HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-27-1999 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE
July 27, 1999
Chairman Linebarier called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to
order at 7:34 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the Pledge of
Allegiance. Member Ellison led in prayer. The roll was called and a quorum declared
PRESENT: Chairman Linebarier, Members Chancey, Ellison, Holmes, Konicek, Skiles,
and Alternate Member Godek sitting in for Vice Chairman Lenko. Also present
were Attorney Thomas C. Feeney, III, Code Enforcement Supervisor Shelly
Simon, Code Enforcement Officers Ed Loeffler and Bob Siegrist, Building
Clerk Robin S. Harris, and Acting City Clerk Marian Green.
ABSENT: Vice Chairman Lenko and Alternate Member Hall. Both excused.
Member Holmes, seconded by Alternate Member Godek, moved to approve the Minutes of the
June 22, 1999, Code Enforcement Board meeting as presented. Motion carried 6-0. (Member
Skiles abstained as he was not present for the June 22 meeting.)
Member Skiles, seconded by Alternate Member Godek, moved that Case 99-096 be dismissed
at the request of the City. Motion carried 7-0.
Member Sidles, seconded by Alternate Member Godek moved that Case 99-115 be continued
until the August 24, 1999, meeting at the request of the City. Motion carried 7-0.
Building Clerk Harris administered the oath to Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon and
Code Enforcement Officers Loeffler and Siegrist.
Case 99-101, Gerald R. and Christine R. Blake, 905 Maureen Ave. Officer Loeffler
Violation cited: LDC 6-4H(5b)
05-05-99 - NOCV Re-inspection Date: 05/24/99
05-26-99 - SOV
05-26-99 - NOH Meeting Date: 06-22-99
Code Enforcement Minutes
July 27, 1999
05-26-99 - POS Mail Z 526 937 088
06-22-99 - 00C
06-24-99 SOV
06-24-99 - NOH Meeting Date: 07-27-99
06-24-99 - POS Posted by E. Loeffler
07-27-99 - In Compliance
Observation: Boat in front of house.
Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case.
Mr. Blake, after having been sworn, stated the violation has been corrected.
Chairman Linebarier asked Mr. Blake why it took so long to correct. Mr. Blake said the
delay was due to the trailer's broken axle and his laziness. Chairman Linebarier cautioned
Mr. Blake that should he be found in violation again of the same article, the penalty would be
imposed as of the date the violation is noticed without benefit of a board hearing.
Member Skiles, seconded by Alternate Member Godek, moved to find the respondent in Case
99-101, Gerald R. and Christine R. Blake be found in violation of LDC 6-4H (Sb) as of May
20, 1999, but in compliance as of July 27, 1999 and no fine be imposed. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 99-105, Stephen S. and Christina J. Ford, 707 Russell Drive Officer Loeffler
Violation cited: NEC 440-11; 108-12; 108-19 D; SBCCI 606.3.4.1
05-10-99 - NOCV Re-inspection Date: 05-24-99
05-26-99 - SOV
05-26-99 - NOH Meeting Date: 06-22-99
05-26-99 - POS Mail Z 526 937 092
06-22-99 OOC
06-24-99 - SOV
06-24-99 - NOH Meeting Date: 07-27-99
06-24-99 - POS Posted by E. Loeffler
Observation: Did not schedule a re-inspection for the Minimum Housing Standards
Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case. He
added the property was not in compliance as of July 27, 1999.
Chairman Linebarier asked if there was anyone in the audience to represent Steven S. and
Christina J. Ford. Hearing none, the Chairman addressed the Board for recommendation.
