HELD ON April 25, 1995
Chairman Sills called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of Code Enforcement to order
at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of allegiance. Vice
Chairman Carlsson held a moment of silent prayer for all the people who perished in Oklahoma
City. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Sills, Vice Chairman Carlsson, Members Alexander, Barnett,
Chestney, Lenko, Shagner, and Alternate Member Santo. Also present were
Attorney Cool, Building and Zoning Director Flippen, Code Enforcement
Officers Braddy and Simon, Deputy Clerk Seaver and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
ABSENT: Alternate Member Linebarier (excused).
This item consisted of the Minutes of the March 28, 1995 Code Enforcement Board meeting.
Member Lenko asked for a correction under Other Business on page 8, Case No. 95-11,
Marbais Property Management, Inc. (101 Cypress Key Ct.) that 1/7/94 should read "1/7/95
NOCV - Re-inspection Date: 2/6/95". Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member
Chestney, moved to approve the Minutes, as corrected, of the March 28, 1995 Code
Enforcement Board meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
HEARING - The description of the violation(s) and the dates of inspection(s) will be given at
the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV - Notice of Code Violation; NOH -
Notice of Hearing; SOV - Statement of Violation(s); and POS - Proof of Service. AGENDA
3/17/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/27/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Delivery - Betty Pedrick
Upon Chairman Sills' request, Code Enforcement Officer Simon was sworn in by Deputy
Clerk Seaver. Officer Simon testified that Case No. 95-36 referenced 81 Siesta Key Court.
On March 17, 1995 a NOCV had been sent to the property owner, Elizabeth Pedrick, as
identified by Orange County Tax Records, for violation of City Code, Chapter 108-23. General
Requirements for the exterior of structures: (B)Skirting: "Existing skirting shall be maintained free from broken or
missing sections, pieces or cross members." Chapter 108-23 (1) Windows: "Windows; every window shall be
substantially weather-tight, water-tight and rodent proof and shall be kept in sound working condition and good
repair." Chapter 108-23(0): "Dwelling units without functioning central air-conditioning systems shall have screens
on all operable windows and doors used or required for ventilation. Screens shall be stretched and fitted and
maintained without open rips or tears." Upon inspection Officer Simon had observed the skirting,
broken or boarded up windows that were in need of repair, as well as missing screens. Ms.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
Pedrick did not reside there but was the property owner. Ms. Pedrick had been cited for the
violations and given until March 27, 1995 to insure that the property was brought into
compliance of these violations. A re-inspection of the property on March 27, 1995 produced
a status of non-compliance. Officer Braddy had hand delivered Ms. Pedrick a SOV and a NOH
to this Board meeting on April 18. Officer Simon recommended a 30 day period be given to
the tenant who had given her a tentative repair schedule.
A video of the property in violation was presented for the Board's review.
Betty Pedrick, 5347 W. Lake Butler Road, Windermere 34786, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk
Seaver, and said that the tenant living there had been working out of town. The tenant had
informed her that he would take care of everything, and if not, then he would have to move the
mobile home from the property. Vice Chairman Carlsson informed Ms. Pedrick that there
were six cases on the agenda for her. He had served on the Board for a number of years, and
she had averaged appearing two or three times a year and should know the City Codes. Articles
appear in the local newspapers about the trailer parks and he was glad to see the City Code
Enforcement Officers doing something about it. Member Barnett believed that the land owner
had a certain obligation to make sure that the land is kept up to Code, no matter who is living
there. Ms. Pedrick told the Board that she or the tenant will have the trailer repaired within
30 days. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Barnett, moved to find Elizabeth
Pedrick, Case No. 95-36, in violation of Chapter 108-23 (B), 108-23 (I), 108-23 (0), and give
her until May 23, 1995 to have it fixed or be fined $250 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
3/17/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/27/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-490
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon stated that Case No. 95-37, referencing property at 81 Siesta Key
Court, could not be heard due to non-proof of service. Member Lenko, seconded by Member
Alexander, moved to continue Case No. 95-37, Thomas John Wise, to the May 23, 1995
meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
3/17/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-349
Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-38 was in reference to property at 18
Cedar Key Court that had been found to be in violation of Chapter 108-23. General Requirements for
the exterior of structures: (B) Skirting: "Existing skirting shall be maintained free from broken or missing sections,
pieces or cross members." Chapter 108-23 (I) Windows: "Windows; every window shall be substantially weather-
tight, water-tight and rodent proof and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair." Chapter 108-23
(0): "Dwelling units without functioning central air-conditioning systems shall have screens on all operable windows
and doors used or required for ventilation. Screens shall be stretched and fitted and maintained without open rips
or tears." Chapter 54-3 Display Required: "The building number shall be affixed to the front of the building...shall
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
cor April 25, 1995
be of a color that will contrast with immediate background material..shall not be less than 3 inches in height."
Officer Simon said that Mr. Lopez had been given until March 27, 1995 to bring the violations
into compliance. A representative for Mr. Lopez had requested and was granted an extension
to April 5, 1995, at which time the property was re-inspected resulting in a status of non-
compliance. Upon re-inspection on April 14, 1995, the property remained in non-compliance.
A SOV and a NOH to this Board meeting was sent restricted delivery to Mr. Lopez on April
14, 1995 by the Deputy Clerk Seaver. On April 25, 1995, the skirting had been done but the
property still had not come to compliance.
A video of the property in violation was shown for the Board's review. In response to
Chairman Sills, Ms. Pedrick said that Mr. Lopez was in the audience but did not speak
English. Walt Miller, Nova Lane, Ocoee, NY said, also in response to Chairman Sills, that
he spoke Spanish and was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Attorney Cool stated that Mr.
Miller could not testify on behalf of Mr. Lopez but could testify on what he had done to the
property. Mr. Miller said that the skirting had been replaced on Mr. Lopez's trailer, that he
had removed all the unwanted ingredients from the property and installed a new door on the
back of the trailer. All that remained were materials that had come from the trailer. Questioned
by Member Alexander, Mr. Miller said that he would finish the repairs the next day.
Member Chestney expressed frustration over repeatedly hearing these cases where the
respondents were given extension upon extension and still failed to come into compliance.
