HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-17 Agenda OCOEE CITY COMMISSION
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
November 7,2017 AGENDA 6:15 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Proclamation—Week of the Family—November 4th— 11th. (Mayor Johnson)
➢ Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. (Acting
Finance Director Brosonski)
D Silver Star Road/Downtown Corridor Study — Nick Lepp with MetroPlan
Orlando. (City Planner Rumer)
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held
October 17, 2017. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
2. Approval of Reappointments to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire
Department. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
The terms of Members Robert Carbone, Warren Channell, Charles Lawrie, Jackie Titus and Johnny
Hodge expire November 2017. Member Robert Carbone has not attended a meeting since August
2015,and staff has made several attempts trying to contact him. Due to his unresponsiveness, staff is
declining his reappointment. Members Channell, Lawrie, Titus and Hodge have expressed an
interest in being considered for reappointment. The CACOFD Board meets quarterly, and the
following reflects the 2017 attendance of the board members: Warren Channell attended 3 of 3
meetings; Charles Lawrie attended 3 of 3 meetings; Jackie Titus attended 3 of 3 meetings and
Johnny Hodge attended 0 of 3 meetings. There are no applications currently on file.
3. Approval of Cancellation of November 21, 2017, Regular City Commission
Meeting. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
On August 2, 2016, the Commission approved the holiday schedule for 2017 in accordance with
Section 8.01 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. Included in the approved dates for closure of
City Hall were Thanksgiving Day,Thursday,November 23rd as well as Friday,November 24th.The
Regular City Commission Meeting is scheduled to meet this holiday week on Tuesday, November
21, 2017; and further, if the Board deems necessary, City staff does not have any conflicts with
canceling this meeting. Second Reading of Ordinances and Public Hearings will be presented at the
December 5,2017,Regular City Commission Meeting.
Regular City Commission
November 7,2017
4. Approval of a Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and
Workmanship Agreement with Letter of Credit with Arbour Valley
Development, LLC, for the Arbours at Crown Point Apartments.
(Development Engineer Womack)
The Arbours at Crown Point Apartments is an apartment complex located on the north side of West
Road and west of SR 429. The overall parcel is 28.1 acres in size, of which 17.64 is for 240 multi-
family units with associated recreation amenities, stormwater management areas, and public road
access. The developer has completed construction of the infrastructure improvements for the
Arbours at Crown Point Apartments and has requested a Certificate of Completion for this phase.
All identified punch list repairs have been completed and the developer is ready to start the two-year
warranty period for the public infrastructure improvements. As a requirement of the Land
Development Code, the developer is required to furnish the City a Surety to cover any possible
damages discovered during the next two years, should the developer not choose to make those
repairs. Arbour Valley Development, LLC, has provided the City with a Letter of Credit in the
amount of 10%of the constructed improvements.
5. Approval of a Two-Year Warranty Surety and Maintenance, Materials, and
Workmanship Agreement with Letter of Credit with Picerne Construction
Corporation for The Maine Street Extension. (Development Engineer
The Maine Street Extension is a project identified in the recently adopted Downtown Master Plan.