Member Chancey, seconded by Member Ellison, moved to find the respondent in Case 99-
105 in violation of 108-12; 108-19 D; 606.3.4.1; NEC 440-11 as of May 23, 1999 and
respondent has until August 3, 1999, to comply or forfeit $150.00 per day. Motion carried 7-
Case 99-114, Edmund and Frances Roberts, 15 Pine Key Court Officer Siegrist
Violation cited: 108-19 F(b) ; 108-23 D,V;108-24 D; NEC 110-12; NEC 370-25; 108-12 D
06-07-99 - NOCV Re-inspection Date: 06-26-99
07-02-99 - SOV
07-02-99 - NOH Meeting Date: 07-27-99
07-02-99 - POS Mail Z 526 937 115
Code Enforcement Minutes
July 27, 1999
Observation: Did not schedule a re-inspection for the Minimum Standards compliance.
Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case.
He inspected the property on July 14, 1999 with tenant and owner present and observed the
property was now in compliance.
Member Skiles, seconded by Member Konicek, moved to find the respondent in Case 99-114 in
violation of 108-19 F(b); 108-23 D, V; 108-24 D; NEC 110-12; NEC 370-25; 108-12 D as of
June 17, 1999, but in compliance as of July 14, 1999 and no fine be imposed. Motion carried
Case 99-116, Dean Harper, Inc. 50% Interest and Denver R. Harper 50% Interest,
39 Eagle Key Drive. Officer Loeffler
Violation cited: 69-14; 69-20
07-19-99 - NOCV Re-inspection Date: 06-21-99
07-19-99 - SOV
07-19-99 - NOH Meeting Date: 07-27-99
07-19-99 - POS Mail Z 526-937-119
Observation: Property owner had unlicensed person perform electrical repair which
resulted in fire damage to 3 meter boxes and disconnects.
Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case.
Chairman Linebarier asked the officer if he had any substantiation that the work was
completed by an unlicensed worker. Officer Loeffler stated that Chief Electrical Inspector
Hendrix was to appear, but left early due to illness. Chairman Linebarier said he felt the
board needed the testimony of Mr. Hendrix and the Florida Power representative. Discussion
Member Skiles, seconded by Member Ellison, moved that Case 99-116 be continued until
August 24, 1999, meeting for additional testimony. Motion carried 7-0.
Case 99-117, Edward J. Terry Tr., do S. A. Tarr, 253 Ocoee-Apopka Road
Officer Loeffler
Violation cited: CC 108-35
06-17-99 NOCV Re-inspection Date: 07-19-99
07-19-99 -SOV
07-19-99 NOH Meeting Date: 07-27-99
07-19-99 -POS Mail Z-336-283-456
Observation: Front canopy support beam bent, Rear windows broken/missing. Rotted/collapsing
rear canopy and rear addition, building debris littering area, rear entrance doors and frame
broken/rotted. Roof damaged/rotted/leaking; holes in walls; damaged flooring/tile; exposed
wiring and plumbing; water damaged interior wall/and ceiling; open panel boxes and uncovered
Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, gave a brief history of the Case and
presented pictures.
Mr. Bob Lerner, having been sworn, stated that he was the Attorney for the beneficial interest
Code Enforcement Minutes
July 27, 1999
in the property and explained that his client has always been willing to work with the City on
bringing this property to code. Currently, there is a contract for sale which will not expire
until August 24, 1999. Further, he expressed concern that any changes to the property may
cause breach of contract. His client is aware the property needs to be made safe and secured,
but is asking for an opportunity to see if the property will sell or to see if it can be
redeveloped. Mr. Lerner then asked for five months to sell, tear down, or rehab the property.
T.J. Carter, 1068 Windsong Circle, Apopka, having been sworn, stated he would take
appropriate measures to secure the building.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon stated that the City wanted the building made safe, and
the only way to do so is to bring it up to current code. At this time, it is a non-conforming,
abandoned building with no residual value or regulatory value. The building is over 50%
dilapidated. The property has not been maintained since under the current ownership. Mr.
Carter said they had been responsive to the City's requests for yard maintenance. He then
asked for a grace period. Discussion ensued.
Clerk's Note: Chairman Linebarier was away from the dais 8:32 p.m. - 8:35 p.m.
