HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-27-1998 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE �,. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 27, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Carlsson called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of allegiance. Vice Chairman Linebarier led in prayer. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. Chairman Carlsson read a letter of resignation from Member Shagner who had written that over the years she had enjoyed working with the Board, Staff, City of Ocoee, and members in the community. She also thanked the Board for allowing her to serve the community. The resignation would be effectively immediately. Chairman Carlsson said their prayers went out for Ms. Shagner, and asked that the City Clerk notify the City Commission. He accepted with deep regret the resignation for the Board. In response to Vice Chairman Linebarier, Chairman Carlsson asked that the Recording Secretary write a letter from the Board thanking Ms. Shagner for her service. PRESENT: Chairman Carlsson, Vice Chairman Linebarier, Members Godek, Holmes, Lenko, Alternate Members Chancey and Luck. Also present were Attorney Feeney, Code Enforcement Officers Cronnon, Smith, and Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, Deputy Clerk Harris, and Administrative Secretary Lewis. ABSENT: Members Shagner (letter of resignation was submitted during the meeting) and Skiles (excused). APPROVALS This item consisted of the Minutes of the November 25, 1997 Code Enforcement Board meeting. Member Holmes said that the minutes did not reflect whether the absences were excused or unexcused. Attorney Feeney said that the first page indicated that his partner, Michael O'Quinn, had been present for the meeting and the second page (under Case No. 97- 116) indicated that he had spoken at the meeting. He asked for a change on page 2 to reflect Attorney O'Quinn rather than Attorney Feeney. MEMBER LENKO, seconded by Vice Chairman Linebarier moved to a,grove the Minutes o the November 25 1997 Code En orcement Board meetin! as amended. Motion carried 6-0. As he had been absent for the meeting,4,Member Chancey did not vote. AaTERAIAre Vice Chairman Linebarier asked that the minutes reflect that Alternate Members Luck and Chancey were authorized to vote in the absence of the two members. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None fir. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER GODEK moved at the re s nest o the Ci Code Enforcement Board Meeting January 27, 1998 that Case No. 97-151 Midland Group Inc. Case No. 98-004 Dennis H. Jones Sr. Case No. 98-006 Casual Line Corporation Case No. 98-007 Alicia Flores be continued to the February meeting; and that Case No. 97-108, Robert Reid, Case No. 97-109, Groundtek of Central FL Inc. Case No. 97-110 Patrick Freeman and Case No. 97-111 Groundtek of Central FL Inc. be continued until the March meetin • that the case docket on Case No. 98- 005 Formula One Automotive and Case No. 98-008 James L. Elmore be amended to show hand delive o the service• and the minutes o October 28 1997 be chan!ed to re ect that Case No. 97-095 Marvin Wise was dismissed rather than continued. Motion carried 7-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS OF NEW CASES PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARING -The following cases as written in these minutes will use abbreviations to describe the violation(s) and the dates of inspection(s) at the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV - Notice of Code Violation; NOH - Notice of Hearing; SOV - Statement of Violation(s); and POS - Proof of Service. At the request of Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officers Cronnon, Smith, and Supervisor Simon were sworn in by Deputy Clerk Harris. 