The Maine Street Extension provides for the extension of Maine Street from Bluford Avenue to
Maguire Road. The project was identified in the approved list of Downtown projects and was also
identified as a road capacity project in the five-year Capital Improvement Plan. The City has
completed the design of the Maine Street Extension project. After the Downtown Master Plan was
adopted, the City contracted with Brindley Pieters & Associates, Inc. to design and engineer the
extension project. In order to benefit from road work currently under construction with the Oasis at
Lake Bennet apartment project, the City coordinated with the developer, Picerne Development
Corporation, to construct the Maine Street Extension. The Picerne Development Corporation has
completed construction of the infrastructure improvements for the Maine Street Extension and has
requested a Certificate of Completion for this phase. All identified punchlist items have been
completed and inspected by City Staff, and the developer is ready to start the two-year warranty
period for the Maine Street Extension. As a requirement of the Land Development Code, the
developer is required to furnish the City a Surety to cover any possible damages discovered during
the next two years, should the developer not choose to make those repairs. Picerne Development
Corporation has provided the City with a Letter of Credit in the amount of 10% of the constructed
6. Approval of Awarding RFP #17-005 Auditing Services. (Purchasing Agent
The City's current auditing contract has expired. In compliance with Florida Statutes, Section
218.391 (Auditor Selection Procedures), and the City of Ocoee Purchasing Code, proposals were
solicited from Certified Public Accounting Firms with Governmental Accounting experience to
submit a response to the City of Ocoee Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide Independent
Financial Auditing Services for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2017, 2018, and 2019 with an
automatic renewal option for an additional two(2)years,plus a one year(1)year optional renewal at
the City's discretion. The RFP was advertised on August 27, 2017 and was publicly opened on
September 19,2017.There were five(5)responses submitted.The Finance Department reviewed the
qualification statements and all were considered responsive. The five (5) responses were evaluated
by the RFP Evaluation Committee appointed by the City Manager. Staff recommends that the City
Commission award RFP #17-005 Auditing Services to McDirmit Davis & Company in the amount
of $32,480 for the annual audit, and $7,680 annually for the Certified Annual Financial Report
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Regular City Commission
November 7,2017
7. Approval of Awarding RFQ #1707 Continuing Contract for Transportation
Planning Consulting Services. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City's continuing contracts for transportation planning consulting services have expired. In
compliance with policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee Purchasing Code Chapter 21,the City
solicited statements of qualifications from qualified transportation planning consulting firms or
individuals that are interested in providing these services.The firms selected by the City will provide
general transportation planning consulting services for various planning, design and development
review projects to the City on an as needed basis, based upon task orders to be issued by the City
under the continuing contracts. The City intends to award continuing contracts to the firms deemed
to be the most highly qualified to perform the required services. The continuing contracts shall
automatically be renewed annually, unless terminated by the City in writing, for a total of five (5)
years from the date of execution, plus a one (1) year optional renewal at the City's discretion. The
RFQ was advertised on September 3,2017, and was publicly opened on September 26, 2017. There
were two (2) responses submitted. The Finance Department and Development Services/Planning
Department reviewed the qualification statements and both were considered responsive. The public
RFQ Evaluation Committee meeting was held on October 10, 2017,with the Evaluation Committee
evaluating and short-listing the firms on specific evaluation criteria. Staff recommends that the City
Commission award RFQ #1707 Continuing Contract for Transportation Planning Consulting
Services to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.,and S&ME,Inc.
8. Approval of BJA FY 16 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
(JAG) Program - Local Solicitation Application #2017-H3256-FL-DJ. (Police
Chief Brown)
This year$10,544.00 has been made available for the City of Ocoee Police Department through the
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG). Once the grant application is approved by
USDOJ, it must be signed by the Mayor. If approved, the City of Ocoee will receive $10,544.00 to
purchase Pursuit Intervention Devices, commonly known as "Stop Sticks," for the patrol vehicles.
The purchase of these devices will allow the department to equip patrol vehicles in the event of a
pursuit occurring within the city and provide the opportunity to stop the pursuit quickly for the safety
of the community and officers.
9. Approval of the Fifth Amendment to Agreement with American Traffic
Solutions, LLC (ATS) Pertaining to Red Light Running Camera Enforcement
System. (Police Chief Brown)
The City of Ocoee desires to ensure the safety of the citizens that travel the roadways within the city
limits. The disregard of traffic control signals within intersections poses a threat to all citizens who
travel our roadways. The current contract with American Traffic Solutions (ATS) expires on
December 2, 2017. However, the City of Ocoee and the Contractor desire to extend the term of the
agreement for an additional five(5)years,with the option of the City, in its sole discretion,to further
extend the term of the agreement for an additional two (2), one-year extensions. Accordingly,
following execution of this Fifth Amendment to Agreement, the term of the agreement shall expire
and terminate on December 2, 2022, subject to further extension as provided in the agreement,
unless earlier terminated as provided herein.
