HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-05-95 \. MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 5, 1995 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commISSIOn chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in the prayer and Mrs. Hilda Ems, Chairman of S.A.L.T., led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Gleason, and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Personnel Director Psaledakis, Planning Director Wagner, Building Official Flippen, Recreation Director Beech, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION Mayor Vandergrift awarded Certificates of Recognition to Matt Enochs, Donnie Burkhalter and J.C. Bray, and commended each for their honesty in recovering a billfold and immediately returning it fully intact to its owner. ~ Mayor Vandergrift announced that earlier in the day Blake Davis had also been presented a similar award at his school. REPORT ON FOUNDERS' DAY EVENT Former Commissioner Betty Hager, 1994 Founders' Day Chairman, reported the receipts and expenditures for Founders' Day for last year as well as this year, noting that the City had donated $3,000 each year and that the balance on hand at this time was $1.636.90. Mr. John Resnik, 1995 Founders' Day Chairman, reported the problems to be considered for correction before next year's Founders' Day observance: sound system, spacing, storage of signs, and lack of citizen involvement. He also noted that this was the appropriate time to appoint a new chairman. Mavor Vandersrrift. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to aoooint Betty Hager to chair the 1996 Founders' Day observance. Motion carried 5-0. --..... Following discussion regarding whether the City should indefinitely continue the obligation/responsibility for funding the annual occasion or whether the program should be expected to become self-supporting, Commissioner Gleason moved to donate only enough from the budgeted $3,000 to ensure that the committee had $3,000 to start the next year's program. That motion died for lack of a second. Later, Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to retain the $3.000 budgeted and donate $1.400 of that budgeted amount to the Founders' Day orogram (which. added to the $1.600 balance from 1995 would give the committee $3.000 total to begin with) with the understanding that the remainder is in ~ Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting December 5, 1995 contingency in the budget and available if the committee needs to ask for it later in the year. Motion carried 5-0. PROCLAMATION Mayor Vandergrift read a proclamation proclaiming December 1995 as National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month and Friday, December 15, 1995 as National Lights on for Life Day. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of item A. Commissioner Anderson said that he believed that "Registered" on page 17 should be "Certified." He also said that staff had satisfied his questions regarding notification if insurance is cancelled. Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoorove the consent agenda as corrected. Motion carried 5-0. A. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Contract for Design Criteria Professional with Gee and Jenson Engineers-Architects-Planners. Inc. ~ COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, President of the Grandmother's Club, expressed appreciation to Commission for use of the Community Center on Wednesdays, and also to Jim Beech and Bruce Nordquist for preparing the rooms for them. Ms. Watts also asked what happened to the bicycle policemen. City Manager Shapiro said that he will inquire and respond in writing. RECESS 8:15 P.M. - 8:25 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTION No. 95-18, VACATING B.C. TERRY RIGHT-OF-WAY (CONTINUED FROM 10/17/95 AND 11/21/95). City Attorney Rosenthal read the resolution by title only. Planning Director Wagner gave the staff report presenting three options, Le., (1) Denial of the entire Roadway Vacation, (2) Acceptance of the Roadway Vacation subject to reservation of a public drainage and utility easement over the entire vacated portion of the Roadway, and (3) Acceptance of the entire Roadway Vacation subject to reservation of a public drainage and utility easement over only those portions of the Roadway where drainage and utilities must be accommodated. Mr. Wagner said that staff recommends adoption of Resolution No. 95-18 (Option Three) vacating all of B.C. Terry Road south of the BellSouth Switching Station, subject to reservation of a public drainage and utility easement over a portion of the vacated Roadway, and further subject to Sun- Tec Builders, Inc. furnishing a regrading plan satisfactory to the City Engineer for the vacated portion of the Roadway and undertaking all on-site work at their expense. "" 2 ~ Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting December 5, 1995 The public hearing was reopened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked if anyone had tried to sell the property instead of giving it away. He was advised that the land was originally dedicated as road right of way, the law controls how such land may be redesignated, and selling the land was not an option. Mr. Richard Quaid, 7220 Bay Club Way, representing SunVest Development and SunTec Builders, spoke in favor of the vacation. Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to aoorove Resolution No. 95-18. as staff recommended usinl! Ootion 3. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE No. 95-29, AMENDING ORDINANCE No.91-08, RELATING TO GENERAL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT TRUST FuND. SECOND READING AND PuBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 19, 1995. This Ordinance was presented by title only for the first reading. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the second reading and public hearing would be held on December 19, 1995 at approximately 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. ~ REORGANIZATION OF COMMISSION ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEM. Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. nominated Commissioner Johnson to serve as Mayor oro tem for the next year. Motion carried 5-0. APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS - NEED REPRESENTATIVES EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to aoooint Mayor Vanderl!rift as reoresentative to the East Central Florida Regional Planninl! Council. Motion carried 5-0. WEST ORANGE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to recommend Commissioner Gleason as Ocoee's reoresentative to the West Oranl!e Chamber of Commerce. Motion carried 5-0. CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT - EX OFFICIO MEMBER Mavor Vandersrrift. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. nominated Commissioner Glass to serve as Ex Officio Member to the Citizen Advisory Council for Police Deoartment. Motion carried 5-0. RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD - EX OFFICIO MEMBER Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Glass. nominated Commissioner Anderson as Ex Officio Member to the Recreation Advisorv Board. Motion carried 5-0. ~ 3 -...... Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting December 5, 1995 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE COMMITTEE - MEMBER Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. nominated Commissioner Gleason as Member to the Educational Incentive Committee. Motion carried 5-0. INNOVATIVE IDEA COMMITTEE - MEMBER Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. nominated Commissioner Glass as Member to the Innovative Idea Committee. Motion carried 5-0. ~ PERSONNEL BOARD - MEMBER (CURRENT TERM EXPIRES MARCH 1996). Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to aoooint Commissioner Johnson as Member (with term to exoire March 1997) to the Personnel Board. Motion carried 5-0. ESTABLISH NEW ELECTION DAY, ETC. PER HOUSE BILL 1273 City Attorney Rosenthal explained that Orange County Supervisor of Elections had announced that she could/would no longer cooperate with municipalities in holding municipal elections concurrent with any national/state/county elections, and that legislation had been passed permitting municipalities to change election dates by ordinance and without going to referendum. He stated further that other details concerning election, such as the appropriate time for swearing in following election, extension/shortening of terms to accommodate the new election date, qualifying dates, qualifying fees, etc., could be included in the same ordinance. Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to adoot Februarv 1997 for the election date for Mayor. District 1 and District 3 and Februarv 1998 for District 2 and District 4 election. using the same Tuesday in Februarv set by Windermere and Winter Garden for the regular election date. with the present terms extended to accommodate that date. Motion carried 5-0. SWEARING IN Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to hold the swearing in ceremony of elected officials immediately orior to the next commission meeting following the election. Motion carried 5-0. QUALIFYING DATES Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to limit the Qualifying dates to 5 working davs. Motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION/ APPROVAL OF RFP AND SELECTION COMMITTEE TO SELECT ATTORNEY FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. City Manager Shapiro gave the staff report. Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to aoooint Commissioner Glass to the Selection Committee and gO with the makeuo of the Committee as recommended by City Manager. Le.. City '- 4 '--' Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting December 5, 1995 Attorney. Chairman of the Code Enforcement Board. Buildinl! Official Don Fliooen. Chief Strosnider. and a City Commissioner. and aoorove the RFP as oresented. Motion carried 5-0. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to reaoooint LaITY Chestney and Jim Sills to serve a 3 year term. exoirinl! Januarv. 1999. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro announced that the Florida "Gators" were playing January 2, 1996 and suggested moving the regular commission meeting to January 3. Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to chanl!e the rel!Ular commission date from Januarv 2 to Wednesday. January 3. 1996. Motion carried 5-0. \.w COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Gleason: 1) Announced annual Christmas caroling at the Gazebo on December 16 at 7:00 p.m. 2) Asked when the results of the employee surveys would be distributed. City Mana~er Shapiro responded that the report may be ready by the end of the week. 3) Said citizens had called to express appreciation for the quick action in getting the recreation equipment restored at Tiger Minor Park and asked if the lights are on a timer. 4) Proposed initiating a program of regularly recognizing good students and offered to work with principals of local schools to get the names of students to be recognized. 5) Congratulated Commissioner Anderson. 6) Reminded all of the workshop scheduled for December 14 at 7:00 p.m. to consider drainage, Kissimmee Avenue/Story Road Intersection and Maguire Road. Commissioner Glass: 1) Asked that the City Attorney review the possibility of imposing a curfew in limited geographic areas as there continues to be a problem with young people roaming through the night. There was consensus that such direction should be given to City Attorney Rosenthal. 2) Asked about Mr. Shapiro's promised written response to his evaluation. Mr. Shapiro said that, on the advice of his personal attorney. he had not done it, but would at a later date. He said he would talk about it privately, but not in open meeting just yet. 3) Noted that the Commission had returned to jackets for the meetings. Commissioner Johnson: 1) Asked about the easements behind the houses on Ridgefield where the meters were moved to the front of the lots. Mr. Shapiro responded that he had given it to City ~ 5 '-' Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting December 5, 1995 Engineer Shira and will get a report. He recalled that the delay may have been that the department was locating similar situations all over town to incorporate into one action. 2) Asked that Police monitor speeders at Flewelling and Russell. Mr. Shapiro said for the record that he did not get the speed bumps on the agenda due to time constraints but that it would be on soon. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Expressed appreciation for the professionalism and assistance of Commission and staff. Mayor Vandersrrift: 8) Apologized to Mary Myers (present in the audience) for not making her meeting. Noted that the Christmas lights are up and should remember to replenish them in the next budget. Also noted that some of the lights on McKey Street are obscured due to tree limbs that should be trimmed. Encouraged citizens to use live trees instead of cut trees and then plant them after Christmas. Said that he read in the West Orange Times about Colony Plaza Hotel's change in their method of operation and Commission should be informed by staff when such a situation occurs rather than having to read about it in the newspaper. Asked that inspectors check out the house under construction on Libby's Lane and Cullens Court where the felt has been blown back and the board exposed. Asked that the garbage can in front of the boat dock be painted green instead of orange. Discussed the handout he had distributed before the meeting regarding the Building and Development Commission he wished to establish. This will be an agenda item December 19. Announced the broadcast of the Ocoee and Winter Garden Christmas Parades after the broadcast of this meeting. Introduced Commissioner Anderson's wife, Linda, who was present in the audience. 1) 2) 3) 4) '-" 5) 6) 7) 9) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. APPROVED: City of Ocoee ..1 / ~~ S. Scott Van ergrift, May '-' 6