HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 Approval of Change to the City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees Retirement Trust Fund AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 1/16/07 Item # ~2> Contact Name: Contact Number: James Carnicella 1032 Reviewed By: 1\ ~ ~~~~::~~~ireclor:i1iA ~~ Background Summary: The Pension Board for the City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund is governed by ordinance. Issue: Amendment to the General Employees' Pension Ordinance to change the multiplier from 2.5% to 3%. This issue was approved by the General Employees' Pension Board and the Employee Committee. Furthermore, the issue was discussed at the budget workshops and staff was directed to return with a recommendation. Recommendations Staff recommends the Commission adopt the Pension Board changes as amended in the attached ordinance for the City of Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund first reading. Attachments: Attached is the Ordinance pertaining to the recommended change. Financial Impact: An Actuarial Impact Statement dated 1/2/07 prepared for the Pension Board by Foster & Foster, the General Employees' Pension Actuary, is attached. The current Actuarial Impact Statement is based upon a 3% pension multiplier and 81 % maximum benefit after 27 years of service. Though there is no financial impact for FY 07, the City's contribution to fund this change will be approximately 12.5% of payroll in FY 09. The City's contribution rate for FY 07 is 9.4% Type of Item: IZI Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution D Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deoi Use: D Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) o N/A o N/A o N/A ORDINANCE NO. 20- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE CITY OF OCOEE MUNICIPAL GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND, ADOPTED AND RESTATED IN FULL BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 96-19; AS SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED; AMENDING SECTION 6, BENEFIT AMOUNTS AND ELIGIBILITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SECTION 1: Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this ordinance pursuant to Article VIII ofthe Constitution ofthe State of Florida and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2: That Ordinance No. 96-19, adopting the amended and restated City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund, is hereby amended by amending Section 6, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection 2, Normal Retirement Benefit, to read as follows: 2. Normal Retirement Benefit. A Member retiring hereunder on or after his or her normal retirement date shall receive a monthly benefit which shall commence on the first day of the month next following his or her Retirement and be continued thereafter during Member's lifetime, ceasing upon death, but with one hundred twenty (120) monthly payments guaranteed in any event. The monthly retirement benefit shall equal tw 0 and one-half P"I ""ut (2.5%) three percent (3 %) of Average Final Compensation, for each year of Credited Service. SECTION 3. Repeal of Ordinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect on October 1. 2006. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of , 2006. ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk By: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ADVERTISED ,2006 READ FIRST TIME , 2006 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ,2006 FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY TillS _ day of ,2006. CHRISTIANSEN & DEHNER, P.A. Special Counsel By: noc\ocoee\gcn\OS-19-06.ord Page 2 APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON , 2006 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. ------- CITY OF OCOEE MUNICIPAL GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND ACTUARIAL IMPACT STATEMENT January 2, 2007 Attached hereto is a comparison of the impact on the Total Required Contribution (per Chapter 112, Florida Statutes), and the Required City Contributions, resulting from the implementation of the following change: 1.) Increase the Benefit Accrual Rate from 2.50% to 3.00% of Average Final Compensation for each year of Credited Service for all future retirees. The maximum benefit shall be capped at 81% of Average Final Compensation. The cost impact, determined as of October 1, 