HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-29-10 Minutes CRA (approved) be center of ofGood Lit,L1Lt,
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida
September 29,2010 MINUTES 5:58 p.m.
CRA Board Chairman Vandergrift called the Community Redevelopment Area Board
together at 5:58 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called
roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Member Hood, Member Wilsen, Chairman Vandergrift, Member Keller, Member
Corless, Member C. Johnson and Vice-Chair R. Johnson
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Eikenberry, CRA
Administrator Russ Wagner and Development Services Director Shadrix.
I. Designation of Chair and Vice-Chair
Member Keller, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to appoint Chair Vandergrift
and Vice-Chair R. Johnson. Motion carried unanimously.
H. Approval of Minutes of the October 6,2009 Regular Board Meeting and the June 8,
2010 Joint Meeting with the Ocoee Planning& Zoning Commission
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Keller, moved to approve the minutes with
a correction to show Member Wilsen as present at the meeting. Motion carried
Development Services Director Shadrix made brief remarks on the information that is going to
be presented in the budget and upcoming projects of the Community Redevelopment Agency.
HI. Presentation—Events Center Feasibility Study C.H.Johnson Consulting,Inc.
Charlie Johnson, of C.H. Johnson Consulting of Chicago, IL gave a presentation on the
market study of building an event center in Ocoee and how it will economically benefit the city.
He suggested starting with a 15,000-20,000 square foot exhibition hall which could be used for
banquets, small concerts, trade-shows, etc. He further projected the venue to host approximately
400 events yearly, attracting about 130,000-150,000 people yearly; thus increasing economic
growth in Ocoee. A specific site for this project has not been identified; however, the CRA target
areas lend themselves to be supportive of a project of this volume. Working in conjunction with
Orange County will help the city tap into the hospitality taxes being collected which will defer
funding for a project of this volume. He explained now that the initial market study has been
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performed, the next step is to estimate site location, budget, size, cost estimate and daily
operations. Member C. Johnson arrived at 6:08 p.m. Member C. Johnson inquired how the
market study projected the number of events and attendance. Charlie Johnson stated they use
the current market for the area and immediate surrounding area, types of events, financials of
other facilities and case study coupled with the area economy and environment. Chair
Vandergrift inquired about the hospitality tax and if the city would be responsible for paying
that if they built an event center. Charlie Johnson commented that the hotels/motels are already
paying the tax. Chair Vandergrift inquired how many people would it take to operate the
facility. Charlie Johnson responded that there may be 10-20 core employees within the
building; however, there may be up to 75 people working on a given day as contractors. Chair
Vandergrift inquired about the 30-40 acres of land use needed. Charlie Johnson suggested
maybe 6-10 acres of land for the facility. Chair Vandergrift inquired of CRA Administrator
Wagner the action he is seeking from the board. CRA Administrator Wagner stated this could
be the centerpiece project with the right partners at the right time. A project of this nature could
be a catalyst for economic growth in the area. There is money that has been allocated in the
budget for phase two of the market study analysis, and he suggested the City move forward over
the next year. Member Hood commented that the only thing the City could use to attract people
is a cost advantage. Member R. Johnson commented on how to move the city forward in the
future is to stir economic growth. Member C. Johnson inquired if this was part of the
redevelopment plan or was this something that will be added. CRA Administrator Wagner
stated this idea of mixed use and multi-use development has always been an integral part of the
redevelopment plan. Member C. Johnson suggested enumerating this project in the CRA, and
further inquired if there has been any public dialog surrounding this project. Development
Services Director Shadrix commented that they will look into amending the development plan,
and they have been involved in focus groups discussing projects of this nature. CRA
Administrator Wagner stated they have not involved the general public, but as they move
forward into the second phase they can advertise and solicit public opinion. Member Corless
said the Community Redevelopment Plan may not have identified an events center in the CIP as
a line item, however, we did speak to creating a cultural center and opportunity to bring the
community together within the CRA to help facilitate opportunities to promote the community
venues and subsequently economic development; there are goals and objectives that support it
but she agrees with Member C. Johnson that we should take a look at modifying the capital plans
in the future. Chair Vandergrift inquired if we adopt this into the budget will the stated amount
include staff and how will the project be funded and a reminder that the city is at half the income
of what they had last year. CRA Administrator Wagner stated the next step in the feasibility
analysis study is to determine funding. Mayor Vandergrift said the CRA is at half the income
we were at last year; we may need to wait and see where we are going.
a) Review of FY 2010/2011 Budget
CRA Administrator Wagner made mention that the main component of the budget in 2009/10
was to develop a marketing plan and website. He stated they have been successful thus far in
developing their marketing strategy and introducing the Ocoee passion flower as the emblem
which will be used in market strategy by utilizing a play on words with the emblem. With focus
on marketing and developing a city image, the CRA is promoting a progressive city, a modern up
to date city with hassle free development programs.
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A few projects from 2009/10 will carry over into the 2010/11 budget year. An example of those
projects will be the Blackwood Avenue Project and the development of a signature look for
Ocoee through redesigning the street signs, landscape and lighting specific to Ocoee. He referred
the board to the handouts for project specifics.
