HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-24-1998 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING Now HELD ON FEBRUARY 24, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Carlsson called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of allegiance. Vice Chairman Linebarier led the invocation. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. Chairman Carlsson thanked Secretary Lewis for the nice letter that had been written on behalf of the Board to former Member Shagner, and updated the Board on the condition of Ms. Shagner. PRESENT: Chairman Carlsson, Vice Chairman Linebarier, Members Godek, Holmes, -Luck, Skiles, and Alternate Member Chancey. Also present were Attorney Feeney, Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon, and Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, Executive Secretary Seaver, and Administrative Secretary Lewis. ABSENT: Membe Lenko (excused) .nd ac.K (unexcased). APPROVALS .• This item consisted of the Minutes of the January 27, 1998 Code Enforcement Board meeting. Alternate Member Chancey said that a correction should be made on page 1, Approvals, "As he had been absent from the meeting, Alternate Member Chancey did not vote." rather than "... Member Chancey did not vote." VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARRIER seconded b MEMBER HOLMES moved to as rove the Minutes o the Janua 27 1998 Code En orcement Board meetin_ as corrected. Motion carried 6-0. As he had been absent from the meeting, Member Skiles did not vote. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None CHAIRMAN CARLSSON SAID AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY, THAT CASE No. 97-151, MIDLAND GROUP, INC., CASE No. 98-014, FREEDOM DESIGNS, CASE No. 98-029, PAULINE JAMES D/B/A MARCY'S UNIQUE BOUTIQUE, CASE No. 98-034, JEFF HERSEY, JR. 'S DRYWALL, CASE No. 98-035, ALEJANDRO ALONSO CONCRETE SERVICE, CASE No. 98-036, SURFACE DOCTOR, AND CASE No. 98- 038, AAA APPROVED DOORS BY KELLY J. HALL, BE CONTINUED TO THE MARCH MEETING; AND THAT CASE No. 98-006, CASUAL LINE CORP., AND CASE No. 98-033, LEROY RHOADES HANDYMAN SERVICES, BE DISMISSED. In response to Vice Chairman Linebarier, Executive Secretary Seaver said that Case No. 98-004, Dennis H. Jones, Sr., had been dismissed by the City around February 19, 1998. Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 24, 1998 PUBLIC HEARINGS OF NEW CASES PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARING -The following cases as written in these minutes will use abbreviations to describe the violation(s) and the dates of inspection(s) at the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV - Notice of Code Violation; NOH - Notice of Hearing; SOV - Statement of Violation(s); and POS - Proof of Service. At the request of Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon and Supervisor Simon were sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver. 97-153, S & K FINANCIAL SERVICES - 987 Veronica Circle Cronnon 12/29/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/05/98 01/06/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:017/27/98 01/06/98 SOV 01/06/98 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 102 550 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made statements. Ms. Cronnon presented the following: • Exhibit "A" - A December 11, 1997 letter from H. Scott Gold, Director of the Veronica Place Phase I Homeowners Association, Inc. • Exhibit "B" - A December 19, 1997 letter from Building and Zoning Official D. W. Flippen to H. Scott Gold. • Exhibit "C" - Photographs of the subdivision entrance. • Exhibit "D" - Plat map of dedicated area, February 6, 1990 City Commissioners Regular meeting minutes, pages 1 and 2 of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions set forth by Galante Development Group, Inc., and a copy of Orange County Plat Book 25, page 109. • Exhibit "E" - A photograph. • Exhibit "F" - A photograph. Supervisor Simon said that the respondent must obtain a permit and replace the trees to meet the requirements. David Singh, 12750 Windermere Isle Drive, Windermere 34786, was sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver, and said that he had not brought the Police report to the meeting. In response to Alternate Member Chancey, Mr. Singh said that he had not known that the trees were missing. Discussion ensued about the developer, Proof of Service, property owner, and the Homeowners Association. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER GODEK, moved to give S & K financial Services, Case No. 97-153, until the March 24, 1998 meeting to replace the three (3) Palm trees within City specifications, (and if brought into compliance) then the Board would not find fault on the part of the respondent. Motion carried 6-1. 2 Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 24, 1998 Alternate Member Chancey objected and voted "nay." 98-007, ALICIA FLORES -110 Coquina Key Drive Cronnon 01/09/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/21/98 01/21/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/21/98 SOV 01/21/98 POS - Delivery - Cert Mail: Z 312 102 558 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. As Alicia Flores spoke no English, Attorney Feeney advised the Board about taking the oath and testimony of the respondent via an interpreter. Elisabet Cuellar, 19 Sundial Key Drive, interpreter for the respondent, was sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver, and explained that she was the sister of Ms. Flores. Alicia Flores, 110 Coquina Key Drive, was sworn in via Elisabet Cuellar by Executive Secretary Seaver, and informed the Board that as of February 24, 1998, all of the violations had been corrected. Ms. Cuellar said that she would contact the City for a re-inspection. MEMBER HOLMES seconded b ALTERNATE MEMBER CHANCEY moved to nd Alicia Flores,_ Case No. 98-007 in violation o .108-19 Minimum standards or basic eali.ment and acilities ... A Sanita acilities F Kitchen acilities b I Smoke detector stems .108-23 I Windows, (M) Exterior doors (2), (R) Interior floors, walls and ceilings (1), 1606.3.1 Fixtures valve outlets, as of January 19, 1998, but in compliance as of February 18, 1998 with an exce.tion o 4108-23 I Windows as o Februa 18 1998 and be !iven until March 3 1998 to correct the violation of 1'108.23, (I) Windows or be fined $50 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0. (Clerk's Note: As the Board determined the wording for this motion, Chairman Carlsson clarified compliance date from February 24th to February 18`h. ) Ms. Cuellar translated the action by the Board to the respondent who responded with an "o.k." 98-009, DENISE A. CARR - 826 Satin Leaf Circle Cronnon 01/07/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/22/98 01/29/98 NOH 01/29/98 SOV 01/29/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 312 102 562 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER SKILES, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved to nd Denise A. Carr, Case No. 98- ""` 3 Code Enforcement Board Meeting �, February 24, 1998 009, in violation of 065-3 Prohibited acts, 765-4 Presumptive Evidence of Abandonment (A) B1 a b 2 C D as o Janua 22 1998 but in compliance as o Janua 23 1998 and that no fine be imposed. Motion carried 6 -1. Vice Chairman Linebarier objected and voted "nay." 98-010, DOUGLAS AND NANCY J. PRIDGEN - 509 Nicole Boulevard Cronnon 01/12/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:1/22/98 01/29/98 NOH 01/29/98 SOV 02/03/98 POS - Delivery Offic. Jerry Lewis del on 1/30/98 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Ms. Cronnon testified that she had re-inspected the property on February 24, 1998 and the violation had been corrected. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER SKILES moved to nd Dou!las and Nancy Pridgen, Case No. 98-010, in violation of Land Development Regulations 6-4 Off Street Parking Standards (H) (5) (a)), as of January 22, 1998 but in compliance as of February 24,_ 1998, and that no penalty be imposed._ In response to Member Holmes who said that he believed he should abstain from voting, Attorney Feeney explained that members of boards in Florida are not permitted to abstain unless they have a pecuniary interest in the subject matter, Now, in which case they were required to declare and abstain. He said that the member would be asked to state that he had ex-parte communications but then was asked to vote, either yes or no. Vote was taken here. Motion carried 7-0 . 98-011, JEANEATH AND SHAUN PERSAUD - 957 Veronica Circle Cronnon 02/05/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:2/11/98 02/11/98 NOH 02/11/98 SOV 02/11/98 POS - Mail Cert. Mail: Z 336 278 583 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Ms. Cronnon testified that the violation had been brought into compliance. The respondent was in Chambers but did not wish to speak. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER SKILES, moved to find Jeaneath and Shaun Persaud, Case No. 98-011, in violation of §51-21 permit required (A), (B), (C) , as of Februa 10 1998 but in compliance as o Februa 23 1998 and that no penal be imposed. Motion carried 7-0. ``� 4 Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 24, 1998 Chairman Carlsson said that after a brief recess, he would like to hear Case No. 95-058, Barbara Ball, and Case No. 98-012, Rogelio & Estela C. Marquez. RECESS: 8:35 P.M. - 8:43 P.M. 98-012, ROGELIO AND ESTELA C. MARQUEZ - 491 Kindling Court Cronnon 01/05/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:1/22/98 02/13/98 NOH 02/13/98 SOV 02/13/98 POS - Mail Cert. Mail: Z 336 278 585 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. The property remained in violation and the respondent must obtain a permit and provide a set of plans for the carport. Rogelio Marquez, 491 Kindling Court, was sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver, and testified that he had removed the car on February 23, 1998 but he had not called for a re- inspection. He explained that he had tried to get a permit but had not finished it (the paper work). Ms. Seaver said that the plans must be a quality which would meet the Building Codes. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER HOLMES moved to nd Ro!elio and Estela C. Marquez, Case No. 98-012, in violation of §165-3 Prohibited acts, §51-21 permit Vii.. re•uired as o Janua 22 1998 and be liven until March 10 1998 to correct the violations or be fined$75 a day. Motion carried 7-0. 95-058, BARBARA BALL -169 W. Silver Star Road Simon 01/04/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:04/14/95 04/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:04/25/95 04/14/95 SOV 04/18/95 POS - Mail Cert:#P 882 518 501 04/25/95 Compliance Order:Due May 2, 1995 or $100 per day thereafter 05/02/95 Affidavit of Non-Compliance 05/23/95 Order Imposing Fine & Lien:to begin May 3, 1995 10/24/95 Motion for Re-Hearing: Denied 11/17/95 Affidavit of Compliance 11/25/95 Motion for Re-hearing:Re:Reduction of Fines-Denied 02/27/96 Motion for Re-hearing:$19,700 DUE 02/27/96 Order Reducing Fine:$1300 Due at this time 01/29/98 Request for Re-hearing:Requesting a Dismissal Chairman Carlsson said that a Request for Re-hearing/Reduction of Fine had been submitted to the Board in this case. Discussion ensued about the case, and VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER SKILES, moved to re-hear Case No. 95-058, Barbara Ball. Motion carried 7-0. Garfield Holmes, 24 Dalgren Street, Caribou, ME 04736, was sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver, and stated that he had inherited the property and had spent $10,000 on it. He also explained that he never knew that anything was going on when he began foreclosure proceedings on the property. Mr. Holmes said that he did not want to pass this burden on to N""' 5 Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 24, 1998 his children, and asked for a dismissal of the case. ALTERNATE MEMBER CHANCEY moved to deny the request for dismissal and maintain the fine at$1-37906. Motion died for the lack of a second. /3 0o. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved to reduce the fine to $500 in Case No. 95-058, Barbara Ball, providing the fine was paid by March 10, 1998. Chairman Carlsson expressed his objections to reducing the fine to $500, that it should be $650, one-half of$1300, for the time that the Board and City had put on the case. Lengthy discussion ensued about the reduction in fine and the amount of time given to the case. Vote was taken at this time during the meeting. Motion carried 5-2. Chairman Carlsson and Alternate Member Chancey voted "nay." 98-025, CONCEPCION GARCIA - 97 Sand Dollar Key Drive Simon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:2/16/98 02/17/98 NOH - Date:February 24, 1998 02/17/98 SOV 02/17/98 POS - Mail Cert. Mail: Z 336 278 593 Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER GODEK moved to nd Conce,cion Garcia, Case No. 98-025, in violation of Code of Ordinances §119-4 (A) Conditions of payment of tax, as of October 1, 1997, and be given until March 10, 1998, to correct the violations or be fined a one time fee of $250. MEMBER HOLMES, seconded by MEMBER GODEK moved to amend the motion rom March 10, 1998 by chan2in2 the date to March 5, 1998. Motion carried 7-0. Vote on the original motion as amended was taken at this time during the meeting. Motion carried 7-0. 98-030, CEDAR AND SAGE WINE OUTPOST, INC. - 2588 Maguire Road S. Cronnon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:2/16/98 02/16/98 NOH - February 24, 1998 02/16/98 SOV 02/17/98 POS - Delivery Officer Thea Cronnon Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. 6 Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 24, 1998 VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER SKILES moved to nd Cedar and Sa!e Wine Outs ost Inc. Case No. 98-030 in violation o Code o Ordinances •119-4 A Conditions of payment of tax, as of October 1. 