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The meeting started informally, and Mayor Vandergrift at a later point in the meeting
verified that all commissioners were present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Johnson, Anderson, Glass, and Gleason.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal,
Administrative Services Director Beamer, PPTD Supervisor Elmore, Planning
Director Wagner, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, and City Clerk
City Manager Shapiro introduced the three items to be discussed, (1) Kissimmee Ave/Story
Road and Marshall Farms/Maguire Road Intersections, (2) Maguire Road, and (3)
Drainage Issues.
Administrative Services Director Beamer introduced the PEC representatives present, Ken
Hooper, David Hamstra, Gregg Teague, and Lisa Steele, and the First Union
representatives, Philip Roberts, and Mark Galvez. Ms. Beamer reviewed the background
'- and discussed money in the bank, $5.95 million. She said the City would recommend (1)
utilizing some of the existing funds to begin construction on the improvements and (2)
working with Orange County for a contribution to be made to the improvements due to the
Services building on Story Road. Commissioner Gleason asked about the realistic
participation of the county. Ms. Beamer said this would be considered a 100 percent City
project but the county and the state would be asked for contributions. The engineering for
this project is in place to ask the state for 80/20 monies. City Manager Shapiro said the
City has managed each case on its own and is taking the position that this can be done, but
if the citizens can be saved some money, there should be an attempt to do so.
Ms. Beamer then discussed Maguire Road and the successful acquisition of the necessary
right of way on a number of parcels that adjoin the road to do the improvements. She
discussed the timeliness of doing the engineering to apply for 80/20 money, and also looking
for cooperation from other jurisdictions or agencies.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about the $621,000 yearly debt service and the expected impact
fees from the mall. Ms. Beamer referred to the road impact fee chart and stated there is
a possibility of approximately $600,000 more from Lake Lotta. Mr. Vandergrift asked if
our normal growth would take care of Clarke Road with impact fees, and Ms. Beamer
answered in the affirmative. Mr. Shapiro advised that regular growth has covered necessary
road impact fees for road-building.
~ DECEMBER 14, 1995
There followed a discussion of bonds and the effect of the fluctuating interest rates on the
bonds and the possibility of refunding at a later date. Three points were made for
consideration for refunding: (1) a two-point drop in the interest rates; (2) the possibility of
a larger bond; and (3) what could be changed in the pledges. There followed a discussion
of pledges.
Ken Hooper, PEC, discussed the intersection improvements, which were started in May
1993. Using the overhead projector he displayed the Kissimmee Ave/Story Road and
Marshall Farms Road/Maguire Road areas and discussed the information provided in the
packet. He advised that appraisals and title work are necessary. In discussion about the
amount of traffic on Maguire Road and how the construction would progress and keep
traffic moving, he said an option would be working at night, which usually adds 25% to 35%
to the cost. City Manager Shapiro mentioned the other road work that would be ongoing
at the same time.
Mr. Hooper explained the 80/20 program established by the DOT. A question was asked
about the five-year plan, in which the City is not included, and Mr. Hooper stated there has
not been a formal request from the City to be included - but it has been discussed with Joint
'-" Planning, and it is one of the next steps.
Mayor Vandergrift raised a question concerning a swap with the state involving Highway
439. Thus far, the state has declined the swap.
Mr. Hooper referred to the packet information on Acquisition Costs Associated with
Kissimmee Avenue/ Story Road/Marshall Farms Road Improvement Project. Attorney
Rosenthal explained that, from an acquisition standpoint, the City would like to take an
approach similar to the one taken on Clarke Road to see if there could be some donations,
but he indicated this particular project might not lend itself to donations like Clarke Road.
Basic information would be needed so aD informed decision could be made, as the number
of voluntary acquisitions versus involuntary acquisitions would make predicting costs more
difficult. Once appraisals are in hand, the City will be in a much better position to
estimate costs for the project.
In response to his question whether the southwest and southeast sides of the intersection
of Maguire and Story Roads are in unincorporated Orange County or in the City, Mayor
Vandergrift was advised that they are in the City, and further, that right-of-way of those
parcels was acquired with the annexation, but the corner clips have to be acquired through
~ DECEMBER 14, 1995
A question was raised about The Real Estate Consortium and Matonis MacDermott
DeRango Sorich and the two different delivery dates. Discussion followed.
