HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-27-1996 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE
HELD ON August 27, 1996
Chairman Carlsson called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order
at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of allegiance.
Member Linebarier led in prayer. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Carlsson, Vice Chairman Linebarier, Members Holmes, Lenko,
Shagner, and Alternate Members Godek and Skiles. Also present were Attorney
Feeney, Building and Zoning Official Flippen, Code Enforcement Officers
Conyers and Simon, Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
ABSENT: Members Chestney and Santo (both absences were excused).
Chairman Carlsson asked that Board Members give corrections or changes on the Member
listing to Clerk Stenographer Lewis before leaving the meeting. He also informed Alternate
Board Members that they could vote.
This item consisted of the Minutes of the July 23, 1996 Code Enforcement Board meeting.
Member Lenko, seconded by Alternate Member Skiles, moved to an'rove the Minutes of the
July 23, 1996 Code Enforcement Board meeting as .resented. Motion carried 6-0. As he had
not been present for the meeting, Member Linebarier abstained from voting.
following cases as written in these minutes will use abbreviations to describe the violation(s) and
the dates of inspection(s) at the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV - Notice
of Code Violation; NOH- Notice of Hearing; SOV - Statement of Violation(s); and POS - Proof
of Service.
At the request of Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officers Conyers and Simon were
sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon.
7/10/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/15/96 7/15/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/15/96 SOV 7/16/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-658
Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 96-54 referred to the property at 815
Apricot Drive. Officer Simon said that she had observed a shed being erected in the rear yard
and had learned upon reviewing City records that no permit had been issued. On June 10, 1996,
an NOCV was sent to the property owner as identified by Orange County Tax Records, Alicia
F. Roberts, for violation of City Code, Chapter 51-21: Permit Required: "It shall be a violation of this
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 27, 1996
Article for any person to do any building construction, repair work, alteration or remodeling of any building within
the scope of this Article without first obtaining a permit therefore from the Building Department." The property
owner was given until June 15, 1996 to bring the property into compliance. On June 14, 1996,
Ms. Roberts attempted to obtain a permit but had no survey to submit. Officer Simon said that
on June 17, 1996, Ms. Roberts had informed her that she would be obtaining a survey from the
mortgage company which would take approximately 10-15 days, and an extension was granted
to June 20, 1996 to meet the time table. The respondent did submit for a permit, with a survey
they had received but the permit was denied by Zoning Coordinator Julian Harper because the
structure that had been erected did not meet setback requirements. Ms. Simon said that Mr.
Roberts had informed her that all he had done was tear down the existing shed and had rebuilt
a shed in its place. She said that the Zoning Coordinator attempted to explain to Mr. Roberts
that he could not erect a new shed in the place of the old one since he had totally torn it down.
The new shed did not meet zoning requirements. Due to Non-Proof of Service, the Board had
continued this case from the last meeting. On July 26, 1996, an NOH was sent to the property
owner, via restricted delivery, for this Board meeting. To date, no permit has been issued for
the shed.
Discussion ensued about the structure size, frame type, and the amount of space needed to clear
the variance. Building and Zoning Official Flippen was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon,
and said that if a building is non-conforming, then it can be repaired but once it had been
completely removed and re-built, it must conform to all the City's rules, regulations, and Codes.
Alicia Roberts, 815 Apricot Drive, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and said they had
decided in January that they wanted to remove the shed, and upon contacting the City had been
told that they did not need a permit to replace an existing shed. They had bolted, using cement
nails, and beefed (the structure) up for the hurricane safety regulations. Ms. Roberts said that
they had enlarged the slab out toward the street, five (5) feet. They were on a corner lot, and
the shed is on the inside corner of her lot. They had gone out toward the street five feet (5')
either way. In response to Chairman Carlsson, Ms. Roberts said that they had replaced the
existing shed. Also, in response to Member Lenko, Official Flippen said that the respondents
would be good candidates for the Board of Adjustment.
Member Lenko seconded b Member Sha er moved to find Alicia F. Roberts Case No.
