HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-26-06 Minutes CRA ire C.ettter of Good r
CO 144
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida
October 26, 2006 MINUTES 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift called the Community Redevelopment Area Board together at 6:00 p.m. in the
Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum
Roll Call: Board Member Hood, Board Member C. Johnson, Board Member Anderson, Chairman
Vandergrift, Board Member Keller, Board Member Corless and Board Member R. Johnson.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Eikenberry, Assistant City
Manager Croteau
1. Highway 50 Overlay
Overlay District, Community Development Director Wagner
Community Development Director Wagner, made a PowerPoint presentation on the Highway
50 Overlay District. He said he feels this is a spectacular vision for the City. He explained that
the City currently has an Activity Center Overlay District along the State Road 50 Corridor that
was created in 1999. Overlay Districts provide special regulations for certain areas of the City
where special conditions exist. For the Activity Center Overlay, they had a general framework
plan that guided some specific civic uses within the area. The most important aspect of the
Activity Center is when they adopted the updated Commercial and Industrial Development
Standards; that set the pattern for the development that you have seen today.
Mr. Wagner stated the overly pattern that they need to develop today for the CRA is similar, but
a bit more complex, This will move them from a more suburban type of development to an
urban type of development. This will require an entirely different set of rules and regulations
because of expansion of density and intensity of development. An urban pattern development is
a vertically integrated mixed use type development; multi story buildings and multiple uses.
There would be a combination of uses such as retail and residential all in one building or one
complex. Currently we have suburban development which is mostly horizontally integrated
separation of uses; urban development is integration of all those uses into one area. The overlay
district will also cause us to evaluate traffic, utilities, and land use patterns in the area to handle
the increased intensity of development and to look at expansion of current site development
standards and architectural standards to accommodate vertical structures in the area.
Mr. Wagner continued by saying there will be a two pronged implementation of the Overlay
District; the long range vision which will set the framework for everything that happens in the
State Road 50 Corridor, and secondly the plan around Lake Bennett that will be presented by
Randy June and his team. He said Mr. June's team has done a great job, not just developing their
own project, but creating a framework for the entire State Road 50 Corridor. They need the
direction from the Board so that they can move ahead and began expending funds in the CRA
budget to hire various consultants to assist in developing the Overlay Plan and the Lake Bennett
Plan. The primary purpose of the workshop is to get clear direction from the Board so that they
feel that they on the right track. Surrounding local governments such as Maitland and Winter
Park have been experiencing some controversy regarding the changing urban pattern in these
communities. It is important that the Board gives us guidance in moving forward.
This plan will change the direction of roadways and traffic in the area and they will be presenting
very specific concepts that are very different then what has been done in the past. There will be
a lot of changes needed to the Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan. They do not know
right now who will be paying for what between the developers and the CRA. Tonight they are
just presenting the Vision and the goals they have to move forward. This project will change the
character of development in the City. He said he has been striving for many years to get one
group of people to develop the properties around Lake Bennett Area; Randy June and Chuck
Hawthorne have done a very impressive job in the initial vision of this project.
2. Mainstreet Urban Village
Design Team, headed by Randy June
Ian Lockwood, of Glading Jackson, said they will be presenting the framework ideas for the
street networks, land use components, and traffic impacts to the area. They have been working
with the Design Team and City staff trying to develop an area of a walkable, vibrant, and
economically successful place where people can live, work, and play. They have created the
strategy to get you where they think you want to be. He gave a PowerPoint presentation. He
showed other areas such as Boston, Seaside FL, South Beach Miami, and Victoria BC that are all
very different, but all very nice places because they have a good street network "bones of the
city" and buildings up to the street. He said good cities with great downtown areas have
connective networks of streets that have improved the car carrying capacity.
Mr. Lockwood explained the street network that needed to be developed to achieve good car
and pedestrian traffics, as well as public transportation. He also showed some examples of
buildings being set up to the street such as grocery stores, self storage, home improvements, etc.
He showed the plan to reorganize roads in Ocoee, and discussed short term and long term
improvements to the network of streets. He said the downtown area would be created with
connective network of small streets and blocks. He described how Story Road would connect
the entire CRA network of roads together from the redeveloped mall, west to Winter Garden.
He reminded the Board that they have one historic opportunity to get the street networking
correct. It is difficult and costly to make changes if it is not done correctly. He discussed the
possibilities as the CRA area continues to evolve:
Story Road would connect network of roads
Extending west in the future to Ocoee Apopka Road
Many alternative routes would be created to avoid State Road 50
Bike Lanes and Trails would be included
New Trail network hugging the lakes and wetlands
Links to the West Orange Trail
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Mayor Vandergrift asked if the area is formulated for brick streets. He said the brick street
concept acts as traffic calming, aesthetic value, and in the long term is less expensive because it
lasts forever. Mr. Lockwood said there are a few streets that are important for civic reasons and
they would like to keep them as brick streets, the others could be asphalt. He said they can
expand the number of brick streets if the Commission desires.
