HELD ON November 28, 1995
Chairman Sills called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of Code Enforcement to order
at 7:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall and led in the pledge of allegiance.
Member Linebarier led in prayer. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Sills, Vice Chairman Carlsson, Members Chestney, Lenko, Linebarier,
Santo, and Alternate Members Holmes and Skiles. Also present were Attorney
Feeney, Building and Zoning Plans Examiner Washington, Code Enforcement
Officers Braddy and Simon, Deputy Clerk Seaver and Clerk/Stenographer Lewis.
ABSENT: Member Shagner (unexcused).
This item consisted of the Minutes of the October 24, 1995 Code Enforcement Board meeting.
Clerk Stenographer Lewis asked for a correction in Case No. 95-42 (page 16) to remove the
second "Linda Howell" from the motion, and in changing the re-inspection date in Case No. 95-
111 (page 17) from "6/6/95" to "9/6/95." Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member
Linebarier, moved to approve the Minutes of the October 24 1995 Code Enforcement Board
meeting as amended. Motion carried 7-0.
Discussion ensued about the meeting date for the next Board meeting appearing the day after a
holiday, and Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member Lenko, moved to cancel the
December 26 1995 Code Enforcement Board meeting unless the Ci _had a ma'or case that
should be heard by the Board. Motion carried 7-0.
HEARING - The description of the violation(s) and the dates of inspection(s) will be given at
the beginning of each case. Code representation: NOCV - Notice of Code Violation; NOH -
Notice of Hearing; SOV - Statement of Violation(s); and POS - Proof of Service.
Member Linebarier, seconded by Vice Chairman Carlsson, moved for the Board to hear Case
No. 95-152 and Case No. 95-153 at this time in the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
10/24/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/16/95 11/17/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/28/95
11/17/95 SOV 11/20/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-601
At the request of Chairman Sills, Code Enforcement Officer Simon was sworn in by Deputy
Clerk Seaver, and testified that Case No. 95-152 referred to the property at 1210 Russell Drive.
Upon receiving a complaint of a junk vehicle near 1208 Russell Drive from the R.S.V.P. line,
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
November 28, 1995
via the City Manager, Officer Simon investigated and observed a silver Dodge Aries without
a current licensed tag. On October 24, 1995, an NOCV was sent to the property owner
identified by Orange County Tax Records as Thomas S. Edgington for violation of City Code,
Chapter 165-3 Prohibited acts (a): "No person shall abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public property
or any private property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee." The property owner was given
until November 8, 1995 to bring the property into compliance. On November 16, 1995 a re-
inspection of the property produced a status of non-compliance with the City Code. On
November 17, 1995, an SOV and NOH were sent to the property owner by Deputy Clerk
Seaver. The property remained in non-compliance on November 28, 1995.
Mr. Thomas Edgington, 1210 Russell Drive, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and said
that he and his wife had purchased the vehicle and had sold it to their daughter. The vehicle
was operable and their daughter would be in the area on December 9, 1995. Vice Chairman
Carlsson explained to Mr. Edgington the Code term for an abandoned vehicle, and Mr.
Edgington asked the Board for additional time to allow his daughter to take or tag the vehicle.
Vice Chairman Carlsson seconded b Member Chestne moved to fmd Thomas S.
Edington, Case No. 95-152, in non-compliance of City Code Chaster 165-3 (a), as of
November 28 1995 and be i iven until December 18 1995 to come into corns fiance or be fined
$25 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
11/03/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/16/95 11/17/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/28/95
11/17/95 SOV 11/20/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-602
Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 95-153 referred to the property at
1400 Adair Street. On October 19, 1995, the observation had been that of a van without a
current licensed tag and a small red vehicle, grass grown up around it, parked at the address.
On November 3, 1995, an NOCV was sent to the property owners as identified by Orange
County Tax Records, Vernon A. and/or Irene M. Welch, for violation of City Code, Chapter 165-
3 Prohibited acts(a): "No person shall abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public property or any private
property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee." The property owner was given until
November 16, 1995 in which to bring the property into compliance, and upon a re-inspection
it was found to be in non-compliance on that date. On November 17, 1995, an SOV and NOH
to this Board meeting were sent to the respondent by Deputy Clerk Seaver. A re-inspection on
November 28, 1995 found the property in non-compliance, and to date, there had been no
contact with anyone regarding this violation. In response to Vice Chairman Carlsson, Officer
Simon said that the NOCV should read "not a current license tag" rather than a current license
Vernon A. Welch, 1400 Adair Street, was sworn in by Deputy Clerk Seaver, and said that he
had a 1970 Volkswagen camper van that was backed up in the driveway against his garage. He
had picked up a little red car for his son and had not done anything with it. He asked for two
weeks, and said that he would tag the van and place the red car in the garage. Member
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
November 28, 1995
Chestnev, seconded by Member Santo moved to find Vernon and/or Irene M. Welch Case
No. 95-153, 1400 Adair Street, in violation of City Code Chaster 165-3 (a , as of
November 24 1995 and be .iven until December 18 1995 to brin. both vehicles into
compliance or be fmed $25 a day thereafter.