1997 but in compliance as of February 23, 1998, and that no fine be imposed. Motion carried 7 0. 98-037, RODNEY SLAYTON'S LAWN SERVICE - 1881 Leslie Ann Lane Cronnon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:2/16/98 02/16/98 NOH - February 24, 1998 02/16/98 SOV 02/16/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 595 Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER HOLMES seconded b MEMBER GODEK moved to nd Rodn' Sli ton's Lawn Service Case No. 98-037 in violation o Code o Ordinances •119-4 A Conditions o ment o tax as o October 1 1997 and be -iven until March 5 1998 to correct the violations or be fined $250 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked Code Enforcement Officers to notify the respondent that this $250 penalty is in addition to license and penalty fees. OTHER BUSINESS 97-149, DOUGLAS AND NANCY J. PRIDGEN -509 Nicole Blvd Cronnon 11/05/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:12/8/97 12/09/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 12/09/97 SOV 12/09/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 102 571 12/30/98 POS-Delivery:Offic. G. Edwards hand del to Douglas 01/27/98 Compliance Order:Comply by 2/3/98 or $100 per day 02/10/98 Affidavit of Non-Compliance Re-inspection Date: 02/04/98 VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER HOLMES moved that ne and •enal be imposed to continue until compliance. Vice Chairman Linebarier withdrew the motion, and Member Holmes withdrew the second. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved to issue an Order Imposing Fine and Lien in Case No. 97-149, Douglas and Nancy J. Pridgen. Motion carried 7-0. 97-150, ROBERT AND ANN MARIE MASON - 1003 Sarah Lee Lane Cronnon 11/05/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:12/08/97 12/09/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 12/09/97 SOV 12/09/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 102 574 01/27/98 Compliance Order:Comply by:02/03/98 or $100 per day 02/10/98 Affidavit of Non-Compliance Re-inspection Date:02/04/98 VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER HOLMES moved to issue an Order Imsosin! Fine and Lien in Case No. 97-150 Robert and Ann Marie Mason. Motion carried 7- """" 7 Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 24, 1998 0. 98-005, FORMULA ONE AUTOMOTIVE - 651 L. F. Roper Parkway Simon 12/16/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/13/98 01/22/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/22/98 SOV 01/22/98 POS - Delivery by Thea Cronnon 01/27/98 Order of Compliance:Comply by 2/10/98 or $150 per day 01/27/98 Exhibits: A, B, C, and D 02/17/98 Affidavit of Compliance An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case. COMMENTS Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon announced that it was her daughter's birthday. Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon announced that Bob Hamilton, former City of Orlando attorney, would be instructing the seminar scheduled for late March or early April. Supervisor Simon informed the Board about topics that will be taught at this seminar. Executive Secretary Seaver: 1) Announced that Deputy Clerk Harris had given birth to a son, Nicholas Ridge, on February 19, 1998. 2) Reported that the fines in Case No. 95-120, Jean LePage Thomas c/o Bobbie Boeh, and Case No. 96-53, Base Operation Management Services, Inc. have been paid. Both liens N" have been released. 3) Announced that while Ms. Harris was away, she would be covering the March, April, and possibly May Board meetings. She asked that members give her a courtesy call if they notice an error that she has overlooked. 4) Presented a letter from Bobbie Boeh for review by the Board. BOARD MEMBERS Attorney Feeney 1. Announced that it was good to be here, that during March and April he would be in Tallahassee. He commended Bob Hamilton who has 35-40 years of service in Municipal Law, and said that the Board would enjoy the seminar by Mr. Hamilton. 2. Reported that he had taken a tour of Seminole County that had been hit by the tornado. It had been a very humbling experience. Member Holmes: 1. Thanked everyone - they had had fun tonight. 