HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-97 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 4, 1997 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. R.L. Johnston, Harvest Church of God, led in prayer and Frances Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Howell and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City EngineerlUtilities Director Shira, Director of Community Relations/Projects Resnik, Planning Director Wagner, Building Official Flippen, Finance Director Horton, Public Works Director Smith, Finance Supervisor Carter, Police Chief Mark and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PRESENTATIONS RETIREMENT CHAIR AND PLAQUE TO POLICE SERGEANT WILLIAM A. (ANDY) GAl LIT - 1973 - 1997. Police Chief Mark gave a brief history of Sergeant Gailit's career with the City and presented him with a plaque. Sergeant Gailit expressed his appreciation and introduced his wife, Susan, and children, Rachel, William and Sara. Mayor Vandergrift presented Mr. Gailit with a retirement rocking chair. PROCLAMATIONS - None. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of items A. B. C. D and E. Commissioners Howell and Anderson pulled items B and C for discussion. Commissioner Glass. seconded bv Commissioner Howell. moved to approve items A. D. and E of the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of October 21. 1997: Special Final Budget Session of September 10. 1997: Joint Special Session Apopka.Ocoee. Winter Garden to Review Western Beltway Route of October 10.1995: Canvassin2 Board Meetin2 of November 3.1993: and Budget Workshop of AU2ust 12. 1996. D. Approval and Authorization to Permit Temporary Road Closure of East Oakland Avenue for Historical Commission Arts & Crafts Festival. E. Appointment to Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (3 year term). (Sam Woodson was reappointed, but John Lemminn was not at his request.) Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 4,1997 Items B. and C. of the consent agenda were discussed at this point, with item C. being discussed first. Commissioner Howell had pulled agenda item III. C from the consent agenda to ask who the applicant for the reduction in impact fees had hired to do the traffic count on the other stores. Planning Director Wagner said they had hired a private firm who did a thorough traffic study and the City's traffic consultants concurred with their review. Commissioner Glass said he had had similar questions and asked that in the future, the traffic consultant provide the addresses of the sample businesses. C. Approval and Authorization for Alternative Impact Fee Calculation for Burger King at Good Homes Plaza. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the Alternative Impact Fee Calculation for Burger King at Good Homes Plaza. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson had pulled agenda item III. B from the consent agenda to question the wording in note 13 regarding "minimizing disruption." As the wording was acceptable to the rest of the Commission, no change was ordered. B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Fenwick Cove (Wesmere Villages 6&7) Subdivision Plat. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the Fenwick Cove (Wesmere Villages 6 & 7) Subdivision Plat and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute. Motion carried 4-1. (Commissioner Howell voted no.) COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, read a prepared statement regarding Kissimmee A venue. She asked that a stripe be painted down the center of Kissimmee Avenue, from Washington Street down to McKey Street. She said Founders Day had come and gone and still the restrooms had not been installed by Starke Lake. City Manager Shapiro said the final plans were with the mechanical engineer and would be installed as soon as possible. Mrs. Watts also asked that the curfew be reinstated in Pioneer Key Parks because kids stand around in the streets late at night. Mr. Shapiro said he would give the Commission a report on the effectiveness of the curfew and then ask them for direction. Mrs. Watts recalled when the first I cent tax was imposed... it was never removed. She presented Mayor Vandergrift a sign that said, "A penny saved is a penny taxed." ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE BY COMMISSIONERS Mavor Vanderg:rift: I) Mayor Vandergrift made a public apology to the television crew for the comments he made at the last Commission meeting. 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 4,1997 Commissioner Parker: I) Announced that a Community Forum on Building Construction Concerns would be held on Wednesday, November 12, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers, and encouraged all citizens to attend. 2) Asked that the City provide transportation for the Youth Leadership Club. City Mana2er Shapiro said the City would have to make a few modifications to its insurance plan to make sure the students were covered. 3) Announced Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11, 1997, 11:00 a.m., at the Municipal Complex Gazebo. Commissioner Howell: I) Explained that he had voted no on the Wesmere project because he felt the City needed to slow down on its growth. Commissioner Anderson: No comments at this time. Commissioner Glass: No comments at this time. PUBLIC HEARINGS LAKE LOTTA (AKA WEST OAKS) MALL DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI) NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGE (NOPC). FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER, LAKE LOTTA MALL DRI (AKA WEST OAKS MALL). Planning Director Wagner presented the staff report, displayed a map on the overhead projector and said that the AMC Movie Theaters, located at the West Oaks Mall, would like to expand its theater space from 14 screens to 24 screens. The proposed change would allow an increase of 35,000 square feet in the total square footage of the theater area, for a total of 95,000 square feet GLA, and increase the total number of seats permitted by 2,000 for a total of 5,000 seats. The change would require amendments to the Lake Lotta Mall DR! Development Order, the West Oaks Mall PUD, the Development Agreement, the Final Subdivision Plan and the Final Site Plan. Commissioner Anderson asked Jim Grant, GGP Homart representative, what the mall was going to do to increase security with the additional theaters and Mr. Grant said they would do whatever is necessary. Mr. Grant also said that the increase in traffic would be beneficial to other businesses. The public hearing was opened. