HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-15 Minutes CRA (approved) ``° COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD MEETING Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida April 7,2015 MINUTES 6:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER-Roll Call and Determination of Quorum CRA Chairman Corless called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board together at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Chair Corless, Vice Chair Grogan, Member Wilsen, Member C. Johnson, Member Vandergrift, Member R. Johnson, Member Keller Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Eikenberry, CRA Administrator Russ Wagner and Assistant City Manager Shadrix. II. Public Comments -None III. Approval of Minutes of the October 21, 2014 CRA Budget Meeting Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Keller, moved to approve the CRA minutes from the October 21, 2014 meeting. Motion passed 7-0. IV. CRA FY 2013-2014 Annual Report CRA Administrator Wagner noted that the 2013-14 Annual Report that was in the packet. He said this is the report of all of the things that occurred last fiscal year so there is nothing that they have not seen before. It is to be turned over to Orange County as required by State to summarize CRA activities. There is also a financial report that goes with the CAFR that is required. That has been included in the budget packet as well. V. Ocoee Wellness Park—Overview CRA Administrator Wagner said the final report, prepared by AECOM, for the Wellness Park off of Bluford Avenue by the police station had been completed. Assistant City Manager Shadrix said we have been working closely with Winter Garden with the 429 Study that is underway, and with the effort to try to introduce the concept of healthy communities to the West Orange area in a few ways. One way is with greenways and trails. The cities of Windermere, Oakland, Winter Garden and Ocoee have been working together to come up with a draft trails map that will provide hundreds of miles of recreational trails to the citizens of West Orange County. This is in conjunction with what West Orange Health Care had been previously working on with the concept of"Blue Zones." We will hopefully be meeting with them in agreement with the health and wellness concept, but would prefer to build projects as opposed to spending a lot of money setting up a blue zone. We would like to pitch the projects to them and hopefully get some funding and possibly get matching dollars from state grant 3-1 CRA Meeting Page 2 of 5 April 7, 2015 programs. Chair Corless said her experience in designing parks would conclude the same cost estimate for this type of park that includes a boardwalk and trails. She said durability of the equipment and placement of the stations will be very important for long term maintenance. She felt that this is a project that needs to be promoted to the community so they can see something they would have fun using and that it should be a high priority for implementation. Member Grogan discussed the parking and Mr. Wagner advised that he believes there is plenty of street parking for daytime and in the evening they are hoping to get cooperation from the local businesses to use parking. Member C. Johnson said she is enthusiastic about this and asked if they have any money identified for this project from a budget prospective. Mr. Wagner answered in the negative. Chair Corless said she agrees we need to look at it from a budget standpoint of how we can get the funds to move this forward. VI. Proposed Budget Amendment—Street Signs CRA Administrator Wagner stated it would be easiest to discuss all of the changes with regard to the signage so that the Board could vote on the budget amendments as one item at the end. Vote was taken at the end of the discussion on the individual items. Mr. Wagner first discussed the updating of the street signs that would change all of the city signs to the new logo and look. He stated that the cost was a little more than originally anticipated, so money was moved from the WestFifty signage line item. VII. Marketing Signs—Status A. Banner Poles CRA Administrator Wagner discussed the FiftyWest Banner Poles. He said the banners will be temporary during the construction phase. These poles and brackets can be used again for other signage when the construction is completed. They will be placed on side streets, however visible from SR 50. Commissioner Wilsen advised she is not in favor of these signs because she does not see the value in them. Members Wilsen and Grogan felt that they could not justify spending the money while SR50 is under construction. Chair Corless noted that the construction is one of the main reasons for banner signage to show that the businesses are still open for business and that FiftyWest is a destination. She confirmed the height of the poles will be approximately 12 feet. Member C. Jonson asked how many signs will be placed in the FiftyWest area; and where are they going to be placed. CRA Administrator Wagner there will be around 18 banners. He said that the banners on the signs represent about $2000 of the $19,650 project. The remainder of the cost would be reusable for other projects by just replacing the banners. Discussion followed regarding wayfinding signs and welcome signs. B. Directional Signs- Mr. Wagner said they are signs that point to community facilities such as city hall, schools, cemeteries, parks, etc. They are not a marketing sign and they actually cost more than the marketing signs. The way-finding signs will be roughly 3ft X 4ft and there will be about 30 of them at various intersections