96-54, 815 Apricot Drive in non-com i liance of Chapter 51-21, Permit Required, as of Jul 27,
1996 and be i iven until October 22 1996 to come into com.liance or be fin ed 100 a da
thereafter. Motion carried 6-1. Member Linebarier voted "nay."
7/23/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/6/96 8/6/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/6/96 SOV 8/6/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-780
Chairman Carlsson said that, for the record, no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Conyers testified that Case No. 96-62 referred to the property located at
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 27, 1996
606 Aldama Court. Officer Conyers said that on July 17, 1996, he had observed a boat on
a trailer being stored in the front yard. On July 23, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the property
owner as identified by Orange County Tax Records, Sigmund A. & Nancy Smyrock, for
violation of Article VI 6-4(H)5-b: "Not more than one camping or travel trailer or hauling trailer per family
living on the premises shall be permitted, and said trailer shall not exceed twenty-four (24)feet in length or eight
(8)feet in width; and further provided that said trailer shall not be parked or stored for more than forty-eight (48)
hours unless it is located behind the front yard building line. A camping or travel trailer, or camper vehicle, shall
not be occupied either temporarily or permanently while it is parked or stored in any residential district, except when
it is located in an authorized mobile home park." The respondent was given until August 6, 1996 to
come into compliance. On August 6, 1996 a re-inspection of the property produced a status of
non-compliance. A re-inspection on August 13, 1996 found the property had come into
compliance, and remained in compliance on August 27. Member Lenko, seconded by Member
Shagner, moved to find Sigmund A. & Nancy Smyrock, Case No. 96-62 in non-com.fiance as
of August 6 1996 of Article VI 6-4 (H) 5-b, but in com'fiance as of Au. st 13, 1996, and that
no fine be assessed. Motion carried 7-0.
7/23/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/6/96 8/6/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/6/96 SOV 8/6/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-803
, , . . - - - - - •- - ,- - . Code
Enforcement Officer Conyers testified that Case No. 96-64 referred to the property located at
806 Starke Lake Circle. Officer Conyers said that on July 17, 1996, he had observed two
trailers on the driveway to right of the carport (one boat trailer and one utility trailer). On
July 23, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the property owner as identified by Orange County Tax
Records, Rickie& Brenda Roberts, for violation of Article VI 6-4(H)5-b: "Not more than one camping
or travel trailer or hauling trailer per family living on the premises shall be permitted, and said trailer shall not
exceed twenty-four (24)feet in length or eight (8)feet in width; and further provided that said trailer shall not be
parked or stored for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless it is located behind the front yard building line. A
camping or travel trailer, or camper vehicle, shall not be occupied either temporarily or permanently while it is
parked or stored in any residential district, except when it is located in an authorized mobile home park." The
respondent was given until August 6, 1996 to come into compliance. On August 6, 1996 a re-
inspection produced a status of non-compliance. Officer Conyers said that he had re-inspected
the property on August 27, 1996 and found the utility trailer and the boat trailer removed,
however, they are now storing two jet skis on a trailer in the front yard.
