HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-03-98 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 3,1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Pastor Ron Spivey led in the prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Police Chief Mark, Fire Chief Strosnider, Planning Director Wagner, City EngineerlUtilities Director Shira, Finance Director Horton, Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira, Building and Zoning Official Flippen, Public Works Director Smith, Recreation Director Nordquist, Principal Planner Horne, Senior Planner Lewis, Buyer Meridith, City Clerk Grafton, and Consultants Hooper and Munjed. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PROCLAMA nON Mayor Vandergrift proclaimed the month of October WEST ORANGE SENIOR CITIZENS MONTH in the City of Ocoee, and presented the Proclamation to Mrs. Frances Watts, President of the West Orange Seniors. PRESENTATIONS AWARDS FOR YEARS OF SERVICE. The commissioners shared the duty of reading the biographies of each recipient as well as presenting their plaques and gift certificates. . 5 YEARS - RUSSELL WAGNER City Manager Shapiro talked about his value to the City and said he was the father of Clarke Road. Along with his plaque Russ received a City watch and a $50 gift certificate. . 5 YEARS - CURTIS LOVE Public Works Director Smith said Curtis is one of the people who make Ocoee The Center of Good Living. Along with his plaque Curtis received a City watch and a $50 gift certificate. . 5 YEARS - DAVID HARRIS Public Works Director Smith talked about all the things David does each day that are not part of his job description. Along with his plaque David received a City watch and a $50 gift certificate. . 5 YEARS - JOYCE MERIDITH Finance Director Horton told about Joyce's work ethics and dedication to her position. Along with her plaque Joyce received a City watch and a $50 gift certificate. . 5 YEARS - DAVID SPEARS Public Works Director Smith talked about the many facilities in the care of the maintenance crew. Along with his plaque David received a City watch and a $50 gift certificate. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 . 5 YEARS - JUDIE LEWIS Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira told about Judie's value to her department. Along with her plaque Judie received a City watch and a $50 gift certificate. . 5 YEARS - MICHAEL SNYDER Public Works Director Smith told how proud he was to be associated with a person like Mike. Along with his plaque Mike received a City watch and a $50 gift certificate. . 5 YEARS - CAROLYN BLOOM City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira talked about Carolyn's energy and enthusiasm. Along with her plaque Carolyn received a City watch and a $50 gift certificate. . 5 YEARS - MICHAEL ALEXANDER (Not Present) Police Chief Mark told how proud he was of Mike for going forward with his education (Master's Degree). Mike was not present to accept his plaque, City watch and $50 gift certificate. . 10 YEARS - JULIAN HARPER Building and Zoning Official Flippen talked about Julian being known as the "Tree Cop." Along with his plaque Julian received a $100 gift certificate. . 10 YEARS - FERRON YOUNG Public Works Director Smith said Ferron is one of the reasons we have good parks for our children and a well kept cemetery. Along with his plaque Ferron received a $100 gift certificate. · 15 YEARS - STEVEN GOCLON Police Chief Mark said Lt. Goclon greases the wheel and makes everything go smoother for the entire department. Along with his plaque Steven received a $150 gift certificate. · 15 YEARS - DONAL "TONY" BROOKS Public Works Director Smith said Tony is a pillar of the parks division and does his job without fanfare. Along with his plaque Tony received a $150 gift certificate. . 15 YEARS DAVID GOSNELL City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira thanked Dave for his assistance in bringing the water department from a small facility to the State of the Art facility that it is today. Along with his plaque Dave received a $150 gift certificate. Mayor Vandergrift introduced Dave's mother who was in the audience. . 15 YEARS - LARRY BRAS Fire Chief Strosnider said that Larry is the "A" shift lieutenant at the new fire station on Clarke Road and maintains all the fleet vehicles. Along with his plaque Larry received a $150 gift certificate. Mayor Vandergrift introduced Larry's crew who were in the audience. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and D. Commissioner Anderson thanked Public Works Director Smith for finding the reconditioned recycling truck and saving the City $38,000. Public Works Director Smith said that Solid Waste Supervisor Dees was the person responsible for finding the truck. Mayor Vandergrift removed item D for discussion and amended in item A, Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of October 20, 1998, no. 14 on page 10 to read Wurst Road instead of Maguire Road. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira said there was a water main being run down Wurst Road but it would not be cost effective, at this time, to add the dry lines, but he would be happy to discuss it with him later. There was an open discussion concerning the reuse water lines, to which Mr. Shira acknowledged that it 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 would be at least 5-8 years before they could provide enough water for the neighborhoods along Wurst Road. Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items A. B. and C with the amendment to item A as noted. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of City Commission Re2ular Meetin2 of October 20.1998. B. Approval and Authorization for Sole Source Purchase of a Reconditioned Recycling Truck in Lieu of New Recvclin2 Truck. . Container Systems and Equipment Company is the sole source for this 1989 Lodal "ECO" cab and chassis. The purchase price of $87,350.00 represents a savings of approximately $38,000.00 over the purchase of a new truck and the remanufactured truck will meet the City's recycling needs until the completion of the current recycling contract with Orange County. C. Approval and Authorization for Closin2 of Nan Drive on November 7. 1998 for Nei2hborhood Block Party. . This approval requires that: (1) Road blocking must be done with proper barricades; (2) An emergency lane must be maintained during the time the block party has the street blocked; and (3) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance. Item D of the Consent Agenda was discussed at this point. D. Approval and Authorization to Award Construction Contract to Wharton-Smith for Phase I Capital Improvement Program Proiects (Nos. 4. 20. 21. 26. and 27) and Miscellaneous Rehabilitation Projects (Nos. 01. 02. 03. 04a. 04b. and 05). . This authorizes various projects throughout the City. Mayor Vandergrift talked about problems with the swales beginning at Russell Drive. City Engineer Utilities/Director Shira said he would take a look at this. Commissioner Howell said he thought Lady A venue was included in the first phase of this project. Mr. Shira explained the problems experienced with some of the streets, and the order in which they would be fixed had been changed. Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Howell asked questions concerning projects to which Mr. Shira responded. Mayor Vandergrift said some of these projects would require paving and suggested that they try to link other small paving jobs in the City to these. City Manager Shapiro said there were problems just trying to get contractors to bid on the small projects due to their lack of finding people to supervise the projects. Mavor Vander2rift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve Item D of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Ct., said the seniors had a trip planned but they did not get to take their trip because the bus was not working. She said the bus was also needed for the children in the Recreation Department and asked if the City could purchase a new bus. City Manager Shapiro said the City needed to look for a new bus and there was discussion concerning what types of busses and the costs connected to them. Mayor Vandergrift 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 announced the consensus was to direct Staff to look for a newer bus and make the present bus run till it falls down. Recreation Director Nordquist stated that they had spent as much in repairs as they did to purchase the present bus. Mr. Shapiro suggested looking into the purchase of one of the medium sized busses that Lynx had offered for sale. Mrs. Watts asked that they make sure the air conditioning worked. COMMISIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker: I) Announced the Neighborhood Matching Grant Workshops, November 4, 5, 11, and 12, 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Conference Room of City Hall. Communities wishing to apply should choose one of the workshops and for additional information contact Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira at 656-2322 Ext. 143. City Manager Shapiro added a thank you to the residents of Brentwood who repainted the sign. added plants and made improvements to the entry way . 2) Announced the Fall Cleanup with pickup on Saturday, November 14, 1998 for those with garbage collection on Monday/Thursday, and pickup on Saturday, November 21, for those with garbage collection on Tuesday/Friday. She said the pickup is for large or unusual items, and these items should be placed on the curb by 7:00 a.m. Contact Public Works at 877-8420 with any questions. Commissioner Glass: None. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Announced the West Orange Chamber of Commerce, State of the State Legislative Luncheon, Thursday, November 12, 1998, at the West Orange Country Club, and for reservations call 656-1304. Commissioner Howell: 1) Said that they were about ready to repave the bus turnaround at Spring Lake Elementary School for the last time, and it should be ready for use in several weeks. He said the school principal was still working with the homeowners along the walking path ("pig path") and may want to have a meeting with them and the City in order to make it safer for the children. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Announced the RSVP line 656-2218 for any Citizens' concerns or questions and said Staff would respond quickly. 2) Read a letter from Bill Nelson, Florida State Fire Marshall, commending the Ocoee Fire Department for their assistance with the Florida wildfires, thanked the firefighters and included a certificate of recognition for the Ocoee Fire Department. 3) Thanked the Finance Department for checking into the leasing agreement the City could get in conjunction with the Florida League of Cities, and although it is too late this year the City may consider this in the future. 4) Talked about April Zrallack, a resident of Ocoee who had family members in Honduras when Hurricane Mitch hit and had started a relief effort for the victims. He listed items that they 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3, 1998 were in need of and gave her telephone number, 656-0039, for anyone interested in helping. The Mayor thanked her on behalf of the City of Ocoee. Recess 8:25-8:35 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE No. 98-26, CASE #AR-98-02-01: ST. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - ANNEXATION. City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only. Principal Planner Horne displayed the project on the overhead projector and pointed out the area to be annexed. She explained that the church intended to expand its current use, and gave a brief background of the property. Principal Planner Horne said, based on the recommendations of the Design Review Committee (DRC) and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff recommended to adopt Ordinance No. 98-26 and approve the requested Annexation (Case #AR-98-02-01). The public hearing was opened. Mr. Bryan Stamper, of St. Paul's Church, answered questions from the Commissioners on the growth of the school. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 98-26 and approve the requested Annexation (Case #AR-98-02-01). Motion carried 5-0. ORDINANCE No. 98-27, CASE #AR-98-02-01: ST. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - ZONING. City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only. Principal Planner Horne was available to answer any questions, and noted that the presentation given for Ordinance No. 98-26 applied to this ordinance as well. The public hearing was opened, and as no wished to speak, was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell moved to find the application consistent with: (1) the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; (2) the Future Land Use Map; (3) the Ocoee Land Development Code; and (4) the requirements of the JPA Agreement and to approve the requested rezonings R-2 (Parcel D) and R-3 (Parcel C). and to adopt Ordinance No. 98-27. Motion carried 5-0. ST. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SPECIAL EXCEPTION WITH PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN, CASE NO. 1-2SE-98. Senior Planner Lewis displayed pictures and maps of the area on the overhead projector and described the purpose of the expansion. He stated that the developer had also requested waivers as to the maximum building height of the buildings, maximum height of the church steeple and the number of off street loading spaces for the church and school facilities. Mr. Lewis said that the surrounding residents had been notified of the public hearing, but none came. He said both the DRC and the Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended approval also Staff 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 recommended approval of the Special Exception for the St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (Case No. 1-2SE-98), with all the requested waivers, as date stamped received by the City on October 7, 1998. The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the Special Exception for the St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (Case No. 1-2SE-98). with all the proposed waivers. as date stamped received by the City on October 7. 1998. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE No. 98-28, RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF BUILDING STANDARDS FOR THE CONTROL OF BUILDING CONTRACTORS AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing would be November 17, 1998 at 7: 15 p.m. Commissioner Anderson asked if this adoption would lower the City's building standards. Building and Zoning Official Flippen said it would not. Commissioner Glass noted some numbering issues and gave them to City Attorney Rosenthal to be corrected before the second reading. ORDINANCE No. 98-29, RELATING TO APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD. There was a discussion concerning the number of members to be appointed to the board and what the quorum would be. Commissioner Glass suggested that the quorum be set at 50% plus 1 of seated members or 6, which ever number is less, with the number of members at 13. City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by the revised title only. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing would be November 17, 1998 at 7:15 p.m. SETTLEMENT WITH ORLANDO/ORANGE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY, ORANGE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT CASE No. C198-1273 RE: WOFFORD ROAD. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that in the settlement the parties had estimated that the City is the owner of roughly one-fourth of Parcel 61-146. The City had not obtained an independent appraisal of the property. The Expressway Authority had agreed to pay the City of Ocoee the sum of $10,000.00 for its interest in Parcel 61-146, along with the payment of attorneys' fees. He recommended accepting the settlement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to accept the settlement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement as recommended by City Attorney Rosenthal. Motion carried 5-0. Recess 9:05 - 9:13 p.m. 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 DESIGN OF MAGUIRE ROAD FROM PROFESSIONAL PARKWAY TO SR50 AND SR50 NORTH ApPROXIMA TEL Y 1/2 MILE. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira talked about what progress had been made on the design stages of Maguire Road. Fursan Munjed, Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC), presented, in detail, the options for this section of Maguire Road. City Manager Shapiro added that with the low interest rate they acquired on the Bond Issue, the City would have an extra $800,000 to spend on this project. Mr. Munjed said PEC and Staff recommended the Commission choose Option III C, with a 5-1ane undivided typical section from Professional Parkway north to Days Inn (The Colony Plaza) and 4-1ane section with traffic separator north of Days Inn (The Colony Plaza) to and through SR50 Intersection and 5-lane undivided typical section north of Holiday Inn to new Maine Street intersection at an additional construction cost of $500,000 (exclusive of R/W cost north of SR50) to the Maguire Road Improvement Project. Mayor Vander2rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt staff recommendation for design III C as presented. mirrored on both sides of SR50. Motion carried 5-0. RFP SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT. Police Chief Mark explained the background for this study. City Manager Shapiro said for information purposes for now, staff is evaluating projects and it may be appropriate to come back next month to take back bank loans, funded with impact fees, and add to them, picking up the very low interest rates. Mr. Shapiro talked about financing many small projects with this money. There was discussion about sites for a police department. Commissioner Howell volunteered to serve on this committee. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to proceed with the RFP for an architectural firm to perform a needs assessment study and appoint Commissioner Howell to serve on this committee. Motion carried 5-0. RFP SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR WATER RATE STUDY. Mayor Vandergrift talked about his handout concerning a Water Conservation Officer. Mr. Shapiro said this would be a good idea after they had a public relations firm establish how their program would work and incorporate the idea at that time. Commissioner Anderson volunteered to serve on this committee. There was a short discussion on the rate study that St. Johns River Water Management District had offered to do for the City. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve staff recommendation to form an RFP selection committee to include: City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira. Assistant City Engineer Wheeler. Finance Director Horton. Finance Budget Analyst Strickland. and to appoint Commissioner Anderson to act as City Commission representative. also authorization to proceed. Motion carried 5-0. RFP SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR PUBLIC RELA TIONS FIRM. City Manager Shapiro said this issue should be considered separately from the water rate study because it requires a different type of person, so it would require its own RFP. Commissioner Parker volunteered to serve on this committee. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve staff recommendation to form an RFP selection committee to include: Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira. Customer Service 7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 Supervisor Sills. City Clerk Grafton. Finance Supervisor Carter and to appoint Commissioner Parker as City Commission representative. also authorization to proceed. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift asked Commissioner Parker to consider his suggestion for a Water Conservation Officer/Citizens Advocate. Commissioner Anderson suggested that the $400,000 revenue, from the inverted water rate, be returned to the citizens. City Manager Shapiro said that until this issue is studied there is an unknown reason for the extra money and he would like to do the rate study and find the reason before returning any money. Mr. Shapiro said it was important to use some of those dollars to educate the public to use conservation. Commissioner Anderson moved to give water customers back whatever they used in the month of October as a rebate in December. Motion died for a lack of a second. Commissioner Howell stated that by doing the study and having the public relations firm educate the public the City would be giving back to the community. LOCA TION REQUIREMENTS FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Principal Planner Horne said this was a discussion item not a hearing and presented the options available for the Commission to consider. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Anderson said he did not want to have any part of this. Mayor Vandergrift said consensus was to direct staff to move forward. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Mayor Vandergrift. moved to authorize staff to move forward and schedule the proposed Ordinance for advertising and public hearing. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting against. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that this was not an amendment to the Land Development Code and would not be going through the Planning and Zoning Commission under normal procedures. FINANCING OF PURCHASE OF VEHICLES CITYWIDE. Buyer Meridith gave a brief description of this agreement. Commissioner Anderson asked questions to which Buyer Meredith and Fire Chief Strosnider responded. Mayor Vandergrift left the table. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the (2) Lease- Purchase Agreements. between the City and Ford Motor Credit Company and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the agreement. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present. ApPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - The staff report included the information that Mrs. Genevieve Foster resigned in 1996; also alternates Mr. Robert Godek had been appointed to another board and Mr. 8 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 Daniel Birnstihl had been appointed as a full member, and that an appointment was needed for a regular member to have a full board. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to appoint Mr. Ismael Almodovar as a regular member to the Board of Adjustment, term ending May 2001. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - The recent appointment of Mr. Roy Ellison as a full member left a vacancy for an alternate in a term that expires October 2001. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to appoint Mr. Billy Dean Hall for a term as an alternate to expire October 2001. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Vandergrift was not present. ST AFF REPORT - None. Mayor Vandergrift returned to the table. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker: 1) Said she would like to see developers enhance the commercial areas in other parts of the City to equal the requirements set for the State Road 50 Activity Center commercial areas, especially when near residential areas. She asked Staff for information concerning growth. City Manager Shapiro asked Director of Planning Wagner if they were going to hire a land use consultant. Mr. Wagner said that they were looking over the contracts, but the Land Development Code would not be finished for a year. Commissioner Parker talked about activity in the area of Clarke Road and Silver Star Road that would be built in less than a year. Mr. Shapiro said the activity centers would be okay but there would be problems with the little strip malls and they would have to take a look at the land use regulations. Mr. Wagner spoke about adopting policies and regulations for those areas. Mr. Shapiro said this could be looked at on Thursday. November 5. 1998. at the regular meeting with City Attorney Rosenthal. Commissioner Glass: 1) Stated that several meetings ago he proposed increasing the size of the Planning and Zoning Commission and after a meeting with Planning and Zoning Chairman Switzer it was decided they would need a work session in order for the board members to express their opinions. Consensus of the Mayor and Commissioners was to meet with the Planning and Zoning Commission at their regular meeting on December 8, 1998. 2) Asked what the status was on the traffic light at the corner of Maguire and Roberson Roads. City Attorney Rosenthal said the legal descriptions are being prepared now and he described the remainder of the scheduled process. Mr. Rosenthal said he would see that Commissioner Glass received a copy of the schedule. 9 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 Commissioner Anderson: I) Asked if the City could buy a new camera for the Mayor's office. Mr. Shapiro said that there were funds available for supplies for the Mayor and Commissioners. 2) Talked about broken glass at Central Park that needed to be cleaned up and broken playground equipment (merry-go-round) which was also very dirty. Mr. Shapiro said it would get cleaned up. 3) Announced the Veterans Day Program in Ocoee November 11, 1998 11 :00 a.m. at the Gazebo. Commissioner Howell: 1) Asked why there was only 1 Commissioner invited to the Johio Shores Meeting held at City Hall. Mr. Shapiro said Commissioner Parker was asked because it was her district. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that if more than one Commissioner attended the meeting and there was a discussion they would have to comply with all the requirements of the Florida Sunshine Law, and they tried to keep this meeting low key. Mayor Vandergrift asked that they be notified of the next meeting with the county. Commissioner Anderson would also like to know about the meetings and who else was invited. Mr. Shapiro said from now on if a meeting had to gO through his office the Commission would be notified. 2) Asked what was the status on the Jim Beech Recreation Center. Mr. Shapiro said the building was being moved back. due to valid suggestions by the Planning and Engineering Departments. and it should be ready to be built in about 3 weeks. 3) Said there is an Ordinance in the City of Ocoee stating that in the parks there are no alcoholic beverages allowed, but he constantly sees people in Tiger Minor Park with alcohol. Mr. Shapiro said he would notify the Police Department. 4) Said that the Police Department needed to be on Marlene Drive to control traffic when people are going to or coming from work. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Thanked whoever fixed the latches on the portable restrooms at Starke Lake. 2) Thanked the Fire Department for checking the sprinkler heads and sending out memos due to the recent recall of faulty devices. 3) Asked if the breaker switches in the concession stand at Bulldog Field had been checked. Public Works Director Smith said they had already been fixed. 4) Said it would be nice if the City could get the mountain of dirt he saw at Admiral Point to put behind the wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Shapiro said they had already asked. but the answer was no. 5) Asked if the City was going to keep the Police gun range near the new Beech Recreation Center, as he thought it would make a nice place for picnic tables under the oak trees. Mr. Shapiro said for now the City would keep it. 6) Said there were junk vehicles at the wastewater treatment plant that needed to be cleaned out. 7) Said when Old Winter Garden Road is repaved, especially at Professional Parkway, to make sure the bricks are saved for the City to use in repairs. 8) Said that the right-of-way behind Spring Lake Circle needed to be mowed and the cross ties needed to be picked up. 10 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 3,1998 9) Said the lake front at Starke Lake needed to be mowed between the plants and the shoreline. 10) Asked Staff to check with the City of Winter Garden to see what size barge they used for their fireworks. He said the City could incorporate it into a fireworks, band shell type barge. 11) Asked that the railing on the porch be lowered on the lake side of City Hall. 12) Said, after riding behind a Lynx bus, he thought of the color that could be added to the parks by painting the trash containers, and the artwork could be done by the children. 13) Spoke with Dr. Hitt of the University of Central Florida (UCF) at an Education luncheon about placing a campus extension in Ocoee. He said they welcomed the idea. He would like to invite representatives from UCF out to Ocoee to show them around. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: ...--", - -=~ ') -H " I .,:::. / C>-t /V \ (,,,-^,-A,, S. Scott Vandergrift, Maycit f 11