HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 Purchase of Brake Lathe and Accessories for Fleet Operation AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Steve Krug 6002 Meeting Date: January 16, 2007 Item # 9 ~:;~:;;~:~t Director: "~ City Manager: ~__ =--- Subject: Purchase. of a.Brake Lathe and& Ac.cessories for.F.leet Operation Background Summary: The City's Fleet Maintenance Division currently contracts most of its brake work out and is requesting City Commission approve the purchase of a Brake Lathe which would enable staff to complete many of these services in- house. Funds were budgeted this Fiscal Year in the amount of $6,500.00 for the purchase of a brake lathe. Staff recommends purchase of the brake lathe in the amount of$6,750.00. This is $250.00 over the budgeted amount and is due to the addition of a platinum adaptor kit which will allow us to work on all autos, light trucks and heavy trucks up to 550's. It also comes with 2 speeds for a faster cut. Staff recommends this purchase by utilizing cost savings that will be realized with the purchase of the Freon Recovery and Recycle Machine which is budgeted in FY 06-07 at $4,500.00 and will be purchased for $2,975.00, equating to a cost savings of$1,525.00. Issue: Consider and approve purchase of brake lathe and accessories for Fleet Maintenance Division. Recommendations Staff respectfully recommends that the City Commission approve the purchase of a brake lathe and accessories from Fournier Equipment, LLC for an estimated amount of$6,750.00. Attachments: Cost Proposal and back up quotes. Financial Impact: $6,500 was budgeted for the brake lathe in account 001-541-40-6400. The Freon recovery and recycle machine was $1,525 below budget. $250 ofthis savings will be used to cover the brake lathe purchase. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution [gJ Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: [gJ Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~ f3 tJ- ~ N/A o N/A o N/A r FOURNIER EQUIPMENT LLC YOUR AUTHORIZEO AUTOMOTIVE EQUtPMENT SUPPlI ER Estimate r 'jU.'I?J [.:~-:Jl .' 101~J [,._,__ 2 ,_.J IIU~ . T ~---- -~--- --~ CITY OF OCOEE ~-"'~:'1'~ __.:-__,...TO ----..,----..-~~ '50 N. LAKESHOItE DR. J I OCOEE, FL. 3478' i L:.~~.~...., .___._..,~---,-- ._'. 1_____..., --- --~----, "~.y-'-.........'...=...~. ;~':";:faj:;;' -~:':;:.. . .~~ r::=~GJ. . ... .... ;...1iMH!'..~~1NCl.._8- \ 1 6,150.00 r 6.7SD.00 I Q?~."~. ! , ~--_._.._- .' , :"'1 . <""' . L y~\ , " r, C\.J\r) .,\~ ~~, ; \ '-I ~u .- SSo i, .,.~.,_,,,....... I . ,..,l , ..~..~_..1, "."_~;_. ; Subtotalb<$.7SD.OO 6,5% Tax " --:-:-----'T\. "'--"" ....-.-';'.-:------"~ ',...' ,."',,'" '. .,', .' ...' . ..' '.'. ' ' .......'. ", . . ,.'_" '. . .'i::.:, '" . ' . . - " . , , .,-;i:-~':,::';;}' u l~~__~~__.. 2120 W. Church Sfreet Orlando. FL. 32805 Phone: (407) 839-3737 Fax: (407) 839.3997 Website: www.fournierautoeql1ipment.com .