HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-2017 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held May 4,2017
HRDB meeting was called to order by Chair Crown at 7:05 p.m. in Room 109 at Ocoee City Hall located at 150 North
Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee, Florida.
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection: Member Hershaw led the board in the pledge of
allegiance to the U.S.flag;followed by Chair Crown asking that we each take a moment for personal reflection.
B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum: Secretary Washington performed roll call and determined that there
was a quorum (7). In attendance at the time meeting was called to order and roll call was taken were: Members
Crown, Calloway, Maxwell, Hershaw, Daily, Brown and Hart. Members Vines and Anderson-Robinson arrived at
7:15(quorum of 9). Absent: Members Dawkins, Foster, and Bell.
C. Review of Excused Absences: Member Dawkins is an excused absence. Members Foster and Bell are unexcused
D. Review Agenda for Tonight's Meeting: Chair Crown reviewed the agenda for the night.
E. Review of Minutes: Minutes of the March 2, 2017 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve minutes made
by Member Calloway, seconded by Member Hershaw and unanimously approved. Minutes of the April 6,2017
meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve minutes made by Member Hershaw, seconded by Member
Calloway and unanimously approved.
A. Comments from Citizens/Public: Lt. S. Nylander attended the meeting from the Police Department.
B. Budget Report: Ex Officio Member Wright reported that as of this month the balance is$14,630.20.
C. Art Festival Recap: 15t place and overall winner—Jennifer Ly-$250.00; 2nd place—Chase Fitzpatrick-$100.00;
3rd place—Veronica Ogburn-$50.00. Discussion ensued regarding presentation of awards. Member Hershaw
to return the original art to Ocoee H.S. and present certificates and ribbons at the school. Member Hershaw
made a motion to give gift cards from Best Buy in the above amounts, seconded by Member Calloway and it was
unanimously approved.
D. Cemetery: Ex-Officio Member Wright passed an email around written by Director Butler regarding the cost of
the project(attached). Discussion ensued regarding the email and HRDB budget. Member Hershaw made a
motion that HRDB will allocate$10,000.00 of the remaining budget to add to the$16,000.00 already budgeted
for Phase 1 (as outlined in the 3rd paragraph of the email—driveway,fence,and landscaping). Member
Maxwell seconded and it was approved unanimously. Discussion regarding the completion date. Member
Calloway made a motion for HRDB funds only be allocated until November 1, 2017. Seconded by Member Hart
and approved unanimously.
E. MLK Parade: Discussion regarding route. Ex-Officio Member Wright to contact a mall representative about
next year.
F. Chair Elect: Member Calloway nominated Member Brown,who stated that he is willing to serve. Unanimously
G. Other Business:
a. Ex-Officio Member Wright stated that there is an outstanding balance from the Orlando Times in the
amount of$1,106.80 that needs to be paid. Motion was made by Member Hershaw to pay this invoice,
seconded by Member Calloway and unanimously approved.
b. Ex-Officio Member Wright showed the board samples of some promotion items.
c. Discussed taking a summer break. Member Daily made a motion to cancel the July meeting, seconded
by Member Anderson-Robinson and approved unanimously.
H. Set Next Agenda: Chair Crown, along with input from the board, set the agenda for the next meeting,which will
be held on June 1, 2017, said Agenda was established as listed below:
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection
B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
C. Review of Excused Absence(s)
D. Review Agenda for Tonight's Meeting
E. Review of Minutes
A. Comments from Citizens/Public
B. Budget Report
C. Cemetery
D. Other Business
E. Set Next Agenda for August 3, 2017.
IV:ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
These are the official minutes of the Ocoee Human Relations Diversity Board, as accepted by the Board at a meeting
held on the date shown below. Any amendments to the minutes as originally prepared by the Secretary are indicated
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Presiding Officer Date