HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-26-1998 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE
HELD ON May 26, 1998
Chairman Carlsson called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order
at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of allegiance.
Vice Chairman Linebarier led in prayer. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Carlsson, Vice Chairman Linebarier, Members Godek, Holmes,
Lenko, Luck, Skiles, Alternate Members Chancey and Ellison. Also present
were Attorney O'Quinn (late), Code Enforcement Officers Cronnon, Smith, and
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, Executive Secretary Seaver, and
Administrative Secretary Lewis.
VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by CHAIRMAN CARLssoN,_moved that the minutes
reflect that regular Member Luck has been excused, and he was being replaced by Alternate
Member Chancey. Motion carried 7-0.
This item consisted of the Minutes of the April 28, 1998 Code Enforcement Board meeting.
VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER SKILES, moved to approve the Minutes of
the April 28, 1998 Code Enforcement Board meeting as presented. In response to
Administrative Secretary Lewis' inquiry, Chairman Carlsson said that Member Lenko had
made the second to the motion at the top of page 5. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by
MEMBER SKILES, moved to approve the Minutes of the April 28, 1998 Code Enforcement Board
meeting as amended. Motion carried 6-0. _As he had been absent from the meeting, Member
Godek did not vote.
Attorney O'Quinn arrived to the meeting at 7:37 p.m.
VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded btMEMBER SKILES, moved as the people were in the
audience to respond, that Case No. 98-067, John Ridge Trustee, be heard first, followed by
Case No. 98-074, Margaret Colella, and under Other Business, to hear Case No. 97-071, Lou_
E. Benoist, and that Case No. 98-073, Rene & Viviane Mestdagh, Case No. 98-075, Veterans
Affairs Secretary, be continued at the request of the City. Motion carried 7-0.
following cases as written in these minutes will use abbreviations to describe the violation(s)
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
May 26, 1998
and the dates of inspection(s) at the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV -
Notice of Code Violation; NOH - Notice of Hearing; SOV - Statement of Violation(s); and
POS - Proof of Service.
At the request of Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon was sworn in by
Executive Secretary Seaver.
98-067, JOHN RIDGE (RIFE) TRUSTEE C/O Rife-Miller Inc. - 501 Enterprise StreetCronnon
04/07/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:05/05/98 05/07/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:05/26/98
05/07/98 SOV 05/08/98 POS - Mail
Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn,
and stating qualifications, made a statement. Officer Cronnon presented the following:
• Exhibits "A" - "E" - Photographs taken on April 2, 1998 of the property in violation.
Brian Grandstaff, 427 S. New York Avenue, Winter Park 32789, was sworn in by Executive
Secretary Seaver, and stated that he was leasing the property, month to month. Mr.
Grandstaff requested that the Board give him until June 3, 1998 to bring the property into
MEMBER GODEK seconded b VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER moved to nd John Rid!e Trustee
,rr C/O Rife-Miller, Inc., Case No. 98-067, in violation of§165-3, and §165-4 (A), (B), (C), and
D as o Mi 5 1998 and be !iven until June 3 1998 to correct the violation or be ned
$100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
At the request of Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon was sworn in
by Executive Secretary Seaver.
98-074 , MARGARET COLELLA - 50 Rewis Street Simon
04/09/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:05/14/98 05/18/98 Application for Demolition of Structure
05/18/98 SOV 05/18/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:05/26/98
05/18/98 POS - Mail Cert#Z 336-031-141
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn,
and stating qualifications, made a statement. Supervisor Simon presented the following:
• Exhibits "A" - "E" - Photographs taken April 9, 1998 of the property in violation.
• A video of the property in violation was presented for review by the Board.
Margaret M. Colella, 368 N. Main Street, Winter Garden 34787, was sworn in by Executive
Secretary Seaver, and stated that she wanted to comply with the violation. Ms. Colella
expressed concern about a hole near an old septic tank and whether the sidewalk might be
damaged by equipment used in the demolition. She informed the Board that she would not
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
ly May 26, 1998
have the funds for the demolition until June 15.
Lengthy discussion ensued, and VICE CHAIRMAN LINEARIER , seconded by MEMBER LENKO.
moved to find Margaret Colella, Case No. 98-074, in violation of§108-35, as of May 9, 1998
and be given until June 23, 1998 to correct the violation or be fined $100 a day thereafter. _
Motion carried 7-0. Vice Chairman Linebarier informed Ms. Colella that she could request a
re-hearing by the Board if there was trouble in meeting the date given to correct the violation.