-J to'1 95'1 '17 or rJ O(M nt;c Apr UJ U\) Ul :OVp ::;teve ::;eWell Sewell, Steve From: c;;;;;.....~lJinqli;ry@arnmcoat~ Sent: .. - T ......" hi.,"" '", L 3:27 PM To: Sewell. Steve; Hofstetter, Sandy S Cc: Vecci, Andrew Subject: Web Site Inquiry '+Vt-OOQ-IJ.:l;){ P,l An inquiry has been received via the ammocoats.com web site. Name: mark a pargeon Title: shop foreman Company: city of ocoee Address: 301 maguire road extention City: ocoee State: florida Zip: 34761 Country: usa Phone: 407-509-2626 E-Mail: mpargeon@ci.ocoee.fl.us Areas of interest: -AMMCO Brake Lathes ---~ .'~ (Nt M CO · C okrS , j)1f{ec/f Comment: Are you able to provide a quote? I would like to put a model 4000 lathe and adapter kit "e" in my 06-07 budget. Any chance of having the quote by lunch on 3-29-06? Thanks. Mark. fax: 407-905-3169 ** Do not reply to this message. It is autogenerated. ** fJM MCO i 001) 6 La<4&.' _ dI- </907. (7TJ J( eE~1-/ _ tI /00, fW 3 -J~ Cl7ucK JJ 9so.0-0 I1cCe&5(}ry ~K - __",/ .... .... oJ> It-C{2~? .n) ~ Pe(( ve reeL I - 5"e-r - VfJ ; -Ira I~ t"/z 7 (pJdVDeD ---1 1t C~C skc~~f/ J1f?J -t;~t'- ~3)f ,c 77 ~f :D. rl ~r. ~1V;vi=~.s,/ / v/\-D. J,(c-- 03/30/2006 22:23 4872988248 \lk.LDON PAR [5 ORLANDO I-'AtiI::. 111/ tl;t 2515 Shader Road trl Orlando, FL 32804 Phon9 407'.29M91() FII1l407'.298.6240 http://www.wllldonparts.com Weldon Parts Orlando Fax To: Mark From: Vernon Harrison ~ 4079053169 pages: Phone: 4078778420 Date: 3-3106 R.:)~'Ammco Quote ee: o Urgent o For Review o PIoase Comment 0 Please R~ Cl PIeMe Reeyde Hero is the quote, please give me a call if I C&ft help with any quoUtioM. Good talking with you. Vernon. VetnOn@Weldonp:arts.com . ~ lnfonnaiMm contained in this tacalmlle meS$llllC! Is prlY!Ieged Imd ~tW information Intended only for the use of the individual 0' entity named herein. If ato rudar of this INtSII2g9 Is not imondod racopkant, Oft tho emplUyM or AgI!IIt ftllIpGIISIbIe to dellftr It to tfIe intended 1'eC8plent, y~ an!! ho!'by notified that ant disiributlon or copying of this communication Is strictly prohibited uJp))fV\ 03/30/213136 22:23 4072'388240 li-ELDON PARTS ORLANDO PAGE 02/~2 ~. r(....._.~......... '. . ," ". . .,,' ," -, " . . I . .'> ! Billing Inqwte~ . . !;.Mall: 18donna~w!!ldonp8(ts.eom i (4051 212-0417 F/lx; (4051 236-6802 WELDON PARTS-ORLANDO 2515 SHADER ROAD #7 ORLANDO, Fl 32804-2768 407/298.5910 Fax: 407/298-8240 MGR: aUDO HEMBREE Remit to: P.O. SOX 2115 Oklahoma City, 01< 73101-2' 15 PRICE QUOTE CITY OF OCOEE S60 FLEWILLING OCOEE FL 34761.2Jft3 CITY OF OCOEE Customer ID 40641.2 Phone 407f877.8420 :!i~:~::;~~~i~t~'i::':ifjj:;: ;;:;!~~fj~i:ld6~itl"" Sign Print Store Hours: 8;00-5:30 M-F 8:00-1:00 Sat. Date_/_ ; "';;~.':\i~~;;W!,;mi~:i:fi;~f~*i~;I+!:j~\:i!1:l,i~j~ij~~~f~(!':~:;}"Z'i[:;;:;~:[iJ:~;;~;Wt.:.;,.:,":::, '" ~iil,~ii,:!i:::i!f:if'" .00 * Please note new Remit address: P.O. BOX 2115. Oklahoma City OK 73101-2115