HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-97 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD AUGUST 5, 1997 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Pastor Rogers, Ocoee Church of the Nazarene, led in the prayer and Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Wagner, Senior Planner Home, Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst Resnik, Building Official Flippen, Fire Chief Strosnider, Police Chief Mark, Public Works Director Corwin and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: Commissioner Glass. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS YEARS OF SERVICE AWARDS: a) 5 YEARS - MARK BRACE, BUYER B) 10 YEARS - JANET RESNIK, CAPITAL PROJECTS/CONCURRENCY ANALYST GLENN TREANOR, ENGINEER, FIRE DEPARTMENT C) 15 YEARS - RICHARD WALDROP, WATER TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR "C" Mayor Vandergrift invited Mark Brace, Janet Resnik, Glenn Treanor, and Richard Waldrop individually to the lectern and gave a brief history of their years of service to the City before handing them their awards. Their department heads then spoke highly of their achievements. NON AGENDA ITEM Mayor Vandergrift spoke of the heart attack he had suffered a few weeks back and thanked hospital staff at Health Central and ORMC for the attention given to him while he was a patient. Mrs. Vandergrift thanked the City Manager and staff for their support. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D and E. Commissioner Anderson pulled item E. for discussion. Mavor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to accept items A. B. C. and D of the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Re2:ular Meetin2: of Julv 15. 1997. B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute A2:reement with Oran2:e County School Board for School Resource Officers for the 1997-98 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting August 5, 1997 School Year. . This is a yearly renewal of an ongoing agreement with Orange County School Board since 1985. Co Approval and Authorization for the City to become an Alliance Member of the Florida Alliance for Safe Hie:hways (FLASH) in Oooosition to Triole Trailer Trucks. . This organization opposes the expanded use of larger and heavier trucks, even the proposals for pilot or demonstration programs, and the permanent increases in allowable truck size and weight. D. Approval and Authorization for Purchase of Radio Equipment for the Police Department from Motorola. Inc. Utilizing Orange County Contract Subscriber Term Contract No. Y6-165. . This purchase requires only $18,041.00 of the $22,500.00 allocated for this purchase at Mid- Y ear Budget Adjustment. Commissioner Anderson had pulled agenda item III. E from the consent agenda to ask if all the equipment would have to be converted. Mr. Corwin explained that this is the only equipment that is directly involved in the water and as such, NPDES requires that it be biologically degradable. E. Approval and Authorization to proceed with Kaiser Climbing Excavator Conversion to Pan olin Bioloe:ically Degradable Hvdraulic Fluid at a cost of $3.796.62. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt item III. E of the consent agenda. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Dawn Fryman, Heart of Florida United Way representative, announced that she would be working with the City ofOcoee employees starting Monday, gave numbers of how many people in the community would be using their organizations and asked Commission for their support and contribution to kick off the drive. After brief discussion, Mayor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to donate $500.00 from Community Promotion account to the Heart of Florida United Way. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) PUBLIC HEARING - None. OTHER BUSINESS DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: DISTRICTING COMMISSION REpORT. Senior Planner Horne gave a brief overview of the Districting Commission Report and explained that the population figures were provided by Real Estate Research Consultants as authorized in the regular session on June 3, 1997. Supervisor of Elections Senior Mapping Supervisor Willis used those figures to update her census block map and then prepared maps of 5 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting August 5, 1997 basic options using criteria established by the Districting Commission. Chairman Holmes, Senior Planner Home and Mrs. Willis were present to answer questions. Chairman Holmes explained the procedure used by the five member board to draw the district lines, and thanked Commission for giving him the opportunity to serve. Mayor Vandergrift thanked the Supervisor of Elections and Mrs. Willis, staff and the Districting Commission, and commented that he had wanted to stay within the existing precinct lines so the City could return to the November voting date. Senior Mapping Supervisor Willis explained that the Federal Government, the State and the County would not change their district lines until the year 2002, and City district lines drawn along the existing precinct lines do not divide population properly. Former Commissioner Gleason commended the District Commission for their non-political solution in redrawing the district lines and, noting that Reflections and Silver Glen would be divided away from Brentwood, suggested that Clarke Road be used to divide instead of the way it is drawn. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to accept the districting Commission report and map as presented and to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to adopt the districts as presented. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) Mayor Vandergrift pulled Item VL C - Agreement for Operational Services for Composting of Domestic Wastewater Sludge with the American Earthworm Company Inc. - out of agenda order to be discussed here. DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: AGREEMENT FOR OPERATIONAL SERVICES FOR COMPO STING OF DOMESTIC W ASTEW A TER SLUDGE WITH THE AMERICAN EARTHWORM COMPANY, INC. City Engineer Shira presented the staff report. Allan Stuart from the American Earthworm Company was present to answer questions. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement for Operational Services for Composting of Domestic Wastewater Sludge between the City of Ocoee and the American Earthworm Companv. Inc. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: WORK ORDER #9 WITH GEE & JENSON IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,400 FOR PHASE I OF A MAINTENANCE F ACILITY AT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. City Engineer Shira presented the staff report and explained that in the 1997 Utility System Bond Issue, one of the proposed projects was a maintenance facility to be constructed at the wastewater treatment plant. This facility is to provide office, storage and maintenance areas for the utility department. Mayor Vandergrift left the table during this report and returned shortly thereafter. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting August 5, 1997 Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Work Order #9 with Gee & Jenson in the amount of $10.400. Motion carried 3-0. (Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Glass were not present.) DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS - DESIGN SERVICES CONTRACT WITH PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC.-ADDENDUM 97-3. City Engineer Shira presented the staff report and explained that the 1997 Water and Sewer Utility Bond issue included $3,123,000 for water distribution system improvements and $649,000 for engineering and inspection services related to water system projects. In meeting with Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC), the City has been able to fine-tune the proposed water distribution network, taking into account those water lines which have been or will be installed by developers. By removing these from the list of proposed water lines used in the bond issue, the City has been able to lower the estimated construction cost from $3,123,000 to $2,500,700. Mavor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner HowelL moved to execute Addendum No. 97- 3 to Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc.'s contract in the not-to-exceed amount of 7% of the construction cost of the water distribution system improvements. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: BUDGET MESSAGE. City Manager Shapiro presented the Budget Message to Commission but elected not to read it into the record. (See attached). Mavor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to accept the Budget Message for FY 1997/1998 as presented. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TASK FORCE. (TABLED FROM JULY 15, 1997 MEETING) Commissioner Parker recommended this item be tabled to the next Commission meeting. There were no objections. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: SCHEDULING OF STORMWATER UTILITY UPDATE. City Manager Shapiro recommended using a portion of the already scheduled August 20 meeting to present the Stormwater Drainage Improvements update. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Mavor Vandere:rift. moved to take the August 20th meeting date and use at least one hour of that date for the stormwater utility discussion and use any subsequent time for Budget. if necessarY. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) STAFF REPORTS - None. 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting August 5,1997 COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Parker: No comments. Commissioner Howell: I) Said he would like to discuss the Indianapolis Plan at the next City Commission Meeting. Commissioner Anderson: I) Announced that Cable Vision would be showing the City Commission meetings on channel 19 instead of channel 16 starting October 1st. 2) Welcomed back Mayor Vandergrift and commended Health Central and Orlando Regional Medical Center for their work. Mayor Vandergrift: I) Announced the RSVP number 656-2218. 2) Reported that grapevines need to be trimmed that are growing over the sidewalk located north of the rail road tracks on Prairie Lake Boulevard. 3) Would like to see the grass cut down to the edge of the lake. 4) Said he had discovered the City had only two Ocoee Flags and asked that more be ordered. 5) Thanked Dawn Fryman, United Way representative, for attending the meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee ! 5-'s:-'~ !/ev.ve. f;f S. Scott VandergrIft, MaYOr~ 5 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" Agenda 8-5-97 Item VI E MAYOR' COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 (407) 656-2322 COMMISSIONERS RUSTY JOHNSON SCOTT ANDERSON SCOTT A. GLASS JIM GLEASON CITY OF OCOEE CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager DATE: July 30, 1997 SUBJECT: BUDGET MESSAGE FY 1997/1998 In 1990, the City of Ocoee employed 130 individuals within various departments. During the 1990/91 budget process, the Elected Officials began to realize that we were rapidly approaching a major growth period that would continue well through the Year 2000. In order to meet the tremendous growth demands, they recognized that new departments needed to be established utilizing professional staff and appropriating the necessary dollars to serve the needs of our community. We are now entering this City's fastest growth period and as we keep up with the incredible growth, we also are improving the quality of life in our already fine City. We currently employ 249 individuals. At mid-year we took a leap forward and expedited as many possible betterments to our City in anticipation of this rapid growth. As we approach the new millennium, we continue the partnership with our elected officials to provide the very best service delivery system that we can for our entire community. We are all excited by the positive results that we have seen and look forward to meeting the challenges of the future. The accompanying budget for FY 1997/98 is presented for your consideration. I would like to review briefly the current year and then summarize what is proposed for FY 97/98. FISCAL YEAR 1997 Fiscal Year 1997 has been one of growth and preparation for the City. The acquisition and installation of the citywide computer system has assisted staff in the efficient use of information in the performance of their job responsibilities. A total of 2,356 building permits have been issued to date with 497 new residential units under construction. Well over 100,000 square feet of additional commercial facilities were also permitted for construction this year. Funding was secured to construct two new fire stations, acquire a new Public Works