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03-24-1998 Minutes
MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD ON MARCH 24, 1998 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Carlsson called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of allegiance. Vice Chairman Linebarier led in prayer. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Carlsson, Vice Chairman Linebarier, Members Holmes, Lenko, Alternate Members Chancey and Ellison. Also present were Attorney Barice, Code Enforcement Officers Cronnon, Smith, and Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, Executive Secretary Seaver, and Administrative Secretary Lewis. ABSENT: Members Godek (excused), Luck (excused), and Skiles (excused). Chairman Carlsson welcomed new Alternate Member Roy Ellison to the Board. APPROVALS This item consisted of the Minutes of the February 24, 1998 Code Enforcement Board meeting. Administrative Secretary Lewis said that Member Luck had asked that the minutes reflect that he was absent rather than present at the February meeting. Vice Chairman Linebarier asked for a correction on page 6, second paragraph, "Alternate Member Chancey moved...maintain the fine at $1,300" rather than "...maintain the fine at $13,000." VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIERLseconded btMEMBER LENKO2. moved to approve the Minutes O the February 24, 1998 Code Enforcement Board meeting as corrected. Motion carried 4-0. As they had been absent from the meeting, Member Wiles and Alternate Member Ellison did not vote. Len Ko COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER LENKO moved at the re s nest o the Ci that Case No.98-041, Casual Line Corp, Case No. 98-043, Reinforced Plastics, be dismissed: and that Case No. 98-045, Prem Mehta, be continued to the April meeting. Motion carried 6- 0. CHAIRMAN CARLSSON said if there was no objection, the chair proposes at this time to proceed to Case No. 98-050, Vernon A. and Irene M. Welch. Without objection, CHAIRMAN CARLSSON proposed to first hear Case No. 98-050. PUBLIC HEARINGS OF NEW CASES PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARING -The following cases as written in these minutes will use abbreviations to describe the violation(s) Lir and the dates of inspection(s) at the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV - Code Enforcement Board Meeting March 24, 1998 Notice of Code Violation; NOH - Notice of Hearing; SOV - Statement of Violation(s); and POS - Proof of Service. At the request of Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officers Cronnon, Smith, and Supervisor Simon were sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver. 98-050, VERNON A. AND IRENE M. WELCH *Repeat Offender - 1400 Adair St. Cronnon 03/11/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:03/03/98 03/11/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:03/24/98 03/11/98 SOV * Repeat Violator 03/11/98 POS - Mail Cert: P 882 518 734 Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Chairman Carlsson said for the record, that the first observation of the violation was March 3rd rather than February 4th as erroneously stated by Officer Cronnon. Vernon Welch, 1400 Adair Street, was sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver, and said that he had the registration and insurance papers for the car. He explained that his son had done something wrong and had not been allowed the use of the car which had been parked in the yard. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved to dismiss Case No. 98- 050 Vernon A. and Irene M. Welch with no .re'udice. Member Lenko said that she could not support the motion. Discussion ensued about the violation. On roll call MEMBER HOLMES, CHAIRMAN CARLSSON, VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER voted "aye, " and MEMBERS LENKO, ALTERNATE MEMBERS CHANCEY AND ELLISON voted "nay. " The motion failed 3-3. MEMBER LENKO, secbyonded ALTERNATE MEMBER CHANCEY, moved that Vernon A. and Irene M. Welch, Case No. 98-050, be found in non-compliance of §165-3, and §154-4 as of March 3, 1998 but in compliance as of March 24, 1998, and that no fine be imposed. Motion carried 6-0. Chairman Carlsson explained that the Board had been very generous with Mr. Welch as the fine could have started the day the violation had been observed. 