Chairman Sills asked if the Board could proceed with the case, and Attorney Cool stated that
it was Mr. Lopez's responsibility to bring an interpreter, if he cannot speak English; so it was
up to him if he wanted to give testimony either through himself or an interpreter. If he chose
not to, then the Board could proceed. Police Officer Simon stated that he would see if a
Spanish speaking officer was available in the Police Department and Member Chestney objected
and wanted to proceed with the hearing. Member Chestney, seconded by Vice Chairman
Carlsson, moved to find Ramon Lopez, Case No. 95-38, 18 Cedar Key Court, in violation of
Chapter 108-23, Chapter 108-23 (I), Chapter 108-23 (0), and 54-3, and be given until May 1,
1995 to come into compliance or be fined $50 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
3/8/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/20/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-481
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Braddy was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and stated that Case No.
95-39 referred to the property at 107 Coquina Key Drive. Officer Braddy said that on
January 14, 1994 the property had been inspected for compliance to Minimum Standard Code,
and a letter was sent on February 2, 1994 stating the violations of Chapter 108 Minimum Standards
Code;Article II Housing Minimum Standards Code:108-21 Minimum Requirements for Electrical Lights and Outlets;
108-22 Minimum Requirements for Electrical Systems:108-21 "Remove extension cord to light and install according
to NEC code."108-21 "Repair all broken light switches." 108-23 General Requirement for the Exterior and Interior
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
of Structures: 108-23(F)Repair steps. 108-23(J)Repair all non-operable windows. 108-23 (M)Weatherstrip front
and rear door. 108-23(R) Repair flooring in hallway." Standard Plumbing Code 1204.1 Protection of Potable
Water Supply-Backflow: "Install backflow preventors on all exterior hose bibs." Chapter 108 Minimum Standards
Code;Article IV Public Nuisances or Hazards to Public Health, Safety and Welfare; Enforcement: 108-35 Public
Nuisances: 108-35 Rear yard needs to be cleaned up and mowed." On March 8, 1995 a NOCV was sent
to Mr. Barragan giving him until March 18, 1995 to comply. Officer Braddy said the
respondent was given until April 4, 1995 to correct the violations. No compliance had been
made on March 28, 1995, and a SOV and NOH was sent certified mail on April 18, 1995 to
Jose Barragan who signed for it on April 20, 1995. To date no one had been contacted for a
re-inspection of the property.
Discussion ensued about the Minimum Standards Codes and whether water was or was not
turned on at a property. Vice Chairman Carlsson was concerned about the extensions cords
and whether it constituted a serious electrical problem and Officer Braddy said that her
observation was that it was not that hazardous.
Member Chestney, seconded by Member Alexander, moved to find Jose A. Barragan, Case
No. 95-39, in non-compliance as of March 18, 1995 for Chapter 108-21, 108-22, 108-23 (F),
Standard Plumbing Code 1204.1, Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code; Article IV Public
Nuisances or Hazards to Public Health, Safety and Welfare; and 108-35, and be given until
May 1, 1995 to come into compliance or be fined $50 a day thereafter. Vice Chairman
Carlsson objected, and said that the respondent has had since April 2, 1994 to bring this
property into compliance or at least to contact the Building Inspector. He believed that the $50
fine was minimal. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Bennett, moved to amend
the motion for Jose A. Barragan, Case No. 95-39, and find him in violation and be given until
May 1, 1995 to come into compliance or be fined a minimum of$100 a day thereafter. Motion
carried 7-0. Chairman Sills then asked for the vote on the original motion as amended. Motion
carried 7-0.
3/8/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/20/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-482
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Braddy testified that on February 25, 1994 the property at 44 Coral Key
Court was inspected for Minimum Standards Code. On April 4, 1994 a letter was sent listing
the violations of Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code;Article II Housing Minimum Standards Code: 108-21
Minimum Requirements for Electrical Li;2hts and Outlets; 108-22 Minimum Requirements for Electrical Systems:
"108-22 Mark electrical meter at disconnect with the street address numbers. 108-22 Install missing blanks in
electrical panel." 108-23 General Requirement for the Exterior and Interior of Structures: "108-23(0) Install all
missing screens. 108-23 (F) Correct steps to rear door. 108-23(J) Repair broken window." 108-24 Sanitation
Requirements: "108-24(F)Replace rusted propane tank." Standard Plumbing Code 1204.1 Protection of Potable
Water Supply-Backflow: "Install backflow preventors on all exterior hose bibs." Chapter 108 Minimum Standards
Code;Article IV Public Nuisances or Hazards to Public Health, Safety and Welfare; Enforcement: 108-35 Public
tiop,. 4
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
Nuisances: "108-35 Remove all tires and wood in rear yard. Remove all excess fencing." Officer Braddy said
that the respondent was given a compliance date of June 4, 1994. On March 8, 1995 a NOCV
was sent to Mr. Delgado who failed to comply with the compliance date of March 18, 1995.
A SOV and a NOH was sent certified mail on April 18, 1995 and was received by Jesus Estelle
Delgado on April 21, 1995. On April 24, 1995 Mr. Delgado stopped by the City and scheduled
an inspection and Officer Braddy's inspection showed that all violations had been corrected.
The property was not in compliance as of March 18, 1995 but came into compliance as of April
24, 1995. Vice Chairman Carlsson. seconded by Member Barnett. moved to find Jesus
Delgado, Case No. 95-40, in non-compliance as of March 18, 1995 and find him in compliance
as of April 25, 1995, and no fine be imposed at this time. Motion carried 7-0.
3/17/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Delivery - Betty Pedrick
Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 95-41 referred to the property at 52
W. Circle Key Drive. On March 17, 1995 the property owner, Elizabeth Pedrick, was sent
a NOCV for Chapter 108-23 General Requirements for the exterior of structures: (B) Skirting: "Skirting:
existing skirting shall be maintained free from broken or missing sections,pieces or cross members". Chapter 108-
23 (1) Windows: "Windows; every window shall be substantially weather-tight, water-tight and rodent proof and
shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair." Chapter 108-23 (0): "Dwelling units without
functioning central air-conditioning systems shall have screens on all operable windows and doors used or required
for ventilation. Screens shall be stretched and fitted and maintained without open rips or tears." Officer Simon
said that Ms. Pedrick was given until March 27, 1995 to bring the property into compliance.
An extension was granted to April 5, 1995, and another re-inspection was done on April 14,
1995 producing a status of non-compliance. On April 18, 1995 a SOV and a NOH to this Board
meeting was hand delivered by Officer Braddy to Ms. Pedrick. Another inspection was done
on April 25, 1995 which produced a status of non-compliance.
