HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-22-1996 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE
HELD ON October 22, 1996
Chairman Carlsson called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order
at 7:35 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of allegiance.
Member Linebarier led in prayer. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Carlsson, Vice Chairman Linebarier, Members Holmes, Lenko, and
Alternate Member Skiles. Also present were Attorney Feeney, Senior Plans
Examiner Washington, Code Enforcement Officers Conyers and Simon, Deputy
Clerk Cronnon, and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
ABSENT: Members Chestney and Shagner (both absences were excused). Also absent was
Alternate Member Godek (unexcused).
This item consisted of the Minutes of the September 24, 1996 Code Enforcement Board meeting.
Member Santo said that she should be included among the Members who were present at the
meeting. Vice Chairman Linebarier, seconded by Member Santo, moved to approve the
Minutes of the September 24, 1996 Code Enforcement Board meeting as corrected. Motion
carried 6-0.
Vice Chairman Linebarier, seconded by Member Lenko, moved, at the request of the City,
to hear a'enda items V. Other Business, (A) Case No. 96-54, Base O.erations Mana'ement
Services Inc., (B)Case No. 96-81, Deborah J. Higgins, (C) Case No. 96-53, Gorgonio Ramirez,
to follow Case No. 96-54, Alicia F. Roberts, and add item (D) Case No. 96-58, Sarah E.
Richards Estate c/o Charles Green (a request for re-hearin' by Thomas A. Donahoe). Motion
carried 6-0.
Vice Chairman Linebarier, seconded by Member Santo, due to Non-Proof of Service and at
the re•uest of the Cit moved to table Case No. 96-90 Jeffre A. & Mar.aret Bratcher Case
No. 96-97, Khewatte Persaud Mid-State Apartments, and Case No. 96-98, Sherman K. Flynn
to the next meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
following cases as written in these minutes will use abbreviations to describe the violation(s) and
the dates of inspection(s) at the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV - Notice
of Code Violation; NOH - Notice of Hearing; SOV- Statement of Violation(s); and POS - Proof
of Service.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
(60, October 22, 1996
7/10/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/15/96 7/15/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/15/96 SOV 7/16/96 POS - Mail Cert #P150-535-658
7/23/96 Order of Continuance:8/27/96 7/26/96 NOH
7/26/96 POS - Mail Certified#P150-535-679 8/29/96 Compliance Order:10/22/96 or $100
9/17/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
At the request of Chairman Carlsson, Code Enforcement Officer Simon was sworn in by
Deputy Clerk Cronnon. Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 96-54 referred
to the property at 815 Apricot Drive. Officer Simon said that the respondent had been given
a Compliance Order from the August meeting, and had been given until October 22, 1996 for
the violation of City Code, Chapter 51-21; Permit Required: "It shall be a violation of this Article for any
person to do any building construction, repair work, alteration or remodeling of any building within the scope of
this Article without first obtaining a permit therefore from the Building Department. " Officer Simon said that
Ms. Roberts had now come into compliance by pulling a permit on October 21, 1996. In
response to Vice Chairman Linebarier, Ms. Simon said that the respondent was aware that the
existing shed must be moved as required in the permit. Member Holmes, seconded by
Alternate Member Skiles, moved to find Alicia F. Roberts, Case No. 96-54, 815 Apricot
Drive, in non-compliance of Chapter 51-21, Permit Required, as of July 15, 1996 but in
compliance of October 21, 1996, and that no fine be imposed at this time. Motion carried 6-0.
Alicia Roberts, 815 Apricot Drive, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and asked about
(1160, a deadline for moving the shed. Chairman Carlsson advised the respondent to contact the City
for that information.
6/19/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/02/96 7/08/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/08/96 SOV 7/08/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-655
7/23/96 Compliance Order:7/30/96 or $50 per day 8/21/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
8/27/96 Order Imposing Fine & Lien:8/27/96 10/14/96 Request for Re-hearing:10/22/96
Chairman Carlsson informed the Board that a letter requesting a re-hearing had been in their
meeting packet.
Ben Griffin, who gave no address, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and said that the
City had notified him of this hearing because of a nuisance regarding a piece of his property.