2006, as applicable to the plan/fiscal year ending September 30,2008, is as follows: Current Proposed Total Required Contribution $1,205,231 $1,433,637 % of Total Annual Payroll 16.8% 19.9% Expected Member Cont. 532,295 532,295 Balance From City 672,936 901,342 % of Total Annual Payroll 9.4% 12.5% The changes presented herein are in compliance with Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes and Section 1 Article X of the State Constitution. Bradle inrichs, FSA, M.A.A.A. Enrolled Actuary #05-6901 STATEMENT OF PLAN ADMINISTRATOR The prepared information presented herein reflects the estimated cost of the proposed improvement. Chairman, Board of Trustees 7" Comparative Summary of Principal Valuation Results After 10/1/2006 A. Participant Data Number Included Actives Service Retirees Beneficiaries Terminated Vested Disability Retirees DROP Retirees Total Before 10/1/2006 176 176 34 34 4 4 40 40 0 0 0 0 254 254 $6,685,539 $6,685,539 6,685,539 6,685,539 Total Annual Payroll Payroll Under Assumed Ret. Age Annual Rate of Payments to: Service Retirees Beneficiaries Terminated Vested Disability Retirees DROP Retirees 500,936 18,790 327,989 o o B. Assets Actuarial Value Market Value 13,421,299 13,457,649 C. Liabilities Present Value of Benefits Active Members Retirement Benefits Disability Benefits Death Benefits Vested Benefits Refund of Contributions Service Retirees Beneficiaries Terminated Vested Disability Retirees DROP Retirees Total 16,658,756 o 383,686 935,118 358,882 4,800,739 136,628 1,399,068 o o 24,672,878 500,936 18,790 327,989 o o 13,421,299 13,457,649 14,673,963 o 321,748 741,469 404,753 4,800,739 136.628 1,399,068 o o 22,478,369 /T After Before Valuation Date 10/1/2006 10/1/2006 Applicable to Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/2008 9/29/2008 E. Pension Cost Normal Cost (with interest) $1,140,883 $974,393 % of Total Annual Payroll* 15.9 13.5 Expected Adminstrative Expense 33,907 33,907 % of Total Annual Payroll* 0.5 0.5 Payment Required to Amortize Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability over 30 years (as of 10/1/06) 258,847 196,932 % of Total Annual Payroll* 3.6 2.7 Total Required Contribution 1,433,637 1,205,231 % of Total Annual Payroll* 19.9 16.8 Expected Member Contributions 532,295 532,295 % of Total Annual Payroll* 7.4 7.4 Expected City Contrib. 901,342 672,936 % of Total Annual Payroll* 12.5 9.4 * Contributions developed as of 10/1/06 are expressed as a percentage of projected percentage of projected annual payroll at 04/1/08 of $7,193,169. 7 After Before 10/1/2006 10/1/2006 C. Liabilities - (Continued) Present Value of Future Salaries 51,146,804 51,146,804 Present Value of Future Member Contributions 3,784,864 3,784,864 Normal Cost (Entry Age Normal) 1,044,765 892,301 Present Value of Future Normal Costs (Entry Age Normal) 7,140,208 6,110,185 Actuarial Accrued Liability 17,532,669 16,368,183 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued 4,111,370 2,946,884 Liability (UAAL) D. Actuarial Present Value of Accrued Benefits Vested Accrued Benefits Inactives Actives Member Contributions $6,336,436 $6,336,436 3,476,517 2,627,549 2,346,531 2,346,531 $12,159,484 $11,310,516 248,804 174,404 $12,408,288 $11,484,919 Total Non-vested Accrued Benefits Total Present Value Accrued Benefits Increase (Decrease) in Present Value of Accrued Benefits Attributable to: Plan Amendments Assumption Changes New Accrued Benefits Benefits Paid Interest Other Total: 923,369 o o o o o 923,369 AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 11/21/06 Item # ,5 ~~~d~ ~~ D~partment Director: _ ry7~ ~ CIty Manager: ___ Contact Name: Contact Number: James Carnicella 1032 Background Summary: The Pension Board for the City of Ocoee Municipal General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund is governed by ordinance. Issue: Amendment to the General Employees' Pension Ordinance to change the multiplier from 2.5% to 3%. This issue was approved by the General Employees' Pension Board and the Employee Committee. Furthermore, the issue was discussed at the budget workshops and staff was directed to return with a recommendation. Recommendations Staff recommends the Commission adopt the Pension Board changes as amended in the attached ordinance for the City of Ocoee General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund first reading. Attachm~nts: Attached is the Ordinance pertaining to the recommended