HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-1997 Minutes 1VIINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE
HELD ON June 24, 1997
Chairperson Carlsson called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to
order at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of
allegiance. Vice Chairperson Linebarier led in prayer. The roll was called and a quorum
declared present.
PRESENT: Chairperson Carlsson, Vice Chairperson Linebarier, Members Godek, Holmes
(arrived late), Lenko, Shagner, Skiles, and Alternate Members Chancey and
Luck. Also present were Attorney Feeney, Building Official Flippen, Senior
Plans Examiner Washington, Code Enforcement Officers Cronnon, Smith, and
Simon, Deputy Clerk Harris, Executive Secretary Seaver, and Clerk
Stenographer Lewis. gt.so paeset'r jJks C iry N14n(i 66e SNAPJQo.
This item consisted of the Minutes of the May 27, 1997 Code Enforcement Board meeting.
Vice Chairperson Linebarier, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to approve the
Minutes of the May 27, 1997 Code Enforcement Board meeting as presented. Motion carried
following cases as written in these minutes will use abbreviations to describe the violation(s)
and the dates of inspection(s) at the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV -
Notice of Code Violation; NOH - Notice of Hearing; SOV - Statement of Violation(s); and
POS - Proof of Service.
At the request of Chairperson Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officers Cronnon and Simon
were sworn in by Deputy Clerk Harris.
97-044, JANICE FREE -1010 Arizona Court Simon
04/08/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date:05/02/97 05/07/97 NOH -Board Meeting Date:03/27/97
05/07/97 SOV 05/07/97 POS Mail Cert#P882-518-731
05/27/07 Order of Continuance -24-June-97 06/03/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date:06/24/97
06/03/97 POS -No Proof of Service
The respondent was not in Chambers. At the request of the City and due to Non-Proof of
Service, Case No. 97-044 was continued to the July 22, 1997 Board meeting.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
Clor June 24, 1997
97-051, ANTHONY M. CALDARELLA - 710 Malcolm Road Conyers/Cronnon
02/17/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date:06/03/97 06/18/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date:06/24/97
06/18/97 SOV 06/18/97 POS -Mail Cert#P882-518-731
Chairperson Carlsson presented a letter from Mr. Caldarella to the Board. Officer Cronnon,
representing Code Enforcement, having been sworn and stating qualifications, made a
Respondent was notified by certified mail and was not in Chambers.
MEMBER LENKO, seconded by MEMBER SHAGNER, moved to find Anthony M. Caldarella,
Case No. 97-051, in violation of 108-19 (I), 108-23 (E) Roofs, 108-24 Sanitation
requirements (D), Chapter 51-21 Permit required, as of February 27, 1997, and be given until
July 3, 1997, to correct the violations or be fined $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
VICE CHAIRPERSON LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER SKIMS, moved that agenda item I.
96-066, Ocoee Food Mart, be heard at this time. Motion carried 7-0.
96-066, OCOEE FOOD MART - 700 S. Bluford Avenue Simon
07/23/96 NOCV-Re-inspection Date:08/05/96 08/12/96 NOH -Board Meeting Date:08/27/97
08/12/96 SOV 08/12/96 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-805
08/27/96 Violation Order:143-6 09/17/96 Compliance Order:9/0/96 or $100 per day
10/08/96 Order Imposing Fine and Lien 02/26/97 Affidavit of Compliance:$16,800.00
03/20/97 Application to Foreclose 03/25/97 Order Authorizing Foreclosure
06/18/97 Request for Reduction in Fine
Bruce Chapin, 2022 Hoffner Road, Orlando 32809, an attorney representing the respondent,
stated that he had filed a request to ask the Board to consider backing the fine down to the time
that the respondent had come into compliance. Officer Simon said that there had been an
Affidavit of Compliance as of February.
Urmil Patel, 835 Chicago Avenue, was sworn in by Executive Secretary Seaver, and said
that as far as he knew he had not gotten any letter from the City of Ocoee. Chairperson
Carlsson read, for the record, a portion of the Board minutes regarding this case, and
informed the respondent that they had been presented with the case history information.
VICE CHAIRPERSON LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved to reduce the fine in
Case No. 96-066, Ocoee Food Mart, from $16,700 to $5,000. On roll call Member Luck
voted "nay," Member Lenko voted "aye," Member Shagner voted "aye," Chairperson
Carlsson voted "nay," Vice Chairperson Linebarier voted "aye," Member Godek voted
"nay," and Member Skiles voted "nay." Motion lost 4-3.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
June 24, 1997
Code Enforcement Officer Smith arrived to the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
MEMBER GODEK, seconded by MEMBER SKIMS, moved to reduce the fine in Case No. 96-
066, Ocoee Food Mart, from $16,700. to $2,300. On roll call Member Luck voted "aye,"
Member Lenko voted "nay," Member Shagner voted "nay," Chairperson Carlsson voted
"aye," Vice Chairperson Linebarier voted "nay," Member Godek voted "aye," and Member
Skiles voted "aye." Motion carried 4-3.
