HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-2000 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE
MAY 23, 2000
Chairman Linebarier called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to
order at 7:34 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Chairman Linebarier led the
Pledge of Allegiance and Member Ellison led the invocation. The roll was called and a
quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Linebarier, Vice-Chairman Lenko, Members Chancey, Ellison,
Holmes, Konicek, Skiles and Alternate Members Godek and Solomon. Also
present were Attorney Thomas C. Feeney, Code Enforcement Supervisor Shelly
Simon, Code Enforcement Officers Ed Loeffler and Bob Siegrist, Building
Clerk Robin S. Harris, and Administrative Secretary Brenda Maxwell
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Holmes, moved to approve the Minutes of April
25, 2000, Code Enforcement Board meeting as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Konicek, moved that Cases 00-056, 97-116, 97-
117, 00-050, & 00-051 be moved to the top of the Agenda. Motion carried 7-0.
Building Clerk Harris administered the oath to Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon and Code
Enforcement Officers Loeffler and Siegrist.
Case 00-056 - Robert L. Bagley, 2006 Paula Michele Court Officer Siegrist
Violation cited: 108-12 D; 108-19 I; 108-22; 108-23 0; 108-24 D; SPC 606.3.4.1;
NEC 110-12; NEC 370-25
04-05-00 - NOCV Re-inspection Date: 04-20-00
04-24-00 - SOV
04-24-00 - NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
04-24-00 - POS Mail Z 203 423 311 & Regular Mail - Bagley
05-11-00 - POS Post
Observation: Failure to schedule a Minimum Housing Standards/compliance re-inspection.
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case and
reported that, as of today, May 23, 2000, the property is still in violation.
Respondent, Robert L. Bagley, having been sworn, stated that the house had been gutted and
due to a new baby, funds have been low. He further stated that several of the violations are in
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Konicek, moved to find the respondent in Case
00-056 in violation of Sections 108-12 D; 108-19 I; 108-22; 108-230; 108-24D; SPC
606.3.4.1; NEC 110-12; & NEC 370-25 as cited as of April 15, 2000, and be given until May
30, 2000 to comply or forfeit $100.00 a day. Motion carried 7-0
Chairman Linebarier advised the respondent to call and set up an appointment for a re-
inspection and also informed him that if there is a repeat violation, the fmes will begin on the
day cited.
Member Ellison, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to accept the testimony from Case 97-
116 to be adopted for Case 97-117. Motion carried 7-0.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon stated that the City of Ocoee would like to enter into
application to foreclose on the outstanding liens pertaining to Cases 97-116 and 97-117, Ray
Harper Trust Agreement and Dean Harper Inc., located at 118 Sandy Key Court, for doing
business without a license.
Respondent, Jackie Harper, having been sworn, stated that she would like to see the
complaint on this violation and that she has a satisfaction of judgment for these violations.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon stated that the judgment of satisfaction Ms. Harper has
is for violations at the same property which was approximately 3 years ago, Case 96-11.
Chairman Linebarier stated that this is a second re-peat violation on the same property and
asked Ms. Harper if she was sure she had a judgment on this case. Ms. Harper stated that she
did not have the paperwork with her to show proof of the satisfaction of the judgment.
Ms. Harper requested a continuance until she could confer with her attorney. Chairman
Linebarier stated that action would be taken tonight at the request of the City. He further
advised Ms. Harper that her attorney could make a presentation before Foreclosure Court
regarding this matter.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Holmes, moved to approve the City's application
to foreclose on 118 Sandy Key Court, Cases 97-116 and 97-117 in lieu of$500.00 per case.
".* Motion carried 7-0.
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Member Ellison, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to adopt testimony presented in Case 00-
050 for Case 00-051. Motion carried 7-0.
Vice-Chairman Lenko stated for the record that she reviewed the tapes of April's meeting.
Case 00-050 - Maguire Apartment Venture Inc., 415 Treasure Landing Parkway
Officer Loeffler
Violation cited: LDC Art. VIII 8-6 A (1) ; 51-21
04-06-00 - NOCV Re-inspection Date: 04-12-00
04-14-00 - SOV
04-14-00 - NOH Meeting Date: 04-25-00
04-14-00 - POS Mail Z 333 613 691 & Regular Mail-Maguire
04-14-00 - POS Regular Mail-Scott Clark
04-14-00 - POS Regular Mail-Robert Ferdinand
04-14-00 - POS Regular Mail- James Ferdinand
04-14-00 - POS POST
Observation: Un-permitted/temporary banner signs and small spike-signs against City
Ordinance. Displayed beyond two (2) week grand opening period.
Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler stated that he had no further testimony for Cases 00-050
and 00-051.
Dr. James Ferdinand, having been sworn, stated that the contractor did not realize that the
signs being made were not standard. He further stated that the contractor will not have the
signs done by the extension time given (May 30). Dr. Ferdinand requested a 30 day time
extension for the production of the signs. Discussion ensued.
Member Holmes, seconded by Member Konicek, moved to extend the May 30, 2000
compliance order date to June 6, 2000 (2 weeks) in Cases 00-050 and 00-051 or forfeit
$100.00 a day.
Member Skiles stated that the respondents compliance date is not until May 30, which would
make an extension of 2 weeks, June 13, 2000.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Ellison, moved to amend the original motion to
change the compliance order date to June 13, 2000 in Cases 00-050 and 00-051. Motion
carried 7-0.
Member Holmes, seconded by Member Konicek, moved to extend the May 30, 2000
compliance order date to June 13, 2000 or forfeit$100.00 a day if the compliance date of June
13, 2000, is not met. Motion carried 6-1 with Member Chancey voting NO.
Case 00-037 - Susan M. Cunningham, 2110 Hedgerow Circle Officer Siegrist
Violation cited: 108-12 D; 108-23Q
03-20-00 NOCV Re-inspection Date: 04-06-00
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
04-11-00 - SOV
04-11-00 - NOH Meeting Date: 4-25-00
04-11-00 - POS Mail Z 333 613 858 & Regular Mail-Cunningham
04-11-00 - POS Regular Mail-Glendon Corbine
04-11-00 - POS Regular Mail-Cunningham
04-11-00 - POS Regular Mail- Central Prop Mgt.
04-18-00 - POS Faxed Copy to Prop Mngmt-407-862-9771
04-25-00 - OOC
04-28-00 - NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
05-01-00 - POS Post
Observation: Did not schedule a Minimum Housing Standards re-inspection.
Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the case,
presented exhibits and stated that as of April 24, 2000 the property was in compliance.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to find the respondent in Case 00-
037, in violation of Section 108-12 D & 108-23 Q as of March 30, 2000 but in compliance as
of April 24, 2000, and that no fine or penalty be imposed. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 00-049 - Antonio Novoa & Maritza G. Novoa, 1889 Leslie Ann Lane Officer Siegrist
Violation Cited: 108-12D; 108-19 I; NEC 110-12A; NEC 370-25
03-27-00 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-10-00
04-12-00 SOV
04-12-00 NOH Meeting Date: 04-25-00
(1111100 04-12-00 POS Mail (Z 333 613 860)& Regular Mail-Novoa
04-12-00 POS Regular Mail-Novoa
04-12-00 POS Regular Mail-Hernandez
04-25-00 OOC
04-28-00 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
05-01-00 POS Post
Observation: Did not schedule a Minimum Housing Standards re-inspection.
Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the above Case and reported that as of
April 24, 2000, the property is in full compliance.
Member Ellison, seconded by Member Sidles, moved to find respondent in Case 00-049 in violation of
Sections 108-12D; 108-19 I; NEC 110-12A; NEC 370-25 as of April 6, 2000, as cited but in
compliance as of April 24, 2000, and that no fine or penalty be imposed. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 00-054 - Travis R. Harper Trust, 13 Sundial Key Drive Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited: 108-35; 115-3
03-17-00 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-17-00
04-17-00 SOV
04-17-00 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
04-17-00 POS Mail (Z 203 423 305)& Regular Mail-Harper
Observation: Dilapidated trailer; junk, trash and debris; dilapidated accessory structure.
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, stated that on March 2, 2000, he, the Ocoee Police Department,
Ocoee Water Department, Ocoee Electrical Inspector, Florida Power Electrical Investigator, and
Ocoee Animal Control Officer responded to the violation location in reference to theft and damage to
water utilities, theft and damage to electric utilities, persons living within an accessory structure,
numerous code violations, and animal neglect and abandonment. He further stated that he called the
Code Enforcement Supervisor and the Ocoee Building Official; the Building Official deemed the
structures unsafe. Officer Loeffler posted the property unsafe. He gave further history of the Case
and reported that as of today, May 23, 2000, the property is still in non-compliance. Officer Loeffler
stated that a permit for a new trailer has been applied for.
Mrs. Harper, having been previously sworn, stated that Travis Harper is out of town. She further
stated that the trailer will be gone this week.
