City EngineerlUtilities Director Shira, Fire Chief Strosnider, Planning Director Wagner, Finance Director Horton, Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Lieutenant Goclon, Finance Supervisor Carter, Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel, City Clerk Grafton, Bond Counsel Dunlap and Consultant Hooper. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PRESENTATIONS MAYOR V ANDERGRIFT presented a Certificate of Recognition along with a check to Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator "C" John Bostic for an Outstanding Innovative Idea. City EngineerlUtilities Director Shira spoke briefly of John's hard work for the City and congratulated him. Fire Prevention Poster Awards will be presented at the October 20, 1998 City Commission Meeting. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Vandergrift read the proclamation and declared October 4-10, 1998, FIRE PREVENTION WEEK. THIRD ANNUAL FREEWHEELIN' SAFETY FEST - ROTARY CLUB OF OCOEE. Ms. Karen Turpin, President of the Rotary Club of Ocoee, introduced Peggy Issacson, who spoke of their fund raising efforts and requested a $2,000 sponsorship from the Commission. Ms. Issacson announced their program would be a part of the Ocoee Founders' Day Celebration this year. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to grant $2.000 from the Contingency Fund to the Rotary Club of Ocoee. Motion carried 5-0. PRESENT A nON -TRANSPORT A nON PROJECTS. Mr. Ken Hooper, of Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC), briefly presented the Roadway Improvement Projects. Mr. Hooper named and described the three specific road projects as: (1) Maguire Road (in three phases) $8.3 million, (2) Professional Parkway $2.4 million, and (3) Maine Street $2.1 million. He also said Phase 4 would extend from money left over from the three projects and would be used for small roadway projects as approved, such as Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15, 1998 resurfacing. Mr. Hooper explained that this request was for funding approval only and the design would be brought back later for the Commission to approve. City Manager Shapiro said for the record that they felt there would be money left over, and added these projects as Phase 4: (1) $150-180,000 to finish Orlando Avenue, and be done as soon as possible, (2) $70-80,000 for the grassing of the swales on Wurst Road, and (3) resurface AD. Mims. He said, "we feel like we should be able to complete everyone of the projects that were discussed and feel that we not only therefore are doing the projects that we have said we were going to do but are adding three projects that we all feel as necessary to our community." Mr. Shapiro said that they hope to do 6 projects altogether. Mayor Vandergrift asked if these projects would have to wait till the main project was finished. Mr. Shapiro said they could use the money from the impact fee fund and should not have to wait for three years. Mr. Hooper introduced the design engineer, Fursan Munjed of PEC, who presented the design for signalization at the intersection of Moore Road/Roberson Road and Maguire Road. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., questioned the Professional Parkway Project being a priority compared to other roads in the City that needed work. Mayor Vandergrift said there was a new business moving onto the street bringing jobs to the city and this was one of the incentives. Mr. Shapiro said Professional Parkway would be a parallel road to State Road 50 (SR 50) and would help to keep the traffic down on SR 50. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to authorize Staff to put out for bid the traffic lights at the intersection of Moore Road/Roberson Road and Maguire Road pursuant to Staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F. Commissioner Howell raised several questions to which Staff responded. Mayor Vandergrift asked that the September 1, 1998 minutes reflect that Commissioner Glass assisted in the presentation of awards as Mayor Pro Tern. Mayor Vandergrift asked on item III B if there should be roads blocked for the fireworks display. Mr. Shapiro said the closing of Flewelling Avenue from Cardinal Street to Spring A venue should have been included on the special events permit. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve the Consent agenda items A. B. C. D, E and F as presented. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to amend the motion to add to Item B the closing of Flewelling Avenue from Cardinal Street to Spring Avenue for the Founders' Day Celebration October 17. 1998. Amendment to the motion carried 5-0. Amended motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of (1) City Commission Regular Meeting of September 1. 1998. (2) Special Session of September 1. 1998. (3) Tentative Bude:et Public Hearine: Special Session of September 9. 1998. (4) Public Meeting on 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15, 1998 Manufactured Homes Safety Issues held July 30. 