97-056, TAKOORDEEN & NEELA MANGRU - 469 Ft. Collins Court Simon 05/01/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:05/30/97 07/08/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:07/22/97 07/08/97 SOV 07/08/97 POS - Mail Cert#P 150 529 114 07/22/97 Compliance Order:08/02/97 or $100 per day 08/14/97 Affidavit of Non-Compliance 08/26/97 Order imposing Fine and Lien 11/07/97 Partial Release of Lien: $9600 as of Nov. 7, 1997 02/19/98 Request for Re-hearing 02/24/98 Affidavit of Compliance: $10,800 due Nov. 8 -present Chairman Carlsson read a letter from Mr. Mangru requesting a re-hearing of the case. 2 Code Enforcement Board Meeting March 24, 1998 MEMBER LENKO, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved to re-hear Case No. 97-056, Takoordeen & Neela Mangru. Motion carried 6-0. Takoordeen Mangru, 1807 Prairie Lake Blvd., was sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver, and said that he was requesting a reduction of the fine. Lengthy discussion ensued about the violations, fine, and lien. VICE PRESIDENT LINEBARIERL seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved to reduce the fine to $1,000 in Case No. 97-056, Takoordeen & Neela Mameru, provided that it was paid within seven (7) days. Motion carried 6-0. Vice Chairman Linebarier said that since this case had begun, the respondent had a total of $20,400 in fines, that Mr. Mangru or someone had paid $9,600 of that fine when the respondent had made the sale of another piece of property or something, and that had brought the fine up-to-date. Since that time, Mr. Mangru had failed to comply with the previous order of the Board and the instructions of the Code Enforcement Officer. The respondent had not called for a re-inspection of the corrections that the respondent had made in the house, therefore, the fine continued to accrue even after paying the $9600. It had continued to accrue with another $10,800 which brought the total fine to $20,400. The Board had dropped that additional $10,800 down to $1,000 if Mr. Mangru paid it within seven (7) days. �•► Attorney Barice said that it might help to clarify the motion about the total fine so there would be no clarification later as to $1,000 versus $10,600. MEMBER LENKO, seconded by ALTERNATE MEMBER ELLISON, moved to amend the first motion to read a total fine of$10,600 in this case, and that the fine had been reduced from $20,400 to $10,600 with a balance due of $1,000 if paid within seven (7) days. Motion carried 6-0. In response to Mr. Mangru, Chairman Carlsson said that the Board would not extend the due date to seven (7) months instead of seven (7) days. Alternate Member Ellison left the table at 8:30 p.m. 97-108, ROBERT REID - 122 Olympus Drive Simon 10/08/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/13/97 10/17/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/28/97 10/17/97 SOV 10/21/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 103 402 10/28/97 Order of Continuance: 25-Nov-97 11/25/97 Order of Continuance: 27-Jan-98 01/27/98 Order of Continuance: 24-March-98 03/02/98 NOH: Board Meeting:03/24/98 03/06/98 POS: Mail Cert: P 882 518 756 Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Ms. Simon presented the following: • Exhibit "A" - A September 17, 1997 letter from Rod S. Winfrey to Mr. Reid. 3 Code Enforcement Board Meeting thur March 24, 1998 • Exhibit "B" - A December 19, 1997 letter from Robert Reid to Code Enforcement Supervisor Shelly Simon, diagram about the pool retaining wall, fax sheet dated 1/9/98, fax sheet dated 1/8/98 to Leah Proffit, and two (2) photographs. • Exhibit "C" - A January 16, 1998 letter from Guy P. Hadley, Environmental Manager of the Department of Environmental Protection (Orlando) to Robert and Carol Reid. • Exhibit "D" - A March 9, 1998 letter from Robert C. Reid to Guy P. Hadley, Department of Environmental Protection, and one (1) photograph. • Exhibit "E" - A March 12, 1998 letter granting a second extension until May 15, 1998 to complete the restoration of the wetlands from Guy P. Hadley, Department of Environmental Protection, to Robert Reid. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon said due to the unusual circumstances of this case, the facts are being presented to the Board, along with a request that all cases involved in this matter be continued under Other Business by the Board. Ms. Simon said that she was presenting testimony during this meeting even though she was requesting a continuance for this case. MEMBER LENKO, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved to continue Case No. 97-108, Robert Reid, to Other Business at the June meeting. Motion carried 4-0._Alternate Member Ellison was away from the table. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved that the testimony that had been presented in Case No. 97-108 be adopted as testimony in Case No. 97-109, Case No. 97- 110, and Case No. 97-111, and that the motion made and passed in Case No. 97-108 be applied to those three (3) cases also. Motion carried 4-0. Alternate Member Ellison was away from the table. 97-109, GROUNDTEK OF CENTRAL FL - 122 Olympus Drive Simon 10/13/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/18/97 10/20/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/28/97 10/20/97 SOV 10/21/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 103 404 10/28/97 Order of Continuance: 25-Nov-97 11/25/97 Order of Continuance: 27-Jan-98 01/27/98 Order of Continuance: 24-March-98 03/02/98 NOH: Board Meeting:03/24/98 03/06/98 POS: Mail Cert: P 882 518 759 (See the motion in Case No. 97-108 and the one immediately following that case.) 97-110, PATRICK FREEMAN - 124 Olympus Drive Simon 10/08/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/13/97 10/17/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/28/97 10/17/97 SOV 10/21/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 103 402 10/28/97 Order of Continuance: 25-Nov-97 11/25/97 Order of Continuance: 27-Jan-98 01/27/98 Order of Continuance: 24-March-98 03/02/98 NOH: Board Meeting:03/24/98 03/06/98 POS: Mail Cert: P 882 518 757 4 Code Enforcement Board Meeting March 24, 1998 (See the motion in Case No. 97-108 and the one immediately following that case.) 97-111, GROUNDTEK OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. - 124 Olympus Drive Simon 10/08/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/13/97 10/17/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/28/97 10/17/97 SOV 10/21/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 312 103 402 10/28/97 Order of Continuance: 25-Nov-97 11/25/97 Order of Continuance: 27-Jan-98 01/27/98 Order of Continuance: 24-March-98 03/02/98 NOH: Board Meeting:03/24/98 03/06/98 POS: Mail Cert: P 882 518 758 (See the motion in Case No. 97-108 and the one immediately following that case.) RECESS - 8:49 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Alternate Member Ellison returned to the table. 98-039, BASE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SERVICES , INC. - 325 Lee St. Cronnon 02/04/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02-17-98 02/23/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:03/24/98 02/23/98 SOV 03/02/98 POS - Delivery Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made statements. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER LENKO seconded b VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER moved to nd Base O,erations Management Services, Inc., Case No. 98-039, in non-compliance of§115-3 Prohibited acts, and §115-1 Conditions constitutin! a nuisance as o Februa 14 1998 and be !iven until March 31, 1998 to correct the violation or be fined$100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 6-0. Chairman Carlsson asked that the City send a copy of the Violation Order to the respondent. 98-040, LF AND MARY ELLEN ROPER PARTNERSHIP - 201 Story Road Cronnon 02/03/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02-17-98 02/23/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:03/24/98 02/23/98 SOV 02/23/98 POS - Mail Cert: P 882 518 749 Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER LENKO seconded b MEMBER HOLMES moved to nd LF and Ma Ellen Ro•er Partnership, Case No. 98-040, in violation of§51-21 Permit required (A), (B), (C), (D), as of February 6, 1998 and be Riven until April 7, 1998 to correct the violation or be fined $250 a day thereafter. Motion carried 6-0. 5 Code Enforcement Board Meeting March 24, 1998 Attorney Barice said that it did not look like the respondent was in violation of §51-21 (D). MEMBER LENKO2_seconded bt,MEMBER HOLMES, moved to amend the motion by excluding "D" of §51-21. Motion carried 6-0. 98-046, LETICIA, ALFREDO AND MARIA TORRES - 1404 Wanda St. Cronnon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/24/98 03/02/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:03/24/98 03/02/98 SOV 03/02/98 POS - Mail Cert: P 882 518 753 Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER HOLMES seconded b MEMBER LENKO moved to nd Leticia Al edo and Maria Torres, Case No. 98-046, in violation of§165-3 Prohibited acts, §165-4 Presumptive Evidence of Abandonment (A), (B), (C), (D), as of February 21, 1998 and be given until April 7, 1998 to correct the violation or be fined$150 a day thereafter. Motion carried 6-0. 