Commissioner Keller said he is not real fond of the bike lanes in the road because it is
dangerous for the kids. Is there a possibility to add wide sidewalks instead? Mr. Lockwood
said most of what they planned is trails that are off the roadway. There was discussion about
different ways of how pedestrian traffic and bicyclists can be accommodated, including a
protected bike lane where the sidewalks run parallel. He added that you do not see that much in
this area and they would be a leader in that concept if they did it that way.
Board Member Corless commended the Board with regards to focusing on the connectivity
throughout the CRA and the community. She said many people are recreational bikers and
taking the level of sophistication up a level by providing a protected area is something that
should be considered. She also applauded the concept of having Story Road become a
connecting parkway for east/west traffic helping to relieve traffic off of State Road 50.
There was a lengthy discussion about the design concept for rerouting Story Road, including the
straightening of new road and repairing the old road as a civic area with Farmer's Markets, etc.
to preserve history and purpose of the old road.
Michael Morrissey, of Morrissey Residential Design, town architect for the new development
in Winter Garden called Oakland Park; he also created the guidelines for Baldwin Park and
worked in Celebration. He said Ocoee had viability for mixed use community in the Lake
Bennett area. If you build residential units, intermingled with commercial, retail, restaurants,
and professional offices you create a very vital community. Then you add the improved street
work, buildings exposed at the street, and other things that engage residents. The lake and tree
canopy in the area of Lake Bennett also would enhance that community. The Lake Bennett Area
is a great opportunity for Ocoee to identify itself by creating a sense of place, with an
architectural edge that would be inviting to everyone. It would be a Commercial District, as well
as a true downtown district, and will still pay tribute to the historic downtown district near
McKey. All of the buildings would have exposure to the Lake and the Park area and they would
need a focal point in the middle of the lake such as the fountain at Lake Eola.
Mr. Morrissey continued stating that Main Street would have 5 -7 story buildings around the
commercial area with all parking being on the inside of the block. The architecture would be in
scale and proportion but there would be no "theming" of the buildings; they may have Spanish
architecture, next to renaissance, next to classical, etc. in a typical streetscape.
Shoal Creek wetland area is another existing phenomenal piece of the environment that those on
the north end would get to enjoy. Those to the South get Lake Bennett. People living on
north/south streets have use of each of these. He continued with PowerPoint presentation
regarding building architecture, park attribute, traffic issues, etc. that will make up the first seed
of the future CRA.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about the alley theory for parking cars. Mr. Morrissey stated that
they would be public roads even though they are rarely used by anyone other than those wishing
to park at their homes.
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Commissioner Anderson asked what effect would the five to seven story buildings have on the
open sunlight available to all areas of the property. Mr. Morrissey said one of the great things
about the layout of this parcel is that all areas will collect a large amount of light at some part of
the day; none of them will be kept in the shade.
Commissioner Keller asked if the width of the streets will allow for fire vehicles and garbage
vehicles to pass through. Mr. Morrissey said fire access is on the top of their list when
designing these projects. The requirement for such vehicles to pass is twenty feet, and these
streets have more than twenty even with vehicles parked on both sides.
Mayor Vandergrift asked what would separate living facilities from tenements that get run
down over the years. Mr. Morrissey advised those are fee simple residential properties without
the urban character from being integrated with mixed use.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the concept of having apartments over businesses going to happen
here? Mr. Morrissey said yes, they would promote that.
Dennis Foltz, Clermont, asked if all blocks have commercial on the first floor and residences
above or are some blocks solid commercial or solid residential. Mr. Morrissey said some
blocks are all residential, the focus is to have mixed on Main Street and as it moves outward
from there it would be all residential blocks.
Board Member C. Johnson asked if public transportation has been integrated into this
community. Mr. Morrissey said they want to encourage walking and public transit, by adding
in -lane bus stops on the A streets and adding bus shelters. Bus pullouts would take out a lot of
parking spaces.
Brent Lacey, Director of Transportation, Planning and Engineering at Glading Jackson.
He said they have been talking a lot about "good bones" and his job is to hang the meat (traffic)
on the bones. He discussed the study area and said the total numbers of residential and
employments are based on Land Use Plan in the Regional Transportation model used to
determine what amount of traffic will be on the roadways system between Maguire and Clarke.
With this project, those numbers are modified with the growth in residential (approx. 2,000) and
employment population (approx. 1,000). When they add this roadway network, making the
Story Road connection, and including the anticipated network in the CRA area where the mall
and Auto Auction are, the numbers will surprise you because the volumes drop (trips per day on
State Road 50). He stated that buses stopping on the street within the proposed network of
streets would only impact four or five cars; it would not create a major problem. He added that
even increased population the preliminary reports show that the road networks will provide relief
to State Road 50, Clarke Road, Maguire, and other surrounding roads. He said traffic would also
drop along Old Winter Garden Road with this project in place.
