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Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
October 16,2012 MINUTES 6:00 p.m.
Chairman Vandergrift called the Community Redevelopment Area Board to order at 6:00 p.m.
in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a
quorum present.
Roll Call: Member Hood, Member Wilsen, Vice-Chair C. Johnson, Chairman
Vandergrift, Member Corless, Member R. Johnson, and Member Keller
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Eikenberry, CRA
Administrator Russ Wagner and Assistant City Manager Shadrix.
I. Annual Designation of Board Chair and Vice Chair
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Corless, moved to nominate Member R.
Johnson as Board Chair. Motion carried 7-0.
Member C. Johnson, seconded by Member R. Johnson, moved to nominate
Member Corless as CRA Board Vice Chair. Motion carried 7-0.
Member Keller, seconded by Member Wilsen, moved to close the nominations.
Motion carried 7-0.
Member Keller, seconded by Chair Vandergrift, moved to elect Member R.
Johnson as CRA Board Chair and Member Corless as CRA Board Vice Chair.
Motion carried 7-0.
There was discussion about who should chair the meeting tonight. City Attorney Cookson
suggested the newly elected Chair and Vice Chair should begin at the next meeting.
II. Approval of Minutes of the April 17,2012 Regular CRA Board Meeting
City Manager Frank noted that the attorneys name under the "Also Present" section needed to
be changed to City Attorney Cookson.
Member C. Johnson noted that under the roll call section,the two members with the same last
name were reversed; it should read Vice Chair C. Johnson, and Member R. Johnson. She also
asked that a line at the bottom of page 3 be stricken as her intent was clearer that line removed.
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Keller, moved to approve the CRA minutes
of the Meeting on April 17, 2012, with the requested changes. Motion carried 7-0.
III. Review and Discussion of FY 2012/2013 Budget
CRA Administrator Wagner noted that the budget books have been distributed. He said the
packet included and pictorial reminder of the projects they have been involved in. Many of the
projects have been previously presented to the board. He said he will not give a PowerPoint
presentation; he will give an overview of the projects.
He advised the Blackwood Avenue Streetscape project is now 100% complete. This includes the
landscaping, LED lighting, crosswalk improvements, new bus shelters, the Ocoee CRA icon
sign, and irrigation. He said the completion of this beatification project was timely with the
acquisition of the hospital by Orlando Health.
Mr. Wagner stated the iShopOcoee website is up and running with all of the bugs worked out.
Mr. Wagner also advised that the tax abatement ordinance has been passed by the voters. It is
not solely a CRA project, but it does relate to the CRA. It was passed by the Commission and
the voters of the City.
Regarding development within the CRA, Mr. Wagner said the RAM project at Bluford and SR
50, is the first phase of Target Area II. The gas station is under construction, but more
importantly the infrastructure improvements (sewer and water), new turn lanes on Bluford, and
the initiation of Maine Street are underway as well.
CRA Administrator Wagner said there has been a lot more developer interest over the past year.
Previous few years there was no interest. We have quite a few people talking with Development
Services Staff with regard to projects including a number of fast food restaurants and another gas
station. Also, within the community there is a lot more residential activity adding to the potential
for new growth in the CRA area.
At this time the CRA is focusing at marketing and image building. We are looking at this in a
multi-faceted way. We have been proceeding with the capital projects that we have money for;
we are doing projects that stabilize existing business such as our iShopOcoee program; and we
looking at long range strategic projects like the Tri City Partnership effort that is getting
underway shortly.
CRA Administrator Wagner pointed to a display of the CRA logo with the tag line "Creating
Great Places." He added that in the planning and development world it is all about quality of
place. Business are looking for communities that have this quality of place which includes
territorial assets such as entertainment venues, cultural venues, openness and welcoming
atmosphere of the community, and the aesthetics and beauty of the community. This all goes
into a marketing program to attract what is termed the creative class. He added that Orlando
made a "creative village" where they tore down the old arena and they are trying to attract high
tech companies and entrepreneurs to the area. This multi-faceted marketing approach we are
trying to accomplish is part of a package of creating the atmosphere that brings people into the
CRA Administrator Wagner stated that next year, many of the projects we are working on will
continue. He said he will recap some of the projects that they are working on. He encouraged
the board members to stop him and ask questions as he goes over them:
CRA Board 10-16-12 Page 2
Multi-Modal Mobility Plan—The Phase II portion of the study made slight headway during the year due
to some logistical issues. The study is now back on track for a satisfactory completion next year including
a presentation to the CRA Board.
