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Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Pastor Ron Cargil, Harvest International Ministry of Orlando, led in the prayer and
Commissioner Glass led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Police Chief Mark, Planning
Director Wagner, Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira, Public Works Director Smith,
Finance Director Horton, Principal Planner Horne, Finance Supervisor Carter, and City Clerk
Mayor Vandergrift shared a card and a dozen cupcakes presented in appreciation by the Harvest
International Student Council who recently toured City Hall.
Mrs. Middleton the certificate and thanked her for being an outstanding citizen in the City of
Ocoee and renovating the Brentwood Entry Median.
MEADOR'S CONCRETE - MR. GERALD MEADOR - Mayor Vandergrift presented Mr. Meador a
plaque and thanked him for his company's contribution of labor and materials to the City in the
building of the pavilions at Central Park.
Cox LUMBER - MR. RICHARD WILLIG, not present.
TEE PEE LUMBER - MR. STEVE ACKERMAN - Mayor Vandergrift presented Mr. Ackerman a
plaque and thanked him for his company's contribution to many City projects. He added that the
Jeld-Wen Foundation, their parent company, awarded a $1,500 grant to the City for the pavilions
at Central Park.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B and C. Commissioner Anderson asked concerning
item B, as he thought there should be a better price than the one listed and requested someone
look further. Finance Director Horton said that this was the price of the next lowest bidder.
Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve Items A. B and C of
the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-1. Commissioner Anderson voted no.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 1,1998
A. Approval and Acceptance of the Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of
November 17. 1998.
B. Approval and Authorization to Change the Purchase Price for 2 City Vehicles.
. Mike Shad Ford rescinded their bid to the Florida Sheriffs Association and the contract
was awarded to the next lowest bidder, Don Reid Ford and Duval Ford. The vehicles
affected are the 1999 Ford F-250 pickup truck for Public Works ($2,300 increase) and
1999 Ford Taurus for the Police Department ($63 increase). Staff recommends approval
of (1) the change in purchase price for the above vehicles, (2) the increase in the Lease-
Purchase Agreements with Ford Motor Credit Company and (3) execution by the Mayor
and City Clerk of the Agreement and all documents necessary to consummate the
transaction contemplated by the Agreement.
Co Approval and Certification of Reappointment of Mrs. Joyce Oliver as 5th Trustee on
General Emplovees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees.
. Pursuant to Section 3.1 of General Employees' Fund Plan, the elected and appointed
members choose the fifth member and the City Commission certifies the appointment.
Mr. John Brady, 210 Franklin Street, thanked everyone for the progress made on their water
drainage problems and discussed the problems the neighborhood was having with the residents at
215 Franklin Street. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like them to get it right or they would be
shut down. City Manager Shapiro said that they were probably licensed by the state in which
case the City could not shut them down and would need to deal with the licensing agency.
Police Chief Mark said he would investigate and put together a report within two weeks.
Commissioner Parker said the state prevents and prohibits cities from having any control over
these assisted living houses and added that anyone who wished to oppose should contact her.
Mr. Brady said he had called the HRS agency repeatedly concerning this address only to be
transferred numerous times, with no response.
Mr. Willard Queener, Pastor of the Church of God of Prophecy, said that his church is
across the street from 215 Franklin Street and spoke of the problems he had encountered with the
residents also. Mr. Queener said due to a lack of supervision and their tendency to wander he
sees a potential for one of the residents being injured.
Commissioner Howell:
1) Announced that Mrs. Frances Watts was home from the hospital doing well and wished her a
speedy recovery as she is missed by all here at City Hall.
2) Said he owed the Police Department an apology for saying they had not been running the
radar on Marlene Drive when in fact the records show they had been in his area quite often.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 1,1998
Commissioner Anderson:
1) Announced the Ocoee Christmas Parade December 5, 1998 at 1 :00 p.m. and said the Mayor
and Commissioners would also be in the Winter Garden Christmas Parade in the morning,
that same day.
2) Announced the Christmas Light Judging on December 11, 1998 at 7:00 p.m.
3) Said Santa's Calls would be Monday, December 14, 1998 between 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
4) Stated there would be Christmas Caroling at the Gazebo on December 18, 1998 at 7 :00 p.m.
