HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-97 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD OCTOBER 7,1997 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Pastor Ernie Post, West Oaks United Methodist Church, led in the prayer and Hilda Ems led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City EngineerlUtilities Director Shira, Planning Director Wagner, Director of Community Relations/Projects Resnik, Building Official Flippen, Fire Chief Strosnider, Assistant Fire Chief Firstner, Acting Recreation Director Nordquist and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PRESENTATION - FIRE DEPARTMENT'S PRESENTION OF COMMEMORATIVE BELT BUCKLES TO MAYOR, CITY COMMISSION AND CITY MANAGER. Fire Chief Strosnider gave a brief history of the Ocoee Fire Department, and had the on duty Fire Department shift present commemorative belt buckles to the Mayor, City Commission and the City Manager. PROCLAMATIONS - Mayor Vandergrift read the following proclamations: WELCOMING THE BUTTERFLY TO THE CITY OF OCOEE - AUGUST THROUGH OCTOBER. FLORIDA CITY GOVERNMENT WEEK - OCTOBER 19-25, 1997. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A and B. Commissioner Anderson corrected the September 16, 1997, minutes, under Non-Agenda Item, changing Police Chief Mark to Bob Clark as the other participant in the golf tournament. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the consent agenda as corrected. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Medine: of September 16. 1997. and the Minutes of Meetine:s Ree:arding the Hirine: of City Manager: Work Sessions January 18. 1996. January 4. 1997. January 14. 1997. January 24. 1997. February 7. 1997. April 8. 1997. April 9. 1997 and April 15. 1997: Special Sessions January 18. 1996. January 28.1997. February 11. 1997. April 8. 1997 and April 9. 1997. B. Approval and Authorization for Mavor and City Clerk to execute Fourth Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with Greater Orlando Aviation Authoritv. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 7, 1997 COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. David Uslau, President of the Rotary Club of Ocoee, introduced Peggy Isaacson, Chairperson of the Community Service Committee. Mrs. Isaacson spoke of Bicycle Safety First, announced that the Free Wheeling Safety Fest would be held October 25, 1997, at the Albertsons on Silver Star Road and Clarke Road, and asked that the City support the Safety Fest. For more information call 290-1146. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to support the free Wheeling Safety Fest as a Gold Sponsor and donate $1000 from the Community Promotion account. Motion carried 5-0. Mrs. Silvia Roan, Coordinator of Alternative Resource Center (ARC), distributed flyers to the Commission regarding the services provided by ARC, and explained that the program is designed to help parents and teens sort out the challenges they face. Headquartered at Westside V ocational Technical 8enter, the services are available free of charge to the parents and students of all 15 schools located in West Orange County. Mrs. Roan stressed the need for volunteers as well. RECESS - 7:44 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY COMMISSIONERS The announcements made by Commissioners Anderson and Parker at this point were repeated under Commissioners Comments. (See Commissioners Comments) PUBLIC HEARINGS SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE No. 97-20, CHANGING MUNICIPAL ELECTION DATES TO 2ND TUESDAY IN MARCH. City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. This Ordinance was presented in response to a request from the Orange County Supervisor of Elections, who had encouraged the municipalities in Orange County to set a uniform election date, suggesting the Presidential Preference Primary as a logical time. Mayor Vandergrift said that this Commission was already on record as doing this reluctantly, as the preferred time for elections was the November date that all are accustomed to. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt Ordinance 97-20 as presented. Motion carried 5-0. 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 7,1997 OTHER BUSINESS FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES. SECOND READINGS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 21,1997 AT 7:15 P.M. City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinances 97-21, 97-22, 97-23, 97-24, 97-25 and 97-26 by title only. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second readings and public hearings to be October 21, 1997 at 7:15 p.m. ORDINANCE No. 97-21, ANNEXATION - CASE No. AR-97-03-02: WEST OAKS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. ORDINANCE No. 97-22, ZONING - CASE No. AR-97-03-02: WEST OAKS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. ORDINANCE No. 97-23, AMEND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - CASE No. CP A-97- 001: JOINT VENTURE. ORDINANCE No. 97-24, REZONING - CASE No. R-97-03-03: JOINT VENTURE. ORDINANCE No. 97-25, REZONING - CASE No. R-97-07-05: GOMES. ORDINANCE No. 97-26, REZONING - CASE No. R-97-07-06: SAFE STOR OF OCOEE. ORDINANCE No. 97-27, AMENDING GENERAL EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT TRUST FUND ORDINANCE No. 96-19. City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. City Manager Shapiro explained that the new Ordinance would permit employer and employees to make a higher contribution toward their retirement. ORDINANCE No. 97-28, AMENDING POLICE OFFICERS' !FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND ORDINANCE No. 96-20. City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. City Manager Shapiro said this accomplishes the same as the General Employees Ordinance. ORDINANCE No. 97-29, AMENDING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS RE: CITY MANAGER. City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. City Manager Shapiro explained this Ordinance had been created per Commission's request and prepared by Labor Attorney Reynolds. ORDINANCE No. 97-30, REQUIRING ZONING DISCLOSURE SIGNS. City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. City Manager Shapiro explained that this Ordinance would require all developers and people selling parcels of land in the City to provide an appropriate sign stating where the zoning categories and other information pertinent to those categories are located. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 7,1997 Mayor Vandergrift announced the second readings and public hearings for Ordinances 97-27, 97-28,97-29 and 97-30 to be October 21, 1997, at 7:15 p.m., and asked Commissioners to save this portion of their packet, and bring all of these ordinances to the next meeting for the public hearings. DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: GRANT ApPLICATION FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. Assistant Fire Chief Firstner presented the staff report and explained that the City was requesting funding for a Self-Sufficient Mutual Aid Emergency Response Unit that will increase the Fire Department's capability to respond to local disasters. Mayor Vandergrift seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the proposal and have the Fire Department proceed in applying for the grant and authorizing the Mayor to execute the necessary documents. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: FUNDING OF SENIOR PROGRAM (OVER 65 PROGRAM) City Manager Shapiro presented the staff report and explained that as part of the Budget Workshop discussions earlier this year, Commission determined that the funding for the current Over 65 Program would be placed in the General Fund Contingency so that this issue would not hold up the City Commission budgetary approval process. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to fund the Senior Program as described in the staff report. Motion carried 3-2. (Commissioners Glass and Parker voted no.) DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: SET MEETING FOR 6:00 P.M. OCTOBER 21, 1997 TO DISCUSS IAFF. City Manager Shapiro asked Commission to call a meeting out of the sunshine for the purposes of updating on Public Employee Relations Commission Law and to discuss proposed negotiations with the lAFF, Local Number 3623 on October 21, 1997, at 6:00 p.m. Labor Attorney Reynolds Allen would be present to answer questions on the changes to the Perc. Commission reached consensus to call this meeting. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: ApPOINTMENT TO RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD: MR. DAUGHTRY UNABLE TO ATTEND MEETINGS. TERM EXPIRES APRIL 1999. Acting Recreation Director Nordquist presented the staff report and asked that Former Recreation Director Jim Beech be appointed to the Recreation Advisory Board to complete Mr. Daughtry's term. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner HowelL moved to appoint Mr. Jim Beech to complete Mr. Daughtry's term. and to direct staff to look into increasing the size of the Recreation Advisory Board. Motion carried 5-0. 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 7, 1997 DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT FEE. City Manager Shapiro presented the staff report and spoke in favor of retaining Mr. Oscar Juarez as the legislative consultant for the three cities again this year. Following a brief discussion regarding the issues to present, Mayor Vandergrift spoke of a proposed site to build a school complex within the City limits. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Howell. moved to approve the City contributing $11.463.00 to the City of Apopka as Ocoee's share for the retaining of a legislative consultant for the 1998 legislative session. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift announced that there would be a town meeting on October 30, 1997, at 7:00 p.rn. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No.2 FOR PRIORITY 1 CONSTRUCTION OF BREVARD, INC. FOR FIRE STATION No.3 & 4. Fire Chief Strosnider presented the staff report and explained that most modifications in Change Order No.2 were to Fire Station No.4. Mr. Shapiro explained that this oversight was not entirely the contractor's fault and that the cost probably should be shared with Gee and Jenson. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner HowelL moved to approve Change Order Request No.2 with Priority 1 Construction of Brevard. Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $10. 898.36 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: STORMW A TER PROJECTS. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the staff report regarding drainage problems at 2001 Shari Lynn Terrace and Century Oak Drive/Abbey Ridge, and said staff had recommended hiring Sunshine Construction and Development Corporation because in their previous work for the City of Ocoee they had done a good job. Commissioner Howell asked how these items were being processed when Sullivan ditch is still waiting. Mr. Shira responded that it was in the next group. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to authorize the Sunshine Construction and Development Corporation to proceed with repairs on Shari Lynn Terrace immediately for $10.440.00. and also authorize Sunshine Construction and Development Corporation to begin construction of the two new inlets on Abbey Ridge for the not-to-exceed amount of$16.116.50. Motion carried 5-0. 