CRA Administrator Wagner said they had a recent meeting with the local consultant on this and they
are finally back on track; he hoped it will be wrapped up in the next couple of months and will be back to
give a presentation on it in the next couple of months.
Overlay Design Standards — A portion of the Standards document was completed; however, consulting
staff changes caused a significant delay in the project. Staff has since met with the new Project Manager
for the project, and a satisfactory completion is expected during the coming budget year including a
presentation to the CRA Board.
CRA Administrator Wagner said some of the local consulting firms have gone through some staff
transitions and had been bought out. The firm involved with this project has some staff changes and we
are back on track now with that project and that should be wrapped up also in the next several months and
will be presenting that to the board as well.
Target Area 4 & 5 Overlay Plans—No funds were expended during the year on these planning studies
due to a limited economic outlook during the beginning of the year in addition to logistical problems with
the Overview Design Standards Study. The new budget proposes a potential new master planning effort
over one of these target areas as part of the Tri-City Partnership.
As a result of the issues with consulting firms, this project did not get started. He said he was going to
advise them about a different effort they might undertake next year, carrying over that money, that will
still be a design initiative.
Member Corless asked about the timeframe of the Multi Model Mobility Plan and the Overlay Design
Standards as she is very interested in those two topic areas and wants to be part of the review process and
progress on those two things in particular. Mr. Wagner advises the final draft for the Multi Model
Mobility Plan should be coming in next week, and he would be getting back to her very soon on that. He
added that the Overlay Design Standards will take a while longer, probably two or three months. He
would like to make a formal presentation on both of those items at the next CRA meeting. He said any of
the members that would like to be kept updated, to let him know and he will be happy to send them
information. Chairman Vandergrift asked that he just make it a matter of standard that all board
members are kept on track of progress being made,to which Mr. Wagner acknowledged that he would.
Tri-Cities Partnership — this sub-regional consortium of Apopka, Ocoee, and Winter Garden was
formed out of what was known as the 429 Working Group. The intent of this effort is to create a
combined Marketing/ Branding Program for the local market area to improve awareness of our economy
to support job creating businesses. All three cities have agreed to cost-share the services of a national
marketing consultant to help frame this effort and publicize our area's demographic strengths to the
appropriate audiences. No CRA funds are allocated for this effort, although the Ocoee CRA Area will be
featured within the study effort to stimulate redevelopment plans.
Mr. Wagner said the Tri-City partnership is not paid for out of CRA funds, however they CRA is
directly involved in that it involves economic development for the entire city. The city has allocated
$30,000 toward this effort. We think this will be one of the most significant strategic economic
developments the city will undertake. It will help create an image and branding for the area and give it
more exposure. This area has been so under-marketed over the years that even the local people don't
understand the market potential. There are 180,000 people and 60,000 jobs existing today between the
three cities. It is a huge market potential and we feel if we can market it we will get a lot of interest from
business moving here as well as local businesses, such as a Darden restaurant, who may want to come out
to that area. That is the type of company that we want to attract to make them realize they have missed a
good market area. This partnership should go a long way to help future growth.
CRA Board 10-16-12 Page 3
Joint Interchange Master Plan — While no scope of services has been developed for a study, staff has
collaborated with Winter Garden staff to discuss the need for a Joint Master Plan to cover lands on both
sides of SR 429 from the Turnpike Interchange to north of the Franklin / Plant Street Interchange. This
project would be undertaken after completion of the Tri-Cities Marketing Study and utilize findings from
that research to guide future development scenarios.
Some of the money from Target Area 4 & 5 will be used for this. One of the ideas that came out of the
conversations on the Tri-Cities partnership is to create a Master Plan for the 429 corridor, primarily with
Winter Garden. It would extend from the Auto Auction area over the Franklin Street Interchange area. It
is all related to development within our CRA. This may come later in the year, but he feels it will be a
great effort for a marketing piece that we can get out to the developers.
