HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Approval of Engineering Design Services for Downtown Street Redevelopment with CPH, Inc. ocoee florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: December 19, 2017 Item # Reviewed By: Contact Name: Stephen C. Krug Department Director: Contact Number: 6002 City Manager:er: / , " Subject: Engineering Design Services for Downtown Streets Redevelop ent with CPH, Inc. Commissioner Wilsen, District 2 and Commissioner Firstner, District 3. Background Summary: The City Commission approved the Downtown Master Plan in October 2016 and the project list associated with the plan. The Engineering Design Services for the Downtown Streets included in the approved plan were awarded to CPH, Inc., under RFQ #1705 at the July 18, 2017 Commission meeting. Public Works and Utilities have worked with CPH to finalize the scope of services and negotiate the contract. The scope of projects included in this contract are: • Taylor Street from McKey Street to Franklin Street, with a roundabout at these two terminal intersections, each featuring a gateway structure. • Realignment of Kissimmee Avenue away from the parallel railroad track from Floral Street to McKey Street/Taylor Street in order to move the Taylor at McKey roundabout away from the railroad crossing at this location. • Reconstruction of Oakland Avenue from Taylor Street to Bluford Avenue. • Reconstruction of McKey Street from Bluford Avenue to Lakeshore Drive. • Possible reconstruction of the intervening block of Lakewood Avenue between McKey Street and Oakland Avenue. • Major gateway structure at the intersection of Bluford Avenue and Geneva Street. • West Orange Trail connection from the SR 429 interchange on Franklin Street to the northern Taylor Street roundabout. Included with the road upgrades is the replacement of approximately 4,450' of potable water main and the addition of 1,780' of gravity sewer. Funding for the utilities' design ($59,947.04) will utilize $42,831.69 from 410-533-00-6302 (Water Repair & Replacement Fund) and $17,115.36 from 417-535- 10-6302 (2016 Utilities Bond Proceeds - Project #17103). Construction funds for water, estimated at $245,000, will need to be approved in the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget (401-533-10-6302), and funds for the gravity sewer, estimated at $170,000, will come from the 2016 Utilities Bond Proceeds, subject to reimbursement expenses occurring with the purchase of the 2 N. Bluford Avenue property. The 2 N. Bluford Avenue parcel was purchased to gain a sanitary sewer easement 15' wide running east to west along the northern 15 feet of the property with the remaining portion of the property to be used by the City or sold. Public Works worked with CPH to develop a meaningful sequence for the projects focusing on the Oakland corridor, then Taylor Street improvements, followed by the remaining tasks as concurrent designs for the City Hall Complex are finalized. The portion of Oakland Avenue from Bluford to Lakeshore will be incorporated in the City Hall Complex master park planning project. The $615,477.56 for the work is available in the Utilities Division Capital Outlay budgets along with the streetscape as bonded in the general fund. Public Works and Utilities recommend approval of the work with CPH, Inc. Issue: Request the City Commission to approve the Engineering Design Services for the Downtown Streets Redevelopment with CPH, Inc. Recommendations: Recommend the City Commission approve the Engineering Design Services for the Downtown Streets Redevelopment plan with CPH, Inc., under RFQ # 1705, for the not to exceed cost of $615,477.56 as funded in the Utilities Department budgets along with the streetscape as bonded in the general fund. Also recommend the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders to this contract up to the limit of his purchasing authority for each change order, and up to the budgeted amount for this project for all change orders. Attachments: CPH Scope of Services. Financial Impact: The cost of the Design work is adequately funded in the Utilities Department budgets along with the streetscape as bonded in the general fund. Type of Item: (please mark with an `k') Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading X Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion&Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney T N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. i, N/A Review ed.by ( ) N/A 2 CITY OF OCOEE DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE (OAKLAND AVE, TAYLOR ST, McKEY ST, AND KISSIMMEE AVE) FINAL DESIGN SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 — PROJECT ADMINISTRATION CPH will provide general project management, including, but not limited to communication and coordination with the CITY, preparation of meeting materials and documentation, preparing project billing, preparing invoice report, and tracking project budget and schedule, and attend general project meetings. In addition to the design specific meetings identified below, CPH anticipates up to ten (10) stakeholder/coordination meetings as required by the project. CPH understands the CITY is planning a number of improvements to the downtown area, including the City Hall site, Bill Breeze Park improvements, the waterfront improvements, and stormwater master plan. CPH will attend meetings with other City consultants as needed to ensure the streetscape projects and the other proposed improvements are compatible. CPH anticipates and