Member Lenko objected and moved to amend the motion by changing the compliance date to
December 12. Motion died for a lack of a second.
Chairman Sills called for a vote on the original motion, motion carried 6-1. Member Lenko
voted "nay."
10/5/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/19/95 10/31/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/28/95
10/31/95 SOV 10/31/95 POS- Mail Cert#P597-456-631(Card rec'd 11/1/95)
Chairman Sills said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-148 referred to the property at 167 W.
Silver Star Road. After receiving several complaints of numerous junk vehicles at the address,
Officer Simon said that an investigation found several inoperable vehicles (a dark colored
Cadillac, Buick, LeMans, and a truck), without current licensed tags on the property. On
October 5, 1995, an NOCV had been sent to the property owner as identified by Orange County
Tax Records, Connie J. Peltonen, for violation of City Code, Chapter 165-3 Prohibited acts (a): "No
person shall abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public property or any private property within the corporate
limits of the City of Ocoee." The property owner had been given until October 19, 1995 to bring
the property into compliance. On October 19, 1995, a re-inspection of the property revealed
a status of non-compliance. On October 31, 1995, an SOV and NOH for this Board meeting
were sent to the property owner by Deputy Clerk Seaver. Officer Simon said although the
respondent had not come into compliance that she was steadily making improvements on the
property. The respondent had also made several calls to the City. A re-inspection on
November 28, 1995 revealed that all the vehicles, with the exception of one vehicle that had a
Wisconsin tag, had either been removed or had been tagged with decals. The respondent had
advised Officer Simon that a tag had been purchased and that she was waiting for its arrival
from Wisconsin via US Mail. They were keeping it tagged via Wisconsin as the vehicle
belonged to their daughter. All the other vehicles had either been removed from the property
or were repaired and placed with a decal. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by Member
Chestne , moved to find Connie J. Peltonen, Case No. 95-148, 167 W. Silver Star Road, in
violation of City Code Chapter 165-3 (a) and be given until December 18 1995 in workin'
with the City to come into compliance or be fmed $25 a day thereafter. Motion carried 7-0.
95-149, ALICIA HALLAHAN (1600 Mona Avenue)
11/13/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/13/95 11/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/28/95
11/14/95 SOV 11/15/95 POS - Mail Cert#P597-456-629
Chairman Sills said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
November 28, 1995
Enforcement Officer Simon said that the City was dismissing Case No. 95-149. Discussion
ensued about the reasons of dismissal in various cases.
11/13/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/13/95 11/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/28/95
11/14/95 SOV 11/15/95 POS - Mail Cert#P597-456-630
Chairman Sills said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-150 referenced the property at 1600 Mona
Avenue. On November 8, 1995, Officer Simon had observed an accumulation of trash and
debris throughout the side and rear yard. On November 13, 1995, an NOCV was sent to the
tenant as identified by Ocoee City Water Records, Gordon Scott Camp, for violation of City
Code, Chapter 115-2. Creation Prohibited: "No person shall dump or cause to be dumped or place or cause to
be placed on any lands or premises within the City any nuisance and menace to public health." Mr. Camp was
given until November 13, 1995 to bring the property into compliance, and since the tenant was
a repeat offender, no reasonable time was required for compliance. On November 14, 1995 an
SOV and NOH were sent to the respondent via restricted delivery by Deputy Clerk Seaver.
Upon re-inspection the property was found to be in compliance. Discussion ensued about a fine
in this case. Member Linebarier, seconded by Member Lenko, moved to fmd Gordon Scott
Camp, Case No. 95-150, 1600 Mona Avenue, as a repeat offender in violation of Chapter 115-2
as of November 13, 1995. and in compliance as of November 15, 1995, and that no penalty be
assessed at this time. Motion carried 7-0.