97-071, LOU E. BENOIST JR - 602 Banderas Avenue Cronnon
08/01/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:08/11/97 08/13/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:08/26/97
08/13/97 SOV 08/14/97 POS - Mail Cert#Z 285671014
08/26/97 Order of Continuance 09/08/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:09/23/97
09/08/97 POS: Mail Cert: Z2825671428 09/23/97 Order of Continuance
10/17/97 SOV 10/17/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/28/97
10/21/97 POS: Posted Officer T. Cronnon 10/21/97 NOH - Board Meeting Date: 10/28/97
10/21/97 SOV 10/21/97 POS: Re-mailed to 602 Banderas
10/18/97 Compliance Order: Compliance Date: 11/04/97 or$100
11/05/97 Affidavit of Non-Compliance: Re-inspection Date: 11/05/97
11/25/97 Order Imposing Fine and Lien 02/20/98 Letter Received From Attorney
02/25/98 Affidavit of Compliance 05/26/98 Request for Reduction of Fine
Chairman Carlsson said that the City had received a Request for Reduction of Fine from the
Lou E. and Judith Benoist, Jr., 126 Annie Street, Orlando 32806, were sworn in by
Executive Secretary Seaver. Mr. Benoist stated that they had been away, and he believed
that it (the problem) had been resolved. Ms. Benoist spoke about problems with the address,
and supported Mr. Benoit's belief that the attorney had taken care of everything.
In response to Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon said that the fine
owed was $11,100 and that the respondent had come into compliance with the violation.
Lengthy discussion ensued, and Vice Chairman Linebarier said that the letter from the
respondent's attorney to the respondent clearly notified the Benoist's that it was their
responsibility to perform the repairs and come into compliance with the code. MEMBER
LENKO, seconded by VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, moved to deny the reduction in fine in Case
No. 97-071, Lou E. Benoist, Jr. On roll call, MEMBERS HOLMES, LENKO, GODEK, and VICE
ALTERNATE MEMBER CHANCEY voted "nay. " Motion carried 4-3. In response to Mr. Benoist,
Vice Chairman Linebarier said that the respondent always had recourse of the Courts. The
City could not advise them.
98-068, JOSE E. VELA AND MARIE E. VELA - 4 Sundial Key Drive Simon
04/07/98 Application for Demolition of Structure:Re-inspection Date: -5/06/98
05/14/98 SOV 05/14/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:05/26/98
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
May 26, 1998
05/08/98 POS -Hand Delivery & Posting
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon, representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn,
and stating qualifications, made a statement. Supervisor Simon said to date, that there had
been no contact with the respondent regarding this matter, however, the Fee Simple owner,
Clifford Freeman, had also been given notice via restricted delivery mail. Mr. Freeman had
notified her that the respondent had paid for the property and that he did not own the property.
The Vela's had been given the deed after they had paid for the property some years ago.
Current liens on the property are as follows: 1) $4,300 from SunBank, 2) $4,600 in unpaid
back taxes, and 3) $308,750 in Code Enforcement liens filed in 1994. Supervisor Simon also
presented the following:
• Exhibit "A" - A fax of an Ownership and encumbrance Report from Gulf Atlantic Title,
Orange County Property Tax Information, an Agreement for Deed, and an Amended Final
Judgment to the respondents, a State of Illinois Medical Certificate of Death, and an Order
Imposing Fine and Lien on Case No. 94-19.
A video taken on May 21, 1998 of the property in violation was presented for review by the
testimony in Case No. 98-068, Jose E. Vela and Marie E. Vela, and that it be applied to Case
,.r No. 98-072, Clifford Freeman. Motion carried 7-0.
MEMBER LENKO, seconded by MEMBER SKILES, moved to find Jose E. Vela and Marie E. Vela,
Case No. 98-068, in violation of §108-35, and that the City's Request for Application for
Demolition of Structure be approved. Motion carried 7-0.
98-072, CLIFFORD FREEMAN - 4 Sundial Key Drive Simon
04/14/98 Application for Demolition of Structure - Re-inspection Date:05/06/98
05/14/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:05/26/98 05/14/98 SOV
05/15/98 POS - Mail
Respondent had been notified by mail and was not in Chambers.
VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded b MEMBER LENKO moved that the Board accept the
testimon o the Code En orcement 0, cer that Mr. Freeman certi es that he does not have
any interest in this property, and that Case No. 98-072, Clifford Freeman, be dropped as far
as the participation of the respondent. Motion carried 7-0.
RECESS - 9:00 p.m. - 9:10 p.m.
Alternate Member Ellison left the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
May 26, 1998
98-045, PREM MEHTA - 402 Spring Lake Circle Simon
12/31/97 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:02/24/98 03/03/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:03/24/98
03/03/98 SOV 03/03/98 POS -Mail Cert: P 882 518 741
03/24/98 Order of continuance: April 28, 1998 04/17/98 NOH
04/17/98 POS: Mail Cert#Z179 909 148 04//28/98 Compliance Order: May 12, 1998 or $100 per day
05/13/98 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER SKILES, moved to issue an Order Imposing
Fine and Lien in Case No. 98-045, Prem Mehta as of May 12, 1998. Motion carried 7-0.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon said that the respondent had come into compliance on
May 14, 1998. Vice Chairman Linebarier withdrew the motion, and Member Skiles
withdrew the second. VICE CHAIRMAN LINEBARIER seconded by MEMBER SKILES, moved that
Prem Mehta, Case No. 98-045, be found in non-compliance as of May 12, 1998 but in
compliance as of May 14, 1998, and that no penalty be assessed. Motion carried 7-0.
98-064, DAVID A. AND KATHRYN O. BOYER - 611 Palomas Avenue Smith
04/02/98 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:04/13/98 04/23/98 NOH - Board Meeting Date:04/28/98
04/23/98 SOV 04/23/98 POS - Hand Delivery
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case.
Aer For the record, Vice Chairman Linebarier inquired about Case No. 95-147, Mid-State
Apartments, and Executive Secretary Seaver said that the $2900 fine had not been paid and
had reverted back to $5800. MEMBER HOLMES, seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved to ask
the City Attorney to proceed with foreclosure in Case No. 95-147, Mid-State Apartments.
Motion carried 7-0.
Commissioner Glass said that it was nice to see the Board members.
Commissioner Anderson announced that the Board would be losing a good (recording)
secretary as this was the last meeting covered by Secretary Lewis. As Mrs. Lewis was
recording secretary to other City Boards, Mr. Anderson thanked her for doing a very good
job, and said that they were sad to have her go. They will miss her. Chairman Carlsson said
that he appreciated the dedicated service that Mrs. Lewis had done for the Board.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Simon: No comments.
Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon congratulated Mrs. Lewis on the new position.
Executive Secretary Seaver: No comments.
Attorney O'Ouinn said that Attorney Feeney sends his regards from Cleveland, and thanked
the Board for the opportunity to serve the City.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
Lov May 26, 1998
Member Holmes:
1) Announced that the Cub Scouts had participated in the Memorial Day Services held at
Woodlawn. He explained that it had been a great privilege, and said that there were a lot
of people who didn't really know what Memorial Day was all about! Citizens who had not
attended (the services) had really missed out on something important.
Member Lenko thanked Mrs. Lewis for a wonderful job.
Member Godek: No comments.
Member Skiles:
1) Expressed objections to voting on a case without a file in front of him. Chairman
Carlsson explained that details of the case in questions had been presented in last month's
minutes which had been presented for approval by the Board earlier in this meeting.
2) Announced that he would also miss Mrs. Lewis.
Alternate Member Chancey: No comments.
Vice Chairman Linebarier said that he hoped that whoever replaced Mrs. Lewis would be
able to make sense out of what they do up there, like she had. At the request of Mr.
Linebarier, Secretary Lewis said that she had appreciated the opportunity of working with the
Board. It had been interesting!
Chairman Carlsson:
1) Said that on behalf as Chairman, that he would like to thank Mrs. Lewis, and that he really
appreciated what she had done for the City's Code Enforcement Board.
r 2) Thanked the Code Enforcement Officers and Inspectors for the paper reduction from 15
10 sheets to the current one page.
