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AUGUST 20, 1996
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. in the commISSIOn
chambers. (The opening of the meeting was delayed due to a problem with the televising
equipment.) Commissioner Anderson led in prayer and Mrs. Hilda Ems led in the pledge of
allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Glass, Gleason (arrived at 8: 15
p.m.), and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney
Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Assistant City Engineer/Utilities
Director Wheeler, Public Works Director Corwin, Planning Director Wagner,
Fire Chief Strosnider, Police Chief Mark, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that the West Orange Jaycees were manning his phone so that
citizens could call in with comments and questions during the meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift read the proclamation proclaiming August 26 to September 2, 1996 to be
Firefighter Appreciation Week and presented it to Fire Chief Strosnider. Chief Strosnider
introduced Lt. Vaughn, Engineer Treaner, Firefighters Bennet, Hoover and Whitaker, who were
present in the audience; and he thanked the public for giving donations when they are doing boot
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira introduced and welcomed his new Assistant City
Engineer, David Wheeler, who then spoke briefly about his background.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, and E. Items D and E had been pulled by
Staff just prior to the meeting. Mavor Vandere:rift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson.
moved to approve and accept items A. B. and C of the consent agenda as presented. Motion
carried 4-0. (Commissioner Gleason was not present.)
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Remlar Meeting of
Au~ust 6. 1996.
B. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute A~eement with
Oran~e County School Board for School Resource/DARE Officers for 1996-97
School Year.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Extension on
Contract with McDirmit. Davis. Lauteria and Company. P.A. for Auditin~ Services
to Fiscal Year 1996-97.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1996
D. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Wesmere Village 11 -
Hampton Woods Final Plat.
E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Wesmere Village 12
& 13 - Brookhaven Oaks Final Plat.
Ms. Sherry Allegroe, 15300 W. Colonial Drive #1006, Winter Garden, advised that the reason
the Jaycees had not been present to man the telephone for the Commission meetings during May,
June, and July was because that was their training period for new officers. She said it was not
the reason one of the Commissioners had stated at the last meeting, that "they had their benches
and were no longer interested." Commissioner Glass apologized that someone had made the
remark, and complimented the Jaycees for their service to the community.
Mrs. Mary Myers, 140 West Circle Key Drive, thanked City officials for helping get the
bicycle patrol back into the Pioneer Key Parks and complimented Officer Brown for his attitude.
She commented also that the large garbage containers in use now help to make the park much
This Ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing.
The public hearing was opened. Chief Strosnider advised that the current Sprinkler Code was
passed in 1990 and this Ordinance is for housekeeping purposes. Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell
Key Court, asked if this Ordinance pertains to commercial properties only. Chief Strosnider
explained that it is not for existing buildings unless drastic changes or additions are made, but
rather it applies to new buildings that are 4000 sq. ft. or larger. The public hearing was closed.
Mavor Vanderl!rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 96-11
amending Section 78-5 of the Ocoee Code. relating to Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems as
presented. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Gleason was not present.)
This item was delayed until later in the meeting in an attempt to wait until the televising
equipment was functioning properly.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1996
SEPTEMBER 3, 1996 AT 7:30 P.M.
This Ordinance was presented by title only for the first reading. Mayor Vandergrift announced
the time and place of the second reading and public hearing.
Public Works Director Corwin asked for input from Commission regarding the sketches
submitted for the municipal complex sign. Mayor Vandersrrift, seconded by Commissioner
Glass, moved to do the sign as shown in the sketch at 5 ft. high 10 ft. wide and with an
estimated price of $4.300. Motion carried 4-0. (Commissioner Gleason was not present.)
City Engineer Shira advised that on August 8 Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC) held
a Public Information Meeting in the commission chambers to inform the public about proposed
plans (curb cuts, medians, pond locations) for Maguire Road, with about 20 citizens in
attendance. Mr. Ken Hooper, Professional Engineering Consultants, again displayed the
drawings which had been part of the demonstration at that meeting for Commission to review,
as he described the major roadway features of the project. Mr. Hooper stated that they had
reached the 30% plan submittal point of the preliminary engineering plans and they wished to
ensure that the product so far met with Commission approval before proceeding further. He
briefly described the next stages and said the project will take approximately three (3) years at
a cost of about $1O.5M (not including the rights-of-way or drainage costs).