A video of the property in violation was shown for the Board's review. Officer Simon said
that the windows, also needing screens, were inoperable and propped open. The skirting had
been repaired although pieces were still missing.
Betty Pedrick, 5347 Lake Butler Road, Windermere 34786, testified that she was the property
owner but Linda Howell lived there. Ms. Pedrick said that a representative from (Orange)
County had told Ms. Howell, a hardship case, that if she furnished proof of insurance on her
mobile home that the County would replace the windows, etc.
Linda Howell, 62 W. Circle Key Drive, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and presented
an insurance policy for review of the Board. Ms. Howell, partially deaf, said that she did not
have anything in writing from the County verifying they will replace the windows, etc. Officer
Simon said Ms. Howell had the policy which was a Weatherization Program that the County
governs and is helping to assist with repair and renovation. Member Lenko pointed out that
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
the insurance policy was only a home owners policy and if, as a result of living in a place, the
windows or screens come out, that policy was not going to replace them. Officer Simon said
that was correct, and explained the application/acceptance process of the Weatherization Program
that would delay the windows installation. Ms. Howell did not know how long this process
would take but stated that she had the screens, painting, materials, etc., and was waiting for the
County to do the windows. Ms. Howell said that she could not afford to put the windows in
herself and had explained to the County that she was being cited with the violation. Officer
Simon said in response to Member Barnett that Ms. Howell had been trying to get the
assistance but must wait upon the County. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member
Barnett, moved to table Case No. 95-41, Elizabeth Pedrick, until the May meeting with the
stipulation that the owner of the mobile home contact the County, and the County contacts the
Code Enforcement Officer in writing as to when the job will be completed. Motion carried 7-0.
3/17/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-350
Linda Howell, Case 94-42, was the renter of Betty Pedrick, Case No. 95-41. Vice Chairman
Carlsson, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to table Case No. 95-41, Linda Howell, to
the May meeting, providing that the respondent have the County contact the City of Ocoee Code
Enforcement Officer in writing as to when the windows will be replaced. Motion carried 7-0.
RECESS 8:40 - 8:50 p.m.
3/14/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/28/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-485
Code Enforcement Officer Braddy said that Danny Womack, Case No. 95-45, was the owner
of the property at 312 Lee Street. On March 8, 1995 she had observed a violation of Chapter
115 Article I Nuisances: Section 115-1 Conditions Constituting a Nuisance: Section 115-2 Creation Prohibited:
"Keeping of(2) washing machines in side yard; miscellaneous trash and debris throughout the yard including but
not limited to building materials, a door, car parts, boat-seat, tires, etc." Officer Braddy said that trash
and debris was strewn throughout the property. On March 14, 1995 a NOV was sent and a
compliance time of March 21, 1995 was given to correct the violations. On March 24, 1995
no compliance had been made, and a SOV and NOH was sent registered mail on April 18, 1995
to Mr. Womack's place of business. It was received by M. Field on April 19, 1995. A re-
inspection of the property on April 21, 1995 found it to be in compliance.
Marnita Fixal, 3738 Rollingwood Lane, Apopka was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and
stated in response to Vice Chairman Carlsson that the property was cleaned according to the
City Code. Someone that had been hired had failed to pick up the garbage. Someone else had
to finish it. Chairman Sills said the Board had received a sworn statement for Ms. Fixal to
testify on his behalf. Member Lenko, seconded by Member Barnett, moved to find Danny
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
Womack, Case No. 95-45, in non-compliance of Chapter 115, Article I, as of March 24, 1995
but in compliance as of April 21, 1995, and that no fine be assessed at this time. Motion
carried 7-0.
3/15/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/28/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-489
Code Enforcement Officer Braddy stated that Daniel Womack, Case No. 95-49, was the owner
of the property at 1002 Doreen Avenue. On September 19, 1994, the property was inspected
for compliance with Minimum Standard Code and a letter was sent to the respondent requesting
correction for the violations of Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code;Article II Housing Minimum Standards
Code: 108-21 Minimum Requirements for Electrical Lights and Outlets: 108-22 Minimum Requirements for
Electrical Systems: 108-21 "Install a cover plate on receptacle in the utility room." 108-19 Minimum Standards
for Basic Equipment and Facilities: 108-19 (A) "Repair bathroom toilet in master bathroom. Install a cover on
uncapped pipe." 108-19(D) "Install the blow-off line for the hot water heater to the exterior of the house.." 108-23
General Requirements for the Exterior and Interior of Structures: 108-23 (0) "Install all missing screens." 108-23
(D) "Reseal concrete block where paint is peeled off." 108-23(E) "Repair all roof leaks, and repair roof tails and
roof where leak is located." A NOCV was sent on March 15, 1995 giving the respondent until
March 25, 1995 to comply. Upon failing to comply by March 25, a SOV and a NOH were sent
certified mail on April 18, 1995, and were received by M. Field on April 19, 1995 at Mr.
Womack's place of business. Officer Braddy attempted a re-inspection on April 25, 1995 but
the tenant was away and Ms. Braddy could not get into the house.
Marnita Fixal, 3738 Rollingwood Lane, Apopka said that the work had been completed but
there was a problem of getting the tenant there at a time for re-inspection. Ms. Fixal said in
response to Vice Chairman Carlsson that the tenant's phone had been disconnected and she no
longer knew where the tenant worked. The respondent had hired B & S Plumbing. In response
to Vice Chairman Carlsson, Ms. Fixal said that she thought they could get in there within 5
working days. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to find Daniel
J. Womack, Case No. 95-49, at the address of 1002 Doreen Avenue, in non-compliance of
Chapter 108, Article II, 108-21, 108-22, 108-19(A), 108-19(D), 108-23, 108-23(0), 108-23(D),
and 108-23(E) and give the respondent until May 3, 1995 to come into compliance or be fined
$100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
3/14/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/28/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-486
Code Enforcement Officer Simon stated that Billie Kenny, Case No. 95-46, was the tenant of
Danny Womack, Case No. 95-45, that had already been heard which referred to the property
at 312 Lee Street. Ms. Kenny chose not to speak, and Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded
by Member Alexander, moved to find Billie Kenny, Case No. 95-46, in non-compliance of
Chapter 11 Article I Nuisances: Section 115-1 and 115-2 as of March 24, 1995 but in
r 7
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
compliance as of April 21, 1995 and that no fine be imposed at this time. Motion carried 7-0.