Rail Service— The Florida Central Railroad finally secured participation from all the communities along
the existing rail lines to contribute to the planned Rail Upgrade Project. The proposed joint contract has
been submitted to the City for adoption, which should occur before the first of the year. There are no
CRA funds being directly expended for this project, but the future spin-off benefits of upgraded freight
service and excursion/passenger train service will improve redevelopment potential within the CRA.
He stated on the City Commission Agenda later tonight, we finally have the contract with the Florida
Central Railroad for the rail upgrade project. It took a long time to get all of the cities together for this
contract. Hopefully that will be underway soon and we will see results in about a year.
Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Ordinance— Staff guided efforts during the past year to facilitate adoption
of a state-sanctioned incentive program to promote job creation and economic development in the
community. The City's ordinance virtually duplicates Orange County's ordinance to ensure coordination
and compatibility. It permits exemption of ad-valorem taxes on new buildings and equipment for certain
businesses which create new jobs at targeted levels. No CRA funds were directly expended on this effort,
but it is a tool that can be utilized within the CRA to promote job creation and economic improvement.
Mr. Wagner discussed the Ad Valorem Exemption Ordinance, which was passed by the Commission
and overwhelmingly supported by a referendum vote of Ocoee residents. It was modeled after Orange
County's ordinance. He hopes it will be one more tool in our tool belt for any businesses considering
locating in Ocoee.
LYNX Interface — dialog with LYNX continued throughout the year on new bus stop installations
throughout the City and participation in their Alternatives Analysis for the SR 50 corridor. The City has
promoted inclusion of all forms of future transit service including rapid bus, express bus, premium bus,
light rail, and circulator trolleys in addition to passenger rail options including use of our existing rail
CRA Administrator Wagner said we are continuing our dialogue with Lynx. Lynx is underway with an
Alternatives Analysis for the SR 50 corridor, but it is moving slowly. Member C. Johnson stated at the
last Lynx Board meeting two weeks ago they selected a consultant and are probably now in the midst of
negotiating with him to begin the effort. Mr. Wagner explained the study encompasses all types of
transportation in the corridor, from all types of bus services (rapid, express, premium buses) as well as
rail, pedestrian, bicycles, and autos. We have a super stop at the mall at this time and we know Lynx
plans to continue to use Ocoee as a major stopping off point for all of their systems.
Member Corless asked if there has been communication with Lynx about being placed on the Project
Advisory Working Group, because it would be very advantageous to have a strong voice from Ocoee on
that board. Mr. Wagner said they are well aware of our interest and said they would include us, but we
have not formally asked for a spot on that board and we will follow up on that. Member C.Johnson said
she spoke with the Lynx project manager and expressed that the SR50 corridor traverses many
jurisdictions and each city should be part of the process. She stated that they embraced that idea.
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West Oaks Mall — Staff has coordinated with local owner representatives during the past year
researching possible redevelopment options. Recently, a decision was made by GGP to auction the mall
so that a new owner could reposition the facility with a more marketable set of uses. Even though the mall
is not contained within actual CRA boundaries, its influence on the economic life of the community is
without question. During the coming year, CRA staff will help the new owner transition the facility to
uses which benefit businesses along the entire SR 50 corridor.
We have meet with the people from West Oaks Mall a few times; however the mall was up for auction
and recently sold for 15.5 million dollars, based on their returns on investment. It was built for$100,000.
He found out today that a private investor from New York City, Steve Maksin. He buys a lot of
distressed properties around the United States and renovates them; however at this time we do not know
what his intentions are with this property. Mayor Vandergrift asked if we can get contact information on
him to let him know we will work with him. Mr. Wagner said the real estate broker from New York
City is well aware of our interests and will try to lead him our way. The buyer has been told from the
beginning that the City of Ocoee is ready,willing, and able to assist in any way possible to bring this back
and the broker felt that was a positive aspect of the sale. Commissioner Johnson confirmed that the
purchase includes some vacant outparcels and the bookstore outparcel. Commissioner Keller asked if
there is any way we can talk them into a conference center. Mr.Wagner added that the real estate broker
said that it is very typical for the new reuse of malls to include unconventional uses which could be
churches, schools, hotels, events centers, libraries, etc. You have to be open to any kind of reuse
approach and they may be introducing residential into the project to incorporate a constant use of services
being offered.