3) Announced that he had watched a recent City Commission meeting, and said that
Commissioner Glass had reported that the Code Enforcement Board was one of the few
(City) Boards where Alternate Members were brought to the table to sit and vote. The
Board did not make the Alternate Members sit in the audience.
4) In response to Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon said that the
occupant was not cited in Case No. 98-067 because it was a vacant property.
5) Thanked Counsel, and said that the Board appreciated its input.
At 9:28 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
Attest lip
Sher - .11.ver, ' utive Secretary ink C.rlsson, Chairman
Jire Lewis, Administrative Secretary c:\all_data\CodeEnf Bd\ceb052698-M.doc
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03/13/98 15:29 FAX 407 352 1764 GULF ATLANTIC TITLE
r-. j 1
�; I1(] 002
Case, 9i. 064
• c?6.de ZG-917
Case No. 27-9802014
This will serve to certify to CITY OF OCOEE, ("Certified Party") that
Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation ("LTIC") has caused to be made a
search of the Public Records of ORANGE County, Florida, ("Public
Records") as contained in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of said County, from October 31, 1978, through February 23, 1998 at
4:30 o'clock P.M., as to the following described real property lying
and being in the aforesaid County, to-wit:
Lot 4, Block A, PIONEER KEY PARK SEC 2, according to the Plat thereof
recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 145, of the Public Records of ORANGE
County, Florida.
As of the effective date of this Report the apparent record fee simple
title owner(s) to the above described real property are CLIFFORD R.
FREE (Fee Simple) ; JOSE VELA or MARIA VELA, husband and wife
(Equitable Interest) , by virtue of Agreement for Deed recorded in
Official Records Book 2964, Page 740.
Real estate taxes, according to the aforesaid Public Records, have been
paid up to and including the year 1989.
The following liens and encumbrances against the said real property
kw' recorded in the aforesaid Public Records have been found:
1. Final Judgment recorded December 29, 1982, in Official Records
Book 3336, Page 1108.
2. Lien recorded October 18, 1994, in Official Records Book 4809,
Page 1711.
3. Delinquent taxes (see attached) . FYI: Taxes for the year 1997
are paid.
Public Records shall be defined herein as those records currently
established under the Florida Statutes for the purpose of imparting
constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers.
for value and without knowledge.
This Report shows only matters disclosed in the aforesaid Public
Records, and it does not purport to insure or guarantee the validity or
sufficiency of any documents noted herein; nor have the contents of any
such documents been examined for references to other liens or
encumbrances. This Report is not to be construed as an opinion,
warranty, or guarantee of title, or as a title insurance policy; and
its effective date shall be the date above specified through which the
03/13/98 15:30 FAX 407 352 1764 GULF ATLANTIC TITLE a003
Public Records were searched. This Report is being provided for the use and benefit of
the Certified Party only, and it may not be used or relied upon by any other party. This
(00, Report may not be used by a LTIC agent for the purpose of issuing a LTIC title insurance
commitment or policy.
In accordance with Florida Statutes Section 627.7843 the liability LTIC may sustain for
providing incorrect information in this Report shall be the actual loss or damage of the
Certified Party named above up to a maximum amount of $1,000.00.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation has caused this Report to be
signed and sealed by an authorized signatory employee on March 11, 1998 all in accordance
with its By-Laws.
HY: p
Issued at:
Sanford Branch Office
03/13/98 15:30 FAI 407 352 1764 GULF ATLANTIC TITLE
DATE; 03/05/98 TIME: 08:34 AM TO: OCTC/TeUTelk User E 9014073249822
OCTC1 PAGE: 001-001
y�,�. Property Tax Information
L , 411k
Earl K. Wood
Orange County Tax Collector
IThe information contained herein does not constitute a title search and should not be relied on as such. 1
5 `ttt.-nN. Owner 8c Address:
.. 44 1%"� ,,.. VELA JOSE &
- '1^T
i.r' "3,- . r,5q t r�!� ;h` � : VELA MARIA
a.:. rG ." ` to' -'.X05-M&rL 1998 3481 SEMINOLE ST
Tax Year: 1997GOTH
+ FL 34734-4565
Total Assessed Value: $11,390 Exemptions: * NONE *
Taxable Value: $11,390 Widow,Disability,or Other.