will attend up to eight (8) coordination meetings with other City consultants. CPH will address minor revisions requested by the by CITY within the Design Services Task below. If significant revisions to the plans are requested due to changes in adjacent projects out of CPH's control or after a phase submittal, and resulting in the estimated Staff-Hours to be exceeded, requested revisions will be addressed as additional services. TASK 2—SURVEYING SERVICES 2.1 — Establish Right of Way: CPH will establish the existing rights-of-way, field locate sufficient boundary monumentation and field verify platted rights-of-way contained within the plats. The following will be used to determine the rights of way for the project area: o Recorded Plats o Right of way documentation o Viewable Legal Descriptions recorded in Official Records 2.2 — Topographic Survey: CPH will perform a Topographic Survey as per Chapter 5J-17 of the Florida Administrative Code in compliance with the Standards of Practice of Surveying and Mapping of the State of Florida overlap (see attached "Survey Site Exhibit"for limits). • 50' topographic grid of full rights of way with a 20' overlap on each side where accessible (see attached "Survey Site Exhibit" for limits). • A certified right of way map will not be provided. • Location of trees/shrubbery (size and type only). • Location of all visible improvements within rights of way together with visible and underground utilities as designated by others. The project coordinate system will be based horizontally on the North American Datum 83 (NAD 83). The project will be referenced to state plane coordinates by field locating published control points. The National Geodetic Survey control points will be researched and verified in the field. This base of reference will be used to establish the coordinate system for the project. The project will be based on the North American Vertical Datum 88 (NAVD 88). The project will be referenced to these published elevations by field locating published benchmarks. The National Geodetic Survey benchmarks will be researched and verified in the field. The following related services are not included in the scope of this proposal, and may or may not be required, but can be provided at an additional fee: Boundary Survey, ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey, As-built Survey, Platting, Soil Borings, Sketch and Descriptions, Wetland Location/Delineation, Ordinary High Water/Mean High Water and Underground Utility Location/Designation. 2.3 — Boundary Surveys (6 Parcels): CPH will perform six (6) Boundary Surveys to include the following Parcel Identification Numbers: 18-22-28-8064-00-492, 18-22-28-8064-00-502, 18- 22-28-8064-00-581, 18-22-28-0000-00-048, 18-22-28-5660-00-010 and 18-22-28-0000-00-043 (Orange County Property Appraiser). The Boundary Surveys work shall include: • Obtain Title Search Reports for the six (6) parcels • Review of each of the Title Search Reports and depict exceptions on each survey. • Prepare Six (6) individual signed and sealed Boundary Surveys. Upon completion of design and acceptance by the City, CPH will prepare Sketches and Descriptions for the six (6) right-of-way acquisitions and the remainder parcels. 2.4 — Boundary Survey (Proposed Right-of-Way): CPH will perform a Boundary Survey of the proposed right-of-way (1,600± linear feet) upon final acceptance of the final plans by the City. The Boundary Survey work shall include: • Monument proposed right-of-way of Kissimmee Ave and Taylor St, from Floral Street to W. Franklin St. • Signed and Sealed Boundary Survey (Certified right-of-way map). All surveying services will be performed as per Rule Chapter 5J-17 of the Florida Administrative Code in compliance with the Standards of Practice of Surveying and Mapping of the State of Florida. TASK 3—DESIGN SERVICES 3.1 — Roadway Design Services CPH will prepare the Construction Plans for the reconstruction and streetscape of the following streets: • Taylor Street, from McKey Street to Franklin Avenue • Oakland Avenue, from Taylor Street to Bluford Avenue • McKey Street, from Bluford Avenue to Lakeshore Drive (including Lakewood Avenue, from McKey Street to Oakland Avenue) • Kissimmee Avenue (Realignment), from Floral Street to McKey Street This work effort includes the design needed to provide plans for the project with sufficient information to allow for permitting, bidding, and constructing the project. The design of the project includes plans for the reconstruction of roadways, stormwater modifications, and streetscape improvements. The Taylor Street project includes the reconstruction of Taylor Street, the design of two (2) roundabouts meeting FDOT geometric criteria at the intersections of Franklin Ave and McKey St., a multi-use trail along one side of the corridor, and landscape/hardscape improvements. Oakland Avenue includes the reconstruction of Oakland Ave, the design of a divided roadway with a multi-use trail located within the proposed median, on-street parking, entry feature, and landscape/hardscape improvements. The McKey Street project includes the reconstruction of McKey St, incorporating in-street parking and landscape/hardscape improvements. The McKey St project will also include the reconstruction of Lakewood Ave, between McKey St and Oakland Ave. The Kissimmee Ave project includes the realignment of Kissimmee Ave north of Floral St to align with the proposed roundabout at the McKey/Taylor intersection. These plans are for the use of the CITY to bid and