1998. and (5) Summit Meeting of Aue:ust 26. 1998 in Apopka. B. Approval and Authorization to Issue a Special Events Permit for Founders Dav. . The committee plans to close two roads for this Saturday, October 17 event: (1) Lakeshore Drive from the boat ramp to Oakland A venue and (2) McKey Street from Bluford Avenue to Kissimmee Avenue (railroad tracks). C. Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Reclaimed Water Agreement with SCI Funeral Services of Florida. Inc. for Orlando Memorial Gardens Cemetery . . This agreement provides that the Orlando Memorial Gardens will accept up to 155,000 gallons of reclaimed water per week for irrigation purposes. D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Construction Contract with Prime Construction Group. Inc. in the amount of $424.570.00 for Phase I Capital Improvement Program Projects Group 2. Projects 3a. 3b. 17. & 29. . Four of the five contractors prequalified under the Continuing Horizontal Construction Services program submitted bids on these projects. Prime Construction Group, Inc. was low bidder. Approval of this item will (1) authorize the Engineering Department to execute the Notice of Intent to Award and secure executed contract document, bonds and insurance from the contractor; and (2) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract with Prime Construction Group, Inc. at such time as the contract documents are reviewed for compliance by staff and legal counsel, as needed. E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Distribution Easement Ae:reement with Florida Power to Provide Electric Power to Beech Recreation Center. . This agreement will allow Florida Power to cross a portion of the wastewater treatment plant grounds to provide electrical service to the Beech Recreation Center. .E. Approval and Authorization to Award Bid #98-07 to Zabatt and Authorize Staff to Proceed with the Acquisition of an Additional Standby Generator for Liftstation #17 (Silver Glen). . Four bids were received for this purchase which was authorized as an emergency item at the August 18 regular Commission meeting. Zabatt was low bidder at $30,999.32. Approval of this item authorizes staff to proceed with the acquisition of this equipment. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - None COMMISIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Howell: 1) Thanked Pastor Cargill and Harvest International Church for the work they do for the citizens of the community. Mayor Vandergrift added that the City owed a debt of gratitude to the chaplaincy of Ocoee, they all have given assistance when the City was not able. Commissioner Anderson: None. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15, 1998 Commissioner Glass: 1) Reminded everyone of the District 3 Road Show Thursday, September 24, 1998, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Lake Whitney Elementary School. Commissioner Parker 1) Announced the RSVP line 656-2218 for any questions or concerns that would be responded to quickly. PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTION No. 98-13, TRANSPORTATION REFUNDING AND IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BOND ISSUE, 1998 SERIES. City Attorney Rosenthal read the resolution by title only. Finance Director Horton presented the staff report stating the money would be used for Roadway Improvement Projects including: (1) Maguire Road, (2) Professional Parkway, (3) Maine Street, (4) other Road Projects as approved by the City Commission, and (5) refunding of the Series 1990 Transportation Refunding and Improvement Bonds. She requested that Resolution No. 98-13 authorizing the issuance of City of Ocoee, Florida Transportation Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 be approved as presented by Staff. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mohnacky asked about the interest rates. Mr. Mark Galvin, of First Union Capital Markets Corp., (City of Ocoee's financial advisor) said that he would bring the actual contracts to the next Commission Meeting (October 6, 1998) for signature but interest rates right now are approximately 5% which would replace the existing 7 1/2 %. Commissioner Anderson asked why are we not refunding all of the old bond money. Ms. Grace Dunlap, of Bryant, Miller and Olive, (City ofOcoee's bond counsel) explained what was going to be done with the different monies in the accounts. Finance Director Horton said the money in the road impact fee account would be held in reserve. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to adopt Resolution No. 98- 13 as presented by Staff. Motion carried 5-0. Recess 8:35 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Mayor Vandergrift announced that Item VII C would be considered at this time. ORLANDO AVENUE /WHITE ROAD PLAN. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira briefly explained the project for repaving/rebuilding of White Road/Orlando A venue and introduced Mr. Fursan Munjed of PEC to explain the paving portion of the road. Mr. Munjed displayed the plan on the overhead projector and said it would be divided into two phases (1) Bluford A venue to E. Lakeshore Drive and (2) E. Lakeshore over 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15,1998 to the Hammocks. Mr. Munjed explained that most of the road project was resurfacing but there were some areas that would be widened. Mr. Bill Salmons, 612 Aldama Ct., asked how much White Road would be widened and how much base at the Hammocks. Mr. Munjed said at B.C. Terry Road it would be widened about 6 feet exclusive of curves and the base would be approximately 8 inch limerock base over subgrade with a 3 inch of type S structural course. Commissioner Anderson asked if the sidewalks would be done "in house". Mr. Shira said they could probably get a better price from the contractor if they were built as part of the project. Former Commissioner Vern Combs, 310 Sabinal St., gave the history of their neighborhood and expressed concern about what would happen to the plants they had planted along Prima Vista when the street was widened and sidewalks added. Mayor Vandergrift said that the road was not to be widened there and the City would move any trees that needed to be moved for the sidewalks and take care of them. Ms. Catherine Salmons, 621 Aldama Ct., said their main concern was the aesthetics of the entrance to the subdivision. She said they would like to see the City maintain the roadsides better and thinks that the City should use weed killer along the sides of the roads rather than having people pulling the weeds. Mr. Bill Salmons expressed appreciation to Mr. Shapiro and the City for all their efforts in turning Tiger Minor Park around and making it a nice park. Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Ct., a school crossing guard, spoke in favor of the sidewalks for the safety of the children. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the general design concept of Orlando A venue/White Road and authorize to go out to bid as presented by Staff. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Glass said that the safety of the children had to take precedence over the aesthetics but he thought both could be accommodated. Ms. Salmon said that they needed a crossing light at Sleepy Harbor for the children to cross and also need an "Entering School Zone" signal light at Prima Vista. TEE PEE LUMBER EXPANSION - PRELIMINARy/FINAL SITE PLAN. Director of Planning Wagner displayed a map on the overhead projector and gave a brief description of the expansion project. Mr. Wagner described the waivers requested by Tee Pee Lumber due to the unique nature of the property as: · Vehicle Use Area Landscaping - Additional landscaping in the interior of the parking area is constrained by the size of the site and the required truck turnaround space. 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15,1998 . Right-of-way Landscaping - Existing adjacent railroad track and the pond at the southern comer of the site preclude adequate planting space. . Landscaping Abutting Adjoining Property - There is a major utility line located along the western property line which precludes landscaping along that line. To compensate, additional trees have been shown along Kissimmee Avenue. . Landscaping Abutting Retention Pond - There will be a new stormwater pond located along northern property line. To compensate, cypress trees have been shown in the pond and additional trees have been shown along Kissimmee Avenue. . Storm water Pond Setback - Moving the existing stormwater pond at the southern comer of the site is not feasible. Mr. Wagner said these waivers had been approved by the Development Review Committee (DRC), and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the project but recommended additional landscaping to create a better noise and visual buffer. Mr. Wagner said Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary/Final Site Plan for the Tee Pee Lumber Expansion ( Case #LS-98-002 ), as date stamped received by the City on September 3, 1998, subject to consideration of additional landscaping and buffers to help screen the property from surrounding residences. The public hearing was opened. Ms. Teri Harrison, 405 S. Cumberland Ave., said she had addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission about landscaping and a brick wall as a buffer and wanted to know what the final design would be. Ms. Terry Ann Hays, 409 S. Cumberland Ave., said she is concerned also with adding a brick wall or landscaping to control the noise level, especially in the early morning. Ms. Maggy Musial, 406 S. Cumberland Ave., spoke of the noise from the trucks at the dumpster/compactor at 5:00 a.m. Mr. Steve Akerman, General Manager of Tee Pee Lumber, said they wanted to be good neighbors and would take care of the 5 :00 a.m. noise. He said the expansion would relocate the noisy area of work and they have already moved some trees and would be moving more. Mr. Dan Homblette, of Boyle Engineering Corp., displayed on the overhead projector a new diagram of the landscaping plan and talked about the added trees and landscaping for the site. Commissioner Anderson asked about the wall that had been mentioned. Mr. Akerman responded that the wall would not provide a visual buffer and the cause of the noise would be moved, so they saw no purpose for a wall. Former Commissioner Jim Gleason, 856 Hammocks Ct., said that a wall could be viewed as a divider between residential and industrial areas and not as a screen to hide the structure. 