Member Ellison, seconded by Member Holmes, moved to find the respondent in Case 99-117
in violation of City Code 108-35 as of July 17, 1999, and respondent be given until July 30,
1999, to secure the property to the satisfaction of the Code Inspectors and this Case be
fhir continued until August 24, 1999. If not secured by July 30, 1999, the respondent will be fined
$250.00 a day. Motion carried 7-0.
Recess 8:50 p.m. to 9:03 p.m.
Case 99-046, Gary Lee Armstrong, 1106 Caballero Road Officer Siegrist
Violation cited: Section 108-23 E2
10-20-98- NOCV Re-inspection Date: 01-13-99
02-08-99- SOV
02-08-99- NOH Meeting Date: 02-23-99
02-08-99- POS Mail Z 526-937-054
02-23-99- Submit Photos Exhibit A,B,C
02-23-99- Compliance Order, March 9, 1999 or $150.00 a day
03-23-99- Date Amended to June 30, 1999
07-22-99- Affidavit of Compliance, complied 07-13-99, amount due $1800.00
Observation: Roof with many damaged shingles, in state of disrepair. Part of the
roof is covered with visqueen and bricks.
Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, having been sworn, had no additional testimony.
Gary L. Armstrong, 1106 Caballero Road, having been sworn, stated that he had problems
getting the work done in time as he and his father, a former roofer, were making the repairs
and both his mother and father were in poor health.
Lee E. Armstrong, 5611 Arundel Drive, having been sworn, provided documentation of his
kiaw and Mrs. Armstrong's medical conditions and stated he had asked for a thirty day extension on
Code Enforcement Minutes
July 27, 1999
6-28-99 to complete the work by 7-13-99. Discussion ensued.
Chairman Linebarier stated that since Mr. Lee Armstrong was not the owner of the property,
his illness would not affect work being completed.
Member Holmes asked Mr. Gary Armstrong when the original damage had occurred. Mr.
Armstrong stated that it was hail damage from several years ago. Discussion ensued.
Member Skiles, seconded by Member Konicek, moved to find the respondent in Case 99-046 in
violation of Section 108-23 E2 as of June 30, 1999, and in compliance as of July 13, 1999 and
that the penalty of$1800.00 be reduced to zero. (See below for vote after amendments were
defeated.) Discussion ensued.
Member Ellison, seconded by Member Chancey, moved to amend motion and find the
respondent in Case 99-046 in violation of Section 108-23 E2 as of June 30, 1999, and
in compliance as of July 13, 1999, and to raise the reduced penalty from zero to
$900.00. Motion was defeated 3-4. Chairman Linebarier, Members Konicek, Skiles,
and Godek dissented. Discussion ensued.
Member Holmes, seconded by Member Chancey, moved to amend motion and find the
respondent in Case 99-046 in violation of Section 108-23 E2 as of June 30, 1999, and
in compliance as of July 13, 1999, and to raise the reduced penalty from zero to
$500.00. Motion was defeated 2-5. Chairman Linebarier, Members Konicek, Ellison,
Skiles, and Godek dissented. Discussion ensued
Member Skiles, seconded by Member Holmes, moved to amend motion and find the
respondent in Case 99-046 in violation of Section 108-23 E2 as of June 30, 1999, and
in compliance as of July 13, 1999 and to raise the reduced penalty from zero to
$100.00. Motion was defeated 3-4. Chairman Linebarier, Members Konicek, Ellison,
and Chancey dissented. Discussion ensued
A vote on the original motion to reduce the penalty in Case 99-046 from $1800.00 to zero
carried 4-3 with Members Chancey, Ellison and Holmes dissenting.