11/3/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/16/95 11/17/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/28/95
11/17/95 SOV 11/15/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-599
Chairman Sills said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon said that Case No. 95-151 referenced the property at 480 Little
Rock Street. On November 3, 1995 an NOCV had been sent to the property owner as
identified by Orange County Tax Records, Sheila A. Enochs, as well as the tenant, for violation
of City Code, Chapter 115-2. Creation Prohibited: "No person shall dump or cause to be dumped or place or
cause to be placed on any lands or premises within the City any nuisance and menace to public health." The
observation had been that of miscellaneous trash and debris in the rear yard including old
furniture, bikes, tires, yard clippings, building materials, etc. Officer Simon said that the
respondent had been given until November 14, 1995 to bring the property into compliance, and
a re-inspection on November 16, 1995 found it in non-compliance. On November 17, 1995, an
SOV and NOH to this Board meeting had been sent to Ms. Enochs via restricted delivery by
Deputy Clerk Seaver. Upon re-inspection on November 28, 1995 the property was found to be
in compliance. Member Lenko, seconded by Member Santo, moved to fmd Sheila A.
Enochs, Case No. 95-151, at 480 Little Rock Street, in non-compliance of Chapter 115-2 as of
November 14, 1995 but in compliance as of November 28, 1995, and that no fine be assessed.
Motion carried 7-0.
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
November 28, 1995
11/3/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:11/17/95 11/17/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:11/28/95
11/17/95 SOV 11/20/95 POS - Mail Cert#P882-518-600
Chairman Sills said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon stated that Case No. 95-154 referred to the property at 203 Mac
Street. On November 3, 1995, an NOCV was sent to the property owners as identified by
Orange County Tax Records, Ildefonso and Rosa Resendiz, for violation of City Code, Chapter
165-3 Prohibited acts (a): "No person shall abandon or keep any junk vehicle on any public property or any
private property within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee." The observation had been that of two
(2) vehicles on the property without current licensed tags. Chapter 115-3 Prohibited acts: "No person
shall allow to be dumped,placed, accumulated or otherwise located on lands or premises owned by such person
within the City any nuisance and menace to public health, safety and welfare..." The observation that been
that of tires, building materials, miscellaneous trash and debris in the yard. Chapter 108-19 (A):
Sanitary Facilities: "...Every plumbing fixture and water and waste pipe shall be properly installed and maintained
in good sanitary working condition." The observation had been that of a washing machine in the shed,
not properly installed, with water run off to the ground. Chapter 108-22 Minimum Requirements for
Electrical Systems: "Everyfixture and equipment shall be installed,maintained and connected to a source of electric
power in accordance with Electrical Code." The observation had been that of a washing machine
hooked up in the outdoor shed by an extension cord. The respondents were given until
November 17, 1995 to come into compliance. Mr. Resendiz had made contact with the City and
had been advised on what was needed to bring the property into compliance. A re-inspection
of the property regarding November 17, 1995 revealed a status of non-compliance, and an SOV
and NOH were sent to the respondents via restricted delivery by Deputy Clerk Seaver. On
November 28, 1995 the property remained in non-compliance.
A video of the property in violation was reviewed by the Board. Member Chestney, seconded
b Member Santo moved to find Ildefonso and Rosa Resendiz Case No. 95-154 203 Mac
Street in non-com•liance of Cha•ter 115-3 Cha•ter 165-3 a and be iven until December 15
1995 to come into com•liance or be fined 100 a da thereafter and to fmd the res•ondents in
non-com'Hance of Cha•ter 108-19 A Sanita Facilities Cha•ter 108-22 Electrical S stems
as of November 17 1995 but were in com•liance as of November 28 1995. Motion carried
4/4/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:4/14/95 4/14/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:4/25/95
4/14/95 SOV 4/18/95 POS - Mail- Cert#P882-518-501
4/25/95 Compliance Order:5/2/95 or $100 a day 5/2/95 Affidavit of Non-compliance
thereafter 5/23/95 Order Imposing Fine & Lien:To begin 5/3/95
11/28/95 Motion for Re-Hearing - Re:Reduction of Fines
Code Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 95-58 referred to the property at 169
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
kriw November 28, 1995
W. Silver Star Road.
Richard Crane, 89 Buck Key Court, said that he represented Garfield Holmes who lived in
Maine. Mr. Holmes had agreed to foreclose last month and was taking the property from Ms.
Ball. Deputy Clerk Seaver explained that Board members had received a letter in their packet
from Mr. Holmes who was requesting a reduction in the fine.