10. Approval of Renewal of Encryption Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
for Orange County Government 2017. (Police Chief Brown)
Orange County's and local municipalities' public safety agencies share a common radio system.
Certain communications and information shared on this radio system contains confidential and
emergency information not subject to public disclosure. It is necessary to ensure the confidentiality
and security of radio transmissions made by public safety agencies. The MOU for the Orange
County Intergovernmental Radio System Encryption Key establishes the policy ensuring the
confidentiality and security of the radio system. It is respectfully recommended that the Honorable
Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the signing of the Orange County
Intergovernmental Radio System Encryption Key MOU 2017.
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Regular City Commission
November 7,2017
11. Approval of an Interim Contract for Motor Fuels—Transport Load Deliveries.
(Public Works Director Krug)
The City is a member of the Central Florida Purchasing Cooperative where Orange County is the
lead agency in solicitations that can benefit multiple municipalities. The City approved utilizing this
purchasing power for petroleum products on September 19,2017, for bulk transport loads delivered
to the Public Works complex and tank wagon loads delivered to remote sites throughout the City.
The previous contract for providing the bulk transport load deliveries had expired on July 21, 2017,
and the new recorded contract was not available from the County until late August for approval by
the City. To cover this interim period between contract expiration and Commission approval of the
new contract, which was renewed through the same vendor, the City issued two purchase orders up
to the City Manager's purchasing authority. Due to the delay in the availability of the recorded
contract for approval by the City Commission, the interim total fuel costs exceeded the issued
purchase orders. Purchase Order #1424863 for diesel fuel requires a $4,991.57 increase and
Purchase Order #1424864 for unleaded fuel requires a $22,004.79 increase to close out the 2016-
2017 fiscal year. The required increases are adequately covered in the budget. Public Works
recommends approval of the increase to the purchase orders with Petroleum Traders to cover the
interim period between the expiration of the original cooperative contract and Commission approval
of the new contract.
12. Approval of Change Order No. 1 - Lake Olympia Reclaim Distribution Project
Bid #16-03. (Utilities Director Smith)
The Mayor and City Commission previously approved the Lake Olympia Neighborhoods Reclaimed
Water Retrofit Project on August 16,2016, for the amount of$576,429.50. All items as bid by DBE
Utilities were not utilized to complete the project. Existing Utilities did not have any conflict with
the new reclaim lines between the sidewalks and curbs; as a result, cost savings were attained in the
items bid to remove/replace concrete driveways and sidewalks. The total budgeted for the Lake
Olympia Neighborhood Reclaim Project Bid #16-03 was $576,429.50. The project has a final
completion date of June 30, 2017 and a Net Decrease of$90,578.35 in cost savings to the City
resulting in overall contract price adjustment to$485,851.15.
13. Approval of the City Joining into the Utilities Material/Meter Purchasing
"Strategic Partnership Agreement — Agreement between the City of Punta
Gorda and Core and Main." (Utilities Director Smith)
The City of Punta Gorda, Florida, working with other communities including the City of Ocoee,
formed a cooperative relationship for bidding and awarding contracts for services and goods. One of
the contracts, Agreement R2016105MAT-UTILITY1718, provides for procurement of utility
supplies and materials including but not limited to fittings, valves, piping, hydrants and meters. On
August 23, 2017, the City of Punta Gorda awarded a utility agreement to HD Supply for five (5)
years with the ability to renew the agreement for up to, but not to exceed an additional three (3)
years. Sub-sequential to the awarding of the agreement HD Supply was purchased and underwent a
name change to Core and Main. Amendment 1 to Agreement #R20161005/Mat—Utility/1718 was
approved by Punta Gorda September 7, 2017, addressing the name change. A significant benefit of
this agreement is that Core and Main are the representatives and suppliers of the Sensus meters used
by the City. Staff recommends the City continue its 10 year partnership,but will continue to seek the
best price on supply and material.