2. Announced that February is the month they celebrate the Scouting anniversary. He congratulated Scouting on its 88th Anniversary. Alternate Member Chancey: None 8 Code Enforcement Board Meeting February 24, 1998 Member Godek: None Member Skiles: None Vice Chairman Linebarier commented about Attorney Hamilton riding a motorcycle. Member Luck: None Chairman Carlsson thanked the City, the Mayor and City Commissioners for the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. ADJOURNMENT At 9:48 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Attest: 1 ) i ,i /''', - ,,, ,fA 't Ail•Aihi. i 1 I , Sherry Seaver, i, .cutive Secretary rnk Carlsson, Chairman Nisiw ic , ,(7 ......;...) J ie Lewis, Administrative Secretary c:\all_data\Code Enf Bd\ce012798-M.doc *kw 9 (._.)124, .,i,cr.2 CZiK..'.a 7=4 a .2-ail-s'Y OCOEE LAND DEVELOPMENT, LTD. C/456 Ard. 97-15 3 860 State Road 434 North, Suite 7 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Telephone: (407) 788-6555 i' kiik +► Fax: (407) 682-6194 11 cA_ \ LYS December 11, 1997 Mr. Ellis Shapiro City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 3476I RE: LOT 53, VERONICA PLACE Dear Mr. Shapiro: On behalf of the Veronica Place Phase I Homeowners Association, Inc., please accept this letter as our request to withhold the Certificate of Occupancy for the above referenced Lot. Three palms trees, located within the landscape easement, were removed from Lot 53 without authorization from the Homeowners Association. We have made several attempts to contact the owner regarding this situation, but we have been unsuccessful. I have enclosed pictures of the palm trees prior to the removal, so you can see where they were placed within the easement. We respectfully request any assistance you may be able to provide us in having identical sized palm trees replaced prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued on this lot. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Very truly yours, ,.../e . g7 ./, � t_ 1� 1 ke1C VERO PLACE PHASE I e ►t;,, RS A INC ! 14 ; si)(2) "fr 3I �, /i." \ o i Atm 4440 Dl' c. old, Director Or/ 1 �✓ � y� arcel4_:.ti„a ralr f ����� HSG.�h ��6 7 0-"C: /I -asp "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAY COMISSIIONER7-/5 3 S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT Ocoee O` COMMISSIONERS ,m CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL ►� r' a 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON SCOTT A.GLASS p OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY J.PARKER (407)656-2322 4> ‘; CITY MANAGER OF G000 ELLIS SHAPIRO December 19, 1997 \\.\' � H. Scott Gold Veronica Place Phase I Homeowners Association, Inc. 1` 860 State Road 434, North, Suite 7 Altamonte Springs Florida 32714 Dear Mr. Gold, Reference is made to your letter of December 11, 1997 concerning 3 palm trees on lot 53, Veronica Place Subdivision. A research of our records and an inspection of lot 53 revealed the three palm trees in question were not located within the 10 feet landscape easement. However, our City Code requires a permit shall be obtained from the City prior to removing any protected tree. Palm trees are protected trees. Due to the trees being removed without the required permit, our Code Enforcement Division has notified the owner of lot 53 that the palm trees shall be replaced. Failure to replace the three palms could result in a fine being assessed against the property owner. If you have any questions concerning this situation please call me at (407) 656-2322 extension 133. Sincerely, D. V. Flippen Building and Zoning Official cc: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager . •.1'...• • 0:,.. -- ‘- - ' " • - ...,. -. ... .., -- • %-_,..,4•:- -,:, „ : ..,e "-•-.-.; r ' _ _ : . . •, -,, \:,...ix r„. ;- --'-' :. . .— -•'. --; —',"' "--17 .' -1' •.,'Al:, •• f-'-' •,...e ' ... .. ' • -. ...- • ,„5.r.,••••,`!'..f -- ;;'t -,1+I. .. ' .* " .. .'e. 1 •V".•... '.7..‘4,_t.f-• " • • , ..;.44,; . • •-. , • ,r.- — •"...• . " • • : .*t- 7...i'14.,Z4kA ..,.. • /4 ,..:, ... •11$C.t,$.n't 'St' t<V,..Ct*, -.' ' $7..7.• • . le:..- i,' 14.-•••••?.... _... ioe.... ' '" - ^4 ,It ' ' t.";.• ,' ...''' 'IrN` 4.N.4: ... '7'11...4 4::7.11' • •. ., . ... r' ', A. . f.. . - ,r, - " ,', ,'_:. ,.._ -i.. 04-24 -./1 - • - .' 97-if.-3 _ _Th , , _1 •.. ) 1 5 ,' ' •• L.,7......':„.1.'‘,___ t 1 ,...• ,,..., ,_, ...,...,,,L. -- ,.. . / ,--..- .•---• 5_. ., - '' .-1,i ,'_.: ', ,::•,;:.,.,•*,;.'.......: " k_.. ... . ' , ,.,/---. 't !-i s , , : i; • • , i ' . •, i • ? 4 . ... . - 41 ' • . , .- 1 . 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L o N us 0 p IU U ' 2g v28 • � 27 n26, k9 25� 1. 32�� 31 0- 30 rt_ _ .- - n 144 = S>, Lv• ,e �y L J R/W DEDICATED PER 72.00 R� 02, p p MAP OF OCOEE,P.a A, • N89°4737"W •-> 96•is'{y/ ,9 C,�18.et' 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 05.00 PAGES 100-101 89.59'29•E 403.81 N 3O' .. o '0?T'9'1-, ,c'f.,-,` NPT VERONIC� ,03.66 CIRCLE ,,, . 