Rickie Roberts, 806 Starke Lake Circle, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and said
that the jet skis were brought (to the property) on Sunday so that he could wash the skis. He
explained that he was in construction and a utility trailer sometime sat there for months, and
depending on what job he had, the trailer was frequently away from the property. He was
storing his boat because the City had sent a notice before for this; it was impossible to get the
trailer behind (the fence) because of their swimming pool. Also, the trailer would not go beside
his house. He expressed objection to the violation as there were trailers in any neighborhood
(almost) and many people had double trailers.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 27, 1996
Chairman Carlsson said that unfortunately as a judge and jury, they must look and interpret
the Codes, and if the majority of the Board felt that an individual was in violation, then the
Board tried to work with the individual but asked for some cooperation. Member Linebarier,
seconded by Member Lenko, moved to find Rickie & Brenda Roberts, Case No. 96-64 in
violation of Article VI 6-4 H 5-b re.ardin. the Stora.e of the one trailer that the have left
remainin. and be i iven until Se.tember 3 1996 to come into coin'fiance or be fined '.50 a
day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0. Member Linebarier informed the respondent about repeat
7/23/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/6/96 8/6/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/6/96 SOV 8/6/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-804
- . . , , .- - --- ; ;, - ; ; -- . , ; - .- - ; . - -- - , . Code
Enforcement Officer Conyers testified that Case No. 96-65 referred to the property located at
615 Caborca Court. Officer Conyers said that on July 17, 1996, he had observed a boat on
a trailer covered by a tarp in the front yard. On July 23, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the
property owner as identified by Orange County Tax Records, Norman Lewis & Kathy Ann
Reynolds, for violation of Article VI 6-4 (H)5-b: "Not more than one camping or travel trailer or hauling
trailer per family living on the premises shall be permitted, and said trailer shall not exceed twenty-four (24)feet
in length or eight (8)feet in width;and further provided that said trailer shall not be parked or stored for more than
forty-eight(48)hours unless it is located behind the front yard building line. A camping or travel trailer, or camper
vehicle, shall not be occupied either temporarily or permanently while it is parked or stored in any residential
district, except when it is located in an authorized mobile home park." The respondent was given until
August 6, 1996 to come into compliance. Upon contact by Mr. Reynolds on July 25, 1996,
Officer Conyers advised him that the boat trailer was in violation of the City Code. He said
that Mr. Reynolds stated the width between the houses did allow enough room to put the trailer
on the side of the house; that the boat was too big to put in the garage and he could not afford
off-site storage. Mr. Conyers advised Mr. Reynolds to appear before the Board to state his
concerns. On August 6, 1996, a re-inspection of the property produced a status of non-
compliance. On August 27, 1996, a re-inspection the property revealed that the boat trailer was
still being stored in the driveway with a blue tarp over it, and the case was still in non-
Discussion ensued about the length, width, whether the windshield could be removed from the
boat, and the location of trailer on the property. The boat/trailer was not behind the front
building line.
Norman Reynolds, 615 Caborca Court, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and said that
the trailer was less than 24' feet (long), and was right at 8' feet wide. The distance from the
edge of his house to the edge of the property line was exactly 8' feet. He said that he could
only get the boat back so far due to an air conditioner sitting beside the house. As a new
resident to the city, Mr. Reynolds expressed objection to the citation, and said that he could
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 27, 1996
provide photographs of properties with trailers full of debris parked for days, literally months,
in people's driveways.
Member Holmes, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to find Norman Lewis & Kathy Ann
Re nolds Case No. 96-65 in non-com.liance as of Au. st 27 1996 of Article VI 6-4 H 5-b
and be given until September 10, 1996, to come into compliance or be fined $50 a day
thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
7/23/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/5/96 8/14/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/14/96 SOV 8/14/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-805
Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-66 referred to the property located
at 700 South Bluford Avenue. Officer Simon said that after receiving several complaints of
numerous U-haul rental trucks being parked at the property as well as additional trucks parked
behind the business on the weekends, she conducted an investigation and found numerous
violations. The business had changed owners and the new owner had not applied for an
occupational license in his name, nor was there was an occupational license for the U-haul
business being conducted at this location. The front of the store had numerous banners which
violated the City's sign ordinance. On July 23, 1996, an NOCV was sent to Ocoee Food Mart
for violation of Chapter 119-2: "It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any business, occupation or
profession within the City without a license issued hereunder..." "Article VIII (8-6) A-1 General Requirements:
fes, "Street banner signs, streamers, pennants, flags, spinners or other such devices shall be prohibited." The
respondent was given until July 31, 1996 to come into compliance. On August 5, 1996, a re-
inspection revealed that the property remained in non-compliance. On August 14, 1996, an SOV
and NOH for this Board meeting were sent to the respondent via restricted delivery by the Board
Clerk. On August 21, 1996, the banners had been removed, and the business owner had applied
and received an occupational license for the convenience store. Although incomplete, an
application had been made for the U-haul business. Officer Simon said that on August 26,
1996, she had spoken with a U-haul representative about the application for license. There
were some zoning issues that must be addressed before the City could issue a license.