Commissioner Johnson asked if there is a way to find out what his other acquisitions were turned into.
Mr. Wagner said they will research it. Commissioner Johnson said he thinks we need to get ahead of it
and let them know what we would like to see. Mr. Wagner said he just got his name today, so he will
track him down as best he can. The mall is just outside of the CRA, but there is a lot of overlap, because
what happens with the mall directly affects surrounding CRA areas.
Brownfield Area — Staff has investigated creating a Brownfield Area over portions of the established
areas of the community and along the 429 corridor, which could include portions of the CRA area. The
designation of these areas offers potential economic development incentives to businesses which locate
there in addition to clean-up grants for properties which are actually polluted. The creation of this zone
and its exact boundaries will be explored over the coming year and be coordinated with other CRA
Master Planning efforts.
CRA Administrator Wagner said the advantage of creating a Brownfield is a that they have their own tax
benefits and employment benefits; when combined the with tax ordinance that we passed a few months
ago a lot of the underlying rules that target certain types of business are waived if they are part of a
Brownfield. Winter Garden has a Brownfield that goes along the border on our west side. It goes along
with our master plan for the SR429 corridor. It should be a fairly easy process to put into place; we think
it can be accomplished in the next several months.
Economic Development Monitoring — A constant effort is made by staff to keep informed on all
contemporary trends in redevelopment and economic development which could impact the CRA. This
includes membership and attendance in FRA, ICSC, ULI, FEDC and other groups as well as monitoring
of local initiatives like the West Orange Airport Authority and the South Lake / West Orange
Transportation Task Force.
We are joining/attending all of the local redevelopment and economic development conferences.
Member Corless asked him if he will be attending the FRA conference in Daytona next week, and he
responded in the affirmative.
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Valencia College — City staff met with the President of Valencia College and his senior staff to update
them on the current status of the City and the desire to bring higher educational facilities into the
community. Some different ideas were tossed back and forth with the intent of continuing our dialog over
time as school plans were constantly changing. Staff is hoping that continuing dialog with Valencia will
result in future placement of a satellite school in our area to benefit residents and attract new growth.
Mr. Wagner said we had a meeting with the President and some of his senior staff. It was a good
meeting and they are interested in putting a facility in this area; they seemed very interested in the Coke
Property in particular. They will keep that dialogue going. They are facing funding cutbacks, but there
Capital Improvements Program shows money allocated for a facility in Horizon West and one in Apopka.
They did advise that a facility in the Ocoee area would be in addition to those two facilities. Mr.Wagner
added that timing will be an issue and our sales pitch is that we have current population today and could
perhaps get a satellite facility out here first and develop the other projects in the future.
CRA Emblem—The use of the CRA Logo on printed materials was expanded during the year to expose it
and our brand to a wider audience. Many comments have been received regarding its simplicity and
contemporary look, and most people are intrigued regarding its historical basis.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
CRA Website—Further enhancements to the ocoeecra.com website were minimal and took a backseat to
efforts to get the iShopOcoee.com website up and running. The CRA items remaining on the City's
Ocoee.org website will be transferred this coming year and any new items loaded onto the site.
Operationally, anyone using any three of the websites will be able to easily toggle back and forth between
all three.
Mr. Wagner said there will be doing more work on the website this year. They will be moving some
things over from the City website and getting the CRA site finalized.
Artwork — A poster was developed for promotional purposes reflecting a contemporary image for the
CRA. While the poster itself remains to be printed, the female centerpiece artwork was imprinted into the
iShopOcoee website and utilized on accompanying promotional items. Further use of this image will be
made with other marketing efforts.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
Roadway Icon — The new lighted Gateway Sign was fabricated and installed within the median of
Blackwood Avenue at SR 50. As a result of the success of this installation, modified versions of the sign
will be installed at other prominent locations along SR 50.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
Local Business Assistance— A local business owners meeting was held as a follow-up to a prior session,
and a presentation was made regarding CRA programs and the iShopOcoee website. This business group
is expected to further coalesce as marketing efforts for iShopOcoee take place to get businesses
CRA Administrator Wagner said the city had another Local Business Assistance meeting a few months
back in cooperation with a lot of city departments. He noted the Mayor and some commissioners
attended. He said when they get the iShopOcoee ready to go, this will be the first group they meet with.