He said he learned of the meeting upon his return from being out of the state, and he requested
a re-hearing. The City had informed him of this meeting. Mr. Griffin expressed his objections
about stacked oak wood being considered a nuisance on his property at 20 E. McKey Street and
testified that last week the wood had been hauled away. Vice Chairman Linebarier read the
original violation that stated tires, propane tank, miscellaneous trash, etc. had also been on the
Discussion ensued about the violation and the amount of time from the original NOCV and the
.w 2
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
October 22, 1996
present time. Chairman Carlsson said that Mr. Griffin must contact the City to request a re-
inspection before the Board could hear the case again. Member Holmes, seconded by Member
Lenko, moved to table Case No. 96-53, Base Operations Management Services Inc., 20 E.
McKey Street, to the next meeting, pending coin.fiance. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Griffin suggested that the City change the inspection form to an affidavit rather than "just
a form." In response to Vice Chairman Linebarier's request to look into making the minimum
standards code inspection request an affidavit, Attorney Feeney said that the forms should come
from the City Attorney. Officer Simon said that the City was looking into changing many of
their forms.
9/11/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/13/96 9/16/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/24/96
9/16/96 SOV 9/16/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-606
9/24/96 Violation Order: 9/24/96 Compliance Order:10/1/96 or $250 per day
Chapter 51-21, 108-19, 108-22
Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-81 referred to the property at 332
Little Springhill Drive. Officer Simon said that the case had been brought before the Board
at the last meeting, and that some of the violations had been brought into compliance. The
Board had issued a Compliance Order for the Land Development Code: Article II 22-4 (97)Dwelling',
Single-family: "A private residential building used or intended to be used as a home or residence in which the use
and management of all sleeping quarters and appliances for sanitation, cooking, heating, ventilation, and lighting
are designed primarily for the use of one(1)family unit, and with partitioning so that any substantial interior portion
of the dwelling may be reached without resort to exterior access, and so that the building has one (1) kitchen and
one (1) electrical meter." LDC: Article V 5-1 E (1) General except as hereinafter provided: "A: No building,
structure or land shall hereafter be used or occupied, and no building or structure or part thereof shall hereafter
be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered, unless in conformity with all of the regulations
herein specified for the district in which it is located." The observation had been that the owner was
renting a multi-family residential unit in an R-1 zoned area that was zoned for single-family
residence only. The property owner was given until October 1, 1996 to notify the City that they
had come into compliance with the violations. Officer Simon said that the respondent had
requested an inspection, and on October 2, 1996, she and Electrical Inspector Hendix inspected
the property and found outstanding electrical violations as well as the violations from the Land
Development Code. Upon another request by Ms. Higgins for a re-inspection, Ms. Simon said
that she had explained what qualified as a kitchen facility. Also, that Ms. Higgins had denied
entrance, unless under protest, to her on October 22, 1996 for a re-inspection as Ms. Higgins
would only permit Mr. Hendrix to enter the premises. Ms. Simon would not, under protest,
enter the property, and said that she could not verify if the property had been brought into
compliance. Discussion ensued about minimum requirements for a kitchen.
Deborah J. Higgins, 323 Hormigas Street, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and said
that she had refused to let Code Enforcement Officer Simon in to inspect the property. She also
said that she had been willing to let the electrical inspector in but he had been ordered to leave
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
(aly October 22, 1996
by Officer Simon. Expressing her willingness to be cooperative, Ms. Higgins said that the City
had been vague about what was or wasn't a kitchen, and presented photographs taken that day,
labeled as Exhibit A, B1, and B2, briefing the Board as they reviewed each exhibit. Ms.
Higgins said for the record that Officer Simon had identified Exhibit A as the room in question.
At the request of Member Lenko, Officer Simon read the criteria of a kitchen.
Lengthy discussion ensued again, and Member Lenko, seconded by Member Santo, moved to
Issue an Order Imposing Fine and Lien in Case No. 96-81, Deborah J. Higgins, effective
October 2, 1996. Motion carried 5-1. Member Skiles voted "nay." Ms. Higgins said for the
record that she had never received any inspection notice of any failure. In response to Ms.
