HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-23-98
Mayor Vandergrift called the Special Session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. Mayor Vandergrift announced
that this was an advertised public hearing to finalize the budget and adopt a final millage rate for
the City of Ocoee. The City Commission has previously approved a tentative millage rate of 4.0
mills which represents a 1.755% increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 3.931 mills.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also
present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Shapiro, Finance Director
Horton, Personnel/Employee Relations Director Psaledakis, Director of
Community Relations/Projects Shira, Public Works Director Smith, Information
Systems Manager Tartar, Finance Supervisor Carter, Budget Analyst Strickland
and City Clerk Grafton.
Finance Director Horton announced that the purpose of the 4.00 mill tax rate for Fiscal Year
1998-99 was to generate revenues to be used for:
. the implementation of the modified Indianapolis Plan for the Police Department
. continued upgrading of the computer system
. additional personnel and reclassification city-wide
. leasing vehicles to continue upgrading the rolling stock throughout the City, and
. new equipment
The public hearing was opened and Mayor Vandergrift asked for citizen comments.
Ms. Bruni Massa, 611 E. Lakeshore Drive, said she understands the needs of the City, but asked
if they should budget more wisely rather than increase the millage rate. She cited seeing an
employee using a city vehicle while shopping with a child on a Saturday and other waste. Ms.
Massa said maybe too much money was given in grants and could be better used for the
operation of the City.
Mayor Vandergrift said he gave Commissioner Howell papers concerning past City tax
information that he did not have a chance to duplicate for everyone. Mayor Vandergrift
proposed taking what was left in the contingency fund (approximately $70,000) in order to go to
the roll-back rate.
Finance Director Horton and City Manager Shapiro advised they had put $23,000 aside for
possible hurricane expenses such as public services for the residents.
September 23,1998
Mayor Vandergrift addressed the advisability of having an in-house attorney.
Commissioner Anderson said he liked the way things were running now, as he thought the City
was well represented. He said Foley and Lardner have given a good detailed breakdown of their
monthly charges.
Mayor Vandergrift asked them to just look at the options. He asked what the deductible on the
City's insurance was.
Human Resources Director Psaledakis responded that it was $1,000 deductible. Ms.
Psaledakis and Mr. Shapiro explained that some of the attorney fees were for the labor
attorney, code enforcement attorney, the attorney for the City Hall building, etc. Mr. Shapiro
said that the City had been very successful in litigation with Foley and Lardner representing them
and thought it was "too late in the game" to look at this now.
Mayor Vandergrift said he thought maybe the City could use the attorney services less than
they do. He suggested using model ordinances to write new ones rather than pay Foley and
Lardner to write them. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the COLA affected the contract employees,
such as the City Manager. Ms. Psaledakis responded that it did not and that several department
directors would earn more than the City Manager after October 1, 1998.
Commissioner Howell had a long discussion with City Manager Shapiro concerning salaries
of City employees, especially in the Engineering Department. Commissioner Howell said he
thought that the City of Ocoee had the best staff of any of the surrounding cities.
Mayor Vandergrift said he would like the City Manager to keep his car a few more years. Mr.
Shapiro advised he left the new car in the budget this year in case the Police Department would
be needing another car and that he would rather keep his existing car.
Mayor Vandergrift, addressing the issue of road paving, said Winter Park had been the only
other city doing their own paving and they had only been doing it for a year. Mayor
Vandergrift suggested piggy backing on an Orange County standard bid for paving. Mayor
Vandergrift said he wanted the statistics presented concerning the cost effectiveness when the
paving starts, and would like to start with Prima Vista and Foxfire. He also spoke about the
Commissioner Anderson expressed his concern regarding the amount budgeted for computers,
as he felt that the City would be paying too much for their computers with all the prices going
down. Information Systems Manager Tartar responded that the City goes for State contracts
September 23,1998
that are for name brand equipment and these usually had 12 month caps on the prices but they
did get new quotes monthly. Mr. Tartar said the prices in the budget included software and
other equipment needed with the computers, and he did watch the market all the time for new
products and prices.
Mayor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to amend the budget to use
the rolled-back rate using the proceeds from the contingency fund. Motion failed 2-3. with
Commissioners Howell. Glass and Parker voting no.
City Attorney Rosenthal announced that, based upon the action, the proposed final Millage rate
is 4.00 which represents a 1.755% increase in millage rate over the rolled-back rate of 3.931
mills. This is the proposed percentage in property taxes.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve Ordinance No.
98-21 setting final millage rate of 4.0 mills for Fiscal Year 1998-1999.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance No. 98-21 setting a final millage rate of 4.0
mills. He then announced that the name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee, the rolled-
back millage rate is 3.931 mills, that the percentage by which the proposed millage rate exceeds
the rolled-back rate is 1.755%, and that the millage rate proposed by the Ordinance is 4.0 mills.
Mayor Vandergrift asked for comments/questions from the citizens present and no one wished
to speak. He then asked for comments/questions from the Commission and there were none.
When the vote was called for the above motion on the millage rate the motion carried 3-2 with
Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Anderson voting no.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve Ordinance No.
98-22 adopting a final budget for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1. 1998 and ending
September 30. 1999.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of Ordinance No. 98-22. Mayor Vandergrift asked for
comments and no one wished to speak.
When the vote was called for the above motion on the final budget the motion carried 4-1 with
Mayor Vandergrift voting no.
City Manager Shapiro said he had asked Commissioner Glass and the rest of the
Commissioners if they wished to continue with the Road Show as planned and Mayor
Vandergrift said he was concerned with tying up the Fire Department's equipment in light of
the storm warnings. Consensus was to continue with the Road Show as planned.
September 23,1998
Mr. Shapiro spoke concerning a memo sent to the residents of Johio Shores Road Area. Mr.
Shapiro said they had drilled holes into the well cap to begin to reduce down the lake due to the
potentially hazardous weather that had been predicted. He said there would be a meeting with
DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) and others to discuss removing the cap, and that
Orange County had agreed to provide water for these residents if needed. Mr. Shapiro said for
the record Assistant County Administrator, Warren Gelch, had been very patient and cooperative
since he had taken over the position and complimented him. Mr. Shapiro said that they had not
heard anything from the plaintiffs so far and he hoped the DEP would allow uncapping of the
Mayor Vandergrift said he appreciated the action taken to get the pumps in and wanted the
residents there contacted advising them of the City's immediate plans for the lake.
Mayor Vandergrift stated that the Governor had declared Central and South Florida emergency
areas and read a section of the City's Charter stating that the Mayor is in charge of the City in
such cases.
Commissioner Glass announced the birthday of Commissioner Howell on September 22, 1998.
In turn, Commissioner Howell said that Commissioner Glass had a birthday on September 21,
1998. All wished the Commissioners a Happy Birthday.
Mayor Vandergrift talked about the Democracy Forum at Borders book store scheduled for
Saturday afternoon. Mr. Shapiro said he had discussions with the Staff and Community
Relations and advised that the open forum to discuss events that happened in history is a citizen's
right. Mr. Shapiro said that it may be Pro-Ocoee because some of the seniors are willing to
discuss the issues and the history.
The meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
City of Ocoee