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked whether the City's police officers were allowed on private property inside the mall. City Manager Shapiro explained that mall security normally takes care of their problems inside the mall, and the City's police officers take care of problems outside of the mall. 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 4,1997 The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Mavor Vandergrift. moved to approve the Notice of Proposed Change and the First Amendment to the Development Order for the Lake Lotta Mall DR!. also known as the West Oaks Mall. date stamped received by the City on September 30. 1997. Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioners Howell and Parker voting against. WEST OAKS MALL PUD LAND USE PLAN - CONDITIONS OF ApPROVAL AMENDMENT, PROJECT #94-011. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE No. 97-31 City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. Planning Director Wagner presented the staff report and explained that Ordinance 97-31 would amend the local zoning approval for the West Oaks Mall PUD to allow the Mall to implement the proposed changes described in the previous agenda item. Ordinance 97-31, if adopted, would amend Condition II in the Land Use Plan Conditions of Approval for the West Oaks Mall PUD. The emphasis of these changes was to allow the Mall to exchange some of the square footage originally approved as shopping center space for the proposed additional theater space. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to find this amendment consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. and to approve Ordinance 97-3 L which would amend condition 11 (Sheet 6 of 14) of the Land Use Plan Conditions of Approval for the West Oaks Mall PUD as presented. Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioners Howell and Parker voting no. THIRD AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (WEST OAKS MALL) WEST OAKS MALL - AMENDMENT TO FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN WEST OAKS MALL - AMENDMENT TO FINAL SITE PLAN FOR LOTS 1,2,3,4, & 5. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve the Third Amendment to the Development Agreement for the West Oaks Mall; the corresponding amendment to the Final Subdivision Plan for the West Oaks Mall; the corresponding amendment to the Final Site Plan for the West Oaks Mall. and to make all four of the above approvals subiect to the First Amendment to the Lake Lotta Mall DR! Development Order becoming effective. Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioners Howell and Parker voting no. Due to the large number of citizens present to speak to the Traffic and Safety issues related to Spring Lake Elementary, that item was taken out of agenda order and considered at this time. However, the items will be reported in these minutes in agenda order. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE No. 97-32, AMENDING PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS - ADDING/CHANGING HOLIDAYS. (Consideration of this item began at 10:21 p.m.) 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 4,1997 City Attorney Rosenthal read this Ordinance by title only. The proposed Ordinance adds Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as an official City holiday and allows the City Commission to set the Christmas Eve holiday as either the day before or the day after the Christmas Day holiday. The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner HowelL moved to approve Ordinance 97-32 - Amending Personnel Rules and Regulations - adding/changing holidays. as presented. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Anderson voting no. City Manager Shapiro suggested to Commission that they set the Christmas Holiday for the 26th of December this year in order to provide a four-day weekend holiday. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to set the Christmas Holiday to December 26. 1997. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: TRAFFIC AND SAFETY ISSUES RELATED TO SPRING LAKES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Community Relations/Projects Director Resnik presented the staff report explaining the five options created by staff in response to the directions given in the September 24 meeting with Ocoee City Commission and the staff of Orange County Schools, including Spring Lake Elementary School Principal Sheila Johnson, Senior Director of Elementary Education Nick Gledich, and Safety Programs Administrator David Greenwood. Those options were: I) Creating a new access to Spring Lake Elementary School from A.D. Mims Road, west of the proposed entrance to the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Plant and future recreational complex. This access was proposed for parents only, in an effort to separate the cars from the bus traffic and alleviate the stacking problem in the Spring Lake Circle area. 2) An internal one-way loop on school property, taking cars from the entrance to the school, around the property set aside for recreation, and continuing back through the area where the sewer plant is, and back to the existing loop where parents drop off and pick up their children. This opting provides as much stacking room as Option No. 1. It provides for the separation of bus and car traffic once the vehicles reach school property. 3) Creating a driveway off of the new proposed driveway leading to the recreational complex and wastewater treatment plant, heading west to the school property and then connecting to the existing loop where parents drop off and pick up their children. This driveway would result in either a loss of volume in the existing holding pond or a redesign of the soccer field/track. 4) Creating a second access through the Nancy Ann Woods subdivision, through Sal Street and Leslie Ann Lane. Although this would relieve some of the traffic problems in the Spring Lake Circle area, it would simply shift the problem to another neighborhood without creating ample stacking area for parents' vehicles off of public streets. 