Commissioner Glass:
1) Announced the Orlando/Orange County Expressway Authority would be having a workshop
Thursday, December 3, 1998, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m., concerning the alignment of Part C for the
Western Beltway, at the West Orange High School Ninth Grade Center, Cafetorium. For
more information or questions call Mr. Pustelnyk at 316-3800.
2) Said he was glad Mrs. Watts was out of the hospital and looked forward to her returning to
her place here at the meetings as soon as possible.
Commissioner Parker:
1) Stated also that Mrs. Watts was missed here and wished her a quick recovery.
2) Said that David Harris of the Public Works Department would be undergoing a medical
procedure at ORMC on Wednesday, December 2, 1998, and all thoughts and prayers would
be with him.
Mavor Vander2rift:
1) Said the Toys for Tots Drive would be different this year as the families have indicated a
need for clothing, shoes and food as well as toys. He said the items could be dropped off at
the Police Department before December 14, 1998, and if there were questions concerning the
Toys for Tots program please call Ella Wisecup (656-1518 x 247) or Cherri Toms (656-1518
x 241).
2) Announced there would be a public hearing December 10, 1998, 1 :00 p.m. in the Orange
County Commission Chambers, of the Orange County Administration Center, concerning the
Old Winter Garden Road improvement project west from Vineland Road to Highway 50 in
3) Talked about the Ocoee Police Department Ride-Along Program for citizens who would like
to observe the duties of a police officer, and added anyone interested should contact the
Police Department during daytime working hours.
4) Asked that everyone take a walk down the hallway to the building department and observe
the Children's Art Gallery. He said the unique artwork was produced by the children of
Spring Lake and Clarcona Elementary Schools.
5) Announced the RSVP line 656-2218 for any Citizens' concerns or questions and said Staff
would respond quickly.
6) City Manager Shapiro reminded that the Christmas Dinner would be Tuesday. December 8.
1998. served buffet style from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Ocoee Middle School. He said for
ticket information call Director of Community Relations/Projects Shira at 656-2322 x 143.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 1,1998
7) Announced the Impact Fee Workshop Tuesday, December 8, 1998, at 6:00 p.m., and the
public was invited but the meeting would not be televised.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only and said, as this ordinance ties in with
Ordinance 98-31, the staff report would serve for both ordinances. Principal Planner Horne
described the property as 4.5 acres situated 300' east of the intersection of SR 50 and Citrus
Oaks. Mrs. Horne gave a PowerPoint presentation on the changes requested and said staff
recommended approval of Ordinance No. 98-30. Director of Planning Wagner gave a brief
presentation for Ordinance No. 98-31, West Oaks PUD Zoning and Land Use Plan, pointing out
that this was the first project subject to the recently adopted "Ocoee State Road 50 Activity
Center Special Development Plan" but said they required a waiver. Mr. Wagner said the
applicant requested waivers for the minimum setback of the building which is 100' now
requesting 141' and the limit of only one parking bay in the front of the building, now requesting
1 1/2 bays. Mr. Wagner stated that both the Development Review Committee (DRC), and the
Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended approval of the PUD Zoning request with
the waivers.
Commissioner Anderson asked questions concerning the unique storm water drainage, and if
this could eventually cause problems. Mr. Wagner said that another building in Ocoee had been
built with the same design and had been reviewed by the engineers.
Commissioner Howell asked questions concerning the different uses of the buildings that would
be permitted, to which Mr. Wagner responded.
Mayor Vandergrift suggested that when they landscape they refrain from "bobbing" the oak
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Dean Sant, attorney for West Oaks Square, Inc., 903 Emmet Street, Kissimmee, gave a
brief history of the project and was present to answer any questions.
R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked concerning the retention basin and how
they would prevent stagnation. Mr. Garcey Unroe, with Unroe Engineering, explained how the
system worked and said the Centra Care building used the same type of engineering which is in
use now.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to find the application to
be consistent with Ocoee's: (1) Comprehensive Plan. (2) Land Development Code. and (3)
surrounding land use. and to adopt Ordinance No. 98-30. approving the requested future land use
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 1, 1998
designation change from Professional Service to Commercial. less the areas previously
designated Conservation and Commercial. as recommended by staff. Motion carried 4-1.