97-149, DOUGLAS AND NANCY J. PRIDGEN -509 Nicole Blvd Cronnon 11/05/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:12/8/97 12/09/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 Stir 12/09/97 SOV 12/09/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 102 571 12/30/98 POS-Delivery:Offic. G. Edwards hand del to Douglas Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. MEMBER LENKO seconded b MEMBER HOLMES moved to nd Dou!las and Nan J. Pridgen, Case No. 97-149, in violation of§165-3, (A) Prohibited acts; §165-4 (A), (B), (C), as o November 20 1997 and be !iven until Februa 3 1998 to correct the violation or be ned $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0. CHAIRMAN CARLSSON MOVED CASE No. 97-152, TAKOORDEEN & NEELA MANGRU, FOR HEARING AT THIS TIME DURING THE MEETING. 97-152, TAKOORDEEN AND NEELA MANGRU - 1807 Prairie Lake Blvd Cronnon 12/17/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/02/97 01/02/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/02/98 SOV 01/02/98 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 102 549 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Takoordeen Mangru, 1807 Prairie Lake Boulevard, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Harris, and said that he had not been notified of the violation. In response to Chairman Carlsson, `vow- 2 Code Enforcement Board Meeting January 27, 1998 Officer Cronnon said that the Proof of Service had been signed on January 3, 1998. Chairman Carlsson also informed the respondent that he should have contacted the City to request a re-inspection. MEMBER HOLMES, seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved to find Takoordeen and Neela Mangru, Case No. 97-152, in violation of x'165-3. Prohibited acts, and§715-3 Prohibited acts, as o Janua 1 1998 but in corns fiance as o Janua 26 1998 and that no ne be im s osed at this time. Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Carlsson advised the respondent about repeat violations. 98-005, FORMULA ONE AUTOMOTIVE - 651 L. F. Roper Parkway Simon 12/16/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/13/98 01/22/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/22/98 SOV 01/22/98 POS - Delivery - Cert Mail: Z 312 102 557 Officer Simon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Ms. Simon also presented the following: • Exhibit "A" - A letter dated April 27, 1997 notifying the respondent about the violations. • Exhibit "B" - A letter dated October 2, 1997 that states the respondent was required to have a re-inspection of the property to deem compliance with the codes. • Exhibit "C" - A Fax Sheet requesting the respondent to call ASAP in regards to a re- 'saw inspection of the corrections to avoid further Code Enforcement action being commenced. • Exhibit "D" - A letter dated January 27, 1998 regarding a Formula One Parking Lot Inspection. • Exhibit "E" - An attached site plan illustration. Walt Fisher, 1000 Chelsea Park, Clermont, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Harris, and said that they wanted to do whatever it takes to bring the violations into compliance. The business details vehicles; gets business from the Auction. Lengthy discussion ensued about the striping, handicap parking, and concern over the lack of isle way for emergency vehicles. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER LENKOL moved to nd Formula One Automotive Case No. 98-005 in violation o Land Develosment Code Article VI 6-4 H Os-Street Parkin! Lot Resuirements 3 as o December 29 1997 and !ive the respondent until Februa 10 1998 to correct the violation or be ned ;150 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0. Member Holmes reminded Mr. Fisher about communication with the City. 97-150, ROBERT AND ANN MARIE MASON - 1003 Sarah Lee Lane Cronnon 11/05/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:12/08/97 12/09/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 12/09/97 SOV 12/09/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 102 574 Sir 3 Code Enforcement Board Meeting ap. January 27, 1998 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER LENKO seconded b MEMBER HOLMES moved to nd Robert and Ann Marie Mason Case No. 97-150 in violation o •165-3 Prohibited acts •165-4 Presum•tive Evidence o Abandonment A B 1 2 C D as o November 20 1997 and be !iven until February 3, 1998, to correct the violations or be fined $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0 . 