Mayor Vandergrift said it has been about seven months and we need to expedite the community
CRA Board 10-16-12 Page 6
Central Florida Film Festival —The CRA once again was a major sponsor for this event held at the newly
renovated West Orange Cinema. An allocation of VIP passes to the CRA was utilized by local politicians,
City Board members, and interested citizens to help boost attendance. The CRA was also instrumental in
providing upgraded cover artwork for the Film Guide including a colored full page ad for the CRA.
Attendance at this event is quickly increasing, and the quality of films is improving greatly as the festival
reaches out to a wider audience.
Mr. Wagner said the CENFLO Festival was extremely successful this year. We enjoyed having local
people attend, but the real value was in getting international visitors who were filling up the local hotels.
We expect to continue our support this year, perhaps increase it. The budget shows $6000 allocated for
CENFLO. He advised they also allocated $2500 for Founder's Day, in line with the community outreach
cultural events. Commissioner Johnson advised Member Corless and Member C. Johnson contact him
so that he can give them passes for Founders' Day. Member Corless said she enjoys going to CENFLO
each year and would be happy to attend Founders' Day.
Colony Plaza— Some additional legal work was accomplished on behalf of the City and some additional
dialog occurred with the owner and a developer representing the owner of the abandoned gas station site.
Numerous inquiries have been made by developers regarding various strip commercial uses for the site,
but no one has come forward with anything similar to the adopted CRA Target Area 1 layout. Further
emphasis on resolving underlying issues on this site is expected to be pursued next year, but there are
very limited funds allocated for this purpose.
CRA Administrator Wagner said there has been discussion about getting the legal issues cleared up on
Colony Plaza so that we can get some development going. We have had some interested, but there
concepts were not consistent with out overlay plan. We need to keep working on this.
iShopOcoee Program— In order to assist and stabilize local businesses during the economic downturn, an
outreach program to "shop local" was researched, and the CRA contracted with WebQA to develop a
program to better market local businesses. This interactive website was demonstrated to the Board and at
the local business meeting. Getting the site up and running with over 900 businesses and 21 categories of
uses proved challenging and required further program improvements before staff was satisfied with its
operation. The program is now ready to go live to both businesses and residents alike. The new budget
provides funds to hire a temporary vendor who can actively market the program and get most users signed
up in what is hopefully a 4 — 6 month timeframe. Once up and running, City staff should be able to
maintain the system.
CRA Administrator Wagner said this is ready to go. He has put money in the budget to get an intern or
college student to go out and contact people at the local businesses to get them involved. Commissioner
Johnson said he knows someone from the Chamber of Commerce who might be good for that, he will
give Russ his name later. Commissioner Wilsen said we need to get moving on this, it has been going on
for a long time;the local businesses don't know anything about it yet. The last meeting we had was about
a year ago and it is not being proactive. Mayor Vandergrift said we cannot wait for business people to
walk in the door, we have to go out and bring them in. We are competing with Winter Garden. CRA
Administrator Wagner said Winter Garden and Apopka are very interested in getting in this program
themselves so we already have a leg up on them. He feels that is why the CRA needs a person to focus on
marketing this program so that it can be up and running in three or four months and then we can figure
out what the effort would be to maintain it. Commissioner Johnson suggested the iShopOcoee program
be placed on the ads at the Movie Theaters and it would be seen by thousands. Commissioner Wilsen said
she is just tired of us being behind; we should already be at this point and we need to step it up.
CRA Banners — The CRA banners outfitted on traffic signal poles along SR 50 and Old Winter Garden
Road have been an effective way to reach out to the community. Unfortunately, the concrete SR 50 pole
hardware has not proven to be serviceable, and many banners have been destroyed by the wind. A newer,
much stronger system will be utilized over the coming year to minimize reoccurring problems.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
CRA Board 10-16-12 Page 7
Chair Vandergrift said, in the interest of time,they needed to move forward from the presentation the to
the approval of the CRA budget. He stated that Board Members had read over the presentation
information and, at this time, should ask questions or make comments on a particular items that require
further discussion.
