HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Commission Approval for Purchase of Caterpillar Excavator AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Meeting Date: January 16, 2007 Item # ReV~Wed By: ~\ Department Director: Cha~ City Manager: Robert Fra~_ ~ s Subject: Commission Approval for Purchase of Caterpillar Excavator Charles Smith 407 -905-3100 ext. 4000 ------- - Background Summary: The Utilities Department's approved fiscal year budget included the capital purchase of a small trackhoe excavator. The trackhoe has an increased load capacity, longer reach, and the ability to dig deeper and faster while working in tight and unstable confines. The obtained trackhoe will increase Utilities construction crews' capabilities such as the construction of water main with ductile iron pipe up to pipe diameters of 10". Staff is recommending the purchase of a Caterpillar 304c CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator with increased options of: an extended boom, upgraded horse power (304c to 305c), air-conditioning, additional 12" and 24" trench buckets, extended warranty, and lifting grapple with pins. The purchase is based on the City piggybacking Pinellas County's contract and awarding the Caterpillar 304c mini trackhoe excavator to Ring Power Corporation & ITS Division. The 304c base price is $44,994.86 with an additional option totaling $18,588.00 for a total amount of $63,583.86. Issue: Should the City Commission authorize the City Manager to purchase the Caterpillar 304c with upgrades utilizing the piggybacking of the Pinellas County bid and award to Ring Power Corporation & ITS Division? Recommendations Motion to authorize the City Manager to purchase the Caterpillar 304c CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator with upgrades including horse power upgrade (change of model number to 305c) in the total amount of $63,583.86 utilizing (piggybacking) Pinellas County's bid and award. Attachments: Pinellas County Award, Ring Power proposal, Caterpillar 304c CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator cut sheet. Financial Impact: In this fiscal year's budget, $87,000.00 was programmed for the purchase of a trackhoe. The selection of this trackhoe, including the option for $63,583.86 will leave $23,416.14 unexpended from the original budgeted amount. Type of Item: (please marl< with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) .-4f(JtJ- ........-- N/A N/A N/A 304C. CR .... -'. ,"- .....: ':..:..;...... ", . . . ".' ." . .. . . .. , ., . l\IIiniJIVdr~lIli(: , .....ExcavatorH<.. 1 Brooksvllle Daytona Beach Gainesville Jacksonville lake City 352-796-4978 386-947-3363 352-371-9983 904-737-7730 386-755-3997 Mulberry Ocala Orlando Palm Bay Perry 863-425-4951 352-732-2800 407-855-6195 321-952-3001 850-584-2800 Pompano Beach Sarasota Tallahassee Tampa Tarpon Springs 654-977-5010 941-753-7535 850-582-2121 813-871-3700 n7-938-1515 Quote Number: QTE000000211-C Quote Date Expiration Date 19DEC2006 19MAR2007 customer Address CITY OF OCOEE 150 N LAKESHORE DR OCOEE FL 34761 ATTN: MARK PARGEON 1 - 304C CR MINI HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR equipped as follows 304C CR MHEX MA3 CAB W/AC ELECTRICAL 12 Volt Electrical System Slow Blow Fuse Fuse Box Ignition Key Start I Stop Switch 50 Ampere Alternator 650 CCA Maintenance Free Battery Warning Horn OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT Monitor: Instrument panel and gauge Warning information and machine condition Literature Holder Cup Holder Floor Mat Hydraulic Neutral Lockout System Travel Control Levers Adjustable Wrist Rests POWERTRAIN MHI S4Q2 Diesel Engine: Two Speed Travel: Automatic shift and switch Straight Line Travel Automatic Swing Parking Brake OTHER STANDARD