Higgins's inquiry of a verbatim transcript of the meeting and in giving notice that she planned
to appeal the case, Attorney Feeney said that a copy of the tape which was the record that the
City maintained, and a copy of the minutes when they were printed, would be available to Ms.
Higgins. Respondents must bring their own court reporter if they desired a verbatim transcript
of the meeting.
9/5/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/16/96 9/17/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/24/96
9/17/96 SOV 9/17/96 POS - Certified#P150-535-599
9/24/96 Compliance Order:10/1/96 or $100 per day
Low 10/17/96 Affidavit of Compliance
As the respondent spoke no English, Isabel Aguayo, Building Clerk, were sworn in by Deputy
Clerk Cronnon, and testified that to the best of her ability she would translate and interpret for
the City. Discussion ensued about the date that the respondent had actually come into
compliance, and whether Mr. Ramirez had been working as a subcontractor or operating a
business from the property. Code Enforcement Officer Simon stated that the respondent had
removed the dry-wall equipment and materials from the property and it had been the evidence
used in saying that he was operating a dry-wall company. She said that Mr. Ramirez and his
neighbor who had translated for him, had come to the City, stating that the respondent worked
dry-wall but it was for a dry-wall company (and not himself). The City was satisfied that Mr.
Ramirez was not an independent contractor out of that location.
Moises Rangel, 610 Starke Lake Circle, a neighbor, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon,
and said that the respondent was not aware that he was being fined $100 a day. It was also why
Mr. Ramirez had not complied with the order.
Gorgonio Ramirez, 604 Starke Lake Circle, was sworn in by Isabel Aguayo, a notary public,
and said via translation of Ms. Aguayo that he had no Federal identification number and did not
consider himself a subcontractor. He also confirmed that he had received the Compliance Order
that had been mailed by the City on September 24. Officer Simon stated that the respondent
had been informed with Ms. Aguaryo as an interpreter, that the area needed to be cleaned up,
and that he needed to come to the City about an application for an occupational license before
tibr 4
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
October 22, 1996
3:00 p.m. on ? Ms. Aguayo and Mr. Rangel had a difference about their interpretation or
translations, and Ms. Aguayo assured the Board that the respondent had known about the time
period given to apply for the license. Vice Chairman Linebarier, seconded by Member Skiles,
moved that Gorgonio Ramirez, Case No. 96-88, be found in violation of Chapter 119-2 as of
September 24, 1996 but in compliance as of October 17, 1996, and that the fine imposed for
$100 per day, effective October 1, 1996 be rescinded. Motion carried 5-1. Member Lenko
voted "nay." Attorney Feeney and Chairman Carlsson cautioned the respondent about repeat
violation for the trash as well as the license.
RECESS - 9:05 P.M. - 9:14 P.M.
Donohoe requesting a re-hearing)
6/10/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:7/15/96 7/16/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:7/23/96
7/16/96 SOV 7/16/96 POS - Mail Cert#P150-535-674
7/23/96 Compliance Order:7/30/96 or 8/21/96 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
$100 per day 8/27/96 Order Imposing Fine & Lien
Case No. 96-58 referred to the property at 1207 Flewelling Avenue. Thomas A. Donohoe,
P. O. Box 2531, Winter Park 32790, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Cronnon, and said that
he had come before the Board in September. He testified that he had purchased the property
toray only to learn that it had been cited with violations. During the last hearing he had no proof of
ownership, and had then requested a re-hearing. Everything had since been brought into
compliance. Officer Simon explained that a copy of the Orange County Tax Record listing Mr.
Donohoe as the current owner had been included in the meeting packet. Discussion ensued
about whether all the violations had been corrected, and a re-inspection of the property on
October 22, 1996, revealed it had come into compliance. Member Lenko, seconded by Vice
Chairman Linebarier, moved that the fine on the property in Case No. 96-58, Sarah E.
Richards Estate c/o Charles Green be reduced to zero and the lien be removed as of October 22,
1996. Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Carlsson expressed his objections as there were
outstanding fees involved with the case, and voted "nay."