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15, 1998 Commissioner Glass agreed with Mr. Gleason that walls do not function well as sound buffers. Commissioner Anderson asked if they could move the dumpster. Ms. Teri Harrison said one of the problems was the unsightly pallets and debris facing the residential area. Commissioner Glass asked if they could shield, buffer or relocate the dumpster/compactor. Mr. Akerman said he would look into that and address the fact that they have a sound problem. There was continued discussion at this point on ways to shield the dumpster/compactor. The public hearing was closed. Mayor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the Preliminary/Final Site Plan with the landscaping plan as presented September 15. 1998 and add screening/buffering around dumpster/compactor for sound control to the satisfaction of the Planning Department. also subiect to the waivers as presented by Staff. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. Mayor Vandergrift announced Item VII F would be considered at this time. AGREEMENT WITH ORANGE COUNTY REGARDING LAKE JOHIO SHORES WELL. City Attorney Rosenthal explained the Stipulated Settlement Agreement and said it was unanimously approved by the Orange County Commission and there would be an additional agreement coming to the next meeting. He said the plaintiffs had not approved or signed the agreement yet. City Manager Shapiro said he had already authorized the design to get the permits. Commissioner Howell said if we go ahead with this and the plaintiffs decide not to hook up to city water the city would still have the same problems. Mr. Rosenthal said that if this agreement was approved it would put the City in a better position with the court and with this solution DEP would allow for the well to be put back the way it was before. Mayor Vandergrift suggested (1) reopening the drain well, (2) plumbing the water out to dry retention ponds. Mr. Shapiro said that he would look at this. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Vibhu Agrawal, 2421 Johio Bay Dr., talked about the loss of trees and the potential liability of trees falling on the neighbor's house and wanted a better time frame for a solution. 7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15, 1998 Mr. Wilbur Cook, 2425 Johio Bay Dr., said he was concerned with losing the sale of his house because of the rising water. Mr. Gerald Watson, 2443 Johio Bay Dr., asked Mr. Shapiro if the Department of Environmental Resources [sic] regulated the opening of the drainage well. Mr. Shapiro said it depended on who asked the question as to whether the Department of Environment Protection would approve the opening of the well. Mr. Shapiro said if there is a drinking water source available to guarantee the health and safety of those people then there is less of a problem with opening the well. Mr. Shapiro said they have been told they could have a design in 10 days and could have a permit from DEP in 7 days, waiving the usual 30 days for permit so, it should take 30-40 days to get the total job done. Mr. Watson asked who originally closed the well and gave his and his neighbors' side of the story. Mr. Agrawal spoke for a neighbor, who could not be present, who is closer to the lake and was concerned about the erosion to his property. Mr. Shapiro responded, giving the background of the City's efforts and what they would be doing in the future. Mayor Vandergrift wanted pumping of the lake to be included in the motion. Mr. Shapiro said there was no need to attach it to this motion and would pump the lake, if necessary, regardless. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the Stipulated Settlement Agreement dated September 14. 1998. as presented. Motion carried 5-0. PURCHASING TABLE A T HEALTH CENTRAL FOUNDA nON DINNER. Former Commissioner Gleason explained the difference between the table rate and the corporate table rate for the Health Central Foundation Dinner Scheduled for September 19, 1998. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Glass. moved to grant $1.000 from the contingency fund for the purchase of the table at the Health Central Foundation Dinner. Motion carried 5-0. EMERGENCY ITEM Mayor Vandergrift declared this to be an emergency item and then left the table. ORDINANCE No. 98-25 BORROW PITS. City Attorney Rosenthal read the Ordinance by title only and explained that for construction of the Western Beltway they are looking for borrow pit locations and the City had nothing in place to govern the question. Mr. Shapiro said Mr. Jennings had brought this to his attention. The public hearing was opened. 