3/15/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/28/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-488
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Braddy stated that Case No. 95-48 referred to the property at 880
Maguire Road. Ms. Irwin is the owner of this commercial building. Upon driving by the
building when the doors were opened, Officer Braddy had noticed building going on inside the
structure. On March 15, 1995 a NOCV was sent to Ms. Irwin giving her until March 25, 1995
to comply. The violation was for Chapter 51 Building Construction, Article I General Provisions; Section
51-21 Permit required: "Interior construction without a building permit." (Observed while bay doors were opened;
bottom story is apparent storage and top story is offices). Chapter 119 Occupational Licenses, Section 119-2
Engaging in Business without a license: "A business is being run out of this location without an Occupational
License." Upon receipt of the NOCV, Officer Braddy was contacted by DeLaura Motor Cars,
the company doing business there and having the construction done in the building. The
violation is on the property owner at this time and continues with the property owner. Ms.
Braddy said that the attorney for DeLaura Motor Cars, their architect, and engineers, had been
in contact with her. The Building Department has the plans under review and the building
permit is not ready at this time. The work had already been done, although they were bringing
"as-built" drawings of the structure, and pulling a permit. As of March 25, 1995, the property
was not in compliance, and on April 18, 1995 a SOV and a NOH were sent to the respondent.
Janice Brown signed for Ms. Irwin on April 21, 1995. Although they are working on the
property and with the Building Department, the building is still in violation.
In response to Member Chestney, Officer Braddy said that the contractor, hired by the
respondent, was responsible but had not pulled the permit. She knew that the prior tenant had
moved and had noticed the violation on a driveby when the open baydoors revealed that the
building was occupied.
Marshall Vanlandingham, 1318 Chebaun Court, Apopka, and said that he was a partner in
DeLaura Motor Cars, but had become a partner after the building was leased. For the record
and in response to Vice Chairman Carlsson, Mr. Vanlandingham said that Ms. Irwin was not
responsible in any way yet was aware that he was there representing her. His partner has been
in the automobile business for 18 years and had leased the space around November. The
building was only being occupied at that time to store automobiles. Additional space had been
needed and someone had suggested a local contractor to handle the job for them. Assuming that
the contractor would get the required permits and licenses, they did not concern themselves with
the issue. Mr. Vanlandingham said that William Linderman of Clermont had been contracted
to represent them as a structural engineer, that Mr. Linderman had drawn the plans as "as-
builts", inspected the building, and contacted the City.
cor 8
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
Chairman Sills asked if the City had had adequate time to review the plans and how long it
would be before the building would come into compliance. Donald W. Flippen, Building
Official for the City of Ocoee, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and stated that the plans
were under review. The City had heard from all but the fire department and they were looking
at the end of the week if the tenant had their submittal and permits issued. It would be another
30-60 days if a fire sprinkler system is required in the building.
Member Lenko wanted to know when they had applied for the building permit. Deputy Clerk
Seaver was sworn in by Clerk Stenographer Lewis, and said that last week just the plans were
brought in for review. Ms. Seaver said Mr. Vanlandingham had not engaged a contractor at
the time he submitted the plans for a permit, but rather apparently intended hiring a contractor
after the plan was reviewed. Officer Braddy said the tenant had learned that the original
contractor was not a licensed contractor. A considerable amount of time had been taken for
tracing back, hiring an engineer, coming to the City, drawing plans, all within this time period.
The tenant has now hired an engineer who has inspected the building, done "as-builts" to a
building that he knew nothing about, as the engineer.
A lengthy discussion ensued on how the violation had occurred. Member Alexander was
concerned on whether the City could be held liable if the Board allowed the respondent to stay
in business and something happened. Attorney Cool said that the only thing the Board can do
is to find him in non-compliance and to fine them every day after a reasonable period of time
to come into compliance.
Building and Zoning Official Flippen said they have already begun construction and that was
the reason for the delay. Everything was dry walled and covered. The City was not going in
there to inspect something that's completed. A certified professional engineer must tear the
thing apart and certify to us that it did meet the Building Codes. Mr. Flippen wanted to know,
and he understood that Mr. Washington had asked and nobody would tell him, who the original
contractor was that went in there. The individual would be turned over to the State and charges
would be filed against him. That would prevent this from going on in the future. Mr.
Vanlandingham said the original contractor was Curt Dunihue, and he had hired his father,
Stanley Dunihue, in Winter Garden.
Building and Zoning Official Flippen said that the building was safe and it is the responsibility
of the building official who makes that determination. There had been a problem with the
stairs. The other problems had been covered and the City could not determine whether it was
safe, and had been the reason for hiring an engineer. Member Lenko, seconded by Member
Shagner, moved to find Dorothy Y. Irwin, Case No. 95-48, in non-compliance of Chapter 51
Building Construction, Article I General Provisions; Section 51-21, and Chapter 119 Section
119-2, as of March 25, 1995 and that this property be given until May 9, 1995 to bring the
property into compliance or be fined $200 a day thereafter. The Board requires a letter from
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
the present owner on the original incident involving the contractor.
Discussion ensued concerning people operating a business without a license. Chairman Sills then
asked for a vote on the motion. Motion carried 5-2. Members Alexander and Barnett voted
4/7/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/18/95 4/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/18/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-504
Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that this case was in reference to City Code
Enforcement Case No. 95-63, property violation identified as 403 S. Bluford Avenue. On
April 7, 1995 a NOCV was sent to the property owner, Michael Campione, as identified by
Orange County Tax Records, for violation of Chapter 165-3 Prohibited acts (a): "No person shall
abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public property or any private property within the corporate limits of
the City of Ocoee." The violation was for a rusted out shell of a vehicle, a late thirties model, in
the front yard, untagged and inoperable. Mr. Campione was given until April 17, 1995 to bring
the property into compliance. On April 12, 1995 she had spoken with the property owner who
advised her that he had been through this with the City before and had been cited for the vehicle
before. Officer Simon advised him of three options that he had to bring the property into
compliance which would include making the vehicle operable, and tagging it (which was not an
option to be done in that short of a time period); putting it under roof somehow; or removing
it from the property. He had advised her that he had tried to get a garage permit and had a lot
of problems because he had to have double access and some other things which she was not
privy to so she went to the zoning coordinator who Mr. Campione said that he had spoken with
several years ago and he gave her a written notarized statement (enclosed in packet).