MEMBER SIDLES, seconded by MEMBER GODEK, moved in Case No. 96-067, RMN, Inc. that
the fine is reduced to zero if in Case No. 96-066, Ocoee Food Court, the fine was paid within
30 days (of June 24, 1997). On roll call Member Luck voted "nay," Member Lenko voted
"nay," Member Shagner voted "nay," Chairperson Carlsson voted "nay," Vice Chairperson
Linebarier voted "nay," Member Godek voted "aye," and Member Skiles voted "aye."
Motion lost 5-2. Chairperson Carlsson explained that if RMN, Inc. wanted a reduction of
fine and lien, that they would need to go through the same process as the respondent in Case
No. 96-066, Ocoee Food Court.
97-015, MARION A. BENNETT - 34 Coquina Key Drive Cronnon
01/08/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date:01/20/97 03/10/97 NOH -Board Meeting Date:03/25/97
03/10/97 SOV 03/10/97 POS
liarr 03/25/07 Order of Continuance 04/02/97 NOH -Board Meeting Date:04/22/97
04/07/97 POS -Posting/Mail Cert#P882-518-714 04/22/97 Compliance Order
05/08/97 Affidavit of Non-Compliance 05/27/97 Order Imposing Fine&Lien:Effective 04/30/97
06/06/97 Affidavit of Compliance 06/06/97 Req. for Reduction In Fine: Meeting Date:06/24/97
Respondent was not in Chambers. MEMBER LENKO, seconded by MEMBER SHAGNER, moved
to deny a reduction of the fines in Case No. 97-015, Marion A. Bennett.
VICE CHAIRPERSON LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved to amend the motion
in that the City would be open to a request for re-hearing when the respondent could appear
and prove that they truly owned the property, and that the deed had been recorded. Motion
carried 7-0.
Vote on original motion as amended was taken at this time during the meeting. Motion
carried 7-0.
Drive Cronnon
03/24/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date: 04-10-97 04/11/97 SOV
04/11/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date: 04-22-97 04/11/97 POS-Mail Cert#P882-518-764
04/22/97 Order of Continuance 05/08/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date:05/27/97
05/08/97 POS-Posting 05/27/97 Compliance Order:6/10/97 or$50 a day
06/11/97 Affidavit of Compliance
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
June 24, 1997
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
97-037, ASHER AND MARGARET LONGRIE - 1219 Baranova Road Conyers
04/04/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date: 04/15/97 05/07/97 SOV
05/07/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date: May 27, 1997 05/07/97 POS-Mail-Cert#P882-518-534
05/27/97 Compliance Order:6/10/97 or$100 a day 06/11/97 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
97-042, MELBA BROWN - 404 Mable Street Simon
04/08/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date: 04/21/97 05/07/97 SOV
05/07/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date: 05/27/97 05/07/97 POS-Mail Cert#P882-518-729
05/27/97 Order of Continuance:06/24/97 06/03/97Notice of Hearing:Meeting Date: 6\06/24/97
06/18/97 Notice of Dismissal
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case.
97-043, JOSEPH J. MARRA- 50 E. Silver Star Road Simon
04/07/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date: 04/21/97 05/07/97 SOV
05/07/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date: 05/27/97 05/07/97 POS-Mail Cert#P882-518-730
05/27/97 Order of Continuance:06/24/97 06/03/97 NOH:Board Meeting Date: 06/24/97
06/18/97 Notice of Dismissal
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board in this case.
97-047, ALBERT F. BERBAN- 202 Spring Lake Circle Simon
05/07/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date: 05/13/97 05/14/97 SOV
05/14/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date: 05/27/97 05/14/97 POS-Hand Delivery
05/27/97 Compliance Order: 06/09/97 or$100 a day 06/09/97 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case.
97-048, RICK'S BODY WORKS - 294 E. Geneva Street Cronnon
04/24/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date: 05/10/97 05/22/97 SOV
05/22/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date: 05/27/97 05/22/97 POS-Hand Delivery
05/27/97 Compliance Order:07/31/97 or$100 a day 05/28/97 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case.
97-049, GEORGE D. AND PAT S. WRIGHT- 294 E. Geneva Street Simon
04/24/97 NOCV-Re-inspection Date: 05/10/97 05/22/97 SOV
05/22/97 NOH-Board Meeting Date: 05/27/97 05/22/97 POS-Hand Delivery
05/27/97 Compliance Order:07/31/97 or$100 a day 05/28/97 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board in this case.
95-146, PERSAUD KHEMWATTEE- 449 S. Bluford Avenue Simon
10/12/95 NOCV-Re-inspection Date:10/16/95 10/18/95 NOH -Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/18/95 SOV 10/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P597-456-618
10/24/95 Compliance Order:11/24/95 or $100 a day11/28/95 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
11/28/95 Order Imposing Fine&Lien: Beginning November 27, 1995
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
June 24, 1997
01/23/96 Affidavit of Compliance: $5,800.00 Due to the City of Ocoee
06/24/97 Request for Reduction in Fines
Respondent was not in Chambers.