33 9H'tiyb. ,.•� - �, s J N 89'59'29'E 403.51 "' e°N.71°4148"W., 16.72' Cy'. ,"\•.1 N - ------ IA9.16 OC - -- -- (R) 44 v. •„ 38.55 88.00 88.00 123.00 _ ,,, N 89'12'27'W (u0 "cry, v'' :' CI U O n n o p y 34 25'25' 22 23 24 r,c - - N 0 60- 134.00 s / w ,. / n 8800 9 00 - _ 98.00 0 35 8 - l "y nri / 134.00 -- ' TRACT "A" w Z 141 0 36 '-. ILI J / U y t > Ir q,n /� �•n }} I 1.1.00 CTORMWAliER R`TEWTEON AREA 7 15 DRAINAGE 1:SMT >- -1 10 / N o c U N 89'54.1 7'E/ 453.04 - ; ,� 37 v,is 134...000 io4.-o4 _ "t-75710.00 -- 1os.-oo 3 cd _ L. Z I 1 Q cn o - 140 1- ^ i-t--I 34.00-J- 2 t o -0, o • O N • _ N O 1 c. Imo. a ' Is UTILITY 15MT3- C !'-CO 38 0 134_00 y�s.8 �I I o - ci CO ^ 2 n n 5 99'54'17'W vJ` z1 �`'6b; z .tv.6 I�A Q Y �D _ Z - 134.00 voi vol v '�0 75.10 aty \� Q1,yy�� `(Ll 139 O N n. vi v,589°54'1TW.�6JC, lC17 ,p•'^i 6\��1 75.00 N W o n ,., 'y O^,m 5 ; _ -. • g 'P, �°8547"W^ ^n, n o o U u 0 34.00 = ? 19 , - _ J w 0 T_ v S Z vi w O i .1 - O b b r, 111.0A L, v, O 138 �.,eD 0 40 9 _ _ __ 13,:oo_• - H9-5-47-1-7-11 .0 W r r-- ---- - C: u_CW 133.23 a p Q _ • 134•00 - n o " '. 1 0 O 25 25 1 S 09'54'17'W1 7 �1 �' o • v j'C13 La , ..... co .p 4 1 0 .- 13.1.00 -- 134.81 v O -• 1 1,' Q U .._._.-7_. O U I J 4:00 j1-- Q L: 137 y N• 1 34.00 Q o / o N N h --- -z N W a U A ik 0 p p ° • 1W - Q o c, Z 134.00 I},.76 Np NA O O Q 42 p - _ W o Z •^ 5 89'S4'tl'W 5 89' S4'17 I A . w' p o o w t34_00 �- Cn �.I O �- p I o,- 134.00 0 .� n o 0 136 o '� 0 0 0 - Iii •0 4 3 134.00 134.88.00 0 b^ �'� _ . • .A ^ 92.70 88.40, --> O w S.89°54 I7 W., NQ z _134.00 Q 134.00 m.tt n p n a m --1_, :______' W z p ,D PT � 1 5 7. 0 1 4 _ N 1 3 m (,' IO QI. 35 Q_, ,•N 44 25'•25' b- o_ 11Q Jna = C1c II 111.83 U 141.74 (N.R.iP n. ccs = 66.07 - - - 0,,a, S 42.37 88.00 4 S.89.5-'l W v, w0 u- N 89'42'27', `s \ N S 80 54'1 7'W 196.44 N 159•uo .- 030 LL �.:��,� _NPC 243.09 a 4 5 ��015� ; s c`VERONICAS 89.54'107`14 401.90 CIhCLE N. 134 ui .m 4? \� .,L9 �O 1' C21 75.00 75.00 75.00 ' - 75.00 z.,,4,.'.�`=,.e I 3 w Q. 16.90' T.r 1 � � 77.79 `' a n.�. Ts w z ,In 11 m & -% - -._ - N 89°42'27 W. �`2� r6w 0 gg!! 4 fro 47 2 0 4 8 a 4 g 0 n 51 I t N <••ti 0 0 0 o n ^ _ p i� ry _I * 133 _ $ m v IV I z ,--,---,A•4, . Om o ESMT. 1' ,._ ,.1 SE CORNER • z z 75.00 "'-r LAKE SHORE GARDENS' 75.00 SECOND ADDITION 91.48 85.00 75.00 75.00 65 75.00 N LY R00 LINE % t • F 0.6. - - S.89° 541 1711W_ - - -----I- ' WHITE - ROAD (6o' RIW) - -1 \ 7- \ 7 HARBOUR HIGHLANDS R/W DEDICATED PER 111',. 1 P.B. 12, PG.S MAP OF OCOEE, P.B. A, ?J.. PAGES 100-101 iEPAR�D B'Y� CHRANE ENGINEERING, INC. lkSOUTH BUMBY AVE. ILDNDO, FL 32803 <1". ..i,.. _..,AAAA tis-.• - . ,:e. .mer.rwee•+r.w,.a...•� -t2 25 . ,....,, _ PAGENT L VERONICA PLACE PHASE I - _ �: - ` DEDICATION -- - _ _ _ KNOW ALL. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That the Corporation - r: below, being the owner in fee simple of the lands described In the fore.: -- going caption to this plot, hereby dedicates said lands and Piot for the uses and purposes therein agonised and dedicates the RIChtst-of-way ' Easements, and Tract A - sl+ow, hereon to the - perpetual use of the public, A • _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF his these presents to be eigr»d by . E= ._ its duly authorized President 'at Jul tZ 1989 ;r _ - . _ �- : --- GALANTE DEVELOPMENT GROUP,INC - -•- - .. .. : .. • :_ 0, 8 CE R. TINDLE , PRESIDENT 2. r Sl• sealed in the ' - NIP STATE OF_ Florida COt tNTY OF Orange THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That on____ J t 1989 _ before me, an officer duly authorized to take be -. '11 ,: _ State and Countyaforesaid, = - t.�„�:..• •_:�: - personally appeared Bruce R. TindlePresident s1EVEwm- -STAR• ROAD 5 s =" - of the above named Corporation undlte the Tows;-Oath*Stele ire - • of Florida to me known to be the ingladoei t i /4 -s described in and who eesc uted the foregoieig- end severally adknawledged the enscutisn thereof to be their fie •ace end deed ......-,..:........--:-....,..•..-,--L.-_- _--• _ as such President duly authorized,- acrd that lie said Dedication the act and deed of said Corporation -114WITNESS WHEREOF, Ii'I hereto set t _ 9 )Ler, end an the diner dee - r. 'r *� gyp^+ ,,y�4; "s' y� 1e- - j�a r ,�,, i r , 1 f y . �'T I OS. '6-. � - • --t; _ 00 Yk•-:1:•• YyTi.�w •- _ • ` H = - OLIO •.,`. ?•• 5,;-- -.7- -• 1 T a a 1.Utl. DENOTES • z o - 00 0' �4, -oma' 17 ?4d. fit+',� �7s.o°: y 3. a P.R.M.: �. -; :�` 4. o DENOTES 1 +u o o - - F _ W • 'n - c p 5 111.09 43 w _ i 5- DENOTES 00 s 89'51'17"W% tz f Z. . Q S o c 1 0 -0 ci v CS 133.23 W 's SEARIN• ' Z A : 25 25 �s 99.51.1 ry GARDENS - _. J0 134.81 r j n 4 RECORDS W 7. _• a• 1 1 c 134.00.