Officer Simon said that she wanted to enter into the permanent record the notarized statement
from the zoning coordinator which basically states that this has been an on-going thing with this
vehicle at this location for several years which was cited by Mr. Ross, Code Enforcement
Officer at that time. Ms. Simon also said that the Building permit for the garage had not been
denied. There had been room in the rear to build a detached garage but the property owner
would need to move some trees for access to this garage. The respondent was not willing to do
that and never returned for the permit, according to a statement by Mr. Harper. On April 17,
1995 the property was re-inspected, producing a status of non-compliance. On April 18, 1995
a SOV and a NOH to this Board hearing was sent to the property owner, restricted delivery by
Deputy Clerk Seaver. As of April 25, 1995 at 6:15 p.m., the vehicle remained in the front side
Dorothy Jane Campione, 403 S. Bluford Avenue, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver and
said they had not been served with other papers (prior to this case). Ms. Campione said that
the vehicle had been on their property two years. It is part of a '38 Ford Deluxe Coupe which
they are restoring. The parts that they have there are just a few that are left over that they were
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
using as they came available for restoration. They could not place it in the garage as they had
two show cars already in the garage. The respondent had tried to get a permit to put a garage
in the back and had been told that a cement driveway was needed to get to the garage. They
were denied the permit as there was not enough property easement. Ms. Campione requested
60 - 90 days in order to use the parts as they could not afford $100 a month for storage.
Ms. Campione again said that she had never received notice (prior to this case), and Member
Lenko suggested that Ms. Campione read the sworn statement from the zoning coordinator as
the case had apparently gone as far back as 1990.
Vice Chairman Carlsson explained the options available to Ms. Campione to bring the property
into compliance. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Lenko, moved to find
Michael Campion, Case No. 95-63, in violation of Chapter 165-3(a) and give him until
May 12, 1995 to come into compliance or be fined $50 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Delivery - Betty Pedrick
Code Enforcement Officer Simon stated that this case referred to the property at 130 Mobile
Lane. On April 4, 1995, a NOCV was sent to the property owner, Betty Pedrick, as identified
by Orange County Tax Records for violation of Chapter 115-2 Creation Prohibited: "No person shall
dump or cause to be dumped or place or cause to be placed on any lands or premises within the City any nuisance
and menace to public health." Officer Simon said that the observation had been that of a large pile
of miscellaneous trash and debris that included household trash, furniture, etc. The respondent
was given until April 14, 1995 to bring the property into compliance. The property was re-
inspected on April 14, 1995 producing a status of non-compliance. Notable improvements had
been made but some trash remained on the property. On April 18, 1995, Officer Braddy hand
delivered Ms. Pedrick a SOV and a NOH to this Board meeting. Upon re-inspection on
April 25, 1995 the property was found to be in compliance of Chapter 115. Ms. Pedrick had
no objections, and Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Alexander, moved to find
Betty Pedrick, Case No. 95-50, in violation of Chapter 115-2 as of Aril 14, 1995, and find her
in compliance as of April 25, 1995, and no fine be imposed at this time. Motion carried 7-0.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Delivery - Betty Pedrick
Chairman Sills stated for the record that Ms. Pedrick was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that the case referred to the property at 142 Mobile Lane.
On April 4, 1995, a NOCV was sent to the property owner, Betty Pedrick, as identified by
Orange County Tax Records, for violation of Chapter 165-3 Prohibited acts (a): "No person shall
abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public property or any private property within the corporate limits of
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
the City of Ocoee." A white vehicle, as well as a Monte Carlo, had been observed without current
license tags. Also, Chapter 108-23 General Requirements for the Exterior and Interior of Structures: (b)
Skirting: "Shall be maintained free from broken or missing sections/pieces, and securely attached and sized from the
ground to the lower outside perimeter. 108-23 (1) Windows: "Shall be substantially weather-tight, water-tight and
rodent proof and kept in sound working condition and good repair." 108-23 (0) Screens: "Shall be stretched and
fitted and maintained without open rips or tears." Officer Simon said that Ms. Pedrick was given until
April 14, 1995 to ensure that the property came into compliance but a re-inspection on
April 14, 1995 produced a status of non-compliance. On April 18, 1995 Code Enforcement
Officer Braddy hand delivered a SOV and a NOH to this Board meeting to Ms. Pedrick. The
property, upon inspection, was still in non-compliance on April 25, 1995. The white vehicle
had been removed but the Monte Carlo remained with a 1992 tag sticker. There were broken
and boarded up windows, and insufficient or torn screens.
A video of the property in violation was shown for the Board's review. Betty Pedrick said that
Mr. Sandoval was in the audience. She said Mr. Sandoval had been working late hours and
requested a couple weeks to finish the screens and windows. In response to Member Chestney,
Officer Simon said that she had not been contacted by anyone. Although she had been out of
the office at the time, Officer Simon understood that Ms. Sandoval had contacted the building
department last week about the violation.
Raul Sandovel, 142 Mobile Lane, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and said that he and
his wife owned the trailer. He knew that both cars must be removed from the property. Mr.
Sandovel said that he was also aware of the needed repairs on his trailer and requested 20 days
to make everything right. Chairman Sills said for the record that Elizabeth Sandoval, Case
No. 95-52, was the tenant of Ms. Pedrick.
Several Board members objected to the 20 days. Vice Chairman Carlsson explained that the
new ordinance would not allow residents to work, hammer or bang on Sunday, and agreed with
the ordinance. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to find Betty
Pedrick, Case No. 95-51, in non-compliance of Chapter 165-3 (a) being the Monte Carlo,
Chapter 108-23(b) skirting, 108-23(I)windows, 108-23(0) screens at 142 Mobile Lane, and give
her until May 10, 1995 to come into compliance or be fined $250 a day thereafter. Motion
carried 7-0.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-496
Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that POS had not been received by the City on Case No.
95-52. Ms. Sandoval was not present to represent herself. Attorney Cool requested the case
be tabled until the May meeting. Member Lenko, seconded by Member Barnett, moved to
table Case No. 95-52, Elizabeth Sandoval, to the May meeting. Motion carried 7-0. Vice
Chairman Carlsson hoped Mr. Sandoval realized that Ms. Pedrick had been cited, that he was
co, 12
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
living on that piece of property, and even though his wife was not there, Ms. Pedrick would be
fined if Mr. Sandoval did not come into compliance.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-498
Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-54 was in reference to the property
at 148 Mobile Lane. On April 4, 1995, a NOCV was sent to the resident/owner, Ronald
Eldrich, for violation of Chapter 115-2 Creation Prohibited: "No person shall dump or place or cause to be
placed on any lands or premises within the City any nuisance and menace to public health, safety and welfare."