97-153, S & K FINANCIAL SERVICES - 987 Veronica Circle Cronnon 12/29/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/05/98 01/06/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:017/27/98 01/06/98 SOV 01/06/98 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 102 550 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made statements. Ms. Cronnon stated that on January 15, 1998, Mr. Ping of S & K Financial Services had advised her that he was not aware that the trees had been removed. Mr. Ping had further added that the trees had been stolen and that a report would be filed with the Police Department. `�•► Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. Vice Chairman Linebarier expressed concern about requiring someone to get a permit for something that had been stolen. He requested Code Enforcement contact the Police Department to see whether a report on stolen trees had been filed. Officer Cronnon asked the Board to table this case for the next meeting. CHAIRMAN CARLSSON TABLED, AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY, CASE No. 97-153, S & K FINANCIAL SERVICES. 98-001, ROGER A. KELLY and TOM FOSTER -1907 Lady Avenue Cronnon 12/30/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/12/98 01/13/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/13/98 SOV 01/13/98 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 102 555 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made statements. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER LENKO seconded b MEMBER GODEK moved to nd Ro!er A. Kell and Tom Foster Case No. 98-001 in violation o .108-19 Minimum standards or basic esui•ment and acilities A708-22, Minimum requirements for electrical systems, X108 23 (I) Windows, (N) Exterior door frames (1), 151-21 Permit required, Minimum Housing Standard (A), (B), (C), and (D) '`" 4 • Code Enforcement Board Meeting January 27, 1998 c606.3.1 as o Janua 8 1998 but in compliance as o Janua 26 1998 and that no ine be assessed. Motion carried 7-0. 98-003, ELIZABETH S. SALTERS - 801 Sullivan Avenue (Repeat Violation) Cronnon 01/13/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/13/98 01/13/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/13/98 SOV 01/20/98 POS - Delivery - Officer Bousquet on 01/13/98 Officer Simon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Ms. Cronnon presented a photograph of the property in violation (Exhibit «A„ Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER , seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved to find Elizabeth S. Salters, Case No. 98-003, in violation o115-3 Prohibited acts765-3. Prohibited acts, as of January 13, 1998, and be assessed a penalty of$500 a day effective that date, and continued until the violations are corrected. Motion carried 7-0. MEMBER LENKO seconded VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER moved to recommend that the City issue an Order Imposing Fine and Lien and that they be.'in foreclosure proceedings. Motion carried 7-0. 98-008, JAMES L. ELMORE - 35 Eagle Key Drive Smith 01/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/21/98 01/21/98 NOH -Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/21/98 SOV 01/21/98 POS - Officer Smith, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER LENKO moved to nd James L. Elmore Case No. 98 008, in violation of X108-19 Minimum standards for basic equipment and facilities _)Water heatingjacilities, (F) Kitchen facilities (1) (b), (I Smoke detector systems $108-22 Minimum requirement for electrical systems, X5108-23 (C) Replacement skirting, (G) Stairs, porches and appurtenances, (I) Windows, (N) Exterior door frames (1), (0) Screens,$108-23 General requirements for the exterior and interior of structures (C) Interior floors, walls and ceilings (2), as of January 16, 1998 but in compliance as of January 26, 1998, and that no penalty be imposed. Motion carried 7-0. RECESS - 9:09 P.M. - 9:19 P.M. 5 Code Enforcement Board Meeting Niraw January 27, 1998 HEARING NO OBJECTIONS FROM THE BOARD, CHAIRMAN CARLSSON ASKED TO HEAR CASE No. 95-120, JEAN LEPAGE THOMAS AT THIS TIME DURING THE MEETING. 