Commissioner Howell voted no.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only. Principal Planner Horne was
available to answer any questions, and noted that the presentation given for Ordinance No. 98-30
applied to this ordinance as well.
The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to (1) adopt Ordinance
No. 98-31 approving the request for West Oaks Square. to rezone the subject property from P-S
Professional Offices & Services District, and A-2 Suburban District, to PUD. Planned Unit
Development, consistent with the PUD Land Use Plan date stamped received by the City on
October 30. 1998. including the waivers as requested. subject to the execution of a development
agreement as required by the Land Development Code. and (2) authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute a development agreement with the owners of the subiect property as required by
the Land Development Code as recommended by staff. Motion carried 4-1. Commissioner
Howell voted no.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only. Principal Planner Horne briefly
explained the staff report and said the Commission would be able to decide, totally at their
discretion, whether or not to exempt an individual project from the location requirements set
forth in section 38-5.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Mohnacky asked if there are any set parameters with this legislation. Mr. Shapiro
answered that this would allow the Commission to review each site plan and consider the
particular circumstances and what would be in the best interest of the City.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Anderson said he adamantly opposed this ordinance and thought there are
enough establishments that sell alcohol.
Commissioner Howell agreed with Commissioner Anderson and said he thought the developers
were using the need for schools as a bargaining tool to get what they want.
Commissioner Glass said, concerning the separation distance, the school board had not shown
any inspired data showing that having alcohol sold less than 1,000 feet away from a school had
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 1, 1998
any adverse affect on the children. Commissioner Glass said he believed the job of regulating
the morals of children belongs with the parents, and not with the City of Ocoee.
Commissioner Parker said she agreed with Commissioner Glass and she would like to have
the schools and be able to review the site plans on a case by case basis.
Mavor Vander2rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve Ordinance No. 98-
32 as presented by staff. Motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Anderson and Howell voted no.
Commissioner Anderson left the table.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only. Finance Director Horton explained
this would enable the board of trustees to invest in small and mid-cap stocks and international
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Mohnacky spoke about the perils of investing in the stock market.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve Ordinance No.
98-33 as presented by staff. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Anderson was not present.
Commissioner Anderson returned to the table.
JANUARY 1, 1998.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only and advised the Commission that Ms.
Grace Dunlap, Bond Counsel for the City of Ocoee, indicated there were no bond covenants
adversely affected by the proposed ordinance.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Mohnacky asked how this move would reduce water usage, and wondered if this was done
for the Commissioners' benefit. Mayor Vandergrift explained the different steps the City was
taking to promote water conservation instead of using the inclined water rates. Mr. Shapiro
said another City had taken the same stand and had found better results. Mr. Shapiro added he
resented Mr. Mohnacky's remark concerning the Commission.
The public hearing was closed.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 1, 1998
Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve Ordinance No.
98-34 as presented by staff. Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the ordinance by title only. This was a redrafting of the original
Ordinance enacted in 1968, creating the Tri-City Airport Authority.
The public hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, was closed.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve Ordinance No.
98-35 as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0.
Finance Director Horton listed 5 Capital Improvement Projects needed to meet the demands of
the City's continued growth, and said the cost for these would be $4,800,000. She said the
financing team had determined these improvements could be achieved through restructuring the
current debt and that they were present to answer any questions.
Mr. Mark Galvin, First Union Capital Markets, said the interest rates are extremely favorable
and was hoping there would be a lull after the first of the year that the City could profit from.
Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see grant money to go along with this bond money.
Mr. Shapiro said the final resolution would probably say "and other municipal needs," this
would allow the Commission to approve projects later. There was discussion concerning the
spending time limit within three years.
City Attorney Rosenthal read Resolution No. 98-18 by title only. Finance Director Horton
requested a special meeting on January 28, 1999 to set the pricing for the bonds. No action was
taken to set a meeting date.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve staff
recommendation; i.e.. (1) approve the Proposed Projects. (2) approve the Proposed Financing
Plan and Timetable. (3) authorize the Financing team to: apply for Bond Insurance and Ratings.
and prepare necessarv documents for future commission approval. (4) designate Mayor with
Authority to Deem Preliminary Official Statement Final. and (5) adopt Resolution 98-18.