Attorney Feeney requested that Mrs. Harper state what her relationship is with the respondent, Travis
Mrs. Harper stated that she is the sister-in-law of the respondent, Travis Harper Trust.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Konicek, moved to find the respondent in Case 00-054
fir, in violation of Sections 108-35 & 115-3 as of April 16, 2000, as cited and be given until May 30, 2000
to comply or forfeit $250.00 a day per violation ($500.00 per day). Motion carried 7-0.
Recess 8:42 - 8:58 p.m.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Konicek, moved to move Case 99-108 to the next item
on the agenda. Motion carried 7-0.
"REPEAT VIOLATION" - Request for Hearing and Reduction in Fine
Case 99-108 - Vernon A. & Irene M. Welch, 1400 Adair Street Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited: 165-3
05-27-99 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-27-99
05-27-99 SOV
05-27-99 NOH Meeting Date: 06-22-99
05-27-99 POS Mail
Observation: Untagged, white Volkswagon van.
Officer Loeffler stated that he had nothing to add regarding Case 99-108.
Chairman Linebarier stated that this is a request for a hearing and a reduction in the fine. Vice-
Chairman Lenko asked what the total amount of the fine is. Building Clerk Harris stated that the
fine is $52,050.
Vice-Chairman Lenko stated that this case started in 1995 as Case 95-153 and then was heard again
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
as Case 98-050, then Case 99-108.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon gave a brief history of Cases 95-153, 98-050, and 99-108.
Attorney Feeney stated that the Code Enforcement Board should hear the respondents reason for a
request for a re-hearing.
Member Hohnes asked Officer Loeffler if he has had any response from the respondents. Officer
Loeffler stated that he had no response from the respondents regarding Case 99-108.
Attorney Feeney suggested to Chairman Linebarier to hold a 2-part hearing to give the respondents
a chance to explain why they feel they are entitled to a hearing.
Respondent, Vernon Welch, 1400 Adair St., having been sworn, stated that he did not know there
was a lien against his home. Mr. Welch stated that he never received a notice from anyone informing
him that a lien had been filed on his home and questioned why he never received a notice. Code
Enforcement Supervisor Simon stated according to State Statutes the City is required to provide
Notice of Hearing to the respondents. Vice-Chairman Lenko asked if there was mail certification
with a signature for Case 99-108. Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon stated that they do have
proof of service that Vernon Welch signed for the mail on May 28, 1999.
Mr. Welch stated that the signature is his son's, Vernon Welch, II. Chairman Linebarier stated that
Mr. Welch's son should have made sure that Mr. Welch got the mail.
Member Holmes reminded Mr. Welch that a previous Board Chairman cautioned him not to let the
violations happen again because he would be deemed a repeat violator and the fine and penalties could
be up to $500.00 per day, and Mr. Welch assured the Board that it would not happen again. A
lengthy discussion ensued.
Member Ellison, seconded by Vice-Chairman Lenko, moved to re-hear Case 99-108 for a reduction
of fine. Motion carried 7-0.
Member Chancey questioned Mr. Welch as to why he did not tag the vehicle. Mr. Welch stated that
he did not have the money. Chairman Linebarier stated that if you have an untagged vehicle on your
property, it must be in operable condition, which includes a proper tag, registration and insurance.
Commissioner Danny Howell, 895 Marlene Drive, having been sworn, stated that he is not a fan of
Code Enforcement and some Codes need to be changed. Chairman Linebarier and Member Holmes
advised Mr. Howell that he knows who can change the Codes. Discussion ensued.
Attorney Feeney stated that the Board has complete discretion to eliminate or reduce the fine but he
suggested the following items when deciding the size of the fine: repeat violation; gravity of the
offense; and the effort to correct the offense.
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Chairman Linebarier stated that, regarding the gravity, there was no danger in this situation, there
was no great effort made to correct the situation in a timely manner, and this is a third offense for the
same situation at the same address for the same vehicle.
Ms. Waller, 6697 Stardust Lane, Orlando, having been sworn, asked why the removal of the van was
not noticed and re-tagged. Chairman Linebarier stated that once a violation is cited, it is the
responsibility of the respondent to remedy the situation and contact the Code Enforcement Officers to
see the correction of the violation.
Respondent, Irene Welch, having been sworn, stated that this is ' of her house and she did not feel it
was fair to fine her for a van that did not belong to her. She further stated that she could not get rid
of property that she did not own.
Member Holmes, seconded by Member Ellison, moved to reduce the respondent's fine in Case
99-108,from $52,050.00 to $500.00 if paid within 60 days from today's date (July 22, 2000). Motion
carried 4-3 with Chancey, Lenko, and Linebarier voting no.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Chancey, moved to amend the original motion from
$500.00 to $3,000.00. Motion lost 2-5.