The observation had been that of trash/miscellaneous debris in the yard. Chapter 108-23 General
Requirements for the Exterior and Interior of Structures: (b)Skirting; "Shall be maintained free from broken
or missing sections/pieces, and securely attached and sized from the ground to the lower outside perimeter." 108-
23 (I): Windows: "Shall be substantially weather-tight, water-tight and rodent proof and kept in sound working
condition and good repair. 108-23(0)Screens: "Shall be stretched and fitted and maintained without open rips
or tears." Mr. Eldrich was given until April 14, 1995 to bring the property into compliance but
a re-inspection on April 14, 1995 produced a status of non-compliance. On April 14, 1995, a
SOV and a NOH to this Board meeting was sent to Mr. Eldrich, restricted delivery, by Deputy
Clerk Seaver. Officer Simon said that a resident did allow her to inspect the property on
April 25, 1995, and it is now in compliance. Considerable improvements had been made on
the property. Mr. Eldrich did not wish to speak, and Member Lenko, seconded by Member
Shagner, moved to find Ronald Eldrich, Case No. 95-54, in non-compliance of Chapter 115-2,
Chapter 108-23(B), 108-23(I), 108-23(0), as of April 13, 1995 but in compliance as of April
25, 1995, and no fine be assessed. Motion carried 7-0.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Delivery - Betty Pedrick
Chairman Sills said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Betty Pedrick, Case No. 95-55, is the property owner,
and Mr. Eldrich, the tenant of Case No. 95-54, referencing the property at 148 Mobile Lane.
The violation was for Chapter 115-2 Creation Prohibited: "No person shall dump or place or cause to be
placed on any lands or premises within the City any nuisance and menace to public health, safety and welfare."
The observation had been that of trash/miscellaneous debris in the yard. Chapter 108-23 General
Requirements for the Exterior and Interior of Structures: (b) Skirting.; "Shall be maintained free from broken
or missing sections/pieces, and securely attached and sized from the ground to the lower outside perimeter." 108-
23 (I): Windows: "Shall be substantially weather-tight, water-tight and rodent proof and kept in sound working
condition and good repair. 108-23(0)Screens: "Shall be stretched and fitted and maintained without open rips
or tears." As Ms. Pedrick had left the hearing and the City had no objection, Vice Chairman
Carlsson, seconded by Member Barnett, moved to find Betty Pedrick, Case No. 95-55. in
violation of Chapter 115-2 and 108-23 as of April 13, 1995 but in compliance as of April 25,
1995, and no fine be imposed at this time. Motion carried 7-0.
etoCode Enforcement Board Meeting
,,, April 25, 1995
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail - Cert#P882-518-499
Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-56 was in reference to the property
at 102 Security Circle. On April 4, 1995, a NOCV was sent to the resident, Mary Brunelle,
for violation of Chapter 115-2 Creation Prohibited: "No person shall dump or place or cause to be placed on
any lands or premises within the City any nuisance and menace to public health." The observation had been
that of trash including large piles of tires. Chapter 165-3: "No person shall keep any junk vehicle on
any public property or any private property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee." The observation
had been that of inoperable/untagged El Camino. Ms. Brunelle was given until April 14, 1995
to correct these violations. On April 14, 1995 a re-inspection produced a status of non-
compliance. Trash was still in the yard and the El Camino had been moved to the rear yard.
On April 14, 1995, a SOV and a NOH for this Board meeting was sent to Ms. Brunelle,
restricted delivery, by Deputy Clerk Seaver. An inspection on April 25, 1995 produced a status
of compliance with Chapter 115 but of non-compliance with Chapter 165-3. The El Camino
remained in the rear yard, un-licensed, and with a 1993 Georgia tag.
Mary Brunelle, 102 Security Circle, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and said that her
father-in-law had passed away and the vehicle had been brought to her. She had been working
on it, and could not find the title when she attempted to tag it. A brother-in-law in Georgia had
power of attorney, and Ms. Brunelle requested enough time to get the title, or she would find
storage for the vehicle.
Member Chestney, seconded by Member Barnett, moved to find Mary Brunelle, Case No. 95-
56, in compliance of Chapter 115-2, and in non-compliance of Chapter 165-3, and that she be
given until May 9, 1995 to come into compliance or be fined $50 a day thereafter. Motion
carried 7-0.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail - Cert#P882-518-500
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that the City had no proof of delivery on Case No. 95-57.
The case was in reference to the property at 102 Security Circle, and had been found to be in
violation of Chapter 115-2 Creation Prohibited: "No person shall dump or place or cause to be placed on any
lands or premises within the City any nuisance and menace to public health." The observation had been that
of trash including large piles of tires. Chapter 165-3: "No person shall keep any junk vehicle on any
public property or any private property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee." An
inoperable/untagged El Camino had been observed on the property. Vice Chairman Carlsson,
seconded by Member Lenko, moved to table Case No. 95-57, Richard and/or Hazel M.
Thibodeau, to the May meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
Cary 14
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
411b,, April 25, 1995
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-503
Member Barnett asked to abstain from hearing Case No. 95-62 as the Benaglio's were personal
friends and left the meeting. Code Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-62 was
in reference to the property at 15 Pine Key Court. On April 4, 1995, a NOCV was sent to
the property owner, Francis A. Roberts &/or Lois Benaglio, as identified by Orange County Tax
Records, for violation of Chapter 165-3 Prohibited acts (a): "No person shall abandon or keep any junk
vehicle on any public property or any private property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee." Officer
Simon had observed two vehicles, a truck and an older model dark colored vehicle, without
current tags. A representative from the property had explained that the truck was tagged but the
tag was in the window of the truck. A re-inspection produced a status of non-compliance for
the car only. The truck did have a valid tag as confirmed by the Police Department. On April
14, 1995 a SOV and a NOH were sent to the property owner, restricted delivery, by the Deputy
Clerk Seaver. Upon an inspection on April 25, 1995, the vehicle was gone, producing a status
of compliance.