EQUIPMENT Auxiliary Hydraulic Valve (one) Caterpillar Corporate "One Key" System Boom with Offset Swing Post Boom Lowering Device Lockable Fuel Cap Lockable Storage Area Rear Reflector Accwnulator Towing Eye on Baseframe Swivel Guard ELECTRICAL 12 Volt Electrical System Slow Blow Fuse Fuse Box Ignition Key Start I Stop Switch 2 Brooksvllle Daytona Beach Gainesville Jacksonville Lake City 352.796-4978 386-947-3383 352-371-9983 904-737-7730 386-755-3997 Mulberry Ocala Orlando Palm Bay Perry 863425-4951 352-732-2800 407-855-6195 321-952-3001 85Q.584-2800 Pompano Beach Sarasota TaUahassee Tampa Tarpon Springs 854-977-5010 941-753-7535 850-562-2121 813-671-3700 727-938-1515 50 Ampere Alternator 650 CCA Maintenance Free Battery Warning Horn OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT Monitor: Instrument panel and gauge Warning information and machine condition Literature Holder Cup Holder Floor Mat Hydraulic Neutral Lockout System Travel Control Levers Adjustable Wrist Rests POWERTRAIN MHI S4Q2 Diesel Engine: Two Speed Travel: Automatic shift and switch Straight Line Travel Automatic Swing Parking Brake OTHER STANDARD EQUIPMENT Auxiliary Hydraulic Valve (one) Caterpillar Corporate "One Key" System Boom with Offset Swing Post Boom Lowering Device Lockable Fuel Cap Lockable Storage Area Rear Reflector Accumulator Towing Eye on Baseframe Swivel Guard 3 Brooksvllle Daytona Beach 352-798-4978 386-947-3363 Mulberry OCala 863-425-4951 352-732-2800 Pompano Beach Sarasota 654-977-5010 941-753-7535 Galnesvllle Jacksonville Lake City 352-371-9983 904-737-7730 386-755-3997 OrlandO Palm Bay Perry 407-855-6195 321-952-3001 850-584-2800 Tallahassee Tampa Tarpon Springs 65()'s82-2121 813-671-3700 727-938-1515 PIGGY BACK PINELLAS COUNTY BID NO. 056-265-B PURCHASE ORDER 220798 DATE APRIL 20, 2006 IpURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT $44,994.861 **BID WAS CAB NO AIR AND NO BUCKET** LOCAL COSTS !Local Net Items 18,588.001 LONG STICK 760.00 UPGRADE 42 HP 305C CR 9,112.00 AIR CONDITIONING 2870.00 24" BUCKET 1023.00 24MO TOTAL 36MO POWER TRAIN WARRANTY 2270.00 12" BUCKET 792.00 MANUAL PIN GRABBER COUPLER 1503.00 (2) EXTRA SETS OF BUCKET PINS 258.00 Transaction Price $63,582.86 *** Thank you, Allan Mayhugh Cc: Ed pauley RPC 4 . )~k~~1r ~;~~;}~,,~. .~.. "," .. Plnd,s CDlIIII)' Board of County CommissIoners PurdlJlslag Department 400 South ft Harrison. SIxth Floor ' ClealWiller, Florida 33756 INVITATION TO BID PlNELLAS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BID NO.: 056-0265.8 (JL) - '..,-: ~ dili;JMIT ,q!PTO: BIP TITLE: VEHICLES, MEDIUM & HEAVY DUTY R~QUEST FOR APPROVED EQUALS: January 27, 2006 at 3:00 PM REQUESTS MA Y BE FAXED TO 7271464.~631 A TTN: JpE LAURO PRE.BID CONFERENCE: NOT APPLICABLE DATElTIME: Tuesday, February J4. 2006 <1\ BID SUBMITTAL IS DUE: FEBRUARY'U-, 2006 3:00 PM AND MAY . NOT BE WITHDRAWN FOR: 120 DAYS AFTER SUCH DATE AND TIME www.plnellascounty.org >7. &t. Pinellas lounty JlUl\CHASING CONTACT PERSON: JOSEPH LAURO, CPPO/CPPB EMAIL ADDRESS:Jlaurc@co.plnallas.1I.u5 PHONE: 727-464-3311 FAX 727/464.3925 ISSUE DATE: JANUARY 13. 2006 COMMISSIONERS KENNETH T. WELCH - CHAIRMAN RONNIE DUNCAN. VICE CHAIRMAN CAJ.VIN D. HARRIS SUSAN LATVAlA JOHN MORRONI I<AREN WILLIAMS SEEL ROBERT B. STEWART THE MISSION OF f>INELlAS CQUNTY Pinellas County GoverMIent Is COIMIlIled 10 progreulva public policy, 8llpll~Or public service. cOurteous publIc conlacl, ludldous exerclas of 8ulho~ly and sound management of publiCI resources I moellhs needs IlIld concerns 01 ~r c1l1zllns today and tomorrow. SECTION A Gi!NERAL CONDITIONS OF INVITATION TO BID 1. PREPARATION OF BID: Bid will be prepared in accordance with the foHowlng: (a) Our enclosed Bid Proposal Form Is to be used In submitting your bid. (b) All