95-120, JEAN LEPAGE THOMAS C/O BOBBIE BOEH -510 Hill Avenue Simon 9/13/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/14/95 9/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/26/95 9/18/95 SOV 9/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#Z395-711-336 9/26/95 Order of Continuance 10/2/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95 10/4/95 POS - Mail Cert#P597-456-606 10/24/95 Compliance Order: Due 11/10/95 or$100 per day 11/10/95 Affidavit of Non-Compliance 11/28/95 Order Imposing Fine & Lien: $300 01/20/98 Request for Rehearing: Reduction of Fine from $300 to $0 Bobbie Boeh, 2253 Boy Scout Road, Apopka 32703, was sworn in Deputy Clerk Harris, and stated that the Board had informed her that she could request a reduction of fine if the property had been kept up. The current tenants maintain the property with intent on buying it. Ms. Boeh then requested a reduction of the fine. MEMBER LENKO, seconded by ALTERNATE MEMBER CHANCEY, moved that the request for reduction of fine not be granted. Motion carried 6-1. Member Holmes expressed his objection and voted "nay." 96-53, BASE OPERATION MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC. - 20 McKey St. Simon 6/19/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/02/96 7/08/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96 7/08/96 SOV 7/08/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-655 7/23/96 Compliance Order:7/30/96 or$50 per day 8/21/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance 8/27/96 Order Imposing Fine & Lien:8/27/96 10/14/96 Request for Re-hearing:10/22/96 11/21/96 Affidavit of Compliance 11/25/97 Partial Release of Lien: Property Only 12/13/97 FAX: Partial Release of Lien-Atty Steve Star 12/16/97 Application to Foreclose:$4200 Fine has not been paid 01/21/98 Request for Re-hearing:Requested by Mr. Ben Griffin Chairman Carlsson explained that the respondent was requesting a re-hearing and reduction of fine in this case. Ben Griffin, 345 S. Lakeshore Drive, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Harris, and stated that he had not known anything about the Judgment until his credit had been checked in a loan process. Lengthy discussion ensued about the violations and whether to reduce the fine and lien. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved that the amount of the fine in Case No. 96-53, Base Operations Management Services, Inc., be reduced from $4200 to $300, and asked that this fine be paid by Friday, January 30, 1998, then foreclosure will not be instituted. Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Griffin expressed appreciation to the Board on its decision. '""' 6 Code Enforcement Board Meeting January 27, 1998 OTHER BUSINESS 97-129, GARY M. MOODY - 81 Sand Dollar Key Drive Cronnon 10/10/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/11/97 11/13/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/25/97 11/13/97 SOV 11/13/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 103 415 11/25/97 Compliance Order: Comply Date: 12/05/97 $100 12/01/97 Affidavit of Compliance: Complied Date: 12/01/97 An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case. 97-130, JESUS AND LARA MORALES - 81 Sand Dollar Key Drive Cronnon 10/10/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/11/97 11/13/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/25/97 11/13/97 SOV 11/13/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 103 416 11/25/97 Compliance Order: Comply Date: 12/05/97 $100 12/01/97 Affidavit of Compliance: Complied Date: 12/01/97 An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case. 97-135, C. ROGER FREEMAN -207 W. Silver Star Road Cronnon 10/14/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/11/97 11/13/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/25/97 11/13/97 SOV 11/13/97 POS - Mail Cert#P 150 531 243 11/25/97 Compliance Order: Comply Date: 01/02/98 $100 An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case. New 97-136, EDITH JACKSON -180 Adair Street Cronnon 11/04/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/17/97 11/17/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/25/97 11/17/97 SOV 11/19/97 POS - Del by Officer Dyer 11/25/97 Compliance Order: Comply Date: 12/05/97 $100 12/05/97 Letter Rec'd For Re-inspection Req 