98-047, EBBOTT E AND MARGIE R FOWLER - 1513 Jemima Ave. Cronnon 02/04/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/24/98 03/03/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:03/24/98 03/03/98 SOV 03/03/98 POS - Mail Cert: P 882 518 738 Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. Ms. Cronnon presented the following: • Exhibit "A" - A photograph of the back yard. Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER LENKO seconded b MEMBER HOLMES moved to nd Ebbott E. and Mar!ie R. Fowler, Case No. 98-047, in violation of§165-3 Prohibited acts, §165-4 Presumptive Evidence of Abandonment (A), (B), (C), (D), §115-3 Prohibited acts, §115-5 Excessive weed or grass growth (A), (B), (C), SBCCI Plumbing Code 301.11.1 Connections to Drainage System, as of February 19, 1998 and be given until March 31, 1998 to correct the violation or be fined $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 6-0. 98-049, ELIZABETH S. SALTERS - 801 Sullivan Ave. *REPEAT VIOLATION Cronnon 03/05/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:03/02/98 03/05/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:03/24/98 03/05/98 SOV *Repeat Violator 03/09/98 POS - Delivery by Ocoee PD Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn, and stating qualifications, made a statement. 6 Code Enforcement Board Meeting March 24, 1998 Respondent had been notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers. MEMBER LENKO, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved to find Elizabeth S. Salters, Case No. 98-049, in violation of §165-3 Prohibited acts, §115-3 Prohibited acts, §158-31 Design requirements (D), as of February 25, 1998, and they be fined $250 a day until compliance. Motion carried 6-0. (Clerk's Note: Motion did not set a date certain to correct the violation.) Vice Chairman Linebarier, second by Member Holmes, moved to put the weight of this Board behind the request that the Code Officials will be making to the City attorney (reference Case No. 98-049) so that the respondent will know that it was not just the Code Officials who made the request. Motion carried 6-0. Executive Secretary Seaver said as an option as it was a repeat violation and the fines had started as of their date of non-compliance, the Board could enforce the order Imposing Fine and Lien for recording. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved to issue an Order Imposing Fine and Lien in Case No. 98-049, Elizabeth S. Salters, immediately. Motion carried 6-0. OTHER BUSINESS 97-153, S & K FINANCIAL SERVICES - 987 Veronica Circle Cronnon 12/29/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/05/98 01/06/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/06/98 SOV 01/06/98 POS - Mail Cert: Z 312 102 550 01/27/98 Order of Continuance:Board Meeting:02/24/98 03/18/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. 98-007, ALICIA FLORES - 110 Coquina Key Drive Cronnon 01/09/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/21/98 01/21/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:01/27/98 01/21/98 SOV 01/21/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 312 102 558 01/27/98 Order of Continuance:Board Meeting:02/24/98 01/29/98 SOV 01/29/98 NOH - Board Meeting: 02/24/98 01/29/98 POS - Mail: Cert Mail: Z 312 102 567 02/24/98 Violation Order 02/24/98 Compliance Order: 03/03/98 or$50 a day - 108-23 I Only 02/27/98 Affidavit of Compliance An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case. 98-012, ROGELIO AND ESTELA C. MARQUEZ - 491 Kindling Court Cronnon 01/07/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:01/22/98 02/13/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/13/98 SOV 01/21/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 312 102 558 02/13/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 585 02/24/98 Compliance Order: 03/10/98 or$75 a day 03/10/98 Affidavit of Compliance An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case. 7 Code Enforcement Board Meeting %ir March 24, 1998 98-014, FREEDOM DESIGNS - 337 Laurenburg Lane Simon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/16/98 02/17/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/17/98 SOV 02/17/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 030 582 02/24/98 Order of Continuance 03/18/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. 98-025, CONCEPCION GARCIA - 97 Sand Dollar Key Drive Simon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/16/98 02/17/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/17/98 SOV 02/17/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 593 02/24/98 Compliance Order 03/05/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. 