96-85, ELIZABETH S. SALTERS (Repeat Violation)
8/9/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/16/96 9/17/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/24/96
9/17/96 SOV 9/17/96 POS - Certified#P150-535-598
9/24/96 Order of Continuance:10/22/96 10/17/96 Hand Delivery
Chairman Carlsson said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Deputy
Clerk Cronnon announced that the Notice of Hearing for this Board meeting had been hand
delivered. Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-85 referred to the
property located at 801 Sullivan Avenue. Officer Simon said that on September 3, 1996, after
receiving complaints of violations at the address, she had investigated and found a Jeep without
a current license tag and an inoperable white vehicle on jacks. On September 9, 1996, an
NOCV was sent to the property owner as identified by Orange County Tax Records, Elizabeth
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
October 22, 1996
S. Salters, for violation of Chapter 165-3 Prohibited acts (a): "No person shall abandon or keep any junk
vehicle on any public property or any private property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee. Officer
Simon said that since this was a repeat violation no compliance date was given. On September
16, 1996 a re-inspection revealed that the property remained in non-compliance. On September
17, 1996, an SOV and NOH to the September Board meeting were sent via restricted delivery.
The case was continued to this meeting due to Non-Proof of Service. Ms. Simon said that she
had spoken with the residents on the phone after the September meeting, and she had advised
her that she would be removing the Jeep from the property. The Jeep had been moved from the
driveway to the backyard, and the white vehicle had been removed from the property. The
property was still in violation because the Jeep was still being stored on the property, and there
was no proof that a tag had been issued on it. After hearing no further communication from the
property owner that the Jeep had been removed, Ms. Simon did a re-inspection. The Jeep
remained on the property. An NOH to this Board meeting was hand delivered on October 17,
1996 by the Ocoee Police Department. To date no re-inspection has been requested for
compliance, no tag information has been obtained from the property owner showing that a tag
has been obtained, and a re-inspection on today's date produced a status of non-compliance. The
Jeep remained on the property.
In response to Chairman Carlsson's inquiry about the NOH listing the case as a first violation
rather than as a repeat offender, Attorney Feeney said that the City should continue and re-
notice or handle it as a first time violation. Officer Simon preferred to re-serve as it was a
repeat violation, that it was the same vehicle that they continued to return to the property.
Chairman Carlsson said at the request of the City, Case No. 96-85, Elizabeth S. Salters, would
be tabled until the November meeting.
8/19/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/16/96 9/17/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/24/96
9/17/96 SOV 9/17/96 POS - Certified#P150-535-601
9/24/96 Order of Continuance: Meeting Date 10/22/96
Chairman Carlsson said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-86 referred to the property located at
505 Catwood Drive. Officer Simon said that the City had not received Proof of Service on this
case but the property had been brought into compliance. Officer Simon said that the City was
dismissing Case No. 96-86, Randall L. & Marisel Cheever.
7/30/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/16/96 9/16/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/24/96
9/16/96 SOV 9/16/96 POS - Certified#P150-535-600
9/24/96 Order of Continuance:10/22/96 10/16/96 Notice of Hearing:Meeting Date 10/22/96
10/17/96 Hand Delivery
Chairman Carlsson said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-87 referred to the property located at
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
(iry October 22, 1996
905 Spring Creek Drive. Officer Simon said that on July 15, 1996, she had observed two
hauling trailers (1) a "hot dog" type vendor setup, and 2) a boat hauling trailer) parked in the
front building line. On July 30, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the property owner as identified
by Orange County Tax Records, Vickie L. Busche, for violation of Article VI 6-4(H)5-b: "Not more
than one camping or travel trailer or hauling trailer per family living on the premises shall be permitted, and said
trailer shall not exceed twenty-four(24)feet in length or eight (8)feet in width;and further provided that said trailer
shall not be parked or stored for more than forty-eight (48) hours unless it is located behind the front yard building
line. A camping or travel trailer, or camper vehicle, shall not be occupied either temporarily or permanently while
it is parked or stored in any residential district, except when it is located in an authorized mobile home park."