Event Center Feasibility Study - A meeting was held with the City's consultants and financial advisors to
explore ways to finance this project. The best approach required that a certain portion of the total cost be
committed up front to reduce the capital costs to support a sustainable operational loan amount. It was
recommended that a site be selected to be able to market the project effectively. Due to the economic
downturn and limited financing options, it was determined that this project would need to be pursued at a
later time, perhaps once the Tri-City Partnership study is completed and industry membership established.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
Blackwood Avenue — This streetscape project was completed and included upgraded landscaping,
irrigation, LED lighting, pedestrian improvements, decorative crosswalks, new bus shelters, and new
gateway icon. A revision was made to replace the pedestrian lighting at the crosswalk with conventional
streetlights, and the icon sign was retro-fitted with more high intensity LED lighting. The final result of
this project is a greatly enhanced roadway exhibiting a contemporary character.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
RAM Parcel —This project, contained within Target Area Two, has initiated construction and includes a
RaceTrac gas station, local roadways, sewer and water extensions, improvements to Bluford Avenue and
construction of the first leg of New Maine Street. The initial construction is the first phase of the largely
suburban form of development allowed within Target Area Two. Another developer has been negotiating
with City staff regarding further development within the urban portion of Target Area Two along the
Maine Street extension.
Mayor Vandergrift stated, at the RAM Parcel (RaceTrac), it does not appear that anyone is trying to
save those trees in front, there is no drip line marked off or anything. If you are not careful clearing the
land around oak trees they will die, and it looks like they are on their way to doing that. There is also a
tree in the woods that we wanted saved. There are no markings around those trees telling them not to
bulldoze beyond this point;there are big oak trees right in the front. We are the ones who need to enforce
that. Commissioner Johnson said that is one of the areas in the CRA that he would like to see something
get done. One way or another we have to push this plan to be what we wanted it to be. He said he gets
sick whenever he turns that corner and it looks like a parking lot for a 747. It is a shame what happened
there but we couldn't do anything about it. We need to encourage them and help them to door more.
Mayor Vandergrift said we also need to commend the people at McDonalds and the building near Texas
Roadhouse so that we promote that concept throughout the city.
Health Central — During the past year, this facility was purchased by Orlando Health. New management
has taken over, and the hospital expects to make significant upgrades to their campus over the next
several years. Senior City staff has met several times to discuss preliminary plans, and it is anticipated
that more intensive City involvement in the Hospital's Master Planning process will be occur shortly.
FDOT Coordination — City staff has met numerous times over the past year regarding plans to widen SR 50.
Discussions have focused on turn-lane improvements, intersection geometry, and the inclusion of parallel
roadways Maine Street and Old Winter Garden Road extension into the project. The first phase of the
widening from Good Homes Road to the West Oaks Mall entrance is already underway with a new bridge
planned over Lake Lotta. Numerous upgrades to sewer and water infrastructure need to be coordinated with
FDOT as will landscaping,traffic signal, and lighting upgrades along the corridor.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
CRA Board 10-16-12 Page 8
West Orange Cinema — During the past year, the planned renovations and expansion to the theater were
completed in time for the CENFLO Film Festival. City staff assisted the owner with site parking plans
and will continue to work to improve access to the facility.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
Lighted Fountain — Staff has been working with the City's fountain vendor to identify an appropriate size
and type of lighted decorative fountain to be placed in Lake Bennet along the City's commercial corridor.
It was determined that a 15 HP flower spray fountain would be the most visible and be consistent with the
CRA marketing motif. Final specifications for the unit are close to completion, and actual installation is
dependent upon installation of power with in the new RAM project on the west side of the lake.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
Gateway Signs—The final construction plans for the two 15' high single-sided Gateway Signs have been
completed and costed out. One will be located on the south side of SR 50 just east of the 429 bridge. The
other will be within the median on Clarke Road. Once permits are secured from FDOT, these structures
will be installed to help market the CRA corridor and welcome visitors to the community.
No further discussion occurred on this item.
Ocoee Identification Sign — This project has only recently been given authorization from the Turnpike
Authority. Staff has had to wait until an overall policy was developed by FDOT to permit installation of
decorative and identification signs above/along State highways. Final engineering for this sign, to be
placed on the Maguire Road Bridge, will commence shortly with fabrication and installation dependent
upon securing a permit.
Vice Chair C. Johnson asked for clarification on the Ocoee Identification signs; the agenda information
stated that the project was recently given authorization for the turnpike sign, however the last line said
that the installation is dependent on securing a permit. She asked what type of authorization we had
received. CRA Administrator Wagner explained that the Turnpike Authority feels that we need to
obtain a permit from them so they may approve the engineering of the sign to prevent liability in the event
a sign should fall and cause damage or injury on the turnpike. He said they think they have a design that
will work; it is lightweight and doesn't have a lot of lights, etc. He said staff feels at this point they need
to move ahead with the design and submit it for approval as they have not been able to get much guidance
from the turnpike staff on what would be approved or not approved. He noted that City Engineer Wheeler
had made several attempts obtain that information, but to no avail. Member C. Johnson asked again about
what authorization has been received, because she felt there should not be resources expended if the
turnpike has no intent to approve such a sign. Mr. Wagner said that they did receive a letter stating they
are authorized to move ahead with the sign project, subject to obtaining the permit. He feels the receipt of
this letter means they will consider anything that is reasonable.
Chair Vandergrift made a motion to borrow money to from the CRA to rent or purchase
exterior Christmas lights for the some of the roadways. Commissioner Johnson
seconded for discussion purposes.
CRA Administrator Wagner advised that the money from contingency is money that may be
taking back($100,000)by the City as it was a loan from last year. City Manager Frank said we
were short last year to finish the Blackwood Avenue project and the City loaned the CRA
$100,000. The money in the CRA contingency fund essentially represents the loan that needs to
be paid back to the city. City Manager Frank said we could look at the City's contingency
Y g Y
funds to rent some decorations for this year if they are interested.
CRA Board 10-16-12 Page 9
Member Keller, Member Wilsen, and Member R. Johnson advised that they are opposed to
taking money from the CRA to fund Christmas lighting outside the CRA area, even if the funds
were available.
Vote was taken on the motion:
Motion failed 1-6, with all but Chairman Vandergrift opposing.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if we are doing anything to expand the CRA into downtown. City
Manager Frank said they did meet with Orange County Commissioner Boyd and we are still
waiting for him to talk with staff and get back with us.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if there were expenses involved in looking at the Convention Center
and would that be CRA money. City Manager Frank said there were no real expenses involved;
the trip that was taken was for the community center. Prior to finalizing the architectural plans
we wanted the staff and elected officials to visit them in person to see if there were things that
we had to have in the design.
Vice Chair C. Johnson asked for clarification on the $100,000 that was in contingency. City
Manager Frank explained that it was placed in the contingency just as a reminder that the CRA
needed to pay back the loan it received from the City. Member Keller noted on the revenue
side it was under miscellaneous revenue item 361300; and be clearer if the item 4900 stated
Repay of Advance rather than Reserve for Contingency. Finance Director Horton said agreed it
would be reflected better in the 9000 account. Vice Chair C. Johnson stated that it needs to be
clearer so that it does not appear to be unappropriated CRA funds which are supposed to be paid
back to all of the CRA funding entities and the County may be looking at what portion they
should get returned. If it is clarified as a repay of a loan from the city's general funds, it will be
clearer for all entities to understand what was done. Finance Director Horton said it shows last
year as an advance to the CRA so if we move it to the "transfers out" it will be extremely clear.
Member Keller, seconded by Member Wilsen, made a motion to move $100,000
from line item 4900 - Reserve for Contingency to line item 9000 - Transfers Out
Motion carried 7-0.
IV. Resolution adopting CRA Budget for FY 2012/2013
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the resolution:
Member Keller, seconded by Member Wilsen, made a motion to approve
Resolution No. CRA 2012-001 Motion carried 7-0.
The resolution as adopted carries the following title:
CRA Board 10-16-12 Page 10
V. Board Member Comments - none
The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Beth Eikenberry, Secretary S. Scott Vandergrift, Chair
CRA Board 10-16-12 Page 11