Urmil Patel, 700 S. Bluford Avenue, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and said that
they (U-haul people) would give him contract papers on August 28, 1996.
Member Skiles, seconded by Member Linebarier, moved to continue Case No. 96-66, Ocoee
Food Mart, until the September meeting. Motion failed 1-6. Members Linebarier voted "aye."
Member Holmes, seconded by Member Linebarier, moved to find Ocoee Food Mart in
compliance of Chapter 119-2 and Article VIII (8-6) A-1 General Requirements, but find them
in non-compliance as far as the building occupational license being required for the U-haul
dealership and give them until September 10, 1996, to come into compliance or be fined $100
a day thereafter.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
1440, August 27, 1996
Discussion ensued about the wording of the motion and the violations. Member Holmes,
seconded by Member Lenko, moved to amend the motion to find Ocoee Food Mart, Case No.
96-66, in compliance of Article VIII (8-6) A-1 as of August 27, 1996 but in non-compliance of
Chapter 119-2, and be given until September 10, 1996, to come into compliance or be fined
$100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
Vote on original motion was taken here. Motion carried 7-0.
96-67, RMN INC.
7/23/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/5/96 8/14/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/14/96 SOV 8/14/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-681
Chairman Carlsson said that, for the record, no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that RMN Inc., Case No. 96-67, was the property owner
at 700 South Bluford Avenue, and said that the testimony was the same as Case No. 96-66.
Member Linebarier, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to adopt testimony of the Code
Enforcement Officer as in Case No. 96-66 and find RMN INC. in non-compliance of Chapter
119-2 as of August 27, 1996, and be given until September 10, 1996 to come into compliance
or be fined $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
7/24/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/8/96 8/12/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/12/96 SOV 8/12/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-682
Code Enforcement Officer Conyers testified that Case No. 96-68 referred to the property
located at 703 Suzette Drive. Officer Conyers said that on July 17, 1996, he had observed two
junk vehicles, a blue vehicle with no tag and a gray vehicle with no tag in the front yard. He
had also observed miscellaneous trash and debris in the front and rear yards, and the grass was
overgrown. On July 24, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the property owner as identified by
Orange County Tax Records, Jeffrey L. & Barbara A. Harris, for violation of Chapter 115-2
Creation Prohibited: "No person shall dump or place or cause to be placed on any lands or premises within the
City any nuisance and menace to public health." Chapter 115-5 Excessive weed or grass growth: "No person
shall allow or permit excessive growth of weeds, grass, undergrowth or other dead or living plant life (collectively
referred to herein as "weed or grass growth") on property owned, rented, leased or controlled by such person,
etc..." Chapter 165-3 Prohibited acts (a): "No person shall abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public
property or any private property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee. The property owner was
given until August 8, 1996 to come into compliance. On August 8, 1996 a re-inspection
revealed that the property remained in non-compliance. On August 27, 1996, a re-inspection
found the vehicles remained in the front yard and two recliners on the north side of the house.
The grass had been mowed.
Barbara Harris, 703 Suzette Drive, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and agreed for
Tom Kremnitzer to speak on her behalf.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
%kw August 27, 1996
Tom Kremnitzer, 104 E. Washington, #5, Minneola 34755, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk
Cronnon, and said that Ms. Harris' husband, who was in Kentucky, had trashed the house, and
they were attempting to clean it up. Also, that Mr. Harris who had car keys was planning to
return (to Florida) and get them. Mr. Kremnitzer requested more time.
Discussion ensued about the trash and debris, and whether the cars were operable. Member
Hohnes, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to find Jeffrey L. & Barbara A. Harris, Case
No. 96-68 in non-compliance of Chapter 115-2 and 165-3 as of August 27, 1996, and in
compliance of Chapter 115-5 as of August 27, 1996, and be given until September 17, 1996,
to come into compliance or be fined $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
RECESS - 9:00 P.M. - 9:10 P.M. Chairman Carlsson called the meeting back to order.