Attorney Rosenthal discussed the fees from Fidelity Title and Guaranty Company for title
search reports.
Mr. Hooper began discussion of Maguire Road, indicating this project is more complicated
and the road has some high growth potential. The first phase of the widening of Maguire
Road would be from Roberson Road to Tomyn Road in anticipation of the widening of the
Maguire Road Turnpike overpass. Mr. Hooper explained the advantages of planning this
roadwork as it relates to the Turnpike overpass. He said this should be on the
Comprehensive Plan with the construction date of March 1997 set so a meeting can be held
with the Expressway Authority to state the intent of the City and how it relates to the
Turnpike overpass. If the Expressway Authority declines to widen the overpass, the project
would be stopped and would be considered "constrained."
Mr. Hooper stated the authorization to do Phase I would be presented at the first meeting
in January, and he referred to the planning-level cost estimates for design and construction
of the three (3) phases, indicating they are estimates only.
Mr. Shapiro further explained the advantages of doing Phase I first, citing especially the
beautification and the desire to make the neighborhood a good one.
RECESS 8:15 P.M. TO 8:40 P.M.
David Hamstra from PEC presented the city-wide storm water management program. The
presentation contents were (Part I) Ocoee Drainage Assignments and Basin Studies; (Part
II) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) NPDES Program; (Part III) Storm Water
Drainage Maintenance Program; (Part IV) Capital Improvement Program (CIP) For
Drainage Problem Areas; (Part V) Proposed Storm Water Utility Rate Increase.
Mr. Hamstra indicated that the City selected PEC to perform studies of the sixteen (16)
drainage basins contributing storm water runoff to the City's water bodies but that due to
excessive rainfall during 1994 and 1995, PEC diverted its attention towards investigating
various problem areas throughout the City.
He advised that recently a permanent exemption was granted by St. Johns Water
Management to clean and reshape the ditch behind Pioneer Key I adjacent to Mrs. Robbins'
'-" DECEMBER 14, 1995
property to remove the water more efficiently from the mobile home community. There was
an investigation of the retention pond off Silver Star Road and First Street and a detailed
investigation of the 28 problem areas throughout the City in developing the Capital
Improvement Program.
Mr. Hamstra stated an area north of the City recently annexed is called the McCormick
Road drainage basin by PEe. This brings the number of drainage basin studies to do over
the remaining five-year period to twelve (12). PEC will address issues such as flood control,
water quality, and problem areas.
PEC has distributed the basin studies over the five-year period with the areas for which they
felt the highest concerns scheduled first, and with those planned for the last three years
subject to change based on developing conditions.
Mr. Hamstra discussed the Federal Clean Water Act of 1972, the Water Quality Act of
1987, and the Federal Storm Water Regulations of 1990, and he explained why the City had
to submit a two-part application to the Federal Government regarding storm water. He
explained the Part 1 Permit Application and the Part II Permit Application. He stated the
NPDES Program is a federally unfunded mandate requiring the local level municipalities
to fix their problems; there will be no contribution from the Federal Government toward
costs. Once the permit is issued, it is good for five years. At the end of five years, the
program can be redefined. The most important component of the Part II Application is
called the Storm Water Management Program, which is the program the City proposed to
the Federal Government to clean up their water bodies to the maximum extent practicable,
(which is defined as doing the best the City can physically and financially handle). The only
concern of the Federal Government on this permit is water quality, not flood protection.
Mr. Hamstra read and explained the Storm Water Management Plan, which consists of nine
(9) components. In order to handle the programs the City has to put in place and regulate,
PEC suggested the City hire an additional engineer. Mr. Hamstra stated the City Manager
was in the process of selecting a Public Works Director and if that person has enough
experience regarding drainage, possibly he could do the Public Works job and delve into the
NPDES Program, precluding the requirement of a full time person dedicated strictly to the
NPDES Program.
Mr. Hamstra stated much of this program involves education of the public in order to
improve water quality. He said PEC staff would coordinate with the City attorney to
develop ordinances.
'-" DECEMBER 14, 1995
Mr. Hamstra discussed the Storm Water Drainage Maintenance Program, which involves
a pro-active method (scheduled or preventive maintenance) and a reactive method
(unscheduled or non-repetitive maintenance), data collection, present PPTD responsibilities,
drainage equipment, and staffing. City Manager Shapiro said implementing the program
would require the acquisition of a street sweeper as the old sweeper is broken again.