Ed Roberts, 15 Pine Key Court, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and said that he had
notified the State of Florida that he had no insurance on the vehicle and would be removing its
tag. It was a 1964 T-bird and had been sitting in his driveway almost three years. Parts were
difficult to find and his two year old son had learned how to let the air out of the tires. The car
was temporarily at a friend's house. Mr. Roberts asked for and received the definition of a
junk vehicle. Member Lenko informed Mr. Roberts that he could be found as a repeat offender
if he brings the vehicle back to the property. Vice Chairman Carlsson said that this Board does
not make policy, it enforces policy. Member Lenko, seconded by Vice Chairman Carlsson,
moved to find Francis A. Roberts &/or Lois Benaglio, Case No. 95-62, in violation of Chapter
165-3 as of April 13, 1995 and in compliance as of April 25, 1995, and therefore no fine be
assessed. Motion carried 6-0.
3/7/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/20/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-483
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Braddy said that on April 28, 1994, the property at 1702 Adair Street
was inspected for Minimum Standards Codes. A letter was sent on May 6, 1994 for violation
of Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code; Article II Housing Minimum Standards Code: 108-21 Minimum
Requirements for Electrical Lights and Outlets; 108-22 Minimum Requirements for Electrical Systems: "Install
electrical outlet for dryer to the wall." 108-19 Minimum Standards for Basic Equipment and Facilities: 108-19 (A)
"Repair leaking hose bib." 108-19 (I) "Install smoke detectors to all sleeping areas." 108-20 Minimum Standards
for Ventilation: 108-20(A) "Install all missing roof vents." Standards Plumbing Code 1204.1 Protection of Potable
Water Supply-Backflow: "Install backflow preventors on all exterior hose bibs." Officer Braddy said that
the respondent was given until July 6, 1994 to correct the violations. On March 7, 1995 a
cry Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
NOCV was sent giving until March 17, 1995 to come into compliance. Failure to comply
resulted in a SOV and a NOH, for this Board meeting, which were sent on April 18, 1995,
registered mail, and which were received by Misty Thornton on April 20, 1995. On Monday,
April 24, 1995 Ms. Thornton requested and received an inspection for April 24, 1995, the
property had come into compliance. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member
Chestney, moved to find Misty Thornton, Case No. 95-43, in non-compliance as of March 17,
1995, and in compliance as of April 24, 1995, and no fine be imposed at this time. Motion
carried 6-0. Member Barnett was away for the hearing of Case No. 95-43 but returned at
10:38 p.m.
3/14/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/28/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-484
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Braddy testified that the case was in reference to the property at 31
Harbour Key Court. On March 23, 1994, the property was inspected for compliance of the
Minimum Standards Code, and found to be in violation of Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code;
Article II Housing Minimum Standards Code: 108-21 Minimum Requirements for Electrical Li.ehts and Outlets;
108-22 Minimum Requirements for Electrical Systems:108-22 "Mark disconnect at meter with street address. Install
a cover on the disconnect." 108-23 General Requirements for the Exterior and Interior of Structures: 108-23 (7)
"Install a handrail on rear steps." Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code; Article IV Public Nuisances or
Hazards to Public Health, Safety and Welfare;Enforcement. 108-35 Public Nuisances: 108-35 "Rear yard needs
to be cleaned up and mowed." Officer Braddy said that a letter was sent on April 19, 1994 listing
the violations to be corrected. On March 14, 1995, a NOCV was sent to the respondent and
giving them until March 24, 1995 to comply. An inspection on March 24, 1995 resulted in non-
compliance. On April 18, 1995, a SOV and a NOH was sent restricted mail and received by
Ronald J. McClellan on April 19, 1995. No contact requesting re-inspection had been made to
Officer Braddy as of 5:00 p.m., April 25, 1995. Member Lenko, seconded by Member
Shagner, moved to find Ronald J. and Lara McClellan, Case No. 95-44, in non-compliance of
Chapter 108 Minimum Standards Code, Article II, 108-21, 108-22, 108-23 T), and Chapter 108
Minimum Standards Code; Article IV,108-35, and that they be given until May 2, 1995 to brim
the property into compliance or be fined $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
95-47, HAZEL WATERS (1105 Doreen Avenue)
3/14/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/28/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-487
Chairman Sills said that a Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-497
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-53 was in reference to the property at 55
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
W. Circle Key Drive. On April 4, 1995, a NOCV was sent to the property owner, Marsha D.
Tate, as identified by the Orange County Tax Records, for violation of Chapter 108-23 (0)Screens:
"Dwelling units shall have screens on all exterior operable windows and doors used or required for ventilation.
Screens on windows shall be stretched and fitted and maintained without open rips or tears. Chapter 108-23(F)
Means of Egress: "Every dwelling unit shall have safe, unobstructed means of egress with a minimum ceiling
height of seven (7)feet leading to a safe and open space at ground level." (Steps at rear door needed).
Officer Simon said that Ms. Tate had been given until April 14, 1995 to correct the violations.
A re-inspection of the property produced a status of non-compliance. On April 14, 1995, a SOV
and a NOH to this Board meeting was sent to Ms. Tate, restricted delivery, by Deputy Clerk
Seaver. Another inspection of the property on April 25, 1995 at approximately 4:45 p.m.
produced a status of non-compliance. Officer Simon said that she has had no contact from
anyone since sending the original NOV on April 4, 1995.
A video of the property in violation was presented for the Board's review. Officer Simon said
the screens have not been repaired and there were no steps at the rear door. Vice Chairman
Carlsson, seconded by Member Alexander, moved to find Marsha D. Tate, Case No. 95-53,
in non-compliance of 108-23 (0) and 108-23 (F), and give her until May 2, 1995 to come into
compliance or be fined $50 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
Coy 4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail - Cert#P882-518-501
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-58 was in reference to the property at 169
W. Silver Star Road. On April 4, 1995, a NOCV was sent to the resident and property owner,
Barbra Ball, as identified by Orange County Tax Records, for violation of Chapter 115-2 Creation
Prohibited: "No person shall dump or place or cause to be placed on any lands or premises within the City any
nuisance and menace to public health." 108-24 D: "Care of Premises; It shall be the duty of every owner to
keep the premises clean and to remove from the premises weeds, limbs etc." 108-23(B)Skirtinz "Skirting shall
be maintained and free from broken or missing sections/pieces, securely attached and sized from the ground to
the lower outside perimeter of the structure." Officer Simon said that Ms. Ball had been given until
April 14, 1995 to bring the property into compliance. A re-inspection on April 14, 1995
produced a status of non-compliance. On April 14, 1995 a SOV and a NOH was sent to Ms.
