HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-05-98 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD MAY 5, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Mike Kling, National Day of Prayer Coordinator, led in the prayer and Mrs. Hilda Ems led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell (arrived at 7:45 p. m.) and Commissioner Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, Personnel Director Psaledakis, Planning Director Wagner, Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel, Public Works Director Smith, Fire Chief Strosnider, Recreation Director Nordquist, Finance Director Horton, Finance Supervisor Carter, Budget Specialist Strickland and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Vandergrift briefly spoke about each of the following proclamations: SHOW YOUR COLORS, AMERICA! MONTHS - MAY THROUGH NOVEMBER, 1998. NATIONAL POLICE WEEK - MAY 10-16, NATIONAL PEACE OFFICERS MEMORIAL DAY - MAY 15,1998. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK - MAY 17-23, 1998. COMMUNITY ACTION MONTH - MAY 1998. PRESENTATIONS: REQUEST FOR SUPPORT FOR WEST ORANGE HIGH SCHOOL GRADFEST 98 - FELIX ROJAS. Mr. Felix Rojas, Branch Director for the West Orange Boys & Girls Club in Ocoee, spoke briefly about Project Graduation (GradFest '98), responded to Commission's questions and asked for support. Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Glass, moved to grant $1000 to the GradFest '98 proiect. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Howell was not present.) CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING. Mayor Vandergrift invited Finance Director Horton to the lectern, spoke briefly of her years of service to the City and read the Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Certificate before presenting it to her. Mr. Shapiro said that only 400 to 600 communities in the United States receive this award yearly. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 1998 AWARD FOR YEARS OF SERVICE -10 YEARS - LARRY MILLER. Mayor Vandergrift invited Larry Miller to the lectern and gave a brief history of his years of service to the City before handing him his award. Public Works Director Smith then spoke highly of his achievements as a valued employee. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C and D. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Howell was not present.) A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of (1) City Commission Regular Meetine:s of April 21.1998 and (2) January 16. 1996. and (3) Budeet Special Session of April 27. 1998. B. Approval and Authorization for Advertisement for Quality Cities Mae:azine for FLC Annual Conference. C. Approval and Authorization to Award Bid B98-04 for High Pressure Breathing Air Svstem. D. Approval and Authorization to Award and Financing - RFP #98-005 Heavv Duty Rescue Unit. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENSIPUBLIC Commander Tommie Sanders, American Legion Post 109, presented Commission with a Certificate of Appreciation for all the years of service and support provided by the City to the post. Commissioner Glass, on behalf of the City, thanked Mr. Sanders and The American Legion for all the work they do for the community. Mr. Jim Beech, 1206 Kimball Drive, personally thanked all citizens and City employees who assisted with the Big Orange Games and reported that, while this year's games lacked in attendance, they were still a great success and will be even bigger than ever next year. Mrs. Rebecca Layman, President of the Ocoee Historical Commission, explained that the current Ocoee Middle School, once the Ocoee High School, is one of Ocoee's last remaining historical buildings and expressed concerns about its being preserved. She asked that the City consider doing a study on the building first and said the Historical Commission would gladly do anything in its power to assist the City. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker: 1) Announced that she had blue ribbons available that symbolize officers who lost their lives in the line of duty, and for those who wish to have one, would ask that they be displayed on citizens' vehicle antennas. 2) Announced that she would be attending a memorial in the City of Edgewood, Wednesday, May 6, 1998, at the Fraternal Order of Police, in honor of fallen police officers in the line of duty and encouraged all to attend. 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 1998 3) Asked that a plaque of appreciation be given to Hardees for all their assistance in the Big Orange Games and for providing breakfast as well to the 20 children in wheelchairs, who had been denied service at another fast food restaurant. Without objection, Mayor Vandergrift asked that Commissioner Parker make the arrangements to present Hardees with a plaque in appreciation of their assistance. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Announced that City Manager Shapiro's Birthday is tomorrow and the Ocoee Rent-a-Choir sang Happy Birthday to him. Commissioner Howell: 1) Said he received a phone call from a Mr. Fannin who asked for the addresses of the people in Gainesville who had been denied service so that he could send them coupons for free food and drinks. Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Thanked all who were involved with the Arbor Day celebration. 2) Announced that the National Day of Prayer will be observed May 7,1998, at 10:30 a.m. at the Ocoee Gazebo. 3) Announced the Garden Club meeting on May 11,1998, at the Woman's Club. Guest speaker will be Tom McCubbin. 4) Announced that the Mobile Home Safety meeting will be held Wednesday, May 6, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Mayor Vandergrift announced he would take item VII. B - MVP Awards - out of agenda order and consider it at this time. MVP AWARDS RECOMMENDATION TO AMEND THE MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIPS (MVP) AWARDS MATCHING GRANTS CRITERIA ApPROVAL OF PROJECTS FOR THE MVP AWARDS PROGRAM Community Relations/Projects Director Shira presented the staff report and explained that at the November 18, 1997 Commission meeting, Commission approved the MVP Awards Neighborhood Matching Grants Program, including specific criteria outlining eligible neighborhoods and eligible projects. Eight applications were received from seven different groups. There was a general consensus by the Selection Committee on what to recommend for funding along with some ideas for improvements to the program criteria. The Committee recommended that Commission amend the program criteria as follows: . Only one project per year per neighborhood will be funded. This is not to limit a neighborhood from submitting more than one application, but the final decision on which project to be funded would be made by the City Commission. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 1998 . Allow religious groups, civic clubs, governmental agencies, and other organizations to apply for MVP Awards Grants if they can demonstrate that their project provides a benefit to the community. . Projects which are already completed are not eligible for funding (reimbursement) under this program. F or this first year of the program, the Selection Committee recommended that Commission fund all eight projects. The eight applicants represent a total of $17,826 in grant requests. This exceeds the program's budgeted amount of $15,000. The Committee recommended the additional $2,826 be taken out of the Contingency Fund. Mayor Vandererift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to fund all eight projects. with the additional $2.826 to be taken out of the Contingency Fund. Motion carried 5-0. RECESS - 8:10 p.m. - 8:20 p.m. Upon reconvening, Mayor Vandergrift announced that two citizens had asked to be heard regarding the MVP A wards, and he asked them to speak at this time. Mr. Smitty Branch, resident of Sleepy Harbor, thanked Commission for being so generous with the MVP Grants, thanked Mayor Vandergrift for being so attentive to the community and for making the effort to be present at all City functions. Mrs. Odessa Bowser, 2700 Springfield Drive, Volunteer Coordinator for the Richfield Subdivision, thanked Commission, City Manager Shapiro, and Community Relations/Projects Director Shira for all their help and for allowing their subdivision to participate in the MVP Awards Grants. PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE No. 98-08, MIDYEAR AMENDMENT TO BUDGET FY 97-98 City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. Commissioner Anderson proposed adding a City vehicle to the budget for Mayor Vandergrift. Mr. Shapiro said the Mayor could add a vehicle to the budget for himself if he wanted to, but that would constitute taxable income. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to provide Mayor Vandergrift with magnetic signs that say "Mayor of Ocoee" with the City Seal on them for his vehicle. (Source of funds to be determined at a later date.) Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Shapiro asked the Mayor to find a company that would make the magnetic signs for him, purchase them, and the City would reimburse him. Mayor Vandergrift asked Finance Director Horton to list the additions proposed at the first reading of Ordinance 98-08. Mrs. Horton and City Manager Shapiro reviewed the following: 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 1998 . Funds for the Animal Control Officer, . Funds for the Fourth of July Fireworks & Entertainment, . Reserve funds for the Municipal Complex siding and trim, . Funds for land purchase for the expansion of the Municipal Complex in future years, . Funds for the Weather Detection System, . Funds for police vehicles, . Funds for clerical help in the Police Department, . Funds for the Administrative Secretary for the Data Processing Department and the Community Relations/Projects Department, and . Funds to repair the Municipal Complex doors. The public hearing was opened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked Commission to explain what the Weather Detection Signal was. Mr. Shapiro explained that this devise attaches to the weather satellites above and allows the City to receive information and imaging of bad weather at the same time the National Weather Center receives it. Mr. Mohnacky asked if the City was considering installing a siren to alert citizens of danger and Mr. Shapiro said no. The public hearing was closed. Mayor Vandergrift, seconded bv Commissioner Parker, moved to approve Ordinance No. 98- 08, Midvear Amendment to Budget FY 97-98 as presented. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. OTHER BUSINESS MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN INTERIM REPORT-TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES Planning Director Wagner presented the staff report and explained that during the fall of 1997, City staff and the City's transportation consultant, TransCore, began developing a Master Transportation Plan for the City of Ocoee. This plan is intended to identify the various transportation issues that will affect the City through the year 2020. Mr. Wagner then introduced Mr. Whit Blanton, Principal Transportation Planner for TransCore (AICP). Mr. Whit Blanton presented the Master Transportation Plan for the City of Ocoee, displaying a map on the overhead projector and responding to Commission's questions. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the City should have a public hearing to receive the public's input prior to Commission making a final decision regarding this issue. Commissioner Glass echoed the Mayor's idea to have a public hearing and asked Mr. Blanton if it would be possible to overlay the Master Transportation Maps on a Land Use Map so that when the public sees what roads are proposed for improvements, they would have an idea of what type of Land Use is going to be along those roadways. 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 1998 Mayor Vandergrift said he has proposed a bus route linking Ocoee to Apopka to Mayor Land and the Lynx Bus Officials. Commissioner Glass said he was a strong proponent of adding sidewalks whenever and where ever possible. Commissioner Anderson thanked TransCore and staff for all their work. Without objection, Mayor Vandergrift directed staff and TransCore to begin evaluating the identified alternatives. SECOND QUARTERLY REpORT Finance Director Horton was present to answer questions. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to accept the Second Quarterly Report for FY 1997/98 as presented. Motion carried 5-0. FINAL CHANGE ORDER (No.6) FOR STORY ROAD/KISSIMMEE AVENUE AND MARSHALL FARMS ROADIMAGUlRE ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira was present to answer questions. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner HowelL moved to approve Change Order No.6 with Southland Construction, Inc. by decreasing the contract amount by $29,327.59, with no extension in contract time, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No.6. Motion carried 5-0. ApPOINTMENT TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: REPLACEMENT FOR MEMBER RALPH JONES TERM EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 1999 Mayor Vandergrift explained that Mr. Rob McKey has served as an Alternate Member to the Planning and Zoning Commission since January, 1993, and he wished to nominate him to the Board. Commissioner Glass explained that Kimberly Christoefl should be nominated because she resides in District 3, and all but one of the Members on the Board presently reside in District 2. Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to appoint Kimberly Christoefl as replacement for Member Ralph Jones seat on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Term expires September 1999. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Vandergrift voting no. Mr. Rob McKey, Alternate Member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, expressed his displeasure at not being nominated to a permanent position. He suggested that Alternate members be provided a table and microphone so that they can take part in the P&Z discussions and asked Commission to recognize that promoting an Alternate Member to a permanent seat leaves an Alternate position to be filled. 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 1998 STAFF REPORTS - None. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Parker: 1) Announced the RSVP No. 656-2218. 2) Asked that the small refrigerator in the Commission Chambers Conference Room be replaced soon. Commissioner Glass: 1) Thanked all the board volunteers, members and alternates who donate their time to the City. 2) Asked if Orange County had agreed to the 30 day extension of the current Interlocal Agreement. Mr. Shapiro said yes, and explained that the County Attorney would be drafting an agreement to be considered at their Commission meeting May 19, 1998, and at the City's meeting that same night. 3) Encouraged all to remember Mr. Joe Hembrook in their prayers and wished him a speedy recovery. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Said, for the record, two citizens had phoned him regarding their water bills. One citizen complained that his water bill had doubled and another complained that his bill went up 45%. Mr. Shapiro said that because of the new rate structure, people would be surprised by the increase in their first bill. However, by the second bill they would normally start conserving. Mayor Vandererift reported that when this rate change was discussed and passed by Commission, he requested help and information regarding how other cities were being treated along these lines from the St. John's River Water Management District and has yet to receive it. 2) Asked if there was a speed limit in the Wal-Mart parking lot or if it was private property, because he had seen street sweepers speeding and driving recklessly late at night. Mr. Shapiro explained that a traffic citation could be written in a parking lot if there was reckless driving, but not speeding. City Attornev Rosenthal said that there could be an agreement with the association which would allow police the right to enforce speed limits on the private roads of his subdivision. Commissioner Howell: 1) Reported that his water bill has gone up to $90 and that he doesn't even use water. 2) Expressed concerns regarding people leaving a mess at the park on the Cinco de Mayo celebration. Mr. Shapiro said he would recommend not allowing them to use the park for this celebration again, as this happened last year as well. 3) Commended Mr. Jim Beech for all the hard work he put into the Big Orange Games and said he was very happy to have been a part of them himself. 4) Expressed appreciation to Miss Debbie Scroggins, Teacher at Spring Lake Elementary, for all she taught his son. 7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 1998 Mavor Vandergrift: 1) Asked again that trash cans to be placed by the Gazebo. 2) Reported that the toilet in the men's room at Tiger Minor Park does not work the way it should and the toilet seats in the lady's room need to be replaced. 3) Asked that signs be installed along White Road warning people that there are pot holes in the road that may cause accidents. Mr. Shapiro said the plans to fix White Road are 80% complete and should begin repairing soon. 4) Reported that there is water seepage coming out of the road that needs to go into the City's drainage system, in the Reflections Subdivision on Cool Springs Road, between house numbers 876 and 892. 5) Reported that Story Road needed to be repaired in front of the Orange County Service Center. 6) He requested that dirt be placed on the exposed roots of the trees behind City Hall if constructing a sea wall in the lake behind City Hall was not possible. 7) Reported that the payment receptacle outside of City Hall is too high. It should be 30 inches rather than four feet. 8) Read in the VIP comments that the lobby in the Police Department is very impersonal. Asked if someone in the Police Department could do something to liven it up. Mr. Shapiro said that Chief Mark has plans to make the lobby more cozy once they begin remodeling the station. 9) Reported that a citizen had complained to him about not being able to see the traffic light at the intersection of Sawmill and Apopka/Vineland Road, because of the tree in the right-of- way, and asked if anything could be done. Mr. Shapiro said the County could be contacted and asked to remove the tree for public safety. 10) Thanked the T.V. crew for staying late, and asked if the cameras could be left in place so that they could be used for the Wednesday night Mobile Home Safety meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee ~~rI. ..).. ~ I" . -., c..--j-V . S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 8