HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-97 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in the prayer and Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell and Parker. Also present were Acting City Manager Psaledakis, Assistant City Attorney Scott Clements, Assistant City Engineer Wheeler, Planning Director Wagner, Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst Resnik, Public Works Director Corwin, Police Chief Mark, Fire Chief Strosnider, Consulting Engineer Hamstra and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: Commissioner Glass (out of town). PRESENTATION AND PROCLAMATIONS PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Vandergrift read the following proclamations: Kid's Day AmericalInternational- September 20,1997 National Fire Prevention Week - October 5 - 11, 1997 Domestic Violence Awareness Month - October 1997 NON-AGENDA ITEM Mayor Vandergrift called Commissioner Howell to the lectern and presented a plaque to him for representing the City in a golf tournament sponsored by West Orange Chamber of Commerce ~~ to raise money for those in need. Commissioner Howell announced that Commissione!- 1%1/91 Anderson, Police ChicfMttrk~ Rod Winfrey completed the team and that they took 3rd place ~ir~ in the Chamber sponsored tournament. Commissioner Howell also announced that there would be another tournament on Friday, September 19, 1997, and encouraged citizens to attend. Mayor Vandergrift asked Commissioners to make their announcements at this time. Commissioner Parker announced the Ocoee Police Department was sponsoring a women's Self Defense Class, Saturday, September 20, 1997, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the Ocoee Middle School Gymnasium and encouraged all to attend. Commissioner Howell expressed appreciation for staff s sympathy in his loss last week. Mayor Vandergrift spoke of the 15 City Employees and citizens who helped paint the house of a needy senior citizen on Community Care Day '97. He also spoke of West Orange High School's football victory over Evans High School, and announced that the son of one of Ocoee's citizens, Kennard Lange, had signed a multimillion dollar contract with the Washington Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 16, 1997 Redskins Football Team and returned to his church in Orlando, The New Covenant Baptist Church, and donated a great deal of money to it. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A and B. Mayor Vandergrift pulled item B. for discussion. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve item A of the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present. ) A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of Citv Commission Regular Meetine: of September 2. 1997 and Tentative Bude:et Public Hearine: of September 2. 1997. Item IlL B of the consent agenda was discussed at this time. B. Approval and Authorization to transfer funds from Contingency to Account No. 001-519- 6400 to Purchase Track Lights for Commission Chambers. . These lights are needed to improve the TV production. After brief discussion to clarify the type and number of lights, Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to award the bid for track lights to the sole responder. Amber Electric. Inc. in the amount of $2.269. and to authorize the transfer of funds from the contingency fund to account No. 001-519-6400. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Former Commissioner Gleason, 856 Hammocks, spoke of the Health Central Foundation Golf Tournament and explained their goal to provide a registered nurse for each of the 20 schools in the area covered by Health Central. He also reminded Commission that Dr. Dennis Smith, the new superintendent for Orange County Public Schools is holding a meeting on Thursday, at the West Orange High School Ninth Grade Center at 7:00 p.m. Also thanked Mayor Vandergrift for his efforts to persuade Chamber members to come out in favor of the one percent sales tax. Mr. Lewis Witter, representing IRIE AM Team - 1600 AM WOKB, gave a brief overview of the radio station's history, explained the topics and issues the station covers and asked for Commission's support. Mayor Vandergrift directed the City Attorney to research the legalities of whether the City could give support to an organization that was for profit, and invited Mr. Witter to come back at a later date for Commission's answer. PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE No. 97-17, REDRAWING DISTRICT LINES. This Ordinance was read by title only. Districting Commission Chairman Holmes displayed a map showing the old district lines and how they compared to the new district lines, and explained that due to present and anticipated future increase in population, some districts appeared to be considerably larger than others. 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 16, 1997 The public hearing was opened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked why District No.3 was so much larger than the others and Chairman Holmes gave a brief explanation. Mayor Vandergrift introduced Beverly Willis, Supervisor of Elections Senior Mapping Supervisor, and Mrs. Willis echoed Chairman Holmes's comments. She explained that this entire issue of the drawing of the lines would be revisited following the year 2000 census. Mayor Vandergrift presented a laser pointer to Mrs. Willis in appreciation for her many hours of work in preparing the district maps. Commissioner Anderson asked that a copy of the new district map be included with citizens' water bills. Mayor Vandergrift suggested that a letter go to all homeowners associations advising them of the change. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 97-17. amending single-member district boundaries. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) Chairman Holmes recognized the members of the Districting Commission (Ruth Grafton, Betty Hager, Martha Lopez-Anderson, and Robert Williams) expressing appreciation for their efforts. He also thanked Senior Planner Home and Mrs. Willis for technical support. OTHER BUSINESS FIRST READING: ORDINANCE No. 97-20, CHANGING MUNICIPAL ELECTION DATES TO 2ND TUESDAY IN MARCH. This Ordinance was read by title only. Commissioner Anderson announced the second reading and public hearing to be October 7, 1997, at 7:15 p.m. DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: RESOLUTION 97-10 ADOPTING ANNUAL CONCURRENCY ASSESSMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEFICIENCIES MAP. This resolution was read by title only. Capital Projects/Concurrency Analyst Resnik presented the staff report. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 16,1997 CLERK'S NOTE: Mayor Vandergrift informed Acting City Manager Psaledakis that he had received a complaint from a citizen that lives on Apricot Drive regarding a drainage leak between Flewelling and Apricot, running along Ocoee Hills Road. She has a drain at the northern entrance of Apricot Drive and would like someone from the City to go out and take a look. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked how the City proposed to realign Apopka- Vineland Road from the intersection of AD Mims south to Silver Star Road; and Mayor Vandergrift clarified the issue for him. Mr. Mohnacky also asked Commission who would benefit from the new turnpike exit and Ms. Resnik responded. He also commented that those who get reclaimed water should be the ones who pay for it. Martha Lopez-Anderson, asked Commission what exactly falls under concurrency issues besides water, sewer, garbage and roads. Ms. Resnik replied parks and public transportation would fall under concurrency management but that police, fire and schools are optional. Mrs. Lopez-Anderson also suggested Commission stop approving new developments until it deals with future growth in the City and overcrowding in schools. RECESS - 9: 10 p.m. - 9:20 p.m. Commissioner Parker said one thing that every citizen in the City of Ocoee and West Orange County could do to remedy this issue, is to send a message that they control who sits in the seats at the state level and on the school boards; and if they want to continue sitting in those seats, they will not address any of their own administrative needs, any further, until they address the issue of the overcrowding in schools in West Orange County. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt Resolution 97- 10. adopting the Concurrency Assessment of Infrastructure and Services and the accompanying Infrastructure Deficiencies Map. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) Mayor Vandergrift announced he would take agenda item VI. D - NPDES Draft annual report, and VI. E - Interlocal Agreement Providing for Joint Collection of Monitoring Data between the Orange County Joint Applicants for the NPDES Storm water Program Required by EP A - out of agenda order and discuss them at this time. DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: NPDES DRAFT ANNUAL REpORT (PERMIT YEAR 1). Assistant City Engineer Wheeler presented the staff report. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to accept and approve this Permit Year 1 NPDES Annual Report in accordance with EPA Florida MS4 Permit No. FLSOOOOO 11 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Certification Statement Form. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 16, 1997 DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR JOINT COLLECTION OF MONITORING DATA BETWEEN THE ORANGE COUNTY JOINT ApPLICANTS FOR THE NPDES STORMW ATER PROGRAM REQUIRED BY EP A. Assistant City Engineer Wheeler presented the staff report. Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve this Interlocal Agreement Providing for Joint Collection of Monitoring Data Between Municipalities. Valencia Water Control District. FDOT and Orange County Within Unincorporated Orange County and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute this agreement. Motion carried 3-1. (Commissioner Anderson voted no and Commissioner Glass was not present.) DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: EXTENSION OF DATE ON INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ON THE PALM DRIVE VACATION. This Resolution was read by title only. Mavor Vandergrift. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to revise Resolution No. 97- 05 so that such approval is made subiect to the Expressway Authority signing the Joint Participation Agreement on or before November 20. 1997. rather than September 17. 1997. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Glass was not present.) DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: WAIVER OF BID PROCESS AND PURCHASE OF Two DIXIE CHOPPER MOWERS FROM SOLICITED QUOTES. Public Works Director Corwin presented the staff report. Mayor Vandergrift asked that in the future Mr. Corwin provide pictures in the staff reports. Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to waive the bid process and purchase the two Dixie Chopper mowers from H & M Mower Sales and Services. Inc. for $14.290 and that in the future any requests to waive bids must show a need to waive. Motion carried 3-1. (Commissioner Anderson voted no and Commissioner Glass was not present.) STAFF REPORTS - None. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Anderson: 1) Announced the Ocoee Webb Site: WWW.CI.OCOEE.FL.US Commissioner Parker: I) Announced the RSVP Line 656-2218. 2) Announced the women's Self Defense Course being offered by the Ocoee Police Department on Saturday, September 20, 1997, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Ocoee Middle School Gymnasium. For more information call Officer Dreasher at 656-1518. 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting September 16, 1997 Commissioner Howell: 1) Announced that he has scheduled a meeting at Spring Lake Elementary School on September 24, 1997, at 2:00 p.m., with members of the Orange County School Board, Transportation Department, Safety Department and the Supervisor of the Elementary Schools; and asked if the Mayor and any of the other Commissioners would be attending. Mayor V ander~rift said he would attend. (City Clerk will post a notice of the meeting and it will be taped by the principal.) 2) Inquired who should be contacted to get a turn arrow light at A.D. Mims and Clarke Road. Actine: City Manae:er Psaledakis said Public Works would be the department to speak to and that she would contact Chief Mark regarding an accident count. Mayor Vandergrift added that there should be a "Blind Intersection" sign as well. 3) Would like to have Ocoee Police provide escorts for funeral processions within the City of Ocoee to the Ocoee Cemetery for Ocoee citizens. ~'Iavor Vandergrift: I) Referring to the form letters that have been coming in from residents in Windermere Groves Subdivision, proposed responding with a form letter listing the steps that will be taken regarding the multifamily housing to be built adjacent to the Cross Creek Subdivision. 2) Announced he was calling a meeting for October 27, 1997, with school board members and legislators to hear citizens complaints and concerns regarding overcrowded schools. CLERKS NOTE: The chambers had been reserved for another meeting on that date, and Mayor Vandergrift changed the date for this meeting to October 30, 1997. Commission reached consensus to have staff invite legislators and citizens to this meeting, announce it on citizens' water bills and to also have T.V. coverage ofthe meeting. 3) Would like Center Street ditch restored. 4) Thanked Television Crew for doing a great job. Commissioner Glass: - Not present. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee -~., <::-" . / . .., I ..,) -~);:.~ (/~ t(..f \" /, S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor ,'" 6