build the project, and ensure the project is built as designed and to specifications. CPH will design the roadway improvements in accordance with the applicable CITY, FDOT, MUTCD, and ADA design criteria. CPH will work closely with BFA (CPH's utility design Subconsultant) to ensure the proposed utility designs are not in conflict with the proposed roadway improvements. The Final Design will include the reconstruction/repair techniques for the roadway, horizontal and vertical alignments revisions, and proper cross-section analysis to ensure proper vehicular and ADA connections to existing grade within the CITY's right-of-way or identified easements, and to maintain proper drainage. No traffic analysis or signal design is included within this scope of services. CPH will prepare Traffic Control Plans (Maintenance of Traffic) for the roadway reconstruction. CPH will coordinate with the CITY and Utility Design Engineers (BFA—Subconsultant) to prepare the appropriate MOT and/or detour plans. Through previous coordination, the CITY has contracted with another consultant to perform a Downtown Stormwater Master Plan. CPH will coordinate with the City and its consultant to determine the appropriate outfall points for each project. CPH will design the roadway surface and storm sewer hydraulics within the corridors per the FDOT Drainage Manual criteria, connecting to an existing stormwater conveyance system. Stormwater upgrades will be incorporated into the designs as required and coordinated. CPH will utilize FDOT Specifications for the roadway construction, incorporating Supplemental Specifications for any revisions, and prepare Technical Specifications for items proposed in the plans not included in the FDOT Specs. The City will be responsible for providing the necessary Front End Documents. CPH will also prepare an Engineer's Estimate of Probable Cost (EEOPC) for each Plan Phase submittal (60%, 90%, and Final). CPH will provide a breakdown of the quantities per customary construction units and pay items necessary to construct the project. Based on the CITY's review of each submittal phase, CPH will address comments, and move forward with preparing the subsequent submittal. If significant revisions to the plans are requested resulting in the estimated Staff-Hours to be exceeded, requested revisions will be addressed as additional services. CPH will prepare the construction plan sheets, notes and details to include sheets necessary to convey the intent and scope of the project for the purposes of construction. All elevation related sheets will state the datum used. Based upon the approval of the Preliminary Plans (30%) by the CITY, CPH will prepare plans for submittal at the 60%, 90%, and Final Plans stages. The anticipated plan sheets will include the following: 1. Key Sheet* 2. Summary of Pay Items 3. General Notes 4. Typical Sections* 5. Project Layout Sheet 6. Roadway Plan and Profile Sheets (Plan Layout only for 30% submittal) 7. Roundabout Profiles 8. Roundabout Details 9. Roadway Cross Sections 10. Miscellaneous Details 11. Signing and Pavement Marking Plans 12. Traffic Control Plan (MOT) 13. SWPPP and Erosion Control Sheets 14. Landscape Plans*/Details 15. Irrigation Plans/Details 16. Hardscape Plans*/Details 17. Utility Plans (by BFA) *Plan Sheets included for with the 30% Plan Submittal. 3.2— Landscape Architecture CPH will provide Landscape Architecture design services to implement streetscape for multiple street segments as described in the Project Description above and multiple project design elements including: CPH Landscape Architects will work with CPH Transportation Engineers to identify street alignment elements for traffic calming, pedestrian and bicycle path incorporation, landscape bulb-outs and parking separation islands, and decorative crosswalks. Hardscape elements include decorative paving patterns, vertical icon features (entry features on Oakland, and within the roundabouts), and streetscape furnishings. This scope of work also includes coordination with Duke Energy for decorative street light selection, spacing, and detailing for installation. CPH Landscape Architects will meet with City staff up to five (5) times to develop the design vocabulary for the project during the Preliminary Plan phase. CPH will prepare Preliminary Plans (30%) based on staff direction and coordination, consisting of plan view sheets of the improvements, and conceptual details as necessary to convey the proposed streetscape improvements associated with each segment of the project. CPH will submit the preliminary plans to the CITY for review, and will make revisions to the plans as requested. The 30% Plans will consist of the following sheets: Landscape Plan View Sheets Typical Cross-Sectional Views (as necessary) Perspective Images of up to twelve (12) select views. 