Mr. Hamstra reviewed the maintenance program description and the frequency of
maintenance using current staffing. He stated in order to achieve the maintenance
frequency that was requested a couple of years ago, and specifically to address the NPDES
requirements, the additional staffing and equipment as listed in the handout are needed.
Commissioner Glass asked if the NPDES requirement concerning the street sweeper
included a schedule for frequency of sweeping. Mr. Hamstra said no, but PEC did an
earlier inventory on the City streets which indicated how frequently the streets could be
maintained. A question was raised about private companies that do street-sweeping and it
was determined that they do exist but are expensive. City Manager Shapiro indicated that
using a vacuum would be the preferred method. He said if a company were hired, some of
the inlets could be vacuumed also. He said the cost of hiring a company compared to the
cost of having the equipment and staff to operate it is being investigated. The consensus
was the savings in the long term would be in having the equipment and personnel, but the
private company cost is being given for comparison purposes.
Mr. Hamstra reviewed the estimated cost of the program over a five-year period.
Capital Improvement Program for Drainage Problem Areas
Mr. Hamstra explained how the twenty-eight (28) problem areas were determined.
Drainage Problem Area No.1 - Dovetail Court (Coventry Subdivision)
The problems were discussed with the recommendation on alleviating the problem. He
indicated the correction of the groundwater seepage problem has to be balanced against the
recovery of retention ponds.
Mr. John Fergus, 2558 Dovetail Court, owner the last house of the six mentioned in the first
problem area, indicated he probably had more problems than anyone else because of the
direction of drainage. He said he still has water in the back of the house and has cut
trenches along the back and one side to divert the water away from the house. Following
was a discussion of the origins of the water and means to control it.
Mr. Ray Bronner stated he is a geologist and has lived in the third house of the six-house
area four years. He gave his analysis of the problem and indicated the control of the
groundwater was necessary to alleviate the drainage problem.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers. Commissioner Anderson led in the prayer and Mrs. Frances Watts led in the pledge
of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Gleason, and Johnson.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal,
Administrative Services Director Beamer, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira,
Personnel/Employee Relations Director Psaledakis, Building/Zoning Official
Flippen, Planning Director Wagner, Recreation Director Beech, and City Clerk
Mayor Vandergrift recognized City Buyer Mark Brace who recently had qualified for
accreditation as a Certified Professional Public Buyer.
Mayor Vandergrift expressed appreciation to the following employees with 5 years of service
with the City, and awarded City of Ocoee watches to them:
Building Department -
Fire Department -
Personnel Department -
Police Department -
Public Works -
Recreation Department -
Utilities Department -
Eddie Hendrix
James Kelley, Jr.
Peggy Psaledakis, Debbie Bertling
Brad Dreasher
Judy Henry, Richard Jeunette
Bruce Nordquist
Ted Moore, Glen Brimer
Employees with 5 years of service who were unable to attend the meeting were:
Administrative Services -
Building Department -
Fire Department -
Police Department -
Public Works -
Utilities Department -
Lisa Strickland.
Jim Washington, Eddie Hendrix.
Dennis Trimble, Ken Minnick, David Whitaker,
Joe Moy.
Brad Dreasher, Billy Adams.
Alice Tate-Barnett, Keith Keller.
Jeanne Washington, Ernie Kovacs.
'--' DECEMBER 14, 1995
Mr. Hooper indicated all three areas are related to the Sawmill Subdivision. He advised
that an existing natural depression was utilized as a storm water management facility. With
the high rainfall in 1994 and 1995, this depression exceeded its historical peak flood stage.
Because the depression cannot recover quickly enough, PEC is recommending a control
structure that will discharge water to the lake to the south when necessary. City Manager
Shapiro indicated this is an example where capitalization of the correction of the problem
is probably going to be less expensive for ten to fifteen years than the continued cost of
removing trees, fences, sod, etc.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about the new part of Clarke Road that flooded, and Mr. Shapiro
said that was the result of poor maintenance by the contractors of the new facility, and the
problem has been corrected. There followed a discussion of the problem regarding the
retention pond and the lake in that area.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if Lake. Sawmill had been discussed with Orange County. Mr.