Commissioner Gleason arrived at 8:15 p.m. Mayor Vandergrift announced that waiting
longer for the television system to be operating would be counter productive and he called for
the Juvenile Curfew public hearing to be presented at this time.
This Ordinance was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing. Chief
Mark gave the staff report, saying that in response to Commission direction on February 6,
1996 he had studied the juvenile activity in the City, and had reported to Commission on June
4, 1996, displaying about six maps indicating the areas in the City where juveniles were
involved in the crimes committed. City Attorney Rosenthal stated for the record, "At
previous meetings of the City Commission Police Chief Mark had presented City Commission
with a detailed report which provided justification and background information to the City
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1996
Commission directing that this ordinance be prepared. That report has provided crime
statistics, in specific detail, particularly in relationship to juvenile crime in the age classifications
set forth in the audience, so that for the purposes of this particular hearing and City Commission
action that report has previously been presented to City Commission and references to the
minutes of those meetings referenced by the Chief will be part of the record of this proceeding
and those reports previously provided by the Chief." Chief Mark pointed out on the map the
areas of concern, (districts 5 and 6 on the maps): the trailer parks and along Silver Star Road
up to the Brentwood area up through Ocoee Hills Road and back through Flewelling.
The public hearing was opened.
Rev. Ronald Spivey, 704 Apricot Drive, spoke against the curfew, saying if a curfew was
necessary it should be city wide, not for specific areas.
Former Commissioner Vern Combs, 310 Sabinal Street, agreed with Rev. Spivey, saying it
was not appropriate to divide the City.
Mrs. Frances Watts, 43 Shell Key Court, spoke for the curfew, saying officers should take the
offenders to their parents first.
Commissioner Gleason read excerpts from a letter from Pastor Lance Laird, 106 Ohio Street,
indicating his opposition to the curfew, and Pastor Laird appeared later in the hearing speaking
against the curfew.
Mrs. Bruni Massa, 611 E. Lakeshore Drive, asked what the officers would do with offenders
when they picked them up if they did not live here. Chief Mark responded they would be taken
to Juvenile Detention.
The public hearing was closed.
(Mayor Vandergrift read a citizen's telephone message complaining there was sound but no
picture on the broadcast.)
Following a lengthy discussion, Mayor Vandefl!rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved
to adopt Ordinance 96-12. relating to iuvenile curfew.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to table until after the
budget process is completed. Motion lost 3-2 with Commissioners Gleason and Johnson voting
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1996
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to amend Section 5 of
Ordinance 96-12 to change the effective date section to read as follows: Section 5. Effective
Date and Sunset. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty days after the adoption of this
Ordinance. This Ordinance shall sunset and no longer be of any force and effect one year from
the effective date of this Ordinance unless reenacted by an ordinance of the City. Motion
carried 3-2 with Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Johnson voting no.
The motion to adopt Ordinance No. 96-12. relating to iuvenile curfew as amended (with sunset
one year from effective date) carried 4-1 with Commissioner Johnson voting no.
RECESS 9:40 P.M. TO 9:55 P.M.
City Attorney Rosenthal stated that at the budget workshop there had been discussion regarding
some change in the Senior Program and it would be necessary to get some direction as any
change must be at an advertised public hearing. City Manager Shapiro advised that
Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Johnson had met at a posted meeting at 6:45 this
evening to discuss this issue.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to leave $175.000 in
Contingency Fund for 1996-97 Budget for future consideration for funding of the Senior
Program. Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioners Glass and Gleason voting no.
City Manager Shapiro advised that the public hearing for this issue would be on the agenda for
the first meeting in October.