3.3—Structural Design Services CPH will provide Structural Engineering design services to support the Streetscape Design Features as described above. The structural engineer will coordinate with the Landscape Architect to structurally analyze, and provide structural plans and details for the entry and roundabout features enhancements. TASK 4—PERMITTING SERVICES Permitting is anticipated with the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and the Florida Central Railroad Company (FCRC). It is assumed that the drainage for Oakland Ave will be included in, and connected to a regional stormwater pond, and therefore require a Permit Modification through SJRWMD. It is assumed Taylor St, McKey St, and Lakewood Ave will connect to existing conveyance systems and be exempt. It is assumed Kissimmee Ave will require a new pond for treatment and attenuation of runoff. CPH anticipates a new pond located along the south side of McKey St, west of the McKey/Taylor roundabout. It is assumed all work within the FCRC will be performed by the rail company. CPH will coordinate with the rail company and provide the plans and proposed documents necessary for the rail company to perform the design meeting the intent of the project. CPH will begin the coordination with SJRWMD and the FCRC immediately following the approval for the 30% Plans by attending pre-application meetings. Upon completion and City review of the 60% Plans, CPH will prepare and submit the appropriate permits to SJRWMD and FCRC. CPH will address comments provided by the permitting agencies that pertain to the required design standards. Any modifications requested that are not code or design standards issues, or modifications requested by the permitting agencies that require significant plan revisions (as agreed upon by the CITY and CPH) will be addressed as additional services. Any other permits that may arise during the design or review process, and not outlined above, will be handled as an additional service. Permitting and/or application fees will be the responsibility of the City. TASK 5—UTILITY DESIGN, SUE, and UTILITY COORDINATION 5.1 — Utility Design and SUE (Utilities) CPH will utilize Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. (BFA) (as a sub-consultant) to perform the Utility Designs and SUE (as needed) for the utility design above. Please refer to the proposal as submitted by BFA. 5.2— Utility Locates and SUE (Public Works) CPH will utilize Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. (BFA) (as a sub-consultant) to perform the Utility Locates to identify horizontal locations of utilities for the purpose of the roadway/streetscape design. BFA will perform SUE (as needed) for the roadway/streetscape deisgn. Please refer to the proposal as submitted by BFA. 5.3— Utility Coordination CPH understands these projects will require coordination with Duke Energy to relocate and/or underground the overhead power. CPH will coordinate with the CITY and other private utilities and propose a design that minimizes conflict. CPH will furnish plans of the 60%, and 90% plan stages to the utilities for review and confirmation of utility location. CPH will attend three utility coordination meetings with utilities located within the project limits. CPH is not responsible for the design or cost of the relocated utilities. TASK 6—GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES CPH will utilize Bechtol Engineering and Testing, Inc (BET) (as a sub-consultant) to perform the geotechnical exploration, pavement cores, and pond permeability tests. Please refer to the proposal as submittal by BET. TASK 7—BID PHASE SERVICES CPH will assist in the bidding of the construction contract by attending the pre-bid meeting, responding to Requests for Information (RFI) during bidding of the project, and assist with preparing the Conformed Documents. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are not provided as part of this Scope of Services and will require an amendment if requested: 1. Post Design Services 2. Construction Engineering and Inspection Services 3. Right-of-Way or Easement acquisition services (except optional services listed above). 4. Permits or authorization not specifically mentioned in this Scope of Services 5. Any other issues not specifically described in this proposal COMPENSATION Labor CONSULTANT will perform the Scope of Services contained in this Agreement as identified on each task on a lump-sum basis, as identified in the corresponding task of the Scope of Services. The following is the breakdown of fees for each task. OAKLAND AVENUE Task Task Description Billing Method Fee 01. Project Administration Lump Sum $13,270.00 02.1, 02.2. Surveying Lump Sum $7,465.00 03. 03.1 Roadway Design Services Lump Sum $61,700.00 03.2 Landscape Architecture Lump Sum $33,300.00 03.3 Structural Design Services Lump Sum $7,030.00 04. Permitting Lump Sum $6,870.00 05. 05.1 Utility Design & SUE (Utilities) Lump Sum $25,657.33 05.2 Utility Locates & SUE (Public Works) Lump Sum $6,830.82 05.3 Utility Coordination Lump Sum $6,650.00 06. Geotechnical Services Lump Sum $4,142.09 07. Bid Phase Services Lump Sum $3,290.00 Estimated Expenses At Cost $2,093.63 OAKLAND TOTAL Lump Sum $178,298.87 TAYLOR STREET Task Task Description Billing Method Fee T1. Project Administration Lump Sum $13,230.00 T2.1, T2.2 Surveying Lump Sum $6,230.00 T2.3 Boundary Survey (Parcels) Lump Sum $22,460.00 T2.4 Boundary Survey (Prop RMV) Lump Sum $24,460.00 T3. T3.1 Roadway Design Services Lump Sum $99,900.00 T3.2 Landscape Architecture Lump Sum $16,440.00 T3.3 Structural Design Services Lump Sum $12,650.00 T4. Permitting Lump Sum $6,870.00 T5. T5.1 Utility Design & SUE (Utilities) Lump Sum $15,226.55 T5.2 Utility Locates & SUE (Public Works) Lump Sum $4,053.81 T5.3 Utility Coordination Lump Sum $6,650.00 T6. Geotechnical Services Lump Sum $2,528.85 T7. Bid Phase Services Lump Sum $4,470.00 Estimated Expenses At Cost $3,200.40 TAYLOR TOTAL Lump Sum $238,369.61 McKEY STREET Task Task Description Billing Method Fee M1. Project Administration Lump Sum $8,170.00 M2.1, M2.2 Surveying Lump Sum $4,710.00 M3. M3.1 Roadway Design Services Lump Sum $53,110.00 M3.2 Landscape Architecture Lump Sum $10,600.00 M4. Permitting Lump Sum $4,310.00 M5. M5.1 Utility Design & SUE (Utilities) Lump Sum $12,468.98 M5.2 Utility Locates & SUE (Public Works) Lump Sum $3,319.65 M5.3 Utility Coordination Lump Sum $5,470.00 M6. Geotechnical Services Lump Sum $2,071.04 M7. Bid Phase Services Lump Sum $4,130.00 Estimated Expenses At Cost $1,357.50 McKEY TOTAL Lump Sum $109,717.17 KISSIMMEE AVENUE Task Task Description Billing Method Fee K1. Project Administration Lump Sum $8,170.00 K2.1, K2.2 Surveying Lump Sum $3,945.00 K3. K3.1 Roadway Design Services Lump Sum $46,460.00 K3.2 Landscape Architecture Lump Sum $6,390.00 K4. Permitting Lump Sum $6,190.00 K5. K5.1 Utility Design & SUE (Utilities) Lump Sum $6,594.17 K5.2 Utility Locates & SUE (Public Works) Lump Sum $1,755.59 K5.2 Utility Coordination Lump Sum $4,710.00 K6. Geotechnical Services Lump Sum $1,090.02 K7. Bid Phase Services Lump Sum $2,610.00 Estimated Expenses At Cost $1,177.13 KISSIMMEE TOTAL Lump Sum $89,091.91 PUBLIC WORKS SUBTOTAL $555,530.53 UTILITIES SUBTOTAL $59,947.03 DOWNTOWN STREETS GRAND TOTAL $615,477.56 It is understood that fees for the subject project, including but not limited to, application fees, impact fees, above ground utility relocation design fees, utility connection fees, review fees, etc., will be paid directly by the CITY. CONSULTANT will submit invoices on a monthly basis to the CITY for payment. Lump Sum tasks will be billed as percent complete. In addition to the labor compensation outlined above, CPH shall be reimbursed directly for project specific expenditures such as, but not limited to travel, printing and reprographics, meals, postage, and phone usage. Reimbursable expenses will be billed at their actual cost, without increase. s e p ala - $ z . a .., . .. _ II! = ' = ' - = ... it 1_ is . . - . - ... .,..... i - I. 0 is - j! is . 3 . s. s. x " a j! is a 2 I! is _ a s 1 1 i 1 1 1 a ; ; a pE __---------------_________ I --- - -------------.-......-__.__. - r: II a- riia 'aa . � i "3 1i. I a ! . ........ J. $a j is . . a 1 �.. a jr€1 ! ;. ...$. I I. I 1 i I €1................_$_____________ e, is I 3 is 1 11 $ i1s.................................. e? is i! ii 3 a i,. is s _. 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Luman, Jr., P.E. Vice President/Associate Transportation Division Director CPH Subject: City of Ocoee Downtown Streets Redevelopment Project Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements Revised Scope and Fee Proposal for Engineering Services Dear Kurt: Attached for your review is BFA's scope and fee proposal to provide engineering services for the design of sanitary sewer and water main improvements related to the Downtown Streets Redevelopment project. We appreciate the opportunity to assist the City of Ocoee on this important project. If you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal, please contact me. Sincerely, (-ye ./,‘;(4, Willie Thomas, PE Vice President Attachments 1230 Hillcrest Street• Orlando, Florida 32803 Office (407) 896-8608 • Fax (407) 896-1822 Exhibit A SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF OCOEE DOWNTOWN STREETS REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR POTABLE WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS This presents BFA Environmental Consultants proposal for performing water and wastewater engineering services related to the City of Ocoee's Downtown Streets Redevelopment Project. This proposal includes the proposed scope, fee, schedule and all work and services needed to successfully complete the project. The procedures and design requirements shall be performed in accordance with the City of Ocoee's Engineering Standards Manual. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE As a subconsultant to CPH, BFA will be performing engineering, design services for the replacement of existing potable water mains and the installation of wastewater gravity sewer in conjunction with the proposed roadway and streetscape improvements designed by CPH. Proposed water main and sanitary sewer improvements will occur within the following project corridors per Figure 1: • Taylor Street(Franklin Street to McKey Street), approximately 1,160 feet. • Kissimmee Ave (Floral Street to McKey Street), approximately 500 feet. • Oakland Ave (Taylor Street to Lakeshore Drive), approximately 1,900 feet. • McKey Street (Bluford Ave to Lakeshore Drive), approximately 950 feet. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1.0—Project Management; Task 2.0 - Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water System Design Coordination; Task 3.0 - Subsurface Utility Engineering(SUE) Soft Digs Task 4.0 - Preparation of Construction Documents; Task 5.0—Permitting Services; and Task 6.0—Utility Coordination. Task 1.0—Project Management(Utilities) 1.1. Project Management CPH will serve as the prime consultant for this project and will coordinate all project tasks and deliverables with the Project Team and sub-consultants as required for successful project completion. Project coordination activities shall include work related to project emails, correspondence and telephone conference calls. The BFA project manager shall coordinate directly with CPH's project manager for all project related communications with the CITY. 1.2. Project Meetings BFA will also attend up to eight (8) project coordination and review meetings with the CITY and CPH to discuss project alternatives,design revisions, input from CITY staff,and implementation considerations for the project. BFA#2017-xx Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee Downtown Streets Redevelopment Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements November 13,2017 Page 2 Task 2.0—Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water System Design Coordination (Utilities) The BFA Project Manager shall coordinate directly with the CITY's Project Manager or designated staff for all project related communications. BFA's project manager shall also coordinate with the Reiss Project Manager or designated staff to discuss the basis of design for the proposed sanitary sewer and potable water improvements. Project coordination activities shall include work related to project emails, correspondence and telephone conference calls. CPH's project manager will be copied on all project coordination related correspondence. The purpose of the project coordination phase is to collect and review all pertinent information relevant to the proposed sanitary sewer and potable water system improvements located within the project corridors. a. Review and coordinate with the CITY's CIP, Master Plan and hydraulic modeling consultant to determine sanitary sewer and potable water main sizing requirements. b. Collect and review all available information that may have a bearing and influence on the planning, design, approval, permitting, construction or operation of the sanitary sewer and potable water improvements. c. Evaluate existing conditions along the proposed pipe installation route by site visitation. Consider current field conditions and any proposed site improvements and/or changes that may affect the Project and recommended location of the proposed sanitary sewer and potable water improvements. Task 3.0—Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) (Public Works) 3.0.1 Soft Digs Excavation of underground utilities will be performed at tie-in points and at critical crossings throughout the project to determine horizontal and vertical location,the size,type and material of the utility. For this scope of services, the number of tie-in locations and critical utility crossings are estimated to be twenty (20). 3.0.2 Utility Designates BFA will designate and mark underground utilities for inclusion as part of the Topographic Survey performed by CPH. This proposal assumes approximately 2.9 miles of designates within the project corridors. It is understood that the City will mark those underground utilities that are part of the City's systems. Task 3.1 —Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) (Utilities) 3.1.1 Soft Digs Excavation of underground utilities will be performed at tie-in points and at critical crossings throughout the project to determine horizontal and vertical location,the size,type and material of the utility. For this scope of services, the number of tie-in locations and critical utility crossings are estimated to be twenty(20). Task 4.0—Preparation of Construction Documents (Utilities) The construction documents shall be complete and meet all requirements for subsequent construction of the Project. Design documents shall comply with current CITY requirements and BFA#2015-03 Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee Downtown Streets Redevelopment Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements November 13,2017 Page 3 design standards. BFA will provide quality assurance and "constructability" reviews prior to all submittals to the CITY. Design services will include submittal of construction documents at the 60%, 90% and 100% level of completion. Full size construction drawings shall be 11"x17" with plan and profile sheets prepared at a scale of 1-inch equals 40-ft, and a vertical scale of 1-inch equals 4-ft. Approximately eight (8) plan and profile drawing sheets, and additional sheets for necessary notes and details. 4.1 60% Construction Document Submittal The 60%complete construction document submittal shall be defined as a complete set of plan and profile drawings indicating all survey and topographic information, existing utility locations, new utility connections, applicable construction details and an opinion of the probable construction cost. Stations and offsets from the baseline to the proposed mains shall be shown. a. Submit three (3) sets of construction drawings and technical specifications and a digital copy as a single PDF file at a 60% level of completion to the CITY for review. b. Meet with the CITY to discuss the 60%submittal,prepare a written list of CITY comments, and submit to CITY for verification. 4.2 90% Construction Document Submittal a. The 90% complete construction document submittal shall be defined as a complete set of bid ready construction drawings and Bid Schedule with the CITY's 60%review comments addressed. b. Submit three (3) sets of construction drawings and Bid Schedule and a digital copy as a single PDF file of the 90%to the CITY for review. c. Meet with the CITY to discuss the 90%submittal,prepare a written list of CITY comments and submit to the CITY. 4.3 100% Construction Document Submittal a. The 100%complete construction document submittal shall be defined as a complete set of bid ready construction drawings and Bid Schedule with the CITY's 90%review comments addressed. b. Submit three (3) hardcopy sets of construction drawings and Bid Schedule, a digital copy of the drawings as a single PDF and a copy of the drawings in AutoCADTM Release 2013 format to the CITY. Bid Schedule will be in Microsoft WordTM format. Task 5.0—Permitting Services (Utilities) a. Prepare and submit Project related permit applications and supporting documentation necessary to obtain required permits for construction and operation of the Project from the following Jurisdictional Agencies: • FDEP Notification to use the General Permit for Constructing Wastewater Collection/Transmission System and the FDEP General Permit for Construction of Water Main Extensions for PWSs. BFA will be responsible for the design components of the permit applications. The CITY and Reiss Engineering will be responsible for the hydraulic analysis components. BFA#2015-03 Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee Downtown Streets Redevelopment Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements November 13,2017 Page 4 • Respond to requests for additional information from FDEP. • Permit application fee will be paid by the CITY. Task 6.0—Utility Coordination (Utilities) BFA will coordinate with the CITY and other private utilities to propose a design that minimizes conflict. BFA will furnish plans of the 60%, and 90% plan stages to the utilities for review and confirmation of utility location. BFA will attend three (3) utility coordination meetings with utilities located within the project limits. BFA is not responsible for the design or cost of the relocated utilities. SCHEDULE BFA will perform the scope of work described above in accordance with the overall project schedule provided by CPH. PROPOSED FEE BFA proposes to complete the services described above based on a total combined lump sum and hourly not to exceed fee of$75,906.91. The proposed fee amount includes $15,959.87 for Public Works is and $59,947.04 for Utilities. It is understood that fees for the subject project, including but not limited to, application fees, impact fees, private utility relocation design fees, utility connection fees, review fees, etc., will be paid directly by the CITY. A complete description of the proposed fee providing man-hour and fee information for each task is provided in Exhibit B. BFA will submit invoices monthly to the CITY for payment. Lump Sum tasks will be billed as percent complete. In addition to the labor compensation outlined above, BFA shall be reimbursed directly for project specific expenditures such as, but not limited to travel, printing and reprographics, meals, postage, and phone usage. Reimbursable expenses will be billed at their actual cost, without increase. BFA#2015-03 II \ I 1 v .3.:, ,.FMi v:.. i_ Rutfla ®I ALTERNATE y h In=200 fll J --- ®- -"--- UFT STATION 1ITEr —' 1 1 G I I FM `__'_" -�E -- - —--` - y=`"-J °" Q-- ¢D 060wJ Cm© < 6e009:0 ELo SI ®@ 0 0 B g 0 8 If i \ 1 I \, EXISTING 1 UPGRADE TO A"WM 'I ' IALONG BLUFORDAVEI , I Cat CO i _0, i _ . '. I �, ,.°i © V 0t]pp 1 I 6 -_�-te-�< m E • • 1 ® I I Master Plan Pump Station Exng Water CITY OF B_ FA '—Master Plan Sewer Projectonm5 doOCOEE FIGURE 1 DOWNTOWN STREETS REDEVELOPMENT UTILITIES proposed'..^*Pd Force Main �" Ea-111W B CITY OF OCOEE DOWNTOWN STREETS REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR POTABLE WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS BFA Cost Summary November 13,2017 BFA Labor BFA Project TASK Fee Type Totals Direct Total Hours Costs Costs Costs Task 1.0—Project Management(Utilities) LS 36 55,501.60 $5,501.60 Task 2.0—Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water System Design LS 12 $1,554.80 $1,554.80 Coordination (Utilities) Task 3.0-Subsurface Utility Engineering(Public Works) NTE 151 $15,959.87 515,959.87 Task 3.1-Subsurface Utility Engineering(Utilities) NTE 70 58,476.65 58,476.65 Task 4.0—Preparation of Construction Documents(Utilities) LS 363 $38,131.47 $38,131.47 4.1 60%Design Submittal LS 210 $21,925.67 $21,925.67 4.2 90%Design Submittal LS 111 $11,747.71 $11,747.71 4.3 100%Design Submittal LS 42 $4,458.09 $4,458.09 Task 5.0—Permitting Services(Utilities) LS 26 53,190.33 53,190.33 Task 6.0—Utility Coordination(Utilities) LS 18 $1,970.41 $1,970.41 Utilities Direct Costs(Expenses @1.5%) NTE 51,121.78 $1,121.78 Project Totals 676 $74,785.13 $1,121.78 575,906.91 Public Works Fee Amount: $15,959.87 Utilities Fee Amount: $59,947.04 Total Project Fee: $75,906.91 EXHIBIT B CITY OF OCOEE DOWNTOWN STREETS REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR POTABLE WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS BFA Labor Costs November 13,2017 Multiplier.2.99 Project Manager/Sr.Engineer Sr.Engineer,OA/OC Engineer II CAD III Admin.Support BFA Labor TASK Hourly Rate $50.00 Hourly Rate $60.00 Hourly Rate $30.00 Hourly Rate $28.00 Hourly Rate $13.50 Billing Rate $149.50 Billing Rate $179.40 Billing Rate $89.70 Billing Rate $83.72 Billing Rate $40.37 Totals Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Task 1.0-Project Management(Utilities) 32 $4,784.00 4 $717.60 36 $5,501.60 1.1 Project Management 24 $3,588.00 4 $717.60 28 $4,305.60 1.2 Project Meetings 8 $1,196.00 8 $1,196.00 3 z Task 2.0-Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water System Design Coordination 8 $1,196.00 4 $358.80 12 $1,554.80 (Utilities) 8 $1,196.00 4 $358.80 12 $1,554.80 5 . Task 4.0-Preparation of Construction 98 $14,651.00 12 $2,152.80 68 $6,099.60 179 $14,985.88 6 $242.19 363 $38,131.47 Documents(Utilities) 4.1 60%Design Submittal 55 $8,222.50 6 $1,076.40 40 $3,588.00 107 $8,958.04 2 $80.73 210 $21,925.67 4.2 90%Design Submittal 31 $4,634.50 4 $717.60 20 $1,794.00 54 $4,520.88 2 $60.73 111 $11,747.71 4.3 100%Design Submittal 12 $1,794.00 2 $358.80 8 $717.60 18 $1,506.% 2 $80.73 42 $4,458.09 Task 5.0-Permitting Services(Utilities) 16 $2,392.00 8 $717.60 2 $80.73 26 $3,190.33 5.1 Sanitary Sewer Permitting(FDEP) 8 $1,196.00 4 $358.80 1 $40.37 13 $1,595.17 5.2 Potable Water Permitting(FDEP) 8 51.196.00 4 $358.80 1 $40.37 13 $1,595.17 Task 6.0-Utility Coordination(Utilities) 8 $1,196.00 4 $358.80 4 $334.88 2 $80.73 18 $1,970.41 8 $1,196.00 4 $358.80 4 $334.88 2 $80.73 18 $1,970.41 Total 162 24,219.0 16 2,870.4 84 7,534.8 183 15,320.8 10 403.7 455 50,348.61 EXHIBIT B CITY OF OCOEE DOWNTOWN STREETS REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR POTABLE WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS BFA Labor Costs November 13,2017 2.99 Sr.Surveyor and Mapper Survey Technician Utility Coordinator 2 Person SUE Crew BFA Labor TASK Hourly Rate $44.00 Hourly Rate $22.50 Hourly Rate $26.25 Hourly Rate $46.75 Billing Rate $131.56 Billing Rate $67.28 Billing Rate $78.49 Billing Rate $139.78 Totals Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Hours Costs Task 3.0-Subsurface Utility Engineering(Public Works) 16.0 $2,104.96 10.0 $672.75 70.0 $5,494.13 55.0 $7,688.04 151.0 $15,959.87 3.0.1 Soft Digs 10.0 $1,315.60 20.0 $1,589.75 40.0 $5,591.30 70.0 $8,476.65 3.0.2 Utility Designates 6.0 $789.36 10.0 $672.75 50.0 $3,924.38 15.0 $2,096.74 81.0 $7,483.22 Task 3.1-Subsurface Utility Engineering(Utilities) 10.0 $1,315.60 20.0 $1,569.75 40.0 $5,591.30 70.0 $8,476.65 3.1.1 Soft Digs 10.0 $1,315.60 20.0 $1,569.75 40.0 $5,591.30 70.0 $8,476.65 Total 26.0 $3,420.56 10.0 $672.75 90.0 $7,063.88 95.0 $13,279.34 221.0 $24,436.52 F«_May,l.mx11/1312017 BECHTOL ENGINEERING AND TESTING, inc. August 23, 2017 BET Project No. G17175 TO: Mr. Kurt Luman, P.E. CPH, Inc. 500 Fulton Street Sanford, Florida 32771 RE: Fee Proposal/Subcontract AGREEMENT- Geotechnical Services Roadway Improvements Downtown Streets Ocoee, Florida Dear Mr. Luman: As requested, Bechtol Engineering and Testing, Inc. (BET) is pleased to submit a Fee Proposal to provide geotechnical services relative to proposed roadway improvements at the above referenced site. The purpose of BET's services would be to evaluate existing pavement section and subgrade soils characteristics in the areas of the proposed improvements,and based on these characteristics,to provide appropriate subgrade soil preparation recommendations. Based on the results of field and laboratory studies, BET will issue a report summarizing their findings, evaluations and recommendations. Additionally, BET will evaluate soil and permeability characteristics and estimate average seasonal high groundwater levels in proposed stormwater management areas. Results of BET's findings along with recommended design parameters for storage recovery analysis will be issued in a report for your use and submittal to the appropriate governing and permitting entities. BET's proposed scope of services and associated fees are outlined on the attached Technical Plan and Cost Estimate. If the outlined scope of services, fees, and payment terms meet with your approval, please execute the Technical Plan and Cost Estimate and return to BET's office via mail, e-mail or FAX. BET appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal and looks forward to working with you in the very near future. If you should have any questions, or whenever BET may be of service, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, Bechtol Engineering and Testing, Inc. 4- Pate/ Love B. Patel Project Engineer N:\documents'AA GEO DOGS 2007-Present\Geo 2017\017175 Geotechnical Proposal.wpd CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL,ENVIRONMENTAL,AND MATERIALS TESTING ENGINEERS 605 West New York Avenue,Suite A•DeLand,FL 32720-5243•Telephone(386)734-8444 FAX(386)734-8541 TECHNICAL PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES TO: Mr. Kurt Luman, P.E. RE: Roadway Improvements CPH, Inc. Downtown Streets 500 Fulton Street Ocoee, Florida Sanford, Florida 32771 BET Project Number: G17175 TOTAL ITEM UNIT NO. UNIT COST COST 1.0 FIELD SERVICES 1.1 Site Reconnaissance and Boring Layout/Utility Coordination hour 4 $85.00 $340.00 1.2 Mobilization of Men and Equipment-Core and Drill Rigs site 1 450.00 450.00 1.3 Pavement Cores,Patch Core Holes each 12 85.00 1020.00 1.4 Standard Penetration Test Borings: lineal foot 120 15.00 1800.00 Proposed Gateway Signs/Structures:4 @ 30' 1.5 Auger Borings: lineal foot 224 13.00 2912.00 Proposed Roadway Realignment/Construction Areas:23 @ 8' Proposed Stormwater Management Areas:2 @ 20' 1.6 Patch Asphalt at Auger/SPT Boring Locations each 15 30.00 450.00 1.7 Field Permeability Test test 2 150.00 300.00 1.8 MOT-Traffic Control day 1 750.00 750.00 Subtotal-Field Services 8022.00 2.0 LABORATORY SERVICES 2.1 Stratification and Visual Classification of Soil Samples hour 1 $85.00 $85.00 2.2.2 Wash 200 Sieve Analysis test 4 45.00 180.00 2.2.3 Liquid and Plastic Limits(As Required) test 0 95.00 0.00 2.2.4 Moisture Content Determination test 0 15.00 0.00 Subtotal-Laboratory Services 265.00 3.0 ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES 3.1 Principal Geotechnical Engineer hour 2 $175.00 $350.00 3.2 Senior Project Engineer hour 8 120.00 960.00 3.3 Senior Engineering Designer hour 2 90.00 180.00 3.4 Clerical Services hour 1 55.00 55.00 Subtotal-Engineering and Technical Services 1545.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FEE: $9,832.00 SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Love B. Patel Project Engineer Date: 08/23/2017 Date: Signer hereby accepts all general terms and conditions on reverse side of this agreement,and warrants their full authority to bind CLIENT.