12/08/97 Affidavit of Compliance: Complied Date: 12/08/97 Chairman Carlsson said that corrective action was to have been taken by the respondent by December 5, 1997 but compliance had been made on December 8, 1997. MEMBER LENKO, seconded by MEMBER CHANCEY, moved that no fine be imposed in Case No. 97-136, Edith Jackson. Motion carried 6-1. Member Holmes voted "nay." 97-143, SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. - 9401 W. Colonial Drive Simon 11/11/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/17/97 11/17/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/25/97 11/17/97 SOV 11/17/97 POS - Mail Cert: P 150 531 185 11/25/97 Compliance Order: Comply Date: 01/02/98 $100 12/10/97 Affidavit of Compliance: Complied Date: 12/06/97 An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case. 97-144, GGP/HOMART INC. - 9401 W. Colonial Drive Simon 11/11/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/17/97 11/17/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/25/97 11/17/97 SOV 11/17/97 POS - Mail Cert: P 150 531 185 11/25/97 Compliance Order: Comply Date: 01/02/98 $100 7 Code Enforcement Board Meeting ,,,,,, January 27, 1998 12/10/97 Affidavit of Compliance: Complied Date: 12/06/97 An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked the City to re-do the Compliance Order in Case No. 97-143, and Case No. 97-144, to reflect January 5, 1998 rather than January 2, 1998. In response to Vice Chairman Linebarier, Deputy Clerk Harris said that the $750 lien had been paid as required in Case No. 96-45, Mauricia Fabian DeMeran and Ana Hernandez Fabian. Also, in response to Vice Chairman Linebarier, Deputy Clerk Harris said that she would provide a copy of the Order Imposing Fine and Lien in Case No. 97-071, Lou E. Benoist, Jr., Case No. 97-116, Ray Harper Trust Agreement, and Case No. 97-117, Dean Harper Inc. Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon informed the Board that Case No. 97-116 is being appealed. COMMENTS Mayor Vandergrift 1. Expressed his views about a case that had been heard earlier in the meeting. Sew 2. Announced that he hoped the City would begin televising the Code Enforcement Board this year. 3. Announced the Volunteer Board Appreciation Dinner in February. Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon: None Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon: "Thank you for remembering my name." Code Enforcement Officer Smith: None Deputy Clerk Harris: Announced that she would have Executive Secretary Seaver provide the requested papers to the Board. Also, that it might be May before she would see them again. Chairman Carlsson wished Ms. Harris the best of luck. BOARD MEMBERS Attorney Feeney: None Member Holmes asked if the Board might send, in addition to the City, a "get well" card to Member Shagner. Chairman Carlsson said that he will bring one to the next meeting. Member Lenko said that she had enjoyed serving with Member Shagner who had served many years with the Board. It was always a loss when one loses someone who was experienced. She expressed her hopes that Ms. Shagner would be o.k. Alternate Member Chancey: None Vice Chairman Linebarier said that it was good to see Mayor Vandergrift up and around. 8 Code Enforcement Board Meeting January 27, 1998 Chairman Carlsson: 1) Expressed his wishes to Ms. Shagner for a speedy recovery. Member Shagner's son had turned the Code Book, Land Development Book, and letter into Ms. Lewis who will provide the letter to the City Commission at its next meeting. 2) Expressed his thanks to the City for doing a good job again tonight. Discussion ensued about outstanding liens, and Attorney Feeney explained that their job was over once the initial decision had been made. The City may have reasons why it may or may not proceed in these foreclosures. Those decisions were a matter of discretion that it may not want shared with the public. Once the Board institutes a fine, its job was done. He said that from his perspective, there was no need to do the Orders as the Statute states that 90 days later they may or may not foreclose. That discretion had been left to someone other than this Board. In order to clean up some of the cases, several Members asked that the City provide the Board with a list. In response to Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon said that she had information on the "school." Oakland, Winter Garden, and other local municipalities had been invited to participate in the training. Although no date was established, several possible dates were discussed. Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon announced that she would look into the City presenting a plaque to Member Shagner for her service on the Board. ADJOURNMENT At 10:10 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Attest: 1 Robin Harris, Deputy Clerk r ray Carls Chairman . i oS ). J le Lewis, Administrative Secretary c:\aIl data\CodeEnf Bd\CE012798-M.doc 9 Oise ft . 9�-ao(r tixA. /911 3d. - i/z7/y� April '_7, 1997 Formula One Automotive, Inc. 651 L.F. Roper Parkway Ocoee, Florida 3476 i Dear Ms. Neely or Mr Fisher: On March 25, 1997 a building inspection was conducted on your place of business for the purpose of issuing a City Occupational License. The following violations of city codes were observed and you are required to correct these violations within 30 days from the date of your inspection. When the comments have been complied with, please contact my office and schedule a re-inspection of the property. Failure to correct the below listed violations will result in Code Enforcement action being commenced Building Comments: 1. In regards to zoning issues: as discussed with you on an on-site inspection with Mr. Harper, you are required :o improve the parking by clearly n 'Mg your parking spaces as weiI as isle oaths. - =. Install backflow preventers on all exterior ;rose bibbs Need backflow test report Electrical Comments:: 1. Provide surf cient electrical receptacles for equipment being used. Remove extension cords. An electrical contractor and a electrical permit will need to be obtained. If you have any Questions regarding these comments, contact me at 656 ex:.- 162 Fire Comments: 1. Fix exit sign in bay areas over passageway door =. Install an exit sii over exit from offices If Yrou Have any questions :eerarding :hese cot rnents. contact Jackie Levesque at 556-7 796 Please have the property re-inspected by May 15, 1997. I look forward to hearing from you. Sin rely —Shelly Sinadn cc: ache Levesque, Fire Inspector L ZX H//3/r " g CA Se /16. 98.O 3 "G VT'R OF GOOD UYLVG-PRIDE OF WESTOR lNGE" Co.Ai En✓F 8d ?fl* . 1137/9t MAYOR•CL7MINiSS10vER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRJFr °/ dn. -:N; CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL -/ ,li a 150 N. Luc:SHORE DRIVESCOTT AN ANDERSON OCOEE. FLORIDA 347 61-�2253 SCOTT.a.GLASS �'AyT 000 a OP c ago N..• Zv (407)656-2-J22656-2-J22NANCY1. PARKER (407) MANAGER ECUS SHAM° October 2, 1997 Formula One Automotive, Inc. 651 L.F. Roper Parkway Ocoee, Florida 34761 Dear Ms. Neely or Mr. Fisher: Your business located at 651 L.F. Roper Parkway, Ocoee. Florida was subject .r o an inspection of the premises when you applied to the city for your Occupational License. Your license certificate was issued to you. as well as a list of violations requiring correction within thirty ( 0) days and a re-inspection of those corrections. To date, no re-inspection has been conducted and the violations are in non-..:ompiiance with codes. This letter is to remind you that you are required to have a:e-nspecnon of the property to deem compiiance with the codes and that the re-inspection is overdue. Pursuant to Chapter 119-21 Revocation and suspension of certificate: "the city. acting through proper officers. may revoke or suspend any license :ax certificate issued herender whenever t itss .:rade to appear liar the licensee :-las violated he provisions of he chapter or or any other ordinance of he city" Failure to have hese violations corrected can also result in Code Enforcement action being commenced agminst the property and the business. Please ari.1nae to have your ,.. probe.-ty re-inspected within ive (6) days --lam the date of this letter to avoid any urther action. Contact Cam Wirt at (407) 656-2322 ext: 133 If you have any ouestions regarding this matter you can contact me at (=07) 656-2322 162. Sincerely. Simon Code =nforcernent Supervisor nit?. 727/V / of a /0,07e-5 LAST TRANS.