The respondent was given until August 13, 1996 to come into compliance. The property owner
expressed by phone that she wanted to bring the property into compliance, and requested and
received an extension until September 15. On September 16, 1996, a re-inspection of the
property produced a status of non-compliance. On September 17, 1996, an SOV and NOH were
sent to Ms. Busche for the September Board meeting. The case was continued to this meeting
due to Non-Proof of Service. On October 18, 1996, an NOH to this meeting was hand delivered
to the property owner by the Ocoee Police Department. Ms. Busche contacted the City on
October 21, 1996 and requested a re-inspection which was made on October 22 that revealed
the property had been brought into compliance. Member Lenko, seconded by Alternate
Member Skiles, moved to find Vickie L. Busche, Case No. 96-87 in non-compliance of Article
VI 6-4 (H) 5-b as of August 13, 1996 but in compliance as of October 22, 1996, and that no fine
be imposed. Motion carried 6-0.
7/9/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:8/20/96 9/13/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/24/96
9/13/96 SOV 9/13/96 POS - Certified#P150-535-611
Chairman Carlsson said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-92 referred to the property located at
1104 Maureen Avenue. Officer Simon said that on July 7, 1996, she had observed numerous
violations existing at the address. On July 9, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the property owner
as identified by Orange County Tax Records, Valerie N. Gentry, for violation of Chapter 165-3
Prohibited acts (a): "No person shall abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public property or any private
property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee. Also, Article VI 6-4 (H) 5-b: "Not more than one
camping or travel trailer or hauling trailer per family living on the premises shall be permitted, and said trailer shall
not exceed twenty-four (24)feet in length or eight (8)feet in width; and further provided that said trailer shall not
be parked or stored for more than forty-eight (48)hours unless it is located behind the front yard building line. A
camping or travel trailer, or camper vehicle, shall not be occupied either temporarily or permanently while it is
parked or stored in any residential district, except when it is located in an authorized mobile home park." Also,
Chapter 115-3: Creation Prohibited: "No person shall allow to be dumped, placed, accumulated or otherwise
located on lands or premises owned by such person within the city any nuisance and menace to public health, safety
and welfare, etc..." The observation for this violation had been that of a Chevrolet truck for sale
with an expired tag, and a covered car with grass growing around it at the side of the house,
a trailer in the front yard with no tag, and miscellaneous trash and debris in the yard. The
respondent was given until July 19, 1996 to come into compliance. On August 20, 1996 a re-
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
October 22, 1996
inspection revealed that the property remained in non-compliance. On September 13, 1996, the
property owner was sent via restricted delivery an SOV and NOH to the September meeting.
The case had been brought before the Board during the September meeting and testimony was
given at that time. A Violation Order was issued noting Article VI 6-4 (H) 5-6 was in
compliance, and a Compliance Order was issued for Chapter 115-3 Creation Prohibited for the
miscellaneous trash and debris in the yard. Prior to the September meeting, the respondent had
complied with the junk vehicle violation. The property owner was given on the Compliance
Order until October 1, 1996 to come into compliance with Chapter 115-3. The property owner
had not requested an inspection. A re-inspection on October 22, 1996 revealed the property had
been brought into compliance.
Discussion ensued about whether the property was in compliance as of October 2, 1996, and
Officer Simon said that it was the responsibility of the respondent to request a re-inspection.
Member Lenko, seconded by Member Holmes, moved to Enter an Order Imposing Fine and
Lien in Case No. 96-92, Valerie N. Gentry, referencing Chapter 115-3, effective October 2,
1996 and ending on October 22, 1996 when the property had come into compliance. Motion
carried 5-1. Alternate Member Skiles voted "nay."
10/11/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/27/96 10/11/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/22/96
10/11/96 SOV 10/15/96 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-823
Chairman Carlsson said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 96-99 referred to the property at 742 Licaria
Drive. Officer Simon said that after receiving a complaint that a fence had been erected at the
address without a permit, she inspected the property on September 3, 1996 and found a 6' ft.