Rolling into the budget discussion CRA Administrator Wagner stated the revenues have
decreased due to the tax value decrease; however, there was a significant amount of carry over so
the budget for 2010/11 is comparable to 2009/10 with a little less than $1,000,000 available.
CRA Administrator Wagner stated the new position would be a staff member out in the field
interacting hands-on with the public and field staff. Chair Vandergrift interrupted to ask if the
board had any specific questions regarding the budget. Member C. Johnson asked about
specific funding by the CRA of form base code, multi model transportation mobility plan, etc; if
they were part of the CRA or city wide in which the CRA will be contributing partial funding.
CRA Administrator Wagner stated the form-based code will initially apply on to the CRA, but
it needs to be defined better from the special overlay plan. The form-based code could be used in
other areas of the city over time. The multi-modal plan is solely geared to the CRA, but can be
used by other areas of the city. Chair Vandergrift requested that we become the first CRA with
a green initiative, and to purchase a hybrid vehicle under $25,000. He further requested televised
coverage of the CRA meeting to be paid out of the budget as a separate line item. Chair
Vandergrift moved to adopt the resolution and budget taking into account his suggestion to
purchase a hybrid vehicle and have television coverage for the meeting. Attorney Rosenthal
read the title of Resolution 2010-001. Chair Vandergrift solicited comments from the audience,
and there were none. Chair Vandergrift moved to adopt the resolution and budget to include
line items for television and purchase of a green vehicle. Discussion ensued regarding the budget
and if any line items needed to be adjusted.
Chair Vandergrift, seconded by Member Keller, moved to approve the resolution
and budget; with money from contingency to pay for television coverage and the
purchase of a hybrid vehicle.
In reviewing uniform line item Member C. Johnson inquired as to the uniforms. CRA
Administrator Wagner stated the line item is for shirts and hats. Member Hood inquired who
hires for the CRA. Attorney Rosenthal advised that the employee would be considered a regular
city employee; therefore, the city will do the hiring as there is an agreement between the city and
Ocoee Community Redevelopment Agency. Chair Vandergrift asked if there was any further
discussion on the motion. Discussion ensued as to what was the original motion. Chair
Vandergrift stated his motion was to adopt the resolution for the budget with the hybrid vehicle
and televising of the meetings. Attorney Rosenthal reiterated the original motion. Member
Wilsen inquired if it was necessary to act upon a budget adjustment for a hybrid vehicle if
money was already allocated in the budget for a vehicle. Attorney Rosenthal stated the question
is the type of vehicle allocated in the budget. Discussion ensued as to the type versus cost of
vehicle allocated in the budget.
Member R. Johnson inquired if CRA Administrator Wagner was the CRA Specialist and if
someone would be hired into the position. CRA Administrator Wagner stated he was not;
however, a new position has been budgeted and he gave a brief description of the job
responsibilities. Member R. Johnson opposed creating a new position for an individual to
perform based upon the current job responsibilities stated. Further he questioned hiring someone
for a job CRA Administrator Wager is already performing. The board continued to discuss the
need for a new position and its intent. Chair Vandergrift mentioned how Winter Garden has
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individuals employed to find and apply for grants that would aid the City in development.
Member Wilsen reiterated how the job responsibilities of this position differ from those of the
Winter Garden employee. Member Hood stated how the salary amount for the position is
excessive to the job responsibilities. Chair Vandergrift said they could amend the motion to
remove the position. Member C. Johnson inquired if there was more information that staff
could share about exactly what the intent is for that position. Member R. Johnson asked to
revisit the position at another CRA meeting. Member Keller inquired about moving the
allocated funds into the contingency fund and conducting a follow-up meeting to determine how
to use the funds. Chair Vandergrift moved to amend the motion to include moving the $54,750
budgeted for new personnel into contingency. Discussion regarding amending the motion
ensued. It was determined that $54,750 in the budget for personnel services will be moved to
contingency as a line item pending further review and the acquisition of a job description for the
specialist position.
Member Keller, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to amend the previous
motion, further adding to move $54,750 from personnel services to contingency
as a line item under operating expenses; pending a iob description for the CRA
Specialist position and approval at a later date.
Member Hood then suggested that if the budgeted expense for additional personnel was moved
to contingency, then the vehicle purchase should also be moved to the contingency fund.
Member Hood, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to amend the amendment to
the amendment to the previous motion to include $25,045 of capital outlay of
budgeted expense for the purchase of a new vehicle in the contingency fund.
Motion passed unanimously.
Member Keller, seconded by Member Wilsen moved to approve the amendment
as amended to move $54,750 from personnel services to contingency as a line
item under operating expenses; pending a job description for the CRA Specialist
position and approval at a later date and to include $25,045 of capital outlay of
budgeted expense for the purchase of a new vehicle into the contingency fund.
Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Vandergrift, seconded by Member Keller moved to approve the resolution
with the Exhibit "A" budget information reflecting the amendments previously
voted upon by the Community Redevelopment Agency. Motion passed
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
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Beth Eikenberry, Secretary S. Scott Vandergrift, Chair