96-72, TIJUANA ALICIA & GORDON SCOTT CAMP (Repeat Violation)
8/9/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/6/96 8/14/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/14/96 SOV 8/14/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-806
Nay Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-68 referred to the property located
at 1600 Mona Avenue. Officer Simon said that the respondents in this case were the owners,
and Case No. 96-72, Gordon Scott Camp who lived at the property. On August 2, 1996, while
conducting a Minimum Housing Inspection on another property, she stated that she had observed
trash and debris, including building materials in the yard area behind the house at 1600 Mona
Avenue. Upon inspection on August 6, 1996, Ms. Simon said that a complaint was turned in
for an NOCV to be sent to the property owner. On August 9, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the
property owner as identified by Orange County Tax Records, Tijuana Alicia & Gordon Scott
Camp, for violation of Chapter 115-3 Creation Prohibited: "No person shall allow to be dumped, placed,
accumulated or otherwise located on lands or premises owned by such person within the City any nuisance and
menace to public health, safety and welfare, etc..." This case was cited as a repeat violation, and
compliance date on the NOCV was back dated to August 6, 1996, the date of the inspection
when the observations had been made. On July 14, 1996, an SOV and NOH for this Board
meeting were sent to the respondent via restricted delivery by the Board Clerk. Ms. Simon said
that on August 15, 1996, after receiving the first NOCV, Mr. Camp requested a re-inspection
that was held on August 16, 1996. There had been improvement to the property and Mr. Camp
had complied with specific items in the letter. On August 16, 1996, the NOH was received
restricted delivery by Ms. Tijuana Camp. The property had come into compliance as of
August 16, 1996.
Gordon Scott Camp, 1600 Mona Avenue, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and said
that as a Mason, he tried to do what was right. He explained that children played with toys,
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 27, 1996
power balls and empty buckets, and that it was difficult to police them in putting their toys away
each night. Also, he said that as soon as he learned that he was getting a black eye with his
neighbors, he had taken steps to correct it. Mr. Camp expressed concern about the City
providing rules for people the first time they come to the City. Many did not get the
information they needed the first time out. He requested that a note be placed in the file that
he, rather than his mother, is called if there is a problem with either of the properties.
Member Linebarier, seconded by Member Skiles, moved to find Tijuana Alicia & Gordon
Scott Camp. Case No. 96-72 in non-compliance as of August 9, 1996 of Chapter 115-3 Creation
Prohibited, but in compliance as of August 16, 1996, and that no fine be imposed. Motion
carried 7-0. jL Hesoj>+der,t Was addised a6au)' frtfta-i 1i/hat/ins.
96-73, GORDON SCOTT CAMP (Repeat Violation)
8/9/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/6/96 8/14/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/14/96 SOV 8/14/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-807
Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-68 referred to the property located
at 1600 Mona Avenue, and to Mr. Camp as tenant. Member Linebarier, seconded by
Member Lenko, moved to accept the testimony of Case No. 96-72, and find Gordon Scott
Camp, Case No. 96-73 in non-compliance as of August 9. 1996 of Chapter 115-2 Creation
Prohibited, but in compliance as of August 16, 1996, and no fine be imposed. Motion carried
7-0. 7iie, .espvndtnt Was advised a6aa7' repeat Yta/astiars.
Member Linebarier, seconded by Member Hohnes, moved to change agenda item J. 96-75,
Glenda H. Kelly to agenda item K. Motion carried unanimously.
8/1/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/13/96 8/14/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/14/96 SOV 8/14/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-808
Chairman Carlsson said that, for the record, no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-74 referred to the property at 404
Caballero Road. Officer Simon said that on August 1, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the
property owner as identified by Orange County Tax Records, Michael A. and Donna R. Keller,
for violation of City Code, Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code;Article II Housing Minimum Standards
Code: 108-19 Minimum Standards for Basic Equipment and Facilities: (I): "Install a smoke detector." 108-21
Minimum Requirements for Electrical Lights and Outlets; (A)Receptacle and fixtures required; GFI." 108-22
Minimum Requirements for Electrical systems: "All wiring and electrical outlets and fixtures, all wiring and
equipment shall be installed and maintained and connected in accordance with NEC 1993." 108-23 General
Requirement for the Exterior and Interior of Structures: (E): "Roofs." (R): "Interior floors, walls and ceilings."