lnformallon required by the Bid form shall be furnished. The bidder shall print or type his name and manually sign the schedule and each contlnuallon sheet on which an entry is made. (e) Unit prIces shaH be shown and where there Is an error In extension of prIce, the unit prlce shall govern. (d) Alternate bids will not be consIdered unless authorIzed by the invitation to Bid. (e) Propos@d delivery lime must be shown and shall include Sundays and holidays. (f) Bidders Will not Include federsltaxes nor StaJeJ)f Florida sales, excIse, and use taxes In bid prices, as the County Is exempt from payment of such taxes. An exemption certificate will be signed where applicable upon request. (g) Bidders shall thoroughly examine the drawings, speclficalions, schedule, Instructions and all other contract documents. (h) Bidders shall make all Invesllgatlons necessary 10 thoroughly inform themselves regarding plant and facllllles for delivery of material and equipment as required by'the bid. condlllons. Pies of Ignorance by the bidder of conditions that exlst or that may hereafter exIst 8S a resull of failure or omIssion on the part of the bidder to make the necessary 8xamlnaUons and Investigations, or failure to fulfill In every detail the requirements of the contract documents, will not be accepted as a basis for varyIng the requIrements of the COL!nty or the compensation 10 Ihe vendor. (I) Bidders are advised that all Counly Contracts ara subject to all legal requirements provIded for .In the PurchasIng Ordlna~ce and/or Stale 81ld Federal Slalules. 2. DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES: . (a) Any manufacturer's names, trade names, brand name, or calalog numbers used In speclflcatlons are for the purpose of describing and establishing general quality levals. SUCH REFERENCES ARE NOT INTENDED , -.J:Ilo. 5 , . CCVPANY: RING POWER CORPORATION lollS DIVISlOIIIS PO 90X 301. TAMPA. fl.. 33830-3189 FAX: (813l<<J1-31 1. TIM MAGUIRE (813)6)'1-3100 PIn.... County Pun:ballng Deportment BOA1'lO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS P1NElLAS COUNTY 400 S. Ft. Harrison Ave. 6th FIoof. Annex IkIndlng Clearwater. FL 33756 PO Numbolt: Rev. Page 220798 0 1 of 1 THiS NUW,BER MUST APPEAR ON ALL PACKAGES. SHIPPING 1t0iICES. I:-lVOICES AND CORRESPONDENCE SHIP TO: F1Mt MonogomOftt _ __.ol 9685 Ulmert<lft Raod lMgo. R. 3<1771 BILL TO: _ MaIlagtm...ll'IQt M..IIll.....t AM Manl$lement 9685 Ulmel'llMl ROld Wgo. R. 33771 Standard Purchase Order Robasln. Angda K -'[fA"fE<j'FCii'i!5I!~~'DUe 2~5 29-SEP-C~ QlJANTITY UNIT ITEM NO. 1727)1582-3002 REQUISITION NO. 2l.517 OESCflIPTlOl'i RWJES':~ -,-,--, Re~rson. ADaela K UNIT PRICE AM01JNT ACCOUl<T CHARGES l:em9 !lid 056-265-8 lJLl acc AwMd6d 4118.'06 R.pIaeenont lor Assat 7S1llO F1use retU'YT confiflr.OJUon of OfWas per mtnJction, DOLL 'ZERO TAIL SWING IIJN1 exACAVATOR. TRACK TY?!; 44,994,8800 <\4,9S4"U 080215643000:41122000 Post.lt' Fax Note 7671 001. ~'"'' l~." ... \ ...~ f!.';' To I~ t l:$.I'~ .i1,,'J. 'h..... i F..... f:b.L' . t:': .~~)'..,.." <. Oo.,'OOIt. C<:. :... . C...,.j~ . '1":<. ~ 1.ts ~Ii Pl\ct'o' ";~'1-L.i.:;#"''311.f7 'llx. t,3'(fj, - ~ ~:u Fu.. -/).-} .. q &4" - S~1; l. l < PAYMENT TERMS NET3Cl F liTi FEGHT INCLUDED 727/464-3311 TOTAL 44.994.86 SflIP VIA B BUT WAY DESTINATION P .A./PHONE CONTRACT NO. t.luro. JOApII It i, "*41b'i c.~;a \."111811 prcM!ioras 0' tt-.II.......~;;;;;cc.~~.;-;::;- o;d/I~. ....A thu th!:e ~ sodflc Int ..=I otet*"'I a>>'OP~..H fu:w;l, to Iic....d.. tN.. c:)igMic:t. ~:s.I=.Itd".. crdi- ~ lil~ bv tfol (,:IM ar:J C:)ft:ftic.. c:Jtlt.W'A .':HI. "C- C!.: VtndolS dcMt bu.iMa wh:h PIal.. COQ1ty lie I'lQUnd ta dLow pl'DQI of cull'flftt , ........ eon.....""" _....If 1IlOIoob1o. SALES TAX EXEMPT NO. a5-80 1 32870S0C-7 CONTRACT FilE COpy '- - 6