98-029, PAULINE JAMES d/b/a MARCY'S UNIQUE BOUTIQUE - 497 Kindling Ct Cronnon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/16/98 02/16/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/16/98 SOV 02/16/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 587 02/24/98 Order of Continuance: Board Meeting:03/24/98 03/18/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. 98-034, JEFF HERSEY JR.'S DRYWALL -1613 Ison Lane Cronnon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/16/98 02/16/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/16/98 SOV 02/16/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 592 02/24/98 Order of Continuance: Board Meeting: 03/24/98 03/18/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. 98-035, ALEJANDRO ALONSO CONCRETE SERVICE - 636 Palm Drive Cronnon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/16/98 02/16/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/16/98 SOV 02/16/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 593 02/24/98 Order of Continuance: Board Meeting: 03/24/98 03/18/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. 98-036, SURFACE DOCTOR -2368 Blake Way Cronnon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/16/98 02/16/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/16/98 SOV 02/16/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 594 02/24/98 Order of Continuance: Board Meeting: 03/24/98 03/02/98 NOH - Board Meeting: 03/24/98 03/17/98 POS - Delivery 03/18/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. 98-037, RODNEY SLAYTON'S LAWN SERVICE - 1881 Leslie Ann Lane Cronnon 8 Code Enforcement Board Meeting March 24, 1998 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/16/98 02/16/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/16/98 SOV 02/16/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 595 02/24/98 Compliance Order: 03/05/98 or$250 plus License fee/pen 03/06/98 Affidavit of Non-Compliance VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER HOLMES, moved to issue an Order Imposing Fine and Lien in Case No. 98-037, Rodney Slayton's Lawn Service. Motion carried 6-0. 98-038, AAA APPROVED DOORS BY KELLY J. HALL - 416 Little Spring Hill Dr. Cronnon 02/06/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/16/98 02/16/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:02/24/98 02/16/98 SOV 02/16/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: Z 336 278 740 02/24/98 Order of Continuance: Board Meeting: 03/24/98 03/02/98 NOH - Board Meeting: 03/24/98 03/18/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. 98-042, JENNINGS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE - 400 Maguire Road Ext. Cronnon 01/29/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/09/98 02/23/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:03/24/98 02/23/98 SOV 02/24/98 POS - Mail Cert Mail: P 882 518 752 03/18/98 Notice of Dismissal A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case. (1600 In response to Vice Chairman Linebarier, Executive Secretary Seaver said that the fine had been paid in Case No. 98-058, Barbara Ball, and that the fine had been imposed in Case No. 97-150, Robert and Ann Marie Mason. COMMENTS Code Enforcement Officer Smith: None Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon: None Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon announced that former Orlando City Attorney Bob Hamilton will speak at the Code Enforcement Board Seminar in the Commission Chambers on Wednesday, April 8, 6:00 p.m. Supervisor Simon presented the members with a packet of material for this seminar. BOARD MEMBERS Attorney Barice: None Executive Secretary Seaver: None Member Holmes: 1. Thanked the City for the opportunity to be recognized for scouting on West Orange TV . 2. Commented about the lack of physical evidence such as pictures or video for cases in violation. 3. Wished everyone a "Happy Easter." filow 9 Code Enforcement Board Meeting March 24, 1998 Member Lenko requested a brochure on Parliamentary Procedures. Alternate Member Chancey: None Alternate Member Ellison said that he had enjoyed his first Code Enforcement Board meeting. Vice Chairman Linebarier: None Chairman Carlsson expressed concerns about City inspector's safety, and said that he believed that they should be allowed to carry Mace. ADJOURNMENT At 9:45 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Attest: i Sher y Seaver, :F.cutive Secretary .nk Carlsson, Chairman Se:, 44:0),At...)' J e Lewis, Administrative Secretary c:\aIl data\CodeEnf Bd\CE032498-M.doc 10 . bi-i- "Pr " .