Motion carried 5-0.
EDUCATION COMMISSION - The recent resignation of Ms. Karen Drolet left a vacancy on the
board effective November 17, 1998, with her term expiring August 2000.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to move up the first
alternate. Mr. Jeffrey Morin. to serve as a regular member. term to expire August 2000. Motion
carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 1, 1998
City Attorney Rosenthal asked for a Special Closed Session on December 8, 1998 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Commission Conference Room concerning a final judgment in connection with
foreclosure of a Code Enforcement Board Lien against Dean Harper, Inc. Mayor Vandergrift
said without objection so called.
Commissioner Parker:
1) Said she received an e-mail from Mr. John Cooper who would like the Commission to
consider a Technology Advisory Board especially considering the upcoming Y2K possible
problems. Mayor Vandergrift suggested he submit a synopsis to Information Systems
Manager Tartar to look at. Mr. Shapiro said that Mr. Cooper and Mr. Tartar. who accounted
for of all the City's Technological Systems. should get together to discuss the City's
situation. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see what type of ordinance other cities
had passed concerning this issue.
Commissioner Glass:
1) Asked what had progressed on the proposed mini-storage site in the Windermere Groves
area. City Attorney Rosenthal explained the results of the meeting he had with the
developers reviewing the City's policies on sewer and water systems, but they had not
pursued anything further. Mr. Shapiro said he had not heard anything more from the
developers since that meeting either.
Commissioner Anderson:
1) Wished Mrs. Watts a quick recovery also.
2) Wanted to send blessings and get well wishes to Pastor Lance Laird, of the First Baptist
Church in Ocoee, who had surgery recently.
Commissioner Howell:
1) City Manager Shapiro stated that there had been calls concerning a fish kill in Starke Lake
and explained that this was caused by an algae that grows during the change of seasons. He
also added the Fish and Game Commission checked the lake and stated that Starke Lake is a
good lake.
2) Asked if they had started the construction on the Beech Recreation Center. Mr. Shapiro said
they had started clearing the land and in two weeks would go over to work on the parking lot
at Bulldog Field. Mr. Shapiro said that there was a possibility that it would be finished in
time for Little League Season.
3) Said vehicles had been tearing up the grass along A.D. Mims Road on the north side along
the railroad tracks and asked who owned the property. Mr. Shapiro said 30' of the right-of-
way there was owned by the railroad who in the past had not been cooperative but they could
try to contact them. Commissioner Howell said he would like to see signs posted. Mr.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 1, 1998
Shapiro said that they could post signs on the small portion of land owned by the City but it
would not look very good.
Mavor Vandergrift:
1) Asked how soon the bids for the resurfacing of A.D. Mims Road would be let out and
proposed tying in some of the smaller streets with this. Mr. Shapiro said he would send a
memo addressing these questions to Mr. Shira. because he was not present at this meeting to
2) Asked when they would start on the Beech Recreation Center. Mr. Shapiro said it was
started Tuesday December 1. 1998.
3) Inquired if the south drain well had been shut down yet. Public Works Director Smith said it
had been shut down on Monday.
4) Said the grass had not been cut at Starke Lake. Public Works Director Smith said they had
started on it.
5) Said Ms. Shirley Whitaker, 109 Anderson Place, had trouble getting the Post Office to
deliver her mail because of deep sand on her road and asked someone to take a look at it.
Public Works Director Smith said they would look at it.
6) Said that State Representative Randy Johnson was looking for office space and thought it
might be conceivable to offer space here at City Hall. Mr. Shapiro said there was nothing
available to offer. but maybe after the Police Department moved there might be space.
7) Talked about a Partnering Program with the University of Central Florida and a meeting
scheduled for January 13, 1999. He reviewed his handout given to the Commissioners and
City Manager stating the tentative outline and needs for the presentation at this meeting. He
asked for assistance from staff. Mr. Shapiro suggested that he and Mayor Vandergrift have a
meeting to best suit the requirements for this presentation and the availability of staff
members to assist the Mayor. After some discussion, Commissioners Anderson and Howell
stated they would be interested in this project also. Mayor Vandergrift said he would contact
Mr. Shapiro's office to set up a meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
:-"- c7
-So Scott Vandergrift, Mayor