Lengthy discussion ensued about who actually owned the property. The City had filed the Order
Imposing Fine and Lien at $100 a day which had been recorded on August 16, 1995. Member
Lenko said that as of October 24, 1995 the amount accrued was $17,500. She said that unless
the property had been cleaned, she did not want a reduction. Officer Simon said that the
property was clean.
Vice Chairman Carlsson, reference Case No. 95-58, Barbra Ball, moved to deny the reduction
of fine and lien at this time until the owner or the owner's representative brings back proof of
ownership, and then it can be re-heard. Attorney Feeney expressed concern over the time
deadline, and said that a motion for a re-hearing should be filed with 10 days. The Board could
table and continue the case or, citing an example, deny it, and waive any time requirements up
to a period of three (3) months. Vice Chairman Carlsson, reference Case No. 95-58, Barbra
Ball, moved to table it until the January meeting at which time the owner of said property or his
representative should appear here to re-hear the case. Member Linebarier did not believe that
they should table the case, that they would deny the motion until such time as proof of
foreclosure, and ownership is provided to the Board. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded by
Member Lenko reference Case No. 95-58 Barbra Ball moved to den reduction of fine at this
time until •roof of ownershi•/foreclosure is •roven with a res uest for a re-hearin• at that time
the Board will re-hear the case. Motion carried 7-0.
95-110, ROBERT V. REEP, JR. (202 Spring Lake Circle)
8/26/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/06/95 9/15/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/26/95
9/15/95 SOV 9/18/95 POS - Hand Delivered
9/26/95 Compliance Order 10/26/95 or $100 a day thereafter
10/16/96 Notice of Dismissal
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
95-116, DON M. OWENS III &/OR CONNIE R. QUINN (1515 Jemima Avenue)
9/13/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/16/95 10/2/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/2/95 SOV 10/3/95 POS - Posting
10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 10/31/95 or be fined $100 a day thereafter
10/31/95 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
An Affidavit of Non-Compliance was presented to the Board for this case. Member
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
November 28, 1995
Linebarier, seconded by Vice Chairman Carlsson. moved to issue an Order Imposing Fine and
Lien against Don M. Owens III &/or Connie R. Quinn, Case No. 95-116. Motion carried 7-0.
95-120, JEAN LEPAGE THOMAS C/O BOBBIE BOEH (510 Hill Avenue)
9/13/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/14/95 9/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:9/26/95
9/18/95 SOV 9/18/95 POS - Mail Cert#Z395-711-336
9/26/95 Order of Continuance 10/2/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/4/95 POS - Mail Cert#P597-456-606 10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 11/10/95 or $100 a day
11/19/95 Affidavit of Non-Compliance thereafter
Code Enforcement Officer Simon presented the Board with a letter from Ms. Boeh who had
written that she would be out of town on the meeting date and that she was asking that Case No.
95-120 be heard at a later date. Discussion ensued about Ms. Boeh's request, and Member
Lenko, seconded by Member Linebarier, moved to issue an Order Imposing Fine and Lien
against Jean LePage Thomas c/o Bobbie Boeh, Case No. 95-120, effective November 13, 1995.
Motion carried 7-0.
95-129, ALISHA CAMP (1601 Jemima Avenue)
8/31/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/26/95 9/29/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
9/29/95 SOV 10/4/95 POS - Mail - Cert#P597-456-597
10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 11/7/95 or $50 a day thereafter
11/7/95 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
95-130, ROBERT M. IMHOFF (59 Periwinkle Key Drive)
8/26/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/26/95 9/29/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
9/29/95 SOV 10/4/95 POS - Mail - Cert#P597-456-598
10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 11/21/95 or $100 a day thereafter
11/21/95 Notice of Dismissal
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
95-134, DANIEL J. HEARNS (1606 Adair Street)
9/13/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:9/26/95 10/2/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/2/95 SOV 10/4/95 POS - Mail - Cert#P597-456-602
10/24/95 Order of Continuance:11/28/95 10/25/95 Notice of Dismissal
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
95-138, LEE AND/OR JANE BEKEMEYER (1105 Oakwood Lane)
9/13/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/2/95 10/5/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/5/95 SOV 10/5/95 POS - Mail - Cert#P597-456-609
10/24/95 Order of Continuance:11/28/95 11/17/95 Notice of Dismissal
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
95-139, JAMES HALFORD (1204 Wurst Road)
10/6/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/16/95 10/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
(tv 7
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
November 28, 1995
10/18/95 SOV 10/18/95 POS - Mail- Cert#P597-456-610
10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 11/14/95 or $50 a day thereafter
11/14/95 Affidavit of Compliance
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
95-140, VICTOR M. ROSADO &/OR JOSEFINA O. ROSADO (613 Sherwood Oaks Cr)
10/6/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/16/95 10/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/18/95 SOV 10/18/95 POS - Mail- Cert#P597-456-611
10/24/95 Order of Continuance:11/28/95 11/2/95 Notice of Dismissal
A Notice of Dismissal was presented to the Board for this case.
