HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-14 Minutes CRA 4.04, COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida { May 20,2014 MINUTES 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO.ORDER 'ROLL CALL AND DETERMINATION OF QUORUM CRA Chairman Keller called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board together at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Chairman Keller, Member Grogan, Member Wilsen, Vice Chair C. Johnson, Member Vandergrift (arrived 6:25 p.m.), Member R. Johnson, Member Corless (absent) Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Eikenberry, CRA Administrator Russ Wagner and Assistant City Manager Shadrix. IL: .PUBLIC COMMENTS-none;, III. APPROV =. FES OF.THE OCTOBER 15,14113 REGULAR CRS FOAM G .. Member Wilsen made a motion to approve the minutes fo the October 15, 2013, CRA board meeting as presented by staff. Member Grogan seconded. Motion carried 5-0, with Member Vandergrift and Member Corless absent. IV . TARGET AREAS UPDATE CRA Administrator Russ Wagner said he would update the Board on activities that they have been undertaking. He noted that there was a meeting in January regarding the Tri-City Economic Development Study and all CRA members were in attendance; he included in their packet the presentation that was given at that meeting. A. Target Area One Mr. Wagner said they have been working through the legal issues on the Colony Plaza. They have been more focused on this and should have some specific developments over the next few months. He noted that in this target area, especially along Maguire, businesses such as Rusteak, That One Place, Joes Pizza, Twisty Treat are going strong, so there is a latent demand for business in that area and it is important that we keep our eyes on it. One of the main projects to stimulate that growth is the extension of Old Winter Garden Road and the connecting road back to State Road 50. We are continuing to get the project on the MetroPlan priority list and we think this one has a pretty good chance. The movie theater has tried to buy some right of way for Old Winter Garden Road, unfortunately the adjoining property owner only wants to sell his entire property and not just the right of way. The activity has been such that there is becoming a parking problem in the area, which is good news and bad news, but it shows we have a viable commercial area of development down there. There is an apartment complex that is getting ready to build just outside of the CRA, south of the turnpike on Maguire; the good news is that they will put in the southbound right turn lane on Maguire coming from the bridge down to Old Winter Garden Road. This will eliminate some of the traffic back up. The State Road 50 project will go to bid in November, and it looks like it will be set to go after the first of the year. It is a three year project that will be a lot of disruption as there is utility relocations, etc. We are working with them on Maguire Road improvements leading to SR50. This project is going to have LED lighting, the first project in the state with the new technology. It will make that corridor look bright and different from the other areas. We will be adding landscaping, etc. This should stimulate growth in all of the target areas, but particularly Target Area#1. We are working with Winter Garden; they are doing a feasibility study to encourage the development of a large hotel near SR 429. We will be on their review committee as a cooperative venture to see how the hotel relates to starting work on an event center in Ocoee. B. Target Area Two CRA Administrator Wagner said the West Orange Times did an article on the City Center in the Lake Bennett area that made it look like it was going to start right away. There have been several interested developers in the property around Lake Bennett. The residential developer is interested in the remainder of the property on the east. The residential property looks particularly solid. We could work out the extension of Maine Street as it relates to these projects. They are talking about structured parking and some participation from the City or the CRA on that. They are looking at a hotel and possible event center. Member Vandergrift arrived at 6:22 p.m. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said there are some various serious players that have been talking to the City about developing this area. They are jockeying for position; this is anticipated to be a project similar to Mizner Park. It is very dense, very urban area, and has a lot of potential. We are getting into serious financial discussions at this time. We are seeing a mixture of housing types come together (apartments, townhomes, bungalows, single family) as well as a half million square feet of retail and non-residential uses which has been proven to make a project very successful. It has not risen to the level to bring it before the CRA Board or the Commission yet, but we hope to see it happen the next year. This is the type of development that we had been hoping for Target Area#2 Mr. Wagner stated that the reason a developer can come in and talk to us about this is because of the overlay plan that the board put into effect 2-3 years ago. We took advantage of the down time to put some of the plans together and now we are starting to see developers take interest because those entitlements are in place. Member Wilsen asked if they are adding parking. Mr. Wagner stated that he does not think there are any plans for that now, but that will be reviewed when the plans are submitted. Commissioner Johnson added that parking is terrible there right now, they need to add parking. Mr. Wagner said he will pass that along and make sure it is looked at during the permitting process. CRA Meeting 5-20-2014 Page 2 C. Target Area Three Mr. Wagner showed plans for the Health Central expansion plan. Plans are at the state level for review. It appears that this project is going to move forward and we hope to see them come in in the next few months for permits. Health Central has improved their quality of care and it was recently voted one of the Top 10 most beautiful hospitals in the United States. He noted that Commissioner Wilsen was recently appointed to the West Orange Health Care District Board. This group actually owned and ran Health Central and eventually sold out to Orlando Health. As a result of that, they will be getting 180 million dollars over the next 15 years to buy it back from the health care district. Staff has been involved with the WO Health Care District; we have gone to strategic planning meetings. They have a lot of money to spend on health care initiatives over the next 15 years. The City has been interested in tapping into some of the money for health related projects. We submitted a grant for an exercise fitness park. He described how FDOT is working with us to turn land over the City that will be left over from the Highway 50 project to create this park. They are helping reduce the size of the retention pond and creating a walking park around the perimeter of the land and adding small bump out areas where there would be exercise stations/equipment. The idea of fitness parks has become a national project; the Trust for Public Lands, the American Planning Association, the Urban Land Institute, the Center for Disease Control, and many other public agencies