• ... Y �) ( .... _ :::: 0 al © 3-24- 8 eEa m . �`•� aueo + CASE NQ . 97-/0i LAMES w SHERA,P.E. CITY ENGINEER/UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE 9 OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT.142 a FAX(407)656-7835 w September 17, 1997 Mr. Robert C. Reid 122 Olympus Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: 122 Olympus Drive Ocoee, Florida Dear Mr. Reid: It has been brought to my attention that some lot grading and landscape work has been performed at your residence. Upon a job site visit I see that the environmental swale and berm at the rear area of your lot has disappeared. This common swale is to protect Lake Olympia from becoming polluted. Cie The City of Ocoee requests that you take steps to reestablish the swale and berm on your property. If you would like to meet with any city staff in regard to this matter,please call 656- 2322. Sincerely, CITY OF OCOEE 2. (_/). ,-,z Rod S. Winfrey Streets & Drainage Inspector RWS/jbw pc: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director Don Flippen, Building & Zoning Official Shelly Simon, Code Enforcement Officer Thea Cronnon, Code Enforcement Officer Cof THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE1 1 ` 061, (Th Estiliorr t . - 3-a - 98 &c /111Y Robert C. Reid 9 22 Olympus Drive �Q �° 9 7_/049 Ocoee, FL 34761 (407) 578-5294 December 19, 1997 Shelly Simon, Code Enforcement Supervisor City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761-2258 Dear Ms. Simon, Today we had George of Groundteck at our property to discuss the proposed restoration required on our lot and the lot of Patrick Freeman. We will restore the areas according to your letters to us and according to the sketch from the Department of Environmental Protection. However, due to the unusually heavy rain of last week the area where the work has to be done is soft and has standing water present. The heavy equipment will do more damage to the area if we do the work now. We are requesting an �r extension of time to get the work done. I would judge that we need another 60 days for the water to recede enough to proceed. I have enclosed two photos taken this week of the water level. Enclosed is the DEP sketch showing what Groundteck will do on our lot. Mr. Freeman will follow your directions and remove the mound to his dock. Mr. Luce has told me that the equipment travel over his lot will push the sod down enough so that it will not have to be removed, according to your instructions. Will you please advise us on our request for the extension. Thanks! Sincerely, cc: Patrick Freeman 4.4). Dick Luce L ii t .....:-. .,; ahlarr ' u P ‘; .460 0 s.a 97-/0i C • (--"^ a.. 3 0 le _1 ----, 7' it =, `.. •Y. _yT J v • N c s . o 9 cl v° Exec;b;-�- pla LAST TRANSACTION REPORT FOR HP FAX-700 SER W WoO VERSIONN: 01. 00 FAX NAME: CITY OF OCOEE FAX NUMBER: 407 8504 DATE: 09-JAN-98 LATETIME: 08:25 ul REMOTE FAX NAME AND NUMBER DURATION EO RESULT 09-JAN 08:22 S 9893307.55 DIAGNOSTIC 0:03`00 4 OK 563140100196 S=FAX SENT O=POLLED OUT(FAX SENT) TO PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY. SELECT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS MENU. TO PRINT MANUALLY. PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON. THEN PRESS ENTER. • (hr effwHk► 1(7-1 L.) L ".13`1 4 ,sem 4- 97- d' 1 150 N.Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida 34761 Business:(407)656-2322 Ext 139 Fax:(407)656-8504 City of Ocoee Protective ,,. Inspections Department Fax To: Leah Profit From: Shelly Simon Company: DEP Department Code Enlacement Siperdsor Fac 893-3075 Pages: Phone Date: January 8, 1998 Re: CC: 0 Urgent For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle • Comments: If you need anything else,please let me know. Shelly • n - • • • ; ,* • ,gyp{.'*; p 4 14 - '�i f <-•:` . .. `4° •=;;;"... 1.1 '►, I !' l- ' . ':'4.'4-*•';'`....,. ' ', ' . ...8 =. • P ter -, 0 ! 4jliN'.^ �.\1Y yl�)�yj ` • r • • - ��L 1.... !!/�.� .0 .... N......z....:1 P i ,1i.�i (� 3 . ' '. i �' b �c,'• '-• - . i ~}._„- tN. {, int. � y <• .. ! ... (s !f - .-.of* ' i1s'4,4',..,'„#._ -aa �1\ r N. fl ! 1 • -. 1--,_-- h Iv•,•.:••., 1% , A I• f. h .f 1f''-i .„••,,,, f . , f' + meg.. "-• 'i�1.�� '.