HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-98 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD APRIL 21,1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift introduced Felicia Treadway, student at Spring Lake Elementary School, as the Mayor of the Moment. MOM Treadway then called the regular meeting to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in the prayer and Mrs. Hilda Ems led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. MOM Treadway introduced her Aunt Sandi and her Principal, Ms. Johnson. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, MOM Treadway, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Wagner, Senior Planner Horne, Public Works Director Smith, Fire Chief Strosnider, Support Division Chief Floyd, Recreation Director Nordquist, Finance Supervisor Carter, Buyer Meredith and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PRESENTATIONS YEARS OF SERVICE AWARDS 10 YEARS - ROBERT HOLLAND, LARRY MILLER 15 YEARS - TERRY TITUS, MICHAEL KELLER 25 YEARS - GARRY SMITH Mayor Vandergrift invited Robert Holland, Terry Titus, Michael Keller and Garry Smith individually to the lectern and gave a brief history of their years of service to the City before handing them their awards. Their department heads then spoke highly of their achievements. (Larry Miller was not present to receive his award.) RETIREMENT AWARD - CAPT. COSCHIGNANO Mayor Vandergrift gave a brief history of Captain Coschignano's years of service with the City and presented him with the Ocoee retirement rocking chair. Chief Strosnider spoke highly of Captain Coschignano's achievements and thanked him for all his years of service to the City. Captain Coschignano then introduced his wife, Maggie, and his mother, Mrs. Black. COLOSSAL YARD AND CRAFT SALE - WEST ORANGE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. Jim Neumayer, Classic Care of America Director, made presentations to Commissioners Anderson and Parker who had completed the Leadership West Orange Program. Mr. Tom Bohn, Executive Director of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the Colossal Yard and Craft Sale scheduled for June 6, 1998, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and asked for Commission's support. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 21, 1998 Mavor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to co-sponsor the Colossal Yard and Craft Sale by donating $2500 towards the event, with the funds to come from the Community Promotions Fund. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Bohn said that the City would be co-insured for this event, and then introduced Gayla Kirwan, Event and Project Coordinator, Jim Neumayer, Classic Care of America Director, and Kay Behrens, West Oaks Mall Director. REQUEST FOR SUPPORT: ODYSSEY OF THE MIND, OCOEE MIDDLE SCHOOL - KATHERINE C. CLARK, PRINCIPAL Mrs. Katherine C. Clark, Ocoee Middle School Principal, advised that the Ocoee team has been involved with this program three years and are currently state champions. She gave a brief overview of the Odyssey of the Mind program, explained the topics and issues the program covers and asked for Commission's support. Mrs. Clark then introduced Sheri Kobos, Teacher at Ocoee Middle School. Mrs. Kobos introduced students and parents involved with the program and spoke of her history with Odyssey of the Mind. The students distributed a brochure explaining the program and gave a brief presentation. Mrs. Clark explained that they had tried to reduce the costs several ways, but the students would receive the greatest benefit if they stayed on site through the entire program. She added that she would like to have an additional adult accompany them. Mayor Vandergrift started to move to grant a specific amount, but after further discussion, Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Mavor Vandererift, moved to grant the balance needed for this trip plus the cost of bags and shirts for each participant. Mayor Vandererift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to amend the motion to include sending a second adult. Motion carried 5-0. The vote on the motion as amended was 5-0. PROCLAMATION - NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK - APRIL 19 THROUGH 25,1998 Mayor Vandergrift read a proclamation proclaiming April 19 through 25, 1998, National V olunteer Week. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A and B. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meetine of April 7. 1998 and November 21.1995. B. Consent to Modification of Leasehold Morteaee between Forest Lake Golf Club. Ltd. and First Union National Bank. 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 21, 1998 COMMENTS FROM CITIZENSIPUBLIC Mr. Danny Beasley, 1404 Kirby Street, asked why the Brentwood sign had not been replaced. Mr. Shapiro said he had been waiting for the neighborhood to apply for an MVP grant, but they had not. However, if Commission wished to add the sign, they may do so during the midyear budget review. RECESS - 8:15 p.m. - 8:25 p.m. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Glass: 1) Reminded those who have their garbage picked up on Tuesdays and Fridays that Saturday, April 25, 1998, will be Spring cleanup day. Citizens wishing to have their garbage picked up should have it curbside bright and early. Commissioner Parker: 1) Announced the Employee picnic Saturday, April 25, 1998, at Camp Ithiel. 2) Announced that the Historical Commission is having its Spring Craft Sale Saturday, April 25, 1998, on the Withers-Maguire House grounds. 3) Announced the West Orange Chamber Business Expo Saturday, April 25, 1998, at the West Oaks Mall. 4) Announced the RSVP No. 656-2218. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Announced the Earth Day/Arbor Day celebration Thursday, April 23, 1998, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Ocoee Elementary School and encouraged all to attend. 2) Announced National Secretaries Day Wednesday, April 22, 1998. Mr. Jim Beech announced the Big Orange Games for the physically impaired Friday, May 1, and Saturday, May 2, 1998. Swimming events will be held at the West Orange YMCA on Friday, and the Saturday events will be held at Ocoee Middle School with the opening ceremonies beginning at 8:45 a.m. Mr. Beech then gave a special invitation to the Mayor, Commissioners, City Attorney and the City Clerk. For more information call him at 656-2669 or Recreation Director Nordquist at 656-3103. Mavor Vandergrift: 1) Announced that there would be 1000 Crepe Myrtle trees to give away at the Earth Day/Arbor Day celebration at Ocoee Elementary School. 