�C-:CN REPORT FOR =P FAX-700 scR C4.50... NO . 9,-•4 0S" 4 I=S VERSION: 01 . 00 FAX NAME: CITY CF CCCEE FAX NI,MEE OA+E: 17-CGT-97 :10765E8504 TIME: 10:59 - REM= FAX NAME ANC NLMEFR aLR_ ATTCN al RESULT DIAGNOSTIC 17-CCT i6:58 S 6543173 .f/ �0:00:41 � OK 55314.01001SC S=FAX SENT 0=POP D CUT(FAX SENT) TO PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY. SELECT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS MENU. TO PRINT MANUALLY. PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON. THEN PRESS ENILlq. r- .;\ \'‘„=� 150 N.Lauesnore Drne Ocoee.Panda 34761 * business:(407)656-2322 Ext 139 Fax:(407)656-8504 City of Ocoee Protective Inspections Department Fax To: Donna From: Shelly Simon Company:Formula One Automotive Inc. Department Cade Enforcement Supervisor Fax: 65;-3173 Pages:2 PhoneDate: October 14, 1997 Re: Occupational License CC: ❑ Urgent For Review Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle • Comments: Call me ASAP in regards to a re-inspection of the corrections to avoid further Code Enforcement action being commenced. LABE /14? r- • 9?-lxt Cxh/b/f "D'' Bode &7f'. Ad 11.27Ad ' "CENTER OF GOOD LII y.VG-PRIDE OF IVEST ORANGE"VGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT Ocoee O� ,p COMMISSIONERS ,,i, � CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL �, ts,,:i , SCO"TT ANDERSON _� �� 150 N. L\I:ESHORE DRIVE p OCOEE, FLORIDA 347 61-2258 SCOTT:�.GLASS NANCY J. PARKER w (407)656-2322 CITY MANAGER .4. 4, OF~' p0`�J` ELLS SHAPIRO GO To: Shelly Simon. Code Enforcement Supervisor From: Julian Harper. Zoning Coordinator, Zoning Coordinator Date: January 27, 1998 Subj: Formula One Parking Lot Inspection: 651 L.F. Roper Parkway See attached site plan illustrations: the following comments are based on the site inspection conducted on the above subject property this date: 1. No handicapped parking, per the FLORIDA ACCESSIBILITY CODE, was witnessed. 2. Aisle width adjacent to the Eastside of the building is less than 22 feet. 2-way circulation width. 3. Parking space depth adjacent to the east fence along street side. is 55 feet. which encourages triple deep vehicle parking, not two deep as outlined to Formula One. This results in approximately one-half of the length of a vehicle intruding into the adjacent 2-way traffic aisle, reducing it to less than 15 feet. which is the minimum one-way traffic aisle width. 4. Circulation aisles are not already marked by arrows to indicate direction of traffic Clow. 5. Vehicle parking is occurring at the rear or west side of and along the north side of the building, which restricts vehicle circulation around the building. No directional arrows, and no stripped parking at the rear of the building where parallel parking would be possible adjacent to the fence. 6. Vehicle parking is occurring along the south fence line during peak parking lot utilization in unmarked spaces and aisles, which further serves to hinder the safe movement of vehicles onsite. 7. See the schematic site diagram that illustrates comments 41 to #6. 8. Tractor trailer parked onsite seriously impedes traffic circulation along the north side of the building and especially when considering the office air conditioner juts some three feet into the alleyway. L (-)/9 /17, . 9 • o G s (7 zz Fhb' ,6'd. //.... Ali Trx//ir al s 0 • C D 9 is xwtokre s j II 6- El 4 �/ ° 55/ III,yA' Q r Ido c,t,6/e ril Q ,9 Ty c /1 'Tejo 4 ,t4/-----ta Lane fess - / t 7%674 Z a ile Q i w la 117/9k k J7/ 1 •�qf-/r/49 4y `� "ar yTh i-ar _. L 0 ---0 t, 0 -t. '' 0 /Vdh- .1,i(;90e</ ��y 6 7--ar4t tore CD Mei/elki-_r .1,(4i/c4,4 (r Al 4.7e47Ij- 0 I /-2 7 9, ioai • mer/esu /0 84/,-/,- /0/az-e*.e 7i 1�o /- -1-/ #7� Co/ F / eh /5'''rk-9 si Case No. 98-003 Exhibit "A" Code Enforcement Board Meeting - January 27, 1998 , .-. - it - 414Yatbl „., _ __ �� ; - i.:17/144,1'.'c':-.*' Af.I. _ . ---- ill ,,,,,a-kaetti.4 _i_ _ _ __;....,__ :_, _ ........, , .,... ...„,.. _ _ir., ii,..„ .„._. =_._, . • ii • Ir----- .-.:2 lik.= .71 ... .. ; • ' , :' 1 , lir —."-2.1111 :="7.1"—. '.. 7 _ ,, ' + ! . - �'`` .• ' :, .v+ ' cta-.04