This Resolution was presented by title only. City Attorney Rosenthal reported on the
successful acquisition of some of the parcels needed for this project from Roper Partnership and
Sysco Food Services. In giving the staff report, he explained that there is a high likelihood that
it would not be necessary to file for acquisition by eminent domain, as this Resolution provides,
as negotiations by staff with the Wingate family for several small temporary construction
easements seem to be close to being resolved. He asked, however, that the Resolution be
adopted in case it is needed.
Mayor Vanderl!rift. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to adopt Resolution No. 96-23.
authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk and further authorizing the City
Attorney to file the necessarv actions and oroceed to aCQuire the prooerties by Quick-take
oroceeding. Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1996
Commissioner Glass. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to (1) aDDrove the Purchase
Agreement executed by the RODer Partnership for Parcels 103. 703. and 104. authorizing
execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk: and (2) authorize the Mayor and City Clerk.
upon recommendation of the Citv Manager and Citv Attorney, to enter into Durchase agreements
to aCQuire Parcel Nos. 102. 706. 708. and 709 at the values set forth in this memorandum and
further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all documents necessary to close upon any
such Durchase agreements. Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal stated that, in the Developer Agreement with Sysco Food Services of
Central Florida that provides for Sysco to donate certain right-of-ways into the City which are
necessary for the Marshall Farms Road/Maguire Road, Story Avenue/Kissimmee Avenue
project, they did not obtain road impact fee credits in connection with that dedication, however,
it would count towards the pervious area/open space calculations for the development of their
property. The agreement provides that Sysco would contribute $15,000 toward the project,
which is intended to be used toward defraying the cost of certain drainage ditch improvements
and certain traffic signalization improvements. Mr. Rosenthal pointed out that the Agreement
also includes additional northbound left turn lanes on Kissimmee Avenue and certain drainage
improvements, in connection with the expansion project, and Sysco has agreed to pay for the
cost of the expansion as well as any driveway acquisition costs.
Commissioner Gleason. seconded by Commissioner Glass. moved to aDDrove the Developer
Agreement between SySCO Food Services of Central Florida. Inc. and the City of Ocoee and
authorize execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried 5-0.
City Attorney Rosenthal reported on the Shurgard Appeal of the Orange County Commission
action advising that the Judge directed that a decision be drafted which will uphold the County
Commission decision denying the mini-warehouse facility there and he said write it in a manner
so that the District Court of Appeals will not overturn it.
Commissioner Gleason:
1) Expressed a desire to meet with Sentinel reporter Brad Kuhn regarding his article on the
West Oaks Mall and to show him that Ocoee is not Bubbasville as his article seemed to
2) Referred to article about various malls and proposed development along Highway 50
in Monday's Central Florida Business section of the Sentinel, and said he hoped the
County would be willing to be involved with overall negotiations with the cities that will
be impacted by the development. Mr. Shapiro advised that our Planning Director sent
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1996
a letter today to County Commission staff regarding the development of any and all
property in and around Good Homes Road and Highway 50. Mayor Vandergrift asked
that the Commissioners and the Chairman be copied on that information.
3) Asked for an update on the Construction Review Board. It is in the City Attorney's
office as the Building Department had been unable to get to it.
4) In response to complaints from residents in Reflections and Silver Glen regarding the
traffic situation at Spring Lake Elementary School, specifically on Wurst Road, A.D.
Mims Road and Spring Lake Circle, a meeting has been set up for 7:00 a.m. Wednesday
with several School Board members and members of the transportation department to
work on a solution. Mr. Shapiro advised that Chief Mark will be there also.
5) The Reflections Homeowners' Association has expressed concern that there are no turn
lanes at their medians, particularly as the completion of the mall draws near. Mr.
Shapiro advised that a memo had been distributed to Commission discussing the cost of
doing the four turn lanes. Barry Goodman had said there was a good possibility of their
contributing at least for their side. The problem was that the developer had not been
required to make the turn lanes and it was not designed for turn lanes. so the best to be
expected is participation by the old developer and the new developer with the City taking
at least 30-50% of the cost. Mr. Rosenthal advised also that early on the attorneys had
a fair exchange of letters trying to bring about the turn lanes with no success.
6) Asked that the school cross walks be refreshed all over town. Also that the one-way
traffic flow at Ocoee Elementary School is being violated, so the signs need to be
replaced or enforced.
7) Regarding the sidewalk at the end of Adair Street, asked if it would be possible to use
a portion of the money coming from Orange County for sidewalks for this then reimburse
the fund later. Mr. Shapiro advised that sidewalks are $10 per foot and that could be
done if so directed by Commission.
8) The Roller Hockey team finished third in the nation, and they sent their appreciation to
the Commission for their support.
9) School is open and parents were reminded to register the bicycles, provide a lock and
instruct their children how to use it.
10) Asked that a portion of the Employee Committee Minutes referring to the Hearing
Committee proposal regarding the phrase "non-bargaining unit employees" that was
changed to "all employees in the police and fire department subject to union approval"
be clarified. Mr. Shapiro explained that they view this as a good thing for them and. if
they agree to doing it. it would become a part of a contract eventually, but they would
like to be participating in it now.
11) Thanked Andrew Bailey for bringing the newspapers to the Japanese students at 5: 10
a.m. Wednesday as they were boarding the plane to leave the country.
Commissioner Glass:
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1996
1) Asked if the City will be advertising in the special edition planned by the West Orange
Times for the Bubba-Mall. Mr. Shapiro advised that Janet Resnik is working on the
design of ad now.
2) Had been unaware of Betty Goble's illness until Commissioner Anderson mentioned her
in his opening prayer and said that he would include her in his personal prayers as well.
Commissioner Anderson:
1) Introduced his wife in the audience as Ms. Bubba and said she will probably be in the
Mall daily.
2) Reminded citizens that Labor Day weekend is approaching and cautioned them to be safe.
3) Announced the Budget Work Sessions Thursday and Friday this week.
4) Reported that the Leadership Class would be going to Celebrations and Disney University
5) Thanked Commissioner Gleason for providing the pneumatic device for Mrs. Goble's
6) Reported that he had received many calls about naming a road after a business.
7) Noted that the signature block on a consent agenda item had the City Manager attesting
the Mayor's signature and asked if that was appropriate. Mr. Rosenthal advised that the
original had been prepared for the City Clerk to attest instead.
8) Noted that the Sentinel would be profiling the Winter Garden City Manager in their
profile of the west side of town.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Advised that he would not be able to attend the meeting regarding the school traffic on
Wednesday morning.
2) Announced the RSVP number: 656-2218.
City Manager Shapiro announced the Little League football opening Saturday at 2:30 p.m.
Mayor V ander~rift:
1) Asked if the Spring Lake Principal would be attending the meeting Wednesday, as that
was the person with whom he had been in contact. He called attention to the map he had
distributed earlier of the road system feeding the Spring Lake School, pointing out the
easement that is known as the "pig trail" that starts at Sal Street and runs through the
back property lines to Wurst Road connecting to Spring Lake School. Also there is one
that connects with Doreen Street. He said the Principal had suggested putting a sidewalk
along the pig trail to provide a passage way for the students that was away from the
traffic. Mr. Shapiro advised that there was a formal response from the City to the
School Board regarding the issue four years ago. advising that they should pave internally
within the property so that they have the ability to capture the cars not in the
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 20, 1996
neighborhood. but on their property and have a way of exiting or entering the students
separate from the school bus. Mayor Vandergrift asked that the Commission be copied
on that letter. He noted that there are gates where there are no sidewalks and sidewalks
where there are no gates. Mr. Shapiro advised that the City Engineer and City Attorney
could look at the records to determine what the easement is for and decide if it were
possible or appropriate to put a sidewalk there. Mayor Vandergrift reported also that the
pig trail needs to be cleaned up as there are water meters with lids missing as well as
debris scattered also.
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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