change. Financial Impact: The Actuarial Impact Statement prepared for the Pension Board by Foster & Foster, the General Employees' Pension Actuary, is attached. Though there is no financial impact for FY 07, the City's contribution to fund this change will be approximately 15% of payroll in FY 09. The City's contribution rate for FY 07 is 1 I .0% Type of Item: 18I Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerlc's DeDt Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) o N/A o N/A o N/A CITY OF OCOEE MUNICIPAL GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND ACTUARIAL IMPACT STATEMENT - TWO BENEFIT RATE INCREASE August 28, 2006 Attached hereto is a comparison of the impact on the Total Required Contribution (per Chapter 112, Florida Statutes), and the Required City Contributions, resulting from the implementation of the following change: 1) Increase the benefit accrual rate for all years of Credited Service for Members terminating employment on or after the effective date from 2.50% to 3.00%. The rate increase does not apply to Members who elect to retire under the proposed Early Retirement Incentive program. . The cost impact, determined as of October 1, 2005, as applicable to the planlfiscalyear ending September 30, 2007, is as follows: Cu rrent Proposed Total Required Contribution $1,089,641 $1,396,831 % of Total Annual Payroll 17.5% 22.4 % Expected Member Cont. 461,671 461,671 Balance From City 627,970 935,160 % of Total Annual Payroll 10.1% 15.0% ,. . The changes presented herein are in compliance with Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes and Section , Article X of he State Constitution. STATEMENT OF PLAN ADMINISTRATOR The prepared information presented herein reflects the estimated cost of the proposed improvement. Chairman, Board of Trustees II ..02I~fO ~ Comparative Summary of Principal Valuation Results Before After 10/1/05 10/1/05 A. Participant Data Actives 157 157 Service Retirees 29 29 Beneficiaries 4 4 Terminated Vested 27 27 Disability Retirees 0 0 Total 217 217 Total Annual Payroll $5,885,653 $5,885,653 Payroll Under Assumed Ret. Age 5,885,653 5,885,653 Annual Rate of Payments to: Service Retirees 452,547 452,547 Beneficiaries 18,790 18,790 Terminated Vested 256,658 256,658 Disability Retirees 0 0 B. Assets Actuarial Value 11,741,104 11,741,104 Market Value 12,032,055 12,032,055 C. Liabilities Present Value of Benefits Active Members Retirement Benefits 13,956,437 16,423,078 Disability Benefits 0 0 Death Benefits 300,525 355,595 Vested Benefits 711,431 890,954 Refund of Contributions 417,465 384,171 Service Retirees 4,307,252 4,307,252 Beneficiaries 142,954 142,954 Terminated Vested 1,007,976 1,007,976 Disability Retirees 0 0 Excess State Monies Reserve 0 0 -------------- -------------- Total 20,844,040 23,511,980 It-?l-O~ ~~ Before After 10/1/05 10/1/05 C. Liabilities - (Continued) Liabilities Due and Unpaid $0 $0 Present Value Fut Salaries (AA) 46,361,400 46,361,400 Present Value Fut Salaries (EA) 48,206,200 48,206,200 Present Value of Future Member Contributions 3,430,744 3,430,744 Present Value of Future Normal Costs (Entry Age) 5,350,751 6,435,024 Actuarial Accrued Liability 15,493,289 17,076,956 Unfunded Actuarial Accrued 3,752,185 5,335,852 Liability (UAAL) D. Actuarial Present Value of Accrued Benefits Vested Accrued Benefits Inactives Actives Member Contributions 5,458,182 2,438,680 2,191,683 5,458,182 3,140,261 2,191,683 Total 10,088,545 113,749 10,790,126 259,373 Non-vested Accrued Benefits Total Present Value Accrued Benefits 10,202,294 11,049,499 Increase (Decrease) in Present Value of Accrued Benefits Attributable to: Plan Amendments Assumption Changes New Accrued Benefits Benefits Paid Interest Other $847,205 o o o o o $847,205 J J-;<I-Oft, ~ Before After. 10/1/05 10/1/05 E. Pension Cost Normal Cost (with interest) $855,142 $1,077,327 % of Total Annual Payroll* 13.7 17.3 Payment Required to Amortize Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability over 30 years (as of 10/1/05) 234,499 319,504 % of Total Annual Payroll* 3.8 5.1 Total Required Contribution 1,089,641 1,396,831 % of Total Annual Payroll* 17.5 22.4 Expected Member Contributions 461,671 461,671 % of Total Annual Payroll* 7.4 7.4 Expected City Contribution 627,970 935,160 % of Total Annual Payroll* 10.1 15.0 * Contributions developed as of 10/1/2005 are expressed as a percentage of projected payroll at 10/1/2006 of: $6,238,792