Gross Tax Amount: $407.13 Homestead:
Millape Code: 65F OCOEE
[Legal Description: PIONEER KEY PARK SEC 2 7/145
Current Tax:
Amount Due: * NONE * 03/30/1998
Date Receipt Num. Amount Paid Date Receipt Num. Amount Pald
01/30/1998 99-079795 $398.99
Non-Ad Valorem Assessments:
5500 DRAINAGE $183.43
Unpaid Delinquent Taxes:
Year Current Payoff If Paid In* Next Payoff If Paid In*
1990 $535.56 03/1998 $539.12 04/1998 �QI0Da9p
1991 $512.78 03/1998 $516.49 04/1998 c*°laO 0,7316°0
1992 $910.99 03/1998 $919.02 04/1998 Gtg5 op2,5D7ao°
1993 $802.92 03/1998 $809.99 04/1998
1994 $676.15 03/1998 C�q�}ta'�t,OSoe
1995 $682.80 04/1998p
$619.21 03/1998 $626.12 04/1998 gSOO as g.00
1996 $532.00 03/1998 $538.85 04/1998 C� (�QDeZatgm
Ct on 00.afrCl}e.o
Other Comments:
03/13/98 15:31 FAX 407 352 1764 GULF ATLANTIC TITLE - !A005
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• side mak us the above described property within 6 months after mobile
hams is placed on the above described property. •
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passivist hereinbefore required, promptly ghee the same becomes due ...- ••
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id'thie _ =.day of Oet•Der 1P?8 ,"
1ib1ic - State-o_• F1or c at Large
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My Commission Expires: goy comati y Sic..MIS MAI.tweep•
IGMiOtC na -f``
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This instrument prepared by:
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. citteord R. Premien d/b/a Ocoee Mobile homes
P. 0. box 436 . -.•
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u3'13!9b 15:39 FAX 407 352 1764 GULF ATLANTIC TITLE
,�: _ 1874 1b 30 1.7..x! d ,
• -)' Dec 29 EI 31 AH'82 How Z9 4 0o PH'82 T` ='= CfluNTY CC7R7 OF 7'}-
NLNTB JUD1C_:-T- C_BC�'_�% _I
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:11.T1 FC ORANGE COG:i'_'ti_', F
cl.3s PF1_l.08-'u-3329 Ps
�' CAST NO. C0132-3360
SON BANE, N.A., a national
' • banking association,
a' •. JOSE E. VELA and i •
MARIE E. VELA, his wife, r'
Defendant is) . )kr
4 ��
THIS CAUSZ having come on to be heard ex parte this day
November Notion For Default
of l9 ez upon t'Ze 'Plaintiff .
-00Fins1 Jtidgnent and the Court having reviewed the plead ngs on file,
11 .
. '.;..#ad-being duly otherwise advised in the -orersises, and finding that
.-••- a au1t'has been entered against the Defendant(c) , it is thereupon
^+wr• - ORDERrII AND w
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''"1." y•-•-' ADJTJDC�D that the Plaintiff's Notion For Default '
- , •
.!t= ,. final Judgment be .and the same is hereby granted and the Plaintiff,
f3 • Bun Sank. N.A., .Y
"4:t s
'-" shall have, receive and recover -
•o: . . . Jose E. Vela and Marie E_ Vela, jointly and Beverly, '
('' .the principal amount of $3,Y60.57 , costs of $ 72-50 -
. •:,�J.—interest. of $ 698.29 orof
and attorneys' fees S270.00
for a total sur due of $ 4,901 96, , for which tctal ss._ let
•. execution issue. l
'7Z AID 0p.:E:=C ir. Cha:.ner5 Lt Orlanch, V'
c__ca t',:s
Lav of 70.6..... R' RECORDED i N£GORD YEIt{ifFD19 yq/te�r �t/�• :ANE OF f 0..eA.COUNTY OF GRC�O()•N..T�YC .•.Gt.�.rI,,Jasav CfillA.ww......'r. • ,...•,�QGt •ti- r L•ani a ••' r :t.c, r.NoK J / N openly Cowoam4a.Onq�9a.fi
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• rr�7ph- ` cF'•..",..•-.••Eo� COY JUDGE RECORDED L RECORD VERIFIED
}y� 1.
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. - -•c7w..,r.�,nc,G...
Mrs. Harte E. Vela ��,n_, CST
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CASE N0. 94-19 ?