facility, and to construct a multi-million dollar recreational complex. A $10 million bond issue was also secured for water and wastewater improvements including the design and permitting of a new wastewater reuse system, over 600,000 gallons of additional potable water storage, and the implementation of a state-of-the-art system that completely eliminates the danger of chlorine gas at our water plants. Along with our new Beech Recreational Facility, we have taken major strides in upgrading our playgrounds and baseball fields as well as a professional re-sodding of the Bulldog Field at Central Park. We are all excited about the new Orange County Library that is coming to our community as well as the anticipated first phase of the Western Beltway. With the completion this year of the Orlando Avenue improvements and the Kissimmee/Story intersection improvements, we have completed the long range transportation goals established in the 1991 Comprehensive Plan. We are at 90 percent completion of the first phase of the Maguire Road widening design and look forward to seeing that under construction within the next fiscal year. FISCAL YEAR 1998 The proposed 1998 budget again addresses service delivery, cost efficiency, and employee benefits as we prepare for the next phase of our development. This proposed budget contains much needed additions to our rolling stock to serve our community. The continued upgrading of our Data Processing system with such things as enhanced software for the Permitting process and the addition of an Engineer to review development plans in-house will enable us to more efficiently serve our residents. We are happy to report that there will be no new rate increases this year for health insurance costs for either the City or the employees. Furthermore, as a result of aggressive negotiations there were no increases in any of our other major insurances this year. We are also including Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as an additional City holiday and are excited to have been able to increase the pension benefits for both employee retirement plans. Included in this budget is a 2 percent cost of living increase based upon the consumer price index, a continued merit system of zero or four percent, the longevity plan as approved by the City Commission last year, and the ability of our retirees to continue health insurance coverage through the City's plan. -2- The proposed FY 1997/98 budget totals: FUND TOTAL PERCENT CHANGE GENERAL FUND $13,852,228 12.9 % STORMWATERFUND $ 1,052,000 5.6% W A TER/W ASTEW A TER FUND $ 6,611,990 13.8% SOLID WASTE FUND $ 1,438,360 15.4 % A brief overview of each fund is provided below. GENERAL FUND In order to continue our conservative approach, revenues were projected based upon 1997's growth pattern and receipts. The millage rate as proposed remains unchanged at 4 mils and taxes are estimated to be received at the 96 percent level; this is the percentage budgeted for the previous two fiscal years. The County Six Cent Gas Tax reflects the amended distribution formula agreed upon with the County. The Seniors (Over 65) Program is funded as it currently exists. As the fastest growing City in Central Florida, we have learned that proper planning makes us able to accommodate quality growth without reducing the services to our current residents. To this end, this budget includes a significant amount of money for transportation planning, the Northern Study Area Plan, and the Land Development Code update. We are adding several projects this year in an effort to reach out to our citizens and businesses to determine community priorities and foster involvement. This budget includes funds for a Neighborhood Matching Grants Program, an economic development brochure, and a city-wide newsletter. These items will enhance relations both with our residents and businesses and build a stronger sense of community. This is in keeping with the City's philosophy that while we are growing and will ultimately be the second largest City in Orange County, we never want to lose the small-town charm that makes Ocoee special. To meet our citizens demands, we also continue our effort to recruit the best possible employees in an ever competitive market area by providing a comprehensive yearly pay and benefits survey. -3- STORMW A TER FUND The revenues are projected at a rate of $4.50 per ERU until October 1998 when the rate will change to $5.00 per ERU as approved by the City Commission last year. This fund is dedicated to the continued stormwater projects as approved by the City Commission while attempting to improve the maintenance of our ditches and drainage facilities and meeting the national demands of the NPDES program. W A TER/W ASTEW A TER FUND As stated earlier, design work has begun on the water system improvements to be funded through the 1997 bond issue with construction to begin in 1998. Two additional positions and two reclassifications are contained in this budget. Other improvements include the upgrade of Lift Stations No. 12 and No. 22 and the effluent pond modifications at the wastewater treatment plant on A.D. Mims Road. SOLID WASTE As stated at mid-year, Solid Waste continues to be a weak budget and concerns us for the future. We did review private versus public pickup of yard waste and found privatization better. To this end, we have proposed contracting out the collection of yard waste in this budget. We must keep in mind we currently have one of the higher rates in the county and may have to consider increasing rates as the county increases landfill charges. An additional sanitation truck is proposed as well as funding for 505 garbage carts to handle our growth. In conclusion, we have prepared a budget that allows us to meet the continued growth demands in a cost effective and efficient manner. This budget provides for the acquisition of much needed equipment, additional benefits for our employees, a better data collection system, and more quality growth planning. We have come a long way since 1990 and have a long way to travel. But together, we shall succeed. I would like to commend Wanda Horton, Finance Director, Donald Carter, Finance Supervisor, Peggy Psaledakis, Director of Personnel & Employee Relations, Lisa Stickland, Budget Specialist, and Janet Resnik, Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst for their efforts in completing this budget. -4-