Member Holmes, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to amend the original motion, fine is to be paid
within 60 days. Motion carried 4-3 with Chancey, Lenko, and Linebarier voting no.
Chairman Linebarier advised the respondent, Mr. Welch, that the fine had been reduced from
$52,050.00 to $500.00 if paid by July 22, 2000. He further advised Mr. Welch that if the fine is not
paid by July 22, 2000 the fine will revert back to the original fine of$52,050.00.
Mr. Welch was advised that the lien will be removed when the fine is paid.
Member Ellison advised Mr. & Mrs. Welch that if they are to come before the Board again, the Board
will not be as lenient.
Member Skiles advised Mr. & Mrs. Welch not to ignore the Code Violation Notices.
Member Holmes advised Mr. & Mrs. Welch that if they have a vehicle on their property even one day
and a Code Enforcement Officer notices it, fines will start then, without being notified.
Recess 9:50 - 10:03 p.m.
Member Holmes, seconded by Vice-Chairman Lenko, moved to add Case 99-143 to the agenda for a
request for a re-hearing. Motion carried 7-0.
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Chairman Linebarier stated that the order for fine and lien was $150.00 a day as of 12/7/1999.
Officer Loeffler stated that the property was in full compliance as of May 22, 2000. Violations were
as follows: 108-22 (electrical wiring in laundry room); 108-23 E (Roofs-sofit screens) 108-24 D(Care
of premises); NEC 370-25 (fixtures & covers).
Chairman Linebarier stated that the fine due as of compliance date is $25,050.
Vice-Chairman Linebarier, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to re-hear Case 99-143 for reduction
of fine. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 99-143 - Christopher A. & Elena Wagner, 1103 Caballero Road
Violation Cited: 108-22; 108-23 E (2) ; 108-24 D; NEC 370-25; 108-12 D
09-10-99 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 09-23-99
09-24-99 SOV
09-24-99 NOH Meeting Date: 10-26-99
09-24-99 POS Mail (Z 057 388 046)
10-26-99 OOC Meeting Date: 11-23-99
11-15-99 POS Hand delivery by OCPD - Sgt. Combs/Void under 15 yrs. Of age
11-16-99 POS Hand delivery by OCPD
Observation: Did not schedule a re-inspection to verify correction for Minimum Housing
Standards compliance.
Respondent, Christopher Wagner, having been sworn, stated that he complied with most of the
violations in the beginning of the year but he never called for a re-inspection.
Member Skiles, seconded by Member Holmes, moved to reduce the fine from $25,050 to $250 if paid
within 10 days (June 2, 2000). Motion carried 7-0.
Chairman Linebarier advised the respondent if there is a reoccurrence of any offense he will be cited
as a repeat violator. He further advised the respondent that the fine will begin the day cited and the
fine could be doubled to $500 a day.
Case 00-055 -Richard L. Johnson, Jr. & Rosario P. Kerr, 640 Jay Street Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited: 51-21
11-30-99 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-17-00
04-18-00 SOV
04-18-00 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
04-18-00 POS Mail (Z 203 423 306) & Regular Mail-Johnson & Kerr
Observation: Enclosing carport to room, frame-work in place (not included or permitted with
current re-roof permit) . Stop work order issued with C.I.N. at 1024 hours. Stop-work order
removed, working continuing at 1625 hours.
Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, requested dismissal for Case 00-055.
Member Holmes, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to dismiss Case 00-555 at the request of the
City. Motion carried 6-0. (Member Ellison not present to vote.)
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Cases 00-057, 00-058, 00-059, 00-060 Officer Simon
Officer Simon, having been sworn, stated that the fees for the Occupational License for the above
Cases were paid prior to the meeting and the cases were dismissed.
Case 00-061 -Groundtek of Central Florida, Inc., 860 Maguire Road Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited: 119-2
04-20-00 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 04-26-00
05-01-00 SOV
05-01-00 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
05-01-00 POS Mail (Z 203 423 322)& Regular Mail-Groundtek
Observation: Automobile business without municipal license.
Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case and noted that the Statement of
Violation and Notice of Hearing was returned unsigned with a message from the Post Master that the
delivery and signature were refused.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to find the respondents in Case 00-061, in
violation of Section 119-2, as of April 25, 2000, but in compliance as of May 22, 2000, and no fine or
ipenalty to be imposed. Motion carried 7-0.
r Cases 00-062 - Karrie L. Owens, 2009 Joan Lee Court Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited: 165-3
04-04-00 NOH Re-Inspection Date: 04-26-00
05-01-00 SOV
05-01-00 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
05-01-00 POS Mail (Z 203 423 321) & Regular Mail- Owens
05-11-00 POS Post
Observation: One, gray Buick, no tag.
Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case and reported that the property is
in full compliance as of May 11, 2000.
Member Ellison, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to find the respondent in Case 00-062 in
violation of Section 165-3, as of April 26, 2000, but in compliance as of May 11, 2000, and no fine or
penalty to be imposed. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 00-063 - B E L Property Management, Inc., 701 L. F. Roper Parkway Officer Loeffler
Violation Cited: 115-3 and 165-3
04-19-00 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 05-08-00
05-09-00 SOV
05-09-00 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
05-09-00 POS Mail (Z 203 423 323) & Regular Mail-B E L
05-11-00 POS Posted
Observation: Miscellaneous junk/debris. One junk green Chevrolet hulk/chassis.
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case, and reported that the property
is still in violation.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Ellison, moved to find the respondents in Case 00-063
in violation of Section 165-3, as of May 4, 2000, but in compliance as of May 11, 2000, no fine or
penalty be imposed and to be found in violation of Section 115-3 as of May 4, 2000, but to give them
until May 30, 2000 to comply or forfeit $100.00 a day. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 00-064 - Richard F. Sederland, 702 Crystal Drive Officer Siegrist
Violation Cited: 108-23 I & Q; 115-3
04-04-00 NOV Re-Inspection Date: 05-10-00
05-11-00 SOV
05-11-00 NOH Meeting Date: 05-23-00
05-11-00 POS Mail (Z 203 423 324) & Regular Mail
05-11-00 POS Post
Observation: Dilapidated storage sheds; trash and debris; broken windows.
Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case, presented pictures, and reported
that as of today, May 23, 2000, the property is in full compliance.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Konicek, moved to find the respondents in Case 00-064
in violation of Section 108-23 I & Q; 115-3, as of May 4, 2000, but in full compliance as of May 23,
2000, and that no penalty or fine be imposed. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 99-115 - Juan Diaz Estate do Elizabeth Diaz, 1007 Sarah Lee Lane Officer Siegrist
Violation Cited: 108-23 0, N (1) , S; 108-24 D; NEC 370-25; 108-12 D
06-30-99 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 07-13-99
07-14-99 SOV
07-14-99 NOH Meeting Date: 07-27-99
07-14-99 POS Mail
07-27-99 OOC
07-29-99 NOH Meeting Date: 08-24-99
07-29-99 SOV
07-29-99 POS Posted
Observation: Did not schedule a Minimum Standards re-inspection.
Officer Simon, having been sworn, requested an application to foreclose on the property located at
1007 Sarah Lee Lane due to non-compliance.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to grant the application for foreclosure in
Case 99-115, located at 1007 Sarah Lee Lane. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 00-016- Rafael & Maria E. Ramos, 1104 Sabrina Drive
No action was taken due to the Compliance Date of May 25, 2000.
Cases 00-028, 00-030, 00-031, 00-048, 00-053 are in full compliance as reported by
Chairman Linebarier.
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Chairman Linebarier reported that Case 00-036 was 7 days over the compliance date.
Vice-Chairman Lenko, seconded by Member Holmes, moved to reduce the fine in Case 00-
036 to $0. Motion carried 7-0.
Chairman Linebarier asked about the status of Case 00-025. Code Enforcement Supervisor
Simon stated that the wording on the form was being changed and the paperwork would be
processed at that time.
Harris - Told everyone to have a wonderful weekend.
Feeney - Said it was good to be back.
Simon - Asked anyone if they wanted the Agenda for the conference. Chairman Linebarier
asked Ms. Simon if, after the conference, she would go over the conference information with
the Board Members.
Loeffler - Have a good weekend.
Siegrist - Have a good weekend.
Solomon - None
Sidles - Have a good weekend. Will not be at next months meeting, will be on vacation.
Ellison - I would like to rescind my resignation.
Lenko - Glad Member Ellison is staying on the Board.
Linebarier - Reminded the Board regarding the annual election next month for Chairman and
Konicek - Have a nice weekend. Will not be at next months meeting, will be on vacation.
Chancey - None
Holmes - Asked Ms. Simon when the city forecloses, are the foreclosures based on a dollar
amount. Ms. Simon stated that the sale of the property can be forced. Member Holmes asked
Ms. Simon to check into past foreclosures status.
Code Enforcement Board Minutes
May 23, 2000
Maxwell - None
Godek - None
Meeting adjourned at 10:59 P.M.
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Ro H. s, ldingClerk ohn H. Linebarier, Chairman
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Brenda Maxwell,, Administrative Secretary