around the CRA. 3-2 CRA Meeting Page 3 of 5 April 7, 2015 C. Maguire Bridge Sign— Mr. Wagner has said we have finally received all of the sign company construction plans signed by the company engineer, as well as a bridge engineer to state that there will not be structural issues with the bridge. He showed illustrations of what the "lollipop signs" will look like during the day and at night. The poles will stand approximately 20 feet in total. D. FDOT Signs Member Wilsen noted that she is disappointed in the welcome signs such as the one at Walmart; they are not as "grand" as she thought they were going to be. Mr. Wagner said we finally have the permits to place the welcome signs on Good Homes Road & SR50, and the two 10-foot signs at Franklin & SR429, and one at SilverStar Rd & Good Homes Road. Commissioner Johnson confirmed that the one at SR50 and Good Homes Road is a sign that will be lit. VIII. Projects Update A. Art Barrels CRA Administer Wagner urged the Board Members to go to the MillsFifty area in Orlando to see all of the banners and artwork in that area. The area has blossomed and is attracting a lot of young people and businesses. It is mostly local art, murals and painting on traffic boxes. Our traffic boxes are all going to be moved so they came up with the idea of using large water barrels and having citizens and students painting them. When they are full of water they will not move, and then can be emptied and moved easily, if needed, as they are only about 100 lbs when empty. The barrels are only approximately $300 each and we could hire local artists or get students involved in painting. It brings attention to the area. They are still decisions to be made as far as design criteria for the public art that we want, but those decisions can be made at another time. B. I Shop Ocoee.App—No Discussion C. Colony Plaza— Discussed after the budget amendment motion D. Interchange Plan/Downtown Master Plan RFQ E. Ocoee Website—Economic Development Tab FURTHER DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON BUDGET AMENDMENT: Chair Corless confirmed that the budget amendment that is being requested is just a reallocation of funds on items that were already approved at budget time. Other elements such as defining the public art and the placement of the banners can be discussed at a later time as far as specific design and placement criteria. Commissioner Keller noted that there was a discrepancy in the dollar amounts between what was sent to them electronically and the motion sheet that was given to them tonight. Mr. Wagner explained he made a change as the actual bids were received, but the total is the same. He advised the numbers on the sheet with the motion were the correct numbers. 3-3 CRA Meeting Page 4 of April 7, 2015 Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller, made a motion to reallocate funds within the CRA Capital Improvements Account (6302) and authorize single source vendors as specified with payments up to the following amounts: UPDATED STREET SIGNS: $13,350 Total—Traffic Engineering and Management OCOEE IDENTIFICATION SIGN: $50,000 Total $44,800—Sign Producers *FIFTY WEST BUSINESS SIGNS: $19,650 Total—One-Day-Masterpieces&TriangleReprographics PUBLIC ART PROJECTS: $15,000 Total — Dura Cast Products(Barrels) WAYFINDING SIGNS: $25,000 Total —One-Day-Masterpieces No vote was taken at this time due to subsequent discussion and amendment. Member Wilsen stated that she is still not in favor of the FiftyWest business signs and therefore would not vote for this amendment. Mr. Wagner suggested they do a sampling of 4-5 signs and see how they feel about doing the rest of the 18-20 signs. *Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to amend the motion regarding the cost for the FiftyWest signs by authorizing 4 mock-up signs to be made and placed on one corner and inspected by the CRA Board prior to authorizing the full cost for the remainder of the signs. Motion carried 6-0 with Member Vandergrift away from the dais. Vote on the amendment to the motion: Motion carried 6-0 with Member Vanderg rift away from the dais. Vote on the motion as amended: Motion carried 6-0 with Member Vandergrift away from the dais. VII. Project Updates (continued) C. Colony Plaza CRA Administrator Wagner said there has been some positive movement with the owner trying to get through legal issues and we have some developers that are possibly interested in the site. City Attorney Cookson said even though there is not a building there, there were easement rights and condo association still in existence. This prevented any kind of redevelopment. The developer has a motion for final judgment on condemnation of the condo association and easement rights. We are hoping that goes smoothly as there does not seem to be any opposition at this time. If that is accepted it will pave the way for development of that site. D. Interchange Plan/Downtown Master Plan RFQ CRA Administrator Wagner said we are having a meeting on this next week with Winter Garden and the consultants. They have been busy working on it; we will have more to report after that meeting. E. Ocoee Website—Economic Development Tab 3-4 CRA Meeting Page 5 of 5 April 7, 2015 CRA Administrator Wagner said we finally have an Economic Development tab on the city website and we have Adrianna Pierce and Brett Marvich of our staff working to populate that site. Soon it will be full of accessible information. We have already placed all of the updated demographic data on the site. I. Board Member Comments—None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: Beth Eikenberry, Secretary Ginger Corless, CRA Chair 3-5 4