are very much in support of them. We are underway with a conceptual design for this area. The next time we go to the West Orange Health Care District we are going to have a specific plan for them and document to them why this will be a great addition to the community. He also felt that the Health Care District may be able to help with other trails in the CRA Plan. :TRI:-CITIES PARTISTFAMP;;, CRA Administrator Wagner said that all of the CRA Board members attended the meeting in January 13, 2014. The main thrust of the Partnership is to get our information out to prospective businesses, retailers, restaurants, and even residents, to improve the economy of the area. He showed a chart where we benchmarked our tri-city area against other areas such as Orlando, Palm Bay, and Gainesville. He noted that our demographics are much better than many other areas such as the median household income. We are higher than all those other areas and that captures the attention of potential business. We are in the process of the final review of the Strategic Analysis be prepared by Mr. Angelou. He will identify the best practices for us to attract target industries. After that, we will work into the marketing and branding, and most importantly create a great website. This is what site selectors use to locate business. We can draw on that and use it for Ocoee specifically. The CRA supports and contributes to the Tri-City Partnership, we contributed $20,000 last year and probably will be requested to do the same in the coming year. Mr. Wagner said that Ocoee is working on an Interchange Master Plan with the City of Winter Garden. Apopka was going to be included but had to move quickly on their own due to their hospital project. The Plan will include a lot of the old downtown area and come up with an overlay plan similar to what we did for the CRA Target Areas. It will set up standards and entitlements as well as a capital plan that we can all follow. It will encourage business to move into these areas and redevelop. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said we have been fortunate to work with Representative Bracey, Senator Gardner, and our lobbyist Gray Robinson, to get an appropriation through the process in Tallahassee to fund a portion of this Interchange Plan and it has received a lot of positive support. We have taken steps with the Tri City Partnership that will help to do things that are groundbreaking such as unified permitting, etc. If an industry is looking to relocate 300-500 jobs and need Class A space, CRA Meeting 5-20-2014 Page 3 they want to come into the corridor and know there is shovel ready properties with the appropriate infrastructure such as high speed cable, water and sewer lines. The study area will affect both downtown areas, Ocoee and Winter Garden. We have received report from the Governor's office as they also have an interest in bringing jobs to Florida. VL ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES CRA Administrator Wagner said one of the things Mr. Angelou advised what that each City has to have a very good, user-friendly economic development website. He is in the process of migrating information over to the www.ocoeecra.com website. He said the web master is currently finishing up loading information; however the board members should look it over in a few days to see it. He noted that compared to a lot of CRAs in the state, we are a lot farther along in this regard. He said the will be sending the Annual Report that we are required to create under state statute. It is a summary of everything that happened a year ago, so the numbers will be things they have already seen. Mr. Wagner said all the signs are up except the Clarcona which is going up next week, and the FDOT signs which will be up in the next month or two. The delay right now is working with FDOT for nine months trying to get the approval permit. It is a new process and taking an exceptionally long time, but we will work through it and get it done. VII. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Member Grogan-none Member Wilsen-noted that she is looking at the website and she likes the vibrant colors. Member C. Johnson-stated she enjoys having more meetings and getting updates and looks forward to seeing the website completed. Member Vandergrift asked what they will be doing with the crepe myrtles at Health Central; they are a rare type and need to be protected. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said we have not seen their plans yet, but that will be duly noted for those reviewing the landscape plan. Member R. Johnson- said the entryway sign on White Road is blocked by a speed limit sign, we need to see about getting that moved. Member Keller — asked if the City needs to consider extra money in the CRA budget for marketing. Mr. Wagner stated that one thing he did not mention was the banner replacement program because all of the banners along Highway 50 will come down during the construction. Member Keller said that is fine, but that is only within the city and he is frustrated that we have not been seen by enough people across the county so that they can consider Ocoee as a destination for conferences, business potential, etc. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said he has attended the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) along with Member R. Johnson, as well as the West Oaks Mall people. We have put a lot of effort into marketing materials for various people out there, such as Madison Marquette is out there marketing for Target Area #2, the prospective city center project. If the Board would like to give them direction, they could lead a delegation out there and set up a booth and have a municipal area marketing with booths. One of the key things that will inform that is having the data that Russ mentioned for the website on projects that are shown ready and existing projects. We did a specific two gigabyte thumb drive and we received many compliments on that. ICSC did not have a lot of appointments set up this year. In years past they gave you a limited amount of time to come in and make your pitch, and if you peak their interest, they may get back to you. He CRA Meeting 5-20-2014 Page 4 noted it was similar to speed dating. He said he hoped this year they will have a submittal for the city center project and some positives for the mall. It would be beneficial to go back there again. Member R. Johnson said we can advertise in business journals, etc. but he feels that we need to put our strongest marketing energy into the tri county area first. Mr. Wagner said the Tri-City Partnership will create a big enough market area to get more people interested. You have to be a big enough area to capture their attention, and then you can get them to look at your specific areas. That is why he feels the marketing, branding website via the Tri-City Partnership is the most important tool that we will have. He gave an example of the City of Orlando sending a delegation east and found no one was aware the City of Orlando even had a downtown; it is just theme parks to them. The Mayor has now assigned a task force to do a marketing effort just to make people aware that Orlando had a downtown. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: AlAa,e6f_ - T•iken azz , Secretary Joel Ke er, Chair kactev.e S1bb;f-4- CRA Meeting 5-20-2014 Page 5