14. Approval of Changes in Funding to the Downtown and West Sanitary Sewer
Transmission Project. (Utilities Director Smith)
The forcemain project, West Sanitary Sewer Project, was initiated with the preferred routing
utilizing Bluford Road from Silver Star Road to Columbus St. The forcemain project would result in
significant disruption and inconvenience to the area; and would be followed by the Bluford Rd
(Downtown) Street Scape Project. To improve efficiencies, reducing cost and disruption, the two
projects were combined. The combined projects also include the installation of gravity sewer lines in
the downtown area, which will be funded using bond proceeds. In November 2016, the City issued
the Water and Sewer System Revenue and Refunding Revenue Bonds (Series 2016) for the project
funding. As the Bluford Street Scape Project further evolved, the replacement of existing potable
water lines and the addition of reclaimed water mains was determined to be needed to support the
Regular City Commission
November 7,2017
City's new downtown efforts. To implement the downtown gravity sewer, a utility easement is
required across the north fifteen feet of the property located at 2 N Bluford Ave. The City
Commission on May 16, 2017, approved this parcel for purchase. A second parcel, 128 N. Bluford
Ave, is also needed to accommodate a new lift station for the downtown area. The impact to the
Downtown and Bluford Street Scape Project, which includes the water, reclaimed water, and land
acquisitions, is $1,504,156; however, due to anticipated project construction savings, the net impact
to the project is $679,573. To cover these unforeseen projected impact expenses, staff is
recommending the Mayor and City Commission approve the use of $200,000 from this year's
Annual Major Water Line Replacement and Upgrade Program's funding (401-533-10-6302) and
$479,573 Water& Sewer Capital Project funds (408). The Annual Major Water Line Replacement
and Upgrade Program Fiscal Year 2018's project was the Kimball & Malcom Area Watermain
Upgrade Project Phase I, II & III and had a fund of$1,100,000 ($250K in fund 401, $600K in fund
407 and $250k in fund 408). This approval of this item would reduce available funding to
approximately$650K with a Phase II& III of the project being delayed to Fiscal Year 2019.
15. First Reading of Ordinance Amending the City of Ocoee Municipal Police
Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund Amending Section 30,
Supplemental Benefit Component for Special Benefits: Chapters 175 and 185
Share Accounts. (Second Reading and Public Hearing Date scheduled for December 5, 2017,
Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter) (Police Chief Brown)
The Pension Board for the City of Ocoee Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement
Trust Fund is governed by City of Ocoee Ordinances and State Statutes. On May 16, 2017,the City
Commission approved an ordinance amendment to the Police and Fire Pension fund which
established a share account. The changes to the pension ordinance are required to administer the 185
share accounts and distribute the current year 185 excess premium tax money. The State of Florida
required that all municipal pension plans establish a share plan as defined in Florida State Statue 175
Firefighters and 185 Police Officers. The State of Florida further required that the City and members
negotiate for the distribution and use of the excess state monies; and if no agreement can be made,
the default is to distribute the monies,half to members' share plan and half to pay the City's pension
fund liability. During the most recent Police contract negotiations, an agreement was not made as to
the use of the excess premium tax money. The excess tax money will be distributed based on the
terms of this amendment for this year. The Firefighters are currently working from the mutual
consent from the last negotiated contract. Effective September 30, 2017, the initial allocation,
$193,673.55 will be allocated to individual Member Share Accounts as provided in this ordinance.
16. First Reading of Ordinance for GMMG, LLC - 1737 N. Lakewood Avenue
Annexation and Initial Zoning; Project No(s): AX-08-17-63 & RZ-17-08-04.