Officer Simon said that the property had not complied with the Minimum Standards Letter. The
property owner was given until August 10, 1996 to come into compliance. On August 14, 1996,
an SOV and NOH for this Board meeting were hand delivered to Michael A. Keller. Officer
Simon said that she had been contacted by Donna Keller who said that the property was going
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 27, 1996
to foreclosure, and that they no longer had access to the house. Ms. Simon had contacted the
mortgage company but no one had returned her call.
Discussion ensued about the foreclosure process. Member Lenko, seconded by Member
Shagner, moved to find Michael A. and Donna R. Keller, Case No. 96-94, in non-compliance
of Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code; Article II Housing Minimum Standards Code: 108-19
Minimum Standard for Basic Equipment (I).108-21 Minimum Requirements for Electrical
Lights, (A), 108-22 Minimum Requirements for Electrical Systems. 108-23 General
Requirements for Exterior and Interior of all Structures (E) and (R). as of August 27, 1996. and
be given until September 3, 19. 96 to come into compliance or be fined $100 per day thereafter.
Motion carried 7-0.
Member Linebarier, seconded by Member Holmes, moved that if Michael A. and Donna R.
Keller, Case No. 96-94, did not come into compliance by September 3, 1996 as directed, that
an Order Imposing Fine and Lien be filed as soon as possible with the Orange County Tax
office. Motion carried 7-0.
7/29/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/12/96 8/14/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:8/27/96
8/14/96 SOV 8/14/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-809
Chairman Carlsson said that, for the record, no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Conyers testified that Case No. 96-75 referred to the property located at
602 Spring Lake Circle. Member Linebarier, seconded by Member Holmes, moved to
continue Case No. 96-75, Glenda H. Kelly, pending Proof of Service, until the September
meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
2/10/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/15/96 4/17/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/23/96
4/17/96 SOV 4/17/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-562
4/23/96 Order of Continuance: 5/28/96 5/6/96 NOH - No Proof of Service
5/28/96 Order of Continuance: 6/25/96 meeting 6/12/96 NOH - POS - Posting
6/25/96 Compliance Order:7/1/96 or $50 per day thereafter
7/1/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that while it was stated that an Affidavit of Compliance
had been filed in this case, the respondents remained in non-compliance. Member Lenko,
seconded by Member Linebarier, moved to Issue Order Imposing Fine and Lien in Case No.
96-45, Mauricia Fabian DeMeran and Ana Hernandez Fabian. effective July 1, 1996. Motion
carried 7-0.
Sherwood Oaks Circle
5/07/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:5/20/96 5/21/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:5/28/96
5/21/96 SOV 5/21/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-585
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
Cpy August 27, 1996
5/28/96 Order of Continuance:6/25/96 Meeting 6/11/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:6/25/96
6/11/96 POS - Delivery 6/25/96 Violation Order
6/25/96 Compliance Order:7/1/96 or $50 per day thereafter.
7/1/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that while it was stated that an Affidavit of Compliance
had been filed in this case, the respondents remained in non-compliance. Member Linebarier,
seconded by Member Shagner, moved to Issue Order Imposing Fine and Lien in Case No. 96-
50, Gosnell Nelson Robin, Sr. and Helen Elizabeth Gosnell, effective July 1, 1996. Motion
carried 7-0.
6/19/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/02/96 7/08/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/08/96 SOV 7/08/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-655
7/23/96 Compliance Order:7/30/96 or $50 per day
8/21/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
Member Linebarier, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to find Base Operations
Management Services, Inc., Case No. 96-53, 20 E. McKey Street, in non-compliance of Chapter
115-3, and to Issue an Order Imposing Fine and Lien as of July 30, 1996 (as soon as possible).
Motion carried 7-0.