Chairman Linebarier explained to Mr. Armstrong that the fine of $1800.00 was reduced to zero by
the Board, but if the code was violated again, the fine will begin from the day the violation was cited
Case 99-109, Erick and Yves Rose Franklin, 2368 Blake Way, Repeat Violation
Officer Loeffler
Violation cited: 119-2
05-28-99- NOCV Re-inspection Date: 05-28-99
05-28-99- SOV
05-28-99- NOH Meeting date: 6-22-99
05-28-99- POS Hand Delivered by Officer E. Loeffler
06-22-99- Exhibits A-M (copies and film)
cow 06-22-99- Order imposing fine and lien - 05-28-99 or $250.00 per day
07-02-99- Affidavit of Compliance 06-25-99
Code Enforcement Minutes
July 27, 1999
06-30-99- Order imposing fine and lien of $7,000.00
07-09-99- Request for re-Hearing/Reduction of fine
Observation: Operating two businesses without an occupational license: "Kitchen Magic"
and "Surface Doctor" .
Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler, having been sworn, had no additional testimony on the
Member Ellison, seconded by Alternate Member Godek, moved to grant a rehearing of Case
99-109 for a reduction of fine. Motion carried 7-0.
Brenda H. Smith, Attorney for Mr. Franklin, having been sworn, presented her
understanding of the case and supported her opinion that the fine should not exceed $250.00
plus costs, per state statute. Discussion ensued.
Mrs. Rose Franklin, having been sworn, stated "Surface Doctor" is no longer in business.
Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler submitted an estimate dated April 7, 1999, displaying the
address of the business as 2368 Blake Way, Ocoee.
Mr. Erick Franklin, having been sworn, presented an invoice stating the date was actually
April 7, 1997, not 1999. Discussion ensued.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon suggested possible alternatives: (1) Lower the fine to
$250.00; (2) Leave fine as is, and in 90 days when fine is unpaid, enforce the lien, and let
City's attorney argue the case in Circuit Court as to how binding the Attorney General's
opinion is; or (3) Continue to next meeting so she may assess what the charges have been for
this case and bring that back to the Board to assess a fine and lien.
Member Holmes, seconded by Alternate Member Godek, moved to find the respondent in Case
99-109 in violation of Section 119-2 as of May 28, 1999, and to set fine at $250.00 per day for
four days for a total of$1,000.00 and therefore reduce the fine from $7,000.00 to $1,000.00 to
be paid by close of business on August 13 or the fine reverts back to the original amount.
Following lengthy discussion, a vote was taken and motion was defeated 2-5, with Chairman
Linebarier, Members Chancey, Ellison, Konicek, and Godek dissenting.
Attorney Feeney said addressing the ambiguity of the law was a call best made by the City
Attorney instead of the Board attorney. He said copies may be considered evidence but are not
the best evidence.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon suggested that it might be most appropriate for staff to
consult the City Attorney about which statute the City should impose (162 or 205) and report
back at the next meeting.
Chairman Linebarier ordered Case 99-109 to be continued until the August 24, 1999 meeting
Code Enforcement Minutes
July 27, 1999
so the Attorneys can give their opinions on how to proceed with this situation.
Chairman Linebarier announced that an Affidavit of Compliance has been received on the
following cases:
97-108 Robert Reid, 122 Olympus Dr.
97-109 Groundtek of Central Fl. Inc. 122 Olympus Dr.
97-110 Patrick Freeman 124 Olympus Dr
97-111 Groundtek of Central Fl. Inc. 124 Olympus Dr
99-091 Mahendra N. Samaroo 688 Veronica Cr.
99-099 Richard and Erin Elliott 913 Marlene Dr.
99-104 Thomas B. and Kim Monks 1246 Russell Dr.
99-109 Erick and Yves Rose Franklin 2368 Blake Way
Chairman Linebarier announced Order Imposing Fine and Lien on the following:
99-108 Vernon A. and Irene M. Welch 1400 Adair St.- $150.00 a day
99-109 Erick and Yves Rose Franklin 2368 Blake Way- $7,000.00
Chairman Linebarier announced that the fine has been paid on Case 99-005 the Ray Harper
Trust Agreement, 138 W. Circle Key Drive, has paid a fine of$7,000.00.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM.
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