VICE CHAIRPERSON LINEBARIER, seconded by MEMBER SHAGNER, moved to deny the request
for reduction of fines until the respondent requested a re-hearing. Motion carried 7-0.
Lengthy discussion ensued about whether a person must appear in person to request a re-
hearing or could submit the request in writing. Attorney Feeney cautioned the Board that
people could misunderstand and think that a respondent must ask for a re-hearing and if they
received a re-hearing that they would appear before the Board. Chairperson Carlsson
suggested that it should be a request (the first time here) to the Board as to whether they would
re-hear the case, and then the respondent would be notified in writing of the Board's decision
(within 10 days).
93-009, JERRY L. JONES - 801 West Harbour Court
An Index To Record On Appeal was presented to the Board in this case. The respondent was
not in Chambers. City Manager Shapiro stated for the record, that this case had accrued a
financial burden for the citizens of this Community, and he was hopeful that the case was not
dropped past the cost that had been associated with it. MEMBER LENKO, seconded by
MEMBER SHAGNER, moved to issue an Order Imposing Fine and Lien as of July 31, 1993.
Motion carried 7-0. Vice Chairperson Linebarier requested a copy of the original citation
for Case No. 93-009. Attorney Feeney commended Attorney Hamilton of Foley & Lardner,
for doing a "whale of a job" for the City. Several members of the Board also commended the
City for its work on this case.
Chairperson Carlsson opened the floor for nominations of Chairperson, and MEMBER
SHAGNER, seconded by MEMBER LENKO, moved to nominate Mr. Frank Carlsson as Board
Chairperson. Motion carried 7-0.
Chairperson Carlsson opened the floor for nominations of Vice-Chairperson. MEMBER
LENKO, seconded by MEMBER SKH.ES, moved to nominate Mr. John Linebarier as Board
Vice-Chairperson. Motion carried 7-0.
Attorney Feeney explained that action had been taken during the last Board meeting to revise
the Hearing Rules which appeared on page 7 of the proposed Rules to extend the timeliness of
a motion for re-hearing from 10 days to 30 days. He said that the Board could have more
discussion about the difference between a re-hearing and reduction of fine, how the Board
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
June 24, 1997
would like to deal with this, and consider adopting the proposed Rules at the next meeting.
Attorney Feeney explained that he had not known that the Board set and amended its own
Rules. He provided for future amendments to the Rules by the Board.
Member Holmes arrived to the meeting at 9:01 p.m.
Attorney Feeney said that a written request to amend the Rules must be made 15 days before
the next meeting, or a member could propose a Rules change, notify other members in
writing, and it could be brought up at that meeting or alternatively at a public meeting 15 days
before taking it up. The Board could not amend a Rule, under these Rules, for the first time
at a meeting. There had to be a 15 day notice. Discussion ensued about membership, and
City Manager Shapiro explained that a majority of the seven (7) must have a 4-0 vote for it
to pass, and that it would fail if it was a 3-1 vote. Attorney Feeney said that he would work
with that section of the Rules and will report at the next Board meeting. He cautioned the
Board and the City on using consistency when deciding whether to re-hear a case. At the
request of Chairperson Carlsson, Building Official Flippen said that he would meet with the
Code Enforcement Officers to review the forms, and will report back at the next Board
City Manager: None
Code Enforcement Officer Simon introduced Stephen Smith, a new Code Enforcement
Officer with the City. She also asked for clarification on re-hearing and/or reduction of the
fine and lien. Chairperson Carlsson said that the form for the hearing should inform the
respondent that they should be present at the meeting,-that-It was not going to be scheduled in
the future unle,« 4-hLy Were. prasenf #a ror,utst 51-1-1t. kW-dry.
Code Enforcement Officer Cronnon: None
Code Enforcement Officer Smith: None
Police Department: None
Executive Secretary Seaver stated for the record, that two of the three cases that were
petitioning for a reduction had been personally notified by her that they needed to be at the
meeting to properly represent themselves.
Deputy Clerk Harris: None. Chairperson Carlsson extended a welcome to Ms. Harris
from the Board.
Mayor Vandergrift: None
Alternate Member Chancey: None
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
June 24, 1997 /
MEMaL'•i I-bLMIll
Es : o 0.omrnenk
Alternate Member Luck said that he was learning as they went.
Member Lenko said that she commiserated with Executive Secretary Seaver on those cases.
Member Shagner expressed frustration about everyone coming in and saying that "they didn't
know that they had to call the Code Enforcement Board back." It was the biggest "lame"
excuse that they had ever had as everyone tells them (about it).
Member Skiles: No Comment.
Member Godek wished everyone a nice and safe 4th of July Holiday!
Vice Chairperson Linebarier: None
Attorney Feeney informed the Board that it appears after speaking with City Attorney
Rosenthal, that the Board would be hearing appeals from False Alarm Citations in the future.
Chairperson Carlsson thanked the Board for having the confidence by electing him as
Chairperson again. He also said that it was good seeing City Manager Shapiro and Official
Flippen at the meeting.
At 9:13 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
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