6/19/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/15/96 7/15/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/15/96 SOV 7/16/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-659
7/23/96 Order of Continuance:8/27/96 7/26/96 POS Mail Cert. #P150-535-680
7/26/96 NOH 8/16/96 Notice of Dismissal
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
6/28/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/15/96 7/15/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/15/96 SOV 7/16/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-657
7/23/96 Compliance Order:8/6/96 or $50 per day thereafter
8/6/96 Affidavit of Compliance
A Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
6/14/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/15/96 7/15/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/15/96 SOV 7/16/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-660
7/23/96 Compliance Order:8/22/96 or $100 per day
8/21/96 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
6/10/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/15/96 7/16/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/16/96 SOV 7/16/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-674
7/23/96 ComplianceOrder: 7/30/96 or $100 per day
8/21/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
Member Linebarier, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to Issue an Order Imposing Fine
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 27, 1996
and Lien in Case No. 96-58, Sarah E. Richards Estate c/o Charles Green, 1207 Flewelling
Avenue, effective July 30, 1996. Motion carried 7-0.
5/07/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:5/20/96 5/21/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:5/28/96
5/21/96 SOV 5/21/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-584
5/28/96 Order of Continuance:6/25/96 mtg., 6/12/96 NOH
found in violation 6/13/96 POS - Mail Cert. #P150-535-587
6/25/96 Case suspended indefinitely 8/02/96 Notice of Dismissal- Reg. Mail 8/2/96
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
96-10, MEER INC.
1/9/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:2/8/96 2/09/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:2/27/96
2/09/96 SOV 2/09/96 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-522
2/27/96 Order of Continuance:3/26/96 3/09/96 NOH
3/18/96 POS - Posting 3/15/96 3/26/96 Compliance Order:Given to
4/03/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance 4/2/96 or $100 a day
4/23/96 Order Imposing Fine & Lien:Effective 4/3/96
4/22/96 Affidavit of Compliance: Amount Due:$1900
Chairman Carlsson read a letter (Exhibit "A") from Smith, MacKinnon, Harris, Greely,
Bowdoin & Edwards, P.A., requesting a hearing regarding the Order Imposing Fine and Lien
recorded at OR Book 5048, Page 2053, Public Records, Orange County, Florida.
Discussion ensued about the request. Member Lenko asked for a copy of the letter from an
attorney when the Board had originally heard the case. Member Linebarier, seconded by
Member Shagner, directed Sherry Seaver, Building Clerk Supervisor, to notify Smith,
MacKinnon, Harris, Greeley, Bowdoin & Edwards, P.A. regarding Case No. 96-10, that the
Board will hear their requested discussion at the September meeting. Motion carried 6-1.
Member Lenko voted "nay." Chairman Carlsson asked the Board be given a copy of all the
letters pertaining to this case.
City Manager: Absent
Code Enforcement Officer Simon: None
Code Enforcement Officer Conyers: None
Police Department: None
Deputy Clerk Cronnon: None
Alternate Member Skiles inquired about the method used to determine whether a vehicle or
trailer had been moved over a 48 hour period.
Member Holmes commended the Code Enforcement Officers for their excellent work, and for
being so busy during the month.
Member Lenko asked that the minutes reflect a request for a brochure which could be provided
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 27, 1996
to new residents. She wanted to see the Code and Regs into a brochure format. Building &
Zoning Official Flippen said that a fee guide was in the works.
Member Shagner said that the City, at one time, had planned to furnish maps with street break
down that including a zoning map. She also wished everyone a safe and happy Labor Day.
Member Linebarier asked that Code Enforcement Officers explain setbacks, building line, etc.,
which might keep some of the cases from appearing before the Board. Member Lenko said that
she believed that the Code Enforcement Officers worked very hard, that they tried to work with
people telling them what it is, and in trying to get people into compliance. She said that she
took exception to someone believing that the Officers would bring frivolous cases before the
Board, and commended the Officers on doing a good job.
In response to Clerk Stenographer Lewis, Attorney Feeney cautioned the Board and said that
they should talk in generalities and hypothetically as these cases could come back (before the
Board) on re-hearing or on appeal.
Alternate Member Godek: None
Chairman Carlsson: None
Attorney Feeney: None
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
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Athena Cronnon, Deputy Clerk F nk Carls n, airman
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Ju, Lewis, Clerk/Stenographer