(Second Reading and Public Hearing Date scheduled for December 5, 2017, Regular Commission
Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter) (Planner Jones)
The subject property is located 750 feet south of the intersection of Fullers Cross Road and North
Lakewood Avenue. The parcel is +/- 0.64 acres and contains one (1) single-family residence with a
current zoning of"A-1." The Parcel Identification Number is 08-22-28-0000-00-010. The proposed
annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the
annexation meets state and local regulations. City staff has requested a City of Ocoee zoning
designation of R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling)upon annexation. According to the Land Development
Code,the R-1 zoning designation is intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Low
Density Residential." The R-1 zoning designation is consistent with the adopted future land use
designation of Low Density Residential, shown on both the City of Ocoee and Orange County Joint
Planning Area future land use maps. Based on the unanimous approval recommendations of the
DRC and Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City
Commissioners approve the Annexation and Rezoning of the +/- 0.64 acre parcel of land known as
the GMMG, LLC Parcel with an Initial Zoning classification of"R-1."
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Regular City Commission
November 7,2017
17. First Reading of Ordinance for Sullins — 1928 Adair Street Annexation and
Initial Zoning; Project No(s): AX-08-17-62 & RZ-17-08-03. (Second Reading and
Public Hearing Date scheduled for December 5, 2017, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or
soon thereafter) (Planner Jones)
The subject property is located at 1928 Adair Street, which is on the west side of Adair Street across
from Marlene Drive. The parcel is 0.50 acres with a Parcel Identification Number of 08-22-28-0000-
00-048 and contains one(1)single-family residence. The proposed annexation is a logical extension
of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local
regulations. City staff has requested a City of Ocoee zoning designation of R-1 (Single-Family
Dwelling) upon annexation. According to the Land Development Code, the R-1 zoning designation
is intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as "Low Density Residential." The R-1
zoning designation is consistent with the adopted future land use designation of Low Density
Residential, shown on both the City of Ocoee and Orange County Joint Planning Area future land
use maps. Based on the unanimous approval recommendations of the DRC and Planning and Zoning
Commission, Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the
Annexation and Rezoning of the +/- 0.50 acre parcel of land known as the Sullins Parcel with an
initial zoning classification of"R-1."
a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
18. First Reading of Ordinance and Public Hearing Amending the Land
Development Code (LDC) Relating to Article II Definitions, Article V, Section
5-8 Prohibited Uses and Table 5-1 Permitted Use Regulations in Overlay
Districts. (Second Reading and Public Hearing Date scheduled for December 5, 2017, Regular
City Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. Advertised in the West Orange Times on
Thursday, October 26, 2017) (City Planner Rumer)
Back on September 6, 2015, City staff made a presentation to the City Commission relating to the
development and redevelopment of parcels within the Special Overlay Areas. Topics of specific
concern to staff and the City Commission is the redevelopment of parcels within the Overlay Areas,
density and compatibility concerns with development and redevelopment, allowable uses in the
overlay, and the development of zoning standards that will enhance economic development and
redevelopment in the Overlay Areas with the following uses or intended uses: pharmaceutical
dispensaries, fast food and other drive through restaurant establishments, check cashing stores, self-
storage facilities, vehicle and tire service, sales, and repair facilities, and discount retail stores. A
moratorium was put in place through March of 2017 to allow staff the time to evaluate the current
Special Overlay Area standards and update the standards as necessary. Since the moratorium has
expired, the City has adopted a zoning overlay over the SR 429 Corridor by establishing three (3)
character areas and has a final ordinance on the agenda to prohibit medical marijuana dispensing
facilities. As a final step in addressing the concerns stated in the moratorium, staff has proposed
amendments to the Land Development Code (LDC) which addresses uses and provides for
additional requirements in overlay areas (CRA Target Areas, SR 429 Overlay, and Downtown
Overlay) for the following uses: Fast Food Restaurants with Drive-through, Self-Storage Facilities,
and Automotive Tire and Repair facilities.
Staff is proposing amending the LDC as follows:
• Better define self-storage facilities and prohibit the use unless it is integrated as part of a multi-use
• Eliminate the drive-in restaurants like a Sonic Burger and to limit the locations based on access.