David Townsend, said he is the owner of the property on the north side of the planned
development and wants to build a residential rental community. He asked the square footage of
total buildable space per block. One of the Team members advised there is a FAR of 3 for this
area and that is what they are currently using as a guide. Mr. Townsend said there is
approximately 120,000 square feet of buildable space, not including park areas. He said that
would mean he would have to park 480 cars in a block. He said that would have to be factored
into the rent which would create rentals that are $2 per square foot which in not economically
feasible. He asked about a timeline for this project because he would like to start his apartment
complex within the year. There was some discussion regarding which road networks would have
to be built prior to construction to support the additional traffic.
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Commissioner Anderson and Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. June about particular map points
in the area of the (new) Story Road and the (new) Bluford.
Randy June said there has been a lot going on with this property for five or six years. Every
time they thought they had it put together something would happen to delay it. They are in a
position to make this happen. All the big box stores such as Costco, Home Depot etc. would
love to have this area, but that is not the Vision we would like to see happen here. If they are
going to make this happen, they have to do it quick. They have a great team put together, all of
whom are easy to work with. They have some problems to resolve, they have some good
financing tools such as the CDD and the CRA and they will need help with the City to figure out
how to make it all work. They want brick streets, five acre parks, large Oak Trees (where Costco
would like to be).
Commissioner Johnson said he wants to thank Randy June and his Vision for coming up with a
plan that everyone would be proud to have in the City. He said everyone wants to come into
Ocoee and build apartments or big buildings, but he said he wants this Board and the
Commission to focus on concepts like this one that they can all be proud of and where they can
go and spend time around the lake.
Commissioner Anderson thanked Randy June for sticking with this project when everyone else
has fallen by the wayside. He has been a part of this community for a long time and he has a
personal involvement in making this happen. He said he would like to make sure they can help
out whenever possible.
Mr. Hawthorne said there is an opportunity for the CRA to put some Overlay guidelines that
will impact the quality of life for the Lake Bennett area as well as the entire district as it moves
forward to other developments.
Commissioner Anderson asked if they start looking at overlays for streets, would they need to
hire a consultant or can they use what they have? Mr. Lacey advised that he can work
simultaneously with the City and private developers.
Mayor Vandergrift said this looks like a great concept and now they have to look at the
feasibility of making this concept work.
Community Development Director Wagner said they have earmarked $150,000 for
consultants just for this purpose. They are going to have to figure out the best approach to get
this moving, they are not going to be able to go out for RFPs on everything. They will use some
money for continuing services, but may need to go out for an RFP for some of the specialized
studies such as comprehensive planning aspects and design issues. They will use the help of
Randy's team as much as possible. They need to get Randy's team going with the shorter term
projects going while they are simultaneously working on the longer range planning, so it will be
an intensive effort.
Mayor Vandergrift asked how much money they have in the CRA. Assistant City Manager
Croteau said there is no money at this time; the projected revenue is around $290,000 in
January. Mayor Vandergrift said the money will have to be borrowed from the City. Ms.
Croteau said the Interlocal Agreement is set up so that can occur as needed. City Attorney
Rosenthal said it will more likely come in the form of an agreement that needs funding, and at
that time would ask for authorization for an interfund loan.
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Tom Kohler, advised he is a CRA Expert, said half of the funds are coming from the City
anyway, by law all the funds have to be in the CRA budget by January 1, 2007. Mayor
Vandergrift said whatever they have budgeted in the General Budget they should put in the
CRA and then the CRA can pay the City back. He asked for that to be placed on a Commission
Agenda to get it started. Assistant City Manager Croteau said they are not looking for
approval of any money at this time; she just needs for the board to authorize them to move
forward with the transportation study.
Community Development Director Wagner said the Board and the Commission really need to
think about how much they want to support this effort because there will be a lot of Public
Hearings and some opposition.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if we needed an agenda item to move the budgeted money over to the
CRA. City Attorney Rosenthal said Finance Director Horton will advise if there is a need for
an agenda item to move funds into the CRA.
Consensus of the Commission, without objection, is to move forward with the
traffic study and general concepts presented here tonight.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m..
As other Board members were leaving, Mayor Vandergrift asked if this presentation can be
condensed and given to the Planning and Zoning Board. City Attorney Rosenthal said they
need to be careful not to "memorialize" this in its conceptual design phase. He added that some
of these issues will be coming to the Commission in the calendar year, beginning with DRC, and
then Planning and Zoning in November and a Public Hearing in December. He said they are
moving forward quickly. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like them to know about the
concepts are being considered as long as they are aware that it may or may not happen; but it was
just a thought. No other Board members were present to express their opinion on this issue.
:m" i ken •erry, Secretary S. Scott Vandergrift, Chair
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