- ' LO Q w) w; ,r - 70 131.76 a 00 3 -.I .� e Y VEi-i CU 17�W a 3 1?54 17'v o A 2 0 J AVENU= os•, - • w 2 �� •ili 134.00 .Lico '�, (A �0 s. 131.70 A� oo - _ woo 88.00 ►. - A la seses‘rrw,„ h 0 n o _ Q 134.00 I , J 1 • _ 0 1 -, 13 _ . • 41 44 1 a ly, ta" - IC ii °. C12 CII 7 . 88.00 66.07 89'S4.17`v 111.83 196.44 In S89•5417 W. -. 243.09 a 159.00 3Q M0. R75. 101.09' • 1 73• VERONICA: �34-$7-v 401.;0 CIRCLE �_ 2 7s.• 75.00 73.00 73.00 i 75.00 83.00 I - - 3' 100.. >': �, 4 100.• 49 o 3 5300:° X50 X51 v . x ^ 5 2 N n $3 _ $ 6 ss.: • 10 33.• - a, O _ t1 22.• _ ci074 curt1 at ! 12 22. 13 33. 636.48' NIS • is s i�I - - I6 Si. -- ROAD iso• Rw)117 SS.. • .R80UR HIGHLANDS ).**7/1-47 I r-- ::' 3s. 5,te �f G�1,7i Q� !1 100.• P.8. 12, PG.a R/M DEDICATED PER fe 22 100.• �/(�� la_ r� OF DCOEE, Pe A, 23 100.• /" ) � �h/h w►�Es roo-101 �jcl P �� ,,fitidi ii 100.' Fliec, f , ,,kif,, / as ,... r r ± !'r1 . C4�2�1 �� 17 pa (b) the right of the Association to suspend the voting rights and right to use of the recreational facilities by an Owner for any period during which any assessments against his Lot remains unpaid; and for a period not to exceed 60 days for any infraction of the Association's published rules and regulations; (c) • the right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area to any public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the Members (defined below). No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument agreeing to such dedication or transfer signed by 2i3rds of each class of Members has been recorded. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the sole purpose for the perimeter wall referred to in section Article VI, section 27 below shall be a barrier between the Properties and adjacent property, and no other use may be made of that wall. Section 2. Delegation of Use. Any Owner may delegate, in accordance with the By-Laws of the Association, his right of enjoyment to the Common Arca and facilities to the members of his family, his guests, his tenants, or contract purchasers who reside on the Lot. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 1. Every Owner of a Lot which is subject to assessment shall be a member of the Association (a "Member" or, if plural, "Members"). Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of any Lot which is subject to assessment. Section 2. The Association shall have two classes of voting membership: (iw Class A. Class A Members shall be all the Owners, with the exception of the O 53Declarant, and shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot owned. When more than one person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall .t$ be Members. The vote for such Lot shall be exercised as those persons LD4 among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be 1 cast with respect to any Lot. Class B. The Class B Member(s) shall be the Declarant and shall be entitled to three (3) votes for each Lot owned. The Class B membership shall cease and be converted to Class A membership on the happening of either of the following events, whichever occurs earlier: (a) when the total votes outstanding in the Class A membership equal the total votes outstanding in the Class B membership, or (b) on , 19 ARTICLE IV COVENANT FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS Section 1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligations of Assessments. The Declarant, for each Lot owned within the Properties, hereby covenants, and each Owner of any Lot by tir, acceptance of a deed therefor (whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed) is deemed to covenant and agree, to pay to the Association: (1) annual assessments or charges, ("Annual Assessment") and (2) special assessments for capital improvements ("Special Assessment"), all of such assessments and charges to be established and collected as.hereinafter provided. The Annual and Special Assessments, together with all interest, costs, and reasonable attorney's fees for whatever reason owed by an Owner to the Association, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such Assessment is made. Each such Assessment, together with interest, costs, and reasonable attorney's fees, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the Assessment fell due. The personal obligation for delinquent Assessments shall not pass to his successors in title unless expressly assumed by them. 2 • DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION, made on the date hereinafter set forth by GALANTE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Declarant". WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain property in Orange County, State of Florida, which is more particularly described as: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made n part hereof by reference. NOW THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that ail of the properties described above shall he held, sold and conveyed subject to the following easements, restrictions, covenants, and conditions, which arc for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of, and which shall run with, the real property and he binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the described properties or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1. "Association" shall mean and refer to VERONICA PLACE, PHASE I HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, its successors and assigns. Section 2. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Properties, including contract sellers, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Section 3. "Properties" shall mean and refer to that certain real property hereinbefore described, and such additions thereto as may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of the Association. Section 4. "Common Arca" shall mean that certain ten foot easement reserved in Article §Y • VI, Section 27 below [or construction and maintenance of a wall along the rear of Lots 46 through la g 53, inclusive, (as delineated on the recorded subdivision map of the Properties) and any s c improvements thereon, and such other easements and properties benefitting or owned by the Association as the Association may acquire for the benefit or enjoyment of the Owners. $ Section 5. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land shown upon any recorded '�V*"0 subdivision map of the Properties with the exception of the Common Area. Section 6. "Declarant" shall mean and refer to GALANTE DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC., a Florida corporation, and its assigns. ARTICLE II PROPERTY RIGHTS Section 1. Owners' Easements of Enjoyment. Every Owner shall have a right and easement of enjoyment in and to the Common Area which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot, subject to the following provisions: (a) the right of the Association to charge reasonable admission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility situated upon the Common Area; • MINUTES OF THE OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING lbw HELD FEBRUARY 6 , 1990 Mayor Dabbs called the regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee to order in the Commission Chambers at 7 : 30 p .m. and then led with prayer and pledge of allegiance. The Commission was polled and a quorum declared to be present. PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs , Commissioners Combs , Foster, Johnson, Woodson, City Manager Shapiro , City Engineer Shira, Planning Director Behrens , Public Works Director Brenner, and City Clerk Grafton ABSENT: None CONSENT AGENDA The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B , C, D , E, and F. Commissioner Johnson asked that item D be pulled. A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Commission Workshop September 19 . 1989 and January 16 , 1990 , Joint Workshop January 16 . 1990 , Regular Meeting Minutes of January 16 . 1990 B . Award of Bids-Effluent Disposal Proiects Award of Bids-Silver Star Road/Johio Shores Road Water Main City of Ocoee adv. Ronald L. Stucki (Case No . CI-89-9604 ) Authorization for Payment to Attorney D . Thomas and Substitute Foley & Lardner as C4nsel to Represent Russell Waaner as Co-Defendant with City. of Ocoee in this Case F- <Veronice Place-`Subdivision` (Harbour Highlands:::Villaae FinaIPlatApproval�� Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. D . Fence installation-Western Boundary of the Senior League Baseball Field Commissioner Johnson spoke in favor of fencing the area noted in the staff report, not just because of the all- terrain vehicles that were going onto adjacent property, but also because children are going into a wooded portion of the park. Public Works Director Brenner pointed out that children are playing in the switch gear and could be injured. Commissioner Combs moved, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, to fence around the Dower box and to post "high voltage" signs as well . On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye , " Commissioner Foster "aye , " Commissioner Johnson "nay, " Commissioner Woodson "aye, " Mayor Dabbs "nay. " Motion carried with 3-2 vote . COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no citizen comments at this time . c