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15,1998 Mr. John Jennings, 8425 Sand Lake Shores Ct., said he had been contacted by contractors who are bidding on the job of providing fill dirt for the Western Beltway Project. He said he wanted to work with the city to locate areas that could be used for this purpose and still have value after the removal of the earth. Mayor Vandergrift returned to the table. Commissioner Anderson said he had mentioned before about building a water park and thought this could be an opportunity for this idea. Mr. Shapiro said that there was not enough information about this and he needed more information on the pluses and minuses as well as the hydrology to consider this. Commissioner Glass said it was a good idea to look at the regulating of the borrow pits to prevent what has happened in other areas of the county. Commission Howell. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve Ordinance No. 98-25 imposing a moratorium on the permitting of borrow pits in the City of Ocoee for a period of 120 days from the effective date of this Ordinance as presented. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES ORDINANCE No. 98-23, WESTRIDGE SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT. ORDINANCE No. 98-24, WESTRIDGE pun REZONING. City Attorney Rosenthal read each of these Ordinances by title only and Mayor Vandergrift announced the Second Readings/Public Hearings for these Ordinances were scheduled for October 6, 1998. MELVA STREET CLOSING. Commissioner Howell said that the owner of the property, at the end of Melva Street, wanted $2,000 and an 80' chain link fence put up across the front of his property. Commissioner Anderson moved not to exceed $7,000. Motion died from a lack of a second. Commissioner Glass asked what the value of the property was. Mr. Shira said lot 16, assessed at $24,561, was owned by Ross and Connie Rayburn and lot 1, assessed at $30,207, was owned by Annie Chiles but the city only needed a piece of lot 16. Commissioner Howell said other street closings were paid for by the people who wanted the street closed and he had a hard time saying the citizens should pay for this closing. Mayor Vandergrift tabled this item until the October 6, 1998 meeting. 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15, 1998 APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS ApPOINTMENT TO RECREA nON ADVISORY BOARD - Chris Caldwell resigned - 2 year term expires October 1998. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to appoint Rachel Maxwell to the Recreation Advisory Board for a term to expire October. 2000. STAFF REPORT - None. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker: I) Said she would like to hold the first Employee Survey RFP meeting in October now that they have the committee set up. Mr. Shapiro said to contact his secretary to set up the date. Commissioner Glass: 1) Announced Commissioner Howell's birthday and wished him a happy and prosperous birthday. 2) Reminded everyone of the Road Show again at Lake Whitney Elementary School, September 24, 1998, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Announced the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Beech Recreation Center on Wednesday, September 23, 1998, 10:00 a.m. at the Sewer Plant on A.D. Mims Road. Commissioner Howell: 1) Asked about the parking lot at the football field. Mr. Shapiro said the DEP had turned the City's permit request down twice but they expected to get the permit this week. Mr. Shapiro also said he would like to remove the building before the fence is taken down. 2) Said he would bring up the water rate increase at the next meeting. Mr. Shapiro said he would put it on the agenda and have a full discussion of the new rate table and how it breaks down per customer. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Said he would like a reasonable facsimile of how St. Johns River Water Management District had treated other cities concerning water consumption and rates. 2) Reported a sidewalk at the Little League Field that was overgrown with grass. 3) Stated the new restrooms at the field needed an ell shaped wall to protect the site line. Mr. Shapiro said he would take care of it. 4) Suggested putting hanging flower baskets around the porch areas of City Hall. Mr. Shapiro said he wanted to wait awhile. 5) Asked if the City had established a speed hump policy. Mr. Shapiro said a traffic calming ordinance had been passed. 6) Said he would like no through traffic or weight restrictions (to eliminate school busses) on Lakeshore Drive when it is reopened. Commissioner Glass suggested putting it on an upcoming agenda to get input from the schools. 10 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 15, 1998 7) Congratulated Commissioner Howell on his birthday. 8) Thanked Bumble Bee and the TV crew. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11 :20 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: 11