T '
. t- Petitioner, +t
Oran Do FL 5474!42 ,
e v. Maria Vale to/16!94 11624t240.•
17 24e.
OR Bic 4809 R Rae 10.5C+
I.• - 9RDLR INPOS11.2 Fria AID LLQ
:/ This natter was heard this date on Petitioner's affidavit of bean .
is non-compliance, and on the evidence presented, a .o i nothalaig than
I- duly wade, seconded and approved by a majority, but ;
t• r•
t,; four, of the Board members present, it is: •
A - �f- ADJUDGED that:
c 1. You, Maria vela, have tailed to comply with the order
'r �' this Board dated August 27, 1994, which required you to correct the
following1 with the Code of the city of
.: + coee, Floridaviolation(s) to comply violation(s) ti _
k ••�4a { Ocoee, FDy August ]o, 1994, and the following
r continue to exist or continued to exist until the date indicated: _,
S .i" Code seatiea Date Gorrectea '�
Vielaten Description of Violation
Vi •
t` i -
Y '. Code OL OTdiainCH. Chapter 14e-33 Minirrlta+ gt�,�rde G_ et i �_.
pyisana� ar •area to Poglie EealtD aafetY sed tie are: Mon- -
removal of condemned trailer, broken windows, jagged glass;
- hazardous materials. The posted condeened'signs have been removed
by someone.
I 2. Such violations) exist at the following described property: t
Address: 4 Sundial_ICey Drive. Owe. Florida 34761
Legal Description: ifl-77-7N-7t74-morn nc . .
•9the CITY OF OCOEE. FLORIDA, the sum of 5250.00 •••� .
]. You will pay +''
par day for each day from the date set for compliance to the date •;.- `"
of correction if ■ date of correction is shown above, or if the
violation is indicated as uncorrected, until you correct the
violation and give the City written notice that you have done so. .,
If paragraph 1 indicates all violations have been corrected, the v-
• total amount of your fine ;: 5
4. A certified copy of this order say be recorded in the Public
Records of Orange County. Florida, and shall constitute a lien -
II reainst the above-described property and upon any other real r•
r f.� •
, Page 1 of 2 T,'��,
J :.rte-' ,,y.44• '''..N"
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A ..,:..•,;•••,.1-.4..,:-.\ M17 • u f' }i '-'.••••",i,'!;,:-,:'... rs.,;,?•• . ,44,..1. •f •M ` �° : �^+ fit`+.+ •<• _;A1, c l� ,� 4r{ s .' 'Hc y •
-':•L --',.. ;-• 'AZ- 1., . r.. _ ^:, h.•2.-v c i' Kt'jc�- ' ' ,•T' •� _ .-
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03'13/98 15:45 FAX 407 352 1764 GULF ATLANTIC TITLE X011
' '% `.i?'s: �`3 , .`7.• ....ice' ._
,.):-""4".-7-4-...4'..-..•r••ry•., ••)+.: :
+ • pursuant to 'k' _ '
_. orpersonalowned by the Respondent
.•� property property ' ':• .."'tj., '
i l' Sections 162.08 and 162.09, Florida Statutes. ,;l•
i; DOME 111[D ORDERED at Ocoee, Florida, this September 27, 1996. _ '-" • :
1 code Enforcement Board of tM
ream .i..••
t- 1
. I ackewwledg+ receipt of a copy hereof- '''''...!-..s. 1
a.. • t. -I •• . "AA t.. "P',. .1 '
•• State of Florida
- • County of Orange v
City of Ocoee
I. ' ..,
+; w I etc copy of the
" : I hereby certify that this is a true and compl
�' original document on file in the Code Enforcement Office of the •
�` City of Ocoee.
a•4' aey hand and official seal this 17th day of October. 1994. '
V ae
s •
"^-S`•.rr. -ITT CLERK
. r. . -.. 1. , _. , ,,,_--
., ..„3...,..,:t....
i� z;� OR Lk 4804 Pi 1 7'a e is ..
... . _ .
Or•ng• Co FL '3Q3M142I.
33 1
_ .i7 ''. R.ecord V.rlfl.d - Martha Cl. Hare ie .• ,r
It* i
•? CE.. Form 1.172 (S/90) Previous edition is obsc.let^. •
4 'st .i Page 2 of 2 ^ •.
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