privacy fence. Verification with the Building Department revealed no permit existed on this
property. On September 9, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the property owner as identified by
Orange County Tax Records, Pamela A. Erickson, for violation of City Code, Chapter 51-21;
Permit Required: "It shall be a violation of this Article for any person to do any building construction, repair work,
alteration or remodeling of any building within the scope of this Article without first obtaining a permit therefore
from the Building Department." The property owner was given until September 23, 1996 to bring the
property into compliance. On September 23, 1996, a re-inspection revealed that the property
remained in non-compliance. On October 11, 1996, an SOV and NOH to this meeting were sent
to the property owner. City records reflect that no permits have been issued as of October 22,
1996 on this property. The respondent contacted the Building Department on October 21, 1996
but pulled no permit. Member Holmes, seconded by Member Lenko, moved to find Pamela
A. Erickson, Case No. 96-99, 742 Licaria Drive, in non-compliance of Chapter 51-21, Permit
Required, as of October 22, 1996, and be given until October 29, 1996 to come into compliance
or be fined $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 6-0. Attorney Feeney corrected for the
record a clerical error on page 2 of the SOV in that the re-inspection date should read
September 23, 1996, rather than September 15, 1996. Also, the address should be corrected
to read 742 Licaria Drive, rather than 724 Licaria Drive.
itaw 8
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
(tary October 22, 1996
08/09/96 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/23/96 10/14/96 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/22/96
10/14/96 SOV 10/14/96 POS - Certified#P882-518-812
Chairman Carlsson said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 96-103 referred to the property located at
1109 Doreen Avenue. Officer Simon said that after receiving a complaint about a junk vehicle,
she performed an inspection of the property on August 6, 1996, and determined there was a
violation. She had observed an inoperable white van displaying no tag that was parked in the
driveway. On August 9, 1996, an NOCV was sent to the property owner as identified by
Orange County Tax Records, Brian Westphal, for violation of Chapter 165-3 Prohibited acts(a): "No
person shall abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public property or any private property within the corporate
limits of the City of Ocoee." The property owner was given until August 30, 1996 to come into
compliance. Officer Simon said that she had received mail from the property owner who was
renting the property to a tenant, a copy of the registration for the vehicle which was valid. The
property owner had also contacted Ms. Simon who said that the tenant was working on the
vehicle to make it operable. A re-inspection on September 23, 1996 found the van, without a
tag, on jacks in the driveway. On October 14, 1996, an SOV and NOH to this meeting were
sent restricted delivery to the property owner. On October 17, 1996, the respondent contacted
her and she met Mr. Westphal at the property for a Minimum Housing inspection as well. On
October 21, 1996, the property was re-inspected which revealed it had been brought into
compliance. Member Lenko, seconded by Vice Chairman Linebarier, moved to find Brian
West.hal Case No. 96-103 in non-compliance of Chaster 165-3 as of Au. st 30 1996 but in
compliance as of October 21, 1996, and that no fine be assessed. Motion carried 6-0.
In response to Vice Chairman Linebarier, Deputy Clerk Cronnon said that copies of the
Orders Imposing Fine and Liens in Case No. 96-66, Ocoee Food Mart and Case No. 96-67,
RMN, Inc., and Case No. 96-74, Michael A. and Donna R. Keller, would be provided at the
next meeting.
City Manager: Absent
Code Enforcement Officer Simon announced that the December meeting would fall on
Christmas Eve, and Chairman Carlsson said that the Board will discuss that during the
November meeting.
Code Enforcement Officer Conyers: None
Police Department: None
Deputy Clerk Cronnon: None
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
tklaw October 22, 1996
Member Holmes inquired about security for the monthly meetings, and Chairman Carlsson
said that he would speak with Building and Zoning Official Flippen concerning the matter. He
also wished everyone a "happy Halloween."
Member Lenko: None
Vice Chairman Linebarier: None
Alternate Member Skiles: None
Member Santo announced that she was scheduled for Jury Duty during the date of next month's
Attorney Feeney said that he would soon be into the busy season where he would be out of
town for Committee meetings in November through January, and the legislative session in
March and April. He planned to be present as often as possible but Mr. O'Quinn was a sharp
business lawyer and litigator. He said that Mr. O'Quinn was rapidly learning municipal business
and was familiar with the procedures and rules.
Chairman Carlsson: None
At 10:15 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
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Athena Cronnon, Deputy Clerk F Carlsson, Chairman
J ie Lewis, Cler Stenographer