�- Cia , 0 f t { 1 �y+ . �p 0(� r • , " J ++ • } Department of as, A. 97-/a FLORIDA- .? ___-_s. ___, Environmental Protection 3 ��-�� �E� Central District Lawton Chiles 3319 Maguire Boulevard. Suite 232 Governor Virginia B. Wetherell Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 Secretary Robert and Carol Reid OCD-ERP-98-0039 122 Olympus Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Orange County - ERP Unauthorized fill Lake Olymoia Dear Mr. and Mrs. Reid: On January 9, 1998, the Department received a faxed copy from Shelly Simon of Ocoee Code Enforcement, of the joint letter you and Mr. Freeman sent to her requesting an extension on your wetland restoration due date. Due to high water levels caused by recent heavy rains, the Department is ranting an ibe extension until March 15, 1998. Please restore your wetland area according to the enclosed drawing by this date. All fill waterward of the 14 foot mark, measured from the pool retaining wall, shall be removed. Please contact Leah Proffitt or me at 893-3311 if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, LDuy P. Hadley, CEP Environmental Manager Compliance and Enforcement Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources Program GHa jm Date: lG JCSL Enclosure cc: Shelly Simon, City of Ocoee Code Enforcement "Protect, Conserve and Manage Picridc's Environment and Natural Resources" Printed on rea ded paper. •�' I j c i I .ii t.» h�N a, Nd - q7-iotri z_ . ; J.)_4-951 g i(illY.L ni..., ir i\ , .; s (111W \ . 4 2- O J u o C — v n ,A v- d o -0 Q, ' PS iVo. 9y-/d Robert C Reid 3-,14-91 LES 1. 122 Olympus Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 (407) 578-5294 M rrh Q 1 qqR Mr. Guy P. Hadley. CEP Environmental Manager Department of Environmental Protection. Central District 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 Orlando. FL 32803-3767 Dear Mr. Hadley, As you must be aware. the recent rains are causing our lake to keep rising. We appreciate you granting us an extension until March 15: 1998 to restore the wetland area on the lake shore. However. at the present lake level it will not be possible to do the work by that date. Please see the enclosed photos taken in late February and today showing the present level of the water. If we did not have the earth in place we would be in danger of erosion undermining our (lor retaining wall. We would request that you grant a further extension until the water levels have receded to a level such that the work can be done without major damage to the lake. Also, we would like you or your representative to come out and see first hand. the current situation. I am also enclosing a copy of a "NOTICE OF HEARING" received today from the City of Ocoee. I am copying Shelly Simon of the City on this letter so that all parties are informed of the present situation. Sincerely, • finhart r Ram cc: Shelly Simon; City of Ocoee Code Enforcement Patrick Freeman 1 Ull IVI\ Freeman VVIIILII I Dick Luce L r 4 ':1F�'�ff!i ( � �' IT,: + 1 u 't !! rt ,i ( 1;1 r. 1+ fid iitis ; i 4 d..((••• ••,!,,,.:fit i 6 1 t -fiE4 . F. it •Cc. JWii 1 ` ', 1 11 1* ,f i , i . tt , f '1. pi :ii' I :.. ,: .i i!1.: 1 1 . . k 1 1 iv ••f - : • . - I. , l,' 111. 'f t .: 1, . ' :i 11 . ;*:i.i...:' I I ' i( 1 '® 4 . , ,1.j ` I '• 1 11 ( 1 '. Ili 1 it .'irri'i•4i ;'.• ' f ; li; , 11 •••1 ,"4 • • , it ., 1 i ft It ti l+i I,ii�f{tilt' �� !( t 1 1 - t F r '� .,iFi '.if i(, 1 � j wi, 1 , , ,..,.. ( I ........,..... I ,,, , :, :,.., , , . "% l 4 (� ,. - cis 1. 1' 1111(I,1 , ��,( 1 ; w '1,) .. ,.' 3- 2v- 9Y dee. 011 Department of e - 91i0�' F1ORf1 A Environmental Protection (jor vawarla• Central District Lawtcn Chiles 3319 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 Virginia B. Wetherell Governer Orlando, Florida 32803-3767 Secretary Mr. Robert Reid OCD-ERP-98-0138 122 Olympus Drive Ocoee, FL 34861 Orange County - ERP Lake Olympia Unauthorized fill Dear Mr. Reid: Thank you for your letter dated March 9, 1998, in which you request a second extension on your restoration due date, due to high water. In light of the photograph enclosed with your letter, the Department is granting you and Mr. Freeman until May 15, 1998, to complete the restoration of your respective wetland areas. Please inform the Department if, by this date, water levels have not receded sufficiently. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Sincerely, • Guy P. Hadley, CEP Environmental Manager Compliance and Enforcement Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources Program GH:IP:JmDate: / <, t r 1 %L - C' cc: —Shelly Simon, City of Ocoee Code Enforcement Patrick Freeman Richard Luce George Boni, Groundtek, Inc. L Pr:r.tec on recycled?cer.