Shapiro said the County had washed its hands of the situation, advising it is the problem of
the City. Mr. Hamstra reported he had seen a memorandum from the County that listed
problem areas throughout the entire County, one of which is the main pond next to the
entrance to the Sawmill Subdivision. PEC contacted the Orange County Stormwater
Management Department and Highway Maintenance. A two-page memorandum was
prepared by those departments assessing the problem and stating three possible solutions.
Mr. Hamstra advised it is the perception of the County that this is a joint problem on which
the County will not proceed until the City approaches them. He said there would have to
be a determination made on the amount of responsibility between the County and the City.
A question was raised that if the problem was there 30 or so years ago why would it be
perceived by the County to be the problem of the City. Mr. Hamstra replied that the area
experienced a 20-year drought cycle and is returning to normal rainfall. The County sees
the Sawmill Subdivision and the entrance road as possible contributors to the problem.
More questions were raised about a long-standing problem, and a discussion followed. Mr.
Shapiro advised that it is likely that when the City can show it has the capital to do these
jobs, there will be a chance to get help from the County.
Mr. Hamstra advised that underdrains would be subdivision-wide in Sawmill, and Mr.
Shapiro stated that the majority of the water problems in Sawmill would be handled in
Phase I.
Mr. Shapiro advised that the City is in the process of getting the final settlement agreement
for Amber Ridge and should have it in the next week or two. The funding is set aside for
this project.
'-' DECEMBER 14, 1995
More discussion followed concerning the Sawmill Subdivision problems. Special note was
made of problems a Mr. Martinez was experiencing in that the County had put sandbags on
his property to hold back the water. Mr. Shapiro said the majority of the problems would
be solved by the first and second portions of the project.
Mr. Hamstra next presented the two phases of the Capital Improvement Program: Phase
1 (Flood Protection and Localized Flooding) and Phase 2 (Stormwater Ponds). Eighteen
(18) problem areas are listed in Phase 1 along with a solution to the problem and its
estimated cost. He stated that last week a submission was made to the St. Johns Water
Management District regarding permitting on the projects. A response was received
December 13, 1995, stating the following projects are exempt from permits: Kimball Drive
(install ribbon curb), Little Spring Hill/Northern Durango (replace damaged storm sewer
pipes), Windswept Court in Highlands of Ocoee (install interceptor inlet and pipe),
Sullivan/Silver Star Ditch (install inlets and pipes), Lakeview Village (replace inlet), Nancy
Ann Terrace (replace damaged storm sewer pipes), Miscellaneous Drainage and Roadway
Improvements (includes 59 individual projects throughout the City of Ocoee). Mr. Hamstra
then discussed the cost of the two phases, funding, and yearly debt service.
Mr. Hamstra then reviewed the proposed stormwater utility rate increase, indicating the
yearly cost including operating expense, the maintenance program, and the NPDES
Program. He discussed revenue from residences and the West Oaks Mall with proposed
increases in the monthly storm water fee. Mr. Shapiro pointed out that the projected
surplus for FY 2000 should be $114,589 instead of $14,589.
Mr. Mark Eltin discussed financing options. He said there would be a mix of debt-financing
and pay-as-you-go. The debt-financing portion would be to cover Phase I improvements,
and the pay-as-you-go would cover 1999 on for Phase 2. He advised there are the options
of bank loan versus bond issue, and fixed rate versus variable rate. With the interest rates
low, the preference would be fixed rate debt. He discussed the pros and cons of bank loan
versus bond issue and made recommendations regarding terms of financing. Discussion
Mr. Hooper summarized the presentation and offered to go with the Commissioners to the
Homeowner Association meetings. Commissioner Gleason raised a question about the
magnitude of the projects and the debt associated with them, and Mr. Shapiro assured
everyone that the City is very conservative in its plans. Mr. Hooper said the presentation
was the approach to be brought before the City on the January agenda. Mr. Shapiro
suggested that anyone who wanted a particular drainage project changed or added should
contact City Engineer Shira's office because this project would probably be presented the
first or second meeting in January.
'-'" DECEMBER 14, 1995
Mr. Vandergrift stated he had a problem with the presentation as he is a fan of pay-as-you-
go and he believed 60% to 80% of what was shown during the presentation could be done
in-house. Mr. Hooper indicated there is not enough staff in the City to remedy the
problems in-house. Discussion followed.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
S. Scott Vandergrift, May