2) Announced a public meeting dealing with the safety of mobile homes Wednesday, May 6, 1998, at 7:30 p.m. and encouraged all to attend. PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE No. 98-05, CASE No. AR-97-09-08, VAN LANDINGHAM ANNEXATION. City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. Senior Planner Horne presented the staff report and displayed a map of the subject property on the overhead projector. She said that the subject property is located approximately 1,550 feet north of the intersection of Marshall 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 21, 1998 Farms Road and State Road 50. The 2.13 acre parcel contains a 1400 square foot concrete block house that the owners plan on removing to allow redevelopment. Pending approval of the annexation and requested C-3 zoning, the owners anticipate redeveloping the parcel to accommodate an auto-related commercial structure. Mr. Marshal Van Landingham, 1740 Carlton Street, explained that they own adjacent property and may be partnering with owners of the property across the street. They may also wait a few months and talk to the City to see what makes more sense. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve Ordinance No. 98-05, pending the execution of the Annexation Agreement. Motion carried 5-0. V AN LANDINGHAM ANNEXATION AGREEMENT. Senior Planner Horne presented the staff report and explained that the Annexation Agreement would allow the City adequate right-of-way for the future widening of Marshall Farms Road. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the Annexation Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. Motion carried 5-0. ORDINANCE No. 98-06, CASE No. AR97-09-08, VAN LANDINGHAM ZONING. City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. Senior Planner Horne was present to answer questions. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to find the application consistent with: 1) the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, 2) the Future Land Use Map, 3) the Ocoee Land Development Code, and 4) the requirements of the JP A Agreement, and to approve Ordinance No. 98-06 enacting the requested rezoning to C-3, General Commercial District. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS DISCUSSION! ACTION RE: ApPROVAL OF BEECH RECREATION CENTER City Attorney Rosenthal announced that following the ranking of construction companies by Commission, a bid protest was filed with the City by Advanced Building Constructors Inc., represented by Attorney Bill Bardfield. After speaking with him earlier, he indicated they did not intend to pursue the bid protest. Recreation Director Nordquist presented the staff report and explained that back in November, 1997, Commission had selected DJ. Haycook Construction's proposal for Design/Build Services with the proposed value engineered design over three other firms to negotiate the contract for the Beech Recreation Center. He said the Selection Committee felt that the proposed value design meets and does not compensate any of the quality materials in the design criteria package. Mr. Nordquist then introduced Mr. Dennis Haycook, President of Haycook Construction, Mr. Dave Morrison, Civil Engineer for Haycook 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 21, 1998 Construction, Mr. Steven Cole, Architect for Haycook Construction, and Laura Nemethy, Senior Architect for Gee & Jenson. Mr. Haycook gave a brief presentation and displayed the Beech Recreation Center Conceptual Site Plan on the overhead projector. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Glass, moved to approve the agreement and work to be done on the Beech Multipurpose Recreation Building for Phase I and the Multipurpose Sports Field and adiacent parking. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: PRESENTATIONS BY PROSPECTIVE FIRMS FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES Assistant City Engineer Wheeler presented the staff report and explained that at the January 20, 1998, City Commission Meeting, the Engineering Department received authorization to begin the process of selecting additional consultants to perform work along side of Professional Engineering Consultant, Inc. In that meeting, it was decided to have the oral presentations from the short listed firms made before the City Commission. The Engineering Department had thirty-eight responses to an advertisement placed in the Orlando Sentinel and received 17 proposals. Each member of the Review Committee reviewed the proposals personally in accordance with the selection criteria provided to the prospective firms in the proposal package. On March 31, 1998, the Review Committee selected the short list of firms to make presentation before the City Commission. The Selected firms were: Glace and Radcliffe, Inc., Hartman & Associates, Inc., and Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc. The following people represented their firms and gave presentations: GLACE AND RADCLIFFE, INC. Mr. David Wright, President of Glace & Radcliffe, Inc., Mr. Joe Margio, Project Manager, Mr. Curtis Burkett, Stormwater & Roadway Project Manager, Mrs. Karen Van den Avont, P.E, Stormwater System Design, and Mrs. Karen Keene, Director of Marketing Services. HARTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Mr. Gerald Hartman, President of Hartman & Associates, Inc., Mr. Harold Schmidt, Vice President, Mr. Bill Musser, Vice President, Mr. Richard Voorhees, Master Planning, Mrs. Alicia Oller, Head of the Natural Systems Engineering Group. IVEY, HARRIS & WALLS, INC. Mr. Joseph Harris, President of Ivey Harris & Walls, Mr. Stephen Dieter, General Civil Engineering Project Manager, Mr. Robert J. Rutter, Utilities Engineering Project Manager and Client Manager, and Mrs. Charlotte Spears, Computers. Mr. Shapiro advised Commission that in speaking with the City Engineer, he felt all three firms could be used and kept busy, unless Commission objected to anyone of the firms. The reason for using all three would simply be for competition. Commissioner Parker, seconded bv Commissioner Glass, moved to select all three firms, authorizing the Engineering Department to negotiate a general engineering services contract with 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 21, 1998 the selected firms and subiect to the execution of such contracts, with contracts to be brought back before Commission before execution. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: LEASING OF NEW CITY VEHICLES Finance Supervisor Carter presented the staff report and responded to Commission's questions. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to authorize the purchase of Dodge 1/2 ton trucks with tool boxes in lieu of Ford 1/2 ton trucks with utility bodies, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Supplemental Addendum No.1 and No.2 to the Master Lease Agreement to Sun trust dated October 27, 1998 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to close the transactions. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT WITH ORANGE COUNTY Fire Chief Strosnider presented the staff report and explained that on January 6, 1998, the City Commission decided to terminate the Interlocal Agreement with Orange County for automatic first response by the Ocoee Fire Department into the unincorporated county areas. Meetings were held on January 13, February 10, March 6, and March 23 with the Ocoee Fire Department staff and representatives of Orange County Fire/Rescue Division to discuss the terms of a joint response agreement. The issues addressed during these meetings included: 1) Geographical boundaries of response outside the City, 2) Level of response, 3) Terms and conditions of response, and 4) Cost of assistance provided. After several discussions with Orange County and the City Manager, the Ocoee Fire Department offers the following recommendation: Authorize the transmittal of a certified letter to the County Chairman with a copy to Chief Iacona, stating the position of the City, with the terms and conditions of an emergency response contract that is acceptable to the City. Propose a contract pro-rated for the rest of the current fiscal year. The fee for service will be $500 per call, for the first 200 calls, and $1400 per call in excess of 200 calls. A lump sum payment of $100,000 will be due June 1, 1998, for the first 200 calls, regardless of total number of calls less than 200. The fee for service during fiscal year 1998-1999 will be $750 per call for the first 500 calls, and $1400 per call in excess of 500 calls. A lump sum payment of $375,000 will be due October 1, 1998, for the first 500 calls, regardless of total number of calls less than 500. The fee for service during fiscal year 1999-2000 will be $1000 per call for the first 500 calls, and 1,400 per call in excess of 500 calls. A lump sum payment of $500,000 will be due October 1, 1999 for the first 500 calls, regardless of total number of calls less than 500. This fee structure should provide the County with the initiative to address their fire protection problems or accept the agreement and pay the increasing costs of service. 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 21, 1998 The contract should have the stipulation that notification to terminate the contract by the County is required 90 days prior to October 1 st of the next fiscal year in order to provide the City with ample time to modify our budget. We recommend that a 30 day extension of our current Interlocal Agreement be granted to the County. If no agreement can be reached prior to June 1, 1998 it is recommended that the Interlocal Agreement is terminated as previously approved by the Commission. In the event that the County Commission agrees to establish a contract with the City of Ocoee, the proposal must be presented to the County Commission by the City as well as the County staff, in order for the City to clearly express our position on this issue. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to send a letter as per staff recommendation with the provision that it first be reviewed by the City Manager and the City Attorney. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. ST AFF REPORTS - None. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Parker: No comments at this time. Commissioner Glass: 1) Expressed his condolences to the family of Ralph Jones. 2) Expressed his condolences to Mary Myers on the recent loss of her daughter. 3) Wished Beth Vandergrift a speedy recovery. Commissioner Howell: No comments at this time. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Encouraged all to visit Borders Book Store at the West Oaks Mall. 2) Announced the Big Orange Garnes for the physically impaired May 1 & 2, 1998. Mayor Vandererift: 1) Expressed concern with an editorial he distributed to Commission regarding concurrency and the rights of a chartered county, which the City of Ocoee is in the middle of, being able to circumvent some of the rights of a chartered city. 2) Announced that 75 workers from the Disney Management Stores will be participating in the Ocoee Fire House/Recreation Center Project April 24, 1998, from 8:30 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m. doing painting, trimming hedges and landscaping. He said he would be personally thanking those Disney V oluntEars and asked that Commission do so as well. 3) Said he would like to see employees receive training with the West Orange T.V. Crew that does the Commission meetings and would like to have scholarships that support the VoTech program. Mr. Shapiro said there would be no problem doing that. 7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting April 21, 1998 4) Would like to see a cordless microphone provided for the Commission Chambers. 5) Announced a Kickoff Meeting Thursday, April 30, 1998, at Frangus Elementary School regarding the enhancement of Old Winter Garden Road, from Highway 50 to Apopka/Vineland Road. 6) Announced the City picnic Saturday, April 25, 1998, at Camp Ithiel. 7) Announced the RSVP No. 656-2218. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11 :40 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee I j ;;;-: SjAt- L/r,. . S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 8