HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held October 17, 2017 MINUTES
OCTOBER 17,2017 at 6:15 P.M.
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Keller
Proclamations—October 2017. (Mayor Johnson)
➢ Architecture Month, read by Commissioner Keller and to be sent to Jessika DeWeese with
the American Institute of Architects—Orlando, as she was not present to accept.
➢ Red Ribbon Week—October 23 —31 2017, read by Commissioner Firstner and accepted by
Retired 3rd Young Marine Division Commander SgtMaj USMC John Gionet and the Orlando
Devil Dog Young Marines.
➢ Community Planning Month, read by Mayor Johnson and accepted by City Planner Rumer
and Urban Designer Peter Kisicki.
Presentation—Planning Awards for the Downtown Master Plan.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix announced that this is an exciting night as he will be
presenting two (2) awards, Outstanding Projects Awards from the Florida Planning & Zoning
Association and Award of Excellence from the Florida Chapter of the American Planning
Association, which they received for their Downtown Master Plan. He briefly explained the
criteria to receive such awards; and further, presented a quick video which was submitted to the
Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association and highlights the Downtown Master
Plan. At the conclusion of the video, the consultants and project team involved with the
Downtown Master Plan were introduced.
The project team gave a brief update of the projects which included:
• Maine Street Extension
• Bluford Ave. Re-construction
• Master Stormwater System
• Downtown Street Redevelopment
• Silver Star Realignment
• Forcemain Installation Update
• Turn Lane Installations on Bluford Ave. & Hwy 50
• City Hall Design
• Lakeshore Center Expansion
• Lakefront Park
Regular City Commission
October 17,2017
Commissioner Grogan — Said he received a few calls from residents in the Peach Lake area
with regards to the playground being removed. He announced that the City removed the
playground as they will be installing new upgraded playground equipment soon.
Commissioner Wilsen—None
Commissioner Firstner — Said that the South side of the City is suffering from lack of debris
collection and inquired if there would be pick-up in locations such as Brookstone and Wesmere.
Public Works Director Krug explained the counterclockwise direction the contractor has
scheduled for debris pick-up in the City; and further advised, once they received approval from
FEMA to go into gated communities, the City sent their trucks to pick up debris in the areas
Commissioner Firstner mentioned. City Manager Frank confirmed that Brookstone did have
debris collection as he received a complaint from a resident and went out to investigate, but the
debris had already been collected by the City. He further shared that he will have City staff
concentrate on the Wesmere subdivision tomorrow.
Commissioner Keller — Shared the same sentiments about the debris pick-up and further
inquired if a map could be placed on the website or someplace accessible to the public so that
residents are aware of the collection debris pick-up route. Public Works Director Krug said he
does have a map that he can have staff place on the website. Brief discussion ensued.
Commissioner Wilsen shared that she understands they are only doing two (2) passes
throughout the City for debris pick-up and is concerned that residents who are still cleaning up
from the hurricane will continue to dump debris after the second pass. Mayor Johnson agreed
that is a valid concern and asked staff to place something on the website and OcoeeTV advising
that after the second pass, debris collection is complete.
Mayor Johnson— 1) The City of Ocoee will hold its 10th Annual Haunted House for two weeks
on Friday and Saturday, October 20th, 21st and 27th, 28th. The Haunted House is located at 951
Ocoee Apopka Road. Admission is $5.00 and doors will open at 7:30PM - 11:00PM. Younger
children can experience fun activities including a bounce house, hayride, prizes, candy and
refreshments. 2) The Annual Founders' Day Golf Tournament will be this Friday, October 20th
hosted at the Forest Lake Golf Club in Ocoee. Registration begins at 11:30am and play
commences with shotgun start around 12:30 pm. Entry Fees include green fees, cart, range balls,
and dinner. Prizes will be awarded. 3) The City of Ocoee would like for residents to attend the
24th Annual Ocoee Founders' Day event on Friday, November 3rd & Saturday, November 4th
This event is a free, open to the public event held at Bill Breeze Park. Highlights of the festival
and performers were briefly announced.
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Regular City Commission
October 17,2017
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#6.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held October 3,
2017. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve a three-year term. The Resolution
creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently, the Board has ten (10) members. One
application has been received by Penny Christian who has shown an interest in being appointed to the Citizen
Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department for a term ending January 2020.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approval of the Florida Department of Health EMS Matching Grant. (Fire Chief
The Ocoee Fire Department has been awarded a matching(75/25) grant through the Florida Department of Health.
The award is for two (2) LUCAS 3.0 Chest Compression Systems, which allow for hands-free CPR to patients in
cardiac arrest. The City has already received the State's contribution of$24,912.89. As part of the award, the Fire
Department is responsible for 25%,$8,304.40($4,152.20 per unit—total of two(2)units),and the State contribution
of$24,912.89 for a total cost of$33,217.28.The Fire Department is requesting permission to move forward with the
grant process and purchase the two(2)LUCAS Chest Compression Systems($33,217.28).