• Limit automobile service stations that change oil,tires and other minor work.
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Regular City Commission
November 7,2017
19. Public Hearing of Ocoee Business Park Preliminary Large Scale Site Plan;
Project No: LS-2017-009. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 26,
2017) (City Planner Rumer)
The applicant proposes to develop 44.12 acres of land as a light industrial/flex office park consisting
of three(3)buildings totaling a maximum of 646,366 sq. ft. Building 100 is a 96,770 SF warehouse
with rear loading truck bays facing the railroad track. Building 200 is a 406,000 SF warehouse with
truck bays on the east and west side. The eastern truck bays will be shielded by a retention pond
with landscaping. The west facing bay doors face the north bound exit ramp on SR 429. The
estimated distance from the exit ramp to Building 200 is 355 feet. Building 300 is a 144,000
warehouse with bay doors facing the new Sunbelt Rental site. The Development Plan provides for a
maximum FAR (floor area ratio) of 0.33%. The maximum FAR allowed by code is 3.0. The
permitted uses will be limited to those uses permitted within the I-1 (Light Manufacturing and
Warehousing). On September 5, 2017, the DRC met to determine if the proposed Preliminary Site
Plan was consistent with the City's regulations and policies. When the discussion was finished, the
DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary Site Plan for Ocoee Business
Park Project, subject to the resolution of outstanding comments before the City Commission
meeting. The Planning and Zoning Commission(P&Z)reviewed the proposed Preliminary Site Plan
for Ocoee Business Park on Tuesday, October 10, 2017. Discussion ensued on impacts on the road
system by the traffic created. Several of the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission
relayed issues with traffic and the inability to justify the new traffic created without a number of
improvements to the roads. Questions to when Maguire Road would be widened and when Silver
Star Road intersection would be fixed were made. In making a motion, Chairman McKey said he is
unaware of how to express their traffic concerns to the City Commission. Staff relayed that the
concerns would be stated in the Planning and Zoning Recommendation. There were five (5)
members of the Planning and Zoning Commission in attendance. The Planning and Zoning
Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the Preliminary Site plan with the aforesaid traffic
comments included.
20. Second Reading of Ordinance and Public Hearing Amending Chapter 180,
Section 5-8 of the City Code Related to Prohibition of Medical Marijuana
Treatment Center Dispensary Facilities within the City of Ocoee. (Advertised in
the Orlando Sentinel on Friday, October 27, 2017) (City Planner Rumer)
First reading of this ordinance was heard on October 17, 2017. In November of 2016, the voters of
the State of Florida adopted an amendment to the State Constitution to allow the broadened use of
cannabis to treat medical conditions. In response to this constitutional amendment, on January 3,
2017, the City adopted an ordinance implementing a temporary moratorium until December 31,
2017. In June of 2017, the Florida Legislature adopted Senate Bill 8-A in a Special Session, which
established a regulatory process for medical cannabis dispensaries. After the November 2016
Constitutional Amendment and before the Special Session that passed Senate Bill 8-A, many
jurisdictions passed a model ordinance allowing a limited number of facilities based on population.
The ordinance provided for regulations such as signage, location to schools, and other opportunities
to properly locate a facility if so desired. Upon passing Senate Bill 8-A,the Legislature removed any
ability to provide regulations on facilities. Senate Bill 8-A,which establishes a regulatory process for
medical marijuana dispensaries,provides local governments two options for regulating uses.
The City's two alternatives are as follows:
1. The City may ban medical marijuana treatment dispensaries outright by ordinance.
2. The City may allow medical marijuana treatment dispensaries, however, location criteria must
follow those for pharmacies as defined by Chapter 465 F.S. and no limit may be placed on the
number of dispensaries allowed within the City.
Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve an ordinance amending the
City of Ocoee Land Development Code Chapter 180, Section 5-8, prohibiting medical marijuana
treatment center dispensing facilities.
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November 7,2017
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