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 4,1997 5) A vehicular connection from Sarah Lee Lane to the back of the school where the school's wastewater treatment plant is located. When the treatment plant is removed, a paved vehicular access from Sarah Lee Lane could be constructed to include a driveway loop at the location of the treatment plant. To limit the number of vehicles going in and out of the neighborhood, it was suggested that this could be for school bus traffic only. There are only six or seven buses. The existing bus loading area could then be used as additional space for parent cars and loading those children. With the new bus loop, a fence would be installed to prohibit access to the school from this driveway after school hours. Mayor Vandergrift invited Mrs. Sheila Johnson, Spring Lake Elementary School Principal, and her staff to the lectern and asked that they introduce themselves. They introduced themselves as follows: David Greenwood, Safety Programs Administrator for the school district, John D. Smith, Project Manager for Orange County schools and John Webb, Engineering Consultant for Orange County schools. Mrs. Sheila Johnson gave pros and cons of Option 5, said there would still be a question of safety for children walking and on bicycles with Option 5, and she offered other alternatives. Mr. David Greenwood said that with the addition of the street hooking up to Sara Lee Lane, the area where the school buses come in on the north side of the campus, they would want to park the day care vans in that back area as well. Commission reached consensus to go with Option No.5 and let staff work out details and bring back to Commission for their review. RECESS 9: 1 0 p.m. - 9: 19 p.m. BEECH RECREATION CENTER PRESENTATIONS (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER). 1) ADVANCED BUILDING CONTRACTORS 2) DJ HA YCOOK CONSTRUCTION CO. 3) HUNTER - NELSON, INC. 4) SCHMITT BUILDERS, INc. Finance Supervisor Carter presented the staff report and asked the Commission to rank the firms for the design/build contract for the Beech Multipurpose Recreation Facility and to authorize the Selection Committee to begin contract negotiations with the number one ranked design/build firm. Mr. Carter noted that through the request for proposal process, Gee and Jenson had been hired as the City's Design Criteria Professionals to produce project specification and the Design/Construction Criteria Package. Mrs. Laura Nemethy, Senior Associate with Gee and Jenson, gave a brief history of the project, explained why the design/build approach was chosen and how it works. Presentations were made by representatives from each firm listed above and each Commissioner was asked to rank the presenters. Upon tallying the results, the ranking was as follows: 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 4,1997 I) D.J. Haycook Construction Co. 2) Hunter-Nelson Inc. 3) Advanced Building Contractors 4) Schmitt Builders Inc. Commissioner Howell. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the rankings of the designlbuild firms for the Beech Recreation Center. and to authorize the Selection Committee to begin contract negotiations with the number on ranked designlbuild firm. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: MOST VALUABLE PARTNERSHIP (MVP) AWARDS - OCOEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD MATCHING GRANTS PROGRAM. This item was tabled to the November 18, 1997, regular Commission meeting. DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: CITY OF OCOEE/ORANGE COUNTY!WEST OAKS SQUARE, INC. WASTE WATER AGREEMENT. City EngineerlUtilities Director Shira presented the staff report and explained that this proposed agreement was for the provision of sanitary sewer service to a parcel of land which lies within the City of Ocoee but outside the city's utility service area. The parcel is proposed to be developed as a professional office site. Plans have been submitted to the City and are under review. The site plans refer to the project as "Lake Lotta Professional Park." Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Orange County/City Ocoee/ West Oaks Square. Inc. Wastewater Agreement for DeMinimus Capacity. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: WATER REUSE SYSTEM - CLARKE ROAD. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira presented the staff report and explained that the City began its design of the water reuse system that would initially serve the area along Clarke Road north and south of A.D. Mims Road. The developer of The Reserve, a single family subdivision on the east side of Clarke Road at A.D. Mims, entered into an agreement with the City to construct left turn lanes on Clarke Road at the entrances to The Reserve and Reflections, the subdivision on the west side of Clarke Road. To avoid having the turn lanes constructed, only to be torn up in a few months for the construction of the reuse line, staff asked the contractor who is to build the turn lanes to provide the City with a price proposal for the construction of the segment of reuse line that lies within the limits of the turn lane project. Staff believes it would be best to construct this segment of the reuse line concurrent with the construction of the turn lanes, with payment for the reuse line work to come from the $2.79 million allocated for the reclaimed water system in the recent utility bond issue. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to authorize Blue Ox Land Services. Inc. to proceed with construction of the water reuse facilities as described in their proposal dated 10/10/97 for the not-to-exceed fee of $58.001040. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/AcTION RE: REJECT/REBID CITY HALL SIDING PROJECT. 7 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting November 4, 1997 There were no staff reports for this item. Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to reject all bids on the City HalllPolice Station Siding and Trim Replacement project and gO back out to bid. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS - None. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Howell: 1.2 Asked for an update on the Sullivan ditch. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira said the bid for that project was due in by November I L 1997. 2) Thanked the City on behalf of the Orlando Rescue Mission for donating bicycles to the children for Christmas. Commissioner Anderson: Had no comments at this time. Commissioner Glass: I) Would like to have the City of Port Richey Resolution come back on the next agenda. 2} Thanked all those who attended the town meeting on schools on Thursday, October 30, 1997. Commissioner Parker: I) Announced the RSVP number 656-2218. 2} Announced that a Community Forum on Building Construction Concerns would be held on Wednesday, November 12, 1997, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Commission Chambers, and encouraged all citizens to attend. Mayor Vandergrift: I) Mentioned the issue of serious overcrowding in Orange County schools. 2) Reminded that the City would be hosting the Cities of Winter Garden, Windermere and Apopka for ajoint city meeting on Monday, November 10, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:37 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: 8