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval to Purchase Globe Structural Firefighting Gear. (Fire Chief Miller)
The Ocoee Fire Department is seeking approval of the commission to move forward in the acquisition of new Globe
structural firefighting gear. All firefighters will receive a new set of gear to be used as frontline protective
equipment. This also includes the gear for the twelve (12) new hires under the SAFER Grant. The current gear that
they are wearing will go into reserve status. This is an important acquisition since this will be the first time that
firefighters will have a set of backup gear to utilize when their frontline gear is being decontaminated or sent out for
repair.This purchase has been accounted for in the FY 2017-18 budget.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
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Regular City Commission
October 17,2017
5. Approval to Purchase Two (2) Lifepak 15 Monitors and Four (4) 3G Modems. (Fire
Chief Miller)
The Ocoee Fire Department has been using Lifepak Monitors for the last 10 years without any complaints or
problems.The Ocoee Fire Department is seeking the approval of the Commission to move forward in the acquisition
of two(2)new Lifepak 15 Monitors and four(4)3G modems, which will allow the fire department to activate more
advanced life support units. The modems are required equipment in order to place the Lifepaks in service since they
allow units to transmit critical cardiac data directly to the hospital prior to patient arrival. This equipment is required
to operate as Advanced Life Support.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
6. Approval for Change Order No. 1 for Additional Services to the Lakeshore Center
Expansion to Design a Storage Structure to Include a Laundry Facility and Store
Outdoor Event Equipment. (Support Services Director Butler)
The Lakeshore Center Expansion is a capital project included in the City's list of approved investments using funds
allocated from the 2017 General Fund Capital Bond Issue. The original plan was to construct an adjacent and
connected 400-seat banquet and conference facility at a cost of $4 million. A conceptual design study found that a
less expensive alternative that reduced the overall footprint of the building was to expand the existing structure to
the north. This approach produces a single 400-seat banquet hall with a construction cost estimate of slightly less
than $2 million. In accordance with the Florida Consultants' Negotiation Act (CCNA), the City Commission
awarded the design work to one of the City's two continuing services architectural firms, Rhodes+Brito,which had
done the original design in 2013. In the course of developing the plan to expand the facility, it was determined that a
separate storage building for outdoor event equipment (mostly chairs and tables) was more cost-effective than
enlarging the main building by a comparable amount. The building will also include a laundry facility for staff to
clean and prepare linens for rental events. In addition, a 125-seat banquet hall was included in the main building's
design to accommodate smaller events, support larger indoor weddings, allow break-out sessions for business
conferences, and provide a more suitable pre-function support space. These changes increased the construction cost
estimate to $2.5 million. These two expansions to the original design scope of work have prompted the architect to
request a change order to increase the design fee by$35,595. Of this amount, $12,685 would go to the architect and
the majority ($22,910) would go to design subconsultants for HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and the structural
engineering elements. The amount of the change order represents a 17%increase in the design fee to accommodate a
25% increase in the construction cost estimate. Design costs remain less than 10% of the expected costs of
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. First Reading of Ordinance and Public Hearing Amending Chapter 180, Section 5-8 of
the City Code Related to Prohibition of Medical Marijuana Treatment Center
Dispensary Facilities within the City of Ocoee. (Second Reading and Public Hearing Date
scheduled for November 7, 2017, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 p.m. or soon thereafter Advertised in
the Orlando Sentinel on Friday, October 6, 2017.) (City Planner Rumer)
In November of 2016,the voters of the State of Florida adopted an amendment to the State Constitution to allow the
broadened use of cannabis to treat medical conditions. In response to this constitutional amendment, on January 3,
2017, the City adopted an ordinance implementing a temporary moratorium until December 31, 2017. In June of
2017, the Florida Legislature adopted Senate Bill 8-A in a Special Session, which established a regulatory process
for medical cannabis dispensaries. After the November 2016 Constitutional Amendment and before the Special
Session that passed Senate Bill 8-A, many jurisdictions passed a model ordinance allowing a limited number of
facilities based on population. The ordinance provided for regulations such as signage, location to schools, and other
opportunities to properly locate a facility if so desired. Upon passing Senate Bill 8-A, the Legislature removed any
ability to provide regulations on facilities. Senate Bill 8-A, which establishes a regulatory process for medical
marijuana dispensaries,provides local governments two options for regulating uses.
Regular City Commission
October 17,2017
The City's two alternatives are as follows:
1. The City may ban medical marijuana treatment dispensaries outright by ordinance.
2. The City may allow medical marijuana treatment dispensaries, however, location criteria must follow those for
pharmacies as defined by Chapter 465 F.S. and no limit may be placed on the number of dispensaries allowed
within the City.
Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve an ordinance amending the City of Ocoee
Land Development Code Chapter 180, Section 5-8, prohibiting medical marijuana treatment center dispensing
City Planner Rumer explained this is a first reading of ordinance and a more formal
presentation will be presented at the second reading and public hearing scheduled for November
7, 2017.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance.
The public hearing was opened.
Commissioner Wilsen read into the record a text message she received from a resident who
inquired if the City had thought about incorporating the Health Central Hospital facility as the
only place that would be allowed as a dispensary. Additionally, the resident inquired if anyone
had spoken with the Health Central Board of Directors regarding if a partnership was possible.
City Planner Rumer answered that the Florida Legislature defines those facilities under a
specific statute for pharmacies.
As no one else wished to speak the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on November 7, 2017.
Commissioner Keller—None
Commissioner Firstner-None
Commissioner Wilsen — Reminded residents that as the weather changes and more people are
out walking please be cautious of pedestrians and crosswalks.
Commissioner Grogan — Said he has been receiving complaints about Spring Lake Elementary
staff opening the gate at the old entrance and releasing children out that way. He further inquired
if anyone was aware of why the school was doing this. Residents are complaining about the cars
parked out by that entrance. Police Chief Brown said he would have his staff look into this.
Regular City Commission
October 17,2017
Mayor Johnson — Reminded residents about the Founders' Day Golf Tournament this Friday,
October 20th
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor