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JUNE 18, 1996
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commISSIOn
chambers. Pastor Bill Jones, Starke Lake Baptist Church, led in the prayer and Mrs. Frances
Watts led in the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Gleason, and Johnson.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Finance Director Horton, Recreation Director
Beech, Concurrency Analyst Resnik, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Vandergrift introduced Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Brown, three scouts from Boy Scout
Troop 67, who were present to fulfill one of the requirements for a badge by observing a
government meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift then read a letter of appreciation from Daniel Bryant, Mayor of the Moment
at the May 7, 1996 meeting.
There were none scheduled for this meeting.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, and C.
Commissioner Anderson corrected the minutes of the June 4 meeting to reflect the date of the
appraisal of the Silvestri property, i.e., the last paragraph on page 2 "... the negotiated price of
$145,635.00 was 5% over the 1995 appraised value...."
Mayor Vandergrift noted that when the motion to adopt Resolution No. 96-13 had been
approved 4-1, there was not a motion to proceed to hire an assistant city manager and that, if
that was the intent of this Commission, possibly a motion to that effect would be in order later
in the meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift then suggested that when the bids for drainage are let that they should be
bid on in-house as well as out.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to approve the consent
agenda with the correction to the June 4 minutes as noted. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Re~lar Meetin~ of June
4. 1996.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 18, 1996
B. Acceptance of Easement A~reements re: Conveyance of Clarke Road from Silvestri
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Prairie Lake Villa~e.
Phase I - Final Plat.
Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key -Court, said she was on her way to Minnesota for a
vacation/sibling reunion and before leaving needed to address Commission regarding a staff
member. She said that until the last few months communication with her missionary son and
his family in Vietnam had been difficult because of the uncertainty and expense of the foreign
mail system. She said that now she is able to write to him weekly and receives responses
regularly through the E-mail. Mrs. Watts expressed her appreciation for this, saying it was
made possible by City Clerk Grafton, who uses her personal computer at home to transmit and
receive the letters through the Internet.
Mr. Jesse Graham, attorney representing Silvestri Investments of Florida, Inc., said that
working with staff through the approval of Prairie Lake Village, Phase I Final Plat and the
conveyance of Clarke Road, Phase I, was an enjoyable experience and he was most appreciative
of the attention and cooperation he received in the process. Mr. Graham asked if it would be
possible to expedite matters for the builders to get building permits, as they have been waiting
some time. City Attorney Rosenthal said that the platting requirement has just been met and
they have met the criteria in the Developer Agreement to go forward with the first 62 houses.
Mr. Shapiro said, however, that they would have to wait in line with the rest of those who have
met the requirements, as the Building Department is on a first come, first served basis.
This Ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing.
Concurrency Analyst Resnik gave the staff report, advising that the revision would allow a
different way of measuring traffic (using a time delay study rather than the average daily trips
test) under the present concurrency management system.
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 96-
09. repealing Attachment 9-1 of Article IX of Chapter 180. adopting a new Attachment 9-1
relating to Traffic Circulation Capacity and Level of Service Inventory for Concurrency
Management as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 18, 1996
The Resolution was presented by title only. Concurrency Analyst Resnik gave the staff report
explaining that this Resolution amends the current development review fee schedule to include
a fee for submitting the special traffic studies just adopted in Ordinance No. 96-09. This flat
fee would cover staff review time and any required advertising; any additional consultant time
necessary to review the studies would be paid by the developer.
Commissioner Gleason seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to adopt Resolution
No.96-14 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
The Resolution was presented by title only. City Manager Shapiro said the street sweeper
would probably be in use two shifts per day, at night sweeping streets and curbs and during the
day cleaning the catch basins. Staff recommended (1) award purchase of the Johnston 605 Street
Sweeper to Florida Municipal Equipment, Inc. for $113,097.00, (2) adopt Resolution 96-15
establishing need, (3) approve the leasing agreement with Riverside National Bank with quarterly
payments of $6,398.55 in advance for five years with an effective annual interest rate of
5.362%, and (4) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all necessary documents.