Ball for this Board meeting, restricted delivery, by Deputy Clerk Seaver. An inspection on
April 25, 1995 at 4:55 p.m. produced a status of non-compliance. The skirting still needed
repair, a washer/dryer, dilapidated child's pool, and miscellaneous toys remained in the yard.
A video of the property in violation was shown for the Board's review. Member Barnett
expressed concern for the image of the City when people used a main thoroughfare such as
Silver Star Road. Officer Braddy had spoken with Ms. Ball who said they were working on
the plumbing underneath the trailer and did have the skirting for the trailer. Member Chestney,
seconded by Member Barnett, moved to find Barbra Ball, Code No. 95-58, in non-compliance
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
of Chapter 115-2 Creation Prohibited, 108-23 (B), 108-24 D, and give her until May 2, 1995
to come into compliance or be fined $100 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0. Member
Shagner recommended that an officer visit the property about the washing machine.
95-59, BETTY PEDRICK (135 Mobile Lane)
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Delivery - Betty Pedrick
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-59 had been dismissed. It was inspected by
Officer Braddy while Ms. Simon was away from the office but there had been insufficient time
to prepare the paper work.
95-60, MARY PADRON (135 Mobile Lane)
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-502
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-60 is relevant to Case No. 95-59 and had
the same status of dismissal.
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Delivery - Nancy Wiggins
Chairman Sills stated for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-61 was in reference to the property at 77
Sand Dollar Key Drive. On April 4, 1995, a NOCV was sent to the property owner, James
&/or Nancy Wiggins, as identified as Orange County Tax Records for violation of Chapter 108-23
General Requirements for the Exterior and Interior of Structures: (B):Skirting; "Shall be maintained free from
broken or missing sections/pieces, and securely attached and sized from the ground to the lower outside
perimeter." 108-23(I); Windows; "Shall be substantially weather-tight, water-tight, and rodent proof and kept
in sound working condition and good repair." 108-23 (0); Screens: "Shall be stretched and fitted and
maintained without open rips or tears." Officer Simon said that Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins were given
until April 14, 1995 to bring the property into compliance. On April 14, 1995 a re-inspection
produced a status of non-compliance. On the same date, April 14, 1995, a SOV and a NOH
was sent to the property owner, restricted delivery by the Deputy Clerk Seaver. A re-inspection
of the property as of April 25, 1995 produced a status of compliance. Vice Chairman
Carlsson, seconded by Member Shagner, moved to find James&/or Nancy Wiggins, Case No.
95-61, in non-compliance of Chapter 108-23 (B), 108-23 (I), 108-23 (0) as of April 14, 1995,
but in compliance as of April 25, 1995, and that no fine be imposed at this time. Motion carried
95-25, GORDON SCOTT CAMP (1600 Mona Avenue)
3/8/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/20/95 3/21/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:3/28/95
,,. 18
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
3/21/95 SOV 3/23/95 POS - Mail Cert #P882-518-480 Restricted Delivery
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
95-28, DEAN HARPER INC. (118 Sandy Key Court)
3/15/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:3/20/95 3/21/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:3/28/95
3/21/95 SOV 2/22/95 Mail Cert#P882-518-478 Restricted Delivery
3,428/95 Compliance Order - Due 4/14/95 444/95 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
95-29, RAY HARPER TRUST AGREEMENT (118 Sandy Key Court)
3/15/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date: 3/20/95 3/21/95 NOH Board Meeting Date: 3/28/95
3/21/95 SOV 3/22/95 Mail Cert#P882-518-477
3/28/95 Compliance Order - Due 4/7/95 4/7/95 Affidavit of Compliance- 4/7/95
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
95-30, ANGEL MENENDEZ (1303 Pinewood Lane)
3/9/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date: 3/20/95 3/21/95 NOH Board Meeting Date: 3/28/95
3/21/95 SOV 3/22/95 POS Mail Cert# P882-518-476
3/28/95 Compliance Order - Due 4/7/95 4/7/95 Affidavit of Compliance
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
95-32, RICHARD S. AND/OR TERESA E. ESTEY (417 Little Spring Hill Drive)
3/9/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date: 3/20/95 3/21/95 - NOH Board Meeting Date 3/28/95
3/21/95 SOV 3/21/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-472
3/28/95 Compliance Order - Due 4/14/95 4/14/95 Affidavit of Compliance
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
3/9/95 NOCV - Inspection Date: 3/20/95 3/21/95 - NOH Board Meeting Date 3/28/95
3/21/95 SOV 3/22/95 POS - Mail Cert#882 518 474
3/28/94 Compliance Order - Due 4/14/95 4/14/95 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
95-35, ALICIA HALLAHAN (1600 Mona Avenue)
3/8/95 NOCV - Inspection Date: 3/20/95 3/21/95 - NOH Board Meeting Date 3/28/95
3/21/95 SOV 3/22/95 POS Delivery - Mail Cert#P882 518 475
3/28/95 Compliance Order
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
Attorney Cool said these items were removed upon his request. In looking over the City of
Ocoee False Alarm Ordinance, it was not clear to him that the Code Enforcement Board had the
power to hear these cases in the form that was being brought to the Board. He was requesting
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Code Enforcement Board Meeting
April 25, 1995
a written opinion from the City attorney's office, Foley & Lardner, for the exact procedure by
which disputes on false alarms should be brought before the Code Enforcement Board.
Member Shagner, seconded by Member Barnett, moved to table this agenda item until the
meeting in May. Motion carried 7-0.
City Manager: Not Present
Code Enforcement Officers: None
Police Department: None
Member Lenko asked if the Board was going to hold off on the memorandum for the Mayor
to the City Commission requesting the creation of a Board to review the Code of Ordinances.
Ms. Lenko believed the Mayor had requested the letter almost two months earlier and the Board
had never moved on it.
Member Barnett said "Goodnight!"
Vice Chairman Carlsson complimented the Code Enforcement Officers on doing a good job,
and Member Alexander agreed with him.
Member Chestney agreed with Vice Chairman Carlsson's comments about CEO.
Member Alexander believed the Board had an interesting meeting.
Attorney Cool had items for Board discussion that will wait until the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
Sherry Seaver, D:i ty Clerk (Jjh Sills, irman
Judie Lewis, Clerk/Stenographer
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