95-141, WILLIAM AND/OR ERIENA SHELNUTT (618 N. Lakewood Avenue)
10/5/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/16/95 10/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/18/95 SOV 10/18/95 POS - Mail- Cert#P597-456-612 &613
10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 10/31/95 or 10/31/95 Affidavit of Compliance
$100 a day thereafter
An Affidavit of Compliance was presented to the Board for this case.
10/3/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/16/95 10/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/18/95 SOV 10/18/95 POS - Mail- Cert#P597-456-614
10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 10/31/95 or 10/31/95 Affidavit of Non-Compliance
$250 a day thereafter
Vice Chairman Carlsson seconded b Member Santo moved to issue an Order Im eosin!. Fine
and Lien a l ainst Sidne A. Rivard and/or Janet Rivard Case No. 95-143 effective
November 1 1995. Motion carried 7-0.
95-146, KHEMWATTEE PERSAUD (449 S. Bluford Avenue)
10/12/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/16/95 10/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/18/95 SOV 10/18/95 POS - Mail- Cert#P597-456-618
10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 11/24/95 or $100 a day thereafter
Chairman Sills said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon testified that Case No. 95-146 referred to the property at 449 S.
Bluford Avenue. On November 21, 1995 Officer Simon had spoken to Ms. Persaud,
respondent and also the owner of Mid-State Apartments, about the compliance date on the
property. The Compliance Order of November 24, 1995 had been a City holiday, and Officer
Simon had informed Ms. Persaud of the need to schedule a re-inspection for November 27,
1995. A 2:00 p.m. appointment was scheduled, and Officer Simon said that Electrical Inspector
Hendrix, Fire Inspector Coschignano, and she waited for Ms. Persaud who never arrived to
complete the re-inspection. There was no access to any of the apartments. ViceChairman
Carlsson seconded b Member Lenko moved to issue an Order Im.•sin l Fine and Lien
a l ainst Khemwattee Persaud Case No. 95-146 effective November 27 1995. Motion carried
Code Enforcement Board Meeting
November 28, 1995
95-147, MID-STATE APARTMENTS (449 S. Bluford Avenue)
10/12/95 NOCV - Re-inspection Date:10/16/95 10/18/95 NOH - Board Meeting Date:10/24/95
10/18/95 SOV 10/18/95 POS - Mail- Cert#P597-456-619
10/24/95 Compliance Order:Due 11/24/95 or $100 a day thereafter
Chairman Sills said for the record that no one was present to represent the case. Code
Enforcement Officer Simon stated that Mid-State Apartments, Case No. 94-147, was the
business owned by Khemwattee Persaud, Case No. 95-146. Vice Chairman Carlsson, seconded
b Member Chestne moved to file an Order Im s osin Fine and Lien a l ainst Mid-State
A,artments Case No. 95-147 effective November 27 1995. Motion carried 7-0.
City Manager: None
Code Enforcement Officer Braddy wished everyone a Merry Christmas!
Code Enforcement Officer Simon: None
Police Department: None
Member Linebarier inquired about the status of cases that the Board had previously considered.
Member Lenko inquired about the need in keeping the paper work for their records. Attorney
Feeney said that it was not the responsibility of the Board members to follow up but it was
helpful and useful to ask questions.
Alternate Member Skiles: None
Vice Chairman Carlsson wished everybody a happy holiday!
Member Chestney said that he would like to recognize Carolyn Alexander who had taken a full
time position with the City. He had not known until arriving to the meeting that she was no
longer on the Board.
Member Santo wished everyone a Merry Christmas and stressed the "Drinking/Don't Drive"
Alternate Member Holmes: None
Attorney Feeney wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Chairman Sills extended the same wish made by Attorney Feeney. He also extended a belated
birthday wish to Member Carlsson.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
She Seaver, uty Clerk Sills, C airman
Ju Lewis, Cler enographer