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 7,1997 DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: COORDINATED SIGNAGE PROGRAM - WEST OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER. Director of Planning Wagner presented the staff report, in which he gave an overview of the Coordinated Signage Program. He recommended that Commission formally adopt the excerpts from the West Oaks Mall Sign Criteria Manual, attached to the staff report, as the formal coordinated signage identification system program for the West Oaks Activity Center. Commissioner HowelL seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt the attached West Oaks Mall Sign Criteria as the established Coordinated Signage Identification System Program for the West Oaks Activity Center in accordance with the provisions of Section 8-1 of the Ocoee Land Development Code. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS - None. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Howell: 1) Announced the School Board meeting Wednesday, October 8 at Spring Lake Elementary School at 10:00 a.m. and expressed appreciation to those who attended the last meeting. 2) Confirmed that Mayor and City Commission were invited to help celebrate the Bulldog Homecoming October 18 at 6:00 p.m. (after Founders' Day). 3) Thanked Commissioner Anderson for sending letters to the School Board members inviting them to attend the meeting Wednesday. 4) Reported that the City had cut and cleaned out Sullivan Ditch. 5) Asked for progress report on the turn arrow at A.D. Mims/Clarke Road intersection. Mr. Shapiro advised that the signage had been done to slow down traffic and a traffic study is presently being done. A report will follow. Mayor Vandergrift recalled that he had sent information for staff to attend meetings of a safety group in Orlando who could get this done more quickly if they were contacted. 6) Reported that the dunking booth that was proposed for Founders' Day would not be available, so Commissioner Parker may miss an opportunity to be christened. Commissioner Anderson suggested borrowing the one being used for the Red Bandana barbeque. 7) Thanked City Manager for putting the funeral escort service into effect promptly. 8) Thanked Fire Department for the belt buckles presented earlier in the meeting, and said he was very proud of the department for doing a good job. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Repeated his announcements made earlier regarding (a) the Red Bandana barbeque at the newly rebuilt West Orange Country Club on October 17, (b) Founders' Day, 9am -4pm October 18, @ Bulldogs Homecoming, 6 pm October 18, (d) Lion's Club Turkey Shoot at the Roper/Auto Auction property, (e) Traffic study at Spring Lake Elementary School Wednesday morning. 2) Discussed the 2 mile non-bussing radius for school children, and asked Commissioner Glass to include that issue in his Public School Construction Study Commission discussions 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 7,1997 RECESS 9: 15 p.m. - 9:20 p.m. Commissioner Glass 1) Responded to Commissioner Anderson that the issue of bussing and the 2 mile walk area is already part of the discussion and is a state-wide problem; therefore, the commission probably will be making recommendations to legislature. 2) Reported that the Public School Construction Study Commission will meet in Orlando on Friday, November 7 at 8:30 a.m. at a location to be announced at a later date, 3) Asked that the explanatory language on the consent agenda be continued, as it was omitted on this agenda. 4) Ballots on the referendum on the 7th cent infrastructure sales sur tax will be arriving in next week's mail. Encouraged all to vote and return the ballot promptly. Commissioner Parker: 1) Complimented Planning Department for the exhibits attached to their rezoning requests. 2) Founders' Day parade will be held at 9:00 a.m. October 18, arts and crafts all day, food booths, Withers-Maguire House tours, historic displays, moon walk, raffle, and opportunities to humiliate elected officials for charity. The charity is Birthday Pals, founded by an Ocoee family who lost 3 children to terminal illnesses. They send birthday cards to 3500 children with life threatening illnesses. Mavor Vandergrift: 1) Asked for input regarding a letter he will be sending regarding the Town Meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on October 30 in the commission chambers to discuss what each person can do to help our schools. The letter is to be sent inviting the governor, state officials, school cabinet members, state legislative delegation, U. S. Senators, Congressman Mica, Congressman McCollum, school board and superintendents, school principals from Ocoee Elementary, Spring Lake Elementary, Ocoee Middle, West Orange High, Whitney, and Clarcona, and said he wants to show some property to them that he feels would be suitable for a school complex. 2) Announced again the bike Safety Fest sponsored by the Rotary Club. 3) Displayed a map showing bike trails, rails to trail, and horse trails throughout the City that he has devised and asked for input. He said also that canoe trails would be possible on Starke Lake and Lake Prima Vista. Mr. Shapiro said that Janet has contacted Ben Biscan to have a meeting to determine how interested the railroad is in pursuing this. He then advised that information was available on the receptionist's counter regarding the 7th cent sales tax. Mayor Vandergrift asked to be included in the meeting with Mr. Biscan. 4) Suggested forming a committee to develop the idea of the trails in the City. 7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting October 7,1997 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Attest: Je APPROVED: City of Ocoee SS:~~ S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 8