Mayor Vanden!rift. seconded by Commissioner Gleason. moved to adopt Resolution No. 96-
15 and approve the staff recommendation. Motion carried 5-0.
Recreation Director Beech gave the staff report, advising Commission that Architect Jim
Swickerath's design came in over the budgeted amount, with projections ranging from $54,000
to $62,000. Mr. Beech said that a previously researched pre-fabricated facility would run
approximately $34,000, and that Public Works Director Corwin had just advised him that a
modular bathroom building soon would be available from Orlando Utilities at no cost. He said
that it may be possible to adapt that building to use for this facility at a cost within the already
budgeted funds, of which $19,000 remain. Mr. Beech asked for direction, whether to (1) delay
the project at this time and budget for additional funds in the 1996/97 budget for either Mr.
Swickerath's design or a pre-fabricated building, (2) use General Government Contingency
Funds to make up the difference between the $19,000 remaining funds and the either $62,000
for Mr. Swickerath's design or $34,000 for a pre-fabricated building, or (3) consider the
Orlando Utilities facility using a portion of the remaining funds already budgeted.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 18, 1996
There was discussion regarding just how soon the dock would be finished and City Manager
Shapiro estimated 60 - 90 days.
Mayor Vandenrrift, seconded by Commissioner Gleason, moved to look into putting two
porta-potties on site while the dock is under construction. Motion carried 4-1 with
Commissioner Johnson voting "no. "
Commissioner Glass, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to table the issue until more
information was available from OUC. Motion carried 5-0.
James Swickerath, Architect, 1203 Ridgcfield Avenue, addressed Commission regarding the
building he had designed and said that the building he had designed fits comfortably within the
window of public toilets that are constructed all over the central part of the state, complying with
the requirements of access for the disabled, etc., but until the funding was in place, examining
his plans did not make sense.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Gleason, moved to appoint Mayor
Vandergrift to serve as voting delegate at the Florida League of Cities Convention August 8-10.
1996 at Boca Raton. Motion carried 5-0.
City Clerk Grafton gave the staff report, presenting the issues requested by the Citizen
Advisory Council, (1) that Tom Hendricks be appointed an honorary member of the Council,
(2) that the method of determining a quorum be changed, (3) that a system for dealing with
absenteeism be put in place, (4) that Mr. Max-H. Paul be removed due to non-attendance.
Commissioner Johnson said that the Council already has the right to remove members from the
membership if they do not attend meetings and that no further rules are necessary in that regard.
He said further that, as much as he likes and respects Mr. Hendricks, it would be inappropriate
for this Commission to appoint anybody to the Council who is not a resident of Ocoee. Mayor
Vandergrift said he would have no problem appointing Mr. Hendricks as an associate member.
Mr. Rosenthal said that the rules already speak to removing a member for cause so the Council
has the right to remove members for non-attendance. Commissioner Glass concurred with
Commissioner Johnson regarding associate membership for Mr. Hendricks, but stated that,
however, the meetings are open for anyone to attend and Mr. Hendricks certainly would be
Mayor Vandergrift summarized that consensus was reached against the appointment of Mr.
Hendricks as honorary or associate member. Further, consensus was reached that the Council
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 18, 1996
has the authority and ability to officially remove members from the membership list if their
attendance is not consistent with the bylaws. Mayor Vandergrift pointed out that, when a
quorum is not achieved, the appropriate action is to proceed with the meeting as a committee,
taking minutes, and to present those minutes to the body at the next regular meeting at which
a quorum is present.
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to direct staff to take
appropriate steps to. if necessarv. repeal Resolution No. 92-07 that adopted Exhibit A. the
rules governing the Citizen Advisory Council. and draft a new resolution authorizing the Citizen
Advisory Council to adopt appropriate by-laws. leaving in provisions with respect to appointment
of members by City Commission. and in addition. that until such time as the new by-laws are
in place. the Council will be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. Motion carried 5-0.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Gleason:
Asked for an update on the sidewalk situation on A.D. Mims Road from the Carriage Oaks and
Forest Oaks Subdivisions to Johio Shores area. City Manager Shapiro said he had not heard
further from the County since Mr. Shira wrote to them. He said that Acting City Manager
Horton would inquire of Mr. Shira at staff meeting on Thursday whether there has been a
response and report.
Commissioner Glass:
1) Thanked all who came last week to the Town Hall meeting in Windermere regarding
Belmere, particularly Ms. Resnik, who was covering for Mrs. Home, whose husband
was in a car accident. He wished Mr. Home a speedy recovery.
2) Reported that a member of the Windermere Town Council had expressed a desire to be
notified regarding the joint meetings between Apopka, Winter Garden, and Ocoee, so
that they might attend. He said that Oakland should be advised as well. Me. Shapiro
said they both had been invited to the one held in Ocoee and Mr. Patterson had attended
from Windermere. but no one had come from Oakland. He said. however. that due to
oversight. they may not have been notified of the meeting in Winter Garden. and that he
would see that a note was given to all of the cities. Mayor Vandergrift said a copy of
the minutes should be sent to them as well. Commissioner Glass added for the record
that Windermere's Council meeting lasted longer than Ocoee's meeting.
Commissioner Anderson:
1) Asked if there is a July 4 celebration planned in the City. No.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 18, 1996
2) Reported that when the banana trees on city property at Silver Star/Woodson Street were
cut by the city crew the limbs/leaves were left but should have been removed promptly
instead. Mr. Shapiro said it was probably done by the prisoners as they did the right-of-
way and he would advise Public Works Director Corwin.
3) Asked what the policy is regarding locksmiths. Mr. Shapiro advised that there is no
contract and that if someone who is City/County licensed wishes to be on the list of those
contacted they should send a letter to Buyer Mark Brace.
4) Asked if it would be possible to use the local paper for some of the notices instead of
Sentinel. Mr. Shapiro advised that is already done when it is possible to do so and still
meet the requirements of state statutes.
5) Wished Mr. Shapiro a good, relaxing vacation and asked if Acting City Manager Horton
would receive hazardous pay for the job.
6) Attended a World Wide Web seminar at UCF last week, and asked for volunteers with
ideas regarding putting a home page together, and also asked what citizens want to see
on a page. Mr. Shapiro said he was waiting for the information services l;)erson to be
on board and also plans to put a computer hookup at the mall so that citizens can ask
questions of the City.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Reported that the roads in the new section are cracked behind the Silver Glen area. Mr.
Shapiro advised that he was aware of it. and all that area is being TV' ed to find out why.
The Silver Glen people have said that. subiect to why it occurred. may determine
whether they will assist in the repair.
Commissioner Gleason asked why there are No Parking signs in the new streets and none
in the area where people are living. Mr. Shapiro said that some of the signs are done
by the developer.
2) The shrubs and trees in the Albertsons Shopping Center and Winn Dixie Shopping Center
are not being cared for and he asked that letters be sent requiring that it be taken care
of. Mr. Shapiro responded that the Code Enforcement Officers will have to deal with
3) Said he gets tired of parking properly in parking lots and then walking past cars parked
in the emergency lane. When Mr. Shapiro responded that they are being ticketed. he
asked for a copy of the tickets written on these violators.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Announced the R.S.V.P. number for citizens to call for comments/complaints.
2) Reported rotten wood over the Mayor's office in the new City Hall building. Mr.
Shapiro advised that repair. pressure cleaning and painting are scheduled.
3) Lights are out on the City sign at Clarke Road.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 18, 1996
4) WalMart Shopping Center needs some maintenance. Commended Good Homes Plaza
for putting some trees in their parking lot and improving the appearance.
5) SOS (Save Our Starlight) needs help. He said they have decided to close down to
concentrate efforts on raising funds, but had good attendance Saturday night.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
City of Ocoee
S. Scott Vandergrift, M